Home Transmission How to learn to pass turns on the car newcomer. Proper movement when turning. How to keep the steering wheel

How to learn to pass turns on the car newcomer. Proper movement when turning. How to keep the steering wheel

  • If the tires under load are signed to such an extent that the rear axle demolition began, then most likely you put on gas too much. It is only a slightly to lose it, like the grip of the rear wheels with the road will be restored, and you skip the turn faster. However, be careful: overlook the energetic retracting of the gas can lead to the fact that the front will boot all the weight of the car, and the rear axle, on the contrary, will immediately unload. It will strengthen the skid and cause loss of control over the machine. Here it is necessary to catch the balance.
  • Also, smooth operation of gas and brake is also very important. In particular, the soft manipulation of the gas pedal at the input and outlet of the turn eliminates the slip and blocking the wheels.
  • If you are going to apply the above techniques behind the wheel of a posterior or all-wheel drive car, then note that in no case cannot be drove (that is, to intentionally enter the car into the skid and take a turn in the slide). The key to the maximum fast passing is the grip of the rear wheels with the road (except, perhaps extremely narrow spills or wet coating).
  • Cool turns require a reaction and speed driver. A permanent practice is required to achieve acceptable results.
  • The cooler turn, the less should be the speed of its passage. But if you want to do everything correctly and go through the turn faster than that guy, then here is the truth that you should focus: "Slowly entered - quickly came out."
  • Most machines have the so-called "platform for recreation" - a flat inclined surface for placing the left leg, located to the left of the pedal, is sometimes called the "dead pedal". When passing rapid turns, this site is very useful. Relieving in her left foot, you pushed yourself in the seat, minimizing the movement of the body caused by the transverse moments that appear when turning. Thus, it is possible to noticeably increase the accuracy of the taxi.
  • Inspect the inner side of the turn, take a point of the apex and the output trajectory (as well as, if possible, look as far as possible forward), even if for this you have to watch not only through the windshield, but also through the side glass. So you will achieve a simpler and natural passage.
  • If you enter the turn a little later, you can achieve a more hidden trajectory and faster output; This statement is fair for most turns.
  • If at the entrance to the turn immediately after clicking on the brake, you found that the car turns not actively turns enough, then release the pedal a little later (or it was necessary to do a little earlier). If you release the brake right now, then unload the front wheels of the car, weakening their clutch with the road.
  • The technique of slip or drifting came from the world of rally, it was designed specifically for the speedy passing of soil turns. In accordance with this technique, the beginning and end of the maneuer is performed quite differently, everything happens on much greater speed, so turns pass faster.
  • The cooler turn, the sharper taxi. In the fast bending you need to control gently, without moving your hands on the steering wheel. In the usual turn, the steering should also be gently, but more actively. In a steep turn, the steering need sharply, even if the road slippery. In this case, the car can respond to a taxiing with a certain delay, but if the steering wheel should be manipulated, but not excessively, then everything will be perfect.

In the past articles of our cycle, we looked at many questions related to the movement of the car in turns - these are the forces acting on the wheels, and the methods of taxiing, and the need for smoothness of movement. Now we summarize all these knowledge and consider detail the actions of the driver when turning turns.

Basic methods of taxi

We examined the technique of hand movements in detail and identified two main ways of taxiing - simple and speed. In real life, an easy way you need in 90% of cases, because In motion, always, with the exception of cases of drift on a slippery road, it is required to turn the steering wheel slowly and for small angles.

It is extremely important to skillfully act with a steering wheel when turning turns, because This is the lion's share of success. The technique of a simple way, we know, but its timely use is equally important. Turning the steering wheel in a simple way implies what the driver's hands never break off from the rim of the steering wheel, consistently slipping along it.

No matter how hard the driver tries, if at the turn itself he grabs the steering wheel with one hand (with simultaneously slipping another hand), movements are accurate. In addition, one hand due to increased load is capable of significantly less to feel the reaction on the steering wheel (that is, what happens to the front wheels) than two hands. Therefore, it is advisable to act in such a way that in the middle of the turn it was not necessary to print the steering wheel, and it was easy to keep it with two hands.

