Home Locks Redo the ignition system. Replacing the contact system of ignition to contactless. Installation instructions for contactless system

Redo the ignition system. Replacing the contact system of ignition to contactless. Installation instructions for contactless system

On modern cars, the contact ignition is no longer put. There are many reasons for this, including due to the large number of mechanical systems in such an ignition. What to do the owners of old cars? Sometimes they are wondering if it is possible to remake the contact rubber on the contactless?

Benefits BSZ (contactless system)

ATTENTION! Found a completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption! Do not believe? Auto mechanic with 15 years old also did not believe, until he tried. And now it saves 35,000 rubles per year in gasoline!

So, on the shooting range of an old sample due to the presence of a huge number of mechanical components, backlamps and gaps appear over time. The energy of the sparks is not ensured, as needed, and the quality of the contacts themselves is raised for a big doubt.

Installing the contactless ignition system or BSZ is able to solve all previous difficulties, since one Hall sensor can replace a group of various mechanical elements at once. Progress is good, you can't argue with it.

Hall Sensor

Since we are talking about the Hall Sensor, consider those moments because of which it is considered significantly better mechanics, and even can replace several of them.

Note. Interestingly, until a certain point, this sensor could not be considered as an analogue of the mechanical component of the distributor.

However, over time, during the technological progress and explicit disadvantages of mechanical components, such as permanent pollution, the lack of contacts, etc., the Hall sensor began to oust the previous systems. And today it is made even on scooters, playing the function of the component part of the ignition regulator.

In fact, the Hall sensor is a thin semiconductor sheet. In the course of entering it a pulse, a current appears with a weak voltage. The voltage gain is possible only if the semiconductor across the magnetic field passes. This property of the material and took the physics.

The element from semiconductor material (plate), chip (chip), magnet and metal screen with slots. It is through the last component that the magnetic field is passed, which is why energy occurs. The metal screen, it is clear that it does not miss the magnetic field, but when the slots open, a low voltage pulse is created.

Interesting moment. When you combine this device with a distributor, a single node called a rubber, which performs with great efficacy standard ignition distributor functions.

Other advantages

The commissioning of BSZ has become one of the serious innovations in the automotive industry. This technologicality made it possible not only to increase the power of the power plant, but also to reduce the flow rate of the fuel several times. In addition, thanks to the new system, it was possible to reduce the amount of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere.

The CSW or the contact system did not meet the hopes of the designers, because it was not possible to increase the energy cell in the spark, and in the process of transition to more powerful engines such a distributor did not justify itself.

In a word, the high-precision ignition adjustment with the CSW is impossible, the motor constantly observes interruptions in the work, the consumption of fuel and CO2 will increase.

Obviously, the submission of relatively greater energy into candles many experts consider almost the main advantage of BSZ. Due to this, the spark is increasing, so necessary for full combustion of gasoline. And this, in turn, leads to improved car maneuverability on the roads.

BSZ Draver is also an universal improvement, as well as the stability of impulses. At all ranges of operation of the OBS, the return is significantly improved. The Hall sensor in this case plays a much higher role, completely replacing the archaic contact system.

Finally, another indisputable advantage of BSZ is unpretentious and low demand for maintenance. Adjustments Such a distributor will require only once, and not as KSZ - constantly.

Alteration of KSZ in the BSZ will not take more than 1 hour if you follow the correct instruction of the implementation. This applies naturally, a person knowledgeable in the auto electrician and knowing what difficulties it can be expected along the way.

Any operation, whether it is repairs or modernization, begins with the preparation of the workplace.

  1. You should decide on the place to install the switch. Many put it on the left mudguard, where it is fixed by two self-drawing to the body. However, it is necessary to be attentive and traced that the contacting of the radiator of the device with a metal part of the essays was maximum. Thus, the best heat transfer is provided.
  2. Install the ignition mark on the 4th cylinder.
  3. Purchase a new set of SZ that would come to the BSZ. The clearance in such candles should be 0.8 mm.
  4. Purchase and replace the coil.

It remains to change the rubber on the electronic, install the Hall sensor.

Armor, naturally, the necessary tools:

  • A set of different keys.
  • A set of screwdrivers.
  • Samores.
  • Drill with a set of different drills.

