Home Steering The best gasoline: where and on which gas station you can find high-quality fuel. Rating filling. Rating fuel companies. In which refueling the highest quality gasoline on what gas station is better refueling

The best gasoline: where and on which gas station you can find high-quality fuel. Rating filling. Rating fuel companies. In which refueling the highest quality gasoline on what gas station is better refueling

The invaluable experience every "AU Russian Trails" copies are not careful for the sake of the sake for. Because he experienced the retreat from the standards, the presence of impurities (that sin to hone: at least gasoline is not sour cream, but it is diluted with water, fuel with a lower octane number) are fraught with large troubles.

Filters have been hammered, rogged candles

If you approach the question without due attention, the car slowly, but right, and sometimes instantly, responds to violation of the rules of "food". Crashing filters, malfunctions Nozzles, Nagar Candles - a far from a complete list of troubles, waiting for us after we poured into the fuel tank, if we assured us that it was good gasoline.

What you need to know in order to avoid the troubles associated with a visit to the "not the" gas station? To begin with, we analyze the factors affecting the quality of fuel: (measure of the detonation resistance of gasoline), the launcher, the working and end fraction, the measure of alkali content, acids, organic compounds, etc.

Although there is an opinion that it is not always fuel on branded gas stations better than that, which is implemented by little-known points, many drivers for a question about "best gasoline", on what refueling they trade, answer what they like Shell, Rosneft, some others Split stations.

When not a lemonade

How to find out about the progress of fuel quality? The law-abiding owners of each refueling are exposed to universal reviews special certificates. I want to believe: in fact, everything is written. Unfortunately, the practice shows: not always the official certificate data shook with reliability. It is impossible to demand the same utility from gasoline 80 and 95 - fractional indicators are different.

Before talking about what gas stations sell the highest quality gasoline, rating, we estimate other consumer. The most popular is the 95th, the least requested - the 76th. And what? It seems that some gas station workers learned the Council of Dale Carnegie "If fate gave you a lemon - make a lemonade from it" to your mercenary way. Applying the so-called additives for diesel fuel (enhancers), they from the 76th Lemon do whatever, right up to the 95th "Brandy".

This dubious mixture works a huge number of cars throughout the country. Especially harmful to the machine, the improvements originally added to the raw materials from which gasoline was produced. However, not all "shoals" stacks are stacked on the conscience of fuel traders. So, falls if it was stored for too long. In this case, the resin content increases (due to the increase in the concentration of fuel hydrocarbons).

Question friend

How not to miss with the choice of gas stations? Methods have a lot. First of all, ask those whose opinion you consider objective and honest (friends, colleagues at work, relatives). Although in this narrow circle, opinions may disperse, you can catch the vector of action, draw conclusions. The most high-quality and proven brands in Russia in 2016 are considered: "LUKOIL", Gazpromneft, Shell, TNK. But maybe it is only about the center?

There is an opinion that traveling around the country can be faced with the fact that a gas station with a high reputation in metropolitan consumers implements fuel that does not correspond to the stated quality. What to do in this case? Inscribe local residents from the number of motorists, where they prefer to be serviced. Or watch the "behavior" of cars with local rooms. Which station is most of all - the truth is there.

More subtlety: alert with excessive use of bright words "Suite", "Premium" in the Fuel Price List at the station. Recall that the dust in our eyes can do everything in our advertising time. Looking a little modesty: the name of the brand without any "suites". So the goods are presented where there is no need to prove that it is high-quality and proven.

Passport gasoline

What gas stations are the highest quality gasoline? Reviews of the people sometimes slightly (and sometimes radically) change the emphasis in places. For example, the top three includes Shell. It is believed that the product is environmentally friendly (complies with the EURO-4 standard), the GOST norms are observed. The fuel system is not contaminated. But you can hear about the fact that Shell (as well as "TNK") in some cases sells fuel stored on not the coolest refuses (the owners of storages are drawn by partners, to put it mildly, not something).

Therefore, attention, attention and once again attention. Look at the gas station, find a gasoline passport there. If the fuel has improved, it has a separate document. Read whether this process was performed on GOST or on the basis of technical conditions. Evaluate environmental safety, find the name of the oil refinery.

Passport gasoline can be overdue (valid 10 days). At the end of this time, the initial indicators are reduced, the quality of fuel falls. Do not risk, do not buy fuel at gas stations before you familiarize yourself with your passport data. If there is no document in the form of the document - this is already a sign of the unscrupulousness of the seller.

Do not chase, chauffeur, for cheap!

Almost every second driver at least once thought about where to buy not too expensive gasoline. Complete desire. But standing at the dressing with the goods "at a reasonable price", think about: Gleansky is unlikely to be so cheap, and the manufactured one will probably be too useful for your car. The quality of the conditions is initially less rigid.

