Home Locks What you need to change with the timing belt. What is the timing of the timing belt. Replacing the timing belt when using analog spare parts for maintenance

What you need to change with the timing belt. What is the timing of the timing belt. Replacing the timing belt when using analog spare parts for maintenance

Each modern motorist is obliged to know what is a timing belt. This element is very important during the operation of any car. In the instructions for any car, the manufacturer strictly regulates the replacement rules, as well as the timing. But practice shows that car owners do not even know where this belt is and what it is at all. Let's look at everything related to this element.


With the help of the timing belt, the crankshaft is combined and camshaftengine. The first rotates due to the movement of the pistons in the cylinders. It is due to the rotation of the crankshaft car can move. Distribution at the right moment and in the required sequence opens and closes intake and exhaust valves. The belt is used to synchronize the engine.

Many motorists scold engineers for this belt technology, however, the main mass of automakers uses belt transmission to their cars.

Pluses belt in the timing of timber

The advantages of the belt drive is sufficient, despite the large number of his opponents and the risk of cliff.

So, one of the essential advantages is silence. The engine works much quieter unlike analogs, where the GDM drive is synchronized with the crankshaft by chain. The effect is noticeable, or rather can be heard almost immediately.

The cost of belt transmission is much cheaper. It has a price of two, or even three times lower than a similar chain design. This affects both the value of the final product - car, as well as on the final consumer. Even if you change the timing belt every 70 thousand kilometers, it will still be much cheaper than the replacement of the chain every 250 thousand kilometers.

Also another essential advantage of the belt in saving space. Motors equipped with a chain drive of a gas distribution mechanism, more than 10 percent than analogs with a belt. Why is more? Everything is quite simple here. The chain should be in the oil inside the engine. And therefore valve lid, Engine block, Carter pallet must be massive. The casing covering the belt drive is significantly less in size.

Belt motors require for their normal work Less oil than chain. Also, the quality of lubricant may be lower. Chains are very demanding on the quality of lubricants. Due to the fact that the motor is flooded with base oil, the chain resource may decrease by as much as 20-30 percent, and these are quite essential numbers. Therefore, the replacement of lubricant for chain drives must be performed more often. In the case of the belt, everything is much easier - it does not consume oil, rotates in the air and in any way with lubricating liquids Does not interact.

The motor with a belt is easier and cheaper to serve. The timing belt is much cheaper to replace than the chain. There is no need to open the motor, nothing needs to be disassembled, no need to merge oil. Of course, it is necessary to change it more often than the chain, but the cost of replacing the latter can be quite impressive and only professionals can produce such an operation.

Finally, the last advantage - straps easier to pull. With a chain, this will not be done, so there are peculiar tensioners for chains.

As can be seen, the advantages of the belt drive is sufficient. Although many do not like this technology.

About resource

Not all manufacturers are clearly written in the instructions, after how many kilometers do the replacement of the belt. But such information is always there and find it in the books for use and repair.

The average runs recommended for replacement are approximately 80 thousand kilometers, (for example, through such a mileage, the timing belt is changing to "Ford Focus"). On most cars of world manufacturers, these runs can reach one hundred thousand kilometers.

What does the belt resource depend on? The belt itself can, at the assurances of manufacturers, it is easy to work even two hundred thousand kilometers. However, its resource reduces stretch and supporting rollers. Often, these elements are the main perpetrators of the timing belt cliff, and only then the crankshaft or camshaft gears.

The support roller is something like a bearing, to which the belt simply relies. On new cars, it can even be plastic. On old foreign cars, he, as it should be, metallic.

Stretching roller is about the same bearing, but it is installed in a special tensioning mechanism. He holds the belt stretched and does not allow him to jump on the gears on the tooth or several teeth.

Both first and second roller should be the highest quality. Car global manufacturers are most often so. And the support, and the tensioning roller easily go 100-150 thousand kilometers. If one of the rollers will no longer rotate due to wear, then the belt goes over 100 kilometers of the path, and maybe even before.


