Home Generator Car communication and lighting. Tactically - the technical characteristics of the firefighters of which equipment is equipped with a car communication and lighting

Car communication and lighting. Tactically - the technical characteristics of the firefighters of which equipment is equipped with a car communication and lighting

A number of modifications of fire vehicles and lighting (ASO) are operated in GPS. They are built on the chassis of gas or grooves of different modifications (chassis 4x2.1 or 4x4.1), the power of these cars is about 88.5 kW, and with a slight difference they develop the speed of 80 - 90 km / h.

The most common are ASO-8 (66), two modifications of ASO-12 (PAZ-672) and ASO-12 (66) mod.90a. The number of combat calculation on them, respectively, 6, 8 and 5 people.

The machines are equipped with alternating current generators of various power from 8 to 20 kW with a frequency of 50 Hz. Only on the ASO-8 generator produces a current voltage of 400 V instead of 230 V on other machines.

Lighting (spotlights) type PKN-1500 are the same on all ASO. At ASO-8 there are two stationary searchlights and two remote. ASO-12 (66) is equipped with 5 portable spotlights, and on ASO-12 (PAZ-672) they are only 2.

ASO is equipped with stationary and portable radio stations, as well as telephone sets. Their number and range are indicated in Table. 10.4.

Table 10.4.

Each ASO is equipped with loud-speaking installations and coils with a trunk cable on stationary and removable coils.

On the list of equipment, its technical characteristics in the ASR complex there is a car communication and lighting - ASO-20. It is installed, like the AG-20 car, on the chassis PAZ-3205. Combat Calculation on ASO-20 - 6 people.

The EQSO-20 equipment is mounted in the cabin of the bus, which is divided into two compartments: Staff and Communication (Rear). In the pile compartment installed two tables for the work of fire extinguishing headquarters. On the tables there are phones, a tape recorder, computer, printer and other equipment.

For the work of the headquarters outside the cabin on the ASO-20 there is a remote table. In the rear compartment on the tables and racks, the equipment for the operation of a radar and telephonist is placed: radio stations, telephone switch. Amplifier loudspeakers.

Power sources. For power consumers, an ASO has a generator and a diesel power plant.

Generator GT40pch6-2s. At 6000 rpm, it develops a power of 20 kW at a voltage of 220 V. The value of current 15 A and its frequency (400 ± 8) Hz. The drive is carried out from the engine of the chassis of the base car through the com and the cardan shaft.

At ASO-20 there is a voltage converter 220 V 400 Hz to a voltage of 220 V 50 Hz.

The diesel power plant AD-4-230-VM1 is a backup power source for supplying a voltage of 220 V 50 Hz in case of failure of the main electrical installation.

Additional batteries with voltage 12 or 24 V are designed to power the control circuits of the product and communication equipment.

To recharge the batteries on ASO, the power supply of the IP-220/12 is used, included in the network 220 V 50 Hz and straightening constant current of 12 V.

Electric lighting place fire. It is carried out by six UN-02-1500-02 spotlights. Two of them are installed on the projectory site on the roof of the car and can rise to height
8 m above ground level. With the help of special electromechanism, the mast can be rotated in the horizontal plane at an angle ± 260 o, and in the vertical plane - at an angle ± 30 o. Four spotlights can be taken out of the cabin and using cables to connect to the car power shield.

Food of the searchlights is carried out by alternating current 200 V, frequency of 400 Hz. Power consumed by one generator is 1.5 kW.

The ASO-20 is equipped with powerful means of radio and telephone communication. The number of devices installed on the car and their radius are given in Table. 10.5.

Table 10.5.

Additional equipment consists of a number of devices. Fog lights FG-119 are installed on the front bumper ASO. They are intended for use when driving ASO during fog.

FG-16K Frameholders are designed to illuminate the place of work at night. One of them is installed above the driver's cab, and the second is on the rear wall of the ASO.

On the ASO-20 there is a universal set of tool UDI-12. It is designed to open and disassemble building structures on a fire. It consists of cutters, breaks of various purposes, bugs, etc. (only 10 items).

The ASO-20 in the GPS units can be completed by various power tools, electric fuel cells, electric saw, smoke, etc. With electric motors with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 400 Hz.

Cable coils. Stationary cable coil with a trunk cable for powering remote spotlights remote from ASO to a distance of up to 96 m.

The ASO also includes four portable coils for powering energy users remote from ASO to a distance of up to 36 m. Two cables are designed to provide portable spotlights. Two other cables can be used as extension cords.

Distribution boxes (CR) are connected to cables during combat deployment, from which consumers eat.

When using the ASO generator must be grounded. The grounding wire made of copper has a length of 20 m and a cross section of 10 mm 2.

Concept of combat deployment is presented on
Fig. 10.9. Other options are possible. In this case, two requirements must be respected. First, the total power of all consumers should not exceed the generator power. Secondly, the distribution of the load on the lines on the outdoor shield must be uniform and not exceed 6 kW when the searchlights are turned on on the mast.

Equipment ASO-20 allows electricity to feed lighting devices, operational communication equipment and special equipment. It ensures the functioning of forces and means when they are controlled on fire.

Staff cars

Cars Staff (ASH) Designed to deliver to the location of the fire extinguishing service and a set of means of communication and special equipment. The work of fire extinguishing headquarters is organized on their base.

Ash is constructed on all-wheel drive or non-receptacle chassis (Fig. 10.10). In their salons there are stationary and outstanding desktops for 5 - 6 people, the means of sisode, fire and technical weapons of various purposes (a set of plumbing and chant tools, overalls, etc.) and communication means. Some equipment is presented in Table. 10.6.

The variant of the combat deployment of ASH is presented in Fig. 10.11.

Various ACH models can be staffed differently. So, on the AS-6 (3205) one portable tape recorder, the sound inspection unit "Steel" is additionally installed. The configuration has two group and four individual lamps and other equipment. To increase the range of communication on the car, a telescopic mast is installed, allowing to raise the equipment by 12 m. On AS-5 (on the chassis of GAZ-27057), a set of rescue tools, a manual winch, towing cable are provided.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

State Fire Services

Fire safety standards

Fire technique. Car communication and lighting.

General technical requirements.

Methods Test


Fire Munication and Lighting Truck.
General Technical Requirements.
Test Methods.

Developed by the Federal State Institution "All-Russian Order" Sign of Honor "Research Institute of Fire Defense" (FSA VNIIPO MIA of Russia) () and the main department of the State Fire Service (GUGPS Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) ().

