Home Chassis What happens to machines that are not sold. Where do unsold cars die? What happens to the machines after the car dealership if they did not bought

What happens to machines that are not sold. Where do unsold cars die? What happens to the machines after the car dealership if they did not bought

Over the past few years, the question of reducing sales is especially relevant for many car brands. Moreover, companies are faced with such a problem in the world, both in the USA, so in Europe and Asia. All this is due to a decrease in demand, as well as with the fact that in almost every family all its members acquired means of movement. This factor is also of extreme importance for sales: as a result, a new problem appears: all unrealized cars need to be nick somewhere.

In other words, it arises quite a logical question: where cars are sent in the event that they never managed to sell? After all, it is a huge number of cars that are becoming more and more every year. For example, there are places like this (Shirnes, United Kingdom):

There are hundreds of similar sites around the world. In essence, they resemble a car cemetery or a huge penalty. Every day, there are more and more "prisoners" whose future fate is still predetermined. What is the most offensive, all of them are completely new. I wonder what they would be to know that the happy owner would never sit for their steering wheel. As a result, such cars require an additional place, they occupy abandoned platforms and parking worldwide.

Here is an image of one of these places. This car cemetery is also located in the UK in the city called Svindon. There are thousands of thousands of cars that will not be able to wait for their buyer here. As a result, all this leads to huge spending on the part of the automaker. Not only is it losing money due to a decrease in demand, he also has to spend additional funds for renting parking and squares.

All this is another confirmation of the fact that the decline in the global economy is only gaining momentum. It is worth considering such a factor as environmental pollution. After all, in order to create an optimal place for storing thousands of cars, it is necessary to calculate the territory. As a result, hundreds and thousands of acres of trees are destroyed for pouring another parking for the "dead" machines to concrete.

Immediately want to note the fact that all photos and images of non-sold cars in this article are only a drop in the sea. In fact, hundreds around the world are scattered such places. In almost every country there is such a "cemetery". Therefore, everything you see in the photos is a reality. In fact, it is very difficult to believe that there are so many machines that cannot be sold in a number of circumstances. And this despite the fact that many brands only write about increasing purchases of their new models provide us with graphics and marketing research results. All this does not matter, because Every day the number of unnecessary cars is growing.

We are not going with you, if we say that today the world suffers from a mechanized epidemic. Therefore, if there is an extraterrestrial mind and watches us, let them arrive and buy at least a few of these beautiful cars. There is simply no other way to get rid of them. The following snapshots depicts more than 57,000 cars that expect their dispatch for the next deserted and completely empty parking. This place is located in Port Baltimore, Meriland, USA.

Automakers could not sell all these cars even if they went to the cardinal decline in prices. For example, this picture shows a track for Nissan car tests, located in Sunderland, United Kingdom. This track has not been used for a long time for its intended purpose. Today it is intended exclusively for storing non-sold cars. But even such an area already becomes insufficient. Now Nissan is required by an additional place, because Many models will remain not purchased. According to 16 May 2014, cars have become much smaller on this track. However, it is hard to believe that they still managed to sell. Most likely, most of them went to recycle to free the place for a new party.

Auto Industry can not just take and stop the production of new cars. In this case, they will have to close all the plants, and hundreds of thousands of employees will remain without work. This will lead to an even greater worsening of the global economy and, as a result, to the next crisis. Do not forget about the metallurgical industry, which will also suffer from such radical measures. In addition, dozens and hundreds of enterprises manufacturing accessories and additional products for cars will also remain without profit. All this can lead to irreversible consequences. In this image, only a small part of a huge fleet in Spain is shown, where there are dozens of hundreds of thousands of cars. They do not have anything left, just to take sunny baths.

Tens of thousands of new models come from the conveyor every week. However, most of them will not be sold. Once again it should be said that almost every family has several cars. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that demand is gradually declining.
Here, for example, the runway in the district of St. Petersburg. It is compact for thousands of no one no longer needed cars. All of them were imported from Europe. As a result of such a "invasion", it became simply impossible to use the take-off strip according to its direct purpose.

