Home Engine Selection of tires on the trolley disk. How to reconnect the inch size of the wheels in millimeters. How to choose the size of the tire disk

Selection of tires on the trolley disk. How to reconnect the inch size of the wheels in millimeters. How to choose the size of the tire disk

Matching the width of the disk and the width of rubber affects the resistance of the car. To ensure safe and comfortable driving, it is necessary that the ratio of these parameters was at optimal limits - the manufacturer recommended by the manufacturer, otherwise the tire clutch is worse with a dial, the risk of an accident increases.

Theoretical part

Assembly wheel

In the operating instructions, the dimension of tires and disks is indicated. But many motorists are trying to install larger disks on the car, as it is believed that such actions will increase the stability of the vehicle. This opinion is not entirely correct. If you slightly increase the rim of the product, you can benefit from:

  • increasing speed;
  • improvement of manageability;
  • increase the stability of the machine.

With an increase in the disk, negative consequences are possible:

  • cleaning deterioration - the wheel will hurt the wing of the car;
  • increasing the load on the transmission;
  • reducing the handling of the car.

If there is a desire to establish, for example, low-profile bus to simplify driving, consider such actions can lead to negative consequences:

  • increasing the risk of damage to the discs when driving on the uneven surface of the road (pit, protrusions, and so on);
  • increasing the load of the machine suspension while riding on the wells and other irregularities.

The ideal option is the selection of products, taking into account the compatibility of tires and disks in size. You can achieve it with regard to:

  • recommendations of the car dealer - matching the width of the disk and rubber indicated in the car manual;
  • special table data for disk selection and tires.

Pick up the rubber size under the size of the disk and vice versa, using special tables, according to the disk rim width, it must be 25-30% less than the width of the rubber profile. For example, for rubber 175 / 80R14 width is 175 mm, the height of the profile is 80%, the diameter of the disk is 14 inches. Calculate the width of the profile in inches - 175mm \u003d 6.89 inches, if you take 30% from this value and roundate the resulting number to the nearest values \u200b\u200bof the rim of the disk, then we get 5 inches. By calculations, for a tire with a sizer 175 / 80R14, a disk with a rim width of 5 inches is suitable.

Installation is too large (Figure 1) and too small (Figure 2) wheels on the vehicle.

Figure 1. Installing larger wheels
Figure 2. Installing smaller wheels

Tires R12.

Series 82.

Tires 125R12: Recommended disk width 3.5; minimum 3.0; Maximum 4.0.
Tires: 135R12 Recommended disk width 4.0; minimum 3.5; Maximum 4.5.
Tires 145R12: Recommended disk width 4.0; minimum 3.5; Maximum 5.0.
Tires: 155R12 Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.0.

Series 70.

Tires R13.

Series 82.

Tires 145R13: Recommended disk width 4.0; minimum 3.5; Maximum 5.0.
Tires 155R13: Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.5.
Tires 165R13: Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.5.
Tires 175R13: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 4.5; Maximum 6.0.

Series 80.

Tires 135 / 80R13: Recommended disk width 3.5; minimum 3.5; Maximum 4.5.
Tires 145 / 80R13: Recommended disk width 4.0; minimum 3.5; Maximum 5.0.
Tires 155/80R13: Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.5.
Tires 165 / 80R13: Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.5.

Series 70.

Tires: 135 / 70R13 Recommended disk width 4.0; minimum 3.5; Maximum 4.5.
Tires: 145/70R13 Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.0.
Tires: 155/70R13 Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.5.
Tires: 165/70R13 Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 4.5; Maximum 6.0.
Tires: 175/70R13 Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.0.
Tires: 185/70R13 Recommended width of the disk 5.5; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.5.
Tires: 195/70R13 Recommended Disc Width 6.0; minimum 5.2; Maximum 7.0.

Series 65.

Tires 155 / 65R13: Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.5.
Tires 165 / 65R13: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 4.5; Maximum 6.0.
Tires 175 / 65R13: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.0.

Series 60.

Tires 175 / 60R13: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.0.
Tires 185/60R13: Recommended width of the disk 5.5; minimum 5.5; Maximum 6.5.
Tires 205/60R13: Recommended Disc Width 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.0.

Series 55.

Tires R14.

Series 82.

Tires 145R14: Recommended disk width 4.0; minimum 3.5; Maximum 5.0.
Tires 155R14: Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.0.
Tires 165R14: Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.5.
Tires 175R14: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 4.5; Maximum 6.0.
Tires 185R14: Recommended disk width 5.5; minimum 4.5; Maximum 6.0.