Made and prepared for approval by the department of fire equipment and weapons of the GUGPS Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Approved by order of the GUGPS Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of 01.01.01 No. 51.

Entered for the first time.


1.1. The real fire safety standards (hereinafter referred to as the norms) are applied to newly developed or modernized fire trucks and lighting (hereinafter referred to as ASO), created on various car chassis, as well as on buses.

1.2. These norms are used at all stages of development, manufacturing and testing ASO, as well as in certification in the fire safety certification system.

2. Terms and definitions

In these NPS, the following terms applied with the corresponding definitions.

2.1. Car communication and lighting(hereinafter referred to as ASO) - a fireman intended for delivery to the place of fire (accident, catastrophe) of personnel, means of communication and lighting, special equipment.

ASO can provide the work of fire extinguishing headquarters, being at the same time a mobile power plant that feeds the lighting aggregates, operational communication equipment and special equipment.

2.2. Main parameter - One of the main (basic) parameters, characterized by stability with all technical improvements of the car, the independence of the technology of its manufacture and employee to determine the numerical values \u200b\u200bof other major parameters.

2.3. Main settings - Parameters characterizing the main functional car.

2.4. Basic chassis - Automotive chassis, full - or non-receipt, serially produced, with the improvement of the body (cabin) in order to adapt it to perform special works.

2.5. Salon - A closed space intended for the placement of a combat calculation, limited to the roof, floor, side walls (sides), doors, windows.

2.6. Emergency exit- Emergency door, an emergency window or emergency hatch, intended for use as an output if it is impossible to use a regular exit place.

2.8. Main power source - This is an electro-unit in which electrical energy is performed using an internal combustion engine.

2.9. External power source - This is an additional power supply with frequency and voltage characteristics similar to the main power source.

2.10. Isolated neutral - the neutral of the generator or transformer, not attached to the grounding device or attached to it through the controls, measurement, protection, alarm, and other devices that have large resistance.

2.11. Protective shutdown - High-speed protection that provides automatic shutdown of electrical installation when the danger of damage to the current occurs in it.

2.12. Electromagnetic compatibility - This is the ability of radio electronic means (hereinafter referred to as RES) at the same time function in real conditions of operation with the required quality when the interference is affected.

2.13. Noiselessness - The ability of the RES to resist the interfering effect of certain interference.

2.14. Industrial interference -personal , created by electric machines , devices or other electrical dispensers.

2.15. Curb weight car- the mass of fully refueling (fuel, oil, coolant, etc.) of the fire truck and lighting, equipped (spare wheel, tool), but without a driver, combat calculation, communications and lighting and fire and technical armament (PTV).

2.16. Full mass of the car- The sum of the currency mass of ASO and the mass of delivered combat settlement, including the driver, means of communication and lighting, equipment and PTV.

2.17. Stationary radio station - This is a radio station designed to work on stationary communication facilities.

2.18. Radio station - This is a radio station intended for installation on moving sites and providing communication while driving and during stops.

2.19. Washing radio station - This is a radio station that has its own power source and adapted to work when carrying.

2.20. Portable radio station - Mobile radio station weighing no more than 1 kg.

2.21. Simplex mode - The mode of operation of the radio station, in which the transfer and reception is possible in each of the two directions on one or two different frequencies with automatic or manual switching modes receiving - transmission.

2.22. Duplex mode- The mode of operation of the radio station, in which the transfer and reception is possible simultaneously in both directions at two different frequencies.

2.23. The list of standards and other regulatory documents used in the NPB is given in Appendix 1.

3. Designation

3.1. The designation of the fire truck of communication and lighting should have the following structure:

3.2. As the main parameter of ASO takes the value of the power of the main power source (kW).

3.3. Examples of symbols.

Example 1: ASO-12 (66) -90B XX.

A car communication and lighting with a 12 kW generator, on the GAZ-66 chassis, model 90-b, XX.

Example 2: ASO-20 (3205) XXX Josei240 TU.

Communication and lighting car with a 20 kW generator, on the chassis of PAZ-3205, made in accordance with Yusiai240.00.00.000 Tu.

4. Main and basic parameters

4.1. These standards establishes the values \u200b\u200bof the main and basic parameters, as well as the general technical requirements for ASO in accordance with section 1.

4.2. The main parameter of the ASO should be selected from the values \u200b\u200bshown in Table 1.

Table 1

4.3. The values \u200b\u200bof the main parameter of the ASO not presented in Table 1 are set by the regulatory and technical documentation for specific models.

4.4. The main parameters of ASO in accordance with the nomenclature of destination and safety indicators, as well as the properties characterized by them are shown in Table 2.

table 2

Name of the indicator

Designation of the indicator

Name of characterized property

Full weight, kg

Material intensity

Engine power chassis, kW (l.)


Power of the main power source, kW


Presence of protective-disconnect devices, insulation control devices, grounding

electrical safety

Number of martial calculation places (including driver)

The possibility of organizing the operational headquarters of fire extinguishing

Number of stationary radio stations, pcs.

Provision of operational communication channels

Transmitter output power, W

Communication range with the same type of radio stations, km

Number of wearable radio stations, pcs.

Output power, W

Communication range, km

Power loudspeakers, W

Soundsfit combat sites

Power of a stationary loudspeaker, W

Output power of the remote loudspeaker, W

Number of stationary spotlights, pcs.

Light level

Number of portable spotlights, pcs.

Power spotlight, kW

Height of lifting the lighting mast by stationary spotlights from the surface of the earth, m

Tactical features

Type of mast drive

Mechanization level

The method of orientation of spotlights on the mast

The angle of rotation of the spotlights on the mast:

b) in the vertical plane, hail

Tactical features

Number of telephone sets of the MB system, pcs.

Telephone level

Number of telephone sets of the Central Bank system, pcs.

Telephone level

Availability of computational equipment

Level of operational

Electromagnetic compatibility

The ability of the steady functioning of the RES in a given electromagnetic environment


Perfection design

The coefficient of transverse stability


Road clearance, mm


Corn angle, hail:


The smallest rotation radius of the car, m

5. General technical requirements

5.1. General requirements

5.1.1. The number of places for the combat calculation of ASO, including the driver, in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for a specific model.

5.1.2. The full ASO mass and axial loads should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bset by the chassis manufacturer, and the loads on the sides should not be different by more than 1%.

