Home Heating AGM batteries - myths and reality. What makes AGM battery really in demand. Gel and agm batteries, pros and cons, charging and restoration What does AGM battery mean

AGM batteries - myths and reality. What makes AGM battery really in demand. Gel and agm batteries, pros and cons, charging and restoration What does AGM battery mean

The article is devoted to the topic of actualization of use in modern automotive industry aGM batteries. Why can you use AGM battery Instead of usual and because of what the reverse replacement is not desirable.
Constructive differences and operational advantages AGM batteries.

In our modern, life, cars were rapidly broken, which in order to total fuel economy are equipped with "Start Stop" systems. Meansthat when you stop a similar car on the red light in front of the traffic light or in a sluggish moving plug, its engine stops, and when you press the clutch pedal (for cars with a manual transmission), it starts.

It is for such cars and AGM batteries were created on which it is written: "Start Stop!". However, in essence, it is familiar to us a lead-cylinder factory for the production of constant electric current, only much more perfect than all of it predecessors. And it is quite possible that it is soon that such products will fully displace all other types of batteries from the market.

ABSORBENT Glass Mat is literally translated as: "absorbing fiberglass Sponge. What is AGM in practice? In the design of AGM batteries, the presence of separators made of microporous material are provided, the pores of which are filled absorbed in them electrolyte. By virtue of the physical characteristics of the material, part of the micropores remains free and used for closed redistribution Gas, thereby preventing the evaporation of water. As is known, on the positive and negative batteries of the battery during a chemical reaction, respectively, oxygen and hydrogen are distinguished, when they hit the associated medium, they re-form water (H2O), which remains inside the battery.

It is worth noting that the internal resistance in such a battery is significantly lower than that of a battery capacity with a liquid component, because conductivity fiberglass The separator is not an example better than traditional polyethylene "converters". Accordingly, the ability to give higher currents without prejudice to themselves. And since the plates in the AGM battery are assembled into a tightly compressed package, the active mass is not inclined to sink, which gives the battery the ability is much easier to transfer cyclic deep discharges. AGM battery and orientation battery, thanks to the design features, it can work at least "upside down", and with the full destruction of the body it remains almost harmless, because the associated electrolyte does not flow out, forming a poisonous puddle.

AGM batteries designed with the sight of their operation on cars equipped with the "Start Stop" system, also they are oriented with high cars power consumptionAnd those are: ambulance cars, specialized Cars MES. However, with the further development of electronic systems, the need for powerful and stable sources of electric current will only increase, therefore, with complete confidence, you can talk about the soon ubiquitous use of AGM batteries.

Quite dislarously arises the question: "A interchangeable Are there any AGM and ordinary batteries? "

With full confidence, it can be said that the AGM battery without problems will be completely replaced by the usual, but the reverse replacement is very problematic and not fully. To such a step, you can resort only in a hopeless situation with a temporary replacement.

How true is the assertion that AGM battery with a capacity of 50 a h replaces the usual, but the capacity of 90 and h?

This is absolute profanation, because, in fact, we are talking about reducing the amount of energy accumulated in the battery. The physical meaning of the magnitude is that the battery is capable of providing a capacity of 50 A or 90, respectively, within one hour. What kind of interchangeability Can we talk? Due to what will be comparent Lost Ampere -chasa? Yes, no technology is capable of doing this in principle!

AGM batteries with high current install On the usual car, can it damage the starter?

Perfect nonsense due to the fact that the value of the current is determined by the load resistance, that is, the starter. And the starter, even if the battery is able to give a million ampere, takes only as much as its inner resistance will allow him, because the law of Oma for all devices one.

Is there any restriction on the use of AGM?

It is completely absent, even if we talk about absolutely not adjected Car with a faulty relay -regulator and floating network voltage. Even in this case, an AGM battery will be longer than the standard battery for today's standards. The maximum voltage, after which the troubles occur, for the conventional battery is 14, 5 V, and for AGM - 14, 8 V.

What battery will be more injured from a deep discharge - usual or agm?

Undoubtedly, the usual, because after 5 -6 deep discharges, it can surrender, whereas for AGM such a restriction does not exist in principle, that is, due to its constructive characteristics, it can deeply discharge a practically unlimited number of times.

Aside non-servant Can AGM battery be considered?

In essence, this issue is not quite correct initially. Any lead battery is not 100% hermetic system, even AGM technology can guarantee tightness only by 99%. That is why any car battery needs maintenance: check its charge, charging if necessary, and so on ...

