Home Heating How to measure the volume of the cylinder. Cylinder volume. Determine the size of the cylinder

How to measure the volume of the cylinder. Cylinder volume. Determine the size of the cylinder

Causes Change Cylinder Castle can be different. It often happens so that the keys are lost, or the core itself clinics and hires. Many are faced with the need to replace the old castle larva to a new, more modern and protected. In any case, if you have already decided on the model, then to select the appropriate secret, it is still to decide with the size. It is not difficult to choose the desired size, it is enough to understand what and how to measure.

The main criteria of the dimension of cylinders

The modern and most common standard of secrecy cylinder mechanisms (CMS) is considered to be DIN. This standard was developed by the German Standardization Bureau and implies the passage of secretion through the lock, while the shape of the cylinder, its width and height, became universal, and can be interchangeable and compatible with locks and accessories from different manufacturers.

Thus, the main criteria for choosing a cylinder becomes its length and symmetry. The total length of the cylinder directly depends on the thickness of the door, the presence of trim, armored pavings or protective fittings. It is important to understand, the cylinder should not be recessed into the door body, or play it, especially from the street part of the door. When properly selected, the outer side of the cylinder should be at the level with the door web, otherwise, the attackers can snatch the cylinder grasping for this protrusion. Minor indents are allowed, no more than two millimeters from the outside. This is a compromise version, if there are no cylinders of the desired size in the model row. So often it happens when you decided to replace the old Chinese core to a new one from another manufacturer. In some manufacturers, the total length of the cylinder can be greater than 0.5 - 1 mm, which are the features of production.

The total length of the cylinder, in turn, is divided into two components - internal size and outdoor. In symmetric cylinders, these two values \u200b\u200bare equal, it means that the lock is installed inside the door in the middle, if the lock is displaced, then the cylinder is called asymmetric.

The figure shows an example of a symmetric core, in which the parties A and B are equal. Measure the symmetry of the core is from the edge to the center of the fastening screw hole. Some manufacturers indicate dimensions taking into account the standard thickness of the tongue, as a rule, equal to 10 mm.

In this figure, the side b is greater than A. This is an example of an asymmetric cylinder, with the same total length, most producers have many asymmetric models.

Determine the size of the cylinder

The easiest way to understand which size and symmetry you need is to get the old core and measure the overall length, the length of the inside to the center of the hole, and the outer length from the center. Most models core have no difference between the inner and the outer part, but there are exceptions. For example, the cylinder has a rotable housing from the outside, so acquiring a similar cylinder should be chosen symmetry with this feature.

We have on the site the sizes of cylinders are recorded in the form 100 (50x50), where 100 is a total length in millimeters, and in brackets is external and internal, respectively. In asymmetric cylinders, the size will have a form 100 (40x60), where the outer side is 40 A internal 60 millimeters. In the cylinders with the turn signal, or with special options on one of the parties in the name of the goods, the size will be recorded as 100 (50x50t), where the letter T is marked with the toggle switch (turn signal) from the inside. ABLOY cylinders with the HARD option is recorded as 103 (47Hx56), where 47H means that the outer part of the cylinder is 47mm and from this side, a Kanenic Case (Hard) is installed, the manufacturer marks the special sticker "OUTSIDE" on the outside.

There is another type of cylinders, the so-called cylinders are the key - half. They have only one size, the second part of the cylinder has a standard size, usually 9 - 10 mm. Such cylinders are applied if you need to lock the doors only on the one hand, and they are recorded in form 41 (9.5x31), where 9.5 is the size of the "deaf" part.

In the case when you do not have an old cylinder, the size is determined from the center of the hole on the lock bar to the edges of the door, taking into account the trimming, the presence or absence of protective fittings. The masters use a special tool for this, therefore, the size of the cylinder on the new door is better to know in production.

How to be if you decide to change the cylinder to a new one, and the desired size did not turn out, or the manufacturer has dimensions differ by 0.5 - 1 mm. First of all, it is worth starting with whether you already have a bronmark brake, or you plan to put it.

When the pad is already installed, as a rule, it is placed with a small tolerance.

The difference between sizes A and B in the figure shows the tolerance between the cylinder and the mortise overlay, it is possible to determine its size without disassembling the lining. Remove the fastening bolt of your old cylinder and push it until it stops inside the lining, subsequently, measuring the depth of which the core "left" into the lining, you can determine the maximum external size of the new core.

