Home Food What zis looks like 5. ZIS - the history of the automotive brand. Power in the pump and piston

What zis looks like 5. ZIS - the history of the automotive brand. Power in the pump and piston

About the famous "Three-shoes" from military likholety, battle chariots of front roads and work horses of the rear, heard, of course, many. But not everyone knows, probably that the production of such cars continued over three decades, and ended only a year of the 20th anniversary of the Great Victory. And even more so, not everyone knows the technical nuances of the device of cars from that far from the era.

The range of trucks, buses, tractors and specialists, created using engines, aggregates of the transmission of cabins and the details of the plumage from the ZIS-5, reaches fifty species. In this material we will consider only some cars that have left for the history of personnel photos and newsreel.

In the preparation of this material, a number of books of 1932-1958 of the publication were used, the list of which is shown at the end. In addition, we used only archival photos of those years. Internet suffer, offering "funny pictures" from our days, does not think, and apparently simply does not know that they are in most cases do not correspond to historical reality.

The cars are sometimes painted in such a color palette, which was not and could not be 60-80 years ago. On the pre-war specimens you can see the wheels from GAZ-51-53-3307, then everywhere. The same cars can carry the post-war body. On machines supplied as Uralzis-355, there may be cabins, a metal "in a circle". Finally, on many ZIS-5V and Uralzis-5M machines, on their "direct" wings of a military sample, farkers are installed, which the plants have never been installed.

The predecessors of the ZIS-5 truck were AMO-2, (1931 G.V.) and AMO-3, (1932 G.V.), the prototype of which the overseas "autocars" appeared. Amo trucks did not differ significantly with each other. Their principal difference was that the "Two" had a part of the American components, and "Trejca", (or "New AMO") was collected from Soviet, although in some cases licensed parts and nodes.

As ZIS-5 inherited not only the appearance of their predecessors, but also a number of their constructive features, it seems that not to remember the technical solutions transferred by "inheritance", it will be simply unfair. This zis did not appear by itself, from "nowhere."

AMO machines, a lifting capacity of 2.5 tons, were equipped with six-cylinder, rigid, low-blanked carburetor motors with a working volume of 4.88 liters (cylinders size 95x114 mm.) The degree of compression is 4.7 units, and with a capacity of 60 hp.

The transmission of these cars included:

  • 2-disk clutch of the Long construction, used on all ZIS machines and Uralzis, until 1965. If the clutch of the ZIS is different from the aggregates of AMO with the size of the discs or the force of pressure springs, it does not have a fundamental value;

  • 4-speed gearbox, type of brown-lope, with a single casting of clutch and gear crankcases, with gear ratios 5.35; 2.84; 1.47; 1.00; back Stroke 6.25. The same checkpoints, but with other gears, (see below), were used on all ZIS and Uralzis machines, until 1965. Their peculiarity was the lack of synchronizers, therefore switching transmissions accounted for a double clutch disclosure, and the transmission algorithm was the same as all Soviet "lawns";

  • Rear axles with two-stage main transmission, (conical and cylindrical pairs of gears), with a shared gear ratio of 6.41, fully unloaded by semi-axles and separate hubs on dual roller bearings. Bridges with the same gear ratio of the gearbox, were used to the first half of the 50s, to the car Uralzis-5M inclusive.

The rear axles of this design were used later on all the "highway" trucks ZIL, up to the defeat of the auto plant in the "zero" years. And if readers know the bridge device of the same, then in the drawing of the same aggregate of AMO, they will not find anything fundamentally new for themselves.

The front bridges from AMO, with a "deep" beam, were used until 1957, to the model "355V" inclusive.

Steering mechanisms from AMO, type, type "worm - crank with a finger", according to the American steering wheel "Ros-gir", with a gearbox 15.9, moved to ZIS trucks.

But what is 15.9 for a truck weighing 6 tons? The first post-war "victories", (1.85 tons) had gearboxes 16.6, and since 1950, at the request of the workers, received a new gearbox, 18.2. Recall that there were 20.5 reducers, and ZIS-150 machines, 23.5 units reducers. Nevertheless, the steering gearboxes from AMO without change were used until the mid-50s, to the Uralzis-5M model inclusive.

The brake systems of the AMO trucks were combined. The drive of the rear mechanisms was mechanical, traction, and to the front wheels - hydraulic, acting from one, with the rear "mechanics", pedals. But since the front hydraulic guide did not do, it was refused to ZIS-5 from it.

But the design of the rear drive from AMO, together with the mechanisms, was used until 1947. The peculiarity was that every wheelchair had two pairs of brake pads located mutually crosswise. One pair was given only from the working pedal, and the other was only from the "handbrake"

The main character of this narrative appeared in 1933. From AMO externally, it was distinguished by only the fact that he had no two-story chrome front buffer. Bumpers, as now "Quests" instead of holidays, then have not yet come up with.

In the preparation of its production, designers, headed by Evgeny Ivanovich Vazhinsky, the main attention was paid to improving the traction characteristics of the machine, which in the era of the absence of roads, and existence, mainly directions, (according to the expression attributed to General Guderian), was crucial. By the way, in the dock. The film "Cars in the pursuit", (Studio "Wings of Russia", 2009), unequivocally stated that the Germans willingly used the trophy zisa for them. The audience saw the chronicle as ZIS-5, a pre-war release with "round" wings, managed helplessly protruding in Russian dirt, "Opel-Blits" and "Mana".

Engines car ZIS-5

To exclude the curvators regarding the continuity of Motors IMO and ZIS, we will give a interpretation from the 1936 book.

To this, it is necessary to add that for export versions of machines, (already in the 1930s there were supplies to Turkey, India and Iran), the Motors of the ZIS-5A were produced with a compression ratio of 5.3 and a capacity of 77 hp.

Well, readers, of course, know that the above-mentioned sizes of the cylinder-piston group have retained the Motors of the ZIS-150 trucks and, and the ZIS-155 buses and Zil (Liaz) -158.

The appearance of the SIS (IMO) power unit is presented below.

On the ZIS-5 motors, gear drives of the water pump and the generator were used. From the drive shaft of the water pump, it was rotated and a breakright roller - the ignition system distributor. And the belt drive had only the cooling fan. We draw attention to such a layout of the engine attached equipment because, with the last, post-war modernization of the car, they refused it.

Engine lubrication system

The reader, of course, realized that the illustrations of the power unit in two projections were given from different books. Digital footnotes - Comments, the source is given in the text. But it seems that there is no need for them.

On these pre-war engines, thin-walled shift liners of the crankshaft bearings have not yet been used. Bearing beds were poured by babbit, and at the place were processed under the diameters of the neck of a particular shaft.

How the oil pressure was controlled, it is better to quote literally:

The only, full-flow (!) Oil filter with a felt rings was used in the lubrication system, it was completely disassembled, individual rings were washed in gasoline, blurred with compressed air, and therefore the replacement was not required at each change of oil. All purified oil has completely received on the lubricant of the parts, and only after that fastened into the pallet.

If this readers seem incredible - even post-war motors in the 50s did not have such full-flow filtration, we suggest to see the scheme of this filter, and circulation of oil through it, (right drawing).

The circulation of oil on a heated engine is shown. Through the channel 8, from the pump, the oil passes through the filter-bottle, from where the exit, only one, on the channel 6 - to the main oil housing line. Q.E.D. Lower channel 9, with its valve 3 - drainage, to prevent overpressure on cold thick butter. And the upper valve is 7 - bypass, in order to avoid "oil starvation" of the engine during a frozen or contaminated filter.

Engine power system

The power system included a 60-liter benzobac (under the driver's seat, provided only 200 km. Run), and carburetors with the "ascending" flow of the mixture, only by discharge in the cylinders. Carburators of the Moscow AutoMature Plant, (subsequently, Moscow Carburetor, MCZ), MAAZ-3 and MAEZ-5, were designed according to American "Zenitov", but were simpler and technologically for our production conditions.

The carburetors had "dry" air cleaners, (on the terminology of the time), which first combined with them into a single block. But in the future, air filters derived as high as possible into the subcarrane space, connecting with carburetners using transitional benches, the fuel supply was carried out by diaphragm fuel pumps, which were performed in a single assembly with filters - sumps.