What is the difference between "gel" and agm batteries?

The most popular among the so-called "gel" batteries includes TM Optima products, but in fact it is the most real AGM battery! Her gel cliches only in popular forums, which is not true. By the way, the "gel" batteries simply do not exist in nature. And the situation that appears, but in the root, incorrect terminology is most likely associated with batteries that are used in electrical loaders and in machines for the floor washing. In these batteries, the electrolyte is in a thickened state, which distinguishes them from traditional automotive batteries with a liquid acid fraction. Recall, in AGM electrolyte is saturated special fiberglass Separators from where the abbreviation of the name of this type of batteries was born.

Battery backup capacity - what is this parameter?

The higher this figure, the better. It shows how fast the voltage at the battery terminals, an outstanding load equal to 25 A, will decrease to 10, 5 V. If we talk more understandable language of the examples, this parameter will indicate how long the battery will last in a slakless weather when the generator is defective.

But also an acb with incomprehensible AGM marking on the housing. And it is not surprising: the thought of the ordinary consumer does not always have time to realize the principles of new technologies going far ahead. Car lists who still do not know what AGM battery is will not prevent the benefits of this battery in more detail.

What is AGM technology

What is AGM? This reduction can be translated from English as "gasket impregnated with fiberglass" - "Absorbent Glass Mat". AGM technology is known abroad for quite a long time. The first developments began in the 80s of the twentieth century in the United States. Initially, the batteries of this type, as well as gel analogs, found their use in military aviation. These are practical and safe in operation, power supplies that can withstand such loads that would be just unable to other batteries.

AGM battery is made completely different technology than old ones. Its indisputable advantage is, it does not contain a potentially dangerous liquid electrolyte, which can cause tangible troubles and inconvenience in the process of current operation.

Inside an AGM battery is arranged: between its positive and minus plates are layers (or mats) impregnated with electrolyte. Pasters are made of fiberglass, which absorbs the electrolyte as a sponge. And it turns out, in the literal sense of the word, "sealed" between the plates in reliable fiberglass laying.

It is this AGM technology that allows us to talk about a high degree of safety of these batteries. This form can be safely called a "briquette with an electrolyte". Fiberglass separator, being laid between the batches of the battery, performs a dielectric function. The plates are deprived of the opportunity to come into contact with each other, which means that the short circuit between them will not happen.

This battery is permissible to put on the side or turn in any direction. Electrolyte does not follow and will not explode due to the fact that evaporation of such poisonous and dangerous gases, as hydrogen and oxygen, are absent. Of course, it is not recommended to expose it to a hard extreme, turning up upwards. But this does not diminish her obvious advantages.

AGM battery is remarkable by his plates are made of high purity lead . This significantly reduces the degree of metal resistance and increases the efficiency of charge-discharge cycles. Such plates are not needed - precisely because of the high quality of the metal.

Two plates tightly compress the separator on both sides on the principle of sandwich, and it turns out a very robust design. The density of the plates is pretty high, and in one cell you can arrange a much greater number than in a liquid battery. Therefore, the capacity of such batteries is an order of magnitude higher.

The usual liquid-acid battery needs to be charged, on average, 10-12 hours. Agm battery can be fully charged with large currents for only 2-3 hours . The separator plate laid between lead, does not allow them to prematurely turn. And that is why such batteries have a deep discharge much better than many others. .

As you know, desulfation of plates - a frequent manipulation that is most needed by liquid "acids". It is precisely because the quality of lead, and the layout of the plates, they often leave much to be desired.

As already mentioned, due to the fact that much more fiberglass plates with electrolyte can be placed inside such batteries, AMG batteries can produce several times more than ordinary batteries. Large capacity and powerful launchers - Here is the main reason for getting just such a battery. Especially in the harsh operating conditions in winter.

The usual battery gives starting currents at least 300, a maximum of 500 amps. The value of the start current AGM battery begins on the indicator in 550 amp And ends 900 . For obvious reasons, the battery with such high tanks will launch the engine in the frost easily and simply. At the same time, the liquid flow can simply not "scroll" internal combustion.

The service life of the cheapest Akb of this type is 5 years, and the record indicator of the work of the most expensive and tank of the battery is 10 years.

