Home Food What a gel battery looks like. Batteries Gel car - pluses and cons. Gel battery: characteristics, pros and cons

What a gel battery looks like. Batteries Gel car - pluses and cons. Gel battery: characteristics, pros and cons

Engine modern car It consists of a variety of details that work as a single hour mechanism. However, so that they come to move, you need a certain push. This work is started by the starter.

Gasoline flammives in the cylinders, and the car comes into motion. Usually the energy system provides a generator. But when the car is worth it, this responsible mission falls on the battery.

As a result chemical reaction Electric current is formed, necessary for normal operation of the car. It feeds energy on-board network And ensures the operation of the air conditioner, heating the seats, the musical system, and so on.

What is a gel battery

Gel batteries for cars for the first time began to be used in the era of space development. They do not have equal in resistance to complete discharge. They are durable and wear-resistant. Complete tightness of the design guarantees gel. Any gas selection takes place in its pores. It was created due to the introduction of silicon dioxide into the composition of sulfuric acid.

Despite all these advantages - gel batteries for cars were not widespread. This paradox is associated with a lack of sufficiently powerful electrical equipment that is capable of providing a starting current of the desired power in a cold time.

Production technology, work process, design features

To better understand what a gel battery is for cars, consider the process of its creation:

  1. The electrolyte in the form of a gel is poured into the battery.
  2. There is a gradual shrinkage.
  3. Pores and cracks appear in the paste.

Gel battery for cars Works due to recombination. In the final stage of charging on positive plates, oxygen occurs. Through the pores it hits negative plates. Electrons are converted to ions that interact with protons of type H +. The final result of the chemical reaction is water.

The process is completely closed. Because of this, the gel batteries for the car do not need to top up the liquid. Batteries have special valves. They are opened in the event of overpressure.

All designs of gel batteries are similar to each other. Of course, each company is trying to introduce its own technologies that increase the characteristics of devices, but still the overall structure of the devices intended for the car consists of such elements:

  1. The hull of impact-resistant and refractory metal.
  2. Latches made from lead.
  3. Positive electrodes of shell type.
  4. Negative namaz type electrodes.
  5. Pole conclusion.
  6. Microscopic separator with internal gas recombination.
  7. Sulfuric acid solution in the form of a gel.

Depending on the internal configurations, such parameters of the gel battery are determined, as a service life, a range of portable temperatures and so on.


These devices arose much later than their acid analogues and have some undeniable advantages, including:

Also, gel batteries for cars are unlikely to be isolated when charging acid gases. So, are absolutely safe for ecology. Moreover, even if the housing is damaged, the gel will not follow out.

The main advantage of GEL technology is its complete self-sufficiency. After installing the device on the car no longer need to think about refueling or acid level.


Despite the obvious advantages, the technology has its drawbacks:

  • intolerance of severe frosts;
  • high price;
  • high current sensitivity.

During charging, current supply must be stable, otherwise the main drive is melted.

How to charge

These devices are completely self-sufficient. Nevertheless, incorrect operation or a long simple can lead to evaporation of electrolyte and charge loss. To understand whether to charge the gel battery with your own hands, remove the battery and check the residual voltage, the indicator should be not lower than 9 V. The charging process consists of such steps:

When the voltage reaches 12.5-13.3 V, the device will be fully charged. While charging the gel battery for the car carefully follow the size of the charge. A small excess can spoil the item.

How to charge a gel battery on a scooter

Quite often, such devices are installed on scooters. This is due to practicality and convenience. Nevertheless, no wonder leads to discharge. The charging process is not very complex. Everything can be done with your own hands:

  1. Buy a charger for sealed lead gel batteries with the ability to adjust the current strength.
  2. Turn off the scooter.
  3. Put charging by 10 percent of the similar part of the part (the parameters are written on the housing).

Usually charging takes about 10-12 hours. To prevent such a situation, you need to use the multimeter more often. It helps to determine the size of the charge.

Tip! With a proper skill set, you can make a charger for gel batteries with your own hands.

