Home Brakes Driving machine is an automatic machine for beginners. Tips for the correct operation of the automatic transmission. Learning to drive well

Driving machine is an automatic machine for beginners. Tips for the correct operation of the automatic transmission. Learning to drive well

Automatic transmissions have made life much easier for motorists. They especially liked the fair sex. Indeed, when driving a car with automatic transmission, you do not need to think about when to switch gears and carry out this operation. Automation does everything on its own. The driver essentially uses one right foot to drive the car. But still, many are thinking about the question of how to operate an automatic transmission in various conditions and situations on the road? And in this case, there really are some nuances.

Main operating modes of the unit

In place of the gearshift lever familiar to drivers with "mechanics", in cars with "automatic" there is a selector in the form of a small lever. Most often, classic automatic transmissions have 4 steps.
Usually there are such modes of operation of the automatic box:

It should be noted that many automatic transmissions, especially modern models, have additional modes designed for movement in certain conditions. These include:

Driving a car with an automatic transmission

It is possible to move the gearshift handle to a certain mode if three conditions are met:

  • Launched power unit;
  • Brake pedal depressed;
  • A recessed button on the selector itself.

The required mode is activated in a second or two after moving the lever. During this time, the engine speed will drop slightly.

Immediately after turning on, release the brake pedal and the machine will start moving. It is worth remembering that in D and R modes, the power unit constantly pushes the car, even when the accelerator pedal is fully released. It is the work with the gas pedal that is the key signal for the automatic transmission. If you press smoothly, then the switching will be slow and at low rpm. If you need intensive acceleration, you should sharply press the pedal, the "box" will go to a step or two lower and intensive acceleration will begin.

The classic automatic transmission has one drawback. After pressing the pedal, it takes about a second before the start of a sharp acceleration. Of course, this is not much, but in some cases (with risky overtaking, etc.) a second decides a lot. Therefore, this nuance should be taken into account.

If you need to stop, simply press the brake pedal. You don't need to move the selector. For short stops in front of a traffic light, the lever is not retracted from position D, but the pedal is held in the depressed position. If there is a traffic jam or a stop ahead for a longer period (more than half a minute), it is better to move the lever to the N or P position, this will save fuel, which is spent on pushing the braked car. It must be remembered that from position D to N and in the opposite direction, the selector is transferred without pressing a button on it. This is handy when driving in trials for frequent movement in both directions.

If the car is rolling down a hill, it is not recommended to switch the selector to N mode. After all, when driving on a regular "Drive", the unit independently activates engine braking. This does not overheat the brake pads. If you still want to slide on a neutral stage, then you should move the selector without pressing a button. Returning the automatic transmission to D mode should also be done without pressing the button. Thus, it is possible to exclude the erroneous inclusion of reverse modes or P. Yes, and the machine will stop faster.

How to drive with a trailer in a car with automatic transmission?

It should be noted that towing by a car with an automatic gearbox is an undesirable phenomenon. This is especially true when towing another vehicle. In this situation, the transmission oil overheats as a result of increased stress on the gearbox components.

As for trailers, non-heavy ones should be towed in the normal D mode. The speed limit is not limited. If the trailer is heavy, then the machine must have an additional gearbox oil cooler. It is quite difficult to install one even on authorized services. Therefore, with the constant need to tow a heavy trailer, it is better to buy a car with an "automatic" with an already installed radiator. It is usually found on large pickup trucks and SUVs capable of towing heavy trailers.

Also, for moving with a trailer, a mode that blocks automatic transmission switching above the second stage is suitable. In this case, the described mode should not be activated when driving at a speed of more than 80 km / h.

Towing a car with an automatic transmission

Perhaps this question is one of the most common among the owners of cars with "automatic". Such cars are allowed to be towed, however, only when the power unit is running and in the neutral position of the automatic transmission selector. In this case, the speed limit is limited to 50 km / h, and the maximum towing range should not exceed 50 km. If the power unit of the car does not start, then it is better to call a tow truck than to subsequently carry out expensive transmission repairs. In any case, it is best to read the operating instructions for the model of the machine before towing. After all, some manufacturers generally prohibit towing cars with "automatic machines". Others limit the speed to 30 km / h and the distance to 30 km.

As for towing by a car with automatic transmission, it is generally undesirable. If there is no other way out of this situation, then you should check how much weight the towed vehicle is. It must be less than or equal to the weight of the tractor. Towing is possible only in selector position L or 2. This mode limits shifting to 2 steps. In this case, the towing speed should not exceed 40 km / h.

Some recommendations for car owners with automatic transmission

As mentioned above, motor braking is possible on cars equipped with classic automatic transmissions. To drive on long slopes, release the O / D button (if available), which will force the unit to go to the third stage and brake gently with the engine. In this case, the car will not accelerate more than 80 km / h. This feature cannot be used at speeds above 120 km / h.

To drive on steep slopes, move the selector to position 2. This will limit the driving speed at around 40-60 km / h. To travel off asphalt roads with very steep slopes and inclines, the selector should be set to L position. As a result, the car will not be able to accelerate more than 10-20 km / h. On uphills, in this case, you can use the maximum torque of the unit.