Series 80.

Series 70.

Tires 165/70R14: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 4.5; Maximum 6.0.
Tires 175/70R14: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.0.
Tires 185/70R14: Recommended disk width 5.5; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.5.
Tires 195/70R14: Recommended disk width 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.0.
Tires 205/70R14: Recommended disk width 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.5.

Series 65.

Tires 155/65R14: Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.5.
Tires 165 / 65R14: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 4.5; Maximum 6.0.
Tires 175/65R14: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.0.
Tires 185 / 65R14: Recommended disk width 5.5; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.5.
Tires 195/65R14: Recommended Disc Width 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.0.

Series 60.

Tires 165 / 60R14: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 4.5; Maximum 6.0.
Tires 175/60R14: Recommended width of the disk 5.0; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.0.
Tires 185 / 60R14: Recommended disk width 5.5; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.5.
Tires 195 / 60R14: Recommended Disc Width 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.0.
Tires 205 / 60R14: Recommended disk width 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.5.

Series 55.

Tires R15

Series 82.

Tires 125R15: Recommended disk width 3.5; minimum 3.0; Maximum 4.0.
Tires 135R15: Recommended disk width 4.0; minimum 3.5; Maximum 4.5.
Tires 145R15: Recommended disk width 4.0; minimum 3.5; Maximum 5.0.
Tires 155R15: Recommended disk width 4.5; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.0.
Tires 165R15: Recommended 4.5 disc width; minimum 4.0; Maximum 5.5.
Tires 185R15: Recommended disk width 5.5; minimum 4.5; Maximum 6.0.

Series 80.

Series 70.

Tires 175/70R15: Recommended disk width 5.0; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.0.
Tires 195/70R15: Recommended disk width 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.0.
Tires 235/70R15: Recommended disk width 7.0; minimum 6.5; Maximum 8.5.

Series 65.

Tires 185/65R15: Recommended disk width 5.5; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.5.
Tires 195/65R15: Recommended width of the disk 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.0.
Tires 205 / 65R15: Recommended disk width 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.5.
Tires 215 / 65R15: Recommended disk width 6.5; minimum 6.0; Maximum 7.5.
Tires 225 / 65R15: Recommended disk width 6.5; minimum 6.0; Maximum 8.0.

Series 60.

Tires 195 / 60R15: Recommended disk width 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.0.
Tires 205 / 60R15: Recommended width of the disk 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.5.
Tires 215 / 60R15: Recommended disk width 6.5; minimum 6.0; Maximum 8.0.
Tires 225/60R15: Recommended Disc Width 6.5; minimum 6.0; Maximum 8.0.

Series 55.

Tires 185/55R15: Recommended width of the disk 6.0; minimum 5.0; Maximum 6.5.
Tires 195/55R15: Recommended Disc Width 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.0.
Tires 205 / 55R15: Recommended disk width 6.5; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.5.
Tires 225 / 55R15: Recommended disk width 7.0; minimum 6.0; Maximum 8.0.

Series 50.

Tires 195/50R15: Recommended width of the disk 6.0; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.0.
Tires 205 / 50R15: Recommended Disc Width 6.5; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.5.
Tires 225 / 50R15: Recommended width of the disk 7.0; minimum 6.0; Maximum 8.0.

Series 45.

Tires R16.

Series 65.

Series 60.

Series 55.

Tires 205 / 55R16: Recommended disk width 6.5; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.5.
Tires 225/55R16: Recommended Disc Width 7.0; minimum 6.0; Maximum 8.0.
Tires 245/55R16: Recommended Disc Width 7.5; minimum 7.0; Maximum 8.5.

Series 50.

Tires 205 / 50R16: Recommended disk width 6.5; minimum 5.5; Maximum 7.5.
Tires 225/50R16: Recommended disk width 7.0; minimum 6.0; Maximum 8.0.
Tires 235/50R16: Recommended disk width 7.5; minimum 6.5; Maximum 8.5.
Tires 255/50R16: Recommended disk width 8.0; minimum 7.0; Maximum 9.0.

Series 45.