In the knowledge of what gas stations are the highest quality gasoline, of course, power. But always remember that in large cities of a falsified and poor-quality fuel less, they are better away from them better to keep the ears on the painter. In addition, on weekdays gasoline is better than on weekends and holidays.

Check the quality. Look at the appearance of a flammable liquid, rate the color gamut. There are poisonous shades - do not risk, do not fill the gas tank, even if the price is tempting.

About color. Experts say that the A-72 is pink, the A-76 is yellow, in the 93rd - orange-red, the 95th reminds the priority of gastric juice (yellow-green). Although there are those who find that sometimes he looks like a lemonade "Diushes", and doubt as.

What smells?

There is an inspection to the touch. This is done like this: gasoline dripped on the hand (the back side is more sensitive). Dry skin? You made a good choice. Remain fat traces? Stop! The fuel added a diesel fuel than the quality reduced. Very unpleasant smell - also the signal of fuel disadvantage. Car owners with experience and attentive beginners are alarming when they catch the smell of magnificent rubber, chemistry.

These tips help to recognize low-quality grades of fuel, but are not ideal testing methods. There are still chemical analyzes that can be carried out at home. Pour the studied substance into a glass of glass and are observed. At the bottom formed deposits from soot? This suggests that the fuel is enriched with carbon or benzene.

If you take a sheet of paper and put a drop of gasoline on it, the real will evaporate without a trace, poor and dirty trail will leave behind himself. If you set fire to the drop - the net burns without a trace, more precisely, the white circle will remain. The presence of brown and yellow indicates the excess of the resin content. Particularly vigilant drivers resort to the study of fuel consumed by the beloved machine, in special laboratories.

We continue testing

Before the laboratory and did not react? Continue personal experiments: Look, how does a drop of gasoline behave on the glass? "Extensive" spread in diameter up to 5 mm? It means that the concentration of resins in it is 9-10 milligrams per 100 milliliters (the rate for high-quality fuel is 7-15 mg).

Split to 30 millimeters? The resins content is exceeded and reaches from about 19 to 21 milligrams per hundred milliliters. Permanent excess for this indicator twice the engine testing by 20%.

On the amount of water in the gasoline under study. Add to the vessel with fuel crystalline manganese. If the composition becomes typical purple - in it excess H2O. In high-quality fuel, the crystals are not soluble. Water gasoline will be in disreterance of the spark plug, pollute the fuel equipment.

Beautiful word "aryometer"

Cannient? It is worth learn to recognize the highest quality gasoline in Russia, on what refills it is most likely to find it. Many people like to use a household gasolinener (aryometer). Of course, it is not necessary to fully rely on the accuracy of the data obtained with it. But if you need to separate the "grains from the spurred" and determine gasoline and diesel, then the aryometer is what you need. Having reveaing problems with fuel, pick up time for professional diagnostics of the car.

In the event of a breakdown and repair of transport due to poor-quality injections, having laboratory conclusions about poor-quality fuel on the hands, it is possible to contact Rospotrebnadzor (engaged in the protection of consumer rights) with a statement for reimbursement of the cost of bringing the machine to the working condition.

TOP 10

Waning out where there is the highest quality on what gas stations, some motorists did reviews, driving through the expanses of Russia. The experiment showed that eight sulfur sample samples corresponded to grade 4 (a pair of which approached the fifth), two showed the third class (we are talking about the sulfur content). So not everything is so sad. If you are refueling not from the fuel truck, do not chase for the cheapness, you have every chance to refuel the 95th, in whatever corner of the country you will have a hunt for changing places.

Praise the brands "Gazpromneft", "Kirishih gasoline" (tests give a steady positive result). The first of the named two plants is in Moscow and Yaroslavl, both guarantee product quality.

More about those that are counted to the "dozen brave": these are well-known companies "TNK", Rosneft, Shell. Many "TNK-BP" are familiar, "Nest." The gas stations of these brands are based on domestic fuel (exception - 98th gasoline). But be attentive: not in that place or "not at such a time" can be encountered with the fact of the incomprehension of the desired and valid - there are complaints of quality from consumers.

German and Russian quality

There is a small company "Statotal" and a large, known, but not too beloved by the consumers "PTK". Complete a list of average quality "Tatneft" (no own refuse) and "Bashneft" (there is a base). They divided the 10th place among themselves. With regard to global assessments, there is an international center for Nazru for fuel quality. It is believed that the highest quality gasoline in the world is realized in Germany. In the second position of Japan, on the third - six countries, among which Austria, Estonia, Fidjadia, Hungary, PCC.