So, that's how the rubber changes:

  • The lid is removed to access the rotor.
  • Install the Rotor Runner to the position, easily repeated when installing the new BSZ-Tribble. Mark inboard.
  • Fully turn the dispenser lock and remove the device.
  • Remove the main armored bar, which integrate the coil and the distributor.
  • Set the runner of the new traver in accordance with the old.
  • Put the housing by the labels exhibited in advance and labeled on the body of the inhibition.
  • Insert a new lid, connect the wires.

The coil is also updated:

  • Eight-key turning fissors-nut wiring contacts.
  • A dozen key weakened fixation of the coil itself.
  • Put a new coil.

Attention. In the process of installing a new coil, be sure to focus on the location of the contacts. It is better to put everything as it was made on the old scheme.

  • The new device is fixed.
  • Wires are connected to the contacts.

Council. It is better not yet to remove the wires with the old coil, but to do it after installing a new one. Thus, it will be possible to transfer wiring without making mistakes.

  • Bowls the main armored bar connecting the distributor with the coil.

One of the most important elements of the BSZ is the switch. As it was written above, its location is selected in advance. It is put as follows:

  • The switch leans to the body for the mark of drilling points.
  • The device is screwed by screws.

Attention. Under one self-tapping screws, a black mass cable from the plug of connection is intensified.

In fact, in some cases, the secret of the alteration is reduced to replacing the rod of the traver. On the old one he is shorter. If you can easily rearrange this very stock with some kind of distributor of a new sample, then as a result, you can safely save on the purchase of a new trambling.

As for the setup of the BSZ Tribile, it is carried out only once. Women can be set without any devices. It is done on a heated to 85 degrees of DVS, when moving on medium speed. The checkpoint switches to 4 speed, the accelerator pedal is pressed into the floor. If a short-term detonation arises, after which the engine is gaining momentum, the BSZ is set correctly. On the contrary, if the knock appears during this, it is necessary to stop. Ignition is appointed incorrectly. And that's what you need to do:

  • Turn to distribute clockwise 1 degrees.
  • Repeat ride with sharp speed switching.

A similar operation is repeated until the correct ignition is set.

That's all things. Good luck on the roads with a new rubber!

The contact system of ignition in modern cars is practically no applied and gave way to contactless and electronic systems. However, our car owners have many old cars (in our case it is VAZ-2106), for which I would like to improve the performance of your motors. As a rule, two options are selected for this: installation of an injection force unit or a modern ignition system.

What is non-contact and electronic ignition

It should be immediately distinguished by the concepts of "electronic" and "non-contact" ignition, as it is fundamentally different systems. Electronic ignition has a crankshaft position sensor and is controlled by it through the ECU (electronic motor control unit). For the work of the contactless ignition, such difficulties are not needed.
How is it arranged? In the ignition distributor of the contactless type, instead of opening contacts, an induction coil is installed, giving a high voltage current, which is then given to the candle. And then, as usual, flammable fuel in the cylinders.

Advantages of the application of the system on VAZ 2106

  • The lack of blurred contacts that often burn out.
  • No additional adjustments are needed.
  • Covered wear is significantly reduced.
  • Fast "cold" engine start in winter.
  • More smooth operation of the motor.
  • No need to clean and change contacts.

Installation with your own hands and connection scheme

So, determined with the choice, we suggest familiarize yourself with the necessary tool, the procedure for replacement and video instructions.


From the tool you will need:

  1. The key to 13 - to remove and put a tramber
  2. Screwdriver - twist the screws.
  3. Drill with metal drill, diameter for self-tapping screws
  4. Two self-press - fasten the switch.
  5. Keys on 10 and 8 - remove and put the coil.

How to set step by step

  1. Disconnect the minus battery.

    Before starting work with the ignition system, disconnect the minus contact of the battery.

  2. Remove the lid of the high-voltage wire lid.

    Removing the ignition distributor

  3. Disconnect the high-voltage wire on the coil.

    Disconnecting the wire from the ignition coil

  4. Short inclusions of the starter put the ignition distributor runner perpendicular to the motor.

    So there must be a tramber relative to the motor

  5. Make the position of the position of the tramber marker on the engine.

    Installation of the ignition distributor run

  6. Unscrew the nut holding the battery, key to 13. Turn off the wire connecting the device with the coil.

    Before removing the ignition distributor, turn off the wire that goes on it from the coil

  7. A new ignition distributor insert into the engine, removing the cover from it.

    The ignition distributor must be inserted into the standard socket.