Restoration of gel batteries

After long time downtime, the auto owners are wondering how to restore the gel battery? Usually they are trying to charge it, when nothing happens, the cores of recovery comes.

Important! In order not to spend time on a useless charging, always check the voltage. If it fell below 9 V - without restoring it is not necessary.

At first, the recovery process resembles a conventional charging. You break up the glued top cover and remove the valves caps. Along topping the water, covering the surface of the plates. Excess fluid is removed by a syringe.

Return all the valve caps in place and cover them with a lid. Put some cargo on top. When connecting to K. charger voltage should be at least 15 in. The main difference from the usual charging is the term. To restore the outstanding detail, you will need at least 15-20 hours.

If you see that the battery does not consume the current, it means that for further restoration of the gel battery, it will be necessary to increase the voltage to 20 V.

Attention! After increasing the power, do not leave the item unattended. Once the battery starts charging - there is a risk of overheating.

To rock the device, give a battery for cars to charge, and then discharge it. Do it alternately. The first cycle recommended voltage is 30 V, in the last 14. For discharge, use a light bulb at 5-10 V. The battery voltage should not fall below 10.5 V.

A warning! Apply the "Rashchka" technique only if the traditional recovery does not help.

Just described the most effective techniques that answer the question how to properly charge the gel battery during the recovery process?

Repair of gel batteries

If the cause of damage gel car battery It became high voltage - without repair it is not necessary. The thing is that inside the device gel electrolyte begins to bubble and fall behind the plates. As a result, everything that owner can make is to hold repair work.

Unfortunately, the chemical composition of the gel is patented, and its complete structure is not disclosed. Nevertheless, there is one trick. It is necessary to place the car detail in the vacuum chamber and add a few drops of liquid electrolyte.

Attention! The spreading should be uniform!

After the pressure is normalized by the electrolyte fill all empties and you can try to charge. How to charge the gel battery you already know.

Naturally, buying a vacuum chamber is very expensive pleasure. That is why, if such a breakdown occurs, it is better to contact a highly qualified center.

Technical characteristics of gel batteries

Gel batteries may have different specifications depending on the modification, destinations and manufacturer's company. Nevertheless, you can withdraw the reference parameters, based on the requirements of the domestic owners of the car:

  • Range of operating temperatures from -50 to +60.
  • Climatic performance y, second placement category.
  • Service life of 8-10 years.
  • Capacity from 12 to 200 and above Ah.

Devices must comply with Gostas 15150 and 15543.1. There are two main technologies for creating devices like AGM and GEL. Special attention Depend the gel traction batteries that meet the standard EN 60254-2. Their charge level should never fall below 20%.


This article with the following facts and figures accurately answers the question of which battery is better gel or acidic? Modern technologies allow you to create devices that require minimum of care, differ in high reliability and long service life. The choice for cars with good electronics is obvious.

After my article, questions were sprinkled about the second more perfect type, as you probably have already guessed the electrolyte in the form of "gel" inside, many consider it to install on your car and to replace the regular battery, but scare prices. People want to know more about such batteries, namely, their advantages and minuses. Maybe the game is just not worth the candle. And really in Gel technology, despite its commitment, there are a number of shortcomings, about it today more ...

Let's remember how the usual acid battery - This is a hermetic case, divided usually into six compartments, in which they are immersed in the package of lead plates (positive and minus). So that they start producing electricity, they are poured with electrolyte, later charge - it contributes to the accumulation of charge. But this design has long been outdated! If only because it can not always start the engine in the frost, it may not be enough trite, and it can, if it can hit minus temperatures.

About technologyGEL

This technology stepped far ahead, if not switched on the link to the top, then I repeat here a little:

  • There is no liquid electrolyte in it, the gel option is used here (simply "gel"), based on silicon dioxide. It is poured between the plates and serves as a peculiar dielectric (which keeps them from closure), the electrolyte in it is located both in the sponge (if you extend strongly), it is fed to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe elements.

