Home Chassis Comparison of automotive batteries driving. What battery is better to choose for a car. Video: Free Battery Varta Remote to the serviced

Comparison of automotive batteries driving. What battery is better to choose for a car. Video: Free Battery Varta Remote to the serviced

Numerous studies and social skins conducted by independent experts and special agencies showed that car batteries, despite the same parameters, have a very different characteristics and opportunities. In addition, they are straightenably different from each other in quality, degree of reliability and deadlines. It is also important to remember the ability of the automotive battery to start vehicle Even in conditions of extremely low temperatures.

It is because of such fundamental differences between similar products and brands, it is worth approaching the choice of a car battery and the subsequent purchase, very responsible, analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of a model.

Bosch Silver battery - expensive, reliably and efficiently

The undoubted leader in the ranking of the best batteries of 2016 has become accumulator battery Bosch Silver.. This is the perfect option for all seasons, the main feature of which is the use of silver alloy in the production of lattices. Such a decision made it possible to significantly reduce the speed of its oxidation and destruction due to the aggressive medium inside the battery.

An equally important feature of the Bosch Silver battery was the calcium layout, due to which this car battery entered the ranking as one of the most reliable and durable. It is also important to note that there are no banks familiar to many. This is due to the fact that the rechargeable battery does not require periodic maintenance. Their honorable place took a small eye showing the level of charge.

Bosch Silver Car Battery Testing Visually demonstrated the minimum level of electrolyte loss. This was achieved through the use of labyrinth channels on the lid, which give shrinkage to a large amount of liquid in the form of condensate.

Car battery Bosch Silver Plus

In the top of the rankings of the best batteries of 2016, under the Bosch brand, you can find not only the Silver model, but its advanced modification Silver Plus.which differs from its own analogue with a lattice with a modified geometry and an increased amount of silver content in the alloy. This automotive battery model is able to withstand the maximum temperature limits.

It is also worth noting that the best battery in the rating has a low level of electrolyte evaporation, relatively low speed of self-discharge, large volume and new body, on which a comfortable handle is located, combined with large terminals covers.

Naturally, in such a perfect, at first glance, the battery contains negative sides. The main one is quite fast wear when working with a poorly operating generator. Also, a fairly significant minus may seem the price that fluctuates within 6 thousand rubles per Silver model and from 7 thousand for the modification of Silver Plus.

Car Akb Number Two - Varta Blue Dynamic

Under the second number in the ranking of the best car batteries 2016 stands the battery from the German manufacturer Varta.. He, like his previous competitor, is made using a silver alloy, however, the grille has a combined, and not solid layout.

As shown to test this model, this feature slightly reduced the service life, but at the same time significantly increased the indicator of starting currents even during the maximum cold. In addition, the VARTA Blue Dynamic car battery is distinguished by the lowest possible level of self-discharge and resistant to repeated recharge.

An equally important feature of the VARTA batteries is a very high level of security, which is due to the spongy filter from the vitreous material installed in the upper part of the battery and in parallel performing the role of the plamethylene. Such an innovative solution allowed evaporating electrolyte to settle in the form of condensate, which in itself excludes the possibility of fire by random spark. In addition, there is a labyrinth channel in the battery lid, which also contributes to a decrease in the speed of the electrolyte loss. Thanks to the above properties, the VARTA car battery is able to maintain all its properties for more than five years.

The disadvantages of the battery can be classified a slightly high cost of the battery (approximately 10 thousand rubles), however, it is fully justified by its technical characteristics.

Optima Red Top Batteries - West Innovative Technologies

Car batteries of Western production were included in the 2016 best batteries rating - american company Optima. The main thing distinctive feature rED TOP There are large starting currents that are indispensable in conditions of lowest temperatures.

As the test showed, the Optima Red Top car battery is able to start the engine even during the Siberian Winter Ripping.

A no less significant feature of the American battery can be considered a spiralized layout, which guarantees a significant reduction in the speed of self-referee in a tandem with a small wear when it is too frequent repetition of rearness moments. Such auto accessories are recommended for transport with an increased load on the generator due to additional options as:

  • additional heating element;
  • preheating heater;
  • trimmed audio and video systems;
  • shopping attitudes, etc.

Another advantage of RED TOP car batteries is the introduction of unique aGM technologywhich made the battery fully maintained and as reliable as possible. It is capable of productively work even with partial destruction of the hull, for example, after a minor road accident.

The only one meaningful disadvantage This model is very high cost, approximately 16 thousand rubles. Spend this amount on the car battery can afford a few.