Tires 195/45R16: Recommended width of the disk 6.5; minimum 6.0; Maximum 7.5.
Tires 205/45R16: Recommended disk width 7.0; minimum 6.5; Maximum 7.5.
Tires 225 / 45R16: Recommended disk width 7.5; minimum 7.0; Maximum 8.5.
Tires 245/45R16: Recommended disk width 8.0; minimum 7.5; Maximum 9.0.

Series 40.

Tires R17.

Series 55.

Series 50.

Series 45.

Tires 215/45R17: Recommended disk width 7.0; minimum 7.0; Maximum 8.5.
Tires 225/45R17: Recommended width of the disk 7.5; minimum 7.0; Maximum 8.5.
Tires 235/45R17: Recommended disk width 8.0; minimum 7.5; Maximum 9.0.
Tires 245/45R17: Recommended disk width 8.0; minimum 7.5; Maximum 9.0.
Tires 255/45R17: Recommended disk width 8.5; minimum 8.0; Maximum 9.5.

Series 40.

Tires 215 / 40R17: Recommended disk width 7.5; minimum 7.0; Maximum 8.5.
Tires 235 / 40R17: Recommended width of the disk 8.5; minimum 8.0; Maximum 9.5.
Tires 245/40R17: Recommended disk width 8.5; minimum 8.0; Maximum 9.5.
Tires 255/40R17: Recommended disk width 9.0; minimum 8.5; Maximum 10.0.
Tires 265/40R17: Recommended disk width 9.5; minimum 9.0; Maximum 10.5.
Tires 275/40R17: Recommended disk width 9.5; minimum 9.0; Maximum 11.0.
Tires 285/40R17: Recommended width of the disk 10.0; minimum 8.5; Maximum 11.0.

Series 35.

Tires 245/35R17: Recommended disk width 8.5; minimum 8.0; Maximum 9.5.
Tires 265/35R17: Recommended disk width 9.5; minimum 9.0; Maximum 10.5.
Tires 335 / 35R17: Recommended disk width 11.5; minimum 11.0; Maximum 13.0.

Tires R18.

Series 50.

Series 45.

Series 40.

Tires 225/40R18: Recommended disk width 8.0; minimum 7.5; Maximum 9.0.
Tires 235/40R18: Recommended disk width 8.0; minimum 7.5; Maximum 9.0.
Tires 245/40R18: Recommended disk width 8.5; minimum 8.0; Maximum 9.5.
Tires 265/40R18: Recommended disk width 9.5; minimum 9.0; Maximum 10.5.

Series 35.

Series 30.

Tires R19.

Series 50.

Series 45.

Series 40.

Tires 225/40R19: Recommended disk width 8.0; minimum 7.5; Maximum 9.0.
Tires 245/40R19: Recommended disk width 8.5; minimum 8.0; Maximum 9.5.
Tires 255 / 40R19: Recommended disk width 9.0; minimum 8.5; Maximum 10.0.
Tires 275/40R19: Recommended disk width 9.5; minimum 9.0; Maximum 11.0.

Series 35.

Tires 225/35R19: Recommended disk width 8.0; minimum 7.5; Maximum 9.0.
Tires 235/35R19: Recommended disk width 8.5; minimum 8.0; Maximum 9.5.
Tires 245/35R19: Recommended disk width 8.5; minimum 8.0; Maximum 9.5.
Tires 255/35R19: Recommended disk width 9.0; minimum 8.5; Maximum 10.0.
Tires 265/35R19: Recommended disk width 9.5; minimum 9.0; Maximum 10.5.
Tires 275/35R19: Recommended disk width 9.5; minimum 9.0; Maximum 11.0.
Tires 285/35R19: Recommended width of the disk 10.0; minimum 9.5; Maximum 11.0.
Tires 295 / 35R19: Recommended disk width 10.5; minimum 10.0; Maximum 11.5.

Series 30.

Tires 265/30R19: Recommended disk width 9.5; minimum 9.0; Maximum 10.0.
Tires 275/30R19: Recommended disk width 9.5; minimum 9.0; Maximum 10.0.
Tires 285/30R19: Recommended disk width 10.0; minimum 9.5; Maximum 10.5.
Tires 295/30R19: Recommended disk width 10.5; minimum 10.0; Maximum 11.0.
Tires 305/30R19: Recommended disk width 11.0; minimum 10.5; Maximum 11.5.
Tires 345 / 30R19: Recommended width of the disk 12.0; minimum 11.5; Maximum 12.5.

Series 25.

Tires R20.

Series 40.

Series 35.