All of the above is relevant for foreign cars. But with AvtoVAZ everything is a little different. Vase timing belt is able to move the same resource as a belt foreign cars. But rollers are just a disease of the domestic car industry. Sometimes there are cars, where the video does not run longer than 30 thousand kilometers, it simply encourages it. The original element from the plant goes a little more - approximately 45 thousand kilometers (possibly more, but not much).

The resource of domestic belts, according to the manufacturer, ranges from 100 to 120 thousand kilometers. AvtoVAZ wants to catch up with the quality of world automakers. But in practice, specialists in the maintenance of domestic brands recommend changing the belt after 60-70 thousand kilometers. At the same time, the replacement should only be performed original spare parts. In Russia, there are a lot of fake and low-quality spare parts.


The drive belts of the gas distribution mechanism can be made of dense rubber with metallized elements. These are the most common species. Such products are low price and high reliability.

There are metal belts. They look like a chain, but because of the high price and complex design in practical application And on sale are not found.

Also earlier equipped with engine timing belts. But from this option, it was long ago abandoned the weak stability of the material to wear and high prices.

Problems with belt

Based on what tasks do drive belt, two may have two possible problems - It is slipping it and a break.

The element can slip if it is poorly stretched, if oil, others got on it for any reason technical fluids. As a result, the phases of the gas distribution are violated and the corner of the camshaft is shifted. This will lead to power losses, violation stable work, overheating, increased fuel consumption and other not very good consequences.

When climbing the consequences will be even more sad. Thus, due to the cliff, the intake and exhaust valve can be opened simultaneously, and these valves will fall under the piston blow. In this situation, the motor will require expensive repair. In the risk group, the timing belt 8 valves and 16.

Physics Cliff

When breaking the camshaft stops, and the crankshaft will continue to rotate. It does not depend on which transmission is included or on what revolutions does the motor runs. Pistons will hit the valves very much, bent them. There are cases when the valves are not only bent, but also punched pistons.

Causes of cliff

Among the reasons why the drive belt is most often happens, the most frequent:

Replacing the drive belt

Most drivers for performing this operation attend the service station. But it is possible to replace the belt on your own. In the process there is nothing complicated. The main thing is attentiveness. Let's see how to change the timing belt.

Dismantling element

Before replacing, you need to remove the old belt. For this, the first thing turns off the minus terminal with rechargeable battery. Next remove the generator belt. Then the piston of the first cylinder is exposed to the position of the upper ground. The key to 15 (or other, depending on the car model), we unscrew the bolt holding the roller. The latter rotate to reduce the belt tension. Then the belt is removed from the pulleys.

After these operations, it is recommended to fix the crankshaft with a screwdriver. Next, the bolt on the crankshaft pulley is unscrewed and removed it. After dismantle the pulley on the generator drive. Carefully remove the puck on the belt drive. Next, remove the mechanism from the pulley of the crankshaft.

How to install a new belt?

Before putting a new drive belt on the car, be sure to clean the pulleys and the tensioning roller from the oil and dirt. If pollution is strong, it is recommended to rinse the parts in gasoline or White-Spirit. The belt setting is carried out in the reverse order. At the same time you need to know several important rules.

The pulley of the generator must be installed in a special planting place. When installing the belt, it is important to ensure optimal tension. For tension, it is better to apply a special tool - it is inserted into the grooves in the roller and turn. The roller rotate until the removal on the disk coincides with the rectangular protrusion on the sleeve. If noise from the camshaft drive is heard after installation, then the tension roller failed.


Thus, the timing belt is replaced at Renault, a vase and other cars. The main thing is to correctly set the shaft and not make a mistake with the installation of tags. After installation, it is better to scroll the engine several times manually and check the labels on the camshaft and crankshaft pulleys.

