Home Generator Starline A9 Autorun Programming. Alarm STARLINE A9 - instruction manual, detailed overview. Emergency shutdown of security regime

Starline A9 Autorun Programming. Alarm STARLINE A9 - instruction manual, detailed overview. Emergency shutdown of security regime

One of the common ways to protect car are alarm. One of these systems is Staline A9, the operating instructions for which is considered below. To date, the alarm is removed from production, but still found on sale.


Security measures

Automotive alarms are installed on vehicleswhich are sources of danger increased level. According to the rules road The driver has the right to leave a car without supervision only subject to ensuring machine motionlessness.

When using the Starline TWAGE A9 system in autorun mode, the following rules should be remembered:

  1. Install the machine on the open space, providing intensive ventilation and removal exhaust gases in atmosphere.
  2. Parking brake, which will ensure the fixability of the car during automatic warming up power aggregatemust be in good condition.
  3. The speed switch lever must be set to the parking position (for automatic) or neutral (for mechanical).
  4. To ensure an automatic start-up on a manual box, follow the procedure for installing the "software neutral", which is described below.
  5. It is forbidden to transfer the keychains of the management of children or persons unfamiliar to the features of the alarms with automatic start.
  6. It is not recommended to perform autorun in the presence of people in front or back of the machine (subject to visual contact with the car).
  7. Despite the presence of the "software neutral" function, it is not recommended to include autorun on machines with mechanical box In the absence of visual contact and find the signal receiver outside the remote control radius.
  8. When using the system automatic launch And the warm-up must support the levels of working fluids and the good condition of the microclimate system in the cabin. For more intensive warm-up of the cabin, it is recommended to install air circulation mode.

Equipment A9.

The Tweez A9 alarm package includes:

  • central control processor located in a plastic case;
  • transceiver with integrated antenna and temperature measurement sensor in the cabin;
  • the main keychain (provides two-way communications and equipped with a display);
  • auxiliary key chain (without display, calculated for a smaller distance of one-sided coupling);
  • additional sensor to determine the temperature in the engine compartment;
  • shocking sensor with two sense of sensitivity;
  • the indicator, with which the state of the system is visually determined;
  • setup key (VALET) assembly with wiring harness;
  • a separate button to activate the anti-label function when trying toft;
  • terminal switch on the hood;
  • wiring harnesses;
  • technical documentation.

Composition kit


The main parameters of the STARLINE A9 model:

  • operating frequency of keyfobs - 433.92 MHz;
  • the radius of the main control panel is not more than 600 m;
  • the distance reception of the pager signals is mostly keychain - no more than 1200 m;
  • the radius of the additional keyfob is about 15 m;
  • the temperature of the main unit is from minus 40º C to plus 85º C;
  • system supply voltage - within 9 ... 18 V.

The radius of the control panels and chapel of the Twage can decline depending on the number of factors:

  • installation locations of antenna in the car;
  • mutual location of the receiver and transmitter;
  • weather conditions;
  • battery status in the car and keychain;
  • interference;
  • building density.

The control circuits are designed for various values \u200b\u200bof the current strength, which are shown in the table:

In the design of the main unit there is a single printed circuit board on which the microprocessor of the control and conclusions to all executive sites are located.

Using car alarm

Starline A9 system is used to prevent car hijacking and can ensure control of multiple areas.

These zones are listed below:

  • motor - protects from start using a special electronic block;
  • open elements of the body - with the help of standard or additional terminats;
  • lever manual brakes - It has a shutdown protection connected to a regular switch.

In the system itself, several protection steps are applied:

  1. In the control scheme, a dynamically changing code signal is applied, protected from interception. Thanks to the constant change in the code, the selection is impossible.
  2. When the power source is disconnected, the system remembers the state.
  3. It is possible to turn off the sound siren without turning off the security.

In addition to listed data, there are many functions in A9 TWAGE, which are described in detail in the instruction manual.

Functions of keyfob control

To control a number of system parameters, regular key rings are used. Mostly keychain has a sound and vibrating alarm that is used when setting up the system or when receiving information.

Video from the Canal Raccoon and Panda demonstrates the programming of the key fob on the A9 system.


Both key products operate at 433.92 MHz and are equipped with replaceable power elements:

  • aAA battery in the main device;
  • lithium element type CR2032 in optional.