Motor cooling systems - open type, without tightness of radiator, thermostats and blinds. Their temperature regimen was not controlled, but due to the lack of hermetic plugs, the increased evaporation from the radiator neck was visible well and in advance. Naturally, therefore, the water to check-tosses accounted for more often than antifreeze during sealed systems.

Motors had two additional lever controls on the steering column, under the "Branca". One of these levers was provided by the "permanent gas" - manual control of the throttle of the carburetor, for which the ZIL and gas in post-war machines - flexible cables were used. Another lever, the ignition advance was regulated, since the standard interrupters-distributors of the IGC type, the automatic vacuum regulator has not yet had. But low compression engines forgotable possible errors with such adjustments, "paying" only fuel facing and deterioration of the dynamics of machines. Information about any frequent or serious breakdowns because of this, the story did not leave us.

The list of used literature does not mention the publication on which we will come down once. This is a book M.M. Orlova "Mottozos", (ONTY, 1936). Apparently, only from this source, today we can learn that the Machines of AMO-3 and ZIS-5 were planned to install diesel engines. What were manufactured, tested, and ready to serial production 60-strong Motor NATI 1-60, and a 70-strong power unit M-12. But the obvious problem was that at that time there were no extended devices for a more easy launch of diesel engines in winter, which for mass promising trucks, and in the conditions of our winters, was unacceptable. Not by chance, even diesel compatriots, more than half of the world, were roasted on armored vehicles with gasoline engines.

And carburetor power units AMO and ZIS, together with their gearboxes, on the pre-war, and first post-war mothers and drinkers, found their use.

Thus, the booties of the Kaluga plant of the NKPS, with a power unit from AMO-3, and both leading axes on the highest transmission in the checkpoint could move the composition weighing up to 85 tons, (2-3 bio-axis "dryer", depending on their download), at a speed of 40-45 km / h. And on the first gear, the weight of the composition on the horizontal portion of the path, could reach 260 tons, - 6-8 such cars.

Such railway cars were only until 1936, more than a thousand were made.

And since we touched the railway themes, you can recall another fact from our history. From the book - the collection "Echelon for Echelon", edited by Lieutenant General of Technical Service A.S. Clememina, (Military Publishing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the SSR, Moscow, 1981), we learn the case that took place during the battle in Ukraine.

Unfortunately, the story has not kept the photosVediacy for us to the Russian soldiers' seven years old. But how to know, maybe it is one who is unprecedented in the history of domestic transport the case, and was not forgotten after the victory. And pushed the Soviet machine builders and transport workers, to create and operating cars on a combined, (railway) go. Machines, undoubtedly universal destination, the bulk of which was naturally trucks.

Transmission car ZIS-5

As already mentioned, the clutch of the AMO machines and the ZIS principal differences did not have two-disc, with a mechanical drive. The clutch pedal block and brakes were attached to the clutch carder, and when removing the unit, starred with him.

The gearboxes of the ZIS-5 machines and their further varieties of-modelinations, received other gear ratios: 1 - 6.60; 2 - 3.74; 3 -1.84; 4 - 1.00; Z.Kh. - 7.63. And already with such gears were applied on all subsequent models of the family, until the end of its production in October 1965 ..

On the ZIS-5 machines and their modifications, they found the use of cardan transmissions with Garden type hinges - a spice, which were used on AMO trucks. But unlike the latter, the designers abandoned the intermediate soft couplings, leaving only two universal hinge with crosses on sliding bearings.

And the rear bridges from the AMO, on the pre-war ZIS-5 machines no changes received.

Chassis ZIS-5

Car suspension AMO and ZIS on longitudinal springs. The springs were attached to the threaded fingers and earrings. The springs did not have central tie bolts, and to avoid longitudinal displacement of sheets relative to each other, there were special recesses and protrusions for the mutual fixation of the neighboring sheets.

The front 11-leaf springs worked in a pair with mechanical lever shock absorbers. Friction nodes of such shock absorbers were collected from the packages of steel elastic multi-treating "stars", due to the friction forces between which oscillations in the suspensions were quenched. In the rear suspensions, 10-sheet basic stem packages were used, and 7-leaf "pre-sodes". Shock absorbers not from behind

"Two-poon" wheels had a size of 34x7 inches tires. According to pre-war standards of tire dimension, this meant: 34 inches - the external diameter of the tire on the treadmill, and 7 inches - the width of the shelf wheels for the tire mounting. Tires were considered high pressure, (St. 5 atm), and they were supposed to be punished with a special standard compressor installed on the transmission box.

ZIS-5 control mechanisms

About the steering controls of pre-war cars, with classic longitudinal and transverse traction, to those who have said earlier, add nothing to. And on the brake mechanical drive ZIS-5 you need to pay some attention

In the figure, we see two independent couples to the rear wheelchairs - confirmation of previously given information about separate drives of working and parking braking. And the flexible cables of the drive of the front mechanisms unequivocally indicate that the front wheels when braking began to act later than the rear dual skates. For the front drive must have big backlash - slack, in order to avoid self-removing wheels when turning.

However, the efficiency of braking with the front wheels, with other things being equal, was to be higher than that of the rear wheels. The area of \u200b\u200bthe working braking pads at the rear wheels are smaller, and the load on the rear axle is always higher. Therefore, in the necessary cases, to reduce the braking path, the driver should also use the "manual".

As for the speculation that with the mechanical drive of the brakes, the pedal is always more severe and "hard", then let them speculate and remain. Liquid, (and brake including), incompressible, and in the absence of air bubbles in the hydraulic system, there will be no feeling of light and soft pedal - if anyone from the readers traveled to GAZ-51 or, it is not observed. Everything, ultimately, is not determined by non-liquid, or cables - traction, but by transmitting efforts the lengths of the shoulders of pedals and intermediate levers.

The device and the principle of operation of a very surround front wheel slot mechanism, we will not comment in detail. We only note that in this Soviet on the fact of the design, everything was done for servo effect - additional symmetric "breeding" of both shoes to the drum. When braking, one of the pads, due to the friction force of the drum, increased the power of pressing and another pad to the drum. Such ability of the mechanism was equally triggered both during the front and at the rear course of the machine.

Electrical equipment ZIS-5

Electrical equipment of the ZIS-5 machines and their varieties, it is worth considering it in more detail. For many typical technical solutions of that era, the current readers may learn for the first time.

In the material there will also be presented by several options for the CIS Electros. They also have undergone evolution as well as the external differences in trucks, attachments of their engines, changes in transmission or brakes. Therefore, for a number of readers, such changes may also be not indifferent.

The electrical equipment of the ZIS-5, voltage of 6 volts, had polarity "plus for mass" and rechargeable batteries with a capacity of 112 amps-hours. Starter inertial type, Maf-4007did not have a forced mechanical activation of the drive. As prompts the name, the gear turned on and discarded only inertia by the forces.

Type generator GBF-4600., with a capacity of 80 W., had a current of return to 13 amps. There were no automatic voltage regulators, and therefore the return was regulated by a third brush that the driver was rearranged at its discretion at his own discretion. How? So that the ammeter always showed the charging current on medium and large turns.

On the engines of these machines, two different options for ignition systems were installed: one is a classic battery, with a coil and ignition distributor, the other - from a magneto, an autonomous high voltage current pulse generator, which had and distribution node for wires to candles.

With low, (4.6), compression degree, starting the engine with the help of the "starter curve" - \u200b\u200ba starting handle, - caused the problems. And the car with ignition from Magneto could be operated even at all without battery.

We are now unknown, how reliably worked the magneto in comparison with the "Bobin - the Trambl" kits, but they still did not get much spread. Perhaps because the ignition advance was impossible to be adjusted even with manual levers, and the machines had the worse overclocking dynamics because of this.

As for the battery systems of ignition, then interrupters-type distributors IGC-4221There were automatic centrifugal advance regulators, and manual advance control was only auxiliary.

We can offer readers two varieties of electricity from ZIS-5, with battery ignition, and from magneto. Any reader will notice that in different schemes - general switches are also different. It could not be different: the ignition system from magneto is separate, and no other relationship has nothing to do with any other circuits of general electricity.