In this article, let's talk: why do you need a car engine belt and how often it should be changed - replacement frequency for most cars. At the end of the article, come a video lesson how to make your own hands on the example.

Why do you need?

The belt of the gas distribution mechanism (TRM) provides a flexible connection between the camshaft and the crankshaft, as well as the opening and closing of the valves synchronously with the action of the pistons. Its work is to turn the camshaft at a speed, exactly equal half the speed of the crankshaft.

The reliability of the engine belt is important where pistons and valves are in one block. In them, pistons and valves divide one space, but thanks to the belt they never meet each other. When it breaks, the piston strikes the open valve and the oppression of it, as a result, expensive repair is required. Note what happens not on all machines. Some manufacturers make special recesses in pistons. When the motor belt breaks, the valve and pistons will not meet with each other, i.e. It does not require serious repairs.

Replacement frequency

On many modern machines When the timing belt breaks the valve, and no cheap repair is required, because It will be necessary to replace most of the parts of the motor. Therefore, follow the visual state. This can be done if you remove the lid that protects it or check the status through a special viewing window. How to do this can be learn from the instruction manual for the car.

Replacement frequency depends on concrete brand carWhat can be recognized from the technical documentation. Many masters recommend changing the belt when car run 60-100,000 kilometers. If you do not know when for the last time he changed or could change, then he should carefully examine on wear. If it is worn out, traces of wear will be visible in the form of micro-cracks on the body.

Manufacturers indicate the timing of the timing of timing when running over 150,000 kilometers. Dealers, on the contrary, require a shorten period of up to 90 - 100,000 kilometers due to severe operating conditions. For example, AvtoVAZ officially demands to change the timing on Lada Vesta vehicles when running 180,000 km. But many car enthusiasts are made in the range from 100 to 120,000 km of run. It turns out reinsurance from premature cliff.

Do not think that if micro-cracks appeared on the belt - it will immediately break. It is not so, inside it has a metallic basis, because consists of thin metal rods. This is done so that it can repeatedly hold the shock loads and work for a long time. He can relax, which will affect the negative on the dynamics of the machine - - the engine will work noise, poorly start. These are the first signs of wear.

Usually auto manufacturers are recommended together with the replacement of the toothed belt simultaneously change the rollers, tensioners and pumps (water pump). The laboriousness and cost of the work individually is sufficiently high, besides, the wear of parts is often not visible. Therefore, it is wiser to change everything at once, besides, manufacturers produce special sets: belt + timing rollers.

Video. How to make it yourself

The cost of replacing the timing in auto service will be from 2500 to 5,000 rubles. The price depends on the type of engine. For the 8-valve motor will be cheaper, for the 16-valve - more expensive. You should also "hold in mind" the cost of replacing the water pump. Note that for most foreign cars, the timing will be replaced independently will be problematic due to the need for a special tool. It is better to entrust work to professionals.

For some cars there are engine belts with enhanced metallic cord. They serve 30 percent longer than usual. I also recommend changing all the drive belts (generator, air conditioner) and the pump, which is comparable to the service life of the timing belt.

Gas distribution mechanism (timing) drive belt modern engineAs a rule, it is designed for a short service life. On average, it works 50-100 thousand km mileage, after which it requires replacement along with tension rollers, and often with water pump and pulleys. The deadlines for the replacement of this most important part are strictly regulated and regulated in the instruction manual of each particular car. However, blindly following the manufacturer's recommendations, you can not notice the impending trouble and run into a serious and expensive repair of the motor. There are several signs that the timing belt needs to be urgently changed to the new one.

Why you need to change the timing belt

To begin with, we understand what the timing belt is and why it must be changed. This inexpensive and simple, at first glance, the item is needed in order to synchronize the operation of the ignition system with the progress of pistons and valves. Toothed belt Rates on the pulleys of the crankshaft and distribution (or distribution) shafts, in parallel, leading to the movement of the water pump. It has a multi-layered enhanced structure and consists of rubber and nylon base. Proper belt tension is set by a special roller. When leaving the timing belt on most modern cars Intake and exhaust valves are encountered with pistons. Occurs serious breakdownnot compatible with further movement and requiring complex expensive repairs.