In general, cars with automatic transmission "do not like" off-road. Indeed, in this case, wheel slip is possible, as well as when driving on winter roads. And this is fraught with excessive wear of the automatic transmission parts. If the car is stuck in a puddle or mud, you should not accelerate with might and main. To overcome an obstacle, mode L or 1 is suitable. It is better to try to drive back along your own track.

It must be remembered that an unheated unit does not like loads and high speed. Even in the summer months, it is necessary to move smoothly for the first couple of kilometers of the path without sudden jerks and accelerations. You need to wait for the oil in the power unit and automatic transmission to warm up to operating temperature. But in the transmission it warms up several times slower.

In winter cold, while warming up the engine, you can alternately move the gearbox selector to different positions, lingering on each one. This will allow the oil in the automatic transmission to warm up a little. It is allowed to stand on the "Drive" mode on and the brake pedal pressed. In addition, in order to warm up the unit faster in winter frosts, you can drive the first kilometers with an activated winter mode.

Many car owners with an “automatic” unjustly believe that the car does not need a handbrake. Indeed, the owners of such cars practically do not use the handbrake. Mode P is quite enough for many. However, the rules for operating machines without fail contain a clause that states that you should always use the parking brake, not relying on the parking mode of the transmission.

Indeed, the parking position P is something akin to the engaged gear with the engine off. It is imperative to use the handbrake in case of a stop with the engine running, especially if the driver leaves the car. In addition, the handbrake will be needed in cases of need for a reliable fixation of the car. This can be a replacement wheel for a spare wheel, etc. On steep slopes it is also better to apply the handbrake. Indeed, it is on steep slopes that the parking mode, which blocks the drive wheels of the car, is loaded to a greater extent. As a result, the unauthorized removal of the selector from the Parking mode is possible. In this situation, before starting the movement, you should first move the selector lever from the P mode, and then release the handbrake and start driving.

Finally, it should be noted that the fuel consumption when driving with an automatic transmission will be higher than with a mechanic. This difference is especially evident during overclocking. Moreover, the more intense it is, the more seriously the fuel consumption increases. Automatic transmission repair is not cheap pleasure. Although these complex units are highly reliable and nurture serious runs.


The presence of automatic gear shifting greatly simplifies driving. It is much more convenient to drive a car equipped with automatic transmission, especially with frequent stops and changes in speed limits. Errors in using the machine lead to accelerated wear and tear, and in some cases can completely disable the unit. Particular attention to the instructions "How to use the automatic transmission correctly" should be given to drivers whose driving lessons took place on mechanics.

Benefits of automatic gearboxes

Driving a car with an automatic transmission has its own characteristics. The most automatic machine is suitable for measured, calm driving, without dynamic acceleration, extreme external conditions and other overloads. A car with an automatic transmission is convenient to use in a metropolis. The main advantages that owners of cars with automatic transmission receive include:

  • a beginner begins to feel confident behind the wheel much faster, since there is no need to choose the right gears;
  • ease of control while driving;
  • simplification of starting off both on a straight section of the road, and if the start of movement occurs on a slope;
  • the load on the engine is automatically regulated, which has a good effect on its resource;
  • errors with the wrong choice of gear are impossible, which excludes the operation of the engine at too high or low speeds;
  • due to the less frequent impact on the lever, its surface remains unattached for a long time.

At the dawn of their mass appearance, automatic machines had a significantly shorter resource than mechanics. In modern cars, the service life is almost equal, but only if the automatic transmission is used correctly. Driving errors and improper maintenance can cause breakdowns, after which the operation of the automatic transmission becomes impossible without major repairs.

Modes of operation of an automatic transmission

The main positions of the gear knob, as well as the modes of operation of the automatic transmission are described in the image below.

The "Parking" mode corresponds to the position of the "P" lever. The wheels of the vehicle are locked. This mode is somewhat similar to the action of the hand brake. It is prohibited to move the selector to the "P" position while the car is in motion, as this will lead to mechanical damage and costly repairs. "Parking" is applied in the following cases:

  • if necessary, start the car;
  • while the car is parked.

The "Reverse" mode is responsible for the movement of the car in reverse. It is usually designated "R". The operating rules allow turning on the reverse only when the vehicle is stationary. If the machine is moving even at low speed, moving the lever to the "R" position will result in costly repairs.

To disconnect the engine from the gearbox, the neutral mode is used, which corresponds to the location of the selector opposite the letter "N". The wheels rotate freely in this mode and engine braking is impossible. It is not recommended to switch the automatic transmission to neutral mode while driving, as a skid may occur.

The mode that indicates forward movement and tells the car owner to "drive" is called "Drive". It corresponds to position "D". Gears are automatically selected depending on the force applied to the fuel control pedal. When the impact on the accelerator is reduced, the automatic transmission is braked by the engine. A feature of the "Drive" mode is that there is no need to use the hand brake when starting off with a slight incline. On a steep slope, the vehicle in D mode will slowly roll backward, which could cause an emergency.

Selecting a gear range

To limit the number of transmissions used, there are several sub-modes, usually indicated by numbers. For example, in the automatic transmission shown in the figure below, it is possible to limit gear ratios 2, 3 and 4 to speed. There are boxes that allow you to move in first gear. This mode is designated 1 or "L".

Driving using only 3 speeds is recommended in areas requiring increased attention. When operating an automatic transmission in this mode, you should carefully monitor the tachometer readings. If the arrow of the device enters the red zone, it is necessary to reduce the engine speed or switch the automatic transmission.