During operation, it is necessary to periodically replace the elements of nutrition and prevent the fluid from entering the key fobs. In the case of wetches, the keychain is recommended to disassemble and dry. For the system it is possible to purchase additional transmitters that are offered by the manufacturer as an option.

Purpose buttons

On the main key chain there are three buttons, some of which can be programmed to manage individual functions. For buttons, short-term pressures are applicable (about 0.5 sec.) And long-term (approximately 3 sec. And for some functions - 6).

Button designation on the main key chain

With the help of clicking K1 possible:

  • enabling system (short);
  • direct engine turning on and off in autorun mode (long);
  • the inclusion of protection for the engineered motor (long);
  • finding a car (short, consistently with short pressing K2);
  • the inclusion of panic regime (long-term, consistently with long-term pressing K2).

CO2 Available Control:

  • confirmation of the command selected using the cursor (short);
  • opening of the trunk lock (long).

Button K3 allows you to:

  • move the cursor on the display to select a function (short);
  • disable the keyfob signal message (short);
  • setting various parameters in keychain (long);
  • programming the function of the button 1 (long for 6 seconds);
  • control of the alert system in the keychain (short, consistently with a short press of K1);
  • installing a timer (short, sequentially with short pressing K2).

The additional keychain is equipped with four buttons that allow you to manage most functions. Used only short (0.5 seconds) or only long (3 sec) pressing.

Additional key chain and buttons on it

The K1D button is used for the following manipulations:

  • enabling and turning off the security mode (short);
  • control of an additional channel number 3 (long);
  • inclusion of panic regime (short, together with short pressing K2D);
  • controlling the work of the impact fixation sensor (short or long, together with a similar press of K3D);
  • activation of the service regime (pressing 0.5 or 3 seconds, together with a similar effect on K4D).

Button K2D allows you to:

  • enable and disable the engine (short);
  • increase the engine interval (long);
  • include the protection system for the engine running (long);
  • activation of autorun at a temperature (short or long press, consistent with K3D);
  • enabling the daily autorun mode (pressing 0.5 or 3 seconds, together with K4D).

The remaining buttons are applied in situations:

  • search for cars in the parking lot (K3D, short-term pressing);
  • opening of the castle on the trunk lid (K3D, long press);
  • silent inclusion and disable system (K4D, short);
  • work with an additional channel number 2 (K4D with long press);
  • run the anti-label mode (short pressing on K3D, which is performed with a similar effect on K4D);
  • recording parameters when programming key fob (prolonged Pressing K3D, sequentially with K4D).


A monochrome liquid crystal display is placed on the main key chain, which displays the main parameters of the system. When you turn on the function, an appropriate character or pictogram on the display is started. All possible characters are shown in the photo.

Symbols on key fob

Twelve square icons are located in the lower row, which indicate the following (from A to L):

  • activation of anti-grabers;
  • mode of operation of channel number 3;
  • automatic start by data from the temperature sensor in the engine compartment;
  • daily launch;
  • launch from keyfob;
  • silent mode of operation of the system;
  • standard mode of operation with lilac;
  • shutdown of the shock power sensor;
  • tuning mode;
  • indication of the vehicle check mode and obtain data on the temperature in the cabin;
  • mode of operation of an additional channel number 2;
  • enable channel remote control Castle trunk.

A more detailed description of each icon is given in the article manual.

In addition, there are several dozen characters on the display, which is listed below (from 1 to 28):

  • power element status indicator;
  • turning on channel number 2;
  • launch of a motor temperature;
  • indication operating in automatic engine start mode;
  • opened trunk lid;
  • opening doors;
  • vibrations in keychain;
  • setting in Valet mode;
  • system transduce in automatic mode;
  • operation mode without sirens;
  • protection with sound accompanies of anxiety;
  • confusion on the hood;
  • determination of blows by car;
  • signal from the hand brake lever;
  • closing locks on the doors;
  • opening door locks;
  • activation of standby mode;
  • signal feed from key fob transmitter;
  • owner call signal;
  • saving mode;
  • the ignition system is included;
  • indication of the active alarm clock;
  • hours in lunch mode (PM);
  • mode to lunch (s);
  • time start;
  • place to indicate hours, temperature and parameters of the autorun system;
  • temperature measurement scale (on products supplied in the Russian Federation - only degrees Celsius);
  • activation of the timer.

Setting the watch

One of the main operations is to set the time on the embedded closer. The clock has a 12-hour format that is displayed by the AM / PM symbols on the display. When changing the power element, the clock is reset.