The essence of the problem is that the main cycle is broken. If earlier consumers bought and went to purchased cars, today they do not buy at all, but only go. At the moment, some real and effective solution of this problem does not exist. Therefore, automakers continue to stamp their products, increasing the number of unrealized cars several times annually.

Here is another confirmation that this problem really exists. Before you, Royal Portbury docks near the city of Bristol. The snapshot is made using Google satellite. It can be seen with the naked eye that cars are standing here everywhere. In fact, there is no "living" place in the territory. Everyone around is dotted with unnecessary machines. All places similar to gray spots, it is also cars.

Surprised not particularly. After all, there are more cars in the world than people exist in principle. At the moment, according to statistics, the number of cars on the planet reaches a mark of 10 billion units.

But manufacturers are confident that this number is not enough. Reminds the famous cartoon about Golden Antelope. Here, for example, a playground on which thousands of Citroen cars are located. This area is located near the city of Corby in England. Daily, this fleet is updated with new "guests" from France. From here, no one will never take them.

There is no logic to produce more cars than humanity can buy. However, the situation is repeated from day to day, from year to year. In certainly the result, it can become so that not purchased cars will float our entire planet. In the future, such an opportunity looks more than real, if everything continues at the same pace.

Just take a look at these beautiful, new sparkling machines. At first glance, it seems that you fell into the outdoor salon. However, this is an erroneous impression. These cars are never bought by anyone. Red, black, white, silver - they all overflow in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. Perhaps we are witnessing the origin of the new urban art photos. At least there is no other explanation for all this.

Around the world, such platforms and parks are gradually filled with non-solder machines. And it is not visible not to the end or the edge. And it is very strange, because the economic situation in the world clearly makes it clear to automakers that at the moment the wallets of consumers are empty. Only a small part of people can afford to buy a new car. So why not concentrate exclusively on this segment? Since we cannot force the plants to produce cars, we will soon come to the fact that they will simply have no place for storage.

There were those times when families bought new cars every year, and sometimes more often. Everyone tries to preserve what is already there. Naturally, some still continue to regularly update their cars. But minority such people. That's what you need to understand. The result of such a crisis and steel these photos collected from various parts of the planet. It is difficult to even think about that they will still stand here until they rot. Behind them, no one looksches over and no one cares. It is unlikely that someone will buy them even at the maximum discount. Few people know that if the car costs motionless in the air for more than 12 months, it is no longer suitable for riding.

Here is another snapshot of an incredible number of abandoned machines, which will never go on sale again. Pay attention to the horizon line. What do you see there? So exactly, even more cars. All of them are absolutely new, non-rolled, but such lonely. In order to solve this problem, urgent radical measures are required. Who knows, maybe in a few years everyone can get at their disposal a new car completely free. It seems that it might help correct the situation.

When the car has been still motionless under the sun, rain and snow, the irreversible processes begin. Corrosion causes serious damage to the body, rust appears, the salon is simply "blooms". The engine also comes in disrepair due to lack of machine oil. Corrosion can penetrate even in the heart of the car and damage cylinders and some running parts. There is no guarantee that you can even start the engine. Pressure in rubber, naturally falls over time. In other words, almost irreparable damage is applied. Therefore, the longer they will be so standing, the worse for them. How to avoid damage? The answer is simple, sell them as soon as possible.

The mechanized epidemic is not treated. More precisely, it is not trying to cure. The disease is aggravated. Auto manufacturers are constantly producing new models, provide them with gadgets and devices to the latest technology, try to surprise consumers with an exquisite design and comfortable interior. But the modern consumer simply cannot acquire cars in full. He does not have such an opportunity. As a result, unrealized cars are simply processed.

Everyone got used to watching in life and more often in the movie Deluxe of cars, where old cars who came into disrepair and sent to the pit owners are reached. But where are unsold new cars? It is clear that not all cars that have come down from the conveyor are sold. Manufacturers for this do not count. Moreover, when the release of a certain model approaches its completion, the demand for it drops sharply.

Location of new non-sold cars

Cars go off the conveyors of automotive plants on a global scale. Any manufacturer seeks to release the maximum number of cars for sale. The reason for this is understandable - the car business is today one of the most profitable. But far from every unit of products can be implemented, especially at the moment when the course of foreign currencies is unstable.