Using only two gears can be caused by driving the machine on a steep incline. Driving instructors for cars with automatic transmission recommend that slippery roads also be overcome when the selector is set to the "2" position. In this case, the car drives more smoothly, and the chance of getting into a skid is reduced.

The recommendations on how to properly use a car with an automatic transmission indicate that driving such a car off-road can damage the box. In real life, there are different situations, therefore, for driving in difficult conditions, automakers have provided for the possibility of working only in first gear. This allows you to drive over bumps and climb a steep slope. The maximum speed that a car can develop with the selector in the "L" position reaches 40 km / h.

Selecting a limited range of gears while driving at speed results in engine braking. If the deceleration rate is too fast, the car may skid. In this case, the automatic transmission will experience increased wear.

Additional modes

To increase traffic safety in winter, the mode designated "*", "WINTER", "SNOW" is used. At the same time, wheel slip is maximally eliminated both when changing speeds and when starting off. In some gearboxes, the start of the movement occurs in second gear, which significantly reduces acceleration. Switching between stages occurs with minimization of acceleration drops, which reduces the possibility of getting into a skid. Driving instructors with automatic transmissions do not recommend using winter mode in summer, as this can lead to overheating of the oil in the box.

To be able to control an automatic transmission like a mechanic, a selective transmission is used. The driver independently increases or decreases the gear ratio, depending on road conditions. Automation insures the driver from errors, so it can independently raise or lower the gear. An example of a selective automatic transmission is shown in the figure below.

The problem with how to drive economically is solved by a special "E" mode. The gears are then shifted in such a way that the engine consumes as little fuel as possible. The dynamic characteristics of the vehicle are thus impaired.

Despite the fact that most of the machines are not intended for sports driving, the presence of the "S" mode allows you to give the car agility. The revolutions of the crankshaft before changing the gear ratio reach their maximum. This places an increased load on the transmission. There is no need to talk about the economy of the "S" -mode.

Vehicle motion control

Before starting the movement, you need to do the following:

  1. Before starting the car, you need to check the position of the handle, and, if necessary, move it to the "P" mode;
  2. Start the engine;
  3. Press the brake pedal and hold it;
  4. Press the button that prevents accidental switching of the selector;
  5. Select "D" or "R" depending on the direction of travel. Switching should be done quickly, without stopping at intermediate positions. This will prevent unnecessary activation of the automatic transmission mechanism. The average turn-on time for the selected mode is 1-2 seconds.

Since the brake pedal is depressed, the vehicle will be stationary. After releasing it, the machine will move slowly. The direction depends on the selected "D" or "R" mode. However, the slope can impede movement. In this case, action on the accelerator pedal is required.

The automatic transmission is controlled indirectly through the pressure of the pedal. A smooth impact leads to a leisurely gear change and smooth acceleration. A car with an automatic transmission will reveal its maximum dynamic characteristics only when the accelerator is pressed to the floor. As a result of driving a car in this mode, there is an increased wear of all its components.

Autoinstructors, teaching to drive with automatic transmission, pay attention to kick-down. This effect appears as a result of the features of the automatic transmission algorithm. Receiving a command for the most intensive acceleration, an initial downshift occurs. This results in a second delay before overclocking. Overtaking technique accounts for this failure by indicating kick-downs in instructions on how to drive safely.

Stopping the car

The vehicle stops when the brake pedal is pressed. After stopping the automatic transmission instructor, it is recommended to adhere to the following instructions "how to operate an automatic transmission":

  • for a long stop, move the lever from position "D" to "P" or "N";
  • With frequent and short-term braking, for example, when driving through a traffic jam, it is advisable to leave the selector opposite to "D".

Prolonged operation of a braked vehicle without switching to "P" or "N" leads to increased wear of the engine, gearbox and brake system. The need to keep the brake pedal depressed at all times causes driver fatigue. In turn, changing the position of the lever too often leads to increased wear of the automatic transmission mechanisms. The decision on how to drive is made personally by the motorist, based on his preferences and driving experience.

Features of operating a car with automatic transmission

Driving with a high dynamic load or at high speed with a cold gearbox leads to its rapid wear. When leaving by car, the first 5-10 minutes should be driven in a moderate, smooth mode. The decision on how to drive a car with hot oil lies with the owner, the automatic transmission instructor recommends a gentle mode at all stages when operating an automatic transmission.

In cold weather, before starting the movement, you should switch speeds, which will additionally warm up the automatic transmission. Experienced automatic transmission instructors start driving when winter mode is on. This helps to quickly warm up the box, even in frosty conditions. The instruction "how to use an automatic transmission correctly" prohibits the use of the "*" position in summer, so you should not accelerate the heating of the oil on hot days. They will warm up quickly in normal driving mode.

Be very careful when towing a car with an automatic transmission. Travel speed should not exceed 30-50 km / h. If possible, start the engine, as this will improve lubrication and reduce the heating of the automatic transmission. The distance that a car can be moved is often limited to 30-50 km. Structurally, in an automatic transmission, the towing mode may be generally unacceptable. Some manufacturers only allow the vehicle to be hitch-mounted when the engine is running.

Slipping has a negative effect on the automatic transmission. A driving instructor with automatic transmission, teaching “how to ride on uneven surfaces,” recommends that you work as smoothly as possible with the accelerator pedal. It is desirable to set the lever in position "2".