  • It is worth noting that the gel also does not give the plates to collapse, he, as it were, keeps them from sickness.
  • It applies here, with a low resistance, which makes it possible to quickly charge the gel battery and quickly discharge it.
  • The battery is not the maintenanceable - it is impossible to disassemble it! It inside has its own microclimate and special gas that protects the plates from oxidation and improves work by 100%. Of course, if you destroy the housing and disrupt the tightness, the battery will not completely die, but it will decrease it, according to various testimony by 30%. Also decrease and service life.

Such ankb at the maximum does not require intervention "from outside" - no need to measure the density of the electrolyte, you do not need to unscrew some plugs and watch the level of electrolytic fluid inside, here it is all unnecessary. We simply put and "correctly" we use for the entire service life of the car - these are certainly undoubted advantages.

A few words about gel - electrolyte

You know, many ask me - what is this gel? How is the electrolyte in it? Or is it myself gel - electrolyte?

To be honest - the information in free access is not so much, it is possible to understand the principle, but it is a commercial secret, but something I managed to find.

In these batteries, an ordinary acidic electrolyte is used - only it "locked" in the gel, as I have already stressed above (the basis of silica dioxide).

If the design is disassembled to the components, it becomes clear:

This is a kind of "sponge" in which the electrolytic fluid is located, but it is locked there, that is, it can not evaporate, can not frozen, etc. But it perfectly adjacent to the batches of the battery, which gives protection and fast charge is a certain plus.

With this liquid figured out, although the information may not be 100 percent, but the essence remains as follows. Still, if infa would be in public domain - our market would simply poured Chinese gel batteries, but now there is no such "boom", it means so far the mystery.

prosGel batteries

These advantages of this technology are really a lot, I would even say - that this is "really a breakthrough", I have already listed some positive moments, but I repeat once again, I still have to postpone my brain:

  • Absolutely maintenanceable technology - you do not need to climb there, and without you well.
  • The gel between the plates, which holds the electrolyte is a dielectric, and shredding protection.
  • No electrolyte evaporation, it is always in the gel - how the producers are written producers is recombined back inside.
  • Therefore, it is possible to use at least in the car, even at least at home in systems of alternative energy supply, because hydrogen and oxygen will not destroy.
  • Sturdy construction - you can put on the side, and even though upside down (although manufacturers are not recommended).
  • Another plus is pure lead in the design, it has a smaller internal resistance, it means fast charge.
  • But the discharge is fast, can give big launch currents. Plus, this - in this winter, the car starts almost always (if the engine and battery are idle).
  • Increased service life - let's say, if you compare with conventional acid acb, then the difference can reach three times. That is, the usual works on average two to three years, gel 6 - 10 years.

  • Resistant to deep discharges, withstands up to 400 zero cycles (discharged in zero), for comparison, normal - no more than 20 - 30 cycles.
  • And indeed, the number of discharge cycles - charges more than standard "acids" at 5 - 10 times, if compared with AGM, 2 to 3 times.
  • In idle mode, it can be saved for a very long time, for example, for the year discharged by 15 - 20%.

If we translate the pros in the plane of the usual language, it turns out - "It seems to be reliably," does not require knowledge on batteries, put and forgot! It's like that? But not quite - there are cons and some can just kill your super - battery in a matter of months.

Cons of gel batteries

Why do these super technologies do not get such widespread, because if you believe the rules of manufacturers, then they are at least three times more efficient than ordinary acb, but not everything is so simple in our harsh conditions.

  • The very first minus, about which these options are still "screaming" is the price. Unreally high, start from 15 - 16000 rubles. For such money, standard batteries can buy 3 or 4 pieces.
  • Accurate charge! This is another negative situation, such batteries react very significantly by reload. Your generator regulator relay must produce from 14 to 16 volt (maximum) if the relay of the regulator "covered" - then the charging will constantly go to the battery, with great indicators, even 17vt will be enough, which will just kill the battery. As it happens - the gel that is inside, starts to melting as "snow", but he is already "not able to recover", respectively, the loss of electrolyte, and indeed failure. So, such Akb, I would not put on our old vases, in which the regulator relay breaks quite often.
  • Again, a heavy frost, also destroyed for gel. At temperatures from minus 30 degrees, it loses its abilities - becomes fragile, it also can't keep electrolyte with all the "resulting". Quickly fail.
  • Some owners so as not to soak their "gel - type", put special electronics on terminals, which tracks rearments, and turns them off if they occur. That is, a kind of dubl relay-regulator, but more accurate and advanced. It is not cheap, and this can also be attributed to the cons.