  8. Turn the trembler case so that the average label on it coincides with the previously set by you on the motor.
  9. Tighten the fastening nut of the new ignition distributor.

    Ignition distributor mount holds nut

  10. Put the lid of the timeline and connect the wires to it.

    So installed the lid on the trambler

  11. Replace the ignition coil new.

    For the new system you need a new coil

  12. Connect regular and new wires to the coil. To connect everything correctly, use the scheme.

    All connections must match the scheme

The installation of a contactless ignition system based on the Hall sensor allows you to get a number of advantages that the contactless ignition system has, in front of the classical (contact) ignition system. This replacement is relevant for early Volga models with an installed ZMZ 402 engine.

Advantages of the contactless system:

The beat and vibration of the runner in the distributor sensor practically do not affect the uniform distribution of sparking on the engine cylinders;
The absence in the interrupter movable interrupter distributor sensor significantly increases reliability and simplifies the maintenance of the sensor (there is no need to periodically stripping the contacts of the interrupter and adjustment of the gap between them);
The provision of an increased discharge energy system significantly improves the reliability of flammability of a combustible mixture in the engine cylinders, which is especially important on the vehicle acceleration modes, when the conditions for the ignition of the mixture are unfavorable due to the time depletion of the mixture;
Providing a reliable engine start at low temperatures that significantly reduce the voltage in the on-board network of the car (BSZ practically does not cause changes in sparking parameters even if the voltage drops to 6 V).
The energy of the spark discharge when using the BSZ on the average turnover of rotation of the crankshaft in 3 ... 4 times higher than with a classic ignition system, in connection with this, even a significant deposition of in-ignition candles does not have a significant deterioration of sparking in the engine cylinders.
The switch circuit protects the ignition coil from overload, increasing the reliability and service life of the entire system. After stopping the engine, the primary winding of the ignition coil is forcibly disconnected, which ensures the preservation of the coil with a long-term parking lot of the car with the ignition turned on when the engine is not working.
Due to the fact that the sensor-distributor does not have a contact group, with high engine speeds, a clear and uninterrupted sparking is ensured, which is not in the CSW.

In the contactless ignition system, instead of the ignition distributor, a distributor sensor or a Hall sensor is installed. The distributor 54.3706-05 is installed on the ZMZ engine. In the dispenser sensor, a magnetically sensitive semiconductor element is used instead of the interrupter contacts (Hall sensor), the operation of which is based on the physical effect of the hall. To account for the effect of the engine operating modes (the rotational speed of the crankshaft and the load) by the magnitude of the ignition advance in the design of the sensor - the distributor, the centrifugal mechanical and vacuum automatic regulators are provided, similar to the similar machines of classical ignition systems.
The distribution of high-voltage pulses by engine cylinders in the distributor sensor is made using a rotating slider.
Switching the primary winding of the ignition coil in the BSZ is performed by an electronic switch transforming control pulses from the sensor - the ignition distributor to the current pulses in the primary winding of the ignition coil. To increase the inractoration energy, the primary winding is made with a small value of the active resistance (0.45 ohms), due to which the maximum current in the primary winding of the ignition coil before the spark discharge reaches a large value (up to 10 A, instead of 3 ... 5 and the classical coils Ignition system). Therefore, BSZ coils are not interchangeable with the coils of the ignition contact system. The use of them in the classic ignition system will lead to immediate burnout of the interrupter contacts.

To install BSZ to the ZMZ engine, it is required to purchase the following components:

1. Sensor - ignition distributor (rubber) - 54.3706-05
2. Ignition coil from VAZ 2108 - 27.3705
3. ignition switch from VAZ 2108 - 95.3734 (36.3734)
4. Harness connecting wires.
5. Quality high-voltage wires (optional, but preferably)
6. 2 Samorza.
7. Gasket of the traver.