The design features of the machine do not allow towing a vehicle or a trailer without harm to the machine. Even short distances covered with additional load strike a blow to the resource of the box. If it is necessary to tow an additional load by the machine, the gearbox overheating should be avoided. Before you start driving, you need to think about whether towing is worth the excessive wear of the transmission, which cannot be avoided in any case.

Situations when you need to use the handbrake

The presence of the "Parking" mode has led to the fact that car owners do not use the handbrake. Having looked at the recommendations on how to properly drive a car with automatic transmission or a road manual, you can see the requirement to always use the handbrake, without relying on the selector. The step-by-step instructions for getting started also mention the need to use the parking brake.

Car enthusiasts, who previously drove a mechanic and used the handbrake extremely rarely, forget about it when driving. Beginners, on the other hand, may forget to remove the handbrake from the car after driving more than one kilometer. With the onset of frost, a new problem begins in the form of freezing of pads, so everyone decides on the need to use the parking brake for daily use.

The introduction of the automatic transmission has made driving a car more comfortable. Now there is no need to squeeze the clutch and choose the gear yourself, and knowledge of the features of the box and the correct choice of the driving mode allows you to extend the service life to the level of mechanics.

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Each of us sometime thinks about buying a car. And for sure most people choose a car with an automatic transmission, because it is really convenient and comfortable. But not always there will be an experienced driver nearby who will tell you, tell and show you how to drive on the machine. Today we will take a closer look at what and in what sequence must be done in order to understand how to use an automatic transmission and, in general, how to drive an automatic transmission.

Every day the ranks of motorists are replenished with new professionals and amateurs. The car is a very convenient and pleasant means of transportation, and their variety is simply amazing. But, all the same, all cars can be conditionally divided into two main groups: with a manual transmission and with an automatic one. The main specificity of cars with an automatic transmission is that the transmission itself, in comparison with a mechanical one, includes the gear you need, focusing on the speed of your car.

How to get under way automatically

  1. We sit behind the wheel and check, the car should be in the "P" - parking mode (it is not necessary to use the handbrake), or "N" - neutral (then you need to use the handbrake). If it is in a different position, then you must definitely translate into these!
  2. We squeeze out - the brake, it is with the brake that we will control the subsequent movement of the car.
  3. We insert the key into the ignition switch - turn (unlock the steering wheel) - start the engine. Without letting go - the brake.
  4. Next, you need to move the gear selector to the "D" drive position (fully automatic shift option) or "M" manual. All shifts are made with the brake pedal depressed.
  5. Now it is enough to release the brake pedal and without even pressing the "gas" - the car will move. If you need to accelerate, step on the accelerator and the car will move faster.

Be sure to learn how to stop before driving!

How to learn to drive a car

In fact, in order to competently drive a car with an “automatic”, you need to know something and be able to. First, let's figure out how the "automatic" switches gears. This happens depending on the position of the automatic transmission control lever, program switch, or selector, as well as the speed and position of the accelerator pedal:

  1. little gas - early switching to a higher stage,
  2. much gas later.

A sharp press of the pedal includes a "kickdown", and a downshift occurs; after reaching the desired speed, releasing the accelerator pedal, you shift to a higher gear.

Automatic transmission

To start a car with an automatic transmission (automatic transmission), you need to turn on the ignition - in position P ("parking"), turn the key half a turn clockwise. After a couple of seconds, turn the key all the way and immediately release it. In order to start moving the car forward, you need to start the engine, select the "drive" mode. It is very important to press the brake pedal before switching the mode, and after turning on the desired mode, release this pedal. And the car will immediately start moving. And to accelerate it to the desired speed, you need to press on the gas pedal.

Brake pedal

The brake pedal (located on the left) is usually pressed with the right foot in the event that it is necessary to slow down or completely stop the movement of the machine. The smoothness and sharpness of stopping the movement directly depends on the strength of your pressing.

It is dangerous to use this pedal at high speed and when crossing holes and other irregularities - the wheels will block and you can break the suspension or even fly off the road.

Gas pedal

The gas pedal is also pressed with the right foot (it is located on the right). While driving the machine, the left leg should always stand on a special platform on the left so that there is no opportunity to press two pedals at the same time, which is absolutely impossible to do. The gas pedal is very sensitive and needs to be pressed lightly to go faster.

To slow down, you must first remove your foot from the gas pedal, and then start to apply the brake.

An important element when driving is the steering wheel, which can make up to 2.5 turns in any direction. It is important that during the movement the hands do not cross, intercepting it in time with one hand, the other at this time should always hold the steering wheel.

If you need to make a turn, there is a special lever on the steering wheel, which should be pressed down in advance - if you need to turn left, press up - when turning right.