If traditionally try to disassemble the "pros and cons" agm-batteries, pluses, as you can see, it will be much more. One of the small minuses of this particular battery is its price - from 6500 to 10,000 rubles . However, if you compare them at cost with gel, gels will be much more expensive.

How to charge agm battery

Charging an AGM battery, in fact, no different from charging the usual battery.

It should be remembered that the charger should be able to regulate the current indicators or with the charging mode of such batteries. Voltagewith the main charge, it is recommended not to exceed the level. 14.8 V. (AGM batteries, like gel, are very demanding to charging process, and high voltage can destroy them in a short time).

Concerning tok forces on the charger, it should traditionally be put 10 percent of the battery capacity indicator indicated on the housing. When charging the battery, the amperezh should not exceed the indicator of 30 percent. It is important to remember that only the correctly charged power source can work out its resource so as not to lose it prematurely. And it is this that can serve as a response to a frequent question, which current should be charged an AGM battery.

Since lead plates in AGM batteries are made of a more high-quality lead, desulfation when charging occurs much faster and more efficient: white lead sulfate plaque is easily dissolved in the first hours of charging process. If we recall how the desulfation of plates in liquid-acid batteries is carried out with a manual method (washing with distilled water several times), it can be concluded that the word "", often applied to AGM batteries, also has its advantages.

Is it possible to restore AGM battery

How much is subject to such a battery restoration, depends on its condition and life. It happens that car enthusiasts come across old AGM batteries, which were once produced abroad and somehow fell into our country. Happens so that due to negligent circulation and new battery May fail. In how to restore it, there is nothing complicated, considering that the composition of the electrolyte is the same as in liquid batteries, but it is enclosed to another form.

Most often on the Internet, rollers are demonstrated on how the motorcyclist restores the Agm-Battery for its motorcycle. This is the maximum fill the inside of the dried (or fry) battery distilled water through the syringe . And when the separator plates are poisoned with water, the battery can be charged for charging in normal current mode: 10% of the nominal container.

In the case of restoring an AGM battery for the car, you can try to "reanimate" the battery in the same way. According to the stories of motorists in the forums, sometimes it really helps.

There is another original way to restore the "dead" AGM battery. In this case, you can try "Follow" the charger, connecting it simultaneously to two batteries, one of which is "alive" . If the battery you want to restore, after some time begins to take the current, it means to restore it. After some time, you should disconnect the second battery from the charger and continue to charge the "weak" battery in the usual current and voltage mode (10% current from the tank and voltage not more than 14.8 volts).

If you get an AGM battery, it is worth taking care of his properly operationSo as not to think about whether it is possible to restore it. Remember that even if the restoration of such a battery will be effective, after that it is unlikely to work. And if you treat her correctly, she "in good faith" will work out its resource, and it does not have to once again open and expose the actions that cannot promise one hundred percent efficiency.

The battery failure is one of those offensive faults that can comprehend the car enthusiast at the most inopportune moment. Who faced with this - knows what it is. And whether there are trouble-free power supplies?

The date of birth of the first battery is considered to be 1860. Since then, he has been constantly improved. Materials changed, dimensions, design. Years, and even the best of classic lead-alkaline batteries (EFB) - stopped satisfying time requests. A unique and brave solution was required, both in the design and in the principle of battery life. With its advent of AGM technology ( Absorbent. Glass. Mat. - moisture-absorbing glass mats)it is obliged to engineers of the American company Gates Rubber Company. Without a small fifty years ago, it was the alternative to the alternative to the classic liquid accumulator.

Features of the design or what is AGM battery?

The essence of the discovery is to complete the liquid state of the electrolyte. It became a special woven material with replacement. IN this case A mixture of sulfuric acid and distilled water turns out to be the bound structure of synthetic mats. It should be noted that small pores of the material serve to hold drops of electrolyte, and large (capillary forces are left free) - for circulation of vapors that did not have time to condense in the battery cavity.

Note that in AKB with AGM technology, lead is used only high qualifications (degrees of chemical purity). Another innovation can be called antimony and calcium additives, significantly extending the service life of the plates.

For your time this engineering decision And the results of his tests were so outstanding that the battery using AGM technology for several years was supplied exclusively for the needs of the army and military aviation.

Difference AGM from Gel batteries

Scientific progress does not stand still, and apparently, so the AGM technology has once appeared a competitor - this gel batteries. The main difference between their predecessors is that the space between lead plates is filled with no fiberglass, but a frozen porous solution of sulfuric acid and silica gel. The latter acts as a thickener. It is in such a structure of the mixture and the main advantages and advantages of gel batteries. Such a state of the medium effectively prevents the failure of the electrodes and, as a result, the breakdown of the battery itself is prevented.

