Home Engine Save on gasoline without risk: What is the difference between bonus programs on the gas station? Gas station rating: What kind of refueling the highest quality gasoline? The best gas station

Save on gasoline without risk: What is the difference between bonus programs on the gas station? Gas station rating: What kind of refueling the highest quality gasoline? The best gas station

How carefully do you feel about the quality of gasoline refueling? And what are the main criteria use in choosing a gas station? Today, the article will consider the top 10 of the best littering of the country in which you can replenish the tank without fears for the quality of fuel.

How is the quality of gasoline on different gas stations?

First, it is necessary to understand that it is high-quality and poor-quality gasoline.

Of course, you can not determine high-quality gasoline on the eye, as a special laboratory is engaged in this, which determines the main characteristics of the fuel:

  1. Fractional composition.
  2. Octane number.
  3. The number of impurities.

Although experienced drivers can tell about the quality of gasoline, listening to their car (the main indicators, according to the reviews of drivers, will be the sound and thrust of the engine, as well as the smell of exhaust gas). If you are not accustomed to such methods for determining the quality of gasoline, employee IA Express News offers to use the following ways:

  1. Look at the color, it should be a light golden shade (according to experts, the color of the 92nd gasoline is orange-red, and the 95th is yellow-green).
  2. Check the gasoline for fatty: if a little drop on the skin or paper and the fat trail will remain, it means that the solard is added. High-quality gasoline on a sheet of paper will evaporate, and the skin will dry.
  3. If in gasoline a large number of impurities, then a bright smell of sulfur will be felt.

And what affects the low quality of gasoline?

  • This may be non-compliance with the basic fuel storage and transportation standards.
  • Dirty fuel. There are no cases when the engine breakdowns are related to this item.
  • Mind of labeling gasoline to real quality.
  • Low-quality additives in fuel. Although it will be sold at the same price as normal gasoline, harm from it will be much more.

Rating of gasoline quality in 2018

And now we turn directly to the rating itself of the 10 best litterings, which are selected from the results of polls and conducted laboratory experiments.

The quality of gasoline complies with Euro-5 standards, as well as the company not the first time receives the "Ecological Sign" award. For clients of gas stations, there is an additional plus: quite affordable prices and more than a wide selection of fuel. Whatever combustible is not used for your car, most likely you will find it on this gas station.

2. Gazpromneft

One of the largest rubber networks in Russia. Fuel on the gas station complies with the Euro-4 standard, justifies the name and availability of gas refueling at stations. The specified values \u200b\u200bof the octane number are written without additional zoom. In addition, at refueling rates, competent staff, and there is an additional bonus in the form of coffee and corners for recreation of the driver.

According to many drivers, SHELL gas stations are just a little inferior to Gazpromneft gas stations. This company is a major world fuel producer. Its gas stations are well acquainted not only to Russians, but also residents of different countries of the world.

On the whole globe Shell deservedly conquers the hearts of their consumers. One of the main directions in the company is the work on the ecological fuel produced. Although for Russian drivers this criterion is still not the main one.

4. Rosneft

This company on the Russian market can boast not only the quality of gasoline, but also a license for the implementation of British Petroleum fuel. By the way, BP is the world's largest concern for the extraction and processing of oil.

This fuel consistently meets all the basic standards and standards in Europe. As for the own production of Rosneft, then the maintenance of the existing status is one of the most important state-owned refineries, adds certain obligations to maintain high quality gasoline on their gas stations.

This company can be recognized as one of the leaders in the number of gas stations in Russia. TNK traditionally tries to maintain the high quality of fuel, thanks to which he fell into the ranking of the best gas stations in Russia. The company produced by the company complies with the Euro-5 standard, prices and quality are in the best ratio.

In the composition of gasoline TNK there are additional additives that allow the engine to economically spend fuel. The gas stations of this company can be found not only in Russia, but also in the CIS.

