Home Wheels How many oils are poured into the VAZ 2103. Replacing the oil in the VAZ engine: what you need to know for self-service. What is necessary to replace oil

How many oils are poured into the VAZ 2103. Replacing the oil in the VAZ engine: what you need to know for self-service. What is necessary to replace oil

The VAZ 2103 engine is a classic power unit, which is part of the line of motors developed and manufactured by AvtoVAZ OJSC.

Summarizing, it can be said that all this family (2101 - 2130) are developed on the basis of a deep upgraded Motor FIAT-124. Changes conducted by domestic designers concerned the top distribution Vala. and intercentric distances of cylinders.

These changes were allowed to modernize the motors in the future, without stopping them serial production. From other power units of this model Row (In addition to "), the engine 2103 is characterized in that the shaft of the gas distribution mechanism is driven by a steel chain.


Cylinder volume (worker), cm31452
Maximum power, l. from. (at 5600 rpm)71.4
Maximum torque, NM (at 3400 rpm)104
Number of cylinders4
Number of valves on the cylinder2
Total number of valves8
Cylinder diameter, mm76
Piston stroke, mm80
Fuel supplyCarburetor or injector
Compression ratio8.5
View of fuelAI-92.
Fuel consumption, l. / 100 km (city / highway / mixed mode)9,4/6,9/8,9
Lubrication systemCombined (under pressure + splashing)
Oil used5W-30, 5W-40, 10W-40, 15W-40
Oil volume in crankcase, l3.75
Cooling systemLiquid, closed type, with forced circulation
Overall dimensions, mm565x541x665.
Weight, kg120.7
MOTORESURS, thousand hour. (factory / practice)125/200

The power unit was installed on VAZ cars: 21023, 2103, 21043, 21053, 21061, 2121.


The VAZ 2103 engine is manufactured using a "high" cylinder block (215.9 mm instead of 207.1 y), which made it possible to bring its working volume to 1.5 liters and set the crankshaft with an increased piston running.

The unit is a classic version of the motor with the upper arrangement of the gas distribution mechanism.

The camshaft is driven by a chain drive, and the chain tensioner is not provided. In this regard, the chain tension must be regularly checked and regulated. In addition, the valve gaps are also needed, since the gas distribution mechanism does not have hydrocomathers.

  • The block of cylinders is made of cast iron, and its head is cast from an aluminum alloy. The camshaft is made of steel and differs from other models the presence of one raw neck, which has a hexagon shape.
  • The carburetor that is installed on the VAZ 2103 engine is equipped with a distributor with a vacuum ignition protrusion. After the injector power units appear, the modified head of the cylinder block with the corresponding gas distribution mechanism began to be installed on the engine.
  • For the operation of the water pump (pump), the drive is used with a wedge-shaped belt having a cross section of 10x8 mm.
  • The supply of oil from the crankcase to the internal channels of the cylinder block and the friction pairs are carried out with the help of an oil pump placed in the crankcase power aggregate.
  • On the engine 2103 installed both classical and contactless system ignition.


The VAZ 2103 engine has a high degree of unification at the level of parts and assembly units, and therefore its repair associated with the replacement of components does not cause any difficulties.

Like all the power units of the VAZ of the time, the Motors of VAZ 2103 require a rather complicated and laborious maintenance. When conducting regulations Need:

  1. Every 10-15 thousand km of mileage to check and adjust: tension of the drive chain of the gas distribution mechanism; valve gaps in the head of the cylinder block;
  2. Clean and adjust the carburetor regularly.
  3. After every 10,000 km run mileage motor oil.
  4. Regularly check the motor for leakage of coolant and engine oil.

According to the numerous car owners with VAZ 2103 engines, this power unit is one of the most unpretentious and reliable among all motors of the classic motors family.

The only condition is a thorough regular service and operation in the modes recommended by the car operation manual. When performing this requirement, Motor Motor Motor 2103 can reach 300 thousand km.