What is it, the highest quality on which refueling is? The question is rather rhetorical. Some are confident that you need to adhere to the principle "One gas station is one manufacturer." Others believe that you can contact different stations, if only they were branded. Third people say that at a small refueling can be twisted with high-quality fuel, and on the luxury fly. This is only part of the opinions!

It seems the most wise one of them: do not look for an unequivocal answer to the question of what gas stations are the highest quality gasoline. Follow the essence of the question. And you will always find the desired, drive around in the endless Russian expanses.

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What refueling the highest quality gasoline? Such a question arises almost every driver. After all, poor-quality fuel has a very negative effect, in particular, to work the engine and, in general, to work the entire mechanism of the car. And ultimately there is seriously on the wallet. According to the results of the verification of Rosstandart, stunning conclusions were obtained: one third of the gasoline turned out to be poorly.
This article discloses in detail the topic, on what gas stations are better than gasoline. It is necessary to know how many petrol stations. And on ignorance, you can "poison" your low-quality fuel machine.
It is also worth remembering several tips in order to choose the right refueling:

On any gas station should be available a passport of fuel, which is updated every 10 days.

  • A passport must be available on any gas station. It contains the standard, the place of spill, the environmental friendliness of the fuel. Passport period 10 days.
  • If the track from the drop of gasoline on the skin will leave the roughness, then gasoline is high-quality. Battitude on the skin speaks of added diesel fuel.
  • Low price - the reason to think about quality.
  • Signing GOST is the best quality guarantor.
  • Normal color of gasoline - red-brown.
  • If the sediment falls out, then this is an indicator of bad fuel.
  • In major cities, gasoline is better.
  • If, when adding a manganese woman in gasoline, a red color is formed, then water is added to the fuel.

  1. Lukoil provides except standard high-quality fuels, also "ECTO-PLUS". It has additives to improve the engine and increase its power. Gasoline complies with GOST and all European standards. Ecologicaly clean. High quality product. Suitable for any machines.
  2. Rosneft Always offers high-quality fuel. Promotions are provided, discounts. Additional services are provided (pumping the wheel, spending the salon, etc.).
  3. Gazpromneft. Offers attractive fuel prices and additional services. Quality depends on suppliers.
  4. Shell. It has only high-quality gasoline corresponding to GOST and Eurostandard. It is worth noting gasoline V-POWER, which is suitable for engines of any cars. Promotes more efficient operation of the motor and increases its resource. Environmentally friendly, without contamination.
  5. Gas station TNK. Gasoline is high quality and comes to any, even a very "folding" engine. Complies with the environmental standard. Contribute to increasing the power and cleaning internal engine nodes. 92 Eco were especially marked. At the gas station there are bonus discounts.
  6. Gas station Rouss Sales quality gasoline. Most motorists are satisfied with the product of this company. Ultra-modern additives contribute to washing the car from all parts of the engine. There are service personnel, recreation area.
  7. Sibneft. This company has developed a new fuel fifth grade fuel. It has improved characteristics. It can reduce engine maintenance costs, reduce oil pollution and raise the life of the candles. It is also safe environmentally.
  8. Tatneft. Gasoline of this company is not suitable for each car, although it passes strict control. The opinion of motorists are divided here. Fuel additives contribute to its savings and improving the engine operation.
  9. Bashneft.. Gasoline's value. Additional services.
  10. Phaeton He declares that gasoline purchases from the Kirish and Yaroslavl refinery and constantly checks it. Additives contribute to the best acceleration. Engine power is enhanced. Nevertheless, their AI-95 leaves much to be desired. The gas stations have many additional services, round-the-clock supermarkets, pharmacies.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear on what gas stations the highest quality 95 and 92 gasoline.

What gasoline is better refueling

Rosneft gas station

If the car is calculated on 92 gasoline, then 95 gasoline can be addressed. On the contrary, do not do.

After the gas station is selected, it is necessary to decide on the gasoline brand. Many are inclined to 92, believing that he is cleaner. But do not forget that 92 is all the same 80. It can confirm any examination. But the main thing is not in this. First of all, you should see the instructions for the car or open the gas tank hatch, perhaps the gasoline brand is indicated. If your car is recommended 95 gasoline, then it is worth pouring it only. Well, if recommended 92, then the decision for the car owner. Harm will not be, if instead of 92 pour 95. You can take turns in turn 92 and 95 and experimentally identify, with which gasoline machine is better driven. But, usually, the choice remains for 95.

