Home Lighting The history of the creation of the brand Bugatti. The story of Bugatti, who now belongs to Bugatti, when Volkswagen bought Bugatti than the firm of Bugatti, Bugatti Weiron - the fastest car to whom Bugatti owns, in which year Volkswagen bought Bugatti

The history of the creation of the brand Bugatti. The story of Bugatti, who now belongs to Bugatti, when Volkswagen bought Bugatti than the firm of Bugatti, Bugatti Weiron - the fastest car to whom Bugatti owns, in which year Volkswagen bought Bugatti


Automotive history has been around for more than a hundred years, and during this time many firms appeared, achieved success or tolerated collapse, again resurrected and died forever. All this can be attributed to Bugatti, but with one difference only, it is incredible, but Bugatti is alive. The story of Bugatti is incredibly saturated, and mention all its pages is very difficult, but at the same time fruitful activities of Bugatti in the first half of the 20th century changed more than twenty-year-old "clinical death" ..

It all started in 1908, a talented engineer, and later the successive industrialist Ettore Bugatti (Ettore Bugatti) created his first brainchild - Bugatti Type 10. Appearance of Type 10 very much reminds Coupe des Voiturettes ISOTTA Fraschini 1908, which gives a reason for the statement, What exactly this car inspired Bugatti to create Type 10. Work on the car Ettore Bugatti led in the basement of his house in Cologne. The first car had a row 4x cylinder, 8th valve engine, with a volume of 1131 cubic meters. See the first "damn room came out," the car was far from perfect, but the Type 10 chassis was recognized as successful, and it was used in the following Bugatti models.

Bugatti Type 10 allowed Ettore Bugatti to find sponsorship support and in 1909 the history of Bugatti began. Molsheim - the town a few kilometers west of Strasbourg became the first place, from where the cars with a horsesholic radiator began to conquer the world. The first model range of Bugatti included three models: Type 13, Type 15 and Type 17. Different cars of only long wheelbase (2000mm / 2400mm / 2550mm). The engine is the same in line "Four", but the volume increased to 1327 cubic meters. In 1910, several cars were issued, some of them did not pass unnoticed on the car auto-show in Paris. In 1913 Type 15 and Type 17 Steel Type 22 and Type 23, respectively. Also, Ettore Bugatti strongly promoted his products to the world of motor racing. In 1914, Type 16 and Type 18 were produced, these cars had a body from Type 15 and Type 17, but five liters engine attached to cars a characteristic sports style. In total, about a dozen Type 16 and Type 18 were released. The first Type 18 bought the French Aviation Hero Roland Garros. Roland was a close friend of Ettore Bugatti, the son of Ettore wore the name Roland, in honor of the Great Asa. Type 18 participated in the Racing Indianapolis 500 in 1914 and 1915. By this time, Bugatti cars were highly appreciated, several hundred cars were released, but in 1914 the First World War and Ettore Bugatti broke out was forced to sell a license to produce his car by Peugeot.

World War I could become the end of the brand Bugatti, but after the war, in 1919, Ettore Bugatti organized production in one of the winning countries. France became new, home for Bugatti, it was on its territory Bugatti forever glorified her name in the history of automotive industry. Cars Bugatti Type 13, Type 22 and Type 23 became known as Brescia Bugatti. In 1921, an attempt was made to create a large luxurious car (a kind of prototype Type 41 Royale), it was the first Bugatti car with a 8-cylinder engine, a volume of 3 liters and a capacity of 90 LS. Many innovations demonstrated in this car (Type 28) at the Paris and London auto show. One of the struck all inventions is hydraulic brakes on all four wheels. Unfortunately, Type 28 and Type 29 models have never been made in more than five copies, so Type 28 exists in two copies, and specially released for Type 29 "Cigar" - in four, two of which occupied prizes in various Grand Prix 1922 of the year. But the most famous model of those years is Type 32 "Tank". The Bugatti aerodynamic experiment was produced in four copies specifically for the Grand Prix. But the car did not justify hopes - the best of the "tanks" was the third, although Ettore suggested them all the podium. It is worth mentioning both the Type 30 (serial car based on the Type 28 prototype), no significant difference in any significant, he allowed Ettore Bugatti to find funds to other insane projects.