The size in is worth adding to the outside, therefore you can find out the maximum external size of the cylinder.

If there is no armored layout, then depending on the type and method of installation, the core size may differ in a large or smaller side of the size of your old cylinder or the door thickness.

Cylinder definition

Cylinder - The geometric body obtained by rotating the rectangle around any side of it.

Online cylinder volume calculator

This is the definition of the simplest, so-called direct circular cylinder. A more complete and general definition of the cylinder as follows:

Cylinder They call the geometric body, which is obtained by intersection of two planes, which are parallel to each other, with straight, which are also parallel to each other.

These directly got a name figy cylinder. Plane is basis cylinder.
Straight, which is perpendicular to planes containing the base of the cylinder is called height This cylinder.

Types of cylinders

They depend on how the angles and forming cylinders intersect. If the angle is 90 degrees, then the cylinder is called direct. A line that connects the center of one base with another is called axis of symmetry. If the angle is not straight, then the cylinder is called inclined (oblique).

If the base form of the cylinder - hyperbole, then the cylinder hyperbolicif parabola, a circle or ellipse, then, respectively parabolic, circular and elliptical.

Circular cylinder volume formula

In order to calculate the volume of the direct circular cylinder, you just need to multiply the area of \u200b\u200bits base (that is, the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle lying at the base of the cylinder) to the height of this cylinder.

Circular cylinder volume formula

V \u003d S Osn ⋅ H V \u003d S _ (\\ Text (OSN)) \\ CDOT HV \u003d.S. osnh.

S OUND S _ (\\ TEXT (OSN)) S. osn - the base area of \u200b\u200bthe cylinder;
H H. h. - The height of this cylinder.

For a circular cylinder, base area S OUND S _ (\\ TEXT (OSN)) S. osn This is the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle:

S. osn​ = π ⋅ R. 2

R R. R. - Circle radius.

Consider several examples.

Task 1.

Find the volume of the cylinder if its foundation is equal to 196 π cm 2 196 \\ pi \\ Text (cm) ^ 21 9 6 π cm2 , and his height H H. h. 2 times more base radius R R. R..


S Osn \u003d 196 π S _ (\\ Text (OSN)) \u003d 196 \\ PIS. osn= 1 9 6 π
H \u003d 2 ⋅ R H \u003d 2 \\ CDOT R h \u003d.2 ⋅ R.

First calculate the radius of the base:

S R 2 S _ (\\ Text (OSN)) \u003d \\ pi \\ cdot r ^ 2S. osn= π ⋅ R. 2

Express the radius from here R R. R.:

R 2 \u003d S ос R ^ 2 \u003d \\ FRAC (S _ (\\ Text (OSN))) (\\ pi)R. 2 = π S. osn

R \u003d S ос R \u003d \\ SQRT (\\ FRAC (S _ (\\ Text (OSN))) (\\ pi))R \u003d.π S. osn​ ​

R \u003d 196 π π R \u003d \\ SQRT (\\ FRAC (196 \\ PI) (\\ PI))R \u003d.π 1 9 6 π​ ​

R \u003d 196 R \u003d \\ SQRT (196) R \u003d.1 9 6

R \u003d 14 R \u003d 14 R \u003d.1 4

Under the condition of the problem, the cylinder height is twice as much R R. R.:

H \u003d 2 ⋅ R \u003d 2 ⋅ 14 \u003d 28 H \u003d 2 \\ CDOT R \u003d 2 \\ CDOT 14 \u003d 28h \u003d.2 ⋅ R \u003d.2 ⋅ 1 4 = 2 8

Then the volume of the cylinder according to the formula:

V \u003d S Osn ⋅ H \u003d 196 ⋅ π π 28 ≈ 17232 cm 3 V \u003d S _ (\\ Text (OSN)) \\ Cdot H \u003d 196 \\ CDOT \\ PI \\ CDOT28 \\ APPROX17232 \\ TEXT (cm) ^ 3V \u003d.S. osnh \u003d.1 9 6 ⋅ π ⋅ 2 8 ≈ 1 7 2 3 2 cm3


17232 cm 3. 17232 \\ TEXT (cm) ^ 3.1 7 2 3 2 cm3 .

Task 2.