Tyumen batteries - good budget counterparts

In the ranking of the best models of batteries of 2016 also hit batteries russian production entitled Tyumen.. Such car batteries practically do not differ from American and German analogues by technical characteristics and the level of reliability, while their cost is much lower (approximately 2.5 thousand rubles).

During the production of automotive batteries, Tyumen was used a unique minority technology, which allowed to improve technical specifications Batteries and its anti-corrosion properties. It is also worth noting a small self-discharge rate provided by a unified form of lattices.

It is thanks to these qualities that car batteries domestic production Tyumen occupied the honorable place in the ranking of the best Akb 2016.

Medalist Batteries - Maximum Reliability

If you dream to forget about the problems associated with the start of the engine, then you will certainly be worth paying your attention to car batteries from such a manufacturer as Medalist.. They rightly took their place in the 2016 best batteries rating thanks to calcium technology, which prevents the oxidation of the plates even when exposed to the highest temperatures.

The main advantage of Medalist batteries is a spiral-shaped layout that provides high starting currents and a slight wear rate with too much repetition of rearness moments. Also during testing, it was revealed that MEDALIST car batteries are able to work smoothly for a period of up to seven years, even with the maximum operation of the car.

In the ranking of the best these batteries and thanks to the unique top with spongy filters, which prevent the evaporation of the electrolyte. The absence of evaporation significantly increases the life of the automotive battery and avoids breakdowns due to low level electrolyte.

The cost of such batteries in 2016 is approximately 5-6 thousand rubles, which undoubtedly speaks in favor of this model.

Optimal option

As the ranking of the best batteries of 2016 and their testing, the ideal option for permanent use are models from world-class manufacturers Varta and Optima. However, they differ not only by first-class quality, but also exorbitant costs.

A more affordable automotive battery accumulator, which also occupied the honorable places in the best ranking, are the Bosch German manufacturer batteries and American Medalist. They have quite acceptable characteristics and parameters, and also have a weighted average price.

About batteries and winter

Operating batteries in the northern latitudes of our state are elevated requirements. This is explained by a list of objective reasons:

1. Unpredictable weather conditions, increased humidity, sharp decrease in temperature, its drops and ice winds. All this negatively affects the batteries of those cars that stand on the street near the house at night. As a result, the engine starts hard and not always the first time.

2. Rising power consumption that leads to additional load on the battery. As a result, the car battery does not have time to recharge and may not work at the right moment. For this reason, it is extremely important to make the optimal choice, which later do not have to freeze.

To date, in the car spare parts market, as in the above ranking, you can find a huge number of AKB options, however, in order to make right choiceThat will not submit in the conditions of harsh Russian winters, it is necessary to pay attention to the main characteristics of each individual model.

Date of battery production

After reviewing the huge list of characteristics of a variety of car batteries, it should be paid to such a concept as fresh, that is, check the date of release. After all, it is this detail of the car that does not accept a long rest on warehouses. The battery should always be in operation.

If the motor is the heart of the car, then the battery is his nervous system, it depends on it whether the electronics will work, whether the engine will work. Good battery will last 8-10 years, but it is very important to choose it correctly.

The main parameters for which you need to pay attention to when selecting an atomular battery:

  • Reserve capacity (most sellers are praised precisely the nominal capacity, but this parameter is less important);
  • Voltage indicator (should not be less than 12.5 W) under an open circuit on-board network;
  • Cold scrolling current;
  • Housing dimensions (depending on the country of the manufacturer vary and standards);
  • Battery type (charged, low-service or non-liable);
  • Location of the terminals (left-sided and right-hand);
  • Release date, shelf life, manufacturer's warranty. Experts recommend to give preference to products, which was made 2-3 months before selling, is unlikely to make the model that has failed in the warehouse, will have the same characteristics that descended from the conveyor.

Automotive Accumulators Rating 2016: Top 5

5. Tyumen (Russia)

A worthy budget analogue, which is not inferior to the promotional brands according to the characteristics. The battery is produced by a minor technology, has a low self-discharge rate. Starting currents are very high, since the manufacturer uses a patented paste, so even at negative temperatures, the unit will not submit. The shape and composition of the lattices is optimized. Such a model will cost 3-5 thousand rubles.

4. Medalist (South Korea)

It is made according to calcium technology, the oxidation of the plates of the cathode and the anode almost does not occur. High starting currents due to the spiral shape of the rays of the lattice, the cover with spongy filters - it quickly precises the electrolyte in the form of condensate, and also prevents it out. Approximate service life - 7 years, even with intensive load. Such pleasure will cost 4.5-7 thousand rubles.