It takes close attention to itself and gasoline 98. By the way, if the question arises: at what gas station 98 is better, it is best to contact LUKOIL gas stations. Some motorists are asked if it is possible to pour 98. Could the car be better ride with this gasoline? The answer is categorical - no. This gasoline is recommended for highly affiliated engines with a high compression. That is, for motor simplifiers.
But if there was surrogate gasoline in the gas tank, then 5-10 liters of 98 should be pouring. And urgently visit the service station.

Diesel fuel

Petrol station Shell.

Where the best diesel fuel identified American researchers. In the first place is Sweden. The content of sulfur in the Schvetsky Diesel is reduced to a minimum. In second place - Germany, on the third - Japan. The fuel of these countries is environmentally friendly and prolongs the period of operation of diesel cars.
In Russia, unfortunately, diesel fuel is not high quality. And that's why, . In addition, there is no economic benefit in this. But if you still need diesel fuel, it is worth checking its quality in the following ways:

  • poor-quality fuel has a dark color and he has a precipitate;
  • if you skip high-quality fuel through a paper filter, then a small light spot will remain on paper. With low quality, there is a dark and large stain with inserted points;
  • it is possible to determine the addition of water, pouring fuel into a transparent container and closed tightly. Called water forms a separate layer.

At what refueling is better refueling with diesel, the rating of gas stations will help:

In Russia, the cost of diesel fuel does not correspond to its low quality.

  1. LUKOIL.
  2. Rosneft.
  3. Route.
  4. Gazpromneft.


From this article, you can draw the following conclusion: the quality of fuel on the gas station can differ significantly from each other. You can learn something about refueling in special forums, from friends. And in the future it is already using the services of only one company. If high-quality fuel and exceeds the price of the usual, then you should not be afraid of this. It is better to pay for good gasoline than for forced repair of the car.

From how high-quality gasoline uses quite a lot. The use of poor-quality gasoline can lead to a reduction in the engine resource, to deterioration of its launch and have a negative impact on the dynamic indicators of the car. And these statements, unfortunately, have sufficiently good reasons. Last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a direct instruction of the Prosecutor General's Office and Rosstandard to conduct multiple fuel quality checks on various gas stations.

The results of conductive depressing checks - at least one third part of the entire fuel being implemented does not meet the established standards. Therefore, such great importance for Russian motorists plays the right choice of refueling. When drawing up a gas station rating, the quality of the fuel sold on them, the drivers left by them on the websites of IreCommend and Otzovik were taken into account. On these resources, thousands of users make an opinion on the quality of goods and services daily.

10th place. Phaeton

This company is one of the oldest operators in Russia, which is mainly represented in the Northern Capital and its area. At the gas station Phaeton there are additional 24-hour supermarkets, small cafes and even pharmacies. In addition, they are all equipped with car wash points and services where you can pump tires and repair their repair. Petroleum products for gas stations Phaeton are purchased at the Kirish and Yaroslavl refinery. According to the heads' leaders, they are constant control over fuel quality. However, some drivers express dissatisfaction with the fact that the car, filled with AI95 at these refills, is not going very well, but also begins to spontaneously sick.

9th place. Bashneft.

The users generally noted quite acceptable fuel quality. The exceptions are several separate gas stations located on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region. But at the same time there is a large number of negative reviews regarding the quality of service.

8th place. Tatneft

The paradox lies in the fact that car enthusiasts are spoken by either very good motorists, or the Council is bad. There are practically no average estimates. The cleanliness of the refueling, the convenience of using them, a variety of and tasty menu in a cafe during refueling, very clean toilets. And all this in addition to the high quality of gasoline, allowing the iron friend to remember young years. But at the same time there are statements that after refueling the car begins to move in a ribbon style, that is, there is no stability. Significantly increases the amount of time spent for overclocking. Sometimes, as they claim, after such a refueling even have to replace the fuel pump.

7th place. Sibneft.

Initially, Sibneft's activities were distributed only to the Tomsk region, but at present its refills can be found throughout Russia. In 2013, the company's specialists developed a new fuel type - fifth grade prime having improved characteristics. According to the company, thanks to this fuel, you can significantly reduce the cost of engine maintenance costs. In addition, there is a decrease in the air pollution rate for the engine, and the period of normal functioning of the candles increases. Plus to all of the listed, this fuel has a high level of environmental safety.

6th place. Route

The bulk of feedback on gas stations route has a positive color. Almost everyone talks about the excellent quality of service, cleanliness, the availability of comfort in the recreation area and good operating staff, including tankers. And, of course, everyone emphasizes good high-quality gasoline.

5th place. TNK

A good value of the quality of gasoline and the price of it. Even cars having capricious engines are well perceived gasoline from these fills. True, some believe that there is some reassessment of gasoline 92To, which cannot be said about the quality of 92. At the same time, many notes a low level of service, which is expressed in the absence of politeness and ramoretry at the service personnel.