The deadlines for replacing the rubber product and the concomitant components depend not only on the brand and model of a particular car, but also on the conditions of operation, which in our country is very severe. However, this does not prevent some brands to establish the proceedable period of operation of the timing belt. For example, on domestic "Ladakh", this operation should be carried out once every 180 thousand km. This figure looks, to put it mildly, overestimated. For comparison, on cars Renault. Even the highest quality belts from the best world manufacturers work 60 thousand km in Russia and 120 thousand km in Europe. Experiments with non-compliance of this Regulation are fraught with great trouble.

Signs of belt wear

The main problem that hinders timely to notice the impending trouble and prevent the timing breakdown, is difficult access to the detail: unlike the belt of attached units, this belt is carefully closed with all sorts of covers. To revise, it is often required partial disassembly of the engine, which most car owners are not in a state. However, in addition to the supervisors and cracks, visually visually, there are other symptoms of the impending trouble. We will try to list the most common.

1. Great belt age

Basically, the timing belt service is determined by the mileage of the car. After several tens of thousands of kilometers, it is mandatory to be replaced. However, there is one "but": for this item is also critical and age - on average, the belt retains its properties of not more than five years, after which it begins to lose elasticity and crack out regardless of the mileage. Drivers who drive on the car are relatively rare, should be carefully referring to this point. The belt consists of materials subject to rapid aging, which means that it is not necessary to joke with its age. For the same reason, we recommend that it is mandatory to change the timing belt on purchased used cars - no one guarantees that the former owner observed the regulations and used high-quality components.

2. Uncertain engine launch and power drop

Very worn or bad stretched strap The timing can jump on one or more teeth. This will lead to a violation of the ignition work - fuel mixture will ignite earlier or later laid. The main symptoms of such a malfunction are unspecified motor start, failures in the traction and strong vibrations Engine. The car can work for a long time in non-optimal modes. This, in turn, will lead not only to discomfort, but also to other breakdowns.

3. Smoke is exhaust pipe

One of these breakdowns is the melting and destruction of the catalyst. This trouble occurs due to incomplete combustion of the mixture in the motor. Some of the fuel due to a shot down ignition falls through the valves into the exhaust system, which leads to exceeding the permissible temperature and sintering the cell. It is possible to identify the breakdown by voting the exhaust: during the operation of the motor it slams, in some modes from the pipe goes black smoke - a sure sign of re-enrolling the mixture and its incomplete combustion. Timing belt - one of possible causes Fault.

4. Tick sound from the motor

With severe wear or aging, the timing belt can begin to grind and crack. In the engine operation, the fault is manifested by all sorts of ticking, screaming or ticking sounds emanating from under the housings of the system. All of them have some frequency depending on the engine speed: the higher, the more often the sounds. This malfunction is not necessarily related to the belt. Sounds can come from a subfluous bearing tensioner roller or from water pump. In any case, it is not worth pulling with repair. It is possible to localize and fix the problem by removing the timing cover.

5. leaks from under the GD drive housings

Another symptom of trouble with the timing belt is oil flips or coolant leaks in the actuator area. The oil can fall on the belt from under the worn seal of the crankshaft of the engine, and the antifreeze is made of leakage joints or from under the pump pulley. In both cases, an elevated belt wear occurs and the risk of retelling on the pulleys is growing. No disassembly and replacement of the timing set here is not to do.

Modern car is a complex mechanism consisting of a variety of design parts and nodes. Among them, you can mark the cooling system (SOD), gearbox (PPC), etc. One of the most important parts is the timing belt. What is this mechanism and how is it arranged? About all this and not only - further in our article.