What are the automatic transmission modes

An automatic transmission has four main modes:

  • P- "parking" - in order to leave the car to stand for a certain time without movement. It fixes the position of the car in the parking lot. It can only be turned on when the vehicle is at a complete stop. In this state, the engine should be started. In the "P" position, the car will not move, and the engine will run at idle.
  • R - "reverse" - used when you need to drive backward.
  • N - "neutral" - when you need to roll the car from one place to another. No engine rotation is transmitted to the rear wheels, but when the brakes are released, the car can roll freely. The instructions say: "Never turn on when the car is moving - prolonged driving in" neutral "can lead to failure of the gearbox." I will object to this with the words of James Bond: "Never say never" - sometimes it is necessary to turn on the "N" mode.
  • D - "drive" - ​​in order to start moving forward. This mode is available for all standard driving situations. The numbers 4, 3 and 2 on automatic 5-speed gearboxes mean that shifting is only possible up to the 4th, 3rd and 2nd gears respectively. It is designed for driving on steep passes, in the mountains with a trailer, in difficult conditions, for braking on extreme descents. On some modifications of "Mercedes" there is a "B" mode - braking on extreme and long descents, in particular, with a trailer, at a speed below 40 km / h, then the gearbox switches to the lower stage. It is possible to switch the selector from position “D” to position “4”, “3”, “2” and “B” while the vehicle is moving, but not exceeding the permissible maximum speed at different positions of the lever. To do this, it is necessary to control the position of the speedometer needle: the first speed - one notch, the second speed - two notches, the fourth speed - four notches, or by the tachometer, not exceeding the maximum permissible engine speed.

Read about what a tiptronic box is in our review

Additional modes

  • Mode "2" - the first two gears are available. In it, the gearbox blocks the choice of gears, limiting itself to the first and second gears. It makes sense to use this mode when towing, as well as on mountain roads with a winding profile. The activation of the mode is also available while driving, but this should be done only if the vehicle speed is below 80 kilometers per hour. Otherwise, high revs can negatively affect the car's engine.
  • Mode "L" - only the first gear is available. This mode is intended for driving in particularly difficult conditions and off-road. On crossovers and SUVs with this mode, a downshift is also activated. In this case, the inclusion of this mode is possible only when the speed of the car is below 15 kilometers per hour. Before driving an automatic box off-road, it is better to turn on the mode in advance.
  • OverDrive (O / D) This mode is used on gearboxes that have more than three stages and is intended for overtaking or in other situations when fast acceleration of the car is required. It is activated, as a rule, by pressing a button on the transmission lever. Before driving on an automatic transmission using this mode, it should be remembered that it forcibly does not allow the automatic transmission to shift higher than before the third gear. Thanks to this, a greater, in comparison with ordinary work, the dynamics of the car is achieved. You can also use this mode when driving on a long hill. The fact is that the normal mode can in this case "fluctuate", switching to third or fourth gear. When using "overdrive" the problem disappears.
  • PWR / SPORT. This mode is software and is intended for active driving. When activated, the steps in the box are switched at higher revs, thereby achieving maximum dynamics (fuel consumption also becomes maximum). In order to understand how to drive an automatic transmission in sport mode, it is required, first, to master the basic skills of driving an automatic machine due to the fact that the car subjectively becomes noticeably sharper in response to the gas pedal.
  • SNOW - snow. The name of this mode speaks for itself. It is designed to be driven safely during the winter season. How to drive a car in winter is not difficult to understand - just turn on this mode. In this case, the automatic transmission will "get under way" from the second gear, and switchings will occur at lower revs. On the asphalt, the car becomes less dynamic, however, this is done for safety on the snow.

How to drive a car in traffic jams

At short stops, for example, at a traffic light, you need to leave the lever in the same position, most often it will be "D" - and hold the car with the brake pedal. When stopping for a long time with the engine running, the lever must be set to the "N" position.

Stop on the rise

If you stop the car on an uphill, you need to hold it not by pressing the gas pedal, but by the service brake - this will avoid unnecessary overheating of the transmission.

When maneuvering when parking in a confined space, for example, when entering a garage, adjust the speed by slightly releasing the brake pedal. When the brake pedal is depressed, never accelerate too much.

Mode "S"

To the left of the designation of the selector modes is the program switch. In the forward position, the "S" symbol is visible. Some people think this is a sport mode. God be with you, what is the sport mode of a typical road car? The "S" mode is "standard" and is intended for all standard road situations.

  • With vigorous work with the gas pedal (position "a lot of gas"), the engine will twist the maximum number of turns in each gear, providing intensive acceleration;
  • at the start, a sharp press on the gas pedal will trigger the first gear;
  • when pressed smoothly, the movement will start from second gear.

Mode "E"

The letter "E" (program switch moved to the rear position) means that the economy mode is activated. Shifting to a higher or lower gear stage is performed by pressing the accelerator pedal strongly at a lower speed, at a lower engine speed than in the "S" position.

This means that the engine will not crank up to maximum revs, providing a quiet, emphasized comfortable and economical driving mode (which is necessary, for example, on slippery roads).

The first time the accelerator pedal is pressed all the way to the stop, the "E" program is automatically reset to the "S" position. The explanation is simple: situations may arise in which it is necessary to accelerate intensively (for example, when overtaking).

It is clear that the artificial limitation of the dynamics by the economical mode prevents this, which means that in an extreme situation it should be automatically removed.

How to overtake in a car with automatic transmission

Suppose you are driving a car with a 4-speed "automatic" on a suburban highway and intend to overtake. You sharply press the gas pedal - the "kickdown" is triggered, the machine switches to 3rd gear, providing fast acceleration, and overtaking begins. But there is an oncoming car ahead and you are back in your lane.

When the gas is released, the "machine" will immediately turn on the 4th, but this is exactly what is not needed in this situation. Automatic transmissions (and especially Mercedes ones) are distinguished by some "thoughtfulness".