4th place. Shell.

According to most drivers, the only minus network of refills belonging to international oil giant is their insufficient amount. With all, without exception, there is a high quality gasoline level, allowing it to cost it economically. Special preference by motorists is given by Shell V-Power gasoline, which includes additives, ensuring efficient and dynamic engine operation.

3rd place. Gazpromneft.

The one hundred percent presence of the promised octane number of gasoline, quite an acceptable price for it, in the presence of good quality, this is the refueling attracts motorists to themselves and what allows them to be in the top three rating leaders. This is complemented by a good learning personnel and the presence of additional services. However, there are statements, which states that the quality of gasoline sometimes affects the fuel supplier.

2nd place. Lukoil

All motorists there are a variety of fuel types: in addition to the usual, having enough good quality, there is also the so-called fuel "ECTO PLUS". The latter in its composition has special additives, thanks to which there is an opportunity to extend the term of the uninterrupted operation of the engine, and increase its environmental safety. With all this, there is a fairly high likelihood that in the cities of a small size the quality of gasoline will not be at the proper level.

1st place. Rosneft

The Rosneft Ranking Ranking allows the level of gasoline quality. They have the opportunity to purchase good quality fuel at quite reasonable prices. The staff of the staff is very high. At refills, the use of a whole program of discounts is practiced and with enviable periodicity, you can become a participant in the action that allows you to save on fuel. Personnel of gas stations are also provided with such additional services as swaping wheels, carbon processing with a vacuum cleaner. In addition, at the request of the client, gasoline can be poured into his canisters.

Much depends on the quality of fuel. Popular gasoline can reduce the resource of the engine, worsen its launch and adversely affect the dynamics of the iron horse. Alas, the concerns of the drivers were not in vain - last year, on direct instructions of the President of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office and Rosstandard conducted many checks of a gas station. The test results were disappointing - more than a third of the whole fuel turned out to be poor quality. Therefore, Russian motorists are important to know where it is worth refueling.

One of the oldest fuel operators of the country presented mainly in the northern capital and the region. Phaeton gas stations are equipped with an additionally around the clock supermarket, a cafe and even a pharmacy, as well as car wash, a tire pouch service and a tire. Representatives of Phaeton are purchased petroleum products in the Kirish and Yaroslavl refinery and argue that the quality of fuel constantly control. Some car enthusiasts are unhappy that after refueling Ai95 the car is worse to ride, otherwise it is completely sick.

Users generally noted the acceptable quality of gasoline (with the exception of individual references in the Ulyanovsk region), but negatively respond about the quality of service.

The opinion on Tatneft refueling from motorists is either very good or very bad - there are practically no average estimates. Some celebrate purity, convenience, delicious menu, clean toilets and excellent quality of gasoline, on which iron friend runs as never run before. Others indicate the exact opposite: the car goes with jerks, protracted overclocking and even replacement of the catalyst and fuel pump. Therefore, only 8 line of rating gets this network of gas stations.

Although Sibneft activities at the beginning were limited to the Tomsk region, now the refueling of this network was separated throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. In 2013, the company has developed new fifth grade fuels with improved characteristics. It is argued that this fuel reduces the cost of maintaining the engine maintenance, reduces the speed of contamination of the engine oil and increases the service life of the candles. In addition, it is more environmentally safe.

Over the years of work, I had to visit the great set of a lot of different caliber. Both in the capitals and thousands of kilometers from them. Therefore, all underlying is my personal opinion. I apologize to those who do not agree with him in advance.

What is a good gas station?

For me personally, a good gas station is not just a place where polite employees themselves pour normal fuel to the tank. In my opinion, on a good gas station should be developed, allowing you to calmly park the car at any time, go to the toilet, eat, etc.

As a nonentened example, I will give Finland. During ten minutes from Border, I once am surprised noted that the Finns come to the local gas station ... Resting! Aboriginal confirmed - yes, they say ... It's good here: Parents half a day are sitting in a restaurant, the children crawl and rummage somewhere nearby, immediately under the common roof there is a big store with all sorts of things - from souvenirs to some kind of economic utensils ... Question about the quality of fuel It does not occur.

Actually, it is like that I want to see. Not everyone should be a restaurant, but here is modern filling columns plus toilet and mini-shop - personally for me a prerequisite for their "good". Unfortunately, still comes across a plurality of gas stations, where money has to be poked in the street tray, and about the filling gun even in the summer it is easy to frozen hands. Such I would eliminate mercilessly.