Most opinions say that fuel here is more than satisfactory quality. Although the company itself is not engaged in fuel supplies at the federal level, and made focus on Moscow and the Moscow region. In addition to high-quality gasoline, customers also celebrate highly qualified personnel and well-equipped recreation places for the driver.

7. Sibneft.

These gas stations differ from the rest mainly by the maximum emphasis on the profile side of their stations. A very powerful technique is involved in the company itself, thanks to which it is possible to receive raw materials at greater depth than major competitors.

There are no passing services that are so often developing at the expense of gas stations. Rather, on the contrary, here you can find the exclusive line of goods, which was created back in 2013, and since then is the conqueror of many drivers. The choice of fuel here is usually wide, and the prices are quite democratic.

8. Faithon Aero.

At the gas station of the company Phaeton fuel comes at several places at once. Basically, this is the Kirish and Yaroslavl refinery. This network of gas stations is one of the oldest in the country, and most often found in the northern capital of Russia, as well as its area.

In addition to the wide range of gasoline, these gas stations also provide additional service: 24-hour supermarkets, cafes and pharmacies, as well as in most stations there is a car wash and tireage. However, despite the permanent assurances of the company on maintaining high quality, there are several reviews about the sad experience of refueling when the car is simply gluly.

9. Tatneft.

The main supplier of fuel for the Tatneft gas stations is the Moscow Oil Refinery. And this should already guarantee the quality of fuel. However, it is noteworthy that the reviews about this gas station are either very good or very bad. Golden middle has not yet been observed.

We must admit, the company does not hide the addition of certain additives into fuel. That's just what kind of additives, and how they affect the car, is no longer specified. But prices here can be found below average, plus a good additional service: competent staff, the availability of shops and cafeterias.

The MTC is the first, and so far the only network of petrol stations that is controlled by the Government of Moscow. That is why these gas stations are subject to the most rigorous control over the quality of gasoline and diesel. The fuel here complies with the Euro-4 standard, and is supported environmentally friendly. Drivers These gas stations will delight fairly low prices, compared to the rest of the competitors of Moscow and the Moscow region.

And yet, despite the quality and advantage of fuel with marking 95 and 98, it is worth understanding that the engine is initially created for a certain fuel.

Consequently, if the manual recommends the 92nd gasoline brand, completely overpay to the 95th or 98th. Although separately they will certainly show the best characteristics. But this will not mean that gasoline with a number 92 is poor quality. But in cases where the Range of 95 to 98 is specified in the recommendation on fuel, it is really worth choosing the last gasoline brand.

Much depends on the quality of fuel. Popular gasoline can reduce the resource of the engine, worsen its launch and adversely affect the dynamics of the iron horse. Alas, the concerns of the drivers were not in vain - last year, on direct instructions of the President of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office and Rosstandard conducted many checks of a gas station. The test results were disappointing - more than a third of the whole fuel turned out to be poor quality. Therefore, Russian motorists are important to know where it is worth refueling.

Gasoline gas station rating Compiled on the basis of Rosstandart and driver reviews on Otzovik and IreCommend sites, where every day thousands of users express their opinions about goods and services.

10. Phaeton

One of the oldest fuel operators of the country presented mainly in the northern capital and the region. Phaeton gas stations are equipped with an additionally around the clock supermarket, a cafe and even a pharmacy, as well as car wash, a tire pouch service and a tire. Representatives of Phaeton are purchased petroleum products in the Kirish and Yaroslavl refinery and argue that the quality of fuel constantly control. Some car enthusiasts are unhappy that after refueling Ai95 the car is worse to ride, otherwise it is completely sick.

Users generally noted the acceptable quality of gasoline (with the exception of individual references in the Ulyanovsk region), but negatively respond about the quality of service.

The opinion on Tatneft refueling from motorists is either very good or very bad - there are practically no average estimates. Some celebrate purity, convenience, delicious menu, clean toilets and excellent quality of gasoline, on which iron friend runs as never run before. Others indicate the exact opposite: the car goes with jerks, protracted overclocking and even replacement of the catalyst and fuel pump. Therefore, only 8 line of rating gets this network of gas stations.