5.1.3. In resistance to climatic effects, the ASO should correspond to the execution of U, Uhl of the placement category 1, for operation at ambient temperature of from 233 to 313 K (from minus 40 to plus 40 ° C), operation in the atmosphere of types 1 and 2, group of operating conditions 5 According to GOST 15150 with the placement during the period of operational expectation according to GOST 12.4.009 (rooms with air temperature not lower than 10 ° C), unless otherwise provided by the requirements for a particular model.

5.1.4. The number and color of flashing beacons, a special ASO sound signal - in accordance with GOST R 50574.

5.1.5. ASO should be equipped with fog lights and spotlights. One seeker's headlight should be located at the driver's cabin, the other is on the back of the body.

The frontier-seeker control should be carried out from the cab, from the driver's workplace.

Requirements for the placement and connection of fog lights - according to GOST 25478.

5.1.6. The quantity, location of the lighting devices and the light alarm of all types of basic chassis, subjected to refinement in the manufacture of ASO, must comply with the requirements of GOST 6964, GOST 8769, GOST 10984, GOST 20961.

5.1.7. In ASR, if necessary, the power steering hydraulic power system must be provided, designed to exclude oil overheating in the hydraulic power system and the output of its long-term operation of the basic chassis motor to the main power source.

5.1.8. The placement of combat calculation and fixing equipment, equipment, ESU, PTV on ASO should ensure the safety and efficiency of performing functional tasks in combat deployment, as well as while driving and repairing. The mass of individual stacking of property intended for carrying manually during operation should not exceed 40 kg for one person.

5.1.9. Nodes and parts with inconvenient configuration and mass of more than 20 kg must have lifting elements (holes, grippers, eyelashes, etc.).

5.1.10. The ASO design should provide convenient access to all assembly elements and aggregates requiring repair and maintenance. At the same time, the possibility of repair on the aggregate method (without prior dismantling and disassembling adjacent aggregates) should be provided.

5.1.11. Lubricants for aggregates and ASO nodes must be selected preferably from the number used to maintain the base chassis.

The friction nodes that require periodic recovery or addition of lubricant during operation must have devices (oils, etc.), allowing to produce lubricant without disassembling and dismantling the node or adjacent units.

5.1.12. The level of vibration at workplaces and on the floor of the ASO combat calculation salon - in accordance with GOST 12.1.012.

5.1.13. The reliability of ASO should be characterized by an indicator of gamma percentage (G \u003d 80%) of the generator of the main power source and its drive to refusal and be at least 150 hours.

5.1.14. In the cabin and the ASO cabin with closed windows, hatches and doors, the ventilation system should provide redundant pressure and an exchange of air in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 50993.

5.1.15. ASO is not intended for operation in an explosive environment.

5.1.16. It is not allowed to produce a reconstruction in the operating organizations (alteration or refinement) of ASO, which provides for a change in the number, nomenclature and (or) places of placement of equipment, equipment and PTV, in the absence of relevant regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

5.1.17. The angles of the ASO swax must be at least:

a) non-receipt chassis - front 20 °, rear 15 °;

b) all-wheel drive chassis - front 25 °, rear 25 °;

c) buses - depending on class according to GOST 20774.

5.1.18. The angle of the transverse stability of ASO with the full mass should be at least 30to.

5.1.19. ASO should be equipped:

a) a spare wheel;

b) a set of driver's instrument;

d) an emergency stop sign according to GOST 24333 or a red lamp working in flashing mode;

e) a medical aid kit (container);

e) anti-tottal stops.

5.2. Composite parts of the ASO

Communication and lighting cars must consist of the following main parts:

a) basic chassis with additional transmission for ESU drive;

b) driver cabins;

c) salon;

e) radio communications and wired telephone;

e) sound recording and sound operation;

g) funds of computers;

h) stationary lighting mast.

5.3. Basic chassis requirements

5.3.1. When creating ASO, it is allowed to use both all-wheel drive and non-tribal chassis, as well as buses chassis.

5.3.2. The chassis supplied to the manufacture of ASO must be certified and have another necessary accompanying documentation according to the specific chassis model.

5.3.3. The capacity of the fuel tank should provide ASO's stroke of at least 400 km (in accordance with GOST 20306).

5.3.4. The location and design of the fuel tanks of the fuel tanks must be available only outside the ASO.

The bayic necks near the buses must be placed at a distance of at least 50 cm from any doorway, if the fuel tank is intended for gasoline, and at least 25 cm - if for diesel fuel.

The location of the holes of the filthy Gorlowin should be such that the possibility of fuel from entering the engine or exhaust pipe when refilling is excluded.

5.3.5. When selecting power to drive the main power source, the engine and additional transmission of ASO should ensure continuous operation of the ESU in nominal mode for 6 hours in the entire range of operating conditions. At the same time, the oil temperature in the engine, in gearboxes and power take-off, as well as the coolant temperature in the engine cooling system must comply with the values \u200b\u200bset in the regulatory and technical documentation for a specific chassis model.

5.3.6. The battery switch must be installed in the electrical system (or there is a place for installation).

5.3.7. Radiopomech level - according to GOST 17822.

5.3.8. The location of the batteries should be protected from dirt and moisture, to ensure the possibility of insulation, as well as controlling the level and density of the electrolyte in each battery. Rechargeable batteries must be outside the space intended for combat calculation and driver.

5.3.9. Environmental characteristics of the chassis must comply with the requirements:

a) in terms of external and internal noise in accordance with GOST 27435, GOST 27436, GOST 19358;

c) the smoke of the exhaust gases of the chassis with diesel engines - according to GOST 21393.

5.3.10. Extraction and leakage of lubricant, fuel, cooling, brake and other liquids from any unit, node or through connections are not allowed.

5.3.11. For access to the equipment located on the roof of ASO, a stationary staircase with handrails should be provided. The stairs should be a width of at least 150 mm, the distance between the steps is not more than 300 mm. Stairs of the stairs should have a surface that provides a steady position of the foot of the rising person.

5.3.12. The roofs on the roof designed to work should have a fencing around the perimeter with a height of at least 100 mm, as well as flooring with a coating that impede slip.

5.3.14. The paintwork coatings of the outer surfaces of the ASO should provide an informative painting of the fire car on them in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 50574.

5.3.15. The design of the chassis should provide for the possibility of transportation with facilities in accordance with GOST 15150, GOST 2349.