3. Optima Red Top (USA)

The models of this series are good in that non-problems are launched even at minus temperatures. At batteries, a spiral layout, they are recognized as one of the best for cars with a large load on the power grid. Fiberglass separator is impregnated with electrolyte, so the battery is fully maintenance free and has increased reliability. The battery will work even with partial destruction of the case. The price of the question is from 15 to 18 thousand rubles.

2. Vatra Blue Dynamic (made in the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Spain).

From its more successful predecessor, the battery is characterized by a composite, and not cast layout, the grille is also made using a silver alloy. The battery demonstrates increased resistance to recharging, the level of self-discharge is also minimal. The role of fiberglass plays a special fiberglass filter, in the battery lid there is also a labyrinth canal. The cost of the battery is from 9 to 14 thousand (various modifications).


The unconditional level leader, its name is explained by the fact that silver alloy is used in the manufacture of lattices. It belongs to the maintenance-free, calcium layout, labyrinth channels are created in the battery cover, so most of the liquid settles as condensate. The Silver Plus model is characterized by a modified grid, enlarged capacity, and self-challenge is faster, the housing also looks different. It will be so pleasure from 7 to 10 thousand depending on the series.

As you can see, the characteristics of the market leaders are quite worthy, car owners have the opportunity to choose the aggregate of different price categories and get a high-quality and long "living" battery!

Unexpected continuation was our last year's accumulation of batteries (SP, 2015, No. 10). NIITS AT 3 specialists of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, who then conducted research, offered for the sake of mutual interest to leave them all the dozen batteries for another four months. What for? To test the tests for which we have never taken any times. The idea is to assess the safety of the charge of European sizes (242x175x190 mm) after multi-month storage in an unheated room. Of course, we immediately agreed - interesting! Military specials are also interesting, since such studies they did not spend from the era of ancient batteries, filled with black mastic. By the way, then the results were deplorable. Despite careful care for batteries, which includes regular wiping their surface with soda with a solution, after a month of storage, the charge disappeared. Blame materials from which the lattices of plates are made. The alloys had an increased antimony content (5-7%), which accelerated the process of electrolysis of water, which was rapidly changing the composition of the electrolyte (water bought). By the way, therefore, those batteries were produced dried, and after filling the electrolyte and recharged, the voltage of the open chain fell in front of his eyes. After three months of storage, the voltage decreased much lower than the "Waterlinia" and the battery again demanded a fuel with electricity.

Next generation accumulators have reduced self-discharge by reducing the content of antimony in the plates to 1.5-2% and applying alloying additives. In modern batteries, calcium is used instead of antimony; Such sources are not only longer held the charge, but also do not require maintenance (to add water to them is not necessary).

And how are the pendants (it is in these units that the electric charge is measured, or the amount of electricity) will behave today, in the most modern Akb?

Free with a clean conscience

Tests took place within 120 days from the fall of 2015 to winter 2016. Four months to initially charged batteries, no one touched. Neither the recharge, nor the topping, nor wipes! Temperature ambient At the same time hesitated within 40 more degrees: from -21 to -22 ° C. After the expiration of the "conclusion" of the battery, without recharging, was placed in the freezer and lasted a day at -18 ° C. And after sent to pass the standard - the discharge of a single current 315 A with voltage control on terminals 30 seconds of discharge. Results - in our photo gallery.

From the batteries required to rotate the conditional starter after four months of oblivion. Make it managed everything - therefore, the results are good. No battery asked below 8 in - there was no ancestors to their ancestors. However, some participants passed tests with a huge stock, others at the limit of opportunity. Champion - again the battery Tyumen Battery Premium; In addition to her, only Exide Premium, Varta Blue Dynamic and Topla retained voltage on terminals above 9 V. It is curious that Varta Blue Dynamic, frankly nominating in the main competitions, after a four-month conclusion, thought and showed the third result.

A little bit upset domestic products. Winning in the total standings passed the test, here they rolled down a little, giving the middle of the table of "foreigners" ranks. True, the difference in numbers is small - just a couple percent.

Tests showed that modern batteries patiently relate to the lack of attention. But every patience comes end, so once again we repeat: before installing on the car, the battery needs to be charged. Even quite new, just purchased. I assure you, no seller is puzzled. Therefore, under the guise of a fresh battery, already tired. And in a week-other exploitation, he will dare, even if he was first and twisted the starter. In conditions of chronic short-term, the case will end with the sulfate of the plates with all the troubles arising from here.

Places in the battery test at the wheel in 2016 distributed as follows:

12th place

Declared capacity, Ah 65
Claimed current, and 610
8.03 B.