So do you need such a type of battery?

The question is rhetorical - depending on what you use it. If you have a new cool foreign car, there are extra 15 - 20 thousand, the regulator relay works like a clock, colds in your region "Radiating" was not - then why not?

Gel acb today is a promising direction for the development of autonomous power sources. High output currents, large capacities, excellent electrochemical and physical characteristics - all this refers to gel batteries. Many motorists have already appreciated their advantages. Let's see what the gel reviews about them are positive in most part positive. But are these batteries so good? Let's find out and find out.

What is a gel battery?

In general, gel accumulators are the same lead acid elements. However, there are several differences in which all the advantages of the data of the AKB are determined. In the gel battery there are lead plates and electrolyte. However, the electrolyte is not liquid, but in the form of a gel.

The market presents a gel battery for a car of two species - made by AGM and GEL-technology. Consider each in more detail.

AGM technology: features

The main difference between AGM from an ordinary acid battery is the absence inside the electrolyte located in a liquid state. Between the positive and negative lead plates are special layouts-insulators based on the finest glass fiber and paper fibers. Interestingly, this material has pores. The electrolyte is in this laying. The amount of gel inside the battery is enough so that it filled fine pores. At the same time, large holes must be empty so that the gases allocated during the battery process can be circulated inside them.

The gel battery for the car also includes a system designed for gases recombination. As a result of chemical processes, oxygen and hydrogen are formed. Thanks to this system, the gases do not have time to get out of the battery to connect again and turn into water. Lead plates are tightly compressed.

Advantages of gel AGM batteries

These batteries are much better than analogues withstand elevated loads. The main problem of ordinary batteries is to significantly reduce the resource due to high electrical load. After all, B. modern car Electricity consumers are much larger than before.

There is another important advantage that are distinguished by gel batteries for cars. Ownership reviews suggest that the battery is allowed to discharge up to 40% and lower. You can "fine" the battery even completely - there will be no serious reduction in the resource. The battery of the traditional design at discharges is lower than half, will be seriously damaged. The container will quickly fall up to 20%. It is no longer restored. If you discharge the gel battery for the car completely, nothing will happen to him. The battery is withstanding about 200 cycles in this mode of operation. When discharge, 50% of the battery can withstand up to 500 cycles. With 30% - to 800. The battery life is 5 years. AGM is the most budget Akb among gels. But this is not the limit. There are models that do not lose their performance for 10 years. User feedback This has repeatedly confirmed.

Since inside the plate body and separator are tightly compressed, the device is much better withstanding vibrations and mechanical shock loads, which significantly suffer from the acid-lead acb on domestic roads. Due to this, the life of the gel battery is significantly higher.

It is practically not suffering due to temperature drops and can be effectively operated even at low indicators. The operating temperature range is from -40 to +70 degrees. Inside the battery there is no water, which in the usual device freezes and expands. Therefore, many drivers choose gel batteries for cars. Reviews show that the service life is really higher. And the battery works regularly even in the harsh conditions of the northern regions.

GEL battery

These batteries are still a large resource of work. In some cases, they can be charged / discharge up to a thousand times, while the device does not lose its capacity. Many people think that GEL is helium. However, it is not. This is the gel. In this design, silica gel is used as a separator between lead plates. They are still at the stage of manufacturing the battery, all free space in the housing is falling asleep. When the silica gel proceeds to the maximum solid state, pores are formed in it. In the latter there will be an electrolyte in the form of a gel.

Advantages of GEL technology

Since in these batteries, almost all the place between the plates occupies silica gel, then the risks of sinking are reduced almost to a minimum. It has a positive effect on operation. Even more - due to such a design, they have improved significantly general characteristics Akb, which has reflected well on the resource and the number of charges / discharge cycles. Also, the battery is better withstanding deep discharges.