Timing belt - what is it? Characteristic element

The belt of the gas distribution mechanism is a detail that provides synchronization of the operation of the distribution and other words, this element serves for the timely supply of fuel into the engine cylinders. Without this, the valid operation of the motor and the normal movement of the car is simply impossible.

In addition to the two shafts, the timing belt can act as, in turn, provides toosol circulation in the cooling system. The element we are considered is a great importance for the car. A sudden breakdown of the timing belt can lead to expensive but about it a little later, but for now, let's talk about the location and design of this mechanism.

What does it look like and where is the timing belt?

What is this element, we have already disassembled, now about how it is located. On most modern cars, timing belt is in front open space, namely, between the engine cylinder unit and the radiator. Depending on the car brand, this item can be hidden or already visible after the opening of the hood. But even to the "disguised" belt to get very easily, since its location thoroughly thought out automakers. Maximum what you need to do is remove a pair of plastic protection or a decorative lid (the latter is mounted on most elite cars). Externally, the timing belt (photo of this mechanism you can see below) is a rubber rim of a closed type.

The teeth themselves are performed with inner element. We also note that automakers do not produce universal belts. They are selected to each machine separately.

Cut device

The timing belt break is a very scary phenomenon for the car. As we have already said earlier, the consequences for the engine in such a situation can be quite serious. To be more specific, when the belt is cut, the camshaft stops in one position. And the crankshaft continues to spinning further. As a result, the piston begins to beat on the open valves and simply their oppression. In some cases, the repair was not limited to the replacement of deformed details - had to restore all piston group Engine.

Features of the cliff for 8- and 16-valve cars

It should be noted that the more complicated the design of the motor, the more serious the consequences of the belt break. So, on conventional 8-valve internal combustion engine, you can get rid of a simple device replacement. At the same time, on the 16-valve engine, it is necessary to completely restore damaged valves and pistons (then you mean replace them). But this does not mean to ride the 16-valve cars are very dangerous and that they are unsuitable for long-distance travel. If you regularly monitor its external condition, the belt break is definitely not threatened with you. Also, when examining a gear element, it is recommended to pay attention to the state of the distribution and leakage of the leakage, as well as to digitate the tension rollers. Remember that the fault of these elements significantly affects the belt resource.

Causes of cliff

There are a number of reasons for which the timing belt breaks. Most often it happens due to a worn out or poor-quality assembly of the product itself. There is such a concept as fatigue material. Every day the timing belt loses its former elasticity, peeling, cracks appear on it. He is also torn due to the jammed pump and tensioning rollers. Less frequently, this situation takes place when jamming one or more camshafts.

Dismantling and installation with your own hands

Replacing the timing belt with their own hands is made as follows. at first rear wheels The car is fixed by anti-tart pads. Next, the front of the car is subdominated. At the same time, you should unscrew the front right wheel. So we will have access to the crankshaft pulley (we also have to dismantle it). How is the pulley extracted? To do this, remove the drive belt that spins the hydraulic power amplifier, further remove the generator, the candle (I cylinder must be in the NTC) and the air conditioning mechanism pump. Only after that will be released the path to the pulley. The latter can be removed both using the puller and manually.

After all of the above operations, it should be removed the right support of the engine, which closes the covers covering the timing belt. What will it give us? By removing the covers, we will completely open access to the gear mechanism, and then we can easily remove it. And the belt is removed by unscrewing the tension roller fixing bolt. After that, boldly take it out. In its place is mounted new belt Timing. It must be pulled by twisting the crankshaft mounting bolt. The remaining assembly works are carried out in reverse order. On this, the question "How to replace the timing belt with your own hands" can be considered closed.

Nuances when installing

Please note that when installing cannot be allowed to turn the crankshaft pulleys and distribution shafts. They must stay in their places. If everything is done correctly, the operation of the engine will be coordinated and stable, without extraneous vibrations and sounds.