The engine 2103 is characteristic of the same malfunctions as for other classic VAZ motors. Most often found:

FaultTHE REASONSMethods of elimination
The engine is impossible to run.1. Does not receive fuel in the carburetor.
2. Strong fuel filter contamination.
3. broken gas station.
4. When starting the motor does not open solenoid valve Carburetor.
Ÿ Mint and / or blow fueling and fuel filter.
Replace fuel filter.
Clean or replace gas station.
Check the integrity of the wiring.
The engine "stalls" at idle or its turns "float".1. The idling adjustment is broken.
2. broken carburetor.
3. The gaps between the levers and camshafts are broken.
Ÿ Repeat idle mode.
Clean the channels and jets of the carburetor.
Replace the diaphragm of the carburetor starter.
Adjust the gaps between the details of the gas distribution mechanism.
Elevated motor oil consumption.1. Oil leaks through seals.
2. Worn piston rings or cylinders.
3. The oil reflective caps of the valves are worn or damaged.
It is necessary to replace gaskets and glands if necessary.
Replace rings and / or pistons.
Purify cylinders.
Replace oil caps.

Other malfunctions are found when operating the engines of VAZ 2103. In general, the diagnostics of motor malfunctions is better carried out in a specialized service station.


Add power Motor 2103 in various ways:

The easiest way is to cultivate the cylinders to a diameter of 79 mm. This will increase their total volume up to 1.6 liters. Installation of pistons with a diameter of 79 mm allows you to raise power up to 75 liters. from. At the same time, the torque will be 115 nm at 3,000 rpm.

  1. A further increase in power can be achieved by increasing the stroke of the piston to 84 mm. For this, the pistons of the TRT and crankshaft From the VAZ 2130. This crankshaft is usually used in cases where they want to increase the power and torque on low and medium turns. In this case, the engine power will increase to 80-85 liters. from.
  2. There is a more complex version of the tuning, in which: melted and polish the channels of the head of the cylinder block and the intake manifold; Pick the corresponding camshaft. Properly selected parts allow you to increase the power of the motor up to 100 liters. from.
  3. Installing the compressor 0.5 bar together with the modified head of the cylinder block makes it possible to increase power power plant up to 125 liters. from.
  4. More expensive methods of increasing the power of the motor 2103 are possible, however, the price of components and payment of work related to the improvement of parts, the engine assembly and its adjustment can exceed the value of both the engine and the car as a whole.

Do I need to pour oil into the engine? A man who asked such a question can be sent immediately far away or read that it does not understand the technique or just an idiot.
The answer is unambiguous - the engine in the engine must be. What oil pour into the VAZ 2103 engine?
When is the replacement of oil in the engine VAZ 2103?
How to change? Rinse or not?
On these all questions, not every driver will answer. And here this instruction On the replacement of oil will quite satisfy his answers to the above questions.
Here you will find everything you need: video on the replacement of oil, a detailed description of the oil replacement process with their own hands, tips or "how to do better" and so on. So, proceed.

Types of oil oil

Choosing engine oil for VAZ 2103:

  • Mineral motor oil
  • Semi-synthetics
  • Tool
  • Change of oil
  • Plum
  • Flushing
  • Replacing the filter
  • Fill
  • Engine starting
  • Summary

Motor oil selection for VAZ 2103

What to pay attention to when choosing an oil? Right VAZ 2103, and any other, implies the fill of oil of the same type as it was the same company, preferably.

This is done because the engine has become accustomed to working with data oil and less likely to occur with harmful deposits, precipitation, and such a nastiness. But you can go to another, say, better oil.
So what to choose?
As for the manufacturer's company, there are no special rules. It all depends on the desire and price of oil.
If finance is allowed - it is better to take more expensive because more expensive - it means better. And the better the oil, the later make the engine overhaul.
You can buy oil of domestic brands or foreign ones - but not cheap fake - it will be only worse!