To do this, it should be in advance when the entrance to the rotation, pick up the steering wheel in such a way as to carry out the entire maneuver with two hands. This method is called preliminary capture.

Driver actions sequence on the direction of rotation right

  1. Moving in a straight line, you hold the steering wheel with two hands, which are set to symmetrically.
  2. Handing to the turn, you pick up the steering wheel in advance for the convenient execution of the maneuver. In this case, you can right hand to raise higher on the rim of the steering wheel, and the left - to arrange lower. As a result, you prepared even before turning and turn the steering wheel with two hands, while in turning your hands are in the most convenient positions - on the opposite sides of the steering wheel, each in its sector.
  3. Accordingly, at the peak of rotation, when the effort on the steering wheel is maximized, the driver is easy to hold the steering wheel with two hands, it delicately feel the reaction from the wheels and can accurately dose the effort.
  4. The beginning of the return of the steering wheel also occurs in two hands.

Thus, the phase, when the hands slip across the steering wheel can be considered preparatory, and when it is necessary to withstand the greatest effort, two hands work at the same time. If the rotation is very cool and a significant steering turn is required, it can be done for 2-3 presets.

Competent taxi

There is also the second most important argument in favor of the proposed taxi tactics in turns. You already know that as the corner of the steering wheel increases, the lateral forces acting on the car are increasing. It is very important to work out this way of passing turns, in which the driver turns the steering wheel to the maximum necessary angle at the very beginning.

At the same time, from the very beginning, the driver causes the maximum lateral efforts and, if suddenly he understands what he moved - the car begins to slide, without fitting in the turn, this happens at the very beginning of the maneuver, i.e. Then, when there is still enough space and time to correct the situation.

As a result, the driver has opportunities for contraloan action. If, when driving a turn, the driver gradually corresponds to the steering wheel more and more, then he risks the face of the clutch of the wheels with an expensive in the middle or at the exit from turn - then the car immediately turns out to be on the oncoming lane or the side and the time to correct the situation there is no longer.

Thus, it is important that at the entrance to the turn, from the very beginning you turned the steering wheel to the desired angle, sending a car by the desired arc, and in the middle of the turn held the steering wheel stationary with the subsequent smooth return at the exit. From the very beginning, you call the maximum lateral efforts, it is convinced that everything is in order and the car is good "holding" the road, and drove the turn reliably and quickly along the arc of one radius. The presets method will allow you to:

  • pick up the steering wheel more comfortably, turning it with two hands;
  • subtly sense the reliability of the clutch of the wheels with the road;
  • it is easy to hold it in the middle of the turn when the load is maximal;
  • smoothly return the steering wheel at the outlet of the turn.

One of the most common mistakes

Many drivers like to release the steering wheel at the output from rotation for its spontaneous return. It is extremely dangerous. The steering design is that the steering wheel seeks to go back. But this is not done to facilitate the driver's work, and in order for him to feel feedback from the wheels.

The steering wheel spontaneously never returns to such an angle and at such a speed that the driver is needed, its spontaneous movement always contributes instability into the behavior of the car. Therefore, the steering wheel resists or helps, the driver constantly supports his hands in a tone, holds back the steering wheel and rotates it independently at the speed that he needs in this situation.

Rigid side accelerations that occur with a sharp spontaneous return of the steering wheel, can easily lead to a sloping on a slippery road or at high speed. And in general, the driver should be used to the thought that nothing happens without him in the car, nothing moves.

The most important skills of the competent driver

What else is necessary for a reliable and optimal passing of turns, so it looks forward. Look forward to your future way. The requirement from the very beginning to put the car on the necessary arc in turn can only be performed if the turn is previously evaluated by the driver.

Someone begins to act the wheel only when the roadbed goes aside (it may be too late) or the return of the steering wheel is carried out when the direct (sharp return) seemed to the car.

At the entrance to the turn, it is not necessary to look at its beginning, and not even for the middle, but on his end. Only then sees the driver in general, he sees his future way, understands what to be prepared, sees the goal and can act calmly, in advance and smoothly. If you are looking at the middle of the turn, then your way to it will be smooth and reliable. But then the second half will open and you may encounter the need to a sharp change in the direction at the output, and this, as already mentioned, is fraught with trouble.