Years, Bugatti, though did not flourish as the largest automotive firms, but was independent and quite consistent. At the same time, Ettore, Bugatti, could not build a racing car-winner, were, of course, "cigars" and "tanks", but they did not glorify themselves. The fracture occurred in 1924, at the second stage of the European Grand Prix, the four cars of Bugatti Type 35 took places from the first to the fourth, and in the first stage the best of them was eighth (as it turned out the reason for the first failure - the incorrectly dressed tires!). For five years, the model under the numbers 35, 35a, 35V, 35C and 35T did not give rivals a single chance of success. Success accompanied and younger brother - Type 37, with a 4-cylinder engine, and modifications - Type 39 (1.5 liter version). Type 36 was also released, the first Bugatti, in the engine of which mechanical injection was applied, in all the rest it was a copy of Type 35. Type 35 brought Bugatti fame in motor racing, now the sales of a racing car brought Bugatti the greatest profit. From 1924 to 1930, 336 cars were released. In total, Type 35 brought Bugatti about 1800 victories, and only after the appearance of the legendary German "silver arrows", the car began to gradually take positions.

As Type 35 is known in the world of motor racing, the Type 41 "La Royale" is known as one of the most ambitious luxury cars. This incredible project was conceived in 1926, and embodied in 1929. Original Ettore Bugatti was measured to release 25 cars, and only members of the royal family could become buyers. Almost it turned out to be impracticable. Only six Type 41 were released, all buyers were just the richest people, not blue blood. Although they sit down in the car might feel the owners of the world, the salon was decorated with natural trees and tapestry, to a huge frame (only the size of the wheelbase - 4.3 meters) was installed engine with a volume of almost 13 liters! He developed a breathtaking power-260 LAN at that time, and the checkpoint was in a single block with the rear axle, with the weight of the car more than 3 tons. All 25 engines were built in advance, but 19 of them were not destined to work under the hood "La Royale", they were installed on the locomotives, and moved the compositions instead of a luxurious super car. The reason for such a turn of events is the financial crisis of 1929. A more purchased model of 1929 - Type 40 C 4x cylinder engine, a volume of 1.5 liters, from 1926 to 1930 about 800 cars were released.


For the thirties, Bugatti flourished, new models were literally in a month. In 1930, the production of Type 44, a mass car, whose price was on the pocket of many. In parallel, in the same year, the first Type 46 "Petit Royale" is the reduced "La Royale". In 1931, Type 43 appears - the Type 35B road modification, and in two months, the public represents Type 46 with a new engine and title - Type 50. Type 50 was produced in two versions: Type 50T - the tourist version, had a long wheelbase, and Type 50s - sports version, it has a 40 cm wheelbase in shorter. Also, Type 50s - had a more powerful engine with a compressor. In just three years, 65 Type 50 was released, and in 1939, Type 50B was prepared - a racing version. This car with a new engine of 4739 cc.m. And 470 HPs had to return Bugatti fame in races, Type 50b was quite successful in some races, but he could not defeat the "German national team" (about 40 best engineers). It is known that the Super Type 50B engine was used in the Bugatti aircraft (two each aircraft). In 1931, the production of the most original car Bugatti - Type 52 "Baby" began, it was the reduced version of Type 35 Ettore Bugatti built for the younger son of Roland, he had an electric engine capable of overclocking the car up to 20 km / h, but more and more rich people wanted to buy such The car for his children, and in 1931 Type 52 produced serially, like all other cars. Interestingly, Type 52 confessed with the export of French customs as a full-fledged car, and the fee paid for him as a car. From 1931 to 1934, a powerful racing Type 54 was produced (8 cylinder engine, 4972 ccm, 300 hp), it should have become a competitor of 12 cylinder Alfa Romeo and 16 cylinder Maserati. The first appearance of Type 54 accounted for the Monza Grand Prix in 1931, despite the problems with brakes and tires, the car came third. On the Type 54 account, several victories, as well as the speed record of those years - more than 210 km / h (at the wheel there was someone Tchaikovsky, perhaps Russian!).