According to any of the schemes, readers, versed in the automotive wiring, will see that the ignition turned on the same switch as the lighting of cars.

Professional car thieves were not yet born, the discipline and attitude towards popular goodness from the Soviet man were the stock edge higher than now, and therefore the need for "ignition locks" with the keys was not. By the way, although on the ZIS-150 trucks, the ignition locks appeared immediately, on the ZIS-155 buses, and even ZIL (LIAZ) -158, which were produced until 1970, did not have locks with keys, not only electrical equipment, but even the doors of Cabin! Everything was solved by ignitions, buttons of starters, and ... conscience of Soviet people.

So, in the "zero" position of the switch, everything was turned off in the first position only ignition turned on, (and a separate button - starter), and so it was possible to ride the day. If it were not for one "but": no "stop" was not working - a signal nor a beep. With the second position of the switch, not only signals, but also the rear lamp, and the "small" light of the headlights.

How not to remember the position of the current rules - and the day ride with the light! But small headlights, according to the concepts of that time, it is just a light bulb of the overall light, which, for the lack of subharbones, were located in the headlights.

Two types were used on the pre-war trucks and buses ZIS headlights. At first, with the AMO trucks, the headlights of the Ford type were switched to ZIS-5 and its varieties, (on the interpretation from the book. 2), with flat stools.

These devices had two separate light bulbs - side overall, in 3 sv. (3 W.) and one-time central, power of 21 sv. The divisions on the "closest" and "far" light was not, and the actual night lighting of the road had only one mode, ("big" light). These headlights were interchangeable with gas-ah headlights, and.

But we recall that the power of light in 21 sv. , (21 watts.) Has "near" light in trucks ZIS-150 and GAZ-51, the rays of which were also sent down. And in ZIS-5, the only thread of the lamp was located in the focus of the device, and therefore the headlights of even such power shone further than the near light of post-warning machines.

Closer to the end of the 30s, domestic headlights appeared, such as 50-00-A, with spherical stools. These headlights have a central two-dimensional lamp, capacity (21 + 3 sv.), Provided the "small" or "large" light mode. And as can be seen in the figure, the threads of the same lamp were powered through different cable inputs in the headlight housing.

On all Soviet pre-war trucks installed only one, a unified rear left lantern, such as 30-00, created by an American pattern. According to the standard of that time, the "Stop" section is a signal, with a light bulb in 15 st. Closed with yellow glass, and the section of the overall light with a lamp 3 sv. - glass "Ruby", (according to the terminology of the time). That is why in the picture from the 1936 book, these windows are marked with different shades. These were real windows, not plastic "diffusers", as now.

According to some information, together with the headlights 50-00-A, the new rear lights, unified with lamps of passenger EMCI, have come for the last pre-war trucks. These devices had a total two-dimensional, (envelope + "stop" -cignal), a central lamp, a total round glass "Rubin" with a frame, symmetrical at the height of the screws of their attachment, and the lower side glass backlight.

We have reason to consider such information by a technical error in the publication. But if at what a retro parade the reader will see this lantern on the ZIS-5, it will still be more correct than the FP-101b lantern with a plastic lid - the scatterer, the SIL-130 era.

Cabin and car body ZIS-5

On pre-war trucks ZIS Cabin had a wooden frame, but outside "in a circle" they were trimmed with sheet metal. The levers - the pedals had a standard purpose, and the instrument shield included only two positions - the oil pressure control device, ("controller" or a switch pressure gauge) and a "coil" speedometer, where the movable coil - the roller rotated relatively fixed risks - the arrows applied in the center of the glass instrument. In addition, an ammeter was located separately.

There was no electric pointer to the fuel level, the gas of the gasoline was checked by a ruler - the dipstick, the benefit that the benzobac was immediately in the cabin, under the seat. Just as it was done on both GAZ-51 - 53. The cabin is the lifting wind glass with the only one, from the driver, a vacuum wiper.

Trucks ZIS-5 before the war were issued 532.3 thousand copies, of which about 102 thousand, on 06/22/41, were in the army. And on mobilization, there came there, of course, much more. We do not accidentally give only the estimated numbers of a general released number - the accuracy of plus-minus one copy is hardly interesting to anyone. And in "specific" figures, not in our fault may also be inaccuracies.

Pre-war varieties of CIS cars

The 1934 sample truck could conditionally be considered an increased passability machine. For the second rear axle served to increase the lifting capacity of up to 4 tons only on the highway. And for off-road, the load limit was prescribed to 2.5 tons, as well as from the all-wheel drive ZIS-32 appeared (see below). And then the third axis served not only to increase the tapestility of the machine, but also to reduce the axial load on the grinding ground.

By the way, three-way, with the same transmission layout, - without the front leading bridge, but with a demultiplier, and with a "universal" tire protector, the usual, "highway" truck, was not considered. And with comparative tests on off-road, left the Ural-ZIS-355m, which showed phenomenal permeability and traction qualities on the mud, (see below) far behind themselves. But let's return in the 30s.

The car had a motor and gearbox from the ZIS-5. The novelty was an additional gearbox with a demultiplier, (1. -1.54, 2. -1.00).

The main programs of the leading bridges were "two-storey", worm-type, with ratio of 7.4. And taking into account all the previously given data on the transmission of machines, it is easy to calculate that on the first gear into the checkpoint, and the lowering in an additional box, the ZIS-6 on the taigament is exceeded by the usual three-thunder than almost 80%.

This three-grader, there were one common cardan shaft on both bridges, a central transmission parking disc brake, and a vacuum amplifier in the mechanical drive of working brakes. And the rear bridges had double spring hanging, like a three-way "lawn".

Treaters, with an application for the title of high-passing machines, in pre-war time received the simplified name "Werethe". However, the three-way type of Gorky half-flight, Gas-aaa, the soldier's brethren in the years of war with disgust called the "omnip".

It is not surprised to be surprised at this - a 40-housing engine gas could not always "pull out" the car from the dirt on the previously enabled transmission. Well, switching gears with double clutch disclosure, and almost always - with a complete stop of the machine, for the further possibility of movement, sometimes becomes fatal. The fact that such a "honorary title" received a three-axis zis with his more tracked motor, we are unknown.

According to information launched at one time, the domestic automotive historic L.M. Shugurov, (now deceased), Motors of all CIS-6 cars, had ignition only from Magneto. It is difficult to disagree with this - the army machines were to manage and without batteries. However, for a number of reasons, we will not confirm this.

ZIS-6 cars were released a little more than 21 thousand pieces. How many of the original samples are preserved to this day, after four years of front-road off-road, it will not say, apparently no one. But, for example, the ZIS-6 car, from the game column of the Mosfilm film studio, has a back truck completely from ZIL-157. Therefore, it was not a fact that she ever had a ZIS - sixth.

Buses ZIS-8, ZIS-16, and ZIS-16S

Buses to the subject of the magazine do not belong. Therefore, here they will be discussed only as a variety of chassis of the base truck ZIS-5, since their specific features - carrier or semi-suite bodies, bad, medium- or rear-engine arrangements - did not have.

And above all, it must be said that the pre-war buses ZIS had their own chassis. No universal chassis, for long-tone trucks, buses or fire trucks, as this sometimes is trying to imagine other readers, or "linked" other writers, did not exist.

The ZIS-8 bus chassis, (1934) in comparison with the ZIS-5, had a longer base, (4420 mm against 3810 mm). This requires an additional shaft and intermediate support in the cardan transmission. Softy rear springs were also applied - the main packages of 9 (versus 10) sheets, and the predsorry - 6 sheets, instead of 7-leaf packets. The gas tank of increased tank, 110 liters instead of 60 was installed. The reserve of the move increased to 360 km.

But the main difference was in electrical equipment. ZIS buses had 12-volt sources and current consumers. This is explained by the insufficient capacity of 6-volt "cargo" generators for the substitution of a larger number of lighting lamps of the cabin, and route lanterns.

And what to explain the various polarity - the buses - "minus for mass", the question is of course interesting. But, as they say, facts - a stubborn thing. And they are obvious (see the electricity). The generator for the ZIS-8 bus, type Ga-27, had a return on 20a., With a power of 250 W. Where there is a 13-ampeer truck generator, with a capacity of 80 W! In addition, buses were equipped with akb of greater tanks, (144 against 112 A.Ch at ZIS-5).