The installation of the BSZ on the car does not represent complexity and it takes no more than one and a half hours. To begin with, carefully dismantle the old ignition system. By revealing the fastening nut, disconnecting the low-voltage and high-voltage wires, disconnecting the Vacuum Corrector Tuber - remove the rubber. From the old traver, we take off the sealing rubber ring, it will be needed to install on a new rubber (complete with a new rubber of the sealing ring).
From the ignition coil, disconnect the high-voltage wire, and low-voltage wires. The wires going to the contact "to" (except for the wire going to the traver) and to the contact "b" on the ignition coil in the future are connected to the new coil (if you have without a variator system, the coil can not be changed). The wire attached to the VK contact is isolated and is no longer used. Remove the ignition coil and together with the rubber lay aside to the reserve.
Ignition installation start with the installation of a new traver. Sew on it is a rubber sealing ring, install it instead of the old, pre-playing the drive of the traver with its response. Incorrectly install the rubber will not work (if you don't really digest), since the groove where the retaliatory part of the traver is inserted, has a shift from the center. By installing the rubber, connect the tube of the vacuum corrector and high-voltage wires.
We find a place to install the switch (I installed it on the right mudguard near the GTC). It is desirable that the installation location was as far as possible from the heating parts, and splashes into the rotor space when moving the car. Place the attachment points, send them and secure the switch to two screws. Then pin the new ignition coil on site old.

In the end, we get such a picture.

It remains to breed the harness of the wires. There are several nuances for which we would like to pay special attention. In the harness of the wires, which was purchased by me, were poorly crimped contacts and therefore it was necessary to retrain them, and in the future, for a lot of reliability to disappear (you can buy in the store wiring from VAZ 2107). All connectors must be tightly inserted and snapped. It is important not to confuse the wires when connecting to the ignition coil. Connect the wiring harness according to the scheme:

After installing the BSZ set, you need to set the ignition advance angle. If all the ignition components are working, and the installation is carried out without errors, the engine is started immediately.

Although progress stepped far forward, there was still a lot of adherents of classical VAZ models. These cars include an old penny, which has long been removed from production, and more modern, but also not already produced models 2104. In this article, we will talk about how the contact ignition on the non-contact (electronic) and whether there are really from such a replacement.

Why do I need a replacement?

On the network on various automotive forums, owners lead a multi-page debate about the benefits contactless ignition. And these advantages are increasing. After installing the contactless ignition, the work becomes smooth and soft. With a sharp acceleration of the car there are no failures. Significantly facilitated launch and especially in cold weather. And of course, noticeable fuel economy.

Device and principle of contactless ignition.

In essence, the device contactless ignition not many different from the system contact ignition. The only differences are the absence of a traver and the presence of pulse sensor with a transistor switch unit.

Installing the contactless ignition system on VAZ

First you need to purchase a set contactless ignition for. We strongly recommend buying contactless ignition in proven outlets. It should be noted that the kit must correspond to the characteristics of the engine of your car, and the timing of the tree shaft should not differ from the long shaft that is currently on the unit.

The contactless ignition kit should include:

  2. coil
  3. switching unit
  4. connecting wires
  5. set of high voltage wires
  6. four spark plugs with Marking DVRM

To replace contactless ignition system It has been successfully necessary to comply with the correct sequence of work. First you need to remove minus. Then disconnect the wires from the ignition coil and the central high-voltage wire, after which remove the lid of the traver. Now I exhibit the slider to the position as shown in the figure, so as not to knock the ignition settings. You also need to make a label on the block to correctly set a new contactless ignition rubber. Please note that the label is in the middle of the five slots on the bottom of the trimmer case. Now you can unscrew the nut and remove the old rubber contact ignition system.

Before installing the contactless ignition, open the cover of the new traver and put the runner into the same position as on the old one, perpendicular to the engine. And only then we insert it in the holes of the cylinder block. Then we combine the label, which was done before, and clamp the housing with a nut.

Then we make an assembly: we put the lid, connect high-voltage wires.

After that, disconnect and remove the old ignition coil and put a new one in her place. We connect another end of the central high-voltage wire to it, but the brown wire that came from the coil to the tracher now it is not useful to us and you can safely postpone.

Connect all high-voltage wires to your places. Two brown wires connect to the new ignition coil to the contact "to", and to the contact "b" two blue.

Now we are determined with the place for the switch (you can in the area of \u200b\u200bthe washer tank) and with the help of self-sustaining it. Connect the connector, and twist all the wires with a tape.

After the operations proceeded, start the motor and, if necessary, adjust the operation of the contactless ignition.