1934 - the beginning of the production of Bugatti Type 57. This car embodied the dynamics of sports masterpieces and the inaccessibility of luxury sedans, simply speaking - a luxurious sports compartment or a convertible. Type 57 exists in two very different versions: Type 57 and Type 57S, plus if the car is equipped with a compressor, then they become Type 57c and Type 57sc. Type 57s is much lower and shorter, the engine power is about 190 drugs (against 150 drugs at Type 57), and the maximum speed is about 180 km / h. But the most powerful Type 57 is a "charged" version of Type 57SC (3257 cubic meters., 200 LS, 200 km / h). Type 57 racing versions were almost everywhere. Type 57G "Tank" in 1936 won the first race (Grand Prix of France). In Reims "Tanks" occupy the entire podium, and in Le Mana won with the best record of middle speed - 137 km / h. On the Type 57G account, the speed record for its class is 218 km / h. But in 1939, Bugatti prepares even more powerful modification - Type 57S45. The "charged" engine from Type 57SC brought about 20 victories of this car, among them the most important - Le Man. It was the last major victory of Bugatti. Testing Type 57S45 took the life of Jean Bugatti (Jean Bugatti), during the tests after the victory in Le Mana, Jean flew off the road to avoid a collision with a cyclist. In addition to the above cars, in the 30x Bugatti released the following models: Type 45/47 - the first 16 cylinder Bugatti; Type 49 - Nothing special, externally similar to Type 50 with a less powerful engine; Type 51 is the next modification of Type 35 with the Type 50 engine; Type 53 - the first all-wheel drive car Bugatti with the engine Type 50; Type 55 - Roger based on Type 51; Type 56 - electrical stroller, was intended for the transport of personnel at the factory of the company (stylized under the first cars); Type 59 - According to general recognition, one of the most beautiful Bugatti, participated in Formula 750 races (750 - this weight in kg), "favorite" Ettore Bugatti, but except for several victories did not distinguish anything; Type 64 (1939) - the last prototype released to the Second World War, had the doors to open up, only one car was built. Of course during the Second World War, production was rolled and the next car appeared only in 1945.


After the war, it became clear that Bugatti, in the form that she existed would not be able to make a profit anymore. In destroyed Europe, there was no longer enough money for luxury. Bugatti kept "afloat" thanks to the prestige and finance accumulated over 40 years of work. Perhaps Bugatti could continue their existence, but in 1947 he died Ettore Bugatti. For the company it was a fatal blow, the founder's father supported the prestige of Bugatti. The company existed until 1963, but during this time she released only 6 models. The last car, over the creation of which Ettore Bugatti worked - Type 73, he died two weeks after showing the car at the auto-show Paris in 1947. The car had two different engines, Type 73c and Type 73a became the latest successful Bugatti machines, released in 1947 by Type 73B frankly disappointed the automotive community with its not reliability (essentially Type73B is launched in production marriage). Of all the cars released after the death of Ettore, Bugatti successfully can be called only Type 101 (wheelbase and engine from Type 57, new body and hydraulic brakes). It was also released: Type 102 (Type 101 with a new body), Type 251 (Formula 1 car, absolutely nothing won, one crashed, left two), Type 252 (Little sports car, another name - "Etorette"). In 1959, Roland Bugatti tried to revive Bugatti. Type 451 V12 prototype was released. The car was traditional for the Bugatti 30s, the heavy duty engine (V12) was supposed to compete with the best ferrari engines. But in 1963 it became clear that at least a year would be required to refine such a car, and there was no money for such a large-scale work in the firm. In July 1963, Bugatti was sold by Hispanu-Suiza, which ordered to stop all work related to the automotive industry. This is how the story of "Real Bugatti" or "Molsheim Bugatti" ended, and in Russian saying the family firm of the Bugatti family. But this, by no means, not the end of Bugatti as the brand of sports cars.