Tires R21

Series 35.

Series 30.

Tires 255/30R21: Recommended disk width 9.0; minimum 9.0; Maximum 10.0.
Tires 285/30R21: Recommended Disc Width 10.0; minimum 10.0; Maximum 11.0.
Tires 295/30R21: Recommended disc width 10.5; minimum 10.0; Maximum 11.0.

Series 25.

Tires R22.

Series 30.

Series 25.

Wheel with suspension elements


For the resistance of the car, it is necessary to respect the width compliance and the autoresine width specified by the vehicle manufacturer. If desired, increase the size of the disks or tires, to improve the appearance of the machine or its characteristics, it is worth using special tables indicating the relationship between the parameters of the auto strokes and rubber. At the same time, take into account: even if you choose the compliance of the size of the specified products correctly, there is a possibility that the disk will not be able to install on the car due to the design features of the machine. For example, the disk will be strengthened into the details of the suspension or the caliper. Such a situation may occur due to the molded disk form, so before the logging of the tire on the wheel, it is worth it to try it first.

Do you want to choose a bus for your car, but do not understand the tire marking? It's not a problem! In this section, we will help you figure out: what are the tire parameters that they mean, and which tire is suitable for your car.

Pick up tires / bus catalog

Decoding tire marking.

195/65 R15 91 T XL

195 - This is the width of the tire in mm.

65 - proportionality, i.e. Profile height ratio to width. In our case, it is equal to 65%. Simply put, with the same width, the more this indicator, the tire will be higher and vice versa. Usually this magnitude is called simply - "profile".

As the tire profile is a relative value, then it is important to take into account when selecting rubber, that if you instead of the size of 195/65 R15, you want to put tires with a size of 205/65 R15, then not only the width of the tire will increase, but also the height! That in most cases is unacceptable! (except in cases where both of these sizes are listed in the auto operating book). The exact data on the change in the external sizes of the wheel you can calculate in a special bus calculator.

If this ratio is not indicated (for example, 185 / R14C), it means it is equal to 80-82% and the tire is called full-face. Reinforced tires with such labeling are usually used on minibuses and light trucks, where a large maximum load on the wheel is very important.

R. - means tire with radial cord (in fact, now almost all tires are made this way).

Many mistakenly believe that R- means the tire radius, but it is the radial design of the tire. There is still a diagonal design (denoted by the letter D), but recently it is practically not released, since its operational characteristics are noticeably worse.

15 - wheel diameter (disk) in inches. (It is diameter, not a radius! This is also a common error). This "planting" tire diameter on the disk, i.e. This is an internal size of the tire or an outdoor disk.

91 - Load index. This is the level of maximum permissible load on one wheel. For passenger cars, it is usually done with a margin and when choosing tires is not a decisive value, (in our case, in - 91 - 670 kg.). For minibuses and small trucks, this parameter is very important and must be observed.

Tire Load Index Table:

T. - Tire speed index. What he is more, with the greater speed you can ride on this tire, (in our case, IS - N - up to 210 km / h). Speaking about the tire speed index, I would like to note that this parameter manufacturer of tires guarantees the normal operation of rubber at a constant movement of the machine at the specified speed for several hours.

Speed \u200b\u200bIndex Table:

American tire marking:

There are two different marks of American tires. The first one is very similar to the European, only before the size of the letters "P" (Passanger - for the passenger car) or "LT" (Light Truck - Light Truck) is set. For example: P 195/60 R 14 or LT 235/75 R15. And other tire marking, which is fundamentally different from European.

For example: 31x10.5 R15 (corresponds to the European Size 2) 265/75 R15)

31 - External tire diameter in inches.
10.5 - Tire width in inches.
R. - The tire of the radial design (the older models of the tires were with a diagonal design).
15 - the inner diameter of the tire in inches.

Generally speaking, if you do not consider inch unusual to us, then the American marking tires are logical and more understandable, at different from the European, where the height of the tire profile is impermanent and depends on the width of the tire. And then everything is simple with decoding: the first digit size is the outer diameter, the second is the width, the third is the inner diameter.

Additional information indicated in the marking on the sidewall bus:

XL or Extra Load - reinforced tire, the load index of which is 3 units higher than that of the usual tires of the same size. In other words, if the load index 91 is specified on this tire with an XL or Extra Load mark, then this means that with this index, the bus is capable of withstanding the maximum load of 670 kg instead of 615 kg (watching the tire load index table).