According to the applicability of starters, even in the original sources of those years, already, alas, there are discharges. Thus, in the 1936 edition, it states that the motors were completed with the starting electric motors of the company "BOSH", with electromagnetic forced inclusion of the drive gear using a traction relay. And in the consolidated collection of TTX Soviet cars, 1954 of the publication, it is argued that domestic inertial starters, such as MAF-31 installed. The Golden Mid may be in what was used both ...

Bus chassis ZIS-16 and ZIS-16C, equipped with forced motors. With an increase in from 4.6 to 5.7 degrees of compression, and new carburetors of the ICP-6, their power units developed the capacity of 88 hp, (against 73 hp), at 2700 rpm, (earlier - 2300). These chassis received a base of 4970 mm, and gearboxes of the main gears of leading bridges 7.67, against 6.41 in ZIS-8.

In both of these varieties, there were vacuum amplifiers in mechanical brake drives. In addition, the time of using hydraulic lever shock absorbers and bilateral action - ZIS-8 and ZIS-5 were mechanical friction shock absorbers. But if the ZIS-16 urban passenger car has installed such nodes only at the front springs, then its sanitary version "16C", had similar shock absorbers in the suspensions of both axes.

These same buses were equipped with larger tires, 36 x 8 inches. However, it did not affect the landing diameters of the wheels, they still had a diameter of 20 inches, (508 mm.).

Buses put on production in 1938 and 1939, respectively, had other generators, G-62, with a return 32 A., and with a capacity of 400 W. The generator sets of all three buses received automatic regulators relays, and their work was not checked for ammeters, but according to control lamps.

The 1934 sample machine was designed to work with a semi-trailer PP-6, a lifting capacity of 6 tons. Since the total weight of such a road train when using the basic motor and gearbox, was 11.3 tons. The car was another rear axle, with a gearbox 8.24, (against 6.41 in ZIS-5). And the tank had a capacity of only 65 liters. And at fuel consumption 38 l / 100 km, the reserve of the stroke did not exceed 170 km. (UIS-5 30 l / 100 km, and 200 km travel)

The car tractor had a regular brake system of the base truck, and to control the vacuum, (due to the difference between atmospheric pressure and the vacuum in the engine cylinders) by the drive of the semi-trailer brakes, a manual crane was provided.

Distribution truck did not receive, its release was less than 800 pcs.

This fire truck, like other varieties of the chassis of the base truck ZIS-5, appeared in 1934 - a whole "fan" of varieties of cars in a year and a half, after mastering the main "three-thunder" production!

The fire truck had the same wheel base as the ZIS-8 bus, (4420 mm), but "freight" springs and 6 volt electrical equipment.

From the ZIS-5 chassis, the fire chassis was distinguished by the presence of a second fuel tank by 60 liters, a "switchant" box in the transmission and a reinforced engine cooling system. An additional box in the transmission, which was controlled by one lever, and stood after the main gearbox, switched the drive from the motor either on the driving wheels or on the fire pump.

The cooling system included an additional heat exchanger in the fire pump housing and pipelines connecting it with a motor cooling shirt, due to which the total amount of cooling system increased from 23 to 41 liters. The heat exchanger did not allow the fire pump to climb when departures in winter. And the water in the engine cooling system was additionally cooled by the "external" water supplied to the extinguishing of fire, during the operation of the motor at an elevated ambient temperature at the fireplace.

These machines were released a little more than three thousand

This car was different from the ZIS-5 only with the size of a wheelbase, (4420 versus 3810 mm), and a long cargo platform, (3540 counter2930 mm). When maintaining a load capacity of 3 tons, it was intended for the transport of bulk cargo with a small specific weight.

But it is interesting to note that this car was actually the forerunner of another elongated car, and already from another era - ZIL-130G. For, if the sake of interest, compare the proportions of changes in the lengths of wheel databases and bodies of the ZIS-12 to the ZIS-5, and ZIL-130G to ZIL-130, we will get almost the same values. With an accuracy of the second meaning digit, after the comma.

ZIS-12 cars were about 4.2 thousand pcs.

The car was put on production in 1941, and was different from the ZIS-5 in the main transmission, except for the changed place of the "spare" fastening, to increase the rear corner of the congress. Yes, this zis was the record holder among all his freight pre-war fellows, on the stock in one refueling. The new gas tank with a volume of 115 liters, allowed to take up to 330 km.

The transmission appeared a handout with a demultiplier, (1. -2.07;, 2.- 1.00). The front leading bridge of the car, in various photos on the network, is visible both with left and with the right gearbox. It may well be that somewhere "restorers" rolled up what was capable of hand.

According to various sources, various hinges of equal angular velocities are also used, and the "disc", and "Bendix-Wais", and even the "Spice", (crossmen, such as those that are now applied on all-wheel drive "Gazelles"). Where the truth, where the fiction is, we do not take it unambiguously. It is known for certain only that the gearboxes of both leading bridges were not "freight", 6.41, and "bus", 7.67.

The car was released in an amount of less than 200 pieces, and therefore it is unlikely that at least one such truck reached victory. And "renovated" ZIS-32 (?) On color photo on the network, may be banal versatiles, elminated, as in the song known "plywood" singer, from what was. This is just the question of the "left" and "right-wing" carders of the main gears of the front axles.

Since this machine was not upgraded with ZIS-5 in order to improve its performance characteristics, and was produced, as well as ZIS-32, since 1941, it can also be considered a pre-war species. In addition, it is impossible to exclude this option that on the eve of the inevitable war, the whole complex of alterations was worked even before June of the first military summer.

Features of this military modification are known to many lovers of the Soviet autorecore - wooden cabin, straight bent wings, only one, rear opening board, no front wheel brakes ...

We only add what was and one more change in the brake system. Now all four blocks of each rear brake mechanism, managed in parallel - either from the working pedal, or from the parking braking lever.

ZIS-5V cars were produced since 1942 in Ulyanovsk, (Ulzis), and from 1944 in Miass, Chelyabinsk region, (Uralzis)

The number of machines released in the war years and the post-war period for us - mystery for eight seals. But, as the reader understands, it was originally the material thought not for the sake of statistics ...

Post-war Modernization ZIS-5

After the victory, Moscow ZIS, released a certain amount of ZIS-50 transition machines, with the appearance of the ZIS-5B, but with a new engine and gearbox from the future ZIS-150. In 1947, the production of three-thundered in Moscow was discontinued, the Ulyanovsk plant was instructed to continue the release of the Gas-MM, and the production of ZIS-5 remained only in the Ural Factory program.

Car uralzis-5m

1947 sample machine, retained the exterior of the model of military years - "straight" bent wings, a fully wooden cabin, only one rear opening board - was not to the sizes.

But appeared, unified with the engine ZIS-120, (A / m zh-150), crankshaft, connecting rod-piston group, thin-walled replacement liners and oil pump. The engine compression has been increased to 5.3 units, and its power up to 76 hp. at 2400 rpm.

Amed with GAZ-51, a hydraulic brake system appeared. And the drive of the parking brake by car, was carried out, as before - on the pads of the rear wheels. For this, designers used the scheme applied earlier on the "victory" - the cable drive to the expansion levers of the pads inside the wheelchair.

Where the pads, and where the expansion levers, we think, do not need to comment.

In Uralzis-5m, new headlights were introduced, such as 53-00-A. And with them, there were separate, "near" (21 sv.), And "far" (32 s) light headlights. And the lamps are "small", now the overall light, as in the headlights of pre-war cars, again became the side, (3 W.).

Instead of a pre-war rear light, type 30-00, a rear lamp type FP-13 type has appeared with other Soviet trucks, with a common glass "Ruby" on both sections.

However, the bulbs with most other domestic machines were non-violent - the post-war car ZIS-5, still, had a six-handed electrical equipment.

Cars Uralzis-355 and Uralzis-355V

According to its original car, Uralzis-355, appeared in 1956. He combined a number of sufficiently modern technical solutions at the time, and the retro-design of the quarter-century ago. And on this combination, according to the concepts of our time, it could be attributed to replicators.

But before we consider it technical features, we consider reasonable, bring the words of the car designers, from the already distant era.