11th place

Delkor The country is not specified
Declared capacity, Ah 60
Claimed current, and 525
Voltage on terminals after 30 - second discharge to the current 315 A8.21 B.
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 12

10th place

AKOM. Russia

Declared capacity, Ah 62
Claimed current, and 540
Voltage on terminals after 30 - second discharge to the current 315 A8.53 B.
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 10

9th place

Titan Euro Silver. Russia

Declared capacity, Ah 61
Claimed current, and 620
Voltage on terminals after 30 - second discharge to the current 315 A8.75 B.
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 6

8th place

Bosch. Germany

Declared capacity, Ah 63
Claimed current, and 610
Voltage on terminals after 30 - second discharge to the current 315 A8.92 B.
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 7

7 place

Tyumen bear Russia

Declared capacity, Ah 62
Claimed current, and 560
Voltage on terminals after 30 - second discharge to the current 315 A8.96 B.
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 4

6th place

Beast Russia

Declared capacity, Ah 60
Claimed current, and 600
8.98 B.
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 5

5th place

Mutlu Silver Evolution Turkey

Declared capacity, Ah 63
Claimed current, and 550
Voltage on terminals after a 30 second discharge current 315 A9,0 0 IN
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 8

4th place

Topla The country is not specified

Declared capacity, Ah 66
Claimed current, and 620
Voltage on terminals after a 30 second discharge current 315 A9,02 IN
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 2


Varta Blue Dynamic The country is not specified

Declared capacity, Ah 60
Claimed current, and 540
Voltage on terminals after a 30 second discharge current 315 A9,10 IN
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 9


EXIDE PREMIUM. The country is not specified

Declared capacity, Ah 64
Claimed current, and 640
Voltage on terminals after a 30 second discharge current 315 A9,17 IN
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 3


Tyumen Battery Premium. Russia

Declared capacity, Ah 64
Claimed current, and 590
Voltage on terminals after a 30 second discharge current 315 A9,20 IN
Place engaged in the battery in the main series of tests (SE, 2015, №10) 1

With the old battery is not life.

Yu.I. Kid

The crisis hit all over, and the rechargeable market is not an exception. Buyers watch primarily on the price. Even the owners of prestigious cars are in no hurry to rip off on expensive batteries of type AGM and EFB, which all a few years ago, all predicted unconditional domination.

Even somehow awkward arguing about amps, pendants and degrees, if the mass consumer chooses that cheaper. On the other hand, the budget products often lame quality, and the savings can pour into a penny ... This time we decided to focus on inexpensive batteries.

Akb cheaper?

At first, the search for the most inexpensive batteries of the most popular dimension of 242 × 175 × 190 mm gave a modest result - only five products price from 2610 rubles for Podolskaya Akb to 3002 rubles for Tyumen. Not enough for a full-fledged examination. Raised the price bar up to 3,500 rubles - six more accumulators were added. And what about without loud overseas names - Varta, Bosch, Mutlu? In addition, the domestic batteries close to them remained overboard - for example, the act. Although it turned out that some oriental brands were found at all "crisis" prices at all: the most expensive battery was not at all Bosch, and the Korean Solite is already in 5000 rubles!

As a result, we scored two dozen acb. Let's see how the price is associated with amps clocks and coulters.

Purchase was carried out in the retail chain network in April - May 2016. The research results relate only to this sample and cannot serve as a basis for evaluating all the products of a brand.

Basic Criteria for Quality Assessment Batteries

Backup Capacity. Shows whether a car will last a long time with all the included power consumables (headlights, wipers, ventilation system) if the generator has deteriorated. Measured in minutes. The higher the result, the better.

The reduced energy of the launch of the claimed current. It characterizes the battery power in start-up. Measured in kilodzhoules. The higher the result, the better.

The reduced energy is a single current at -18 and -29 ºС. Allows you to compare the current characteristics of all batteries in the same conditions, regardless of their passport data. Speaking simply, the higher the energy, those, with other things being equal, in stock there are more attempts by a confident motor start. Measured in kilodzhoules. The higher the result, the better.

Hard reception with constant external voltage. Shows the ability of the battery to recover after a deep discharge. In practice, the battery that best takes the charge will be charged faster and when traveling. All batteries have sustained the test.

Note. Technical dimensions were carried out by NIITS Specialists of 3 TsNII of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Test results refer to a specific battery sample and cannot serve as the characteristic of all products of the same name as a whole.

And so comes up?

The overall impression of test results is. The main reasons for breakdown three. First, the sellers still sew the stuck goods, let with warranties, smiles and seals. Secondly, it is unpleasant that in Russian frost, from twenty-new batteries, eleven failed. Thirdly, of two dozen batteries for victory, only two - Tyumen Battery Premium and Varta Blue Dynamic are truly fought. Their gap from rivals was serious. Moreover, what is curious, the advantage is obvious both, taking into account the price, and without it.