Mechanism resource

Many car enthusiasts are asked: "When to change the timing belt?" It is clear that the element considered by us is not eternal, and therefore with time it is subject to replacement. Especially if the origin is that not every belt serves as much as the manufacturer measured him. The fact is that there are a lot of defective parts and fakes on store shelves. It is very difficult to distinguish them from the original, since the main (carrier) part is inside the belt. In this case, focusing on price policies, using the Rule of Golden Middle. You should not buy products without original packaging and any designations.

As for a particular resource, all modern automakers recommend changing the belt every 80-100 thousand mileage kilometers (or every 4-5 years). More accurate values \u200b\u200byou can find out in the instruction manual for your car, as for each model there is a specific resource. It can be 70, and 200 thousand kilometers.

But again, exact terms, during which this item will regularly serve for the benefit of your car, to predict is very difficult. You can not install the belt and forget about it for the next 80 thousand mileage kilometers. It can break into 10, and 40 thousand, and can serve and longer than the specified period. Determine when changing the timing belt, with an accuracy of a kilometer is simply impossible. Therefore, once every 3 months should control its external state. It should not have microcracks and detachalies. Otherwise, you are waiting for a belt break and, as a result, a motor overhaul. And one more thing: this element should always be in a stretched state. Check it as follows. If the belt scrolls with his fingers by more than 90 degrees, it means that it must be pulled.

The coming replacement also signals the smell of burned rubber at the installation site of the structural element. As soon as you caught a characteristic smell, it is better to change it to a new one.

Question price

How much is the timing belt? The price of this element can be very different, it all depends on the brand and model of the machine. So, on domestic "Zhiguli" you can buy a detail for 100-120 rubles. How much is the timing belt for European cars? In the case of modern foreign cars like "Nissan Kashkai", Kia Rio, etc., the price of this product can reach thousands of rubles.

Cost of installation

Such a service as the installation of the belt of the gas distribution mechanism turns out to be almost every hundred. Depending on the brand of car and the complexity of the design of its engine, this procedure will cost you at 3-10 thousand rubles. But you can change the belt and with your own hands, using the instructions described above. As you could make sure that this process is not too complicated and requires a minimal set of tools.


So, we found out how the timing belt is changing, what is the mechanism and what important it is for the car. As you can see, despite the primitive design, the malfunction of this element is fraught with costly engine repair of the machine. Therefore, we regularly assess its external state, and it is better to in the trunk of a spare strap, since when the old cut is the further movement of the car is possible only on the evacuator or towing. In extremely, to start the engine re-with the broken strap, it is unlikely to succeed, not to mention the subsequent movement.

An article about replacing the timing belt with your own hands - when you need a replacement, product choice, tools, work course. At the end of the article - video about the timing belt.

The content of the article:

The toothed belt of the gas distribution mechanism (timing) is designed for the simultaneous rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft, which ensures the synchronization of the valves with the pistons of the engine. In addition, this most important element of the engine performs other important functions - drives water Pompe Cooling circuit and oil pump.

Modern timing belt is a high-tech product and is made of high-quality reinforced rubber based on artificial rubber (polychloroprene, neoprene) with special additives. Additionally, the high-quality belt is reinforced with cord with durable inner threads.

Replacing the timing belt is strictly regulated and described in "Instructions for repair and operation" for a particular brand and modification of the car. In practice, depending on the brand of the machine and operating mode, the glimmer belt can reliably perform its functions 50 - 100 thousand km of mileage, after which it needs to be replaced (preferably, along with one or more rollers, depending on the engine modification).

Sometimes simultaneously with the replacement of the belt may require and replace the cooling pump.

However, some manufacturers are installed for the timing belt clearly inadequate life. For example, on some Russian "freaks", operating in fairly difficult russian conditions, change the belt is recommended after 180 thousand km of mileage, which looks rather strange. At the same time, on the Renault cars, the belts of even the highest quality from the best world producers are designed for 60,000 km run in Russia, and by 120,000 km run in Europe.