  1. Drive the K3 button on the main key chain and wait for the two signal to the buzzer. This will flash the clock indicator.
  2. Change the testimony in increasing one hour by brief presses on K1 or K2. When holding the buttons, a quick change of readings occurs.
  3. After setting the clock, click briefly on K3, which will allow you to set minutes.
  4. Minutes are exhibited by analogy with the clock.
  5. Press the K3 and hold down before serving one beep.

Alarm clock

The alarm function is present only in the main key chain.

In order to configure the response time, you need:

  1. The input to the setting is carried out similarly to the clock - long press on K3.
  2. Press the K3 several times before the flashing of the alarm clock is blinking in the top row. At the same time, the field flashes to set the inclusion time.
  3. The clock is set to K1 and K2. Installation technique is described above.
  4. Go clicking K3 to Minutes.
  5. Set the number of minutes.
  6. Press the K3 and go to the ON / OFF an alarm clock.
  7. Select the ON position using K1 or OFF - K2.
  8. Press and hold to the zoommer k3 signal. You can check the alarm activity by the included indicator in the top row of pictograms.

Turning off the alarm signal is performed by a short press on K3.

Remote motor launch

Before performing an automatic start on cars, equipped with manual control The box is performed by the procedure for using "software neutral".

  1. Put the car to the parking lot and do not swing the motor.
  2. Put the lever into a neutral state and pull the parking brake lever.
  3. Deactivate ignition and get the key from the castle.
  4. Power unit will continue to work. Within 20 ... 25 seconds you need to get out of the machine and activate the system with the K1 button on the key chain. After that, the motor will stop (except for the cases of the programmed turbo-timer).

The engine can be started from the keychain in two ways. In the first embodiment, the displays is set by the cursor (K3 button) the autorun icon and the function is activated by pressing the K2. In the second variant, the start is performed by a long press on K1.

When starting the engine, the following operations are performed:

  • three triggers of sirens and three outbreaks of turn signals lamps;
  • at the same time, the melody on the keychain is played;
  • after the successful start of the engine, three more outbreaks occur and the melody plays once again;
  • the display shows the symbol of the working motor and the time until the end of the work.

Total alarm can perform four start attempts, each time increasing the time of the engine scrolling starter. In case of failure, the keychain informs the owner of the buzzer signal and SP symbols on the display.

In addition, three more options are available:

  • daily start at pre-programmed time;
  • start according to data from the temperature sensor of the ambient air;
  • unoperable launch at the alarm signal.

The daily start turns on through the menu on the key fob screen. This automatically activates the function of reheatting every 24 hours. For example, if the motor was launched at 8-00 in the morning, it automatically starts the next day at the same time. In case of unsuccessful start, the repeat mode is turned off. The on mode is displayed on the icon key fob.

When working on a temperature start, four thresholds are possible - minus 5, 10, 15 and 20 ° C, which will be programmed separately. Starting is done through the menu, a symbol of active auto start and the trigger threshold in degrees Celsius will appear on the key fob screen.

The conditions are followed:

  • number of launches per day not more than 12;
  • there should be at least one hour between any two launches.

In case of unsuccessful launch, the further cycle of work is canceled.

When autostart the alarm, you need to set the current time and time of the system. It should be borne in mind that only dozens of minutes are taken into account when starting. If the current time is set as 8-17am, and the alarm time is set to 8-20am, then the autorun will work only after 10 minutes.

If necessary, the motor time is extended using the buttons on the remote control. Learn more All functions are set out in the instruction manual.

Programming functions

After connecting the equipment to on-board network You should step by step. Settings:

  1. Activate the ignition and implement six clicks on the Valet key.
  2. Turn off the ignition, after which there are six beeps with a regular siren, confirmed by a six-fold flash of the diode on the instrument panel. This is a confirmation of system readiness for programming.
  3. Selecting each custom function is performed by the Valet key. The function number corresponds to the number of presses. In this case, each press is confirmed by the work of the siren and diode. With the fifth press, the system gives a signal of an enlarged length of lilac.
  4. Then the user has 10 seconds in order to press the K1 or K2 keys on the key chain. Pressing may be short and long. All operations are confirmed by sound and light support.
  5. After recording the value of one function, you can press the service key and go to setting the following.
  6. After recording all programs, you must exit the setup mode. This is done by turning off the ignition or the system itself comes out of the mode after a few seconds of idle. The exit is confirmed by a fivefold flashing alarm.