5.3.16. The chassis must have space for reliable fastening them during transportation, as well as the ability to install special devices for carrying out loading (unloading) on \u200b\u200bthe platform.

5.3.17. On the end surfaces, the Manipulative Sign "Center of Gravity" ASO is in charge of delivery in accordance with GOST 14192.

5.4. Driver Cabin Requirements

5.4.1. The driver and the driver's workplace must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.032.

5.4.2. The workplace of the ASO driver on the bus chassis should be isolated from the salon by the partition or have a fence.

5.4.3. Bus and cargo chassis cabins must be equipped with steps and handrails, if the height of the lower edge of the doorway exceeds 650 mm from the level of the road web.

5.4.4. The driver's workplace should be equipped with rearview mirrors according to GOST 13877, which must be installed outside and provide the visibility of the road on both sides. The visibility from the driver's workplace must comply with the requirements of GOST 28070.

5.4.5. Buses must have an inner rear mirror, providing the driver to the visibility of the combat calculation salon.

5.4.6. In the cabins of cargo chassis should be at least two doors opening through the car. Doors (regardless of the type of chassis) must have lockable devices with outdoor and internal control handles.

Internal locks must have a device that eliminates the possibility of their spontaneous opening in motion. Handles of shut-off mechanisms must have an injury form. Requirements for locks and hinges doors - according to GOST 28443.

5.4.7. Doors must have devices fixing them in a closed and open (at least 75 °) positions.

5.4.8. Doors must be equipped with lowered or sliding glasses fixed in any intermediate position.

5.4.9. The width of the working space for the driver should be at least 800 mm.

5.4.10. A cabin, intended for the placement of the driver and members of the combat calculation, should have an inner width of at least 1700 mm, and the width of the seats for each sitting next to the driver is at least 450 mm.

5.4.11. The driver's seat should be tight. Subressing should be able to adjust depending on the mass of the driver.

5.4.12. At the workplace of the ASO driver, a light indication of the position of the lighting mast should be in the device's combination.

5.4.13. The cabin must contain the necessary signs and / or schemes explaining the procedure for using the chassis controls.

5.4.14. The level of illumination at the workplace of the ASO driver in accordance with the SNiP must be at least 30 LCs at the level of 1 m from the floor.

5.5. Requirements for Combat Salon

5.5.1. The ASO salon must be a spatial design that provides the possibility of operational landing and disembarkation, the convenience and safety of the placement of combat calculation, as well as the installation of the necessary equipment and equipment, their maintenance and dismantling.

5.5.2. The ASO salon should consist of two compartments: a radio operator compartment and a radiotelephone compartment.

5.5.3. Sackack compartments (when using a bus chassis) can be divided between themselves by partition.

5.5.4. The design and dimensions of the salon compartments should ensure the installation of the necessary equipment and equipment, the possibility of their maintenance and dismantling, as well as the organization of the required number of jobs, based on the regulatory and technical documentation for the specific ASO model.

5.5.5. Ergonomic performance of jobs should be complied with GOST 12.2.032.

5.5.6. The level of internal noise in the ASO salon during the operation of the ESU (in accordance with GOST 27435), the noise level at workplaces (in accordance with GOST 27436 and GOST 12.1.003) should not exceed 82 dB.

5.5.7. The level of illumination in the cabin passage is at least 20 LCs, the footrest and steps at the level of their surface are at least 10 LCs, the front surfaces of the electrical panels, the control panels of the ESU and other devices and equipment - 100 LCs.

5.5.8. The attachment of assembly units and parts should exclude their spontaneous movement during movement.

5.5.9. The accommodation scheme of equipment and equipment should ensure the efficiency of the combat deployment of ASO. In this case, the layout of the component parts should provide a load on the controlled axis at least 25% of the total mass, and the load on the wheels of the right and left side should be equal to the permissible deviation of ± 1% of the total mass.

5.5.10. When placing the crazy equipment and equipment, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles:

a) functional use providing for a grouping of equipment for its functions;

b) Frequency of use - the most used equipment elements must be in the most convenient places.

5.5.11. Retractable storage boxes for hardware and documentation should be manufactured with fixing devices, open and closed with one hand.

5.5.12. If necessary, to extract equipment (in particular, a portable electrical unit) from ASO compartments to provide retractable ramps, ladders, etc.

5.5.13. The number, location, types and size of the doors of the base chassis of the ASO - according to GOST 27815 (for bodybuons - in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for a specific model).

5.5.14. Managing the door of the combat calculation salon on the bus chassis should be carried out from the driver's seat using a remote drive. The remote actuator of each door must be duplicated by the device placed inside the cabin in a prominent and accessible place, close to the door that it controls.

5.5.15. The door of the salon of the combat calculation, not having a remote drive, must be equipped with a locking device, eliminating the possibility of their random opening. ASO on all types of bus and cargo chassis must be equipped with a device that will signal the driver about the position of doors.

5.5.16. The ASO on the bus chassis should have at least two emergency exits from each side and, moreover, at least one emergency hatch in the roof - with the overall length of the bus to 7.5 m inclusive and two hatches in the roof - with greater dimensional length.

5.5.17. Emergency (spare) door must meet the following requirements:

a) width in the light of at least 550 mm;

b) height of at least 1250 mm;

c) the door must have handles for opening from the inside and outside;

d) the outer handle should be installed at a height of no more than 1800 mm from the surface of the road;

e) emergency door should open outward, have only one sash.

5.5.18. Access to the emergency door should not be closed by any equipment.

5.5.19. Emergency hatches must be a sliding or discarded type. Emergency hatches should be easily opened both from the inside and outside. The design of emergency hatches should not prevent free access inside the ASO cabin or out of it.

5.5.20. Windows must be equipped with light-protective devices (curtains, blinds).

5.5.21. For interior decoration (upholstery) walls and ceiling, an ASO combat calculation salon should be applied smooth, light-resistant material that allows wet cleaning and processing by disinfecting agents. The attachment of the upholstery should not have protruding parts and sharp edges. The floor of the cabin, the steps and steps should be coated from moisture-resistant and wear-resistant material.

5.5.22. The floor covering should be continued on the walls of the cabin to a height of 150-200 mm with roundings in the places of transition from the floor to the walls and allow washing with water.

5.5.23. The ASO heating system must comply with the requirements of GOST 50993 and maintain temperature in the cabin not lower than 15 ° C throughout the range of operating conditions. The control of the heating system should be carried out from the driver's seat.