The list of "obviously bad" gas stations constantly publish different media. At the same time, the most often we are talking about one-day firms, changing the name, the dislocation. Therefore, for the hundredth time I apologize for all tensity, but I strongly recommend refueling exclusively on branded gas stations with a developed infrastructure - with other things being equal conditions are preferably close to large settlements. And better - right in major cities, if there is such an opportunity. This is not the "fingers fan", but only a sober calculation, which reduces the risk to run into junk.

Specifically? We drive your fingers: "Lukoil", BP, Rosneft, Tatneft, Gazpromneft, Shell, Kirishi ... These names are hearing, and beautiful gas stations with branded logos are visible for the mile. Unfortunately, a gas station is often found, diligently masking under the "firm". For example, in yellow-green tones it is easy to meet not BP, but some RV ... sometimes another: you come, for example, to LUKOIL, refuel, and only here you understand that the check is written "Vasi's gas stations". At one time, I asked a similar question "Upstairs" - I was answered that on the company site there are information about the "twins", with which, allegedly, can not do anything ... I do not want to argue. In addition, there is a bad word "franchising" - probably it is it ...


Many are refilled "in the same place," because there are no problems there. It is difficult to argue with such an argument. I will only say that if it is not mentioned above the brand gas station, then its fate is poorly predictable, and therefore the quality of the fuel can greatly change. But those who are refueling from the principle "next to the house" do not understand. However, if this is a branded gas station, then - for God's sake.


The cost of refueling on the same "Shell" or on BP is usually higher than on the usual gas station No. 3,14159 ... But I believe that this is not a reason to look for something cheaper. Try to compare the cost of refueling the 60-liter tank and savings from fuel, which is cheaper, let's say on the ruble. It will immediately become clear that on a general background, the difference is very small - from the force of a couple percent ...

From respect to the truth, I remind you that the "Shell" is traded by non-Dutch or Martian, but exclusively by Russian fuel. It is produced in Kapotna, Ryazan, Ufa, Yaroslavl, etc. And the price difference is just a fee for infrastructure, the image, a promise of quality, etc.

If you still want to save, you can refuse to choose fuels with improved V-Power or Ultimate type detergent - they are more expensive about the same ruble. Although personally I pour just such fuels, because. Others do not campaign.

I am interested in the topic "What gasoline to fill", send. Perhaps something will be interesting.


I have not yet met a single gas station, which would not have a quality passport for the fuel sold. But I have not yet seen a passport, in which it would be said that fuel, they say, we don't have something - it's better to look at the gas station in front ... In particular, all the diesel fuel you buy in the winter for examination were invariably with winter, although Many of them are easily frozen in the freezer. Therefore, personally, I have no confidence in these pieces. And how can an ordinary kettle can understand that it is poured by exactly the fuel, which is indicated in a piece of paper? I answer: no way!

Just in case, I remind you that the fuel sold is obliged to correspond to the GOST or TU: both are legitimate. Those who are interested in this topic, I suggest to look.

Where does bad gasoline come from?

Theoretically take him, it seems to be nowhere. It was in such a spirit that one big boss answered me, head of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. Like, in our law, everything is equal before the law, and therefore it is not enough to seek some good gas station.

However, when I turned off the voice recorder, I heard a little more. The boss admitted that he did not understand why on the one well-known network gas station under the climb on weekend it comes across a frank sucks ... on the refinery - the order, on the gas station - the order, the fuel trucks - wonderful, and the problems then pop up ...

And your car?

Where do I refuel your car? In Moscow, most often - on BP: there you pay money after refueling, and not before it. On the tracks - usually on LUKOIL: there is easy to park and you can drink a seagull-coffee shop. Sometimes I'm going to "Shell" - there the car always refuel tapes, and you pay for the service after refueling. However, in this nomination, the "Trouble" leads, where you are filled with the car, then you drive it into the parking lot, you wander around the shop, snack and only after that we pay. Unfortunately, individual unconscious elements are trying to simply flush - they are then looking for ...

In general, a discussion of such issues for some reason invariably causes an irritated reaction from a significant part of the reading public. The laudatory word to the branded gas station is immediately regarded as paid advertising. The second reproach for the "ignorance of the problems of the depthint", in which they are not at all shells with LUKOAL, and the gas station "times of Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea." And links to, perceived as attacks on a glorious family of diesel engines, which the author allegedly nipped.

As a decent man, I adore cars, and it does not live calmly, I decided to check the quality of gasoline at the Moscow gas stations. Rosneft, LUKOIL, Gazprom, BP and others tremble!

In the auto shops for sale various test strips to test the quality of gasoline. But it is clear that they cannot give full data of gasoline composition and determine its compliance with all standards. Such a test did not do so long ago macos. . The experiment seemed interesting to me, but I decided to act for sure and went to the real testing laboratory of fuel and lubricants.