In case of incorrect work, all system parameters can be reset to factory:

  1. With active ignition, the VALET key (10 times) is pressed, after which the ignition is turned off. 10 separate signals followed by a regular siren.
  2. Use the service button again.
  3. After a single signal, the standard lilac should be pressed on the K1 button located on the keychain. Reset parameters is confirmed by the sound of the siren (short-term).
  4. Exit the setup mode and record settings again.

Sensor characteristics

The system includes three sensors:

  • to determine the temperature in the engine compartment;
  • to measure the temperature in the passenger compartment;
  • apply SS205 strike.

The motor sensor can provide start at a temperature ranging from minus 5 to minus 20 (with five degree increments). A good sensor shows the temperature from minus 20 to plus 100 degrees. In case of breakdown, it can be replaced by a similar device from more modern Systems Starline.

The cabin sensor is installed in the antenna block and often shows the incorrect temperature. The measurement limit of the sensor is from minus 40 to plus 99 degrees.

The impact force measurement sensor operates on a piezoelectric principle at a voltage of at least 9 V and at a temperature of minus 45 to plus 85 degrees.

Start definition sensor for Starline systems

The sensor has two sensitivity zones:

  • with a weak blow, a short warning signal will be given;
  • with a stronger exposure, the sensor will turn on the normal mode of operation of the siren.

Installation Instructions

When installing Starline A9, model requirements should be performed:

  1. The main module is placed in the depth of the instrument panel. At the same time, it is necessary to verify the lack of leaks of water on the surface and block connectors. The block is attached on self-drawing or plastic screed, which prevents its displacement from vibration.
  2. The antenna, together with the unit and temperature sensor, is installed on the windshield at a distance of at least 50 mm from the body panels.
  3. Sensor motor compartment Mounted on any M6 bolt to the engine or box.
  4. Siren puts in open space, isolated from overheating or pouring with water. The device is purchased separately, the models S.20.1 or S.20.3 are usually acquired.
  5. Impact sensor, rigidly installed in the cabin, must have access to setup.
  6. The diode is placed on the visible part of the instrument panel, and the VALET key is in a hidden place with the possibility of access to the owner. Similarly, an additional button for switching on the system when trying toft or robbery.
  7. Additional terminats must have reliable contact and not cause false positives.
  8. Wires must be at the highest possible distance from the source of the interference, which is the ignition system. All wiring twists are disappeared and insulated with the installation of the shrink tube and the winding of the tape.

The general connection and assignment of pins in the connectors are shown below.

Total board connection scheme Contact automatic start system Contact locking locks Terminals connecting sensors

First of all, you need to get acquainted with the TWAGE A9 delivery package. This includes the following elements.

  1. Managing processor, central. It is placed in plastic housing.
  2. Device for transmission and receptions of the signal. It has a sensor for measuring temperature in the cabin of the machine, as well as equipped with a built-in antenna.
  3. The basic control key chain is needed for bilateral communication. It has a display, a technically complicated device.
  4. Auxiliary key chain. It is not so functional, provides one-sided connection. His radius is significantly less.
  5. Stop application will determine the sensor having two levels of sensitivity.
  6. The temperature in the engine compartment is also fixed by an additional sensor.
  7. Assembly with wiring there is a setup key.
  8. You can view the overall state of the system by visually thanks to the indicator.
  9. Completed in the kit and wiring harnesses.
  10. There is a terminal switch on the hood of the machine.
  11. If the car's hijacking attempt is made, you can activate the anti-label option using a special button.

Be sure to comes with a complete package of technical documentation.


Denote key specifications:

  1. The basic control panel has a maximum range of 600 meters.
  2. The operating frequency of the chains is 434 MHz.
  3. The main unit functions at temperatures from -40 to +85 ° C.
  4. An additional keychain works normally within a radius of 15 meters.
  5. The pager in the base unit can receive a signal at a distance of 1,200 meters.
  6. In the range of 9 - 18 V is supply voltage.

It is important to understand that the radius of the pager action, the remotes can decline. Here, a number of negative factors have its influence: these are interference and density of development, weather conditions and an antenna mounting zone in the car, the battery charge and the relative position of the transmitter with the receiver.

Main features

When the STARLINE STARLIZATION is operated with autorun, the instruction is necessary for correct operation with the system. Car alarms provide protection of the car from theft, and also allows you to control multiple areas at the same time. Station and additional terminats guarantee the safety of the opened body elements. Motor is protected from launch due to the modern electronic block. The manual brake lever is also protected from shutdown.