Mineral motor oil


  • Is mineral oil suitable (simply "mineral water") for car VAZ 2103? Yes, suitable. After all, this car has been manufactured yet in Soviet timeAnd then, perhaps, only such oil and used.
    We went and rejoiced.
  • But not always "can" mean "need." Yes, it is permissible to use the engine on the mineral unit, but not advised.
    Why? Time will tell - or rather, the time will pass, winter will come, rock frost and your engine, when trying to start it, will show you, sorry, Figu!
  • Yes, yes, and all because mineral oil has a very bad property - to stick at low negative temperatures. This is not the only negative property.
    More mineral water leaves sediments on engine parts, and also requires frequent replacement.



  • Such oil has already improved properties and characteristics in comparison with mineral water. The service life of the semi-synthetic is noticeably more, respectively - it will be better to maintain its properties up to replacement required On run.
    Less negatively affects the engine than mineral oil.
  • The price of such an oil is not so big. It is easy to buy almost in any store.
    In short, universal oil, which is often used in Zhiguli cars.


  • This oil is definitely the best of existing ones. It has become widespread due to its high operational properties, good ability to maintain the performance of all engine parts.
  • Also, synthetics are perfectly held at large negative temperatures, which is extremely useful for harsh conditions.
  • Still, synthetic engine oil is not advised to use on such cars for several reasons. The main one is expedient.
    The whole point is that the car has been developed for a long time, when there were no such oil yet.
  • Yes, and the parts of the engine may well work on both mineral and on the semi-synthetic. And the price of synthetics is just cosmic.
    So it simply does not need to pour such oil when replacing the oil in the VAZ 2103.

Let's sum up! A generally accepted opinion - in the car VAZ 2103 is best suited for a semi-synthetic oil with a marking of 10W-40 or similar by properties.

Periodicity of oil replacement and car preparation

How often is the replacement of oil in the engine on the VAZ 2103?
Pay attention for several points:

  • If the oil was flooded after overhaul Engine, it should be changed after 1 thousand kilometers of the mileage. This is done because during running there is an intensive wear of the engine parts - a connecting rod-piston group and other details.
  • The usual replacement of oil on the engines from the Zhiguli is carried out in the period of 8-10 thousand km of mileage or after 2 years, if the car is not exploited - the lubricant will simply lose its properties.
  • If the mineral engine oil is flooded in the engine, then it should be replaced before.
  • Unsuitable oil has a dark color - black, gray. This suggests that it has a large amount of Nagar and others. harmful substances and signals the need to replace.

What includes the preparation of the car to the replacement of oil?
Let's consider in order:

  • Of course, the purchase of oil and filter.
  • Satisfactory condition of the engine of your car. If the engine "eats" the oil or if the traces of the switches of the block are visible, then it will be appropriate to repaid the engine to eliminate all the flaws.
  • Engine warming. Hot oil flows better - an indisputable fact.
    Before replacing the oil, about 10 kilometers should be driving on it.
  • Find a hole or flight. If there is a pit in your garage - it's just wonderful.
    If not, you will have to work hard and find these objects. They are most convenient to replace the oil of the engine VAZ 2103.

  • And, of course, the tool.


What will take in order to change the oil.
But what:

  • Hexagon on 12 or key on 17
  • Like for a comfortable oil bay

  • The oil drain container is an unnecessary old bucket, but the whole.
  • Oil filter puller

  • Knife
  • Screwdriver
  • Rag

That's all accessories. Start replacing!

Change of oil

So after choosing high-quality oil, procurement, elimination of all currents on the engine, blanks required tool And the engine warming up can be replaced by oil in the engine.


We merge the old oil.


  • We climb under the car and find a drain plug in the pallet.
  • It is usually done under the hexagon, but it can stand another - turnkey on 17 usually.
  • We unscrew the drain plug.
  • We substitute the container for oil.
  • Next, it is necessary to wait until it strokes all the oil from the engine.
  • After that we twist the drain plug back into the pallet.

Note! Butter can burn hands, so take care of them. It is best to use thick rubber gloves - the hands will remain integer and clean.