Burn on the first columns of the table, where the backup capacity of new batteries is reflected. In brackets we give the real "volume" of electricity for which the buyer pays. By analogy with refueling: ask to fill full tankAnd the refill splashed only to the bottom. But there is also a difference: "Error" of gas stations will not lead to anything terrible, but the discharged battery, as they say, "scores". Often it is irreversible: it loses the container and loses its performance. We were ready for this, so before the start of the tests, as usual, all the battery was charged. And you need to do so before putting the battery on the car. Our measurements confirm this.

Now about the "overpays" for the brand. A miracle did not happen: all little-known batteries have accumulated together at the bottom of the table. The most discerning that prices for many of them are not at all cute. For such imports, it clearly makes no sense to overpay. And the first half of the table filled the familiar names - we advise them to navigate.

First thing determine the battery size. It should be guaranteed to fit in his workplace - in motor compartment or trunk. At the same time determine polarity. The old battery will help here: look - plus to right or left? Often the length of the wires does not allow connecting the battery "not the" polarity.

When choosing a brand AKB, we strongly recommend follow the list of our winners recent years. Do not be fooled by low price - Philanthropists in the market does not happen. The brand determines the cost. As a rule, with the same dimensions, serious firms offer accumulators of different energy intensity (for example, different stated amperes and ampere-clock). It is better to take a maximum, let it be a bit more expensive.

Do not purchase Products that on labels or in the passport are indicated by "A / C" type. This indicates the technical illiteracy of their compilers and causes doubts about quality.

The purchased battery must be charged.After charge and excerpt (storing disconnected from charger Batteries) For 10-15 hours, the voltage should be 12.5-12.7 V.Ili to measure immediately after charge, the indicators can significantly exceed the actual voltage of the open circuit.

All in places

To determine the leaders and outsiders, we introduced the score system. In each form, the tests took the best and worst results and were assigned five points (maximum) and one score (minimum), respectively. Each of the other participants received an intermediate score, proportional to its position between the leader and the outsider. For example, if, when measuring the backup capacity, the leader showed the result of 112 minutes, and the outsider - 78, then the participant with the result of 87 minutes gets 2.06 points. If the battery fails in one form or another test, it gets 0 points.

The total score on the measurements is the arithmetic average of five intermediate estimates. Then we divided it on the price of the battery, after which they again led to a five-point scale. Thus, the final assessment is, in fact, the ratio of price and quality.

Out of competition in our tests were the batteries of Tyumen Battery Premium and Varta Blue Dynamic. Taking into account the much more attractive price of the top rose "Sibiryachka". If we did not take into account the prices, the first would become Varta. However, "Foreigns" has another paradoxistic advantage over the Russian battery: it is easier to find it on sale. It sounds illogical, but it is so, not only in Moscow.

Output? You can not buy the battery, looking only on the price tag. Savings can get out sideways. It is better to spend a little time to get acquainted with the results of our examination. Successful purchase and stable voltage in the boots!

Top Batteries for Car: Winners of Zarulevsky Expertise

Tyumen Battery Premium.




Tyumen Battery Premium.








Tyumen Battery leader



































A place




20th place

19th place

18 place

17th place

Approximate price 4900 rub.

Capacity declared 60 A ∙ h

Claimed current 500 A.

Measured / stated mass13.63 / 13.99 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level -

It seems that the name of the battery must remind the buyer a well-known Exide brand - the difference in one beak. From here, perhaps, the high price. However, the Korean battery was sly: all estimates below two points. And at -29 ºC, she requested mercy: the voltage caught below the last 6 V. Taking into account the price - the last place in the all-around.

Approximate price 4500 rub.

Capacity declared 60 A ∙ h

Claimed current 510 A.

Measured / stated mass 14,03 kg / not specified

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level -

The weak "energy" did not stick in Russian frost: after 15 seconds of torment, the voltage decreased sharply - everything came. The backup capacity of the nidial. The overestimated price only strengthened the negative effect. Penultimate place.

Approximate price 5000 rub.

62 A h (105 min.)

Claimed current600 A.

Measured / stated mass 13.54 kg / not specified

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level -

We bought this battery, seeing the price tag for a soft brand. What if this is a new market leader? But in the cold, the voltage quickly caught below the laid, and the price and quality ratio determined the place in the table's tail.

Approximate price3110 rub.

Capacity declared 55 A ∙ h

Claimed current 460 A.

Measured / stated mass13.6 / 15.0 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level -

The backup container is the lowest. At -18 ºC - worse than all. At -29 ºC - loss of working capacity. That's the whole biography. And what is the sense of the fact that the price is low?