Therefore, see from the very beginning to exit from turn - then you can turn turning with one optimal movement. You can evaluate the turn in advance, to choose an optimal trajectory, understand how much you need to pick up the steering wheel for the necessary turn.

We will talk about choosing a trajectory in turning in the next article, but as long as you get looking through the turns in advance and pass them by not the method of "hood hitting on the road", but on a certain curve that you have defined for yourself. The output from rotation is the same full-fledged turn, only in the other side - to it should also be prepared and start actions in advance.

From the above, it follows that if the rotation "closed", i.e. There is no possibility to watch it to the end in advance, start moving along it with an obviously low speed. Thus, you retain the ability to make changes in the event of such a need. Quickly and confidently, you can take a turn only in the case of its full openness for you.


So, we will collect all the well-known information and summarize the actions of the driver when driving turns. At the entrance to the rotation, the driver:

  • looks at it in advance;
  • reduces speed to the required level and includes the necessary transmission;
  • picks up the steering wheel ... Notice, all this happens on a straight line until rotation);
  • turns the steering wheel to the desired angle, directing the car by the desired trajectory;
  • drive along an arc of a constant radius at an even speed.

At the output from turn as the steering wheel return, and, accordingly, the reduction of the lateral forces, the driver can add gas smoothly accelerating. It is in such a style that you can pass turns quickly and, most importantly, is secure and safely.

The technique of turning depends on the targets that the driver pursues. The difference is not only whether it is necessary to overcome the section of the road safely or as quickly as possible, but also in the specifics of the road section on which maneuvering is carried out. Let's talk about how to enter the turn and about the technique of passing the curves of the road as a whole.

City traffic

When moving along the roads of general use, the main responsibility of each driver is to ensure its security, as well as the security of other participants in the movement. Therefore, it would be wrong about a sharp, sports style of driving and high-speed overcoming aggregates. The technique of turning in the city, however, as in the country tracks, assumes the execution of only 2 rules:

Sports Reward

On the theory of sports driving and how to be fast on the racing track is already written no longer than a dozen books. And all successful riders agree that the main thing when driving along the track - as quickly as possible to start accelerate to have a greater maximum speed when approaching the next turn. The logic is quite simple: the most part of the racing track is occupied by straight sections, and therefore the pilot will be faster, which in less time drives straight, and not the one who has a greater speed in turn.

Even on entering turning, thinking about how to start acceleration before the next viragee is one of the main rules for riding the race track.

Before considering the theory in more detail, it should be said that the turn is divided into 3 zones:

  • brake zone with an arc entrance point. It is allowed to divide on the braking area and the entrance to the entrance to the arc, but in general it is not fundamentally;
  • arc, which, in essence, is a turn. Regarding the arc, you should know about the apex - the end of the point is closest to the inside edge. If we are talking about the trajectory, then the apex can be called conditional points on the arc when the trajectory changes its vector significantly. So when discussing driving techniques, you can hear about an early or later apex;
  • the exit zone from turning on which the auto and acceleration is straightened.

Basic principles

We hope, the need for a comfortable landing and the right position of the hands on the steering wheel is a reason for a reason. And therefore, we will pay attention to other important rules:


If the goal is to show the best time on a circle, you need to use the width of the road to the maximum. To go through the turn as quickly as possible, you need to move along the smallest radius from the entry point to the output point. In other words, at the entrance point you start turning to the apex, after passing the apex, it is necessary to start a straightening, which will end at the point of exit to straight. This is a description of the ideal trajectory while driving along the race track. But there are extreme situations in which the trajectory of the movement undergoes changes:

If the bend of the road has a complex form, there may be several apex in the arc.

A bunch of several turns

If the turns are located in such a way that the outlet point from one virage is immediately an input point to another road bend, then the trajectory should be built so as to have the maximum speed at the output from the last turn. That is, we sacrifice the ideal trajectory of passing the last bending of the ligament to have an optimal trajectory at the output from the last turn.

