Home Transmission What eat spiders. Spider on Priora: equipment selection and detailed installation instructions What gives spider 4 1

What eat spiders. Spider on Priora: equipment selection and detailed installation instructions What gives spider 4 1

Many owners of VAZ 2114 do not always like the work of the power plant in the factory execution. The engine of this vehicle is equipped with an injector power system configured under Euro-3 standard. And precisely because of this standard, the gas removal system "eats" up to 10 liters. from. Power.

To eliminate this unpleasant fact, many subjected to the exhaust system of modernization exhaust gases, setting the place of the regular collector tuning, who received the name "Spider".

"Spider" is the same manifold, but with a separate removal of exhaust gases from the engine cylinders at the initial stage. The essence of the work "Spider" is better purging and cleaning cylinders from exhaust gases due to pressure fluctuations in the exhaust system. To achieve the desired effect in the manufacture of "spider", pipes of a certain length are used. And the nozzles connected to the block head are set by the order of the engine.


Now the market sells "Spider" of two types: 4-1 and 4-2-1. The difference between them is reduced to the fact that in the first type 4 nozzle, which are joined to the block of the block converge into one pipe, and it is already connected to the catalyst. The "spider" of the second type is characterized by the fact that its 4 pipes first pass into 2 pipes, and those in turn into one that is connected to the catalyst. In addition, the inner cavity of the "Spider" does not have a filling that is in a regular manifold. This filling and ensures compliance with the EURO-3 standard, and it "gives" the VAZ 2114 engine.

The type "Spider" also affects the achievement of the necessary effect. In order for the pressure fluctuations in the exhaust system with type 4-1 provided a good blowing of cylinders, the speed of power should be higher than 6,500 r. That is, it is advisable to install such a "spider" only on the forced engines that provide high revs.

Type 4-2-1 allows you to achieve the necessary effect and on small revolutions, which makes it possible to use them on the VAZ-2114, even without alterations of the power plant.

It should be noted that the Spider itself, installed instead of a regular manifold, will not particularly affect the operation of the engine, you will also need to remove the catalyst and install the resonator and the direct-flow exhaust system. In general, changing the entire exhaust system. After such alterations, VAZ-2114 will not correspond to any standards, but the car is more frisky. In addition, it will not be necessary to replace the scored catalyst, since it simply will not be in the system.

Despite the fact that in the human being, the nature itself laid fear of spiders, many more often choose them as exotic pets. Spider owners claim that this is the perfect option, if you do not have a time to care for a small friend. If you do not suffer arachnophobia and dream of getting a unusual home beast, we will help you to understand the peculiarities of the care and content, types of spiders, as well as all the advantages and cons of this choice.

What spiders can be kept at home

Not all kinds of arthropods can be kept at home.Some of them are deadly poisonous, others have an incredible appearance (for example, a gray spider or spider-hay, which most often live in secluded corners of houses and apartments). Many stop their choice on poultry spiders, and that there are several reasons:

  1. They possess a presentable appearance: large sizes, bright color, shaggy tel.
  2. This species includes more than a hundred subspecies, from which you can choose a pet for every taste.
  3. Live slightly longer than other types.
  4. Can reproduce offspring in captivity.
  5. Poultry poison is not a fatal threat to a healthy adult.

Popular species of poultryed are: Whitewolves, two-color, giant, striped, horned and others. In addition to the birds, the choice is often stopped on tarantulas, spiders-crushes, spiders wolves or scumps. The listed species are extremely rarely biting people (only in the case of a sudden attack), but even if this happens, their poison does not cause any serious consequences.

Where to keep

Usually, glass or plastic terrariums with good sealing are used to maintain spiders. They can be horizontal and vertical type: the first are suitable for terrestrial spiders, and for wood species, a vertical dwell type with efficient ventilation is required. Therefore, it is very important to know the view of your pet to recreate natural conditions for him as accurately.

Most species do not need a lot of space, as almost all the time they spend passively, hiding in dupes, minks and other shelters. However, the length of the dwelling should be at least twice the distance of the spell of the pet feet. In too large terrarium, the pet will experience explicit discomfort and the desire to hide away.

The terrarium also should not be too high so that the pet is not damaged when falling from the walls of the walls. For example, for adult poultry worst containers such parameters: 30 * 30 * 20 cm. For young poultry spiders (age up to several lines), there is enough plastic container with a size of 10 * 8 * 6 cm. After 7-10 lines, you can buy a dwelling Larger, based on the size of a pet.