The final version of the Bugatti EB110, declared at the end of 1989, was ready for the 1990s - his creators made sure that the 110th anniversary of the birth of Ettore Bugatti, although the lines of the new car were the complete opposite of the classic "Bugatti". "EB110" stated his claims to the title of the fastest car in the world - its capacity was 553 hp. Wild, unbridled - such epithets awarded his specialists, guided not only by the engine capacity, but also the appearance of this frightening beast, the weight of which reached 1550 kg. Inside - seductive combination of gray skin and walnut; An impressive dashboard contains hours, air conditioning, electrical programming of the supporting surface and stereo / CD tape recorder of high sound quality. In the salon you fall through high arched doors, the interior seduces with its leather places, the steering wheel, more like the airliner's steering wheel. In order to be elegant, the car interferes with such an abundance of funeral details made clearly at the bottom. The internal filling of this monster is quite impressive: a 12-cylinder engine with a 3.5 liter of central location, having 5 valves per cylinder, attractive four-chamber carburetor turbocharger; at 8000 rpm. The engine power was 560 hp; Overclocking from space up to 100 km / h in 3.4 s, up to 180 km / h - for 10.8 s. At the velocity of the car up to 160 km / h Motor, unlike such roaring V12 engines, it works with low, barely distinguishable noise, but it is only worth moving the lever of a 6-speed manual gearbox, and you hear the muffled back of the predator, ready to jump. Machine block is made of aluminum; Designers managed to reach a low degree of compression 7.5: 1; combined efforts "Bugatti" and "Elf Corp." A drying technology of a dry recession lubrication system has been created; Powerful brakes for this soupover designed the company "Bosch", and "Bugatti" improved their design, providing its ventilated ABS.

In parallel, the designers make sports modification of this model - "EB 110SS", which differed slightly from the basic configuration of the cabin and technical parameters: 4 turbocharger, all the wheels of the machine leading, overclocking up to 100 km / h per 4.3 s, more powerful engine. It was the fastest car in its class and on the eve of the competition in Le Mana 1994 showed excellent running and high-speed qualities. Ambitions from the creators of the car were exorbitant, but their brainchild, the developing maximum speed of 352 km / h, in the races of Le Mans 24 hours of 1994 did not reach the finish line - discovered malfunctions in turbocharger; In the following years, participation in sports competitions of various rank brought good results: the car fell into a dozen strongest machines, occupying the 5th and 6th position.

In 1998, Bugatti's brand took the Volkswagen concern under his wing. Chapter VW Ferdinand Pih (Ferdinand Piech) is known as a very decisive person. It was decided that the legendary cars could be made only in Molsheim in Alsace, in the place where the Bugatti brand began to be born. The greenhouse and the old factory gates were left in the form in which they created / saw Ettore Bugatti himself. It was in Molsheim that Ettore celebrated the victories of his cars on arrivals, and it was here that he received world fame, became a living legend. It was in this small town that the famous automobile brand has temporarily ceased to exist, and only in 2005 the tradition of ingenious engineering solutions and aesthetic standards, characteristic of cars of Ettor, was reborn.

In 1998, Volkswagen introduced his first Bugatti prototype in the Paris Motor Show - Bugatti EB 118, a two-door coupe with a 555 HP body design developed by italdesign. Another model was followed by the other model - Bugatti EB218, four-door limousine, first shown in the Geneva Auto Show in 1999. At the International Automotive Exhibition in Frankfurt, the autumn of the same year, Volkswagen introduced Bugatti 18.3 Chiron, named after the greatest Bugatti rider during interwar time. Bugatti Veyron Concept Car was first shown in Tokyo Auto Show. Both cars, Chiron and Veyron, are designed by the designer team led by Hartmut Warkuss.

In 2001, Volkswagen decides to start the serial production of VEYRON super-sports cars with the official name "VEYRON 16.4". In the fall of 2004, after the reconstruction of the headquarters of Bugatti in Chateau Saint Jean and build a car assembly workshop, Bugatti S.A.S. Began production of the first veyron. Every year about 80 cars are produced, most of them find their owners in Molsheim, immediately after their release.

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The French company Bugatti, founded in 1909, specializes in the production of exclusive, sports and professional racing cars. By its creation, the company is obliged to artist and an engineer Ettore Bugatti. The long-awaited fame of the engineer, and with him and his company received in the 20s. XX century, when the Type 35 GP model appeared. The car has been revolutionary at that time, the car has won more than 1,500 victories, but the Second World War introduced its own adjustments to the company's development. Long depth of the company almost led Bugatti to full collapse. However, in the late 1980s. There is a powerful super-modern car Bugatti - EB110, who managed to overcome the barrier 322 km / h, and returned the company to life. A little later, sports modification of the revolutionary car EB110 SS appears. Since 1999, today, Bugatti has been owned by the world-famous Volkswagen concern, who has already managed to release a miracle of engineering thought under this brand - Mighty Bugatti Weiron.

Famous for the whole world by their expensive exclusive cars, the French company Bugatti (Bugatti) has a more century of history. It all started since 1909, when an engineer Ettore Bugatti founded his own company that was specialized in the development of the latest advanced technologies in order to make the greatest mechanical efficiency and maximum decrease in the design.