The system has several levels of protection.

  1. The code signal used in the control circuit is dynamic. The code is changing constantly, so it is impossible to pick up, there is reliable protection from the interception.
  2. You can turn off siren, and leave the security.
  3. If the power source is turned off, the system itself will remember the state.

There is a wide additional feature, described in detail in the instructions.

Additional functions

You can also use, program additional features. Motorists use:

  • clock setting
  • remote running motor
  • alarm clock.

The most popular is the function of the remote starting of the motor.

Description of the alarm key chain

Full key rings are needed to control the system, programming and control. Mostly keychain provides a vibration, beep. They apply when informing and configuring.

Key chains have replaceable batteries. In an additional, this is a lithium element, and mostly - the usual battery of the AAA type.

The instructions are especially noted that water should not fall into the device. If the keychain is still a wink, it needs to be disassembled, dried.

On the main key chain, you can use three buttons. We numbered them in order. Used as short-term pressing, less seconds and long-term - 3 and 6 seconds.

Buttons Base Charehouse

Consider the functions of the buttons on the basic keychain. For example, many are interested in how to turn on the STARLINE autorun. Find out.

First button:

  • the system is turned on short press;
  • in case of an initiated engine, protection is turned on by a long pressing;
  • the engine can be turned off or on in automatic start mode, using a long press;
  • if you press for a long time, sequentially with button 2, it turns on panic mode;
  • short pressing, in turn with a short press button 2, starts searching for the machine.

The second button is needed to open the castle on the trunk (long press). She also confirms the command that was chosen by the cursor. Here you need a short press.

Button 3 also has many features:

  • short press moving on the display the cursor;
  • you can turn off the alarm signal message by short press;
  • the function of the button 1 is also specified, with a long press;
  • it is possible to configure different keyfire functions to a long press, and it is necessary to monitor the display;
  • the timer is installed, while pressing the short one, in turns with a short pressing button 2;
  • the button also adjusts the alert system (pressing serials with button 1, short).

Buttons of additional blocks

There is also an additional keychain. It is equipped with four buttons with a fairly wide functionality. Apply short and long press.

The first button of the additional keyfob is used in the following cases:

  • control of an additional third channel (long press);
  • shutdown, or the inclusion of the protection mode (short);
  • managing the work of the sensor fixing the blow (pressing short, together with a short press button 3);
  • you can activate panic mode (briefly, along with button 2);
  • it also turns on the service mode (click briefly, simultaneously with the button 4).

With button 2, such actions are performed on the additional keychain:

  • can be long pressing to increase the engine time;
  • short press turn off and turn on the engine;
  • the daily automatic start mode is activated, with a brief press along with the 4 button;
  • you can turn on the temperature autorun (short press, sequential with button 3);
  • the security system is also included when the engine is running (pressing long).

The fourth and third buttons are also effective:

  • the trunk lock opens the button 3, with a long press;
  • the car can be found in the parking lot, if you briefly press the 3 button;
  • anti-Frame mode is activated while simultaneously pressing the 4 and 3 buttons;
  • you can record the parameters during the programming process, if you press the 4 and 3 button to be pressed for a long time;
  • also silently turns off and the system is turned on, with a short press button 4.

The options are quite a lot, while the system is easily programmed using both keyfobs.

Installing STARLINE A9

Now the high-quality installation of car alarm Starline is guaranteed from official dealers. There will definitely make everything competently, perform all the necessary settings, and if necessary, there will be exhaustive consultations, they will answer questions about the operation of the system.

Of course, you can set the alarm and in the service. But there often arise questions. Then car enthusiasts have to return, ask to finish work. There is another option - independently set the alarm on personal car. It is not so difficult if there is instructions for steps, as well as special installation cards Starline.

Independent installation: Step by step instructions

Consider in more detail the alarm installation algorithm.