For reference

The destruction of lead plates is the inevitable result in the reaction of electrolysis. And if so, then slow down this process and prevent the inner circuit of the chain - the main task over which scientists have worked since the invention of the AKB. An essential disadvantage of gel batteries is their increased sensitivity to temperature. So already at 100-110 degrees, the mixture of acid and silica gel loses its working condition. At the same time, the gel ability to hold the pairs of sulfuric acid was reduced. All this ultimately affects the rigidity of the structure as a whole.
Among AGM batteries there is an internal unit for species. Approximately about one third of their entire amount has a spiral laying of mats. This technical solution allows you to maximize the area of \u200b\u200bthe chemical reaction, but dimensions and weight are sacrificed. In addition, the exclusive rights to the "spiral" in the batteries are patented, which significantly affects their popularity. As for the lamellar batteries, this type of battery is the leader among the preferences of motorists. We also note that the peak of their popularity is still ahead, and the number of companies that produce batteries of the AGM type are torn every day.

Review of AGM Baters of different manufacturers: characteristics, prices, differences

Today, batteries on AGM technology can be found literally everywhere. They are equipped with cars equipped with a start-stop system on their conveyors. They actuate the barriers, blinds and gates. Thanks to batteries, in dark time The day lights neon advertising and road signs on motorways. We add that the AGM technology is recognized as optimal in the battery packs operating on such energy sources as the sun, wind and waves. Out of competition, the benefits of AGM were in blocks of uninterrupted power supply of computers. Currently, almost all known world brands gave significant parts of their production volumes of AGM batteries. This is Bosch, and Optima, and Tudor, and Medalist and others. Below, for comparison, several popular models of automotive batteries with AGM technology and their characteristics are given.

Mark. Country of origin Capacity Weight Approximate price Life time
A * C. kg rub. years
Haze HZB12-28 AGM China-United Kingdom 28 16 4300 5
East SK-1255 Russia 55 16 6200 5
Deka. USA 32 10 7000 7
Topla Slovenia 60 15 9500 8
Varta D52. Germany 60 16 10700 10

Table 1. Comparative AGM batteries overview

It is gratifying that recently in the ratings of the Grande on the application of AGM technology in battery batteries, the battery became more and more russian production. In addition to the label pointing to the type of battery, on the battery cases, you can often see: VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries) or SLA (Sealed LEAD Acid Batteries). These inscriptions are required by the norms of the International Security Standard.
The first abbreviation is usually placed on batteries with a capacity of more than 30 Ah and indicates that the device is equipped with a safety valve. The second marking is placed on little capacitive AGM batteries (up to 30 Ah). The presence of bypass is due to the inevitable release of hydrogen during recharging. Upon reaching the value of 100 millibars, the valve opens and produces gas to the atmosphere, thereby resetting pressure to a safe level.

Pros and cons technology

Note that AGM technology in batteries is far from ideal, like the power sources themselves. Therefore, along with indisputable advantages, they have some drawbacks.


  • This type of batteries does not require maintenance. And this means that care is reduced to a minimum;
  • It has a large starting current. So, compared to acid acb - it is 50-75% higher, which is priceless when starting during the cold season;
  • Not afraid deep discharge. Even the average battery AGM is obliged to cope at least with two hundred complete discharges (on zero), not less than fetal battery discharges up to 50% and with thousands of those that reduce capacity by 20-30 percent;
  • Transportation and operation is allowed in almost any position;
  • AGM service life ranges from 5 to 12 years (with mandatory adhering rules);
  • Neutral to high temperature ambient (for example, in open space car). This puts them in rank above all the classic and most gel batteries.


  • Increased weight;
  • AGM battery is significantly more expensive than any competitor among acid-lead battles;
  • Specific chargers are needed;
  • Requires caution and attention when charging, as well as during operation on cars, not equipped recharge relays.

Important! Batteries using AGM technology can not be taken for a panacea from all possible troubles. This type of batteries is extremely injured to recharging. This means that if the car is not equipped with a device that excludes an excess charge, - from buying such batteries it is worth refrained.