To tell about all the subtleties of racing maneuvering in one article - impossible task. For all those interested in the theory of automotive racing and driving, in particular, we recommend the articles and books of the Master of Sports and Champion of the USSR on auto racing, Mikhail Gorbachev.

According to the traffic police, most road traffic accidents occur due to the incorrect actions of the driver in an extreme situation. Moreover, this applies not only to inexperienced drivers, but also quite confident.

Let's try to disassemble the most common errors allowed by drivers when maneuver performs on the road.

1. Exceeding speed at the entrance to rotation

If you need to perform a turn at the intersection, the experienced drivers advise to drop the speed on the straight part of the road at the entrance to it. The recommended speed when turning should not exceed 60 km / h. But it is necessary to proceed from the analysis of the real road situation, an angle of rotation, the size of the rotary arc. It is necessary to slow down before turning so that you have the opportunity to go through it with a constant speed, supported by a slight pressing of the gas pedal.

In no case can not be included in the rotation at high speed and slow down when turning the turn, on the arc. You risks to be on the side of the road or in a drift. It is also dangerous to move along an arc without a brake, but with a gas pedal released. Be careful on the turn.

2. Reset gas or braking when turning

Besides the fact that the need to reset the speed when the turn is performed by itself means that you are in turn at high speed. The actions of the pedals may also cause slip on the turn. With any braking, the weight of the car is shifted from the rear axle to the front, relaxing the adhesion of the rear tires with the road. Sometimes it may be the cause of slipping and entering the machine into the skid. So follow the advice of the experienced: Reset the speed on the straight line of the road to avoid the release of the gas pedal and, moreover, braking.

3. Excessive steering wheel when turning

One of the most common mistakes when performing turns, overtaking or other maneuvers on the road is an overweight steering wheel. Often drivers turn the steering wheel on an angle greater than required for maneuver. This may be the cause of the demolition of the car. Maching should be remembered that than the larger angle you turn the steering wheel, the more risk you are exposing yourself and your car. The car's wheel must be rotated neatly, as much as necessary for turning. This is achieved by repeated repetition of such maneuvers, train!

4. Sharp change direction.

While moving when performing maneuvers, rebuilding, overtaking has to change the direction of movement. In this case, the driver turns the steering wheel to the right, then to the left. As a result of such sharp movements, the car can enter, then in one, then in the other side. To avoid such driving and learn how to hold the car, try to turn the steering wheel smoothly, avoiding sharp movements.

5. Brake

When an extreme situation occurs, braking is the first response of the driver. With a sharp braking "in the floor" of the wheels are blocked and the machine without an anti-lock system (ABS) can go by the UZOM. The main danger of the Uza is the instability of the car and the possibility of driving. The skid, as a rule, occurs if the car falls into different areas of the road, for example, asphalt and sand or soil.

In such a situation, the experiences advise to slow down intermittently and release the brake pedal at the beginning of the drift. But not everyone will be able to let go of the pedal in an extreme situation. Therefore, try to predict the situation in advance and adjust the movement of your car in advance so that there is no need for emergency braking.

6. And finally, a few lessons from a professional

To feel in your car confidently, you need to learn to control it. This feeling will come to you with driving experience. We want to offer you some uncomplicated exercises that will help develop a sense of gase pedal.

On a free road with the steady movement, try to keep a constant speed so that the speedometer arrow does not deviate from its position. This exercise can be done on a flat road and on the road with lifts and descents.

Another exercise in exercising to hold constant engine speeds. Performed in the parking lot. Turn on the neutral transmission, lock the car in the parking brake and press the gas pedal so that the tachometer arrow will rose, for example, up to 2,500 revolutions. It is necessary to train until you manage to fall into the specified turns from one press of pedals. Then you need to learn how to hold constant turns for some time, for example 10 seconds. After that, the same exercise can be done on other turns - 2000, 3000, etc.

The most important thing on the road is utmost attention, the ability to predict the situation and confidence in the consequences of your actions. Good luck on the roads!

How to turn on the car, how to rotate on turns

Beginner drivers have the greatest difficulties of overtaking equipment and parking. The question is also of particular importance how to rotate on turns. In this article, we will consider turning techniques.