We clarify some points mentioned by constructors casual, as well as not mentioned at all. The engine power was raised to 85 hp at 2600 rpm. Due to the increase in the compression ratio of up to 5.7 units, and the use of the new K-75 carburetor, with the "incident" flow of the mixture. The centrifugal (!) Oil purifier, (centrifuge), and an electrical oil pressure pointer is introduced. 110-liter benzobac (stroke reserve has been increased to 400 km.), With electric benzier.

And the same as the option was offered an engine preheater with an electric fan, these cars, with archaic already appearance, were intended primarily for the regions of Siberia and the Far East.

In the transmission, a single drive shaft with two hinges was applied, without intermediate support, but still, with crosses on sliding bearings.

The steering column and the gearbox were now used from GAZ-51, and the gear ratio of the steering mechanism was now 20.5 units.

The car received six-poin wheels from ZIS-151, and wider tires, measuring 8.25x20. And the reserve "moved" from under the back of the frame, under the right side of the body, as well as in GAZ-51.

The diagram of the 12-volt electrical equipment system was "approximate" to the technical solutions applied on post-war Soviet trucks. PF-3 subharbones with light bulbs 3 sv., (Over the overall light), and the headlights of FG-1, unified with ZIS-150 and ZIS-151. But it remained non-violent with other machines, a 12-volt generator G-42, with a return of 18 A. - he still had a gear drive. And the MAF-31 starter, from the pre-war busement ZIS-8, was still inertial type.

Although the car of Uralzis-355 had a fully wooden cabin, which, of course, was still not locked, but there was still an ignition lock with keys. And the combination of devices and the design of the dashboard has already matched similar design of other Soviet trucks.

This truck, very similar to the pre-war ZIS-5, appeared outwardly different from the last wider part of the front wings, due to the installation of wider tires. A longitudinal amplifying wooden bars appeared on the side sides of the body. Well, and as already mentioned, there was no outer metal cube sheat, and sweathers appeared.

The Uralzis-355V car, produced in 1957, and retained the pre-war appearance was the transition model for the machine "355m".

The Uralzis-353 engine, with a compression ratio of 6.0 and the K-75 carburetor, "issued" 95 hp at 2600 rpm. In comparison with the same engines, it was significantly recomposed.

The side water pump with a gears-actuator gave way to the central "front" pump with a common, (with a generator) with a belt drive. M-12 generator with an impact of 18 amps in its fastening and drive, if necessary, could be replaced by similar nodes from gas or ZIS machines. The ignition distributor of a new type P-32 is now installed on the right side of the front cover of the distribution gear. And the starter was attached to the right side of the cylinder block, now installed on the left side of the power unit. The new launcher of the ST-14B, had a forced switching on the drive gear from the foot pedal.

The latest modernization of the legendary three-thunder was delivered to production in 1958. Outwardly, it was more similar to GAZ-51, which is no wonder: by that time, Andrei Alexandrovich Lipgart was translated into Uralzis, the former chief designer gas. This explains many previously mentioned similarities of the Machines of the Ural and Gorky Plants.

Lipgart, of course, knew all the strong and worked qualities of the former "their" cars. In addition, he understood the feasibility of unification of such equipment of that era like freight cars. He also "crossed" for the URAL-ZIS-355M stamps of the Cabin of an old sample, no longer used in the production of GAZ-51 and GAZ-63 machines. That is why the "lawn cabins" from the second half of the 50s, differed from the machines "355m" form of doors and doorways - in the latter case there were "straight" bottom corners of these structural elements.

In addition, Uralzis-355m to the last day of production maintained wooden frames of doors that had only metal sheets of outdoor and internal trim.

The machine is very updated in design, retained all the same, tested by time and roads, the main units are engine, gearbox and rear axle. But she got a completely new frame, as a result, the clutch pedal block and brakes are now attached not to the clutch can, but to the spar frame. The shoulders of pedals have now become the same.

In the transmission, a cardan transfer was introduced with crosses on needle rolling bearings and with an intermediate support, as well as in GAZ-51. New springs allowed to raise the carrying capacity of the machine to 3.5 tons. Hydraulic shock absorbers appeared in the front suspension.

The car received its own six-fledged wheels with windows - "lykovkov". But unlike the previous models of this plant, the trucks have now been completed with the tires of the "Werethe" type, with the tread "Christmas tree". They are still intended mainly for the eastern regions of the country, where there were not only roads, but also remained simply "directions".

There were changes in brake systems. In the rear wheels, for the first time, the only time on trucks, two diametrically opposite working cylinders were used, each of which pressed only its block. And the ends of these pads were directed towards the rotation of the drums during the front course of the machine, to obtain a servo effect - self-grinding pads when braking.

The same picture, as in the front drum brake mechanisms of any "Volga". In the absence of an amplifier, it was a considerable help of the driver of the truck if emergency braking is necessary. But such a decision completely excluded the possibility of using expansion levers of parking braking drive. Therefore, the central transmission "handler" was used in Uralzis-355m.

The reservation was not done by chance: in the reference book NIIAT 1958 the publication, it is indicated that the car had a calent drive of the parking brake on the rear wheels. What is the error of the compilers of this reference book, and does not correspond to reality.

This truck model had FG-2 headlights unified with "optics" of GAZ-51, it received and unified PF-10 subharbones, with 2-stranded lamps 21 + 3 sv. (Gabritis and "turn signals"), as well as the rear selected lights of the PD-5 turn signs, unified with gas and ZIS trucks. But the rear left oven lamp is type FP-13, remained the only one before the early 60s.

And with the cabin from GAZ-51, its heater appeared on the car, as well as the second, right wiper.

The Ural Automobile Plant was named Stalin until 1961, when the "355M" hood is the inscription "Uralaz" appeared on the sidewalls. But this faceless name from professional motorists did not take root - it remained only in the "gaiish" documentation, accounting reports of auto believes, and in the car directories of the time of Khrushchev.

Cars Uralzis-355m, (we will call things own name) In the autoships of the eastern regions of the USSR, remained in more or less regular operation until the end of the 80s. So, at least, it is declared, in the materials of the modern historian of Soviet trucks and buses, M. Sokolov, dedicated to the last model of Uralzis, (Magazines "AutoTrak" and "Commercial Transport", 2009).

By the way, in the materials mentioned, all the same author told readers and the following. These trucks, with the only lead axis, in a number of leshozes of Siberia, Altai and the Far East, re-equipped to forestry tractors, exported whims of logs from forest plots along with all-wheel drive tractors MAZ-501, (4x4) and ZIS-151, (6x6)! And as the reader understands, only the tires with the tread "Christmas tree", there would be little here ... Of course, in the photographs-evidence of such opportunities, the latter of the M Rican of Zis, there was no lack.

And the zises with wooden cabins, and in the first-hearth, worked until the beginning of the 80s. At the Moscow Confectionery Factory. P.A. Babayeva, Uralzis-355 served as an intra-water transport, and only the death of a front-line driver worked on it, put the car to the joke.

And in the 15th taxi park of the capital at the same time, a pre-war copy of the ZIS-5 was also worked - a polishing "barrel". Moscow fans of the Soviet autoretro these facts should be known ...

Used Books

  1. "Car" M. Peter, with Application for cars AMO-2 and AMO-3, Ogiz Gtorransisdat, Moscow - Leningrad, 1932.
  2. "Cars ZIS-5 and ZIS-8" A. Babich, Navy of Ukraine, Kharkov-Kiev, 1936.
  3. "Automotive brakes" I.L. Cruise Publishing Min. Armed Forces of the SSR Union. Moscow 1947.
  4. "Electrical equipment of cars" Yu.M. Galkin Publishing House of Mintchomhoz RSFSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1948.
  5. "Soviet car", Acad. E.A. Chudakov, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, 1952.
  6. "Operating and technical characteristics of cars." HELL. Abramovich, Publishing House of Mintchomhoz RSFSR, Moscow, 1954.
  7. "Car Uralzis-355" Guide Mashgiz, Moscow, 1957.
  8. Quick Directory NIIAT, Avtotransisdat, Moscow, 1958.
  9. Autotractor electrical equipment and appliances. Directory Catalog, Center Institute Scientific. Tehn Information Engineering Information at the Soviet of the USSR, Moscow, 1962.