Although Sibneft activities at the beginning were limited to the Tomsk region, now the refueling of this network was separated throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. In 2013, the company has developed new fifth grade fuels with improved characteristics. It is argued that this fuel reduces the cost of maintaining the engine maintenance, reduces the speed of contamination of the engine oil and increases the service life of the candles. In addition, it is more environmentally safe.

Reviews and rating Gas station The highlight of gasoline is mostly positive. There are excellent quality of service, cleanliness, a comfortable area of \u200b\u200brecreation and politeness of service personnel (there are tankers). And, of course, good quality gasoline.

Good gasoline for normal money, which is well taken by even cars with capricious engines. It is noted that 92 ECTO is rather overvalued, but quality 92 is quite good. However, politeness and distortion of the staff leaves much to be desired.

4. Shell.

According to users, the only minus network of refueling from the international oil giant is their number. There are excellent gasoline quality and its economical consumption. Especially motorists like the Shell V-Power gasoline, which is equipped with additives for more efficient and dynamically engine operation.

An honest octane number, an acceptable price for good quality, the presence of additional services and polite staff is that Gazpromneft refueling on the 3rd line of the gas station of Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg for gasoline quality. However, it is noted that the quality of gasoline can vary - depends on suppliers.

Car enthusiasts note the variety of fuels; In addition to "ordinary" (quite good quality), there is still so-called. Fuel "ECTO PLUS", in which many special additives to extend the service life of the engine and its greater environmental safety. However, there are also cons - for example, the likelihood is high that the quality of gasoline in small cities can be far from the perfect.

1. Rosneft

Rosneft heads a gasoline gas station rating by providing good fuel at reasonable prices. Personnel polite. There is a discount program and regularly carry out promotions that reduce the price of fuel. AZS can provide additional services, such as wheel swap and vacuum cleaner for the cabin, and pour gasoline to the canister.

The quality of gasoline at refueling does not depend on the presence of a cafe, discounts are just nice little things. Therefore, it is better to refuel gasoline only on proven gas stations. In any case, you can always ask for a certificate for the product and clarify the manufacturer.

Many drivers do not attach great importance to such a factor as the quality of gasoline, which they refuel their cars. It all depends on how long the machine was refueling with low quality fuel, and which was its composition.

A person who becomes the owner of the car immediately faces the problem of choosing a place where he will refuel its vehicle.

Where is the low quality gasoline

For example, yesterday, diesel fuel was transported in the tank, and today gasoline is transported in the unsolved container. Under the type of AI 95, a product with octane number 92 can be sold; Either the mixture of the mixture does not correspond to modern characteristics, which also adversely affects many systems of the car. So on what gas stations to refuel cars in Moscow and other cities of the country?

Despite the fact that some gas stations use good reviews, sometimes they also have low-quality fuels. The remaining water is mixed with fuel and later enters the car tank, which over time leads to problems with the engine.

Gasoline is varied in its composition and the brand of gas is also depends on it. Determining the quality of gasoline using conventional paper. If you want to check the gasoline on the resin content in it, then it's enough to drop a little gasoline and set fire to the glass and then watch. Alternatively, you can try to determine the quality of gasoline on the smell, but this is if you have a good sense of smell.

So it became known that Moscow refinery, the main supplier of fuel in the capital, does not produce "winter" gasoline brands at all. However, the calorific value of MTBE is about 20% lower than that of gasoline in which it is poured. Therefore, such a fuel causes cars to accelerate "calmer", in which the adjusting octane number of additives are not used.

Quality of gasoline AI 95. Best refills

Independent gasoline test in the laboratory

The first surprise was the search for a laboratory that can test gasoline. Poured gasoline into plastic canisters, specially intended for gasoline. For testing, standard 95Y gasoline was taken.