The movement of the car implies the performance of various techniques of movement and maneuvers, in which and includes the so-called turn. To learn how to turn correctly when turning, you need to master the technique of rotation.

Right turn - It is characterized by accuracy of execution, speed, security, which is accompanied by the appropriate driver's response under certain conditions of movement and is performed in accordance with the established rules of the road.

Car rotation technique

The development of the technique of rotation is to study the four main techniques:

  1. Straight road - that is, approaching turning;
  2. Directly entry in turnwhich is accompanied by turning the steering wheel;
  3. Exit from rotation is accompanied by the installation of the steering wheel as a driver at its original position.

On the correctness of the rotation of the car not only the speed and trajectory of the car movement in turn, but also the operating mode of the engine.

Car motion trajectory when turning

When the car enters the turn, you should take into account the trajectory of the car movement in the turn arge. The trajectory of movement is performed according to the rules: the steering wheel is twisted towards the turn, the car moves around the arc, after maneuvera performs the steering wheel returns to its original position. Then the rectilinear movement of the car continues.

Car speed when turning

Before entering the rotation, it is necessary to reduce the speed of the car. To remember, during the passage of the car in the arc, you must adhere to constant speed.

Safety of rotation Depends on the correctness of the rotation of the car. To perform safe rotation, it is necessary to start a decrease in the speed on the straight line of the road, which eliminates the effect of slipping the wheels and the possibility of driving the car when turning.

In short, we looked at what should be considered when approaching the rotation is the speed and trajectory of movement. And now more detailed about the acts of the driver when entering the rotation, movement in turn and output from turn.

Correct car entry in turn

So, the correct entry into the turn implies an advance reduction in speed before turning, which will ensure the passage of rotation at reduced speed. The speed of movement of the car before turning should be chosen depending on the rotation conditions and the state of the road section. With adverse road conditions, in the presence of possible additional obstacles, the speed of movement when turning should be significantly reduced.

Before entering the car in turn You should pay attention to point of fixation of attention and on hand position on the steering wheel.

The driver's attention when turning should be directed to a point of exit from rotation (that is, the driver must represent the final picture of the turning, its result).

If the driver is not able to view and present the result of the rotation, or it is difficult to visibility, measures should be taken to maximize the speed of the car before turning.

Position and movement of the hand of the driver when the car is rotated

Before entering the car in turn, move your hands to the steering site, which is in the opposite side of the direction of rotation. The optimal position of the hands at the left turn is shown in Scheme - 4/12, with the right turn - 8/12.

Driver's hand arrangement scheme when turning a car

Imagine that the steering wheel is a dial. The first value is a plot on which the right hand is located, the second value is the location of the left hand. Thus, the figure 4 is the right hand, on the figure 12 - left hand.

Important! Driver's hands should always be on the steering wheel. To change the position of the hands when the car is rotated, use the sliding tactics on the steering wheel.

Car movement in turn

When the car moves in the turn arc, it is strictly forbidden to change the speed of movement. Constant speed when turning increases its execution. Braking when the car moves in the arc of rotation is allowed only in emergency cases, it should be slow and smooth.

Turning car outlet

The output of the car from the arc of turn on the straight line of the road is accompanied by an alignment of the steering wheel and a smooth increase in speed. Acceleration must occur smoothly in order to avoid loss of control over the control of the vehicle and departure to the oncoming lane.

Scheme of proper turn of the car

  1. Before turning the driver smoothly squeezes the brake pedal to reduce speed (if necessary, you can use reduced gear).
  2. Determination of the car trajectory. Steering wheel rotation is carried out by two hands, according to the capture scheme.
  3. The driver's glance is fixed at the car exit point from turn. When passing the turnover car, the constant speed is maintained.
  4. The output from the rotation is accompanied by the return of the steering wheel to its original position and the smooth increase in the velocity of the vehicle.

Turning techniques A beginner driver must fix in practice. Over time, drivers appear excessive self-confidence when performing various complex turns, which can affect the safety of motion. Do not risk, keep yourself in your hands, follow turning techniques. Bring the right turning technique to automatism. Safe you ride.

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