From the Tite to recall that the prototype of these legendary cars was the American truck AutoCar, converted into from which the three-tone, serially produced since the end of 1933. He immediately began to enter the Armed Forces of the USSR and very soon turned into one of the main vehicles of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army (RKKA).

In 1942, after the evacuation of the plant, the release of a simplified and lightweight variant with conditional marking (military sample) was resumed in Moscow without one headlight and front brakes, the equipment was determined only by the presence of assembly nodes and parts. Outwardly, he was distinguished by angular wings and a cab with a trim from wooden plates. In the summer of 1944, the parallel production of this truck deployed the Ural Stalin Auto Plant (Uralzis).

By the beginning of the war in armament of the Red Army, over 104 thousand ZIS-5 cars consisted. During the war on three plants, they were collected 102 thousand, including 67 thousand in Moscow.

Military versions of trucks ZIS-5

Most of the SIS-5 cars served in the Red Army did not have adapted to military service, but for transportation 12-24 people personnel equipped with removable benches.

Ordinary three-shoes served as the basis of numerous superstructures and light weapons, transported various goods and engineering techniques, served as artillery tractors. In particular cases, they were equipped with special bodies with large sidebar for tools, high sides of five boards and machines or turret for a zenith machine gun.

1 / 3

2 / 3

3 / 3

In the German army, trophy three-shocks equipped with their own high-cost bodies, put on a railway stroke and used for towing heavy guns and trailers.

Radio machinery

In ordinary wooden bodies or shielded vans on the ZIS-5 chassis, several types of powerful radio equipment were mounted. Among them were a particularly accurate receiving-transmission radio station RAT. General headquarters and military Raf With a link range up to 1000 kilometers.

In the conditions of massive bombing of the first days of war, all the efforts of the designers were thrown on the improvement of the old and the creation of new brave-secret radar stations of the family Rus-2 "Reduce" on two trucks. A hardware was placed on the first with a rotating antenna unit, the second was transported by a power benzoelectric unit.


On the ZIS-5, in addition to the style of type A, installed the car repair shop specifically for him PM-5-6 - Steel type B. Its working equipment was placed in simplified bodies with folding side walls, and in the visor over the cab was stored a stock of materials and accessories.

In the early years of war, this gamma has significantly expanded at the expense of specialized workshops located in the pavements of type B. on the bumper of such machines often mounted a removable tap tap with manual drive, and the power of their electric generators reached 30 kilowatt.

1 / 3

2 / 3

3 / 3

Gorry service cars

The appearance of three-shoes made it possible to switch to heavier troops with steel tanks for delivery and distribution of various types of liquids. On the simplest tankers, manual or mechanical pumps were used, and the filling and emptying of the tank was made by gravity.

More advanced machines equipped with their own pumps with a car transmission. The basis of this gamma was a airfield petrol station BZ-39. With a capacity of 2,500 liters with a mid-location gear pump. Its configuration included the rear control compartment, handouts, bidones for lubricants and a mandatory ground chain under the chassis frame.

Upgraded option Bz-39m Distinguished by the right position of the pump and the open control unit. On a simplified model Bz-39m-1 Wartime has no control cabin and hose compartments.

1 / 3

2 / 3

3 / 3

A tanker appeared in the midst of war Bz-43.which, by simplifying the aggregates and the use of light materials, the capacity has increased to 3200 liters. The sleeves were shed right on the tank, along which there were platforms for a hand pump and bidons for oils and lubricants.

Pre-war airfield water separator VMZ-40. It was unified with the VMZ-34 model on the ZIS-6 chassis, but had a more powerful oil pump. During the war, he was replaced by a light version. VMZ-43.. The heating boiler with two water and oil and oil workers worked on firewood or wood chocks, and the combustion products were thrown through a folding chimney.

Aerodrome and aerostat technique

In the field of aerodrome vehicles, ZIS-5 served as the basis of the body-vans with the equipment of the stations of refueling airborne on-board systems. The first of them was AKS-2 aviation compressor station with auxiliary 40-strong engine, which provided the operating pressure of 150 atmospheres. To refill aerostats, an oxygen-producing station AK-05 was used, which from atmospheric air produced pure oxygen through its strong compression and distribution over cylinders. At the end of the war, an AKS-05A version appeared in a new body with improved insulation.

Engineering Autotechnics

The simplest engineering troops machines were various snow removal equipment for cleaning military routes of communications and airfields. In engineering and construction and railway troops, SIS-05 dump trucks were used by a lifting capacity of about three tons with all-metal rear tipping bodies.

In peaceful and war years, a whole range of automotive power plants was formed nuclear plant To illuminate the military territories and the nutrition of army consumers. They were placed on freight platforms or in special vans and constructively differed from each other with power of electric generators (12-35 kilowatt). In the railway troops served powerful power plants capable of moving around rails.

A rare engineering technique included a filter station for cleaning natural water and its disinfection with the use of special reagents. For the hour of work, it produced 5,000 liters of pure water.

The engineering troops also consisted of drilling rigs ABB-100 for digging of trenches and shelters, as well as the SCS-36 compressor station for supplying compressed air to pneumatic workers and mechanisms. The special category of engineering vehicles was flooded pontoon parks for the forcing water obstacles worthy of special article.

Chemical service cars

With the beginning of the serial production of the ZIS-5 at its base, test samples of chemical machines of different designs and destination were collected. These include car lime autowent Ahu To clean the terrain, cars ADM For processing of military equipment, mobile degasters hot air AGB For thermal cleaning of equipment.

In the late 1930s were tested and recommended to the production of authoring stations Ars. To clean the objects from the poisoning substances and the laboratory of chemical intelligence. The "terrible" in this list was a chemical machine BCM-1Equipped with tank with poisoning compositions and pump to splash them. Fortunately, during the war, all this technique was not useful.

Truck-gun three-shoes

Since 1934, three-shoes served as a base of various anti-aircraft systems for the preservation of military columns and large objects from an air attack. In their bodies on special cabins, anti-aircraft machines or exercises, Maxim machine guns, quad-lasting system 4m, large-caliber DSHK machine guns and an automatic anti-aircraft gun with a height of lesion about seven kilometers. Most of these machines were destroyed in the initial period of war.

Huge losses and shortages of auto braces at the first stage of war led to the creation of their own armored bronorps on the ZIS-5. The most famous were semi-branded trucks with a bronovascular cabin and a cargo platform with an anti-tank 45-mm gun, collected in the summer of 1941 at the Izhora factory for the army of the national militia.

Sanitary and staff buses

In the midst of war on the usual truck ZIS-5, the Moscow Automobile Plant gathered over five hundred simple medical service machines with multipurpose wooden bodies equipped with four hanging stretchers and longitudinal seats for lying and sedentary wounded.

Otherwise, the short set of sanitary vehicles was reduced to three purely civilian city buses on the elongated ZIS-5 chassis, which in the Red Army adapted to the fulfillment of a wide variety of military tasks.

The bus was used both for the transport of personnel and placement of headquarters and transportation of 10-12 wounded in large hospital centers. In 1936, it was equipped with the first field operating room with the work premises in the removal tent, and veterinary care machines were entered into the cavalry parts with a winch to drag sick horses.

In wartime in the SIS-8 salon, there were also playing stations, workshops, filter stations and photo laboratories for processing and decryption of aerial photographs.

Bus ZIS-16 He served in large military formations for the carriage of personnel, and its sanitary option with matte glasses could be delivered on longitudinal seats or folding benches up to ten lying wounded and 12 easily wounded.

The most spacious was the three-axis sanitary buses, re-equipped in the fall of 1941 from the Leningrad passenger cars al-2 with wheel formula 6x2. They were equipped with bunk stretches, 56 patients seats and used for the evacuation of residents of a blockade Leningrad in the ice road of life.

Overload of wounded and escaped buses to a sanitary train (film)

Special Executions of the ZIS-5

Under the special versions of three-shinds, experienced and small-scale long-base options were implied, which in the limited volumes were entered into the Red Army. The first of them was the chassis ZIS-11. With the equipment of fire lines of PMZ-1, which served in large military formations and in air defense units.