If you try to overtake again, you are missing precious seconds by pushing the pedal all the way down and turning on the kickdown again.

This can be avoided by putting the selector into the 3rd gear mode in advance, and a sharp, short-term gas release will not lead to a direct gear change, then when you press the gas pedal again, the car will instantly rush forward, as if it were equipped with an ordinary manual gearbox. ...

Overtaking in the city

When overtaking and driving around the city, the driver of a car with a 5-speed gearbox can, depending on the situation, choose between the selector position "4" and "3". A car with an “automatic” will become more dynamic, and you will save time by eliminating the useless and unnecessary in this case switching to direct transmission and engaging “kickdown”.

Some instructions say that in positions "3" and "2" the engine braking action can be used. This applies only to long descents so as not to overload the brakes. When shifting to a lower stage, there is a danger not so much to twist the engine, but to block the drive wheels, which will instantly lead to a skid of the car.

This is especially true when driving on slippery roads. In such conditions, never shift down to the lowest gear for braking - this experiment can end in disaster.

How to drive a car with an automatic transmission

To understand how the car behaves in various situations, and to work out the nuances of its behavior, "mechanics" is necessary. And for beginners and women, I still recommend to choose cars with "automatic" for greater confidence. I also recommend choosing a car with an automatic transmission for operation in a big city, even for drivers with extensive experience and experience.

Racer Keselman, who drives a Cadillac CTS with an automatic on business, is of the same opinion:

“My previous BMW car, with its handle, powerful engine and sport brakes, did not easily fit into the urban environment. You had to really work behind the wheel. Now I have chosen a car with an automatic transmission, as I often travel around the city and have to wade through traffic jams. In my car there is no forced gear change, there is only a sports mode of the transmission. Thanks to the "automatic" in combination with a powerful engine and the city can only enjoy the ride "

The automatic transmission is very complex and requires careful and careful handling.

The latest generation of "automatic machines" is equipped with electronics, which, in case of certain malfunctions, includes "emergency mode", which allows you to get to the car service. On some cars, towing is not recommended in case of breakdowns (most often Americans are among them).

German cars allow towing if the selector "machine" is in the "N" position according to the formula 50 × 50. This means a distance of no more than 50 km and a speed of no more than 50 km / h. If these recommendations are disregarded, the automatic transmission will break even more during towing.

Long distance towing is allowed only with the wheel drive disconnected, for which it must be dismantled. If this is not possible, the car will have to be towed with the axle of the driving wheels suspended or loaded onto the tow truck platform.

The main features of the management of the operation of a car with automatic transmission

  • It is not recommended to use coasting.
  • It is forbidden to move the gear lever from one position to another when the vehicle is moving.
  • Do not press brake and gas at the same time.
  • It is necessary to avoid a heavy load on the parking tooth, that is, when parking a car on a slope, you must first put the car on the handbrake, and then on "P" only then release the brake. When you need to get under way from the beginning, press the brake, remove it from the parking brake, and then turn it into the “drive” or reverse position.
  • Use box modes correctly. For example, when driving on loose sand, or to avoid slipping, shift down to the lowest gear possible smoothly.
  • When operating the machine, the gas pedal in the parking lot is not engaged, only the brake. If you are parking, you press the gas, the car will move in jerks.
  • Do not exceed the permitted speed, it is necessary to control the speed limit, since gear shifting occurs independently.
  • In winter, the transmission should not be heavily loaded until it warms up completely, which requires driving about 10-15 km.
  • If you tow a car "automatic", then it must be done at a speed of 50 km / h and at a distance not exceeding 50 km. Some vehicles are not designed to be towed in the event of a breakdown.

How to drive a car in winter

Many car owners do not ask themselves how to properly drive an automatic transmission in winter, but in vain - the main problems arise precisely with the onset of cold weather. Here we will outline the main rules and tips for the safe operation of a machine with an automatic gearbox in winter.

Pros and cons of automatic transmission in winter

From the pros:

The main advantage of the automatic transmission is its smooth running and problem-free integration with numerous and different electronic "assistants". The automatic transmission is more reliable when driving on ice, compared to mechanics: the risk of slipping in this case is much lower.


The main disadvantage is that the automatic transmission is far from always able to accurately set the gear that a moving car needs at the moment. This happens when the fluid coupling is lagging behind in determining the discrepancy between engine speed, travel speed and resistance to movement. Drivers, in response to this behavior of the car, begin to use the "vnatyag" driving style.

Warming up the automatic transmission

In cold weather, before starting to move, you need to warm up the car engine. This applies equally to the automatic transmission. To warm up, with the lever in the “Drive” position and the brake pedal depressed to the end, you need to lightly press the gas pedal for about 15 seconds.

Descent to automatic transmission

Constant braking on slopes is unacceptable, as there is a danger of the automatic transmission overheating. It is much safer to "slow down" the movement so that the automatic transmission shifts down and the car moves further under the influence of its weight.

During stops on slopes, simultaneously with the "Parking" mode, you must also use the handbrake, since the gearbox has a load, which is created by the mass of the entire car. If the parking brake is not used during stops on slopes, this will shorten the service life of the automatic transmission.

