Home Transmission Schedule 12 buses Grodno. Bus schedule and trolley buses Grodno. How to make a safe safe

Schedule 12 buses Grodno. Bus schedule and trolley buses Grodno. How to make a safe safe

Hello! How can we help you?

Bus / trolleybus / tram deviated from the schedule

According to the rules road transport Passengers approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 30.06.2008 No. 972, with urban transport of passengers, deviations from the schedule from -5 to +3 min are allowed.

More significant delays in time may occur due to transport congestion, complex road conditions, etc.

You can contact a question in the bus, trolleybus or tram park of your city.

Bus / trolleybus / tram did not come

We are a reference site and do not carry the responsibility for keeping the schedule by drivers.

Often the lack of transport is associated with a breakdown or road situation in the city. You can contact a question in the bus, trolleybus or tram park of your city.

There is also a possibility that the schedule was changed and on the site is irrelevant. You can tell us this if the stop is indicated different from our schedule. We will immediately check and make a change that other people would not get into your situation.

Thank you for your help!

The site indicates the wrong schedule

If you revealed that the site is displayed on the site the wrong schedule is displayed, then email us about it [Email Protected]website or click on the "Other" point at the end of the list of questions to cause the contact form of the site.

! Make sure you are not mistaken:

Users often browse the schedule of transport in the opposite direction of the following from the necessary, which misleads them.

I lost things in urban transport, help!

Do not worry, we get a few letters on this topic every day. Good news is that you (or your child) are not alone in this misfortune;)

To search for your items, you need to turn to the dispatcher of the bus / trolleybus park of your city.

Railway: I did not come to the post office, what to do?

  1. Check the Spam folder on your mailbox.
  2. If mail is empty, but you received an SMS with the order number, then log in to. If the purchase is completed successfully, then there will be your ticket and the opportunity to pass / cancel electronic registration. If you have committed several purchases, then a separate office is created for each order number.
  3. Perhaps the payment was not passed, check your account for rejected transactions or returned funds.
  4. In case the problem is not solved, send the order number to the mail [Email Protected]website, or click on the last item of this window "Other" about Leave your message.

The actual bus schedule and trolley buses in Grodno saves a lot of time that is spent on the expectation of public transport.

The site is intended for residents of the city and its guests. Thanks to us, you can competently distribute time, and know exactly how much will arrive in the right part of the city.

Grodno - One of the regional cities of Belarus with many roads and a large population. Each resident can take advantage of public transport to get from one point to another for a small fee.

Public transport routes

To date, about 80 bus routes and trolley buses go around the city. They cover almost all the streets of the city, so each resident has the opportunity to take advantage of the budget trip.

Actual bus schedule and trolley buses Grodno

On average, the route movement interval is 10-30 minutes (depends on the site of the running).

How does public transport work?

It goes according to the established schedule, starting from 5-6 o'clock in the morning and ending at 22.00-01.00 (depends on the route and day of the week).

How to make a safe safe

The input and exit is carried out through any open door. The exceptions make up the express routes, the input and exit to which occurs only through the door near the driver.

Payment is performed by breaking the coupon in the composter.

Ticket price

Buses and trolley buses of Grodno Ride according to the schedule throughout the day. The cost of one trip is 0.50 kopecks (at stops) and 0.55 kopecks (driver). In express routes, travel is paid by the driver.

It is advantageous to buy travel tickets on working days, decade, half months, month. Thanks to them, you can ride public transport an unlimited number of times.


Penalty for billarous passage in the bus and trolleybus is 0.5 basic magnitude. When paying a fine, it is obliged to write down the appropriate receipt on the basis of a document certifying the identity.

Our service with the schedule of buses and trolleybuses Grodno was created in order for each resident to easily focus in the city and managed to public transport. The service is available around the clock from any device (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone).

Appreciate personal time and use actual schedule Buses and trolley buses in Grodno, find the right route by the name of the stop and the transport number, always have time!

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