Most success accompanied the chassis car ZIS-12.. Its main feature was a low-width wooden body with penetrating niches, which made it possible to significantly lower the loading height. In the second half of the 1930s, it was published in parallel ZIS-14. With road lumen, enlarged due to the installation of larger wheels from the ZIS-16 buse, and the steel amplifiers of the cargo platform.

In the Red Army, these machines were used for the carriage of large-sized equipment, special equipment and installation of paired 25 mm anti-aircraft plants capable of hitting the enemy aircraft at an altitude of up to two kilometers.

On these chassis also transported low-arm trolleys with powerful electric arc anti-aircraft spotlights and sound selectors, widely used during the war. With the help of several such searchlights in the sky, light spotlights were created in the sky, providing the work of anti-aircraft artillery and night actions of Soviet fighter aviation.

In the title photo - Typical workshop PM-5-6 in working condition on the chassis of the ZIS-5 military sample

The article uses only authentic illustrations.

The post-revolutionary formation of the national economy of the USSR, the development of industry and agriculture led to an increase in the volume of cargo transported.

The AMO-F-15 trucks at that time, and some variety of import vehicles clearly did not cope with the task. It was required to establish a sufficient number of modern domestic cars.

History of creation

After the reconstruction, at the end of the 20x - early 30s, the AMO plant (automotive Moscow society) began to release the new AMO-2 truck, which was completely gathered from imported details, which was based on the American truck AutoCar-SA. From November 1931. The series went to the AMO-3 truck, which was distinguished from the predecessor with the rear axle, ignition from the battery, headlight brackets and the form of the front wings. The new car fully consisted of domestic components. As a result of the deep modernization of the car of AMO-3, held by the Soviet designers led by E.I. VAZHAYN, turned out to be a new model of AMO-5. After the reconstruction ended on October 1, 1931, the IMO plant was renamed, and he became known as ZIS (Stalin's plant), therefore, the truck received the ZIS-5 designation. Unlike the predecessor, ZIS-5 received an enlarged power engine to 73 hp (at 2300 rpm), a new gearbox was created with four gears, instead of three, the hydraulic drive of the front wheel keys was replaced by mechanical. The capacity of the machine to 3 tons increased. The first 10 cars were collected in June 1933. The car was put on the conveyor, without the preliminary assembly of prototypes. The release of cars was constantly increasing, if I first collected 6-7 pieces per day, then the release came to dozen and hundreds of cars per day. ZIS-5 immediately conquered a reputation as a simple and reliable car, he showed himself perfectly in off-road conditions. The engine easily launched on the cold, and could consume gasoline with an octane number of 45-60, and in warm weather he could work on kerosene. A truck, designed for 3 tons, could transport 4-5 tons of cargo without a donkey. ZIS-5 had an amazing permeability, comparable to all-wheel drive trucks, he could successfully be operated at any time of the year on soil splashing or snow-covered roads. This was achieved by the high traction characteristics of the low-speed engine and a good mass distribution along the axes. ZIS-5 did not differ in high comfort, the suspension was without shock absorbers, a cabin without heating, and the ventilation was carried out through a burst windshield, so, in the winter it was cold in the cabin, and in the summer it is hot and dusty. But then the car had excellent maintainability, it was appreciated by German specialists who experience captured trucks. All nodes of the car could be disassembled and gathered with a minimum amount of tool, and the details could only be broken with very rough and inept circulation. During the Great Patriotic War, the need for trucks has greatly increased, in addition to the transportation of goods, it could be used as a tractor for regimental, division guns and anti-aircraft guns. In October 1941, when the Germans came close to Moscow, the State Defense Committee, it was decided to evacuate industrial enterprises in the rear, ZIS was sent to Ulyanovsk and Miass. Ulyanovsk Plant Already in February 1942, he began the release of trucks from the emergence of details. After the end of the battle, Moscow, the plant returned from evacuation and in 1942 resumed the production of ZIS-5. In wartime, starting from 1942, the car was produced in the modification of the ZIS-5V "Military". He has, to simplify production, stamped wings were replaced with curved, from sheet rolled steel, wooden cabin was trimmed with plywood and clapboard, and the roof was made of wooden ridges and was tightlying dermatin. The brakes were left only on the rear wheels, one back board remained in the body, and often, instead of two heads, only one was put on the driver. On the basis of the ZIS-5, in addition to the truck, a large number of special machines were created. These were tankers and tanks for the transportation and storage of various liquids, searchlights and anti-aircraft installations, buses, seated tractors, half-barrel trucks, fire trucks, lifting cranes, garbage trucks, car cleaning machines and many others. After the war, ZIS-5 was used for a long time in the national economy, while he had no more modern cars for replacing. With confidence it can be said that ZIS-5 made an invaluable contribution to victory over the enemy in the Great Patriotic War and the post-war recovery of the national economy. A total of about a million, CIS-5 instances, various modifications were released.

Truck specifications:

Length: 6060 mm
Height: 2160 mm
Width: 2230 mm
Road clearance (clearance): 250 mm
Mass: 3100 kg.
Base: 3810mm
Front wheels: 1545mm
Pitch of the rear wheels: 1675mm
Engine: Carburetor ZIS;
Power: 76 hp
Transmission: MCPP 4
Maximum speed (on the road): 60 km / h;
Power reserve: 200 km
Fuel consumption: 30-33 l / 100km
Load capacity: 3000 kg (25 people can be transported in the bodies)
Overcome by Brod: 0.6 m
Complete angle of lifting with full load: 14-15 o
Permissible trailer weight: 3500 kg

Today I offer you a photo version of the ZIS-5 truck, made during the celebration on May 9, 2014. This car from the exposition of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant Museum is in good technical condition, and arrived at the event with its own way.

The models of this truck are produced at various scales and various manufacturers. In more detail, we will look at the construction of the ZIS-5 model on the scale of 1:72 from the company "Elf".


In 1917, 432 trucks were collected at the plant, in 1918 - 779, and 108 cars in 1919. But, at the same time, the plant was not completed for the manufacture of own cars, the plant was not completed because of the October Revolution and War.

Since the beginning of 1920, AMO took part in the Soviet tank program. In the period from February to July, 24 tank engines "Russian Renault" were manufactured here.

In March 1924, the plant received a government order to produce the first batch of Soviet trucks.

In 1925, the plant was given the name of the 1st State Automobile Plant.

In 1927, I.A. became the director of the plant Likhachev. The plant was subordinate to the autotress, which decided to engage in reconstruction.

1930 was marked by buying a license for an American AutoCar-5S truck with a capacity of 2.5 tons. The plans to produce trucks through a conveyor method.

The launch of the reconstructed plant occurred in 1931

In 1931. There was a launch of the reconstructed plant, and on October 1, he was assigned the name Stalin ( Factory named after Stalin, ZIS).

October 25, 1931 - the date of the launch of the first Soviet assembly automobile conveyor, which released the first batch of 27 AMO-3 trucks.

Since 1932, the production of minibuses of ZIS-8 (AMO-4) began.

On August 21, 1933, the USSR Council was made to produce the second reconstruction of the plant, which was aimed to expand the model range of cars.

After passing the reconstruction of 33-37s, ZIS produced a new modification - ZIS -5, which was given the nickname "Zakhar".

Since 1934, ZIS-6 trucks, ZIS-8 buses be released.

In 1936, began to go from the conveyor passenger cars ZIS-101.

The factory "Arekuz" in the same year released bread vans on the chassis of AMO-3, ZIS-5.

After Ivan Alekseevich Likhacheva's death in 1956. The plant is assigned his name - ZIL.