VAZ "Semyon" - the last classic model of the Zhiguli, produced from 1982 to 2012. Moreover, the injector and electron ignition appeared on the VAZ 2107 car already in the 90s, and all previous modifications walked with a carburetor and a mechanical (contact) spark system. Since there are many such cars in the territory of the countries of the former USSR, the question of the transition to contactless ignition (abbreviated-bsz) does not lose relevance for their owners. He is solved without any problems, you only need to buy a set of new equipment and put it on the "seven" with your own hands, so as not to spend funds for the services of the car service.

Electronic ignition design

To put the contactless system on the "classic" VAZ 2107 with a carburetor, it is desirable to explore how it is arranged. This will help you correctly assemble the scheme and successfully launch it to work. BSZ For old carburetor models of the Zhiguli consists of such elements:

  • the trambler, it is the ignition system distributor;
  • high-voltage coil of a new design (differs from the old working with mechanical contacts);
  • switch responsible for managing the system;
  • high-voltage and conventional wires with connectors and terminals connecting the listed elements;
  • spark plug.

Reference. Since the new ignition system does not have a contact group, and its work is controlled by an electronic unit, the name "non-contact" and "electronic" are equally suitable for it.

In the new high-voltage coil provided 2 windings. The primary is made of a large-seen conductor and is connected to the electric network of the car through the ignition lock relay. The secondary winding is wound up with a large number of turns of thin wire and is attached to the high-voltage wire to the tramblor consisting of the following parts:

  • case with center installed in the center;
  • at the end of the shaft, mobile contact is secured (the so-called slider);
  • the cover is on top to the body, where the high-voltage wires of a large cross section are connected, which goes to the ignition candles;
  • on the shaft there is a protrusion (cam), opposite which the Hall sensor costs;
  • a vacuum diaphragm is attached to the side, providing ignition ahead.

The switch is connected by a small cross section with a distributor and a coil, its task is to manage the timely feed of the spark on the candle.

Reference. In newer modifications, VAZ 2107, where instead of the carburetor is an injector, a separate switch is missing. There is no need for it, because the controller of the on-board computer is in spar forming and fuel supply.

Principle of operation of the BSZ.

Sparking with electronic control functions by a fairly simple algorithm, which causes reliability of this scheme. When the driver turns the key in the ignition lock, a constant voltage from the on-board network is on the primary winding of the coil, which is formed around it a magnetic field. The system works like this.

  1. The starter turns the crankshaft and drives the Tree of the Tumbler along with the runner.
  2. The Hall Sensor, which responses to the passage of the metal mass, registers the turnover of the shaft on the performance on it and sends the signal to the switch.
  3. The electronic unit on the sensor signal turns off the voltage supply to the primary winding of the coil.
  4. At the time of breaking the chain in the secondary winding of the coil is formed a high voltage pulse (up to 24 kV). In a thick wire, it is sent to the moving contact of the trambler.
  5. The runner redirects the pulse to one of the fixed contacts embedded in the lid. From there, the voltage enters the candle of that cylinder, where the piston is in the upper dead point.
  6. At this point, the fuel is already in the combustion chamber in a compressed state. When the spark is sparking on the candle electrodes, its ignition occurs.
  7. The slider rotates and transmits the spark to all the cylinders according to the scheme 1-3-4-2, after which the engine engine starts and starts working.

Note. In the old cars VAZ 2107, the switch was absent, and the electrical chain was broken by the mechanical way - the shale shaft was blocked by the contact group.

Pros and disadvantages of contactless ignition

Currently, 100% of the produced cars that use gasoline or liquefied gas are equipped with an electronic control system. Mechanical ignition is outdated and remained in the past. The reason is its unreliability during operation, frequent problems and low power sparks. Compared to the BSZ contact system, has the following advantages:

  1. The absence of contacts whose surfaces are constantly burning from high voltage, which is why the in-form capacity drops sharply.
  2. In the electronic system distributor, there are no helpful details that had to change every 15-20 thousand km of mileage.
  3. Thanks to the contactless scheme and the new coil design, the voltage supplied to the electrodes of the candles was managed from 18 to 24 square meters. This has a beneficial effect on ignition and burning the fuel-air mixture in the cylinders.
  4. Reliability in work and durability.

Reference. In the past times, the owners of the Vazovskaya "Classics" quite often had to remove the protrusion, loading on the surface of one of the contacts, for which a flat feet was required. But on the second contact, a deepening was formed, which is difficult to clean it, so manufacturers began to make contact groups with through holes.