Replacing the timing belt should be carried out not only according to the regulations, the manufacturer's recommendations or when it breaks, but also when signs of malfunction or in the following cases:

  • Great age of timing belt (more than 5 years, even if it is not exploited).
  • Cracks, wipes and "dissolve".
  • Destruction of belt teeth.
  • Depressurization and leakage in the GDM housing (coolant oil destroys the rubber base of the belt).
  • With a worn belt, the engine can start and operate uncertainly.
  • The belt wear can cause the ignition failure, after which the engine begins to be detonated and working noisily, and the black smoke begins to go out of the exhaust pipe.
Important! Unreasonable replacement The timing belt can lead to deformations of the valves, breakdown camshaft, rolling of rods and piston skirts.

The selection of the timing belt, which is the most important element The engine is important and responsible. Wrong selection belt in technical parameters Or saving on quality can lead to serious problems and expensive repair costs.

When the belt break or critical erasure, its teeth is the high probability that the pistons will hit the valves and bend them. therefore when choosing a new belt for timing, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not save and not buy the cheapest belts (can choose mid-price). Especially not to save if the car is operated in extremely hard mode. A high-quality reliable belt will pay off repeatedly.
  2. The best option is to buy the original, which was installed by the engine manufacturer. For greater reliability when choosing, to prevent errors on the size and shape of the teeth, it is better to remove the old belt and show it in the store to the seller so that it picked up the same. Special attention It should be paid to the width, length and shape of the belt teeth. In the absence of the possibility of buying the original, select analogue, the closest in quality and parameters to the original.
  3. On the touch belt should be smooth and without roughnessAnd also should not have small chosel and pores. The belt teeth should be without a swim, is permissible only for the presence of small burrs.
  4. An important property of the timing belt is his elasticity. What it is more elastic, the longer the service life will be. When buying, you can compare the elasticity of several different belts and determine which of them the most "oak" (hard).
  5. If there is an opportunity compare the catalog number or the articula of the old belt with numbers on the new product.. They must be on the rear (smooth) side of the belt.
  6. On the market automotive spare parts For sale a large number of fakes. To secure yourself from buying poor-quality details, it is better to buy a belt in the outlets belonging to official dealers. It is also recommended to purchase a full-fledged kit: a belt with rollers in one sealed packaging, with instructions. Most often fake products such manufacturers as "Bosch" and "Gates". You can compare the rooms (on the back) of several identical products - the numbers should be different. If all the product products are the same, then you are dealing with fake.
  7. Today, buying online shopping, however to do right choice timing belt via the network is very difficult.

Before starting work on replacing the timing belt, you should prepare and prepare the following tools:
  • Wheel key (cartoon).
  • Rozhkov, end and precipitant keys. Dimensions depending on the brand of car and modify the engine.
  • It may be necessary for a hexagon on 5.
  • The key specifically designed for the tension roller.
  • Jack.
  • Flashlight.
Additionally, you should consider the recommendation of automakers - replacing the timing belt, also change both rollers, and if possible, and water pump. Although if the pump is perfectly rotated and has a minimal backlash, you can not buy a new one, and leave the old one.

Also in some modifications of the engine can stand 2 straps, which are recommended to change both immediately. Therefore, when preparing for replacing the timing belt, you need to be aware of how many belts to buy.

You also need to prepare the car itself:

  • Put a car on a flat pad.
  • Pull out (lift) hand brake.
  • Put under the wheels the safety stops.

Before starting work, it should be noted that on 16-valve engines installed 2 distributive shaft with separate gear pulley (gear) for each. The belt for the 16-valve is always longer than the 8-valve, since in addition to the gear of the aqueous pump and the tensioner, the belt additionally passes through the auxiliary support (guide) roller.

Where the timing labels are located, and what kind of they have - look at the "manual for use and repair" of their car.

  1. Raise the hood and disconnect the battery terminal "for minus" (the key in the ignition lock must be "off") so that the stop signals are not burned in vain and "just in case."