Often, this item is simply excluded from the list. But in some cases, the flushing is better to implement.


  • If it is performed on another type. Simply speaking - there was a mineral water, filling the semi-synthetic means we make flushing.
  • We change the labeling of the oil felt.
    Suppose it remains semi-synthetics, but the new has a different designation, and accordingly others performance indicators. Making flushing!
  • And the third option - if the engine did not start for a long time.
    Oil left deposited on the walls of the parts and they must be washed. Rinse the engine.

Flushing can be carried out in several ways.
Here is some of them:

  • Five minutes. The liquid is simply poured into the engine for 5 minutes, and then merges.
    This method is not recommended to be used simply because it makes no sense. This kind of alleged flushing simply dilutes the oil and allows him to drag off the engine better and faster, but does not wash it!
  • Special flushing fluids or wash oil. Here is the order of the engine washing in this way.
  • After draining the old oil into the engine, flushing is poured. This is done through the bay stop in the cover of the cylinder head.
  • Then the engine is started and allowing it to work on small revs about 10 minutes.
  • The next step is puffed flushing oil.
  • The engine is washed and ready to fill ordinary oil.

Tip! Make the engine washing only in the cases listed above. If you pour the same oil as you have before replacing, the flushing will be even a bit harmful to the engine!

Replacing the filter

After washing, and if we change the oil without it - then after draining the oil it is necessary to replace oil filter. Instructions for replacing the oil filter.


  • It may not be necessary to remove the oil filter. Usually he is simply unscrewed by the power of the hands.
    For convenience, you can use a rag or gloves.
  • If it fails to twist the filter, then you will need to use a special puller.
  • Puller are of different types, so let's say in general terms. Clean the filter in the puller and check down the unscrewing.
    Then you can twist your hands.
  • If even the puller does not turn out to rip the filter, then it simply makes the way with a screwdriver and twisted in this way.
  • pay attention to planting place Under the filter. It happens that it remains a rubber sealing ring from the old filter.

  • This ring must be written with a knife, and the landing place wipe with a cloth so that no garbage is left there.
  • After the preparation of the landing site, it is necessary to pour a little oil into a new filter, as well as lubricate the rubber sealing ring.

  • Remember - the filter is back tightened only by hand! Otherwise, then you simply do not get it up.
  • The filter is changed.

Tip! Do not forget that the oil filter also contains oil residues. Do not substitute your face or hand-risk burning and smeared!


We proceed to the fill of the oil:

  • Open the hood.
  • We unscrew the filler tube. As already mentioned, it is in the cover of the GBC.
  • Next we will need a watering. Insert it into the bay neck.
  • Pour oil. In the process of filling the oil, it is important to control its level in the engine.

  • To do this, we get the oil dipstick, wipe it. Then we lower again in the block, remove and look at the level.
  • The level of oil on the diploma should be approximately in the middle between the two minimum and maximum marks. Do not allow the oil to reach the maximum - it will be an overwhelming load on the engine glands and is more likely that it will flow.

  • After starting the engine, it will also be necessary to add oil to the level.
  • We twist the fuel plug back. Pay attention to the plug state.
    She must sit tightly. If its condition is not satisfactory, then oil will leak out from under it and it will tremble and make sounds that will annoy you while driving.

Engine starting

After replacing the oil, you must start the engine and check it out:

  • After a few seconds, after starting, the light level should go out the light bulb.
  • The engine may first work noisily, but then everything will be eliminated. We need time to make oil to the system.
  • During the engine operation, check the tightness of the drain plug. If it is poorly tightened, from there it will leak the oil.
  • After a few minutes of the engine operation, fuel it and check the oil level. If necessary, a fraction.


Short side fare Follow:

  • Watch out for the condition and purity of your car engine.
  • Change the engine in the engine on time!
  • Do not make the thread when spinning a drain plug - it is sometimes threatened with a replacement of the pallet.
  • Do not miss those tips that you have met here.
  • Choose an oil that has already proven itself in good light. Beware of cheap fakes.
  • Browse the video to replace the oil to be even clearer.
  • We hope that this article together with reinforcing photos will help you.