  1. First of all, the basic module is set. His place is on the instrument panel, in the recess. It is important to make sure that there are no water leaks. The block is important to fasten with plastic screeds or self-drawing, so that it does not shift due to vibration.
  2. The motor compartment sensor is mounted on the box or attached to the engine.
  3. Antenna with temperature sensor, with a block, fixed on the windshield. At the same time, the minimum distance from the body panel should be 50 mm.
  4. The shock sensor is tightly fasten in the cabin. It should be in the access area for configuration.
  5. Under the hood put Sirena. It must be fenced from overheating, from wetting. Sirena is acquired separately. The model S.20.3 is suitable.
  6. It is necessary to take care of the reliable contact of additional terminivities to avoid false alarm response.
  7. The diode is installed on the instrument panel, in sight.
  8. Additional button to activate the system when trying to robbery, hijacking, as well as the VALET button is hidden, but in the access area for the owner.
  9. Interference can create a ignition system. Therefore, all the wires should be packed from it.

Any wiring twists are definitely isolated.

Alarm operation Starline A9

For maximum convenience, when operating the system, it is advisable to always have both key chains with you. They should not be exposed to moisture, do not blame them, hit. It is also important to change the elements in time, because when the charge is reduced, the key rings begin to work worse, they have less radius.

Programming functions

When the system is already connected to the on-board network of the car, it is important to do the settings. Remember a step-by-step algorithm:

  1. First of all, the ignition is activated. You need to press the VALET key six times in a row.
  2. Then the ignition turns off. Six beeps of sirens will sound, a diode will break six times dashboard. This means that the system is ready for programming.
  3. Each function is chosen by the Valet key. The number of clicks is the function number. Each press will be confirmed by a diode and siren.
  4. In 10 seconds you need to press keys 1 or 2 on the key chain.
  5. When one function is recorded, you can go to the next option by pressing the service key.
  6. If all options are recorded, you need to leave the setup mode. You can wait. After a few seconds of downtime, the system itself will finish programming. Five emergency alarm migra - exit confirmation.

When something goes wrong, you can reset the settings. Just press VALET 10 times.

Key chare key combinations

We have already considered most of the key combination, studying the features of the chains. But there are some combinations that are particularly often used. Let us dwell on them.

Alarm "Starline A9" is very popular with drivers different cars. The system package includes detailed instructions. It allows you to connect and configure alarm. The manual also spelled out the principles of system operation. After studying user feedback and the provisions of the instruction, you can highlight the basic principles of working with Starline A9. Programming a keychain will be a simple task. Tips of experienced motorists will allow you to configure quickly. It will give the opportunity to enjoy all options. The alarm can be configured to work in or without autorun mode. The blocking function is also adjusted.


"Starline A9", the instruction manual of which requires studying before starting to install the system and programming a key fob, is alarm with remote engine start. It has a double-sided radio channel. Its range on the area without obstacles is 600 m. In the pager mode, this indicator increases by 2 times.

Radio signal coding is dynamic. The selection of control commands is carried out on the cursor principle. Each command is controlled by its button. It is displayed on the key fob. The system provides sound and vibrating signals alert.

In addition to the main data on the condition of the car, the keychain shows the user time, the temperature in the cabin, as well as alarm clock.

You can install the presented system on machines with diesel, gasoline or turbocharged engine type. The gearbox can be automatic or manual.

Safety regulations

Using the functions of the remote or automatic engine start, the control of the machine nodes, it is necessary to follow the safety measures to use the Starline A9 system. The instruction manual clearly indicates.

The car is important to park on a well-viewed area. In this case, it must be installed on parking brake. Lever arm automatic transmission Must be in the PARK position, and the handmade gearbox is in neutral.

You can not run the engine in the absence of a driver in the cabin, if someone is located in front of or car. The keychain is unacceptable to give to children or persons who can not manage this device. The machine must be in good condition, in its system there must be a sufficient amount of all supplies and fuel.

Keychain management

The laid signaling functions are performed automatically or by key fob signals. Some of them can be changed. The procedure is spelled out in the instructions for the Starline A9 system. Programming the keychain is simply carried out. For this, the device has three buttons. Information is displayed on a liquid crystal display.

Driving a car can be performed by one or more keyfobs. If the main device is lost, you can use the spare console. This is a key chain with buttons that has no information for providing information to the user. With it, you can manage almost all system functions.

If the owners of the car use several keyfobs with the display, then all information about the status of car systems and alarm will be displayed on the device screen from which the command was served.

Purpose buttons

Setting the "Starline A9" keychain with a liquid crystal display is performed using the three buttons on the housing. Their combinations make it possible to manage system functions.

Button I may include the programming command if it is quickly pressing once. Holding her 3 seconds, the driver remotely starts or stops the engine. The user can enable security mode. To do this, with the engine running, this button also holds 3 seconds.