New cars that were not sold are not subject to disposal. It is unprofitable to manufacturers who spent a lot of money on the development of models and their subsequent production. The result of the lack of demand for certain cars becomes the opening of special parking lots. These fields "live" unsold cars, there are practically in each country in which car plants have. Russia is no exception.

Here are the most famous from these parking lots:

  • Near the manufacturer of the RENAULT-NISSAN concern;
  • Similar parking in British Shirnesse;

  • Maryland, Port Baltimore;

  • Russian "Cemetery" not far from Peter;

  • Parking Toyota Square in 60 hectares in California;

  • "Fords" parking in Detroit;

  • Honda parking in Japan;

  • Spanish city Valencia.

Some autohydriants, especially American, in one time moved production to China and other Asian countries to reduce it. But the demand from this did not increase, and now the fields with unsold cars from the USA are observed everywhere in Asia.

Marketers working for automotive companies, until 2014, quite accurately calculated the number of machines that needed to produce. Of course, the part (minor percent) was still prepared by fate - to finish their lives in the parking lots. After 2014, cars prices have increased dramatically, and people began to abandon some models in favor of cheaper options.

Stimulation of the world automobile market

The manufacturer never goes on the buyer and will not reduce the price of a new car.

Machine manufacturers are counting on the fact that buyers a few years after the use of the vehicle will want to buy a new one. An approximate use of use is from three to five years. It is for this reason that new models of cars come up approximately with the same interval.

There are several non-completely honest techniques that are used by companies to stimulate demand for their products on the market:

  • technical obsolescence of models;
  • intentionally installing some outdated nodes;
  • artificial restriction of the operational period.

Observing of certain models is a marketing stroke differential from the point of view. As an example, you can bring such updates as the replacement of a climate or audio system. A minor part is changing, which practically does not affect the operation of the machine, and all this is supplied to potential customers in the form of innovation capable of going to the buyer to look at the car in a new way.

Installing technically obsolete nodes is another technique that deserves attention. An interesting story was with a good model Solaris from Hyundai. The six-speed automatic transmission and manual transmission appeared on the models in Russia not so long ago, while abroad these gearboxes were sold from the very release of the first Solaris. After a car with a four-stage "machine" was launched in Russia and people who bought solaris people stopped admiring the excellent and inexpensive car, the manufacturer declared a "new development". There was a kind of restart, and Solaris again entered the top sales. And this is just one example.

As for the operational period, it is initially laid in the technical component. The average service life of the car engine without the need for major repairs is about 150-250 thousand kilometers. After that, the engines begin to break. The overhaul of the power units of some models can be truly expensive. It is easier to buy a new car.

This technique began to be applied in about the mid-80s, when the manufacturers realized that they would produce reliable and durable cars with engines capable of driving without overhaul millions of kilometers - extremely unprofitable. Until now, many people prefer old "Oldskaya" new cars. As an example, you can bring the legends of the American car industry - Ford Gran Torino, Chevrolet Impala, Dodge Charger and many others. And the examples are in the automotive industry of almost every country.

Side of car manufacturers

It would seem just pattern. Close: it's millions of dollars!

Following the philistine logic, it is sufficient to reduce the price to split the remnants. But in price no one will ever give way. No one will never go for such a step for a number of reasons:

  1. If you reduce the cost of a specific model, the model class below will not be sold.
  2. People quickly get used to good, and will wait for sales again.
  3. A direct loss of dealers from the sale of a car with a discount will grow.
  4. Inability to raise prices for products annually, as is happening now.
  5. Gradual stopping enterprises.

The embodiment of the principle of inability to reduce the price leads to the most real vicious circle. Machines come from the conveyor in the same volume, but not sold, staying in the parking lots. But sales can not be expected. The car market is cyclic, and this cycle is almost impossible to stop at least because, otherwise, hundreds of thousands of people will remain without work.

What happens to non-sold cars ultimately

There are legends around this, most of which are partly supported by the manufacturers themselves. The latter do not reveal their secrets. Several options:

  • pre-holiday sales of liquid car brands;
  • sale at a discount for employees of the enterprise and their relatives;
  • place the machines on the spare parts.