The first surprise was the search for a laboratory that can test gasoline. It turned out that there are not many such in Moscow. I only arrived only two (Shell and Oil Magistral) Suitable laboratories, which can be given gasoline to an individual analysis. Other laboratories or analyze oils, or are not close, or the analysis is unnecessarily expensive, or with individuals cooperation is problematic. By the way, maybe someone knows why such laboratories do not like individuals?

The choice fell on the oil process. In fact, chose them because of the price (pleasure it was not the cheapest), and they are close enough from Moscow (Vnukovo).

Having drove on the Moscow Ring Road from Yaroslavl to Kiev Highway I drove to the following refueling: Rosneft, LUKOIL, BP, Oil Migra, Gazpromneft. Poured gasoline into plastic canisters, specially intended for gasoline. For testing, standard 95Y gasoline was taken.

I spread the checks on gasoline for comparison - (price per liter / rubles): Oilmagistral - 33.20, Gazpromneft - 34.05, Rosneft - 34.10, LUKOIL - 34.52, BP - 34.59. At BP could not resist, bought mineralca-). The main question is whether the cheaper gasoline is different and is different than the cars useful to feed and is there any difference than feeding?

So that everything was most independently, passed the samples of gasoline anonymously - under the numbers. Although, running forward, I will say that after the analysis we talked with a person who works there and looking at the composition, he himself compared and called the brands of three probes. At that moment, this respect for a person knows the market so well and knows the compositions and differences between gasoline of different brands.

The laboratory is equipped with the latest technology. I would not call her big, but the equipment amazes. The following fuel parameters were analyzed: octane number, fractional composition, content of sulfur and aromatic compounds. No matter how cool, but these data strips for gasoline test can not reveal. And good gasoline is not only excellent running and accelerating characteristics of the car, but also the key to its uninterrupted work and serviceability. I think that one who stands on guarantees and travels on something, many times heard from the masters sighs about dirty candles and poor gasoline.

Let us dwell on several devices in more detail. Below IIT 85m. The device is made in Russia at the Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant. This installation determine the octane number. The device imitates the operation of the engine using only one cylinder, then the installation compares the standard with the gasoline entered.

With octane number, all marks turned out to be order. All within the normal range.
Test further. The sulfur content in gasoline helps to determine the spectrometer. The active sulfur compounds contained in gasolines cause severe corrosion of the fuel system and transport tanks. Inactive sulfur compounds to corrosion do not lead, but the gases formed during their combustion cause a quick abrasive wear of engine parts, reduce power and worsen the ecological situation.

And this device for determining the chemical station. For a few seconds it gives a detailed analysis of the composition.

The apparatus defining the fractional composition of gasoline.

Apparatus for determining the density of petroleum products

Apparatus for determining the pressure of saturated vapor

Equipment for the analysis of diesel fuel is significantly different. But I had no diesel fuel with me, so exactly how the device works, I could not see, but I managed to capture:

Apparatus for determining actual resins

But the most important thing is the final results, it was behind them I came to the laboratory. In fact, the results were unexpected. I was sure that at least half of the stamps would be unsuitable, but ... almost all gasoline was within the framework of standards, the only thing, LUKOIL "failed".

Gasoline LUKOIL AI-95 does not comply with GOST R 51866-2002 for a number of indicators of the fractional composition. The first inconsistency: the end of the boiling (this indicator should not be higher than 210c, it is 215.7 s). Consequences: increased fuel consumption and carography in the engine cylinder combustion chamber. The second inconsistency: in the proportion of aromatic hydrocarbons. Consequences: Nagar on candles when passing as follows. All this can be seen in the test protocol. That is, this gasoline will not only increase fuel consumption, but also the engine wear will increase significantly.

The indicators of the fractional composition and the correspondence of these parameters of the norm are one of the main, since they can determine the speed of the engine warming, its injectivity, launchers, uniformity of the engine at idle. To decrypt all the indicators, you can use this "dictionaries".

According to the sulfur content, by the way, Gazprom, but according to this indicator, all within the limits of the norm in all brands.
Lukoil and Gazprom turned out to be the lowest performance in the eyes (octane number than it is higher, the better gasoline resists detonation) - 95.4, BP is slightly higher - 95.5, but still not a maximum, although I repeat that everything in The limits of the norm, but without much efforts.

Other protocols can see here

Oil groove:


In general, I am surprised, still expected more violations -) perhaps the fact is that gasoline was taken in Moscow, we apparently undergo permanent checks. It would be interesting if someone living in the region would take the relay and conducted similar analyzes.