Determine what is equal to the volume of the cylinder if the radius of its base R R. R. Raven 7 cm 7 \\ Text (cm) 7 cm, and height - 14 cm 14 \\ TEXT (cm) 1 4 cm.


R \u003d 7 R \u003d 7 R \u003d.7
H \u003d 14 H \u003d 14 h \u003d.1 4

By the formula for the volume of the cylinder we get:

V \u003d S ос H \u003d π ⋅ R 2 ⋅ H \u003d π ⋅ 7 2 ⋅ 14 ≈ 2154 cm 3 V \u003d S _ (\\ Text (OSN)) \\ Cdot H \u003d \\ pi \\ Cdot R ^ 2 \\ Cdot H \u003d \\ 2154 cm 3. 2154 \\ TEXT (cm) ^ 3.V \u003d.S. osnh \u003d.π ⋅ R. 2 h \u003d.π ⋅ 7 2 1 4 ≈ 2 1 5 4 cm3


Task 3.2 1 5 4 cm3 .

In the square

A A. A. equal 4 cm 4 \\ TEXT (cm) The circumference is inscribed, which is the base of the cylinder, whose height is equal to 4 cm 20 cm 20 \\ TEXT (cm) . Calculate its volume. 2 0 cmA \u003d 4 a \u003d 4


a \u003d. h \u003d 20 H \u003d 204
Based on the fact that the sides of the square in which the circle is inscribed is equal to the diameter h \u003d.2 0

D D. D. This circumference, you can find the area of \u200b\u200bthe cylinder: S OUND \u003d π ⋅ R 2 \u003d π ⋅ D 2 4 \u003d π ⋅ A 2 4 \u003d π ⋅ 4 2 4 ≈ 12.56 S _ (\\ Text (OSN)) \u003d \\ pi \\ cdot r ^ 2 \u003d \\ FRAC (\\ pi \\ D.

A.S. osn= π ⋅ R. 2 = 4 π ⋅ Cylinder volume: 2 = 4 π ⋅ v \u003d S Opste ⋅ H ≈ 12.56 ⋅ 20 \u003d 251.2 cm 3 V \u003d S _ (\\ Text (OSN)) \\ CDOT H \\ APPROX12.56 \\ CDOT20 \u003d 251.2 \\ TEXT (cm) ^ 3 2 = 4 π ⋅ 4 2 1 2 . 5 6




- This is a portion of the cylinder lock that moves the goals, and on which the secrecy of the castle depends. Professionals are called a cylinder mechanism of secrecy (CMS). Our clients often ask the question: "How can I change the larva, and what should I know for this?" In this material, we will look at the main parameters of the CMD and consider some examples.

To properly install the cylinder, you need to know the following parameters: the length of the entire cylinder, and the distance from the edges of the cylinder to the center of the mounting screw. On the diagram is distances "BUT" and "IN".

The cylinder, which, both parts equal in length, is called equilateral.

If the length of the 2 parts are different, then such a cylinder is called versatile.

Its length is 90 mm. This size of the versatile larvae is often found in the doors of the Italian company Union, as well as in the door of the Chinese production outpost, master-lock, etc.
Parts of the cylinder are separated, the so-called swivel cam. Its width - 10 mm. The bias of the cylinder is measured from the center of the swivel cam. If the cylinder is selected in length correctly, it should not act much for the door of the door, decorative lining or door fittings. If the cylinder lock is configured, the length of the protruding part of the cylinder will depend on the type of damage installed, the installation method and the specific door. There are no special requirements for the length of the inner part of the cylinder.

Measuring the key cylinder, also called the larva, insert or core, is an urgent need when it is replaced. After all, agree, much easier to measure the length of the cylinder, and then call the stores, learning about the presence of the desired model than to run with the same cylinder on the same stores with an unknown result, losing your time.

The measurement of the larvae does not represent a special difficulty (the cylinder can even not remove the castle) - the main thing is to know what to measure, and what figures call in the store.

Than measure the size of the cylinder

To determine the length of the cylinder, professionals use special devices, which, for obvious reasons, we do not have. Therefore, measurements can be made by the usual line - the accuracy of measurements is quite enough to buy or order a new larvae. For measurements, roulette or caliper will rise.

