Home Transmission Rules for rebuilding strip in the city. Rebuilding when moving by car. Recommendations for the correct rebuilding in a dense stream

Rules for rebuilding strip in the city. Rebuilding when moving by car. Recommendations for the correct rebuilding in a dense stream

"Restrain" seemingly no questions:

"Restrainment" - departure from the occupied strip or occupied row with the preservation of the initial direction of movement.

The issue of priority during rebuilding is also quite accessible to the rules:

8.4. When rebuilding, the driver must give way to vehicles moving alongside without changing the direction of movement. With the simultaneous rebuilding of vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the road to the transport facility located on the right.

But in practice, as the markup on the roads in many cities wears seasonal nature, there are not rarely disputed situations that make it doubt: "Does there have a rebuilding?"

We will analyze the definition. Please note that to make rebuilding it is enough to leave the ranked series. With a dense motion, both two rows can move in one strip. In the absence of marking, the number of rows is controlled only by drivers. It should be understood that rebuilding is any movement on the roadway with the preservation of the initial direction.


In the rules of road traffic directions are not limited to the movement directly - this is important. There are four directions of movement:

  1. Straight
  2. Right
  3. Left
  4. Reverse direction

The next important point, the direction of movement is determined relative to the direction of the road. If the road physically changes the direction, the direction of movement on this road does not change. Movement along a winding road as part of the rules of the road - this move right. For example, there is no need to include turning signals, take the least position and fulfill the remaining requirements of rules related to maneuvering, because you are traveling directly, regardless of the change in the actual direction of the road. You are moving on the road. Where the road is there and you.

Please note: the text of the rules alone and the same concepts can be used both in the generally accepted understanding and in accordance with the definitions. For example:

Rotate - maneuver described in the 8th chapter of the rules, as a change in the direction of movement on the roads and turn in the generally accepted sense indicated by the signs "Dangerous Rotation" or "Hazardous turns", as the actual change in the direction of movement.

Stop is the action defined by the rules of the road, and the actual stop when the speed becomes equal to zero (in the stamp or front of the traffic light). Similarly, with directions.

Bend road.

It happens that the road has a slight bending, while the direct direction corresponds to this bending. If you continue moving directly on the fact (do not rotate the steering wheel), it will already be considered rebuilding, despite the fact that you physically moved in the forward direction.

Also, the bend can be visually hidden intersectable expensive, but the bend remains the same.

The next one of the most controversial and discussed situations is the narrowing of the road. The erroneous opinion is that the movement along the edge of the carriage part is always a movement in the forward direction. Not. As we have already noted the movement above, this is a movement relative to the direction of the road. In the event of a narrowing, the direction of the road does not change, and the vehicle, on the side of which, a narrowing occurs changes the direction and makes rebuilding.

Such seemingly the usual maneuver, as rebuilding, is ambiguously perceived by drivers. In practice, some of them are confused, not knowing who should give way to the road.

The rules of restructuring vehicles are spelled out in section 10 traffic rules. Recall them. Before starting motion, rebuilding and any change in the direction of movement, the driver must make sure that it will not create obstacles or danger to other participants in the movement. To inform the direction of movement, you must submit warning signals by turning signs.

Leaving on the road from the residential area, courtyards, from parking, petrol stations and other adjoining areas, the driver must give way to pedestrians and vehicles (TC) moving along it, and moving from the road - cyclists and pedestrians, The direction of the movement of which it crosses.

When rebuilding, you need to give way to the road vehicle moving in the passing direction along the strip, on which the driver intends to rebuild. With the simultaneous rebuilding of the vehicle moving in one direction, the driver, which is located on the left, should give way to the vehicle, which is right.

If there is a braking band at the site of the congress from the road, then the driver who intends to turn on another road is necessary to rebuilt on this strip in a timely manner and reduce the speed only on it. If there is a band of overclocking in the place of departure on the road, it is necessary to move along it and join the transport stream, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

Rules of rebuilding

Rule rule

Based on the above, rebuilding on a straight road should not cause difficulties. If there are two and more bands for movement in one direction, the driver who intends to restructure into the neighboring strip, it is necessary to give way to the road vehicle moving along it. And it does not matter, they are on the right of it or on the left (see Fig. 1).