Button II with a short press sets the position of the cursor on the screen. If you hold it 3 seconds, the trunk will open.

Button III also allows you to manage the cursor position when you click. It interrupts key fob alert signals. To do this, it is kept pressed 0.5 seconds. To enable or disable clock setting mode, alarm clock, energy saving, this button hold 3 seconds. If you hold it squeezed for 6 seconds, you can enter the i button programming mode.

Pictures on display

All information about the state of the car and the signaling itself can be viewed on the Starline A9 system display. Icons on the key chain will help to navigate in setup and control modes. The instructions are clearly spelled out which picture corresponds to a function or another.

The indication of commands and modes is displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can list it from left to right for a general view of the device functions. To fully understand the appointment of each of them, you need to carefully examine the instructions.

The first picture that is located on the left corresponds to the anti-label mode. If it is on the display, this command is turned on. Next, the function of the additional channel 3. Moved to the right side, you can see the motor autorun mode in terms of temperature. Next is the function of daily autorun or turn on the an alarm engine. This picture follows the remote switching on or off of the motor.

After that, the modes of silent protection are followed. In this case, confirmation sound signals are not triggered. The following picture corresponds to the protection function with the beep. It goes off at a distance of the shock sensor.

A little more about the picture of the Valet service mode is. It should be displayed a picture of the state of car systems and salon temperature indicators. Next, there is an additional channel 2. Ends the chain of the pictures remote opening of the trunk.

Button I.

The i button on the main keychain is programmed by the user. This can be made an unlimited number of times. Most often it is used to shut down or switch on the security mode in the Starline A9 system. Programming a new keychain is simply performed.

Use the III button to move the cursor over the screen. When the desired mode is selected, for example, the inclusion of the protection function or any other, the movement is stopped. The III button is held for 6 seconds. First, two beeps will sound. Then more 3. Then then button are pressed to activate the selected function.

After such a programming, with a short press of the button I, the previously selected mode will be turned on. To set a new feature for it, again perform the above operation.

Button II.

You can assign a function for a button II. You need to press quickly button III several times. The cursor will move clockwise. If you stop for 1-2 seconds and continue to move, it will move counterclockwise.

The pictures listed above will be selected one after another. When the cursor comes to the desired program, the movement of the III button is stopped. To execute the selected program, the user presses the ii button.

After 10 seconds after pressing any button, the cursor will return to the original CHECK state. This command controls the condition of the machine and temperature in its cabin. It does not change the status of alarm. Knowing this, the user will not have a question how to see the temperature on the Starline A9 key chain. When operating, it is this team that is the most sought-after.

Installation of watch

Starting to work with the system, you need to know how to set up time on the "Starline A9" key chain. You need to hold the III button until two beeps appear. The clock on the display will flash.

To enlarge the digital value of the clock, minutes, you need to press the i button, and to reduce the II button. The transition from the clock to minutes is carried out by a short press of the III button.

Upon completion of the settings, you need to exit the clock setting mode. To do this, hold the III clad button before the appearance of one beep. According to the manufacturer's instructions, you can set the alarm or timer readings.

Code recording

The driver can independently enter into memory system "Starline A9". Programming the keychain is performed in the protection mode. You can bind up to 4 remotes. This must be done if the alarm for some reason does not see the key fob signal or the machine with the already installed system.

To log in to the programming mode, you must enable ignition. The Valet service button is held before the appearance of four beeps.

First set up the main key chain. It clauses the I and II buttons. For additional remote controls, buttons III and IV are pressed without display. After successfully recording the first keyfob, one siren signal will sound.

For all keyfobs, the same procedure is performed. The interval between the record should not be more than 5 seconds. Otherwise, the programming mode will be completed automatically. Next you need to turn off the ignition. The success of the operation will confirm 5 outbreaks of the machine lights.

Engine starting

Many drivers are interested in how to make the car with a keychain. "Starline A9" when connecting alarm involves programming the type of gearbox. If it is manual, when installing a wire loop is cut (as indicated in the instructions). If on the car it costs automatic boxThis element is saved.

The engine type is also set. There are two features of the remote launch of the motor. In the first case, you need to put the cursor on the corresponding icon on the display screen. Then you need to press the II button. Or simply clamping button i for 3 seconds.

With the first attempt to start 3 beeps of sirens, 3 outbreaks of overall lights. The keychain will publish a melodic signal. The icon on the display will burn constantly. You can set the engine warming time.