The question in the studio is whether it is worth overpaying for the brand, if, according to the total, the quality of everyone is the same, and some not cheap stamps are still a little shy away? Did you personally have for poor-quality gasoline? Have you tried to somehow prove to the manufacturer of his guilt? Did you add to such laboratories? And, in fact, than guiding when choosing a refueling, because, as it turned out, the high price is not always a security deposit ...

After that story with gasoline, I decided to check myself, and what we actually fill our cars in the tanks. The refueling networks in Moscow are a huge set, the choice - the eyes are scattered. Previously, I chose a refueling solely in appearance, looked at the brand and modernity of the equipment. Unnamed refueling with ancient columns I was never attracted, and among major networks there are those who like or vice versa. For example, in Lukoil, I still try not to refuel, after that very story with the Mercedes of their top manager, and once hitting bad gasoline in Rosneft, come again afraid.

But for the test to be honest, I checked six refills located near my house.

1 For a start, six canister for gasoline was mined. I had to get caught, but I didn't find the same canisters, although I wanted to do everything beautifully. After that, I took turns on six different refueling stations located in my district, in order: TNK, LUKOIL, ROSNEFT, BP, Gazpromneft and Oil Mugastral. I also wanted to shell and the "track", but they were still very far away.

2 At each refueling flooded three liters of 95th gasoline. The easiest way to check it on the quality is to buy such a test in the auto parts store, one pack with ten tests is less than three hundred rubles.

3 inside - ten tearless strips with a "sponge" -indicator. Each strip signed, in accordance with the placed canes. In fact, I already understood that it was possible not to buy a bunch of gasoline at each refueling, but simply to "get to grab" the gun left from the last refueling of the droplet is enough for testing. But you imagine a man who runs down the refueling and fueling paper into filling pistols. In our country, this is especially suspicious, and if you approach and say that you want to spend the test - imagine how quickly and how they will send you. Therefore, I had to act incognito, I even came up with a legend, why should I need three liters of gasoline: a scooter to fill, although I did not have a scooter.

4 pin on every strip by gasoline from the corresponding canister, I put them for five minutes. Here I decomposed for a beautiful picture, but the fact is that none of the strips did not change your color. Honestly, I was even disappointed a little. Although it is necessary to rejoice here, in a random sample of the most popular Moscow networks of gas stations in Moscow, gasoline was without harmful additives. Again, it is impossible to vouch for each specific: the fact that the networks do not be engaged in an industrial scale is obvious, and it is impossible for each specific refueling. But I was lucky.

5 No less interesting was the study of checks from different gas stations. They are located almost in the same sequence that I was refueling (only now I noticed that I confused in places Gazpromneft and BP). So, TNK - LUKOIL - ROSNEFT - Gazpromneft - BiPI - Oil Migra.

All refills, in addition to Rosneft, there was a gasoline class Euro-5. It's good. It means that we have passed the most modern standard of gasoline production. A few years ago, I heard that the refinery that makes gasoline for the Moscow market cannot be performed above Euro-3 physically. The situation has changed - this is good.

Look at the first and third checks. OJSC RN-Capital and RN-Moscow OJSC - similar names, right? Both refills come in one petroleum holding, but the Euro-5 gasoline was poured on TNC 33.70, while Euro-4 is sold on the "original" Rosneft.

If all the gasoline is high quality, and almost all Euro-five, then what to pour? Here you can navigate to taste, what design or refueling color you like more. Or just look after the price, I used to do it very much, well what a penny there. Let's compare these six litters with equally high-quality gasoline.

The most expensive - BP, not even wonder. 33.99 per liter of gasoline AI-95. If you previously overpowered "for the service", you poured a specially trained man in the tank to the tank, today it is almost at any refueling. The only one I had to pour fuel to the canister independently - Gazpromneft. Then why to pay on the BIPI today?

In second place - LUKOIL. On the check there, the liter is at all over the thirty-five rubles, but I had a "improved" ecto, because the usual thought at that moment was merged. But the price of regular 95th costs 33.73

The third place is divided by two refills, TNK and Rosneft with their 33.7 per liter. In the aggregate with the previous one, it turns out that this is today's average price, March 2014. When I last paid attention to the cost of fuel, it cost a little more than 33 rubles. So, you look, soon the mark of 34 will beat.

Next - Gazpromneft. 33.45.

But on the fifth, and in fact, in the first place turned out to be just an oil machine, they have a lot of gasoline. 32,50 ruble per liter! With the same Euro-5.

And yet I wonder how often the companies themselves check their gasoline, and how? They should have more advanced ways to check gasoline than to swell on a piece of paper :) For sure there are shell research centers and oil machines, somehow still? Do they post their research results?

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