At the same time, in practice, simultaneous rebuildings are sometimes perceived ambiguously. It is important to remember that in this case it is necessary to be guided by the so-called rule of the right hand - that is, the advantage of like rebuilding has a driver who is closer to the right edge of the carriageway. And it does not matter, there are both cars opposite each other or one ahead. Even when the TC driver, moving along the left strip, is ahead of the car that goes to the right of him, it does not have the right to rebuild, if this maneuver makes another driver to resort to braking or change the direction of movement (see Fig. 2).

Cause contradictions and places of the congress or arrival on the bridges - who has an advantage in motion? In most cases, drivers entering the bridge are obliged to give way to the TC road moving along it (see Fig. 3). Additionally, indicate it may also be a road sign 2.1 "give way to the road". This applies to both ordinary races and congresses and areas of roads, on which additional bands for overclocking and braking are organized, designated by the corresponding road markup: a wide intermittent line with a short interval between each stroke (according to traffic rules type 1.8) and signs 5.20.1-5.20 .3, 5.21.1-5.21.2, 5.22 and 5.23 (see Fig. 5). In the case of the simultaneous rebuilding of the vehicle in the field of congress or arrival, drivers should be guided by the "right hand rule" (see Fig. 5). In megalopolis with high traffic intensity, when congestion often occurs, we will recommend using the so-called stitch rule, widely used by Western European drivers. That is, the drivers of the vehicle, slowly moving in traffic, regardless of location on the road and the advantages of cars located closer to the right edge of the carriageway, can carry out rebuildings alternately - first changes the lane of the movement moving on the left, and then on the right and then in the same manner . As foreign experience shows, due to such a culture of behavior, it is quite realistic to overcome the congestion on the road faster than with a strict implementation of traffic rules, including the "Rules of the right hand".

With the mutual rebuilding, the driver of a passenger car must give way to the motorcycle driver, which is on the right.

Moving along the left strip, you intend to rebuild on the right. What of the drawings is the situation in which you owe the road?

When you are tunable from the left strip to the right, then you must give way to the driver of a passenger car moving along the next right strip, as when it is moved without changing the direction of movement, and in the case when it is rebuilt at the same time. Thus, you will give way to the road in situations depicted on both drawings.

Who is obliged to give way to the road?

The "end of the strip" sign informs about the end of the strip. Consequently, the driver of a passenger car will have to be rebuilt on the left strip, and during the rebuilding it will have to give way to the road cargo car moving in the passing direction without changing the strip.

Are you obliged by moving on the right strip, give way to the driver of the car, which intends to rebuild your strip?

You are moving without changing the direction of movement and therefore do not obliged to give way to the driver of the car, intending to rebuild on your strip.

Are you obliged by moving along the left strip, give way to the driver of the car, which intends to rebuild your strip?

Because ahead is a narrowing of the road, what warns the sign "narrowing of the road", the driver of the cargo car will have to be rebuilt on the neighboring strip, and during the rebuilding, he must give way to a car moving alongside without changing the direction of movement.

The car driver performing rebuilding on the right lane in this situation:

The driver of the car performing rebuilding, including the final overtaking, should not be interfered by a car moving alongside without changing the direction of movement.

When rebuilding on the right lane in this situation, you:

You need to rebuild on the right lane, yielding the road to all the CU moving along it.

In this situation, in order to continue the movement in the forward direction, you are allowed:

To continue the movement, you are entitled to perform any of the following actions. It should be borne in mind that when rebuilding on the right lane, it is necessary to give way to all the vehicle moving along the way.

Moving on the right lane, you intend to rebuild on the left. What of the drawings is the situation in which you owe the road?

When rebuilding with the right strip on the left, you must give way to a car, moving along, without changing the direction of movement on the left strip. With simultaneous rebuilding, the advantage remains for you. Consequently, you will give way to the road in the situation shown on the left drawing.

Who should give way to the road with a mutual rebuild?

With the mutual rebuilding, the driver of the truck must give way to the driver of a passenger car, which is from him right.

Inability or reluctance to correctly rebuild while moving from a number in a series of many drivers. Unfortunately, it is this factor who often becomes the cause of impressively terrible accidents, in which not only cars receive damage, but also people, and sometimes it does not work out without human victims. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with a wide range of practical issues related to such restructuring. In particular, to explore the key theoretical nuances on the basis of the current traffic rules currently, as well as the practical features of the ride. After reading this article, the carist will find out whether it is possible to rebuild at the crossroads and the ring, the order, according to which it is necessary to give way to the road during rebuilding, standard disorders, due to which accidents occurs with such maneuvers and other, equally important points.