How to determine the length of the cylinder

Any cylinder has a mounting hole that the larva attracts to the castle housing. In conjunction with the edges of the cylinder, the center of this hole is one of the dot points of the larva. The size of the cylinder (also called the symmetry of the cylinder) is determined by three magnitudes, in most drawings, denoted by Latin literals A, B and C (or L), where:

  • A - Distance from the outer edge of the cylinder to the mounting hole
  • B - Distance from mounting hole to the inner edge of the cylinder
  • C (or L) - the total length of the cylinder

It is clear that the sum of the two first items is the total length of the cylinder. Cylinders, in which the distances from the edges to the hole are equal, are called symmetric. In principle, you don't need to remember the listers, the main thing is to understand what is in the designations of the lengths of cylinders on sites and in descriptions. The symmetry of the cylinder can be referred to as follows: C (AXB), C (A / B) or simply A / B C. Units of measurement - millimeters.


92 (31x61) - a cylinder with a total length of 92 mm. The distance from the outer edge to the hole is 31 mm, from the opening to the inner edge - 61 millimeters.

102 (41/61) - a cylinder with a total length of 102 mm. The distance from the outer edge to the hole is 41 mm, from the opening to the inner edge - 61 millimeters.

61/41 102 mm - the same cylinder with a total length of 102 mm, but distances were changed: from the outer edge to the hole - 61 mm, from the hole to the inner edge - 41 millimeters.

Completing examples, consider the actual designation - take the Italian cylinder Mottura Champions C38P71 / 31. In the intricate set of characters, you can notice a suspiciously familiar couple of numbers, divided by slash - 71/31. All right, symbols for the Litera D and there is a cylinder dimension. The total length of the cylinder mechanism is not indicated, for it is obvious.

As we see, there is nothing complicated in the symmetry symmetry symmetry. It does not represent a special complexity and independent definition of the dimensions of the larvae - you only need to measure the three specified values \u200b\u200bby a ruler or tape measure.

Cylinder measurement through a ruler

Circummer measured with a special tool.

There are no difficulties, the cylinder can not even be removed from the door, but there are several points that it is worth paying attention to.

    It should be known that on some sites a different order of symmetry of the cylinder is adopted: a - the inner side, B - the outer (ie, on the contrary). Such designations are exceptionally rare, there are only on foreign sites, but when communicating with the store managers, it is better to clarify this moment and operate the terms "outer side" and "inner side."

    If you decide to independently change the cylinder (for a person, such work is not a special difficulty), then you should know that some equilateral cylinders are the parameters a and b - this is not the same. Yes, their length is the same, but the outer, the outer side can be further enhanced to increase the hack resistance of the cylinder mechanism.

    Of course, in cheap variants of cylinders and Chinese consumer goods, it does not matter which side to install the cylinder, but dealing with the case, for example, with a high-quality branded cylinder ABLOY PROTEC 2 this factor should be considered. It is difficult to imagine that the "key-handle" cylinder can be installed with the handle outside, but when the cylinder is performed, the "key-key" error is quite possible. Typically, manufacturers of high-class cylinders in some way mark the outdoor side of the larvae. To measure the cylinder, this moment does not have a direct relationship, but agree, the knowledge of this kind does not interfere.

    The cylinder can also be selected directly through the doorway, having measured from the end of the canvas. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the elements of the outdoor and internal design of the door, including the thickness of the fittings.

More need nothing. Cylinder measurement, in contrast to reading an article, will take you immeasurably less time. Especially if the special accuracy is not needed and the cylinder is not removed from the door when measuring.

The castle larva is the code part of the cylinder lock, which ensures secrecy and moves the deposit. It is due to the fact that the larva is inserted into the case and has an elongated oblong shape, it is called in the prostodoro "Licken". Single steel embryo.

In fact, the larvae of the door lock in a professional environment is called a cylinder mechanism of secrecy. Abbreviated "CMS".

It is the correct name of this important castle detail that we will use further in the text. But still leave the "larva" in some places for better indexation;)

You can buy a larvae or cylinder mechanism for the lock you can in the lock lock. And get a preliminary consultation - by phone mentioned above.

Frequently often from the buyer, we hear the phrase: "How can I replace the larva and what you need to know to pick it up"? The request has long been surprising for a long time: to figure out the entire variety of cylinder mechanisms of secrecy, their views, lengths and standards in an unprepared person is very hard. In this article, consider the important parameters of the CMD and find out some nuances.