It is important to understand that the needs of spiders in the location are found from most animal familiar to us - a segmental one does not need a lot of space for walking and activity.

Is it possible to keep a few individuals in one container

In natural conditions, some types of spiders can accommodate together, and it may even be individuals of various sexes and age groups. However, in conditions of captivity, it is not recommended to contain two and more representatives of one species in one container - it is associated with high risks of aggression or cannibalism, and as a result, injury or destruction of pets. It is also necessary to disassemble the kids after the first mink.

Important!The joint content of spiders of different types in the overwhelming majority of cases ends with the death of one of the pets.

In order for an exotic pet for a long time to please you with his presence, you need to work hard on the equipment of his dwelling. When arranging the terrarium, it is necessary to consider lighting, decor and filler, adjust the temperature and humidity of the air.

What you need in terrarium

Mandatory in the terrarium should be a layer from the substrate.First, it will help recreate more natural conditions for pets, and it will not sit on a bare plastic or glass. Secondly, the main task of the substrate is to maintain a stable humidity level inside the container. For this reason, no sand nor stones are suitable as a filler. The most acceptable options are vermiculitis and coconut filler. Both fillers are characterized by high hygroscopicity.

The need for decor is determined by the type of your pet. For example, for spiders, wearing web, special decor is not required, as it will not be noticeable under the layer of beautiful lace. the main thing - Provide pets all conditions for weaving. But for species that love to hide in shelter, you can buy ceramic houses, locks and shards, products from cork oak or artificial plants.

Tightness and ventilation

It doesn't matter what you use as a home - food ship or glass special terrarium, it should be reliably closed with a lid, otherwise one morning you can find that the spider house is empty, and his owner walks through your apartment. But the sealing container, do not forget that the artistic air is needed fresh air and high-quality control of the container, so there are several holes in the lid, through which the spider will not be selected, but will get access to oxygen. If the pet lives in a plastic container, the holes are better done on the side wall in two rows: from below. To do this, you can use a split nail of a small diameter.


The need for decor depends on the type of spider.For example, for poultry people there is no need to install additional light, as it is night inhabitants who are excellent oriented in the dark. If you want to set the light, give preference to infrared lamps - their radiation is invisible for the pet. Rapidize lamps are undesirable, and yet if you have chosen such an option, install them outside the container in order to prevent the burn in the animal and dry air.


Spiders are able to transfer a very large temperature range. Optimal indicators are 23-26 ° C. Additional heating can only be needed in the transitional autumn-spring period when the heating is already turned off or does not work yet. To ensure heat, you can purchase special cords and plates for heating, as well as the thermostat. The devices should be installed or under the container (for wood spiders) or on the walls of the house (for ground species).

Important!The room temperature and terrarium should not exceed 31 ° C.


This indicator is very important for health and well-being pet. The required humidity level for each species may differ. It is possible to determine the deficit or oversupply of moisture on the behavior of a pet:

  • the spider is constantly sitting at the driver, drags the soil in it - in the container is too dry;
  • the spider is constantly sitting on the walls of the capacity - this behavior speaks of excessive moisture (but sometimes it can be simply beloved pet habit);
  • the woody look descends the substrate - in the dry container;

It is not worth spraying the substrate from the spray, instead it is better to use a syringe without a needle or a can with a thin hole. It is important to define the eye when the moisture is enough (the substrate should wet 2/3). In adults, the container must have a drink in the container, it is necessary to pick up her size so that the pet could fit and get rushed into it. Keep in mind that it cannot be allowed to breed the swamp in the terrarium. Under conditions of excessive moisture, midges, mold and fungus that can destroy the artistic one can destroy.

What will take care of sputum

So, it is obvious that for the content of an exotic pet, accessories will be required:

  • sealed glass or plastic tank;
  • drinking coil;
  • filler;
  • air heater;
  • thermometer;
  • decor (depending on the type of spider);
  • a small plastic box for wasolation of a pet (for example, when cleaning the terrarium);
  • long tweezers, 20-25 cm (for feeding and cleaning garbage);
  • long tassel (helps for pet transplant);
  • additional lighting (depending on the type).

Did you know? For agriculture, spiders are very useful - their main food is insects that destroy the crops. Thus, spiders are rescued every year to 30% of the world harvest!

Than feeding spider at home

Spiders are representatives of bonde predators, therefore they must eat exclusively with animal products. The most common food for spiders are feed insects: various types of cockroaches (Turkmen, Argentine, marble), larvae, flour worms. I need to buy food in specialized stores. Feed pets with homemade cockroaches, flies, any insects or small animals you caught, not recommended.