Watch out for your "Troika" and it will serve you for many years!

If you are the happy owner of a car family VAZ Model series called " Zhiguli."Or by folk" Classic"And still do not know how to change the engine oil in the engine of your car, then this article is for you. Although it is very strange that there are such people on the expanses of our homeland. After all, scientists have already proven that "our people", knowledge and experience of repair Zhiguli absorbed with Mother's milk and immediately after birth they begin to feed the inexplicable love for folk Classic - kopecks, six, seven, etc. Joke:)

Now about the main thing - how to change oil and oil filter In the car engine VAZ-2101, VAZ-2102, VAZ-2105, VAZ-2106, VAZ-2107 And what should I have for this.
First you should buy an oil filter and four liters of engine oil. The brand and the type of engine oil are chosen according to the state of your wallet and the current season. As a medium - optimal option For "Zhiguli" can be advised - all-season (10W40) semi-synthetic engine oil.
The tool required for oil replacement in the engine of car VAZ-2101, VAZ-2102, VAZ-2105, VAZ-2106, VAZ-2107:
a) hex key to "12" and a metal tube with an inner diameter of a little more than 12 mm,
b) a special key to unscrew the oil filter (if there is no, then there are two options - own hands and screwdriver)
c) a cape or end key to 17 in the arsenal can also come in handy, if suddenly the crankcase is not a standard drain plug (see photo 1). You should also think about the tank for the drain of the old oil. Work on the replacement of oil in the engine should be carried out on the observation pit, lift or overpass, since "from the ground" this procedure is quite inconvenient. We choose your nerves and strength!

1. Before replacing the oil enginecar should warm up operating temperature (70-80 degrees), after which itching and with the help of a hex key to unscrew the drain plug on the engine pallet (photo 2) and, substituting a pre-prepared container, merge the oil. In order for the oil better than the glass, we unscrew the lid on the valve cover of the valve cover.

2. With the help of specials. Key unscrewing Oil filter (photo 3). If there is no key, you can try to unscrew the filter with two hands, good to get to it is not difficult. In the event that you failed to unscrew the filter with your hands, screwdriver will come to the aid. This process has already described in the article Replacing the oil in the engine on the Daewoo Sens car, if you wish, you can read. But I hope you will not reach this.
3. After, the oil from the engine is completely glass, wrap a drain plug in the pallet of the crankcase.
4. Before installing a new oil filterIt should be filled with a small amount of oil and lubricate the rubber sealing ring (photo 4). It will not be superfluous if you wipe the planting space of the oil filter on the engine block (photo 5).
5. Oil filter Tighten your hands! And then pour oil into the engine. Controlling the oil level using the probe. Its level should be between Max and Min marks or do not reach the Max 2-3 mm tag.
6. We launch the engine and let it work for a few minutes ( oil pressure light in the engine should go out within 4-5 seconds). After that, the wasting engine and after 5 minutes we check the oil level in the engine, the oil filter and the drain plug in the absence of flow oil. If necessary, tighten the oil into the engine or pull up a drain plug and an oil filter.

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As you know, for a number of reasons, the so-called "classic" VAZ models continue to be enjoyed in the CIS today. As a rule, we are talking about VAZ 2103 models, VAZ 2106, etc.

These cars are characterized by simplicity of design, reliability and affordable price On the b / y car, which is the key to their popularity. At the same time, the owners of such cars are trying to minimize the costs of maintenance and maintenance, performing most of the work with their own hands.

Note that such procedures, as in the VAZ engine, can be performed independently even novice motorists, and it is not necessary to have any professional skills. Let's consider the process of replacing the lubricant on the specified "classic" models in more detail.