Moreover, the equipment in the mobile laboratory is an order of magnitude more expensive than the equipment in the same Madi, where the bloggers have previously laid out a video about octis 2 reality testimony. The quality of gasoline, its brand, is a price tag for gasoline on a gas station, and we all pay a full-fledged ruble for each liter of fuel. But as soon as you try to measure the fuel from the next refinery - you get a complete line. By what it is necessary to calibrate for specific production. 92 Gasoline9min-25Shek on a roller about 92 gasoline - getting its device from Gazpromneft, the author says, without letting him go to the last test tube with Rosneft that Rosneft gives the best result. They are cumbersome, roads, there are few of them, measurement is worth tangible money. But this is really measuring the octane number. Manufacturers of this Herie decided to get around all these difficulties. Use octis-2 to quickly and accurately determine the octane number of gasoline.

Gas station Gasoline 2015-2016 Rating will help deal with these issues and provides the top ten leaders in the Russian fuel market. Fuel passes strict quality control, meets the Euro 4 standard and is considered environmentally friendly. Gasoline entering the tetneft petrol networks, undergoing strict control and produced at the Moscow Oil Refining Plant. AZS Faithon Aero also hit the top ten leaders in the quality of gasoline. At the moment, at the gas station there is a new unique fuel of the highest quality - this is AI-95 "Premium-Sport". Fuel prices are slightly overestimated, but this deficiency can be forgiven due to high-quality gasoline with powerful additives, which ensure the durability of the engine and high power during operation.

After all, the quality of fuel can have a wide range of effects: and it is not a fact that the consequences will please the car owner. In addition, low quality gasoline leads to the fact that the engine is spoiled and breaking.

The temperature of gasoline evaporation depends on the fractional composition, the engine operation in various conditions, its service life. It is possible to determine all these indicators in the laboratory conditions, but not all drivers go to this measure to find out where to refuel your car.

What gas stations are better - gas station rating

After all, poor-quality fuel has a very negative effect, in particular, to work the engine and, in general, to work the entire mechanism of the car. It contains the standard, the place of spill, the environmental friendliness of the fuel. If the track from the drop of gasoline on the skin will leave the roughness, then gasoline is high-quality. If the sediment falls out, then this is an indicator of bad fuel.

Random gasoline, refueling in the gas station "Rosneft" you will not find. Low fuel quality is not here and the company itself is interested in realizing pure gasoline without impurities. The advantages of the gas station LUKOIL not only in the fact that they sell high-quality fuel. Finally, the Discount Card "Likard" from the company LUKOIL makes it possible to acquire any kind of fuel at refueling throughout Russia. Today, at the "Track" gas stations, you can purchase a new premium-Sport-95 gasoline. The quality control of the fuel best showed the result at the gas station "Mainer". In addition to powerful and pure fuel, at the refueling of this company will always find a high level of service, regardless of which part of Russia you are.

It turned out that the samples on the sulfur indicator corresponded to the 4th grade, and this is very good. All famous brands hit the gas station ranking. The quality of service and the availability of infrastructure is also noted.

What gasoline is better than AI-92 or AI-95?

After that, its quality is reduced - perhaps the company turned out to be a long-selling fuel party that need to sell someone. For each type of fuel, you can get information about the presence of various impurities in them - the seller should not hide such data from the buyer. At such a time, there is always a large number of customers on the gas station, which means that the probability of fillings in the "enjoyed" product is reduced. The company's partner is a famous manufacturer of Stat Oil. In Europe, very much follows the quality of fuel. The company monitors its products and constantly conducts unscheduled inspections of its quality, which allows people to offer gasoline and diesel fuel to the highest standards.

But even if the driver is mistakenly focusing AI-92, then nothing terrible will happen. Almost any car in our time is able to work on fuel with a smaller octane number than required. The same information confirms the technical leader of Ford. He also added that when gasoline refueling with "branded" additives, the driver of the difference would practically notice. Each of us would be refueling with high-quality gasoline, but, unfortunately, in the whole country, the quality of fuel leaves much to be desired.