16th place

15th place

14th place

13th place

Approximate price 3000 rub.

Declared capacity (backup capacity) 55 A h (88 min.)

Claimed current420 A.

Measured / stated mass 12.95 / 15.8 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level Through traffic jams

How it all began ... the price is only 3000 rubles. And even indicates a backup capacity in minutes. But then the carriat turned into a pumpkin: estimates below two plus failure after four seconds of work in the cold - voltage below 6 V.

Approximate price 2610 rub.

Capacity declared 55 A ∙ h

Claimed current 420 A.

Measured / stated mass 12.42 / 15.8 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level Through traffic jams

The cheapest battery in the selection. It does not matter that the claimed current is only 420 A, - if only it worked. But the difference between the real mass and promised was 3.38 kg - lead did not report. Total: All estimates below two points. And in the cold "electricity ended."

Approximate price3300 rubles.

Capacity declared 60 A ∙ h

Claimed current 520 A.

Measured / stated mass 14,05 / 16.95 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte levelthrough traffic jams

After weighing, everything became clear - there are not enough almost 3 kg. A nine seconds of work on the frost, the battery was member: the voltage fell below 6 V. Besides, this battery also takes the worst of all.

Approximate price 3450 rub.

Capacity declared 55 A ∙ h

Claimed current 470 A.

Measured / stated mass 12.8 / 15.0 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level Through traffic jams

The price is acceptable, but it seems that they saved again on lead plates. At -29 ºС battery did not drink: the voltage was as far as the "Waterlinia". However, the original backup container also did not inspire optimism: only 11 minutes! Therefore, although not the last, but still a unhappy place.

12th place

11th place

10th place

9th place

Approximate price 3250 rub.

Capacity declared 62 Ah h

Claimed current 550 A.

Measured / stated mass 14,63 / 15.8 kg

Gathering Through traffic jams

Control of electrolyte level Through traffic jams

Total 17 minutes of source backup capacity. The reason is obvious: the sellers did not serve the battery! Having charged, we returned it to life. Weighing showed a shortage of lead. Already seven seconds, the battery refused to cooperate.

Approximate price 4200 rubles.

Capacity declared60 A ∙ h

Claimed current520 A.

Measured / stated mass14,25 / 15.5 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level Through traffic jams

The price is high, and lead for this money is clearly not enough. Colds Battery is afraid: I could not give decent Jouley on the frost, keeping out of 17 seconds instead of the promised thirty. In general, I did not like.

Approximate price 4750 rub.

Capacity declared 60 A ∙ h

Claimed current 540 A.

Measured / stated mass 13.35 kg / not specified

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level -

Already that year has to write about Bosch the same thing: the famous brand was not surprised. Modest place in the middle of the table, a single memorable result. The battery did not fail, but did not attract attention. The price is high, and the energy is not enough.

Approximate price 2900 rub.

Capacity declared 60 A ∙ h

Claimed current 500 A.

Measured / stated mass 13.31 / 15.7 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level Through traffic jams

Very attractive price. And the same question: where lead? Too light product came from Kazakhstan. The lack of lead quickly aumed: in the cold the battery received the "Branca", because it did not manage to extract the laid energy.

8th place

7 place

6th place

5th place

Approximate price4100 rubles.

Capacity declared 64 A ∙ h

Claimed current 570 A.

Measured / stated mass 17.05 / 16.8 kg

Gathering Through traffic jams

Control of electrolyte level Through traffic jams

The heaviest battery in the test: lead to her did not regret it. But a miracle saved the battery from the failure: at the time of the acquisition "in it" there were only 14 minutes of reserve capacity. It is good that the experts after charge managed to return it to life. Against this background, the results shown can be considered excellent. But the price did not like.

Approximate price 4500 rub.

Capacity declared 60 A ∙ h

Claimed current 600 A.

Measured / stated mass 13.73 / 14.4 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level Through traffic jams

This brand always looked worthy. So now: the high declared current battery gives it properly, frost is not afraid. It could be better, but the battery was clearly not recharged in the store - it says the source backup capacity.

Approximate price3500 rub.

Capacity declared 55 A ∙ h

Claimed current 450 A.

Measured / stated mass 13.95 / 14.3 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level Through traffic jams

The Siberian "Bear" firmly settled on the sixth place and according to the characteristics, and adjusted for the price. The backup capacity when buying was very small - apparently, the battery lay for a long time in stock. Typical situation: Sellers do not like to follow the batteries.

Approximate price 4100 rubles.

Capacity declared 60 A ∙ h

Claimed current 600 A.

Measured / stated mass 15.67 / 16.4 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level -

The battery honestly issued the promised, including solid 600 A. Path to a higher place blocked the price: expensive for the Russian article!