Read in this article

Selection of oil for the engine VAZ 2103, 2106, 2107: Recommendations

First of all, any engine independently of the type and production country needs timely replacement Motor oil. Moreover, as well as during the selection, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality, the condition of the engine and the operating conditions of the car.

As for the frequency of replacement, it is usually used in the VAZ engine. The main advantage mineral oils In their low price, however, they are inferior to the service life, detergent and protective properties more expensive semi-synthetic and synthetic oils.

If we talk about the motors of the old VAZ, we immediately note, in the expensive synthetics for DVS data there is no need. Moreover, the glands and gaskets when using the "liquid" synthetic oil can start leaking.

Taking into account the foregoing, it remains to choose from mineral and semi-synthetic products. At the same time, it is better to pour less viscous for the winter semi-synthetic oilThat will facilitate the cold start and minimizes the wear of the power unit. The fact is that mineral lubricant in the frost markedly loses its fluidity, the engine may not start or in the first minutes after the cold start will experience oil starvation.

Why oil in the motor needs to be changed when replacing. What depends on the service life of the engine oil, how to choose the right interval interval.

  • How to change the engine oil in the engine. The procedure for replacing the oil without flushing, the change of oil with the washing of the engine. Replacing oil without pit, tips.
  • Engine VAZ 2103.

    Characteristics engine 2103.

    Years of release - (1972 - our time)

    Power system - Carburetor / Injector

    Number of cylinders - 4

    Valves on the cylinder - 2

    Piston move - 80 mm

    Cylinder diameter - 76 mm

    Compression ratio - 8.5

    Motor volume 2103 - 1452 cm. Cube.

    Motor power 2103 - 71 hp / 5600 Ob.min.

    Rotary Moment - 104 Nm / 3400 Ob. Min

    Fuel consumption - 9.4l city. | Route 6.9 liters. | mixed 8.9l / 100 km

    Consumption oil - 700 grams per 1000 km

    Read the same way

    Motor weight VAZ 2103 - 121kg

    Overall dimensions of motor 2103 (DHSHV), mm - 565x541x665

    Mas Lo for Motor VAZ 2103:

    how many Oils in engine 2103: 3.75 liters.

    When replacing, pour about 3.5 l.

    Motor resource VAZ 2103:

    1. According to the plant - 125 thousand km

    2. In practice - up to 250 thousand km

    Potential - 200 hp

    Without resource loss - 80 hp

    The engine was installed on:

    Malfunctions and repair of the engine VAZ 2103

    Machine VAZ 2103 1.5 liters. The carburetor in line 4-cylinder with the upper arrangement of the camshaft, the Motor GDM 2103 has a chain drive. Motor block VAZ 2103 Highest, about it below. Motor resource 2103, with careful operation, timely maintenance exceeds 125 thousand km installed by the factory and achieves 180-200 thousand km.

    Main differences between motor 2103 from 2101 Increased elevation of a block of 8.8 mm from 207.1 mm to 215.9 mm for the ability to install the crankshaft with an increased piston running, with which the motor volume increased to 1.5l.

    As he was seen in past articles, in the engines of the Zhiguli there is a failure of the camshaft wear. Due to the fact that the chain drive does not have a tensioner - it is necessary to pull up the chain, the engine needs unchanged (once every 10 thousand km) adjustment of the valve gaps, this will give a tip the sound knock in the VAZ engine 2103 When operating a motor at idle, heard from the driver's seat when the hood is closed. Many have a question for what to adjust the valve, the answer is simple - the power will decrease, the fuel consumption will increase, the valve will progrit and many other joys of life. Adjusting the VAZ 2103 motor valves must be performed or a master or do it yourself. To other dilemmas, the Weber and Ozone arburators are consultable to adjust the CO and cleaning. It often happens that the VAZ 2103 engine is heated, we find it in the pump, 99% it is. Often when the troit engine is 2103, there may be plenty of circumstances, more often than valve warfare, in any case, you need to measure compression and demonstrate the car to the master. Many Motor Motor Motor 2103 repeat Tasks 2101, due to their relatives. For more full picture And so that you do not miss anything, read about the engine 2101 here.