Reset installations

Sometimes the driver may need information how to reset the Starline A9 keyword settings. Actions are manufactured in a specific sequence. Ignition first turns on. Next, the Valet service button is pressed 10 times. After that, the user turns off the ignition. The entrance to the discharge mode is made if 10 beeps of sirens sound after these manipulations.

The service button must be pressed another 1 time. After that, another siren signal will sound. The driver presses the i button on the main key chain. A short signal will sound. This means that the reset was produced. From the settings mode, the system will automatically come out in 5 seconds. parking lights flare out 5 times. The keychain will publish a melodic signal.

Having considered the features of the automotive alarm "Starline A9", programming the keyboard you do easily and simply. Before working with equipment, you must read the manufacturer's instructions. This will allow the enjoyed functions fully. If necessary, you can return the system to the factory settings. Control keychain will allow you to use security system The car is comfortable and fully.

Starline Twace A9. - Automobile security complex with a 2-sided communication radio channel and remote engine start. Communication range in open area - 600m with keychain and 1200m in pager mode. Coding of control radio signals dynamic.

System Starline Twage A9. It can be installed on cars with a gasoline, diesel or turbocharged engine, with an automatic or manual gearbox.

Starting the engine can be carried out by a command of the keychain, on the temperature sensor installed on the engine housing, in time every 24 hours and at any time of the day. Control over the operation of the engine can be carried out by the signal signals, generator or by changing the on-board network voltage.

In alarm Starline Twage A9. The function of determining the temperature in the passenger compartment is preserved, the second temperature sensor is set in the signaling transceiver, which is usually attached to windshield Or is installed under the torpedo. For many owners of Star Line systems, it has already become a habit to communicate with your car, sending him a Check team. In response, in addition to full information about the enabled mode of protection and the state of the sensors, the temperature in the car is displayed on the display. For example, in the summer, seeing that the temperature in the cabin rises above the laid, you can remotely start the engine, and therefore air conditioning, for air conditioning.


  • feedback
  • engine starting
  • keychain remote control 1
  • keychain-pager with LCD display included 1
  • the remote module is to increase the connection radius.
  • communication module included
  • consemist included 1
  • valet switch button included
  • anti-Hi-Jack switch button complete
  • vibrating alerts on the pager key chain
  • maximum radius of the pager channel 1200 meter
  • maximum range of block channel D / U 600 meters
  • valet mode
  • "Panic" mode
  • passive immobilizer mode is programmed
  • personal PIN emergency shutdown code
  • disconnecting sensors when arming
  • disabling the warning zone of sensors when arming
  • finding a car in the parking lot
  • active Anti-Hi-Jack
  • passive Anti-Hi-Jack
  • bypassing a faulty zone
  • entry for an additional sensor
  • hood / trunk entrance / trunk
  • number of engine locks 1
  • external Engine Lock Relay 1
  • programmable engine lock (NZ or but) 1
  • pulse duration for electric locks 0.8 seconds.
  • pulse duration for pneumatic locks 3.6 sec.
  • other possible centerpieces management pulses (open / close) 0.8-2x0.8 / 0.8-30 seconds.
  • exit to dimensions 2
  • exit to the trunk lock is programmed
  • fM Managing Code Type
  • output of the control of El Doors of the Power
  • number of extra beds 4
  • additional channel I 1 sec.
  • additional channel II 0.8 / 10/130 / Latch sec.
  • additional channel III 0.8 / 10/130 / Latch sec.
  • additional channel IV salon. Changing / Flods. sec.
  • comfort mode is programmed
  • mode "Turbotimer" 1/3/6 min.
  • running the engine by timer 24 hours
  • running the engine at -5 / -10 / -15 / -20 degrees.
  • the program "Neutral" for MCPP is
  • starter start delay for diesel 4/6/10 seconds.
  • starter time when starting the engine 0.8 / 1.2 / 1.8 / 3 sec.
  • engine warming time after starting 10/20 / 30 / without limit min.

    Starline A9 equipment:

  • Control block
  • Keychain S. feedback With LCD
  • Keychain without feedback
  • Stroke 2-level shock sensor
  • Engine temperature sensor
  • Antenna module
  • Kontevik Kapota
  • LED indicator
  • Service Button Valet.
  • Anti-Hi-Jack mode mode
  • Wire set
  • Instructions for installation and operation in Russian
  • Color memo user car alarm Starline A9.

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