Each of the similar steps is a forced measure to which the auto industry goes, when marketer errors in the calculations lead to surplum, which cannot be soldered.

The fate of new non-sold cars is to be in the parking lots forever. And although manufacturers are trying not to advertise it, but they will never massively implement these cars. Otherwise, the brand will only lose prestige, and the enterprise will incur serious losses.

Have you ever wondered where automakers who sell their cars through the dealer network, come them in case if they are not sold? Do you think that sooner or later dealers sell all cars, making? Not really. Of course, every dealer eventually accumulates quite a lot of illiquid vehicles, which cannot be sold even with maximum discounts. So where do they exist this unclaimed transport?

Among the many motorists there is a myth that illiquid and hung cars are sent to special warehouses, where we can allegedly buy a car almost half a half. There is also a version that many unclaimed cars are disassembled on parts, which then diverge on the dealer network in order to use them in technical centers for installation on warranty cars. But actually it is not.

Of course, we understand that it would be nice if the dealers were generally distributed cars for free cars that were not sold. But you yourself understand that this is possible only in fairy tales.

How do you think a lot of cars hangs from dealers? Do you think units? In vain you think so. Have you drawn attention to the ranks perfectly and on their parking lots? Do you know that, according to statistics, 30% of these cars will never be sold out?

Moreover, many cars will not be sold out even until the shipment of new or restyled models will begin to the salon. But where then the dealer will delete them to free the place under fashionable autoninks? Does all cars be transferred to the rental, sent to the smelting or spare parts? Of course no. Although some of these cars can indeed in a discount, as a result, get into the company engaged in renting vehicles for rent, leasing, etc. Also, some cars can be sold to large taxi parks at a beneficial price profitable for them. But not all cars are waiting for a similar fate. The main mass of illiquid vehicles will have a more complex journey.

Most car dealers are franchises. This means that they acquire new cars from automakers and sell them at a higher price to make a profit. Therefore, when dealers buy cars, they immediately become their owners. In this case, after payment of the Party of Machines, the dealers immediately receive from official representative offices of autocompany documents on cars (TCP, customs documents, etc.). In this case, the dealers cannot ship the autodual auto autodulated auto industry at the end of any period to free the storage space for new models.

As a result, in order to return their investments, such dealership companies must lure customers into their car dealerships to make them buy unquidic cars. Only so the dealer can easily return their money invested in the car and even get planned profits.

But not all dealers work on a complete prepaid for new cars. Some dealership companies are simple platforms for selling new cars. That is, the transfer of property rights to cars does not occur. Accordingly, TCP on cars is stored at the automaker until the dealer finds customers on the car. Then, as soon as the money is made by the Client at the expense of the car dealership, the dealer will send money to the automaker, which in turn will bring to the TCP salon to transfer property rights to a new car owner.

With this scheme of the dealer with the automaker, the car dealership receives a certain percentage from the manufacturer with a certain percentage of total sales for a specific period of time or has a fixed profit for each vehicle sold. With this sales scheme, the dealer has the right to send unsold cars at the end of a previously agreed period.

In this case, the automobile ship will ship the illiquid vehicles for special platforms, warehouses, etc. But if you think that the car facility is almost free of charge from such sites to distribute cars or sell them for half a half, then you are mistaken. This is possible only in fairy tales.

After all, any automotive company needs to return money from each car produced. Otherwise, all auto plants would have already been going out in the world.

For this, car companies are unclaimed cars can transfer to other car markets - to other regions of the country and even to other countries. Moreover, when solving the issue of the ignition of illiquid cars will be taken into account the features of each car market and the popularity of each model. Naturally, illiquid cars will be shipped to the market where they will be most in demand.

By the way, sometimes dealers cooperate with each other to get rid of unreasonable residues. For example, if one car dealership is experiencing a shortage of SUVs in Siberia, but has a large implicit among passenger cars, while another dealer does not know where to give SUVs in Moscow, but experiencing a shortage of passenger cars, then two dealers can exchange those cars that are not sold. Such mutually beneficial cooperation allows the dealer to quickly return its money invested in the purchase of new cars.