Electrolyte level control -

The winner of numerous examinations of past years today is experiencing not better than the best times. The brand went from our market, then returned again. Therefore, the fourth place is, of course, success. Note that the "medalist" pedestal did not allow too high the price.

Approximate price 3520 rub.

Capacity declared 63 Ah ∙ h

Claimed current550 A.

Measured / stated mass15.3 / 15.6 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level -

In the top three winners "Turkhanka" brought a relatively low price. If you judge only by electrical parameters, it would be fifth. But the ratio of price and quality helped bypassing competitors. However, this brand has always been in the leaderboard.

Approximate price 4550 rub.

Capacity declared 60 A ∙ h

Claimed current 540 A.

Measured / stated mass 14.78 kg / not specified

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level -

Two nominations won, three - silver. Without accounting, the price of Varta would be the first, because on the lobes of the point was ahead of the Tyumen battery. But the first-time difference in price pushed her in the end in second place.

Approximate price 3000 rub.

Capacity declared 64 A ∙ h

Claimed current590 A.

Measured / stated mass 16.6 / 17.2 kg

Gathering central

Control of electrolyte level Through traffic jams

"Sibiryachka" won in three nominations, in two there was the second. In the final for first place the battery brought the price tag - Varta is much more expensive. The remaining participants behind the parameters are quite strong. By the way, this is one of the most heavy batteries in our sample: without lead about gold dreams.

Test results *

Use the horizontal scroll to view the table in full.

* All estimates are given on a five-point scale (more - better).

** Domestic batteries are highlighted in color.

*** In brackets for reference, the initial reserve capacity of the batteries at the time of purchase is given. In the distribution of places, this parameter does not participate.

The average service life of the car battery is considered to be equal to 5 years. Of course, it depends on the set of factors, and first of all from the owner of the car. But sooner or later, anyone will have to change, and here a variety of proposals in stores can drive into a stupor. It is worth trying to figure out what now we can offer our industry in choosing a battery.

Types of batteries (AKB)

Scheme of lead-acid battery

The lead-acid battery device is simply: in each cell, two lead plates are in a solution of sulfuric acid. It has many advantages: cheap in the manufacture, is able to give a high current in a pulse mode, which when starting the engine is a critical factor, it is capable of carrying significant temperature differences. That is why so far in the automotive industry dominates this type of battery.

However, cons of the classic lead-acid battery is no less serious.

  1. Firstly, it is a significant gas formation, especially when recharging, which does not allow you to make batteries of this type with hermetic: during the coup, the strait of the caustic electrolyte is inevitable, its drops can be taken out and hydrogen itself, the explosive itself. Partially this problem is solved by complex labyrinth seals in the so-called "non-servant" batteries.
  2. Further, these batteries are extremely heavy: the plates are coated with lead sulfate crystals, their active area is reduced, and the crystals falling into the precipitate again exempt the lead to react with acid - the plate is irreversibly destroyed.
  3. And finally, the formation of hydrogen during charging is forced to regularly add distilled water into the battery, so it is important to know.

Video: Free Battery Varta Remote to the serviced

2. Unqualified batteries

In the maintenance-free battery, the modified composition of the plates is applied - the addition of calcium reduces the release of hydrogen to a minimum, and the calcium tall is the batteries during operation do not require. But, unlike classic batteries, they have become sensitive to reload: in the "pricked" ordinary battery can be added water, but the owners of the maintenance-free batteries are deprived of this possibility. In addition, in many batteries of this type, the volume of plates is reduced, which is why the resource suffers.

The choice is not "purely calcium" (CA / CA), but "hybrid" batteries (CA +), where positive electrodes are made of antimony lead and have an enlarged thickness - such batteries noticeably longer do not lose their container.

3. AGM batteries

The fight against the destruction of plates with a deep discharge led to the appearance of AGM batteries: they have a space between the plates filled with a sorbent impregnated with electrolyte. Naturally, the AGM battery plates can no longer be "crumbled", such batteries are much better than usual tolerate shocks and vibrations. The lack of risk of sweeping allows you to make the plates porous, and the increased area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the electrolyte is the growth of the tank and the starter current. But the risk of damage when recharging here is even higher.

4. Gel battery

The limit of development of AGM technology is, in which the electrolyte itself is thickened with silicon compounds. Their main dignity is the possibility of recoiling huge currents in impulse mode and insensitivity to a deep discharge, but pay for it is the highest price. Such batteries are usually used in tuning: as traction for winches, for powering powerful audio systems, due to a small weight, with sufficient capacity, installed on sports cars and motorcycles.