First, it is impossible to be confident in their health (many insects can be carriers of diseases), secondly, a spider can be difficult to cope with a large insect, frog or mice, besides, such food is not familiar for him.

Feeding rate is determined by the age of a pet.Kids and teenage spiders need food 3 times a week, adult individuals need to be fed 1-2 times. The size of one portion must correspond to the gabar of the belly of your pet. However, in many cases, spiders are able to eat much greater portions. You need to give food with the help of a tweezers, the remains after the meal must be removed.

Important!Do not panic if the pet has no appetite. The recreation period from food can last a week and even months in some spiders.

In no case can the spider throwing. So increases the risk of hernia formation or injury, if it falls from the walls of the terrarium, besides, such copies are not suitable for breeding. If the pet refuses food, but at the same time its abdomen is normal (not polit), there is no damage to the body, it is soon not a molting and the conditions for its content are good, then you can not worry.

Cleaning terrarium

Careful cleaning of the terrarium with substrate replacement is required once in 8-12 months, as well as if you start mold or fungus. There is no need to clean the housing more often. You always need to remove the residues of food using a tweezers after the meal. At the time of harvesting, the tenant needs to be transplanted into the container. For this, the terrarium needs to be discovered, with a brush, push the pack to the container.

Linki period

Link is a physiological, very important period for spiders, in the process of which there is an increase and updating of the entire organism. The molting is dropped by the old solid cuticle and the rise of the new one. The process starts under the influence of special hormones.In the period when the new cuticle (exoskeleton) has not yet hardened, the pet is very vulnerable and defenseless.

It is possible to understand that the molt is scheduled soon, it is possible on the behavior of a semi-art: the spider stops eating, becomes low-lifting. Poultry spiders create a bed of the web, stacked on the back and stay in such a position until the old skeleton is thrown away. The speed of this process depends on the age of the pet: the younger spider, the faster the molting passes.

What you need to remember the spider's owner during the molting period:

  • you can not offer spider food during this period - living feed insects can damage your pet;
  • it is necessary to feed the segustonogogo not earlier than 2-3 weeks;
  • in no case can the spider be touched, especially when it lies on the back;
  • do not attempt in any way to "help" a pet break free from the old skeleton;
  • you can remove the old skeleton only after the pet will turn over and will confidently stand on the legs.
Young individuals, who have intensive growth, are linked more often than adult spiders. If your pet has not been linked for a long time, perhaps the conditions of content require correction.

Did you know? By strength, the web is equal to steel wire. If you managed to create a rod from a web with a thickness of only 0.5 cm, it could stop the tank or bulldozer. The only reason for which this durable and environmental material is not used in industry is the inability to recreate it in laboratory conditions.

How many years live

Of course, the life expectancy of the pet will depend on how much you can create conditions for it. However, in general, with good care, spiders of various species have such a lifespan:

  • poultryists - live on average 15-20 years;
  • tarantulas - life expectancy strongly depends on the species, some in captivity live only 1-2 years, but there are varieties that are able to live up to 20-30 years (females live longer than males);
  • the crossed - the maximum live half a year, the males die after mating, females - after creating a cocoon;
  • the scakug - in captivity of the female to live up to 3 years, males live 1-2 years;
  • spider-peacock - lives a maximum of 9 months;
  • goliaphs - females live to 8-9 years, males - up to 6 years.
The general pattern is as follows: large varieties have a greater life expectancy than small species.

Can I take on the hands

Most often, the owners of large species are asked such questions, for example, birds and tarantulas. It should be clearly understood that spiders cannot be considered full-fledged hand animals, they are guided by physiological instincts, because of which attempts to play with a pet, train him or try to wear with him on their hands completely meaningless and doomed to failure.

It is also necessary to realize that for the spider, the decline will always be strong stress, especially if the temperature, lighting and humidity of the medium will differ from these indicators in the terrarium. Any careless movement can lead to the injury or death of arthropogo, especially in the case of small species and kids. Some species can escape from you (for example, spiders - scumps), and find a fugitive in the apartment will be very difficult. In a state of stress, a pet can bite you, and although the bite will not be fatal, but pain is guaranteed. Poika poison can be dangerous if you are allergic (you may not even know about).

All pets have a different character, so some can calmly respond to your attempts to invite it to the palm, others will flash to bite as soon as you lower your hand in the terrarium. Based on this, it is not recommended to attempt to take a pet on hand.

What to do if the spider bit

As mentioned earlier, the bites of spiders, which often contain at home, do not carry a deadly threat, if you do not have allergies. Otherwise, anaphylactic shock may occur with the most negative consequences.