    Nevertheless, P about the folk view Motor 2103 is more reliable and undemanding in the midst of the traditional line of engines, and taking into account the prices for spare parts on the VAZ 2103 engine, it is invited to be surprised why the classic goes to our streets to you.

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    Engine tuning VAZ 2103

    Force engine 2103.

    Methods of modification of the VAZ 2103 motor, as well as the whole classics, mass, from boring to the compressor with turbines, but let's start in a row. How to force the VAZ 2103 engine, the cheapest and usual tuning of the VAZ 2103 motor was and remains a boring of cylinders 3 mm under 79 mm piston from VAZ 21011 or from VAZ 2106, we have 1.6l at the exit. To sharpen further, under 82 mm will not be possible due to very thin walls of the block.

    For the upcoming increase in volume, it is necessary to increase the piston stroke to 84 mm. Increased volume with such a method lowers the greatest operating speeds, the low-shirt is not best choice For racing, but still. To increase the power of the motor VAZ 2103 piston running, the crankshaft of the VAZ 2130 is put, as well as use the Piston TRT, the connecting rods are seated to 134 mm. Minuses of TRT pistons - the smallest of their strength in relation to the standard, thermal load on the ring and the possibility of a piston slot.

    Motor boring 2103.

    Maximum torque

    115НМ at 3000 rub / min

    With this configuration, we obtain exactly Motor 2106.

    Larger piston, standard move

    Moment engine, not for racing configuration.

    How to boost the engine VAZ 2103 by finishing the GBC

    The Trochny Motor uses the GBC VAZ 2101, the main defects of which is that it was designed for low-consuming units. Accordingly, the passage cross sections do not correspond to the increased volume, it is necessary to correct the method of boring and polishing the channels.

    Polishing and boring Channel CHC VAZ 2103 and the collector will significantly reduce the resistance on the inlet, the power of the motor in the entire spectrum increases by 10%. How to polish and which selected shafts are described in the article "Tuning VAZ 2101", due to the identity of the motors, all this applies to the engine Troika Zhiguli. The repair of the motor 2103 does not complete this, the correctly selected distribution shaft on 2103, as well as a modified head can show more than 100 hp.

    Camshaft on VAZ 2103

    The rule of choice spat the usual, on the bottom config, when the high stroke of the piston and it is larger than the diameter of the cylinder, it is necessary to take the shaft of the lower with the phase to 270, the lifting of the valve is more. Such engine will turn out enough travelers, urban and go will go much better than the standard, at that time the highest turns will disappear. What camshaft is elected for the bottom, Estonian 1, the Nivovo shaft 213 or something similar in characteristics is suitable. When riding configuration, respectively, elevate the riding shaft wide-phase with a huge lifting of the valves. In a standard head, the craftsman 48 will be stopped without refinement, the OKB engine 480 and them are similar. More widely empty will require additional work. The cons of the shafts with a wide phase is a traction on the bottoms than the evil shaft the strinst rides from the bottom and uneven idlingbut losing bottoms get higher power on top. Which way to move and it is worth moving in general to solve for you, the main and more popular principles of motor forcing 2103 for you were presented very simple and accessible.

    Compressor on classic

    Compressor at 2103. a good option Cheap Zhiguli inflated, stores are ready-made installation whales with a pressure of 0.5 and 0.7 bar from Avturbo. Installation of the compressor 0.5bar on the classics are sufficiently ordinary enough and asks for a minimum of improvements, in a pair with a modified GBC, a motor produces more than 125 hp. Against this method, the cost of all events. Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2 Oil Replacement Substitution Oil Grand Cherokee WK2 Machine Pentastar 3.6 V6 Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2. In the plastic motor lid there is a hatch to access oil Shchu and the bay neck. But even more successful access will be if you remove a plastic cover one hundred percent. Motor department without a lid. Cover of the fuzzy neck. It should be unscrewed in order to ...

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