As a result, the car was unique for that time, which is guaranteed to accelerate as well as up to 100 km / h and possessed with pleasant control. The name of this model received Type 13 and was one of the most serious developments before the beginning of the First World War. Equipment of this machine remained basic for another set of years.

Company after war

After the war, the new wave of Glory Bugatti received due to the new Type 35 GP machine, which won about 1,500 car racing. The appearance of this car showed that its only main goal is speed. Successful body development and good balancing controllability characteristics allowed the machine to pass the hard sections of the Grand Prix racing at quite high speeds than not many competitors could boast.

Then followed in 1922 a new car - 4-cylinder Type 40, which possessed not only by external grace, but also a high-temperature interior.

The next Luxury Type 41 model from Bugatti appeared in 1927, which received a completely new long wheelbase, due to which the handling was much easier. Many did not expect such a high-speed car could maneuver on city streets. The main distinguishing feature of the sophistication of this car was wheeled wheels that were manufactured in the manual of the piano strings.

In 1931, Bugatti struck her new brainchild - Type 50, which was different from the rest of the car completely. In those years, many well-known firms chase in order to make as a powerful engine as possible, having the maximum number L.S.

Bugatti introduced all the car that had a double cylinder head and a super powerful 5 liter engine outstanding 250 hp They built this model according to the schemes of racing cars from America, but at all did not copy their designs, and, on the contrary, they still improved.

In the mid-1930s, the son of Ettore Buggati - Jean securily designed the Type 57SC model, which was released only in three copies and appeared in all catalogs of Bugatti for several years. All 3 cars of the Type 57SC model have come to modern days.

In 1939, Jean Bugatti died, and then the Second World War began, after these unfortunate events, Bugatti completed its participation in sports road racing.

For obvious reasons, after the war, the demand for expensive cars was sharply reduced, which produced Bugatti. The financial global crisis has seriously affected the firm that almost suffered the collapse.

Company Bugatti after World War II

In 1947, a new model Type 73 was presented in Paris, which possessed a 4-cylinder engine and the volume of 1488 cubic meters. But there were no misfortunes to the company, Ettore Bugatti died, and his relatives could not organize the production of this series of cars.

Only in the early 50s several cars appeared under the model Type 101, which were more like Type 57 and, because of their obsolete technologies, it was not interesting. On this era of Bugatti, for a while ceased to his leadership among the automotive industry. True, in 1963, the company went to the company of Spanish-suiuz, which at that time had already stopped engaged in cars.

Revival Bugatti.

The revival of the enterprise Bugatti received in the late 1980s, when a new one appeared on the World Market, not at all similar to the previous generations of Bugatti, the EB110 car. His power and extravagant appearance made huge impressions of people. In 1993, the EB110 improved model was shown in Geneva and was now named EB112.

After 6 years, Bugatti acquired a concern V.W. After that, the first car that came out under their leadership turned out to be a fiberglass coupe EB118, the design of which was created by the stylist Italdesign Fabrizio of Judjaro. At the same time, the EB218 sedan was also presented, which was distinguished from all machines by the fact that his body was completely made of aluminum with the addition of ASF technology.

Also, in 1999, a luxurious machine - EB 18/3 Chiron, which had four-wheel drive and was made on the basis of Lamborghini Diablo, was still published in the public in Frankfurt. This car has become global sensation. Manufacturers argued that the car can reach the speed of 300 km / h.

Literally in a month, Bugatti was again struck by the whole world, presenting the public in Tokyo a new super power car Bugatti Veyron EB 18 / 4. The appearance of this car was developed in their own design center, followed by Harmut Varkuss. A distinctive feature of this car is that high air intakes made from aluminum were installed in the rear area of \u200b\u200bthe machine.

21 century of the company Bugatti

The most important event in the history of the Bugatti brand can be considered 2005, it was then that the mass production of the most powerful car in the world began - Bugatti VEYRON 16.4.. This car is the most expensive and fastest in the world, which is officially permitted to ride on ordinary city roads.

The maximum speed was 407 km / h, acceleration to 100km occurs in 2.5 seconds. Such results make this machine special. It is worth adding that another record of this car is fuel consumption. On 100km, 125 liters are required.