In general, the nominal terms of the operation of such batteries are not very different from the AGM versions, but the number of cycles here is higher than 50%. If you speak available, then the battery can withstand up to 350 charges / discharges with a 100% discharge, up to 550 cycles - by discharge half, as well as to 1200 - with a discharge depth by a third. This is a very good indicator that repeatedly confirm the reviews. Due to its design, the data of the AKB is less susceptible to sulfate. This means that AKB can be left charged during a couple of days and more. All these advantages can confirm those who already use gel batteries for cars. Feedback show that the battery fully fulfills its declared resource in 5 years. And if this is a product high-quality brandThe service life can be higher.

Gel Akb: Advantages and Disadvantages

Among the advantages of such batteries, high starting currents, tightness, lack of need for maintenance, life time. The disadvantages include low resistance to recharging, weak resistance to negative temperatures, fairly high prices, the need for high-quality electronics in the car.

So, is it worth buying gel batteries for cars? The pros and cons are very attractive, and there are less disadvantages. But not every battery is able to withstand the harsh Russian climatic conditions. To install such an AkB electrician car must support special charge modes. For domestic cars, this is a serious problem, because even with a serviceable relay controller, the voltage jumps from 13 to 16 V. But if the battery is installed in new foreign car, it is a good and right choice.

How to charge?

The market is not so often there are gel batteries. Most drivers buying such a product do not know how to charge the car's gel battery. But from this resource directly depends.

To charge such ankb, you must have special devices designed to work with gel batteries. In the process of charge, it is important that the maximum value of the voltage is supplied to the battery. If you exceed the border, the battery will fail.

In the documentation for the batteries, the manufacturer indicates the allowable stresses for a specific ACB. For example, gel batteries for Bosch cars can be charged at maximum values \u200b\u200bfrom 14.3 to 14.5 V. This condition must be strictly observed, otherwise it will not be possible to try out all the benefits of the battery.

Features of charging

It is necessary to purchase a charger that corresponds to the type of acB. The memory is not suitable for here. Charge voltage for each battery is different. Therefore, high voltage filed on AGM will provoke boiling.

Temperature compensation must match the values \u200b\u200bof a particular battery. If there is no thermocomponation in the charging equipment, it may cause a reloading and reducing the resource.

The memory must issue correct currents. Even powerful gel batteries for cars 90a are very sensitive to sharp voltage drops. The charging process should be monitored and only under clearly defined values.


Batteries are different. Gel - more reliable, they are not afraid of low temperatures and can be in a state of deep discharge for a long time. But the price of such acB is three times more expensive than ordinary acid analogues. Despite this, the modern motorist chooses gel batteries for cars. As they serve, it depends on how to exploit them. But the resource is much more ordinary battery. It should be noted that only the manufacturer's warranty ranges from 5 to 10 years.

Lead-acid acb are more common than alkaline analogs. For example, there are batteries of this type on cars. But only units are familiar with gel batteries. Since they appeared on sale relatively recently, then count on objective user reviews or at least some statistics do not have.

In this article, the author offers a detailed reader outlined in an accessible analysis of all features, characteristics, advantages and minuses of gel acmulators. Based on such a review, it is easy to understand that it is plus in the graph, and what moments are positioning as minus samples of this type.

The correct name is the gel battery, from the word "gel". And the helium battery (which is sometimes found in the texts) - no more than a spelling error.

General information about gel batteries

Not knowing features gel batteriesAll the rest will be difficult to understand, as well as appreciate their advantages, minuses and feasibility of installation on a personal car.

What is the difference between traditional batteries and gel?

In our usual lead-acid acb conductive medium is electrolyte (). This is the name of a solution (aqueous) of sulfuric acid, which is also purchased, or prepared independently. In the batteries of gels, it is present, but in other consistency - in the form of a jelly-like mass. Here is it, they are called gel, that is, a two-component medium characterized by specific properties.

Varieties of gel battery

The difference is in production technology.