    Important! Before removing the terminal from the battery and de-energize the car, it is necessary to study the "manual and repair manual" machine. In some cars, it is impossible to disconnect the terminal from the battery (!), As there will be a reset of adaptations in electronic system Control. IN this case Working with not a de-energized car must be more careful.

  2. To ensure free access to the desired mechanisms, you will need to remove the wheel, the motor cover, protection, the generator belt. Depending on the engine brand and modifying the engine, it may be necessary to remove the tank of the hydraulic power steering fluid (GUR) or an adsorber, or an air conditioner bracket, an intercooler with terminals, an air intake (or something else).
  3. Using the hexagon, unscrew the screws of the protective belt cover and gears.
  4. If there is a crankshaft position sensor (DPKV) - disconnect the connector from it with wires.
  5. Unscrew the bolt and remove the timing belt roller. Also remove the support (guide) roller if it is.
  6. Extract an old timing belt.
  7. Check the position of the label on one camshaft gear (on the 8-valve engine) or on two gear gears of two camshafts (on a 16-valve engine) relative to the marks on the GD drive housing. If the labels are lost, it is necessary to check the camshaft key to place them in the desired position (against each other), for the bolt of fastening the gear gear to the camshaft.
  8. To check the combination of the label on the crankshaft gear with a label on the oil pump housing, unscrew and pull out toothed pulley Crankshaft with a special washer. If the pulley bolt is not unscrewed, then you can rest over the handle of the M-shaped key in the craving, put the "minus" terminal of the battery (if it is removed) and rotate the starter. After unscrewing the bolt, the terminal is removed back.

    You can also use a pneumatic wrench or attract an assistant that will turn on the highest gear and presses the brake, and you will unscrew the bolt. If the gear label is wrong, then spin the fastening bolt to the place and scroll the gear for this bolt key, to the correct alignment of the label on the crankshaft gear with the label on the oil pump housing.

  9. Install the support (guide) roller if it is.
  10. The new timing belt first sketch on the gear gear of the crankshaft, start on the supporting roller, then the camshaft gear (or two gears, if two camshafts) and then - on the pump gear. It is necessary to control the position of the labels on one or two camshaft gears. If the labels got lost, they immediately need to be set as it should.
  11. Install the tension roller and fasten it weakly, without a strong tightening of the bolt until it stops.
  12. Check flatness lining belt. Then make the belt stretch using a special key for the tensioning roller, turning the roller counterclockwise (or in the direction of the shooter on the roller housing). Next, holding the roller with a special key in the desired position, fix the position of the roller by tightening the fastening bolt to the stop, with a little effort.
  13. You can check the belt stretch with one hand by turning the belt along the fingers. Well stretched belt should not rotate more than 90 °.
  14. At the final stage, set back and consolidate all dismantled items in the reverse order.
After performing all the work, you need to start the engine and check the work on the rumor. If the belt is installed and stretched correctly, then no abnormal sounds should be. If a rumble or whistling roller is listening, then the belt is a little pulled. A small strap can be done with the help of the same tensioner roller by turning it clockwise (or against the shooter on the roller body).

If, after replacing the timing belt, the car will be bad, the engine will be a little detonated and uneven work on idling (And the tachometer arrow is jumping), and there will be a black exhaust - it means that the timing belt was incorrectly set up tags. Everyone will have to repeat first.


Abover, perhaps the easiest (classic) example of the timing belt replacement is the simplest (classic). However, the labor-intensity of works on the replacement of the timing belt may differ and be of varying degrees of complexity. It depends on the brand and modification of the machine, as well as from the engine modification. But, in general, the principle is the same everywhere.

Before proceeding to self-replacement The timing belt is strongly recommended to learn in detail the "repair instructions" to its car. And it is necessary to do it in advance, and not before the start of work - so that there was a time to calmly understand where it looks like, as it looks like, and how you need to shoot, etc.

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