M + S. Or M & S Tire Marking (Mud + Snow) - Mud Plus Snow And Means Tires All-season or Winter. On many summer tires for SUVs, M & S is indicated. However, these tires cannot be operated in winter, because Winter tires have a completely different composition of rubber and tread pattern, and the M & S icon indicates good tire patency.

All season or as All-season tires. AW (Any Weather) - any weather.

Pictogram * (Snowflake) - Rubber is intended for use in harsh winter conditions. If there is no tire on the sidewall this label, then this tire is designed for use only in summer conditions.

Aquatred, AquaContact, Rain, Water, Aqua or Pictogram (umbrella) - Special rain tires.

Outside and Inside; Assymmetric tires, i.e. It is important not to confuse which side is outdoor, but what is internal. When installing, OUTSIDE must be from the outside of the car, and Inside - with the inner.

RSC. (Runflat System Component) - Runflat tires are tires on which you can continue moving by car at a speed of no more than 80 km / h with full pressure drop in the tire (when crossing or cut). On these tires, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations, you can drive from 50 to 150 km. Different manufacturers of tires use various RSC technology designations. For example: Bridgestone RFT, Continental SSR, Goodyear Runonflat, Nokian Run Flat, Michelin ZP, etc.

Rotation Or the arrow this marking on the sidewall of the tire means the directional tire. When the tire is installed, it is necessary to strictly observe the direction of rotation of the wheel specified by the arrow.

Tubeless - Delicious Tire. In the absence of this inscription, the tire can only be used with the camera. Tube Type - indicates that this tire must only be operated with the camera.

Max Pressure.; The maximum allowable tire pressure. Max Load is the maximum permissible load on each car wheel, kg.

Reinforced. or RF letters in a sizer (for example 195/70 R15RF) mean that this is a reinforced bus (6 layers). The letter C at the end of the size (for example, 195/70 R15C) denotes a cargo tire (8 layers).

Radial This marking on rubber in a sizer means that it is the autoresin of radial design. Steel means that metallic cord is present in the tire design.

Letter E. (In the circle) - the tire corresponds to the European ECE (ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE). DOT (Department of Transportation - US Department of Transportation) - American Quality Standard.

Temperature A, B or C The heat resistance of the autoresine at high speeds on the test stand (and is the best indicator).

TRACTION A, B or C - The ability of the tire to braking on a wet roadway.

Treadwear.; The relative expected mileage mileage compared to the special standard US test.

TWI (Tread Wear Indiration) - Pointers of tire tread wear indicators. Marking on the TWI wheel can also be with an arrow. Indicators are located evenly in eight or six places across the entire circumference of the tire and show the minimum permissible tread depth. The wear indicator is performed as a protrusion with a height of 1.6 mm (the minimum protector for light vehicles) and is located in the deepening of the tread (as a rule, in drainage grooves).

Dot. - Clear address of the manufacturer, bus size code, certificate, release date (week / year).

1. What should I do?

It is necessary to correctly select a tire for a disk with the specified parameters or a particular car.

2. What are the tire parameters to consider when buying?

Choosing tires, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  • seasonality;
  • type of tread;
  • type type of tire - chamber or tubeless;
  • type of design of cord;
  • mounting (or landing) diameter;
  • tire width;
  • profile height;
  • load index;
  • speed \u200b\u200bindex.

As in the case of the choice of discs, we will make a reservation at once: if at this stage you have been able to understand the numbers and indexes, you can simply use the tire calculator of any major online store or online service, where you can instantly pick up the tires, indicating the model of your car or characteristics of available disks.

However, if you continue to read, then you have already become clear that in fact the above list of parameters is quickly reduced to two or three points, since most of them are obvious or subjective characteristics. Let's go in order.

3. Seasonality

Seasonality is an obvious parameter: At the time of the selection of rubber, you know perfectly, the winter or summer tires you need. The question of choosing the so-called "all-season" rubber and its applicability under conditions of year-round operation is a topic for a separate conversation, as well as the choice of mud or universal. It is only worth saying here, should have a marking of the Snowflakes icon or the letters "M + S" or "M.S".

4. Type of tread

In general, the protector on the structure of the pattern is symmetric or asymmetric, as well as directed or non-directional. A symmetrical non-directional protector is the simplest basic type of drawing: such tires are most common and inexpensive. The focus of the tread primarily increases its ability to efficient water supply from the contact spot is. Well, an asymmetrical tread pattern is designed to combine good drainage and coursework stability. The question of choosing a design of the projector also deserves a separate conversation.