5.5.24. The outer surfaces of the elements of the heating system located in the ASO cabin should not have a temperature above 70 ° C.

5.5.25. The design of windows and hatches should provide the ability to change the efficiency of ventilation. Outdoor air holes for ventilation into the ASO salon should be located at no less than 1.5 m from the road surface.

5.5.26. The maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the ASO salon aircraft must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005.

6. Requirements for electrical installation

6.1. Requirements for the design of ESU

6.1.1. In the design of the ESU of communication and lighting, it is possible to access control and maintenance elements during operation, to elements requiring verification and regulation, as well as the convenience of mounting and dismantling.

6.1.2. Esu, which have accumulatory batteries in its composition, must be equipped with devices for automatic rechargeable batteries.

6.1.3. On ESU with a power of 8 kW and above must be installed meters of motorcycles.

6.1.4. In the control compartments of ASO body (salon) execution, it is necessary to provide a workplace for the operator.

6.1.5. ESU ASO should work with a slope relative to the horizontal surface to 10 °.

6.1.6. The capacity of ASO's consumable fuel tanks should provide the duration of the power supply during the rated load without refueling fuel at least 6 hours.

Fire techniques include fire equipment, which includes fire trucks, fire and technical armament (PTV), as well as communications, lighting and other fire equipment. The main view of the fire equipment are fire vehicles (PA).

Depending on the destination, firecats are divided into main, special and auxiliary

Basic fire trucks Designed to supply fire extinguishing substances to the combustion zone and are divided into general use cars (to extinguish fires in cities and settlements) and targeted cars: aerodrome, air-foam extinguishing, powder extinguishing, gas extinguishing, combined extinguishing, first-aid cars.

Special firemen cars Designed to ensure the implementation of special work on the fire. The list of special works is given in the combat charter of the fire protection.

TO auxiliary firefighters include: Auto-secrets, mobile car repair shops, diagnostic laboratories, buses, cars, operational, trucks, and other specialized vehicles.

1 special

AKP - 30 / KAMAZ /

Firefighters crankshafts are designed to lift firefighters into the upper floors of buildings and structures, for rescue people from the upper floors of burning buildings.

The units armed with the crankshaft lifts in collaboration with divisions on the main fire trucks provide the supply of fire extinguishing agents and enter them to extinguish the fires in the upper floors, carrying out rescue work from the upper floors and the evacuation of property, the operation of the boof barrel fixed in the auto-lift basket, which is carried out with Earth, as well as to supply medium multiplicity foam to height.

AKP - 30.

Chassis type - KAMAZ

Overall dimensions, mm:

Length - 14300.

Width - 2500.

Height - 3600.

Maximum speed - 100 km / h

The angle of lifting is 90 degrees.

Lifting height - 30 m

Load capacity cradles - 350 kg

Width between extreme points of support -5.5 m

Autoolete Al - 53 / Mercedes /

Rotary staircase For 53 k / f It is a rescue vehicle with a lifting platform, which is primarily used for rescue people, fire extinguishing and provide technical support.

The achieved rescue height is approximately 53 meters.

Configuration Staircase for 53

1. Server;

2. Refining;

3. Summer mechanism;

As a chassis, the chassis with the front steering control type Mercedes Benz is used. The engine provides vehicle movement and moving special devices.

The driver's cabin and the team branch provides a place for the driver, driver assistant and team up to 4 people there are two doors.

The working platform consists of a stainless, non-slip rigid aluminum coating, and the external casing is made of steel sheet. Folding staircase - the stepladder is installed in the back of the platform on the left. The working bodies of the fire pump are located on the platform on the left. Access to the left and right storage compartments is carried out through built-in blinds.

The running mechanism is connected to the base of the driving mechanism and the chassis of the car by means of a gear wheel. It provides a rotation of 360 degrees connecting the chassis and fixing the stairs assembly. The drive is carried out by means of hydraulic control mechanism.

The control panel is located with the outer left side of the running mechanism and consists of the control panel and the operator seat.

The staircase consists of 6 sections, 5 of which can telescopically move forward and clean. The lower section of the stairs rotates on the axis of fixing the stairs. The sections of the staircase are made of closed steel hollow profiles of the square section, and the lower belts are made of special bent profiles.

The operation of the rotary staircase as a whole consists of the following functions:

Lift / tilt;


Extension / cleaning;

Alignment on the terrain

From the ground level of the stairs can be raised as 75 degrees as possible.

The staircase can be diluted as much as possible 12 degrees below the floor level

The rotary staircase can continuously rotate 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees, m if it is raised approximately 30 cm at an angle of 7 degrees from the rest position.

The staircase is extended and removed using 4 hydraulic cylinders.

Providing the optimal work of the stairs when calling, you must follow the following instructions:

1. The ambient temperature in the garage of the stairs must be at least + 5 0s;

2. Conduct service and repair through the intervals determined by the manufacturer;

3. Check devices and spare parts for their completeness and correctness of storage;

4. Observe the manufacturer's instructions;

5. Each time before departure, it is necessary to make sure that the staircase is completely removed, securely fixed on the support and the castle of the stairs is closed.

Selection of the site for installing the stairs:

1. Install the car on the selected area as close as possible to the object on which the staircase / distance should not be less than 9 meters;

2. Check the hardness of the soil and irregularity of the site, paying attention to:

Rear wheels of the car or hydraulic cylinders of the support system should not be located on soft ground, closed hatches or hydraulic lids.

The lateral tilt of the swivel staircase on the uneven soil should not exceed 7 degrees.

Lifting on the stairs

When climbing the stairs, the following precautions should be observed:

Before completing the maneuvers, install the sections so that the sections are leveled along the axis;

The ladder commander must make sure that the staircase is in the correct vertical position, on the inclined staircase, raised by the 40 degrees, it is impossible if the staircase is without load.;

The stairs cannot be climbing until maneuvers are completed;

On the stairs control panel, the operator should always be at the staircase lifting, it is necessary to constantly monitor the load indicator and the reference system.;

at night, the playground should be illuminated

Each stairs rising should be well acquainted with the working and safety devices of the stairs and must have a safety belt;

The stairs need to be climbed by uniform steps and not too fast;

In rescue operations, a person who saves should be either tied to the rope to the top of the staircase or the rescuer descends on the stairs ahead of the rescued person;

When maneuvers, the stairs, there should be no people on the stairs.

Emergency _ Rescue Car

Technical characteristics of ACA

Chassis UAZ 452.