So, what battery then choose? The answer is simple: the owner of the old car, where the generator malfunction is quite likely, an increased discharge of a battery with a regular electrician, the classic battery is best suited - it will take a reload due to the relay regulator failure, can be recharged from the most primitive charger and after a deep discharge "reanimize" Powerful current pulses.

With regular maintenance, it will exceed the resource maintenance-free calcium, which is much better suitable New car. Consider the acquisition of an AGM battery is then when each ampere-hour capacity of the tank and amp of the starter current is important, for example, on Infiniti cars, where multi-liter motors are launched by compact batteries.

The gel battery is an expensive acquisition that will be justified only in cases where it really needs weight savings or maximum current consideration.

Video: 10 best batteries for cars


For a rough comparison of two batteries, it is convenient to operate with a cold scroll current, usually displayed according to EN standard: this number determines the current that the battery gives when cooling to -18 ° C with a maximum voltage decrease to 7.5V for 10 seconds. However, for real winter operating The concept is more important Backup capacity: The time that the battery can give the current fixed value. These characteristics are often polar: a battery that can give a high current in one pulse, quickly landed under constant load, while the battery with a smaller pulse current processing with a smaller probability will "die" from the ignition included in the interval between the starter scrolls.

Accumulator rating

From the most common batteries, let's try to choose the most best models 2016. To adequacy, the comparison will choose the battery of the most popular capacity - 65 amps-hours.

Classic lead acid batteries

The regular winner of the tests of various automotive editions does not boast of super-modern technologies, but it only benefits: thick plates guarantee good resourceThe battery demonstrates excellent current-cutting in the cold - and buyers choosing a budget battery, these parameters are most important. By the way, it is possible to approximately estimate the resource of the battery with simple weighing: lightweight thin plates are much more sensitive to sulfate and the effects of vibrations. "Tyumen", weighing almost 17 kilograms, may argue with famous brands that lead clearly save.

The minuses of the battery cannot be called critical: an uncomfortable handle (for its weight even seemingly loaf), the lack of "peeper" of the area - but, on the other hand, it can be elementary, reloading the cork.

Another domestic battery is more expensive than "Tyumen Premium", although according to the declared starter current is weaker (540 AG against 590). However, her weight is even more than 17 kilograms, which is a good application for a long-term resource - and according to the reviews of the owners of the battery truly withstands several years of work without significant deviations of the capacity or current of the cold scrolling.

From the disadvantages it is worth noting the lack of central ventilation: each battery bank "breathes" through its ventilation hole in the plug, contamination can lead to a swift or even a "shoot" of the plug during charge with a large current - for example, after chilling a car in winter. It is worth watching the cleanliness of the battery.

Unqualified calcium batteries

In terms of quality prices, these batteries do not hold confident leadership positions. In their production, only negative electrodes are docked by calcium, while positive are made from a classic anti-straw alloy. This, in turn, guarantees batteries an excellent resource even with frequent deep discharges, which confirms the practice.

For residents of the northern regions, the durability of the battery to the frost will be particularly relevant to the cold scrolling current, it can give a long time to confidently run a good engine.

The Turkish manufacturer in the tests most often turns out to be a stable "middle manner" - without showing leadership results by neither starter current, nor on the backup capacity in the cold, it can demonstrate worthy of respect for the constancy of the characteristics regardless of the party or year of issue. For the Calcium Silver series, this statement is more than fair - the purchase of this AKB guarantees confidence in its performance for several years without the need for any service. Add to this and quite a budget price. By the mass of Mutlu Lead, by the way, surpasses Varta almost half a kilogram.

AGM batteries

This battery line was designed specifically for vehicles with the start-stop system, where the batteries have often to give pulse currents of a large value and quickly fill out charge. Therefore, it is not surprising that ordinary cars In short trips around the city, it demonstrates excellent performance.

Winter tests The battery passes confidently: here the calculation on fast and frequent Tokotdach also works "on the hand": although with a long scrolling of the starter speed and fall, but after a small Pause Varta is able to twist the engine beyond many analogues from its price category. Even if you remember the added weight of the filler, the battery will also look solid on the scales - 17.6 kg: technology technologies, and without sufficient sizes and thickness of the plates to achieve such characteristics, it would not (and the stated starter current in 680 A for the battery capacity of 60 A * h is a record indicator).

The main disadvantage of this battery is the price that many buyers will scare away. However, in its characteristics it deserves attention, and first of all - on reserve capacity in winter: for vehicles with large engine volume, and especially diesel. The claimed current of the cold scroll here is 640 A, and the battery confidently performs the manufacturer's promises. By weight, the battery does not lose Varta, also being one of the most height in its class.

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