How to overcome a snowdrift

It should be remembered that it is best to overcome drifts in 2nd gear, and not at all in "Drive" gear. The overwhelming majority of modern automatic transmissions have a mode for manual gear shifting, which, in conditions of snowdrifts, is more effective than other modes.

If you do not use the manual mode, then all that remains is to get out "in swing". For this purpose, you need to smoothly press the gas pedal and, while holding the car with the brake pedal, begin to climb forward. Backward movement is done in the same way. But do not overdo it: if you do the described steps for a long time, you can harm the gearbox.

Another nuance when overcoming snowdrifts is that it is imperative to turn off the ESP exchange rate stabilization (stability) system, which, if the car is stuck in a snowdrift, is absolutely useless.

In order not to go into a skid, you need to abruptly release the gas pedal, while turning the steering wheel in the direction of the skid and return it to its original position

How to park your car on a winter night

It often happens that the car cannot move in the morning because the parking brake is frozen in the on position at night. This most often occurs when there is accumulation of snow or ice on the rear brakes, or when the brakes are wet (for example, parking in a snowdrift).

In this case, the driver will not be envied: even if you add gas and stretch the handbrake, the frozen rear pads can bend the discs.

That is why, if there is a risk of freezing the handbrake, it is better to limit yourself to putting the gear lever in the "P" position.

  1. park the car overnight on level ground, without a slope,
  2. use automatic transmission mode "R" for parking,
  3. do not put the car on the handbrake.

After completing these steps, you will remove the voltage from the parking transmission of the automatic transmission. This voltage appears in the following case: when the car stopped on a slope, and further movement was blocked by setting the automatic transmission handle to the "P" position.

If after that you, moreover, put the car on the parking brake, this voltage will not disappear, but on the contrary, it will also be fixed by the handbrake.

What you need to know to drive automatic transmission without accidents

When driving a car with an automatic transmission, the driver should have several taboos, violation of which can lead to a breakdown or accident.

  1. First, never switch the lever from the "P" or "N" position to any other mode with the accelerator pedal depressed. Moreover, do not turn on the "P" while driving, and before switching to the "P" position, make sure that the machine has come to a complete stop.
  2. Secondly, there is a nuance when entering a slippery corner. This must be done in a low gear. And in order for it to turn on, you need to reduce the speed in advance.
  3. Thirdly, too sharp movements and aggressive driving style are prohibited. It is both uneconomical and easy to lose control of the car in winter. Especially in the corner. And a sharp start from a place in winter can even end with an instant gearbox failure. Also, slipping for more than 30 seconds is quite harmful - the clutches do not withstand.

Cars with automatic transmission have improved driving comfort, which is undoubtedly appreciated by most car enthusiasts. But despite the simplicity of operation, the system has a number of requirements for a long service life.

How to drive an automatic: what is an automatic transmission

First of all, let's figure out what the letters stand for and what standard modes an automatic transmission has:

  • Parking mode P - used to keep the car in place when parking, also used when starting the engine. To prevent damage to the automatic transmission, turn on the parking only when the movement is completely stopped.
  • Reverse R mode - reverse gear, used when you want to reverse. The mode is switched in the same way as the parking mode - only when the car comes to a complete stop.
  • Mode "Neutral" N - means the disengagement of all gears and modes, but the car will be in an unstable position and may roll. The mode is an assistant when lifting the car onto a tow truck, if you stall on the road or when you are pulled on a cable.
  • Drive mode D - indicates forward movement. Depending on the force of pressure on the gas pedal, it automatically switches speeds, which is undoubtedly the main convenience of the automatic transmission.
  • Digit 2 - denotes the inclusion of the second gear at a speed of no more than 40 km / h. Used when driving on slippery roads, unpaved climbs or when driving downhill.
  • L mode - used to engage first gear on steep climbs or off-road conditions.

How to drive a car: start the engine

  • To start the car, set the lever to parking mode P or N neutral.
  • Place your right foot on the brake pedal for safety.
  • After that, insert the key into the ignition and turn it, the lights on the instrument panel should light up.
  • We are waiting for a few minutes to turn on the fuel pump and create compression in the fuel frame.
  • After all the above steps, start the engine and put the lever in the “Drive” position.
  • Release the brake pedal smoothly, after which the car will drive without even pressing the accelerator pedal.

  • Try to carry out the first kilometers of movement in the minimum speed mode, without making a sharp increase in speed.
  • The most important and basic rule - never switch the gear lever to another mode when the car is moving, only when it comes to a complete stop.
  • It is often not recommended to turn on the “neutral” position, except if you are standing in a tight traffic jam and in extreme heat.
  • When stopping the car on a downhill in addition to “parking”, apply the handbrake for safety.
  • If you are stuck in a snowdrift, engage manual mode and second gear for a smoother start.
  • In case of an unforeseen situation on the road, tow the car at a distance of no more than 40-50 km, moving at a minimum speed of 30-40 km / h.

How to drive on the machine: stopping

To stop the vehicle, gently brake with the brake pedal:

  • If you stop for a short time, for example, at a traffic light, do not shift the gear lever from D mode, but hold it down with the brake pedal.
  • When the vehicle has stopped long enough, but the engine continues to run - for example, you are in a traffic jam, move the selector lever to the “N” mode.
  • If the stop is long, switch the lever to parking mode P.

How to drive an automatic: what is a handbrake for?