5. Type Type Type - Chamber or Damnable

By its design, the tires are intended for use with or without camera. However, in modern conditions, the selection of the tire design is practically predetermined: almost all modern passenger tires are non-chamber. These tires are labeled with the inscription "Tubeless" (which means "tubeless") or "TL".

6. Cord Design Type

The type of construction of the Cord - the power of the tire, its "skeleton" is also a characteristic that does not require much attention when choosing modern tires: almost all of them today are radial. This fact is denoted by the very letter "R" in the tire marking: for example, the mark "185/70 R 14 88H" means that this is a radial tire with a 6-inch landing diameter, and not a "radius" of 14 inches, as they are mistakenly spoken and consider .

7. Mounting (or landing) diameter

This is also a simple parameter if you already have discs for which you choose the tires: the landing tire diameter must necessarily coincide with the disk diameter. If you choose discs along with the tires, you need to specify in the instruction manual, wheels of what diameter are allowed to use on your model, and then choose the tires of the same size to them.

8. Bus width

The width of the tire is the first digital index reflected in the tire marking. It is indicated in millimeters: tire 185/70 R 14 has a width of 185 millimeters. This is perhaps the first parameter from our list that may vary when selecting a bus for a specific disk or car.

The point here is that the disc can also have a different width, and the tire should sit on the disk correctly. Too narrow tire will sit on a "house" disk, which is unacceptable due to the high risk of spontaneous unfolding, and too broad - "mushroom", which is also unacceptable. Separate directions of tuning like Stance consider landing a "house" beautiful and bring it into a separate, but from the point of view of civil operation it is not justified and incorrect.

Each car model has several variants of the diameter of the disk and the dimension of rubber suitable for operation. All these options recommended by the manufacturer are listed in the car manual: from this data and it is worth choosing. In turn, the disk of a certain width has several valid tire options. Here the choice should be done depending on the desired characteristics.

First, the greater Rubber usually provides a greater point of contact with expensive and, accordingly, the best grip with the surface. Secondly, subject to the same diameter, the tires of greater width have a smaller profile - we will talk about it just below. Thirdly, the tires of greater width have a large mass that lightly reflects on the dynamics of the car and fuel consumption. Well, fourth, with increasing width of tires, their tendency is growing. In addition, the tires of different widths have a different final cost - as a rule, for additional millimeters will have to pay a few additional hundred rubles. Thus, the width of the tires must be selected taking into account the allowable range of the range and the desired characteristics.

9. Height profile

Profile height, or series - the second index, reflected in the tire marking. It is indicated as percentage of the width of the tire: that is, this is the ratio of the profile height to the width in percent. For example, a tire 185/70 R 14 88H has a profile height of 70% of its width. Calculate the height of millimeters is easy: you need to multiply the width to the profile and divided by 100 - for our tires this indicator is 129.5 millimeters.

The profile height affects the tire characteristics. First, a higher profile provides the best comfort and resistance to breakdowns. Lower profile tires, respectively, better transmit road profile on the suspension and body, as well as more prone to damage when hitting the roadbed defects. Secondly, a lower profile provides better handling, and higher - on the contrary, a large "roller" of the car. Thirdly, as already mentioned above, provided the same diameter of the tire of greater width have a smaller profile - this must be considered when choosing in accordance with the desired characteristics.

The load index is a parameter that reflects the maximum permissible load on the bus during its operation. Denoted by a digital index, indicated after the geometric parameters of the bus: for example, our 185/70 R 14 88H conditional tire has a load index 88. The decoding of the index can be viewed in the table shown by the tire manufacturer - in our case, the index 88 means the permissible load of 560 kilograms. When choosing the same tires, it is worth considering that the maximum allowed mass of the car, respectively, should not exceed the maximum load indicator, multiplied by 4 - by the number of tires by car.

The speed index is a parameter reflecting the maximum permissible speed at which the tire retains its operational characteristics. This is the letter index, whose decoding also needs to be specified in the table given by the manufacturer. Tires of one diameter may have a different speed index depending on other parameters - widths, profile, composition of the rubber mixture and, accordingly, prices. If the parameter of the maximum permissible speed of operation is important for you, then you need to choose the tires of the high price category with the best consumer qualities.