GEL. The electrolytic mass is introduced with silica, which contributes to its "thickening" and turning into jelly.

AGM. Constructive performance of such gel batteries is different. The so-called separators are placed between the battery electrodes, which are manufactured on the basis of fiberglass. This material is porous, which means it holds the solution and does not allow it to be spread through volume. As a result, it turns out like jelly and is achieved by an identical effect.



No service required. What is a decrease in the level of electrolyte in lead-acid batteries, the need to search and tall water (not anyone, and distilled) know everything. When using gel batteries, all these problems are removed.

Small damage to the housing does not lead to a rapid battery output. Again, comparing with traditional batteries. Even the microscopic crack causes the "drying" of the battery, since the electrolyte simply implies. For gel samples, such damage is not critical due to the thick consistency of the conductive medium.

Gas recombination is almost 100% (for AGM batteries; GEL models are slightly lower than). What does it give? First, they do not go out, and there is no need to constantly monitor the purity of the diffusion hole. It was their pollution that was one of the main reasons why old-type batteries literally exploded.

Secondly, gases, "hidden" in the pores of separators, when charging, the battery is involved in the process, thereby maintaining its energy intensity at a constant level. No wonder manufacturers guarantee about 400 charging / discharge cycles gel models.

Thirdly, during the storage period of such self-discharge current batteries, almost on the zero level. Calculations show that loss of tank, even under the most adverse conditions, not more than 18 - 20%.

  • The lack of risk of sprinkling plates. Weighing plus, if we consider that this is one of the main "sores" of ordinary batteries.
  • Long service life. In gel accumulators, it is about 2.5 - 3 times higher than that of lead-acid (up to 12-4 years).
  • Preservation of performance at any position. In the usual battery on steep shutters / lines, the electrolyte can partially splash.
  • Starting current high. Consequently, problems with the launch of the engine, under any conditions (for example, with severe frosts), it is usually no (ideally). Next, there is an explanation to this item.


Sensitivity to the parameters of the supply network. That is why there will be a special charge for gel batteries, and it will not be possible to install them. If the "iron horse" was originally equipped with usual, lead-acid battery, together with the acquisition of gel, you will have to mount and include an intermediate block in the chain.

The need to continuously monitor the degree of charge of the battery. For lead-acid analogues, this is not so relevant, but for gel batteries is of great importance. Excess charge in many cases is detrimental, up to the body break. The process of boiling electrolyte proceeds in a different way than in conventional batteries. Many bubbles are formed, which can subsequently transform into one large. And this is a sharp increase in pressure inside the battery.

The problem is solved by simply - installing the reset valve. The nuance is that it is not all models of gel batteries. And now if it is not, then the car owner is one "headache" becomes more.

The dependence of the service life from the correctness of the relay controller. Large voltage jumps provoke accelerated plates oxidation. EN / capacity is reduced, the battery charge time increases - these are the basic consequences of the negative impact of this device.

The fact is that the parameters of most relays lie within the limits (voltage, c) 13 - 16. And the gel begins to collapse already when the value is exceeded at 14.5. And this process is irreversible, therefore, it will not be possible to restore the electrolyte.

Gel battery must be insulated. The constant effect of low temperatures does not effectively affect its durability. Thoroughly, the gel changes its main characteristics. First of all, it sharply reduces the EN / capacity of the battery, and with the launch of the machine, stood all night under the window, there will be big problems. Therefore, in addition to the battery itself, you will have to purchase and the device for heating it.

High price. For example, AKB (AGM) is 95 a / h worth about 17,000 rubles, while its lead acid analogue is within 6,000 - 7,000 thousand.

Taking into account the peculiarities of our climate, as well as some "capriciousness" gel batteries, to rush to change their lead-acid batteries on them is hardly advisable. Especially since the e-diagram of most budget models of the car for connecting them is not adapted. But this is the opinion of the author. What is your reader, based on the information provided? Decide yourself.

Batteries are the most different types, appointments, they differ in their composition, technical characteristics and other parameters.