TsMS species are a lot. Let's start with the most common, which correspond to the European standard DIN (Europrofile) and which are used everywhere.

This is what is primarily associated with the buyer with the "larch of the door lock":

EUROPROFILE Standard Mechanisms produce many countries: from China to Europe. The cost of the cylinder, depending on the model and the manufacturer, may vary: from 150 rubles to 20,000 thousand rubles. The higher the quality and the most famous mechanism brand, the more protective elements and innovative ideas embodied in the larch of the castle, the higher its cost. For each model of a particular cylinder, you can write a separate material, for example, as an overview of the Slovenian CSM TITAN K56.

Here we will not stop on some particular product, consider only the main parameters when choosing a cylinder.

Length and displacement of the castle larva

We are confident that you do not need to explain the calculations of the total length of the cylinder - this is the distance from one edge to another. The desired cylinder length is selected taking into account the thickness of the door of the door and on the basis of which cylinder lock you have chosen.

As we see, two parts of the cylinder shares the swivel cam. The width of the swivel cam is always 10 mm.

The cylinder displacement is measured from the middle of the mounting screw hole in both sides: outdoor and internal.

The equilateral cylinder is the one in which both parts are equal in length. A versatile cylinder has different lengths of the same parts.

For example, below the versatile cylinder mechanism of the English type of Turkish production of Kale Kilit total length of 71 mm. Frequently used on plastic doors.

The second example: a versatile cylinder mechanism of Chinese production with a total length of 90 mm. It is this size of the castle larvae now is popular for Chinese doors.

The cylinder is correctly selected length should not be strongly played for the plane of the door of the door. If it is a wooden door, here the cylinder must be installed with a decorative lining or with a bar from the handle (permissible to look up to 3 mm). If the terminal layer is installed on the cylinder lock, the length of the outer part of the cylinder will depend on the specific armored layout, from the method of its installation and on the specific door.

There are no fundamental requirements for the length of the inside of the cylinder. But if from the inside, the mechanism will also be flush with the door finish or decorative lining, it will look like it will look aesthetic and harmoniously.

Larva castle with turntable

For the convenience of operating the larva, the door lock may have a rotary turntable. It allows you to close and open a cylinder lock from the inside without a key. At the same time, the "dead points" does not have a turntable - at any position, the lock key will always open.

The equilateral Chinese cylinder mechanism is 60 mm of length, with a rotary turntable from the inside:

The versatile Italian mechanism is 72 mm long, with a rotary handle from the inside (the increased inner part of the cylinder is calculated on the thickness of the inner panel of the door):

Other Standards of the Secrecy Cylinder Mechanism

If the cylinder described above is suitable for some standards, and can be installed in any cylinder lock case, then the following segreency mechanisms have other dimensions and are approaching strictly individually under one specific lock (or for some models of one manufacturer). For example, the cross cylinder mechanism of the Turkish company "Kale Kilit".

Suitable only under the locks of this type (it is possible to install in the locks of other Turkish manufacturers (for example, Fayn), or with a small alteration, under the castles of Chinese production (for example, 3m)).

But the domestic mechanism of secrecy under the Crimping Key:

Suitable only under the castles of Kirov production. And as you already, probably understood, the Kirov mechanism will not be able to insert into the Kale Kilit body and vice versa.

To some domestic overhead castles there is an opportunity to purchase a cylinder separately. For example, often broken mechanism "Fort", which is only suitable for castles produced in the city of Petrozavodsk.

The locks of terrible quality, the mechanism of secrecy and the lock assemblies are made for the most part of the silumin (a very fragile alloy), from here frequent breakdowns and, of course, the availability of the opportunity to purchase a new cylinder! In the next photo from left to right, you can see the cylinder mechanisms to the overhead locks "glazes" and "Iset".

Their problem is the same - soft materials and poor quality of manufacture. Often such specific cylinders (the possibility of choosing a cylinder of a better quality is not ordered and manufactured in China.

If you need to replace the castle larva in Nizhny Novgorod - our service professionals are always at your service by phone + 7-987-110-30-43.

We first find out what suit you, orient at prices and after consent - we will send a wizard to you to replace.

In the assortment of our company a huge selection of CMS. We trade as cheap larvae of Turkish and Chinese production and highly substantial CMS from eminent European manufacturers. If after reading the material of the castle larva, still causes questions - we are always happy to advise you in the comments under this material.

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