Unfortunately, dealers who bought new cars for resale in the cabin are not always guessing the required number of new cars, producing a reboot. As a result, at the end of the year, the dealer accumulates a lot of unsold cars. To get rid of remnants at the end of the year or the beginning of the next year, many car dealers are starting to attract customers with various shares / discounts. But not always even in this case, it is possible to sell the remnants. Then the dealer begins to accumulate real implications in the parking lot, where the place for storing new models will soon be completed. As a result, the dealer is forced to go to the market for used cars for the sale of new cars.

Also, such residues often appear around the world at various auctions. True, in this case the dealer will lose money due to car markup. But so at least the dealer gets rid of illiquid and frees the place for new, more running models. Some dealers sometimes risk, laying their non-liquid in the bank under loans that are necessary for the purchase of new-water autoninks. It is because of such loans on the security of unquidental machines and they burned in our country many of the once well-known dealerships.

But most often, of course, dealers and automakers are trying to get rid of remnants with discounts. This is especially true when the model range changes in the cabin or is about to begin the supply of resting cars. This usually occurs, starting in autumn. In this case, the task of the dealer and the automobile plant is to sell up until the end of the year as many old cars, whose sales are already left to desire the best.

That is why in the fall really you can buy a new car on a more advantageous price tag. True, the dealers do not always give good discounts. Sometimes instead of discounts, car dealerships offer a gift alarm, new rubber, rugs, anti-corrosion treatment and even refinancing percentage of auto loan (in this case, you practically do not overpay the percentage of the loan), etc.

Thus, unsold cars are too early or late, freeing the place for new arrivals. As you can see, unquident cars often benefit buyers. After all, they can really buy cheaper or get delicious gifts from the dealer.

But, alas, no one will sell you a new illiquid car for half a favor, since it is a direct path to bankruptcy not only dealer, but also the plant.

The number of non-sold cars in the world grows every year. What happens to cars, which for some reason turned out to be not demanded by consumers? But what: millions of such cars are clogged with old airfields and huge country parking lots.

Recession continues. What you see in this article is only the top of the iceberg. There are still a lot of such parking lots scored with new cars in the world. If you think this is all photoshop, you are mistaken - all pictures are genuine. For example, 57 thousand cars that expect sales in the Baltimore port, Maryland.

You see thousands and thousands of not sold cars in the parking lot in the town of Shirnesse (Sheerness), United Kingdom.

This is a large parking lot in the town of Svindon (Swindon), the United Kingdom, where thousands of cars have accumulated, and buyers are not visible ... automakers have to buy more and more land to place the accumulating remnants there.

It would be logical to declare discounts. However, automakers do not go for concessions. They want to return every dollar spent on creating these machines. In addition, if you drop a couple of thousand dollars from each car, other expensive cars will remain without a buyer.

You see huge sites with new-distance machines. Automotive companies cannot stop the conveyor, because then you will have to close the factories and dismiss thousands and thousands of workers. In this case, by the way, the Domino effect will begin - the steel plants will be ruined, whose products are used to make automotive buildings, a bunch of other enterprises will close, which manufactures nodes and aggregates for machines.

This is a parking lot from the Nissan plant. At the time of writing this article, all these cars were in place, nobody bought them. Some of them, probably, have already managed to recycle on parts.

Tens of thousands of cars produce on the factories every week, but they are almost not sold. In developed countries, now almost every family has a car or even two or three, so why are new? The consumer is much more profitable to carefully use the machine already purchased and give it to the car service for, say, body repair than to acquire a new car.

And this is Russia. On the runway next to Petersburg, thousands of cars are now standing. They were brought from Europe and now they do not need anyone. The airport should also be used according to its original purpose.

The usual cycle "Buy-Use-Buy" is broken, now in the course only "use", without buying. And again you see thousands of unprecedented cars in the town of Appper Hayward, Byster, Okfordshire. At the owners, by the way, there is no longer enough space.

It is sad to recognize this, but there is no real solution to the problem. Therefore, cars continue to go from the conveyor and get straight to parking, where millions of other vehicles are already stored.