Such a calculator can be needed if you want to install instead of standard tires or disks their analogues, but already another sizes. With it, you can visually submit dimension changes and then interpret them to a particular car. At the same time, the calculator is not a means of selection of tires and disks, since it does not contain the database by manufacturers.

When replacing disks and tires, taking into account the geometric data obtained from tire calculator, it will not be superfluous to make several measurements. First, the distance from the suspension to the surface of the wheel from the inside, as well as from the shock absorber cup to the surface of the tread. Secondly, from the wing, as well as steering pulls to the surface of the tread. In this case, the geometric parameters of the new wheel assembly should not greatly exceed the size of the standard tires and disks. Otherwise, the unstable behavior of the car is possible.

Several basic rules that need to be remembered when replacing tires and disks.

  1. Summer tire protector standard has a depth of 0.8-1 cm;
  2. Installing larger diameter discs than regular, it is necessary to reduce the departure value - for each inch height of 3 mm departure;
  3. Often the hub holes on the disks that are non-original, have a larger diameter. Therefore, when they are installed, you need to use special rings for fixation;
  4. In the case when the hole on the disk is less than the pittal fasteners, it is strictly forbidden to reassure them, as well as to heat the hub itself;
  5. The correct selection of non-original discs using a calculator will allow saving the driving characteristics of the car;
  6. If you are not confident in compatibility of tires or disks with your car, do not install better, or contact your specialists.

Marking of tires released in America is very different from European designations. Therefore, drivers constantly have to translate inches in millimeters or centimeters. Only conducting such calculations, you can correctly pick up the wheel for your car.

29 inches

The Russian SUV is produced with wheels, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the usual SUV. Standard size of foreign cars corresponds to 29 inches or 235 / 75R15.

The domestic SUV (Niva) is completed at the plant wheels 175 / 80R15. On such tires, the car quickly breaks into the dirt, with difficulty moving on our off-road.

To correct this situation, you need to install 29 inches rubber. It will increase the clearance by 25 mm. If you install a tire 31 inches, the ground clearance will be more than 50 mm. To install such wheels, only the change in the wheel arches will be required. It will be necessary to increase their dimensions.

Inch system

Most jeeps use tires marked with a value of 31x10.5r15.

31 Here refers to the inch diameter of the wheel. One inch, as you know, corresponds to two and a half centimeters, and if you are completely accurate, then 2.54 cm. In other words, after the translation D it will become 78.7 cm.

This marking is fairly in demand, since it is convenient, as it shows the size of the wheel with already accounted for disk parameters.

The diameter of the wheel 31x10.5r15 in dimensions is almost equal to the tire with the designation 31x10.5r16. The only difference will be reduced tire profile by 2.5 cm.

10.5 - width of rubber in inches. But this value is not exactly exactly, because when recalculating inches into traditional centimeters, it will turn out 26.5 cm.

However, when measuring this value, the conventional ruler value will be fluent in the range of 23 cm. Only if the width index 12.5 will stand on the bus, it will be possible to talk about a width of 26.5 cm.

About such a nuance should always be remembered if you decide to set the maximum tire size in the Arc SUV.

Metric system

Such a measurement system is much more complicated. Take rubber with labeling 265-75-15.

265 mm - width of the tire. As in the inch system, its real width will be approximately 230-235 mm.

75 - profile height in millimeters. To get a true meaning, you need to take 75% of 265 mm. It will be 198.75 mm. Then this number is multiplied by two. This is caused by the fact that the full diameter of the wheel is equal to the D disc plus a double profile height.

In our case, it is equal to 15 inches. As a result, after the calculations performed, we get D disc 381 mm. Shared D Wheels: 397,5 + 381 \u003d 778 mm or 77.8 centimeters.

R15 - radial rubber. The diameter of the disk is indicated in inches. Always raises surprise. Why in the metric system remains inch designation.

If you carefully look at these two systems, there will be a noticeable difference, about 1.1 centimeters. It does not affect the design and installation of the wheels.

Today on the Internet for the correct calculation of the size of the tire, a large number of different calculators are offered. All of them work completely free and greatly facilitate the search for the desired tire size.

View the 2019 Summer Tire Rating on our website

We have compiled a table of the most common sizes, it may help to quickly find the appropriate wheel size.

Designations Inches
235 / 65R16.28,0
265 / 70R16.30,6
265 / 70R1731,6

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