Charging Process Requirements and Charger

As already mentioned, AGM and GEL batteries are quite resistant to maximum discharges. A much greater damage they can apply excessive current and voltage values. The optimal current for charging is the one whose value is 10% of the battery indicated on the battery itself. For example, charge the AGM battery with a capacity of 32 Ah follows the current force of 3.2 A. This means that the charger (ideally) must have a function of adjusting the current and voltage. For a more detailed consideration of the technology of bringing the battery, we describe the process on the items:

  • We connect the charger and set the rated voltage on it, and set the strength of the current to "0";
  • Connect the wires on the system: minuses - to minuses, and pluses - to the pros;
  • Exhibit the value of the current value of 10% of the battery specified on the battery;
  • We observe the process. With the normal flow of it, the voltage should grow, and the current is reduced. When the magnitude of the latter decreases to the values \u200b\u200bclose to zero - the AGM battery will be charged.

Important! Charging AGM AGM current will significantly reduce the charging time, but it can cause harm to the battery. Therefore, it should be resorted to such a regime in exceptional cases!

Regarding the charging devices themselves, we note that choosing them on russian market sufficient to pick up optimal option. You can choose a universal - with an adjustment of current and voltage, and you can do and narrowly specialized, where the current is fixed (0.1a, 0,2A, 0.3a, and so on). The price range for "Charging" ranges from 1500 to 12 thousand rubles.

In step from choice

Solid experience, rich driving experience and excellent skill can be useless if your car suddenly turns out without energy. That is why there is quite naturally the desire of motorists to have in all respects best battery. The closer to the receipt of such status today is accumulators using AGM technology. Now, we hope you know - what it is. In this article we talked about the features, compared the battery different manufacturersAmong the price and got some volume useful information. Will be held years, AGM and EFB technology in car batteries will be history. They will replace the more advanced power supplies. It will be later, and the energy is needed today and now. For this, it is enough just to make a choice between savings and reliability, some inconvenience and confidence. And not to make a mistake in it - we hope that this article will help you. Video

Absorbent Glass Mat (AMG) is offered by Gates Rubber Company in 1972. Its feature consists in the use of absorbed electrolyte in lead-acid batteries.

AGM batteries have properties that do not allow them to charge them according to technology similar to, they have a special operation mode.

Therefore, if basic configuration The car is installed AGM battery, it is necessary to replace it with a battery made according to the same technology. Otherwise, on-board computer The car can determine a regular lead-acid battery, as "uncharged", or not even see it at all.

AGM batteries - what it is

Absorption (from Latin Absorbere - absorb) - absorption of sorbate sorbent. As a sorbate in AGM batteries, electrolyte performs, as a sorbent - fiberglass separators.

In simple language, fiberglass absorbs the acid electrolyte, in the liquid form the electrolyte in AGM batteries no longer contain. And this is not the only dignity of such batteries.

The fiberglass separator holds the acid electrolyte due to capillary forces. In addition, for better adsorption in the electrolyte, additives are sometimes added.

Video - AGM battery type What is it:

Minor separator pores are filled with electrolyte, larger serve to recycle gases. Due to this, the number of gases is reduced during the long-term operation.

AGM batteries have a flat and spiral configuration. Platelawing technology in a flat type battery is shown in the picture:

Separation view:

Spiracell spiral block technology was patented by Johnson Controls Company. Currently, the production of such batteries is carried out only with the permission of this company, mainly in North America.

View of such a spiral battery in the context:

TO technological features The plates are made of pure lead without harmful impurities of antimony. It also contributes to a faster charge process.

Video - Spiral Battery Optima Yellow Top:

In the process of charge, especially when it is completed, a large amount of hydrogen is distinguished on negative plates, which does not have time to regenerate internal volume battery. To bring it into space outside the battery, specifically designed for this type of batteries valves are applied:

Advantages of AGM technology

The advantages of batteries of this type:

  • there is no need for service;
  • the design of the sealed (relatively, there is a gas emissions valve), there is no likely a body when evaporated with acid vapor;
  • at the time of a possible accident, electrolyte does not occur, the likelihood of a battery explosion is minimal;
  • the tightness of the design allows the attachment of the ACB in almost any position, with the exception of "upward";
  • stable operation with a decrease in temperature to minus 30 degrees Celsius (it is not recommended to use a poorly charged battery at lower temperatures, this is due to the danger of electrolyte crystallization in separators);
  • AKB with AGM technology is less sensitive to strong vibrations;
  • the ability is three to four times more to withstand the processes of full discharge-charge than ordinary batteries;
  • increased charge rate (up to two times);
  • the ability is long during a half-way unchanged without changing electrochemical properties;
  • increased service life;
  • more low pricethan that of GEL technology (they belong to the same type of Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid Battery VRLA).