Our world has loud and famous brands. In the automotive environment, such brands are less and less. "Bugatti" is one of these. For its more than a century of history, the firm surprised the world many times. Currently, the fourth birth happens. And the world's famous World Bugatti Veyron is still in the first place in the tops of the most expensive, luxury and fast cars.

In this article, consider the main questions: we learn where the assembly of well-known supercars and who owns the right to manufacture. We will see how the birth and development of the brand occurred. And of course, we will not miss interesting facts and myths about Bugatti.

Country producer "Bugatti"

One of the most common questions about the company: "Who releases" Bugatti? " Manufacturer country - France. The assembly of the most famous Supercar "Bugatti Weiron" occurred in the city of Moloxim, and its successor "Sheron" collects.

Bugatti is a French company created by an Italian engineer and designer Ettore Bugatti back in 1909. Despite the fact that the main product was always sports cars and cars Luxury, the company successfully survived the second world war and practically ceased to exist only after leaving her founder. Several times after this right to release "Bugatti" changed their owners. And only after in 1999 there was an entry into the Volkswagen concern, things went to the way.

Number of legends

It all started in the distant 1909. It is at this time that the talented Italian engineer Ettore Bugatti creates its company with the title-name. This event was preceded by the BuGatti 10 assembly, on which the Creator participated in the race and won.

The serial release of cars began with the car "Bugatti-13". In this unit there were many brave solutions for that time. Easy and reliable, he could develop speed up to 100 km / h. "Bugatti", the producer of which France was very popular and was produced for 16 years. Then the second world began and not before the release of the car. Ettore sells the rights to production of PEUGEOT cars and leaves home to Italy.

After the war, Ettore returns and continues his business. One after another is produced 28, 30, 32nd Bugatti models. The Bugatti 35 model has become popular thanks to races. Since 1924, and for 5 years, this model has not descended from the first places and raised the level of fame of "Bugatti" to a new level.

Best years

One of the most famous models from "Bugatti", the manufacturer of which France was model No. 41, having the name Royale. This representative was delightful! Its length was more than 6 meters. Had a weight of more than 3000 kg, but at the same time was perfectly balanced. The 13-liter engine developed the power in 260 "horses" and easily accelerated to 100 km / h in a few seconds.

The model under number 44 has become one of the most popular due to its relatively low cost. And Model 46 was a reduced version of the Luxury Royal. In 1931, the 50th model Bugatti appeared. The story lasted, and in 1937 it is published by Type 57 - a racing car with an ambiguous history. This car brought a loud victory on Le Mans 24 hours, and he also covered with him the life of Son Ettore Jean ... Is it worth saying what it was a shock for Ettor and for the company as a whole.

Great car art artist

The founder of the company Bugatti - Ettore Bugatti - was born in the family of the famous artist of the time Carlo Bugatti. After looking at painting, as it was put in creative families, the young man realized that it was not his path. He often visited on only the emerging iron wagons. Throwing painting, but without losing artistic vision, Ettore is immersed in the design of cars.

Before establishing the company "Bugatti", Ettore in his basement managed to build the first car Type 10. In addition to the artistic vocation, the Bugatti is not thought of himself without speed. And the first races on their cars he led to victory with his own hands. His son Jean went in the footsteps of his father and was supposed to head the company, but in 1939 he did not survive after the accident.

Many researchers called Ettore's great vehicles. By joint engineering and design workers, he created real technical masterpieces, enjoying them into luxurious forms. And let the family affair continued, today the company "Bugatti" continues to amaze technical solutions and exquisite silhouettes. It is worth only to look at the "Bugatti Weiron" and "Bugatti Sheron", the producer country of which France.

New birth of "Bugatti"

After in 1947, the founder of the company Ettore Bugatti is coming from life, there are very difficult times for the company. And in 1963, "Bugatti" sell Hispanu Suiza, which was interested in the development of Ettor about aircraft engines. It would seem that this is an end ... But in 1987, the first attempt was carried out to restore the former glory. The new owner from Spain will buy "Bugatti" to produce exclusively chic and sports cars. In 1991, a new car EB110 "Bugatti" (the producer country in this case Italy) appears.