Highlights for beginners

It is necessary to start with the fundamental rule written in the rules of the road. Their chapter 8 comprehensively regulates the order of how to correctly rebuild from a number of in a row. Thus, paragraph 4 of this chapter notes, who wants to change the strip of their movement, skip those cars that move along the way, but do not change their vehicle vector. In practice, such a situation is constantly found. For example, Petrov decided to change a number of movements, before the start of the maneuver looked at the mirrors to make sure there was no interference , and then I saw that by the strip, which he wants to occupy, at a small distance behind him, a car driven by Ivanov is moving behind him. Then the first driver is obliged to miss the second, since the latter does not change the direction of its movement.

Who should yield when rebuilding

In practice, rebuilding in the left row must be preceded by a number of conscious acts of the driver, the main goal of which is to make a maneuver competently, according to all the requirements of traffic rules and not allow the coming from behind or performing a similar maneuver. In the previous section, a very important rule has already been considered, according to which drivers are obliged to miss those going in the passing direction of the machine, which do not change the direction of their movement. Another fundamental rule says that while rebuilding two cars, the right to commit the first priority maneuver is granted to the driver who is on the right side of a number in which both cars are rebuilt (drivers are called "hindrance to the right").

Reborn in a dense stream of cars is very difficult. However, the task is greatly facilitated if it is firmly to fulfill the main rule of such situations that is practiced in many countries of the world. Its essence is that if two cars have to be rebuilt on the road at the same time , The advantage (i.e., the right of the starting maneuver) receives the driver who occupies the right position (on the right side). Here are some standard situations on the road:

  1. Moving ahead Machine Petrov wants to be rebuilt to go to your row (i.e., in the row of Ivanov's car). According to the current domestic rules, the driver of Ivanov will not give way to Petrov. He can do it voluntarily. It should be remembered that if accidents happen, Petrov will be recognized by its culprit.
  2. Petrov intends to take the band, in which Ivanov rides from behind in a straight line. Then the car Petrov is obliged to give way to the road of Ivanov. Experienced professionals also quickly calculate this option - Petrov car at the expense of acceleration can be increased in order not to create Ivanov interference.
  3. Petrov expressed a desire to be rebuilt into the left row. At the same time, the rear of Ivanov swept the mark that he wants to occupy the place in the right row, which the driver of Petrov frees. Then Petrov has an unambiguous advantage.
  4. It is planned to rebuild in the right row. At this time, the driver riding in this row shows that he wishes to rebuild to the left. Here, the well-known rule "interference on the right" begins.

Rebuilding on the ring

Achilles fifth, that is, a vulnerable place, many drivers are also the passage of the ring, including rebuilding on it. This is especially characteristic of those situations where there is no traffic light. Then experienced specialists recommend to tune in to a new version in advance, mentally saying to themselves: "Attention, rebuilding on the ring!" And quickly simulate their actions. As defined by traffic rules, the circle is the main road, with all the consequences arising from this. This means that any of the rest is considered secondary.

When finding on the ring it is very important to clearly observe your row of travel, since the incorrectly busy strip will create not just a lot of interference, discomfort for other participants in the movement, but also knowingly, which may well end an accident with severe consequences.

When the accident occurs more often during rebuilding

How convincingly proves road statistics, accident accidents most often arise due to such typical reasons:

  1. With ignorance or ignoring the driver of the general rules of rebuilding defined by domestic traffic rules.
  2. When violating the rules of "interference on the right."
  3. Rebuilding on the bridge, part of the drivers does not take into account the rules of movement on the bridge, which are largely different from driving along the usual track.
  4. When inability to correctly make rebuilding in a circular crossroads (illiterately selected strip, etc.).
  5. With a full or partial absence of direct visual control from the driver (or control with the help of automotive mirrors) for the situation during rebuilding.
  6. When trying to make a lightning rebuilding without accurate taking into account the realies of the stop on the track.