It is not by chance that some military aircraft (B-52, F-18) are completed with AGM batteries.


The disadvantages of AGM batteries are the same as in conventional lead-acid: a large mass, lead toxicity, a voltage drop at reduced temperatures plus a higher price compared to traditional batteries and sensitivity to elevated charging voltage (extremely not recommended).

How to charge AGM battery

There are several ways to charge AGM batteries that can be divided into: multi-stage (two-stepwise) charging and single-stage charging.


Three-speed charging produce most manufacturers. Its essence is that initially the battery is charged from the voltage source of 14.2 - 14.8 volt to the current corresponding to 10 - 30% of the battery tank. This is the so-called main cycle. During the main cycle, the battery replenishes up to 80% of the tank. For example, if the battery has a capacity of 100 amps-hours, the charge current is selected 10 amps (10%), then up to 80% of the container it will charge in about 8 hours.

Then follows cumulative cycleThe source voltage decreases by approximately 0.3 volts. At this time, the battery fills the charge up to 100% (approximately 3-4 hours).

Third stage - floating charge (storage). It occurs at a source voltage 13.2 - 13.8 volts.



Single-stage charge is made only in fast charging mode 10 - 30% of the battery capacity from the voltage source 13.3 - 13.8 volts.

Many motorists measured voltage on the battery during the operation of the car engine, that is, at the time of the charge from the generator. On some cars it can reach up to 15 volts and above. It is clear that the AGM batteries should not be installed on such cars.

Battery charging is best done on special devices, such as Hyundai HY 1500 EXPERT:

In the process of charge, it is necessary to control the temperature of the ACB hull, which should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius, (in no case are not more than 15.2 volts, it can accelerate the hydrolysis, lead to an increase in the concentration of acid).

You can't think about the role of the battery in the car until one day he, having committing several weak attempts to unwind the starter, suddenly refuses to work.

In 1869, the French physicist Gaston Plante placed the lead plate into an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid. The result of passing chemical reactions It was the production of electric current and invention of the first lead-acid battery.

In the 1970s, engineers developed an innovative technology in the field of the creation of acid-lead batteries. It was named AGM, which is deciphered as ABSORBED Glass Mate (literally "absorb glass mats").

The usual battery is divided into numerous compartments with plastic partitions. The space between them is filled with a liquid solution of sulfuric acid - electrolyte, in which lead plates are immersed. As a result of the most complex chemical reactions between cathode and anode plates, electric current flows.

AMG technology is a special layer of porous fiberglass, absorbing electrolyte and located between lead plates. Liquid aqueous solution of sulfuric acid obtained? Enclosed in a part of the smallest pores of the glass.

Another portion is used to pass the reactions and is filled with secreted gases. That internal organization Compiles allows you to tightly fill them with layers of plates and elegralitis. This leads to the creation of a sufficiently monolithic structure on one side, which protects the plates of lead from destruction. On the other hand, the use of fiberglass as a sponge for sulfuric acid provides a full passage of chemical processes, which gives maximum efficiency when used.

AGM batteries do not need maintenance throughout the operational period. Therefore, they are used where it is necessary to provide permanent uninterrupted food - in the systems of emergency power on electricity, in autonomous equipment (wheelchair, loaders), in telecommunications when accepting and transmitting the signal. Such batteries are also installed in premium cars, where heightened electricity consumption is observed due to numerous installed electronic systems.

AGM technology battery device

If you look at the battery with AGM technology in the context, you can see the alternation of plates electrodes with the layers of a small-sized separator - fiberglass. In this case, the electrolyte liquid solution is not observed. It is completely absorbed by the separator and does not spread. The remaining space in the battery housing and the pores of the fiberglass are filled with gases when discharged. When charging the battery, the reverse process takes place - the gases turn into an electrolyte.

Thus, in the process of operation, the chemical properties of structural elements do not change. However, over time, in the battery, an excess gases accumulates, which can lead to an increase in pressure inside the case. This case provides built-in exhaust valves. They regulate the pressure and protect the battery from the explosion in case of emergency situations.

A structurally absorbing layer can be made in the form of plates or spirals. The spiral system allows you to increase the total area of \u200b\u200bthe separator, which influences the end of the tank and the speed of charging.