The rules of operation of transport urge all drivers not to completely trust the P mode and use the handbrake when the car comes to a complete stop. But judging by the reviews of motorists, they rarely use the hand brake, because they often forget to check its condition before driving. But still, in special situations, the use of the hand brake is extremely necessary:

  • If the driver plans to leave the car without stopping the engine.
  • When stopping on a steep slope, engage the handbrake and only then put the lever in P mode.
  • For reliable installation of the car when repairing or replacing auto parts.

Winter. Snow is falling, roads are being cleaned, snow is sweeping them again. Clean asphalt has not been seen for a long time. And you have to go, and every day.

How to drive an automatic transmission in the winter season? Is an automatic machine a plus or a minus in winter? If it's a plus, then how to fully use it, if it's a minus, then how to compensate for it?

Let's figure out all these issues.

Advantages of the automatic box

When the car is moving, the automatic transmission independently makes gear changes without distracting the driver from the process of driving, especially under difficult road conditions. It relieves him from constantly squeezing the clutch pedal, engaging the right gear, which for some inexperienced motorists is a real torment. The automatic machine is especially convenient when driving in a traffic jam, pressed the brake pedal, the car stopped, let it go, the car drove smoothly, you do not need to endlessly pull the gear lever, simultaneously operate the accelerator and clutch pedals. When starting up a hill, the automatic machine makes the movement of the machine without the risk of turning off the engine.

All this makes driving a car with a machine gun a comfortable and safe activity, but only in summer, on smooth, good roads. In winter, the situation changes dramatically. There is snow on the road, ice under the snow, pieces of clean asphalt are visible somewhere, the grip of the car's wheels with the road is unstable. Slippage, drifts, loss of control are possible. All this complicates the operation of the hydromechanical transmission, and requires additional knowledge and skills from the driver to drive a car with automatic transmission in winter.

How to properly warm up an automatic transmission in winter

After overnight parking, the car should start, despite the noticeable cold. Modern engines with fuel injection systems allow you to start moving the car immediately, practically without warming up, but do not rush. It is required to let the engine run a little without load , thin the engine oil, fill the lubrication system with it, let the pistons and cylinders warm up. This will take only 3 - 4 minutes, and the engine will repay the owner for this with long-term reliable operation.

An automatic transmission is a very complex and rather capricious unit that requires even more careful attention to itself. The machine must be prepared before starting the movement, which is well combined with the engine warming up.

Two to three minutes after starting the engine, it is recommended to press the brake pedal and move the automatic transmission selector to the “D” (driving) position. Without releasing the brake, let the box run in this mode for 20 - 30 seconds, and then switch to the "R" mode (reverse). Then wait another 30 seconds. Repeat the whole procedure "D" - "R" a couple of times, while you can slightly press the gas pedal, after tightening the "handbrake".

Before starting the movement in winter, the automatic transmission must be prepared: put the selector in the "D" mode, then in the "R" mode and wait half a minute, then repeat these steps a couple of times.

The initial warming up of the power unit and automatic transmission is over, now you can start off.

How to start driving on the machine in winter

One of the main advantages of a hydromechanical transmission is a smooth, jerk-free start of movement. On a car with "mechanics" a comfortable start depends on the skill and experience of the driver, the state of the clutch. The machine itself will gently move the car.

If the automatic transmission allows you to forcibly engage the first gear (for example, boxes with the "Tiptronic" function or in the presence of modes "1", "2"), then you should use this.

Automatic transmission with Tiptronic function - T-shaped branch on the right side of the box for manual control.

The beginning of the path - the first 400-600 meters - drive in first, then second gears, maintaining the engine speed of about 2000 rpm. Then turn on the automatic mode and continue driving in a relaxed style, without zealous when pressing the accelerator pedal. After 8-10 km of track, the automatic transmission is ready to operate normally, shifting from gear to gear smoothly, without bumps and jerks. This is another plus of the automatic transmission.

Warming up the automatic transmission and engine - the operations are not complicated. They do not take much time, but they greatly facilitate and lengthen the life of the power unit and hydromechanical automatic transmission. But if the engine repair is an operation worked out, and is carried out by many repair shops, then the automatic transmission repair is a very, very expensive procedure, it is carried out only by specialized enterprises, and the result is not always positive.

How to properly drive a car in winter

The rules listed below are valid for cars with any gearbox, but for the "automatic" they are especially relevant.

Automatic transmission problems in winter and their solutions

Below are the disadvantages inherent in automatic machines, which must be remembered during the winter operation of hydromechanical transmissions, as well as options for their elimination.

Automatic control during steep climbs and long descents

When driving in difficult conditions, when overcoming a steep hill or when driving on loose snow, the hydromechanical transmission can slip - this is its feature, since there is no rigid connection between the automatic transmission and the engine. In this situation, the driver must help the car by forcibly engaging a lower gear in advance.

When driving on a long slope, such as on mountain roads, to prevent dangerous acceleration of the vehicle, using only the braking system will overheat the pads, discs or drums. It is necessary to forcibly turn on the second or even the first gear of the automatic transmission for effective braking of the car.

Automatic transmission control when parking in winter

When parking, especially on a slope, you should fix the car with the brake pedal, move the automatic transmission selector to the “N” position, tighten the “handbrake”, and only then set the “P” mode - parking. This will protect the automatic transmission parking lock system from overload.

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