Therefore, the injector should be filled with a gas station that is better than gasoline. But, nevertheless, such an appearance does not mean that high-quality gasoline will fill in the car. This practically eliminates the hit-quality gasoline directly on the gas station, and hence both the car tank. Do not know where it is better than 98 gasoline, means having permanent problems with the fuel system. In general, in order to find high-quality and favorable refueling, you should not scour in the network for a long time, driven in search engines like "gasoline 95 where it is better to refuel."

Myth: In the cold time, the Summer Diesel can sell

If the car is calculated on 92 gasoline, then 95 gasoline can be addressed. Many are inclined to 92, believing that he is cleaner. But do not forget that 92 is all the same 80. It can confirm any examination. But the main thing is not in this. First of all, you should see the instructions for the car or open the gas tank hatch, perhaps the gasoline brand is indicated. If your car is recommended 95 gasoline, then it is worth pouring it only. Well, if recommended 92, then the decision for the car owner.

Most motorists at least once heard the terrible stories about how the owner of a diesel car in the evening flooded fuel in the evening, and I could not get started in the morning. First, on the gas station you can ask the fuel quality certificate (repeat, sometimes hang it on a special bench), where the freezing temperature is prescribed. If you see that the wasolar on the gas station without a signboard costs rubles 10 cheaper than the norms, turn around it. In the old grandfather "Zhiguli" or "Volga" in no case cannot be pouring modern high-octane gasoline. In fact, it is worth starting with the fact that the old 80th gasoline find in Russia is almost unrealistic. Good gasoline should be transparent as dew and smell like a grandfather in the garage, "the experienced driver will tell you. Situation: Moscow, Gardening area, Mega-White Dacha. The essence of the divorce: you splash oil from below to the engine area.

The fact is that the window is cold, and since I noticed that my Ford Fusion began to eat a lot. And today an article - where is it better to fill? Small oil companies do not count, for refueling there will be more expensive.

If TSI, then you need to be scrupulous, but if I have a Toyota, then you can refuel at any (brand). Personally, I prefer LUKOIL, if there is no nearby, then I boldly refuel on Rosneft, Gazpromneft, BP, I don't refuel on Shell, well, it can poured gasoline a couple of times, just no shell in my area. The bonus system is liked to LUKOIL, the G-Drive on Gazpromneft as it was refilled, (there was no usual) the average fuel consumption is really reduced. But the topic about gasoline of Moscow !!! In short, so what refueling is better in Moscow?

In order not to get to see the choice of gasoline for your car, use proven methods. If you are away from the house, pay attention to how much car refueling with the numbers of this region. Probably, the company wants to "reward" its fuel in high status, without having certificates.

But in any case, he will go to the gas stations of various brands. The continuation of the previous myth sounds like this: let the fuel at the loading of one brand differ depending on the region, but the entire gas station of this brand belongs to the same company. Want to know what gas stations work on a franchise, and what no? There is nothing easier - go to the official website of the fuel company. And there, depending on the design, can easily enter 5-6 liters of fuel. And motorists from major cities so generally a very wide choice of gas stations and go to refueling another brand is not so far away. The only minus trips to the cheaper refueling can be conclusted in the time spent.

Many gas stations of Russia are not able to fully meet the needs of customers. If you are thinking about which of the refueling is better in Russia, this rating will help to decide.

Filling stations love to cheer, so you need to be on the check. First of all, pay attention to the price factor. It contains a gasoline brand, which buyers are refilled, for which standards it is produced and by whom how environmental. LUKOIL. To date, gasoline is one of the best at once in several indicators. Especially against the background of other brands, "Premium-Sport" is allocated 95. Gasoline is distinguished by its economy and environmental friendliness, as well as professionally selected additives.

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