Production of passenger cars:

ZIS-101 (1936-1940)

ZIS-101С (1937-1941)

ZIS-101A (1940-1941)

ZIS-102 (1939-1940)

ZIS-102A (1940-1941)

ZIS-101A-Sport (1939)

ZIS-110 (1945-1958)

ZIS-110A (1949-1957)

ZIS-110B (1945-1958)

ZIS-110P (1955)

Production of racing cars:


ZIS-112 (1951)

Production of trucks:

ZIS-5 (1933-1941)

ZIS-5V (1942-1946)

ZIS-6 (1934-1941)

ZIS-22 (1941)

ZIS-22M (1941)

ZIS-32 (1941)

ZIS-42 (1942-1944)

ZIS-42M (1942-1944)

ZIS-50 (1946-1948)

ZIS-150 (1947-1957)

ZIS-151 (1948-1958)

Bus production:

ZIS-8 (1934-1936) - urban on the chassis ZIS-12

ZIS-16 (1938-1941) - urban on the chassis ZIS-15

ZIS-16C (1940-1941) - Sanitary on the chassis from the cab ZIS-12

ZIS-154 (1947-1949) - Large urban, with a diesel-electrical power installation of the rear location

ZIS-155 (1949-1957) - big urban using chassis elements ZIS-150

ZIS-127 (1955-1961) - Large long-distance diesel

Special equipment and prototypes:

ZIS-153 - half-sized conveyor

ZIS-E134 is a multi-purpose four-axle (8 × 8) an experienced car of ultra-high passability, which did not enter into mass production due to changes in the requirements of the customer - the military department. Taking into account these requirements, a more powerful wheel conveyor was created on the basis of the ZIS-E134 - ZIL-134.

ZIS-152B (BTR-152B) (1955-1957) - armored personnel carrier, wheel formula 6 × 6

ZIS-485 (Bav) (1952-1958) - amphibian, wheel formula 6 × 6

Today, trucks are applied in logistics. With their help, various goods are delivered or provide various delivery services. Modern high loading cars are equipped with literally to the latest technology - it allows you to ensure comfort, as well as the driver's safety. However, during the Great Patriotic War, feats were performed. They participated in the delivery of weapons, ammunition, food and water. What was worth only the delivery of meals in Blocked Leningrad. Some of these are the legendary ZIS-5 truck. About him and will be speech.

This car with a lifting capacity of 3 tons was the second largest production.

During the Second World War, he was one of the most part. This model was manufactured at Stalin's factory from 1933 to 1948.

Child perestroika

At the very beginning was "otokar" - this is an American, not too well-known and not a particularly popular model that was going to AMO. He was very simple according to the design, and his cost was low, which was very relevant.

And in 1931, the automotive Moscow society successfully survived modernization, and then at the capacity of the Company, they began to assemble the works of the new AMO-2. The car was built on the basis of American nodes and details. Then there were still many modifications. You can select AMO-3. This truck had a loading capacity of 2.5 tons - and here in 33, he again subjected to refinement. In the meantime, the plant was renamed, the new name is Stalin's plant. ZIS-5 is built on the basis of AMO-3, but only already on the domestic component base.

In the first batch there were only 10 copies. The conveyor assembly was established at the end of 33 years without the production of an experienced car. The design was very simple, so when assembling there were no failures. In the series, the car managed to launch in the shortest possible time.

His folk name, and his name was not different as "three-shoes", the ZIS-5 truck received, due to its carrying capacity. The redarmeys called the car respectfully - "Zakhar Ivanovich".

As for the design, it does not differ from other models of the military years. This is a classic automotive industry. The development participated in the work carried out actually completely "from scratch". The main emphasis that stood in front of the engineers was an increased maintenance and maximum simplicity. However, it was necessary to improve the characteristics of patency and carrying capacity.

ZIS-5: device

The design was simple, if not primitive. The car consisted of 4500 parts.

They were mainly made of cast iron, steel and wood. You could disassemble the car with a minimum of tools. Hardware and fastening details were in nine sizes, and it was impossible to thread threads. Only 29 bearings were used in the device.

But with all the simplicity of ZIS-5 (car), it was fairly modern at that time. The kit was an electric starter, a diaphragm type gas station, a fuel tank under the driver's seat. The oil replacement was made through 1200 km, and not through 600, as on other models. Mileage without the need for major repairs was 70,000 km.

Permanent improvements

In the course of improvements, engineers have developed and embodied the new ZIS-5 engine in the gland. AMO Z, and "American" was equipped with a six-cylinder "Hercules". He issued 60 horses for 2000 rpm. For Zakhar Ivanovich, this power was not enough.

Therefore, it was decided to increase the size of the cylinders. The result was successful - the power rose to 76 liters. from. So, the "three-shock" became one of the most powerful trucks for that period of time.

The power unit showed itself very reliable. He was equally worked on any mercy. He could effectively work even on kerosene. When it was hot, he evaporated no worse than gasoline.

In winter, the unit started, pouring a little gasoline into the cylinders. To do this, had to unscrew the spark plugs. Then the candles were returned back, and only after these manipulations were rotated the ignition knob. Is it worth saying that the unit started at almost half a turn.


The old gearbox with a new engine work categorically refused, so it was urgent to create a new design. So, a new gearbox was obtained for four programs, and not three, as it was on the last model.

This box was 6.6, and on the main transmission this number was 6.4. This allowed ZIS-5 to drag a trailer at 16 tons, while the engine turnover was 1,700 rpm, and the speed was 4.3 km / h.

The first transmission was used only on off-road, or at maximum loads. By the way, ZIS-5's permeability was just excellent. Low-robust engine, successful transmission, large clearance of 260 mm. The car could drive where others were just stuck.

Gears in the PPC of the new design were connected to the intermediate shaft not traditionally, but with the help of slots. This allows you to improve the center of gear wheels.

The last model from Brown End Like had a simpler design. There the gears were simply planted on a square fellow.

Unreliable cardan shaft, which was equipped with three hinges and intermediate support, changed to simpler. He was distinguished by two hinges. They were easier and cheaper to make.


Many were sure that the chassis in this truck is quite weak.

Frame was difficult to break, she did not bend. However, it could be very easy to squeeze. For example, if one wheel fell into road bumps.

Hard springs have not brought any benefit. And such elasticity was obtained due to the special technology of heat treatment. Coasts, as well as other details, were not connected with spars with the help of traditional welding, and were stuck. If you repair with welding machines, it has significantly weakened it.


During the war, the engineers had the task as simplified the design of the cab.

She began to be made of wood, as well as plywood. The wings were performed by the method of flexible rolled, in the pre-war time they were stamped. The right headlight was dismantled. After the war, of course, the complete set was led to normal.

The road review was not as good as on today's models of trucks, but did not have to choose at that time. About Comfort You can also not remember. To fit between the steering wheel and the driver's seat, you need to be very easily dressed. There was no sound insulation in the car - to hear the interlocutor, it was necessary to scream.

The cabin was equipped with a ventilation system, but there was no stove. And if the glass was frozen, had to use ventilation. However, the cabin was perfectly ventilated naturally - there were many slots.

Brake system

There were no modern in the design. They were provided, but in wartime there were no necessary volumes of brake fluid. Therefore, the truck could be braked with mechanical rear brakes. By the way, the truck braked perfectly with the engine. It is worth the driver only to weaken the pressure on the gas, or to completely remove the leg from it, as the car immediately slowed down. After the war, the hydraulic was still installed.


ZIS-5, model of the 30s with a volume of the power unit in 5.5 liters, could produce power in 73 liters. C, then after refinement - 76, and after the war - 85 liters. from. The four-stage gearbox allowed to perfectly adjust the thrust. The weight of the truck is 3100 kg, and the maximum speed of which was achieved, was 60 km / h. Fuel consumption could fluctuate from 30 to 33 liters per 100 km of mileage.

Thanks to its design, the car could easily pass by Brody to 0.6 m in depth.

The maximum rise at full load is 15%. The fuel tank had a capacity of 60 liters.

Soldier, Worker, Legend

In 41, an airline was performed to the factory. Stalin. It was ordered to completely remove all production. In 42, the release was again resumed. These trucks performed a variety of functions in the rear and on the front. There were no buses yet, and 25 people could fit in the body of this car. They were raised by ammunition, various equipment. These cars brought the soldiers of the Red Army to Berlin and back.

In Moscow, the truck was produced up to 48 years. The last party was equipped with a new unit - ZIS-120. In total, about a million such types of trucks were created.

This car is a rather modest worker with a very long and very tangled fate. Today, these are no longer found on the roads. They are preserved either in museums or in private collections. If you really want, you can make a reduced model of the ZIS-5 car. There are drawings in our article - this is a very exciting occupation.

So, we found out the history of the creation and technical characteristics of the ZIS truck.

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