What batteries are

The accumulator batteries for cars are divided into:

  • alkaline or salt, as an electrolytic carrier performs a solution of alkali;
  • acid, works on sulfuric acid.

These are the most common types of batteries used in cars over the past decades.

Gel rechargeable battery can be found in many specialized stores

The third type is calcium batteries. The disadvantage of such devices is that they have a very small capacity of self-charge, but small in overall dimensions. In this type, calcium is actively used. The price is quite high due to complexity in production.

Absolutely all types of batteries are served, not serviced and small serviced.

Another variety of batteries - gel battery for car . Such batteries appeared on the automotive spare parts market more recently. The development and implementation of gel batteries of industrial and domestic applications has long ago, but they have not yet been made for machines.

  • The serviced batteries are poured with electrolytic liquid (electrolyte) and charged current directly at the factory. Such a battery is ready for operation immediately after purchase. Nowadays, there are few models of this type on the market, although earlier such an technique was the advanced in the automotive industry. This type of battery needs constant care and maintenance, topping the water and the elegant, constant recharging. Here it is possible to replace each block of plates separately. The shelf life of the non-operated battery can not be more than twelve months.
  • Not served batteries similar to the principle of action with the option described above, but have several differences. Since the battery case is closed, the entire liquid and condensate do not go out. Boxes here is not possible here, it is impossible to fill in liquids inside. Intended such batteries for very soft conditions car operation.
  • Low-service (dried) batteries. They are the most common types of batteries in today's markets. Have huge the lineup And flexible enough price policies. It is similar to the two previous versions of batteries and has fuel necks over each "can". There is the ability to control the level and topping of electrolytic fluids.

Gel battery: pros and cons

The principle of action of a conventional lead battery is the system of installed vertical lead plates impregnated with electrolytic liquid - sulfuric acid. So that the plates do not receive a short circuit, special plastic dielectrics are placed between them. They are made in the form of conventional plates, which have the ability to prevent the penetration through their surface of electrical energy. Each such boxing is separately, the car owners call the "can".

If these boxes are connected by a sequential scheme according to the scheme, the battery is obtained. The gel battery contains completely different components, and works on another principle of action.

If earlier it was possible to choose a battery for its main characteristics, now the choice is made in the type of execution. Gel batteries contain lead high-quality cleaning, which increases the characteristics several times.

As part of gel batteries - rolled fiberglass separators and plates from the above lead. Thus, the surface area of \u200b\u200bplates impregnated with electrolytic liquid increases. As a result, the current strength and battery capacity increases. Another advantage of the gel accumulator is that instead of a liquid electrolyte, a gel composition is flooded, which is the same electrolyte. It does not destroy the plates, and there is no evaporation into the atmosphere. This gives extension of the battery life for a long time.

Such a gel produces only two firms in Germany with a patent for this composition. Absolutely all battery manufacturers are purchased gel only in these corporations. This makes the production of gel batteries costly.

The case of these batteries is very durable. Cases are known when the cracked battery is stuck and used for a long time.

With long-term storage of the gel battery, it does not fail, and easily charges to one hundred percent. The charge time of such devices is very low - about two hours.

The temperature mode is from minus sixty degrees Celsius, to the same indicator with a plus sign. At extreme temperatures, there is no emergency discharge or other battery malfunctions. Gel batteries, with all their longevity, do not require any maintenance, remaining fully efficient over long years. It is withstanding three times more charge cycles - discharge than previous types of batteries.

The last weighty advantage of the gel battery is the ability not to highlight any gases, which expands the scope of application from cars to electrification of country houses.

Of the minuses it can be noted that the prices for gel batteries are two, three times higher than that of the counterparts. Does not withstand recharging - you need to follow the charge indicator. High price, this is a temporary phenomenon. After a few years, prices will decline, and to buy a gel battery can afford every motorist.


The development tendency of the production technology of gel battery batteries of automotive destination tells us that in the very near future it will ous out all versions of electrical energy drives from the car spare parts around the world. Having a lot of advantages over the predecessors, such devices will become much more efficient and economically more expedient.

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