Pros and cons

Batteries with AGM technology have a number of advantages that significantly distinguish them from ordinary batteries:
they do not require prevention and maintenance during the entire operational period;

  • the tightness of the case and the absorbed non-spreading electrolyte allow the operation of such a battery in any position. The exception is to turn the bottom to the long period (in such a position the probability of the inaction of the exhaust gas valves);
  • the density of the design layers of such a battery ensures the preservation of lead plates. They are not destroyed for a long time;
  • due to special layers, batteries with AGM technology are designed to use in conditions strong vibration. So they are widely used in vehicles, including railway.;
  • the established temperature range of such batteries is from -40 ° to + 70 °, which makes it possible to normal operation in the northern regions;
  • the use of special charging devices and compliance with the charge mode provides stable operation during the entire period;
  • such batteries are faster charged and more resistant to deep discharge.
  • the large mass of the battery is preserved;
  • great sensitivity to charge modes. Special devices should be purchased, the price of which can reach up to 30,000 rubles;
  • limited number of charge cycles - discharge;
  • the cost of AGM batteries is almost 2 - 2.5 times higher than conventional acid-lead batteries;
  • the limited warranty period is not more than 1 year.

Overview of some batteries with AGM technology

Delta DTM 12032.

Sealed battery with AGM technology. Designed for operation as an uninterrupted power source in:

  • medical equipment;
  • communications;
  • communication systems.


  • Voltage - 12 V;
  • Service life - 6 years;
  • Self-discharge - up to 3% per month at an optimal temperature of 20 ° C;
  • Capacity - from 2.8 to 3.2 a / h.

Operating Temperature:

  • Bottom charge - from -20 ° to + 60 ° C


  • Fire-free housing;
  • Lead plates containing calcium4
  • Gas recombination up to 98.9%

Bosch Agm Battery 0 092 S5 A05

12 volt Agm battery.


  • Large stock power supply;
  • tightness of the case and protection against moisture;
  • long service life;
  • recharged thanks to the recovery braking system.


  • Rated voltage - 6 V;
  • Capacity 60 A / h;
  • Start current force - 680a;
  • Polarity - 0;
  • Warranty - 2 years;
  • Mass - 17.5 kg.


Innovative battery with Micro Hibrid AGM technology. Designed for vehicles with recuperative braking system and without it, for cars with mechanical and automatic gearbox.

  • Rated voltage - 12 V;
  • Capacity - 70 A / h;
  • Start current force - 760 A;
  • Polarity - 0;
  • Sizes - 175 * 278 * 190 mm.;
  • Warranty - 2 years.

The EXIDE EK700 advantage is lower internal resistance, which leads to a decrease in charge time and extends the service life. Exide launcher batteries serve 8 - 9 years old, with a discharge depth no more than 20%.


Varta batteries deservedly won love and customer confidence. Special technologies for the production of plates and separators provide long term stable work, and the safety of elements. Designed for installation in cars with powerful engines and high-tech electronic equipment.

Features varta batteries SILVER DYNAMIC AGM:

  • Service life exceeds usual 3 times;
  • Designed for systems of ordinary and recuperative braking;
  • Environmental safety and cleanliness;
  • High starting power thanks to the Power-Frame grid.


  • Rated voltage -12 in;
  • Capacity - 105 A / h;
  • Cold scroll strength - 950 A;
  • Dimensions - 175 * 394 * 190;
  • Weight - 29.4 kg;
  • Polarity - 0.

Charging AGM batteries (how to charge)

One of the main issues when using AGM batteries is the correct battery charging. Features of production technology implies a special approach to charge and each manufacturer's plant establishes its recommendations.

Conditionally charge AMG batteries can be divided into:

  1. The main - at which up to 82% of the entire capacity is restored;
  2. Floating - when there is a small recharging to 100%;
  3. Storage - When recharging is carried out by minimum current charger.

In accordance with this, algorithms for proper charging are allocated:

  • Single-stage. Applies only for quick recharging. Voltage 13.3 -13.9 B, current 0.2 - 0.3 C;
  • Two-stage. Most often it is used by this algorithm. Main - voltage 14.1 - 14.9 V, current - 0.2 - 0.3 C. Floating - Voltage 13.3 - 13.9 V.

Select the charger depends on technical features Batteries provided for by the manufacturer and purchased on the basis of the output voltage and current.

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