Number of places 3;

Speed, km / h 95;

1. Computer hydraulic instrument


Power station "BOSH" - 1;

Hydraulic pump with electric drive - 1;

Hydraulic pump manual - 1;

Cylinder hydraulic LSR - 1;

Warranty LSR - 1;

Cutting device LS - 1;

Hydraulic hoses - 2;

Galagnated spotlights - 2;

2. Ekont hydraulic instrument complex:

Pump station NS "Honda" - 1;

Handheld hydraulic pump H - 80;

Expander - Scissors with a nozzle for opening steel doors - 1;

CS -2 - 1 hydraulic cylinder;

Set of devices to the hydraulic cylinder

A) axis - 2;

B) Studin - 1;

C) hook - 2;

D) earring - 2;

E) chains -2;

E) Warf - 1;

Hydraulic hoses - - 4;

3.Dextancture "Motorola"

4. Alarm - loud-speaking installation of the SSU - 80, electric - 1;

5. Cable cable - 1;

6. Cutter - 1.

Autoolete Al - 30 / ZIL 131 /

Fire automation is designed to lift firefighters to the upper floors of buildings and structures, for rescue people from the upper floors of burning buildings.

The divisions armed with auto expenses in collaboration with divisions on major fire trucks ensure the supply of fire extinguishes and enter them to extinguish fires into the upper floors, carrying out rescue work from the upper floors and evacuation of property.

Al-model l22)

Type of chassis - ZIL - 131

Overall dimensions, mm:

Length - 9800.

Width - 2500.

Height - 3160.

Mass with full load, kg - 10500

The smallest rotation radius, M - 10.2

Maximum speed. km / h - 80

Engine power. kW (l.) -

Fuel consumption 100 km. L - 40.

Fuel stroke, km - 400

Fuel tank capacity, L - 170

The length of the fully extended stairs, M: without an additional knee - 30.2

with extra knee - 32.2

Maximum corner of the knee - unlimited

Time of performing maneuvers stairs, with:

Lift knees for 75 - 30

Number of knees for full length - 30

Rotate the knees in the right to 90 - 15

Lift capacity, kg - 180

Communication and lighting car / ASO - 8 /

Fire trucks and lighting cars are designed to illuminate the place of operation of fire units on fires and ensure the connection of management and information. They deliver a combat calculation to the place of fire and a set of special equipment to ensure communication and lighting at the site of the fire.

The units armed with communication and lighting can provide a link to control using portable radio stations, loud-speaking installation, telephone communication, communication with automotive radio stations and telephone connected to PBX, as well as the lighting of four-six combat positions during the operation of fire extinguishes. This car can be used as a power plant that provides electricity lighting aggregates, communication and power tools. Electricity supply is carried out from the generator installed directly by car or from the city power grid. Close to car communication and lighting, as a rule, there is a fire extinguishing headquarters.

ASO - 8 (66)

Chassis - Gas - 66- 01

The number of places of combat settlement - 5

Overall dimensions, mm:

Length - 5655.

Width - 2322.

Height -2880

Mass, kg 5780

Maximum speed, km / h - 85

Fuel control consumption, L - 24

Fuel stroke, km - 870


Mark - ESS5 - 62 - 42 - M - 101

Voltage, in - 230

Power, kW - 8

Stationary spotlight:

Type - PCN - 1500

Voltage, in - 220

Power, in - 1500

Incandescent lamp - KN - 220 - 1500

Portable spotlight:

Mark PKN - 1500

Voltage, in - 220

Power, in - 1500

Number, pcs - 4

Main cable

Means of communication:

Stationary radio stations

Radius - 40 km

Portable -6 pcs.

Installation loud-speaking.

Autoolete Al - 30 / PM 512 /

Fire automation is designed to lift firefighters to the upper floors of buildings and structures, for rescue people from the upper floors of burning buildings.

The divisions armed with auto expenses in collaboration with divisions on major fire trucks ensure the supply of fire extinguishes and enter them to extinguish fires into the upper floors, carrying out rescue work from the upper floors and evacuation of property.

Al - 30 PM 512

Chassis type - KAMAZ

The height of the fully extended staircase at an angle of 75 is at least 30 m;

Working load on the vertex is not leaning stairs: 18 m - 350 kgf; 24m - 100 kgf;

AutoLester load capacity / Crane / - angle 30 - 75 0 - 2000 kg;

Operating range from -7 to + 75;

The angle of rotation is at least 360 0;

Width in TC - 2500 mm;

Height in TC - 3800 mm;

Length in TC - 11000 mm;

Type of chassis - all-wheel drive;

The number of places for combat calculation - 3 hours;

Maximum speed - 70 km / h;

The average service life is 11 years

Ar - Car Sleeve, Ash - Car Staff, ATSO - a vehicle and communication car.

2. Home.

Airfield car / AA /

Fire airfield cars are predicted to ensure fire and rescue service on the starting line of the airfield, extinguishing fires in airplanes and helicopters, work on the evacuation of passengers and crew members from aircraft victims, as well as to extinguish fires at facilities in the airport area. Cars serve to deliver an aircraft crash or a helicopter of combat calculation, fire equipment and feeding a fire water, high-performance fire extinguishing powders, chladones and liquid bromoetile compositions to the focus. Aerodrome cars are equipped with PDS petrol discs - 400 designed to open aircraft fuselage. To extinguish fires in closed rooms, compartments of airplanes, cabins, windscares, as well as on electrical installations under voltage, cars are equipped with fire extinguishing plants of the SZB and powder fire extinguishers.

Tactico - technical characteristics of AA - 60

Tanker Fire AC - 2.5 - 40 / ZIL -131 /

Currently, the division of fire protection is equipped with modern means of rescue of people and extinguishing fires that allow them to carry out tasks in the most difficult conditions of the situation in fires.

The office, armed with a tank truck, auto pump or a pumping and sleeve car, is the primary tactical unit of fire protection, it is capable of independently performing separate tasks for fire extinguishing, rescue of people, protecting and evacuating material values.

The main tactical division of the fire protection is a guard, consisting of two or more offices on major firefighters. Depending on the specifics of the protected area or the Karaula object, it can be reinforced with one or more compartments on special or auxiliary firemakers.

Takery Fire Az - 2.5-PM - 548 A.