In the Italian borders, the company existed not so long. Despite the successful release of the new model, the bankruptcy of the company occurs, and in 1998, the new "Bugatti" moves to their homeland - to France. The new owner is the famous German who also dreams to revive the eminent brand. Now to the question: "The car" Bugatti "has a manufacturer - which country?" - You can safely answer - France!

The first "swallow" updated Bugatti was the prototype EB118. Among the characteristics of the model is a fully fiberglass body and a 6.2-liter engine with a capacity of 555 "horses". The stated speed of this car is 320 km / h. After that, several more prototypes were presented: EB218, Chiron and Veyron. Among them, the production in 2005 first went "Weiron".

Legendary Bugatti Veyron.

About the car "Bugatti Weiron", whose manufacturer is known to you, you can tell for a long time. A huge number of professionals worked on the design and creation of this supercar. What part of the car do not look - everywhere scientific and technical know-how.

For a start, some technical characteristics. Wairon has a gasoline engine designed from the two "eight" V16 with a capacity of 1000 horsepower. At maximum speed of 415 km / h is spent up to 4 liters of gasoline 5 km. That is, a 100 liter tank will end in 15 minutes.

Approximately the same amount of tire strength, after 15 minutes at maximum speed they can explode. It is for this that the supercar has an electronic speed limit and a special high-speed key, which must be inserted into the lock before the start of the movement.

The car with power in 1000 "horses" in practice allocates all 3000, but 2/3 of them goes into heat. Therefore, "Weiron" has a unique cooling system out of 10 radiators and titanium exhaust system. The gearbox is a 7-speed robot with two clutches and a crazy switching speed of 150 m / s.

In 2015, the release of "Bugatti Weiron" ceased. During this time, 450 unique Supercars "Bugatti" took off the conveyor. Country producer of these beauties France.

In 2016, the Mire was presented with the successor to "Weiron" - "Bugati Sheron" with a capacity of 1500 horsepower.


The name of Bugatti is forever in world history and became the brand of unique, sports and elite cars. And this story continues so far.

The French company Bugatti belongs to the Volkswagen concern and enters the CAGORT of expensive luxury sports cars. The company's founder Engineer and artist Ettore Bugatti from the very beginning did a bet on the quality of the mechanical part of the car and as many autoconcens of the beginning of the twentieth century cars Bugatti took part in the car racing. Bugatti has successfully developed from 1909 to 1947, while Ettore Bugatti was alive. During this time, Bugatti has steadily followed the traditions of building expensive sports cars. In the 20s The World Fame of Bugatti brought the Type 35 GP model, who has gained more than one and a half thousand victories on car racing and famous in its time as the most successful model of the Grand Prix class. All in the appearance of this car served one goal - speed. The car was very resistant to difficult tracks due to a brilliant combination of technical elegance and well-balanced handling characteristics. Since 1923, the company has released a luxurious Bugatti Type 43 with a superior, successful on design solutions Sports Bugatti Type 35B and, although not so pronounced as sports, but Technologically thoroughly balanced Bugatti Type 44 deservedly crowned with laurels. After the Second World War, the release of luxury cars sharply decreased, which led Bugatti to a financial catastrophe. In August 1947 leaves the life of Ettore Bugatti. His family was not able to continue the activities of the company and in 1963 the enterprises moved to the firm of Spanish-suiiz, not engaged in cars. However, in countries such as Germany and the United States, the stylization is still spread under Bugatti of the heyday. In the late 80s. The firm has survived the second birth. The famous name of Bugatti reappears again, when among the speaps, seeking to overcome the barrier 322 km / h, a powerful extraordinary car appears, nothing in common with the classical forms of Bugatti - EB110 and its sports modification EB110 SS. In 1993, at the Geneva Motor Show, the company presented the four-door sedan EB112, created on the basis of EB110. In 1999, the Bugatti trademark is purchased by the concern VW. The first of the cars presented by them became fiberglass EB118 with a body coupe, created by the stylist of Italdesign Fabrizio Judjaro. In the Geneva Motor Show of 1999, the debut of the EB218 sedan was held, the main distinguishing feature of which was fully aluminum body using ASF technology developed by Audi. The latest model Bugatti was presented in 1999. The new owner (concern VW) presented another supercar - EB 18-4 "Veyron". This time, the design of the car was engaged in its own VW design center under the leadership of Harmut Varkuss. Characteristic detail in VEYRON appearance - high aluminum air intakes in
the back of the body.

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