You will be surprised, but on our planet there are more cars than human beings, almost 10 billion pieces. We are already becoming closely with them. You see several thousand new cars "Citroen" brand, which are standing in Corby, Northemptundshire in England. They will be taken here from France every day, and from the date of arrival they are nowhere else to go.

So they are there, new cars with zero mileage. This is a fresh, Maji Snapshot from Cosmos Unlligible cars in Corby (Corby, Northamptonshire).

Production of an increasing number of cars that cannot be sold, contrary to logic, needs and economic laws, continues every day. Every week, every year for many years.

All over the world stocks of unnecessary cars accumulate. They are becoming more and more, and the end of the edge is not visible to this process. Economists argue that consumers have no money to buy new cars. The problem is that the "old" cars now serve for a long time, but we cannot refuse the production of new ones. We end with areas for storage. Moreover, we even have nowhere to ride them!

There were those times when families bought a new car every year, now people use what they have. Some families, maybe change cars annually, but most prefer to ride older.

Proof you have before your eyes. Millions of cars roll out of the gates of the factories to then stand forever in the parking lot.

These cars left here to collapse. It does not seem that anyone will buy them. In any case, over the past 12 months, there were no changes in this parking lot, and a long stay without movement is destructive for cars. Condensate begins in the cylinders, this process is called cold metal corrosion. Now it is impossible to start the car so as not to damage the engine. Air starts to go out of tires, and accumulators sit down. List of malicious processes can be continued.

So how to stop this epidemic? Where is the exit? Automakers are constantly developing new models with the finest technologies. Non-soldered cars of the biennial age, no longer have a chance to find the buyer. Another alternative to how to be disassembled on spare parts or crushed under the press, they do not have. Some of the autohygigants moved production to China, an example - General Motors and Cadillac. Unfortunately, the car produced in China on the American license is not in demand in the United States in previous volumes. Now the platforms in China are clogged with such new American machines. While the Chinese can not afford this luxury, so it is necessary to wait until the economy is restored, and this may take several generations.

Even with a careful count it is impossible to 100% to predict how many new cars will find their own owners, because they are not ordered by specific buyers.

Why do machines are not sold?

Car manufacturers create a certain number of machines, focusing on the consumer demand, factory lines, labor and global economic trends. Companies need to improve models, about once every two years, they produce updated versions of machines. Those who wish to buy a car directly from the plant pay attention to them first. Others prefer to take used cars to save.

Most of the car owners do not change the vehicle for several years - it is much more profitable to monitor the condition of the machine, on time And repair it. At the same time, manufacturers are not ready to massively sell outdated models with large discounts, it will reduce the demand for relevant products. Disassemble last year's non-sold cars is also unprofitable, so they all continue to wait for their buyer.

Discounts, promotions and sales

Now manufacturers try to protect themselves from overproduction and fulfill the norm on orders from dealerships. In this case, dealers have to solve the problem of non-sold cars. Unlike manufacturers, they launch promotions and discounts, if the machine is not sold for a long time. Car dealerships use such a thing as Yellow Stock, or "Yellow Production Reserve". This is the minimum percentage in which the car falls, which has not been sold. Including a discount and for sale. As a rule, it is 1% of the total number of cars produced, but in crisis periods, the number of "yellow" machines comes to 30% of the total number of created.

Liquid cars sell at auctions, through dealers in the Trade-IN system or distribute at minimal prices among employees. Rent or buy buildings under such a number of machines expensive, so most of the cars are parked by slender rows on street parking, which occupy huge areas.

Parking new cars

In 2014, the network got From Google Maps satellites, which recorded large parking lots in different ends of the earth. Taketon strips designed for aircraft, occupied cars. This is a photo from the city of Shirshis, United Kingdom.

And these are new cars, tightly parked in Baltimore, Maryland, United States.

A similar situation recorded the photographer in Russia, not far from St. Petersburg.

The public was outraged by this situation, but in the future the media repeatedly tried to disprove the information that cars were in the parking lots. Judging by the photos, most of them are in good condition, they appeared there not for a long time and, most likely, have already found their own owners. The fact is that the photos were made during the global crisis of 2009, when many automakers faced the problem of overproduction due to a sharp decline in demand. Such parking lots really exist, but cars for a long time are not delayed taking into account the above-described sales system.

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