Full weight - 10280 kg;

Cab type - dual;

Type of chassis - all-wheel drive;

Engine power - 110 (150) kW (l. C);

Number of places - 6;

Pump performance - 40l / s;

Basic chassis - ZIL - 433440;

The greatest suction height is 7.5 m;

Maximum speed - 80 km / h;

Length - 7000 mm;

Width 2500 mm;

Height 2800 mm;

Capacity capacity - 2500 l;

Fobcan capacity - 200 l;

Full service life - 10 years

Tankiper Fire AC - 5-40 / KAMAZ /

Takery Fire AC - 5 - 40 PM 524

Weight - 15600 kg;

Number of places - 7;

Suction height - 7.5 m.;

Length - 8500; Width - 2500; height 3100 mm;

Capacity capacity of 5000 l;

Fobcan capacity 400 l;

Service life - 10 years.

Takery Fire AC - 7-40 / KAMAZ /

Takery Fire AC - 7 - 40 PM 524

Mass - 18255 kg;

Number of places - 7;

PNN pressure - 100 m; Productivity - 40l / s;

Suction height - 7.5 m.;

Maximum speed - 80 km / h;

Length - 8500; Width - 2500; height 3400 mm;

Capacity 7000 L capacity;

500 l foobics capacity;

Service life - 10 years.

HISR - car pumping - sleeve. PNS - foam-pumping station, AGVT - gas gas extinguishing car, av - foam extinguishing,

A number of modifications of fire vehicles and lighting (ASO) are operated in GPS. They are built on the chassis of gas or grooves of different modifications (chassis 4x2.1 or 4x4.1), the power of these cars is about 88.5 kW, and with a slight difference they develop the speed of 80 - 90 km / h.

The most common are ASO-8 (66), two modifications of ASO-12 (PAZ-672) and ASO-12 (66) mod.90a. The number of combat calculation on them, respectively, 6, 8 and 5 people.

The machines are equipped with alternating current generators of various power from 8 to 20 kW with a frequency of 50 Hz. Only on the ASO-8 generator produces a current voltage of 400 V instead of 230 V on other machines.

Lighting (spotlights) type PKN-1500 are the same on all ASO. At ASO-8 there are two stationary searchlights and two remote. ASO-12 (66) is equipped with 5 portable spotlights, and on ASO-12 (PAZ-672) they are only 2.

ASO is equipped with stationary and portable radio stations, as well as telephone sets. Their number and range are indicated in Table. 10.4.

Table 10.4.



Type of car

ASO-12 (66) mod.90a

ASO-12 (PAZ-672)

Stationary radio station


"Viola 1"

Radius of action

Portable radio stations


"Viola H"

Radius of action

Telephone devices


Each ASO is equipped with loud-speaking installations and coils with a trunk cable on stationary and removable coils.

On the list of equipment, its technical characteristics in the ASR complex there is a car communication and lighting - ASO-20. It is installed, like the AG-20 car, on the chassis PAZ-3205. Combat Calculation on ASO-20 - 6 people.

The EQSO-20 equipment is mounted in the cabin of the bus, which is divided into two compartments: Staff and Communication (Rear). In the pile compartment installed two tables for the work of fire extinguishing headquarters. On the tables there are phones, a tape recorder, computer, printer and other equipment.

For the work of the headquarters outside the cabin on the ASO-20 there is a remote table. In the rear compartment on the tables and racks, the equipment for the operation of a radar and telephonist is placed: radio stations, telephone switch. Amplifier loudspeakers.

Power sources. The power supply of energy consumers on ASO has a generator and a diesel power plant.

Generator GT40PCH6-2C.Pri 6000 rpm It develops a power of 20 kW at a voltage of 220 V. The value of current 15 A and its frequency (400 ± 8) Hz. The drive is carried out from the engine of the chassis of the base car through the com and the cardan shaft.

At ASO-20 there is a voltage converter 220 V 400 Hz to a voltage of 220 V 50 Hz.

The diesel power plant - 4-230-VM1 is a backup power source for supplying a voltage of 220 V 50 Hz in case of failure of the main electrical installation.

Additional batteries with voltage 12 or 24 V are designed to power the control circuits of the product and communication equipment.

To recharge the batteries on ASO, the power supply of the IP-220/12 is used, included in the network 220 V 50 Hz and straightening constant current of 12 V.

Electric lighting of the place of fire. It is carried out by six searchlights of the IO-02-1500-02. Two of them are installed on the projector site on the roof of the car and can rise to a height of 8 m above the ground level. With the help of special electromechanism, the mast can be rotated in the horizontal plane at an angle ± 260 o, and in the vertical plane - at an angle ± 30 o. Four spotlights can be taken out of the cabin and using cables to connect to the car power shield.

Food of the searchlights is carried out by alternating current 200 V, frequency of 400 Hz. Power consumed by one generator is 1.5 kW.

The ASO-20 is equipped with powerful means of radio and telephone communication. The number of devices installed on the car and their radius are given in Table. 10.5.

Table 10.5.

Additional features from a number of devices. The controversial headlights FG-119 are installed on the ASO front bumper. They are intended for use when driving ASO during fog.

FG-16 Frameholders headlights are designed to illuminate the place of work at night. One of them is installed above the driver's cab, and the second is on the rear wall of the ASO.

On the ASO-20 there is a universal set of tool UDI-12. It is designed to open and disassemble building structures on a fire. It consists of cutters, breaks of various purposes, bugs, etc. (only 10 items).

The ASO-20 in the GPS units can be completed by various power tools, electric fuel cells, electric saw, smoke, etc. With electric motors with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 400 Hz.

Cable coils. A stationary cable coil with a trunk cable to power remote floors remote from ASO to a distance of up to 96 m.

The ASO also includes four portable coils for powering energy users remote from ASO to a distance of up to 36 m. Two cables are designed to provide portable spotlights. Two other cables can be used as extension cords.

Distribution boxes (CR) are connected to cables during combat deployment, from which consumers eat.

When using the ASO generator must be grounded. The grounding wire made of copper has a length of 20 m and a cross section of 10 mm 2.

The concept of combat deployment is presented in Fig. 10.9. Other options are possible. In this case, two requirements must be respected. First, the total power of all consumers should not exceed the generator power. Secondly, the distribution of the load on the lines on the outdoor shield must be uniform and not exceed 6 kW when the searchlights are turned on on the mast.

Equipment ASO-20 allows electricity to feed lighting devices, operational communication equipment and special equipment. It ensures the functioning of forces and means when they are controlled on fire.