Of the essential deficiencies of the BSZ, one can be noted - the unrepair producer of the Hall sensor. If the mechanical contacts are cleaned, the faulty sensor only needs to be changed, so it is desirable to carry it with you. On the other hand, this tider is very reliable in work and serves without problems 40-50 thousand km.

Reference. The owners of cars VAZ 2107, equipped with the first BSZ sets, in addition to the Hall sensor, had to carry a backup switch. But after 2 years, his design has undergone modernization, which is why electronic blocks ceased to fail.

Installation instructions for contactless system

The procedure for replacing the mechanical ignition to the electronic is divided into such steps:

  • choosing and buying BSZ;
  • preparation of tools;
  • removing the old system and installing a new one;
  • ignition setting.

If you earlier did not have to independently deal with the problems of sparking in classical models of Zhiguli, it would have to be allocated for about 3-4 hours.

The factory set of BSZ for VAZ 2107, coming on sale, includes the following details:

  • switch with a catalog number 36.3734 (still 3620.3734);
  • main ignition distributor, marking - 38.37061;
  • high-voltage coil, catalog number - 27.3705;
  • wire harnesses with connectors.

Note. The timing of the tramblor is indicated for machines with 1.5 and 1.6 liters. In the modifications, the "seed" with a 1.3 liter motor cylinder block is less than height, and the ignition distributor shaft is shorter. His catalog number is 38.3706-01.

There is a similar contactless kit for sale, designed for the Russian SUV VAZ 2121 "Niva". It is labeled in it: 3810.3706 or 38.3706-10. It is not worth buying it for the "classics", since the element is different according to the technical parameters, although it looks the same.

Among the manufacturers producing ready-made electron ignition kits for old models of VAZ, SOATE company has proven it better, whose production is located in the town of Stary Oskol of the Russian Federation. Reviews of the "Classics" owners about the company's products are purely positive.

Council. When planning to put the BSZ on the "seven", in parallel, replace the spark plugs (Mark - A17DVR) and high-voltage wires to them. They are not included in the package, but for stable and economical operation of the engine with a new sparking system will be very useful.

What instruments will need?

To mount the electronic unit and other BZS elements, you will need a simple toolkit in the garage from any masterful motorist:

  • shipping with flat and cruciform slot;
  • rozhkov keys in size 8, 10 and 13 mm;
  • ordinary passatshai;
  • candle wrench equipped for convenience of cardanchik;
  • manual or electric drill with a drill with a diameter of 3-3.5 mm.

Note. Using keys, terminals, attachment of the timbl and coils are unscrewed. The drill will need to make 2 holes for mounting the switch. In some machines, you can find ready-made holes, designed to install electronics, they are on the left side member (along the movement of the car).

Well, if you manage to find and take a special key for a while, intended for turning the crankshaft VAZ 2107, grabbing the ratchet nut. Another option is to rotate the crankshaft by a conventional horn key of 30 mm, either turning the posterior rear wheel when the 4th gear is enabled.

It is possible to carry out the installation and configuration of the contactless ignition at any convenient location, just to allow weather conditions. Because the observation pit you will not need, then a smooth and well-lit place will be fit.

Installing BSZ on a car

Before mounting the electronic ignition, you need to remove the old system from the machine, acting in that order:

  1. Raise the hood lid "Seven", disconnect the battery from the onboard network and remove the high voltage wires from the candles.
  2. Remove the candles and rotate the crankshaft output the piston of the 1st cylinder into the upper dead point (NTC). This will help you with a long screwdriver inserted into a candle well. Make sure that the crankshaft is on the crankshaft pulley stands opposite the first tag on the cylinder block (it is the longest three).
  3. Unlock metal ignition distributor covers and remove it with wires. For loyalty, put the marker opposite the moving slider on the valve cover.
  4. Disconnect all wires and a thin tube from the time block, which connects it with the fitting on the carburetor. Loosen the nut pressing the distributor skirt to the cylinder block, and unscrew it. Remove the old trambler by tracing so that the gasket is not lost (it stands between it and block).
  5. Disconnect the wires from the contacts of the high-voltage coil and remember where they were connected. Unscrew the coil bracket and remove it from the body.

Installing the BSZ Start from the installation of the electronic unit, equipped with an aluminum planting plate with holes (it serves as an element of the cooling device). If there are finished holes on the left side member, screw the switch to them with two screws. Otherwise, locate the free place near the coil, drill holes and secure the control unit.