According to the same statistics, almost half of all accidents occur as a result of a violation of a conscious violation of self-confident drivers of rules of traffic rules, about a third - due to inexperience, about a quarter is a natural outcome of a shallow or complete ignorance. Therefore, experts strongly advise, firstly, it is thoroughly studying them, secondly, without violating the rebuilding maneuvers under any circumstances, and thirdly, you must make your attention as much as possible with such maneuvers, continuously controlling the entire complex of movement participants.

Each motorist, both a beginner and experienced, uses various maneuvers when driving on highways and rebuilding.

Riding in urban conditions Very often forces drivers to rebuild on another bandwidth, or for the objects of objects that are interference. But it is worth knowing that it is necessary to follow the rules to avoid the emergence of an accident.

What you need to know about rebuilding?

The very concept means to move the vehicle to the adjacent strip.

This maneuvering is the beginning for many others, such as, overtaking, detour, turn, turn. Although in practice it is found that the movement along the neighboring row is carried out only because there is a better pavement.

There are certain rules of rebuilding prescribed in traffic rules:

  • when you intend to take a rebuilding from your row, then, first of all, you need to skip all the vehicles, the strip of movement of which remains unchanged;
  • when maneuvers are committed at once a few cars, you will have to give way to just the vehicles that will be right;
  • before you start your maneuver, the light designations of rotation must be included in obligatory.

Many motorists often make the following incorrect actions, going to move into another strip:

  1. Change your trajectory of movement on too small from another car. In this situation it is difficult to avoid a collision without resorting to a sharp braking. So that this does not happen always need to leave a safe distance, both for yourself and for other machines.
  2. Movement changes due to the obstacle. To avoid trouble, you need to turn on the turn signal and expect when it is safe to continue the movement. Although in practice, usually, everyone is trying faster to leave the place where the movement is difficult, thereby violating the rules.
  3. Often drivers ignore the blind zone. And subsequently, this is exactly what causes the accident that occurred. It is better to make sure that the vehicle noticed, and only then continue their maneuver.

In PDD, the rebuild is allowed when the following conditions are followed:

  1. When you're going to rebuild on the right or left side, you need to start with the supply of turn signals. Otherwise, other vehicles simply will not be informed about your intention, and then there may be a road accident.
  2. It is necessary to make an overview of the road on the mirrors so that when moving to other participants in motion did not have to use sharp braking to prevent accidents.
  3. Preparing to rebuild, you need to adjust the speed for a nearby car stream, calculate the cutting angle and the required distance.
  4. In the case when a pit unexpectedly, a pit appeared for you, then the trajectory of his movement should not change dramatically. Since other motorists for such a maneuver may not be prepared.
  5. When maneuver is performed, all actions must be smooth and well-weighted. It is necessary to control not only your car, but also try to predict the actions of the machines nearby.

There are general rules that motorists adhere to:

  • if the car does not make a maneuver, then he should not give way to the road;
  • when the vehicle is rebuilt right, then you need to give way to all other participants;
  • when moving left, there should be only those cars that change the strip at a time.

Such actions will help not violate the rules and protect themselves and their vehicle.

When do the accident occur most often during rebuilding?

At the loaded highways such maneuver as rebuilding is quite dangerous. Because it may entail the emergence of unpleasant traffic accidents.

It is worth noting the main points in which the participant of the accident is simple enough:

  1. At the beginning of the rebuilding, the same maneuver began to fulfill the driver of another vehicle. If all the rules have been followed. This may be due to its inattention.
  2. Never overestimate other road users. Since some of them, simply may not know the rules, and this, in turn, will entail, unforeseen consequences. It is better to lose a few minutes and wait, rather than later, lose much more time to find out the circumstances of the accident.
  3. Attention driving can not be focused only in one direction. If you look at the mirrors, one eye needs to control the situations ahead of the car, because, in front of the cars can brake sharply. And to react, time is necessary. To do this, you always need to follow a safe distance.
  4. It is always worth remembering the participants of the movement like a scooter. They represent the greatest danger on the roads, as, less noticeable during rebuilding, and develop sufficiently high speeds.

Observing all the rules of traffic rules and without resorting to an excessive hurry on the roads, avoiding the emergence of accidents will be easier. But, in any case, even if in an accident, the truth will be on the side of the driver who moved without violations. And then all material damage will fall on the shoulders of the culprit of the incident.

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