The main fire trucks are divided into two specific subcategories: fire trucks of general use and fire trucks targeted use.

Fire trucks of general use.

This car includes tank trucks, autoatsos, as well as first aid machines.

Tank trucks are equipped with special liquid tanks and pumps. This special equipment is used to transport fire extinguishing substances, various devices and equipment directly to the location of the fire. Water or foam can be used as a fire extinguishing fluid.

Tank trucks are the most common view of the fire equipment. There are several types of relevant fire trucks:

  • light, the capacity of which does not exceed 2000 liters. An example of such a vehicle is the tank truck of the AC30 brand (53a);
  • the average, the capacity of which is 2-4 meters of cubic. An example of such TCs are tanks of AC30 brands (130), AC40 (375);
  • silent, the container of which exceeds 4 meters of cubic.

It is worth noting that the tank trucks are performed on the basis of the ZIL car (the volume of water tank - 3.5m3, the volume of the foaming agent - 210l pump performance - 40 liters per second). KAMAZ cars are also used (water tank - 5m3, 350l foaming agent, pump performance - 40l / s) and the Ural (volume of water tank - 15m3, foaming agent - 900l, pump performance - 100l / s).

Auto pumps have a design similar to tank trucks. However, equipped with a large number of relevant equipment. Also, the installations are equipped with increased tanks for transporting the foaming agent. These cars are used in conjunction with ID or independently. Most often, such TCs are performed on the basis of KAMAZ chassis. At the same time, the diameter of the sleeve through which the fire extinguishing substance is supplied may be 51 or 77 millimeters. The total length of the sleeves on the car can be 3500-5000 meters. The pump performance is 100 liters per second.

First aid machines are used for operational delivery of calculation, small-sized equipment and a fire extinguishing substance to the place of fire. With the help of these vehicles, the location of the fire is performed before the arrival of more powerful equipment. First aid cars are performed on the basis of chassis gas. At the same time, the volume of the water tank is equal to 500 liters, the volume of the foaming agent - 50l, the pump performance - 0.8l / s.

Fire trucks of targeted use.

Installation of foaming. This special equipment is used to deliver a fire extinguishing substance, equipment and auxiliary devices to the place of fire. From tank truck, these cars are distinguished by the presence of two portable devices that provide foam generators at a certain height (up to thirteen meters). Also, such structures may include such aggregates and devices:

  • stationary boilers (combined);
  • two dosing inserts;
  • foam generators (six pieces).

The technique is executed on the basis of the Ural chassis. The volume of tanks for the transport of the foaming agent is 180l. Pump performance - 2400l / s.

Installation of powder extinguishing. This special equipment is used to eliminate fires on various industrial facilities (oil processing enterprises, chemical industry, nuclear power). Such vehicles were removed from production in 1986, but in separate fire units are used to today.

Installations of gas extinguishing. This type of technology is used to extinguish the burning electrical equipment, which is under voltage. Also relevant vehicles are used to eliminate fires in archives, museums. With the help of these aggregates, it is possible to stew flammable and combustible fluids, spilled over the surface or in tanks.

There is such a special equipment based on the chassis Zil, Kamaz, the Urals. The main functional mechanism of the car is the installation of gas extinguishing. Also in the construction of TCs there are cylinders with carbon dioxide. The supply of fire extinguishing agent is carried out through a special trunk.

Gas-water extinguishing cars. This technique is equipped with a turbojet engine. This creates a powerful gas flow that has a large kinetic energy coefficient. These machines are used when extinguishing gas oil fountains. Auto are created on the basis of KAMAZ chassis. The performance of the pump feeding the gas0 water mixture is 150 liters per second.

Installations of combined extinguishing. Such a special equipment provides a consistent supply of special foam and an OPS directly to the fire center. The equipment of the appropriate machines is determined by the type of basic chassis and the installation of the superstructure.

The vehicle can be executed on the KAMAZ chassis. The volume of water tanks is 6m3. Mass of fire extinguishing powder - 1000 kilograms. Pump performance - 80l / s.

Airfield cars. This technique is used in the salvation of carriages and passengers of air transport, as well as when eliminating fires on the air transport and the consequences of the respective accidents. Airfield machines are divided into two types:

  • starting cars localized directly near the runways. An example of this technique is AA40 (131) vehicle, made on the basis of the ZIL chassis;
  • the main cars located in the fire station. An example of such a car is a car model AA60 (7310), performed on the basis of MAZ.

Also, the airfield fire special equipment can be executed on the KAMAZ chassis. The vehicle has a pump performance - 40 liters per second. Volume of water tanks - 5m3. Mass transported carbon dioxide - 50 kilograms.

Pumping stations. This technique is used to supply fluid on highways to mobile barrels or fire trucks. Pumping stations are performed on the ZIL chassis, as well as on the trailers. Performance of pumps of such installations -110 liters per second.

Special fire trucks

This group of cars includes the following vehicles:

Sleep car. The technique is used to transport a certain number of sleeves to the place of fire or for laying highways on the go. TC are performed on the basis of the ZIL chassis. The number of transportable sleeves depends on their diameter.

The speed of laying hoses in one line is 9 kilometers per hour.

Machines for organizing lighting and communications. The technique is used illumination of the territory near the burning object. In addition, the aggregates allow you to establish a full-fledged communication of the working brigade with the central headquarters. An example of such a machine is the ASO unit12 (66) 90A. The power of the generator special equipment - 12kW. Included there are radio stations (portable stationary), loudspeaker, telephone, spotlight. Mounted installation on the chassis gas.

Fire automotive. Devices are applied to the lifting staff of the fire service to the upper floors. The classification of these machines is carried out taking into account the length of the ladder itself and the type of drive microgenism:

  • ladder of low length. Example - auto al18 (52a) L2. Length - no more than 20 meters;
  • middle-length staircase. Example - Auto Al30 (131) L21. Length - up to 30 meters;
  • staircase long length. Example - Auto Al45 (257) PM109. Length is 30 meters or more.

The actuators of auto expensive are on electric traction, hydraulic, mechanical, combined.

Auxiliary fire trucks

This group of fire trucks includes passenger cars that are used to transport employees of headquarters and parts. Also here are included freight vehicles, often used for transporting a variety of equipment, values \u200b\u200band other things. In addition, the auxiliary special equipment includes fuel trucks, mobile workshops, mobile laboratories, truck cranes, excavators and tractors, as well as other vehicles.

An article sent: Ellada

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