Council. Do not place the switch under the tank with a liquid for washing the windshield. If it trips, it will fill the delicate electronics and the ignition will cease to function.

Installation of the elements of the contactless system, perform in such a sequence:

  1. Take a new tramber, remove the lid from it and put on the gasket. Install it in the socket on the cylinder block so that the movable contact is to get opposite the chalk tag drawn on the valve lid of the motor. Lightly press the skirt of the distributor by the fastening nut so that it does not accidentally turn.
  2. Screw the high voltage coil to the old place (fasteners coincide). Connect the wires to its terminals from the ignition lock relay, tachometer and switcher. He lived, which comes from the contact "1" of the electronic unit, connects to the terminal with the labeling "to" coil, and the wire from the contact "4" is connected to the terminal "b".
  3. By setting the clearance of 0.8-0.9 mm between the electrodes of candles, tighten them into the holes of the cylinders. Put on the lid tramber and connect all the high voltage wires, including the central leading to the coil. Connect the vacuum tube, after which you can begin to start the motor and adjust the timely sparking.

Council. When mounting a high-voltage coil, the terminals are changing in places, which delivers some inconvenience. The question is solved by the weakening of the nut of the fastener clamp and the rotation of the coil body 180 °, after which it can be placed in place.

Ignition installation steps in photos

The position of the runner with combined labels before setting the labels. You need to remove the distribution cover. Unscrewing the wires of the old time. Removing the central high-voltage wire. Focusing on the numbers on the lid, the switch is attached to 2 Samorza to the spar

Footage to replace ignition on electronic

Ignition setting instructions

If you clearly follow the outlined instructions, they attached all the wires according to the scheme and did not knock the aligned tags, the motor will start without problems. To adjust the ignition, you need to achieve stable engine operation, so it is for starting to warm it up for a few minutes without letting the gas to be stuck on the gas pedal.

Council. If the start of the motor failed, but even the cotton does not appear when the starter is turned on, then you probably dressed with wiring. Check out everything again according to the scheme attached to the factory set of electronic ignition parts.

You can adjust on the heated engine with two methods:

  • without the use of special devices - "on rumor";
  • accurate tuning with a strobe.

The stroboscope is a device with a light bulb flashing simultaneously with the power transmission of the Hall sensor. When the included strobe is brought to the flywheel of the crankshaft on a running motor, the position of the notch becomes visible. Hence the possibility of accurate adjustment.

To configure, connect the power of the strobe to the battery, and the thick core - to the high-voltage wire of the 1st cylinder candle. Release the battle nut nut and bring the flashing lamp to the pulley. Slowly turn the distributor body while the notch on the pulley does not take place opposite the short risks, then tighten the nut.

Setting up the national way "on the hearing" is performed as follows:

  1. Get the engine and release the nut holding the ignition distributor.
  2. Smoothly and slowly rotate the timbler within 15 °. Find a position in which the motor is most stable.
  3. Hold the fastening nut.

Council. When you turn the ignition distributor by hand, try not to touch the high voltage wires so that you do not hit the current. The optimal option is to take on the housing of the membrane mechanism where the tube from the carburetor is attached.

It is quite natural that after installing the non-contact ignition system, idle engine speed will increase to 1100-1200 rpm due to increased spark power. Set the rate of 850-900 rpm, twisting the idling screw on the carburetor and focusing on the tachometer. On the carburetors of VAZ 2105-2107 type "Ozone" This screw is located in the lower section of the unit on the right side and is characterized by a large size. In the carburetors of VAZ 2108 type SOLEX (these were also placed on the "seven") there is a long handle of plastic, protruding on the right (along the movement). The second screw regulating the composition of the fuel and air mixture cannot be twisted.

Council. If a ringing knock is heard during a sharp pressing on an accelerator from the engine, then you put too much the ignition advance angle and the mixture flashes before you need. Loosen the distributor nut and turn the housing to a pair of degrees clockwise.

Videos about the ignition adjustment on the "Classic" of the Zhiguli

The best indicator of the successful installation and adjustment of the non-contact ignition system is to check the VAZ 2107 on the go. It is worth passing by car a few kilometers to check for various modes - overclocking, movement in straight and rolled when the transmission is enabled. The behavior of the car will probably like it, and the pushing cleaning of contacts will be forgotten forever.

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