The bite is often accompanied by such symptoms: itching, redness, pain and swelling in the affected place. Occasionally might attach and increase body temperature. All the symptoms take place in a few days. The algorithm of action during the bite:

  1. If the limb is affected, it is necessary to drag the bandage or the rope above the bite.
  2. Place a puncture rinse with soapy water and process the antiseptic.
  3. Apply an ice compress.
  4. Consume a large amount of water for the speedy detoxification.
  5. If necessary, drink an antihistamine drug.

Pros and cons of content

Before you decide on the purchase of such a pet, weigh the pros and cons of its content.


  • it does not require much time and maintenance and maintenance;
  • silent, calm and almost imperceptible animal;
  • beyond the behavior of the spider is curious to observe.
  • there is always a risk that the spider will bite, run away;
  • some species have a very small life expectancy;
  • does not leaving for training, is not a manual pets in a standard understanding.

Important!For children, old people, people with allergies or other serious diseases Spider bite may have bad consequences!

Such an exotic pet clearly will attract the attention of all visitors to your home. If you and other family members do not have any arachnophobia or allergies, then the pack is quite acceptable. But if you want to receive an emotional return from a pet, spend more time with him, then you should look at more social species of animals.

Video: Content of exotic spiders at home

Spider on the prius wish to put those who want to increase the power of the car motor by improving the exhaust gases. Gas formation occurs in the cylinders, from which it is going to the exhaust manifold. In addition to the reducing function, the collector also participates in filling and in the combustion chamber of the exhaust waves appearing in the resonant mode.

How does the collector work? What functions is "spider"?

Will increase the resource and protect the engine

Here, with an open outlet valve, gas is under pressure (in the chamber), and a normal pressure is observed in the collector. This is how the wave is obtained, which, reflecting from the resonator or catalyst, is directed back to the cylinders, where, mainly on medium turnover, merges with the next tact of release. Thus, it turns out an additional possibility for the maintenance of the next portion of the spent gases from the cylinder.

On many cars, collectors are produced from cast iron and are installed so that one part is attached to the internal combustion engine, and the second to the catalyst or (if there is no catalyst) to the exhaust pipe. To avoid burns and enhance fire safety, these parts are compared with a metal screen.

Exhaust valve of the vehicle car operates in very difficult conditions, because Exhaust gases have a temperature of several thousand degrees at the exit. On domestic cars in winter due to rapid cooling on this element, condensate often occurs, which leads to the appearance of rusty spots. Therefore, if the valve began to rust, this is another reason to put on the prior of the "spider", which will divert gases personally from each cylinder and create standing waves at the required revs.

An indispensable condition for the occurrence of such waves is the presence of exhaust pipes of the same length, which leads to the appearance of sufficiently intricate forms of "spiders" for different engines.

Select the appropriate modification

Mounting on the car detail

When choosing a "spider", two options are most often considered - 4-1 or modification of 4-2-1. It all depends on how the final result we want to get. Collector 4-1 issues an optimal increase in power in a fairly narrow range of revolutions. He has four pipes from the valves are connected in one without transitions. Manufacturers are produced both short and long pipes. Modification 4-1 is suitable for high fluster engines, revolutions range from 6 to 10 thousand per minute. Usually these "spiders" put on engines with camshafts having a phase of more than 285 degrees.

Spider 4-2-1 is a detail in which four pipes from cylinders are connected first in pairs, and then into one common pipe. It gives less significant increase, but in a wider range of revolutions. These details put on medium-affiliated engines. It is believed that short variants of the 4-2-1 models are effective in turnover more than 4500 per minute, and long - with medium turns from two and a half to four thousand per minute.

The "spider" configuration 2-2, when four pipes pass in pairwise in two, each of which has a separate output, (two outputs are obtained) in mass production are practically not found. However, amateur welders perform such modifications as presented in the photo. Such work was carried out by autogen and camping, the blanks were cut and fitted through the corners. Some believe that such a "spider" configuration 2-2 does not allow the lambda connection, so its use is not always justified.

There is no single scheme for the "spider" selection of 2-1 or the other on the "Priora" machine, since the selection of modifications is made mainly during the tests on the stand. But there is a formula for the length of the primary pipe (the distance from the valve until the end of the primary pipe), which represents the following:

L \u003d a x with x dhd / 1400 (constant) x vkhv, where

The resulting length must be multiplied by integers. The full length of the pipes from the connection to the valve to the prior is approximately (!) Is determined by the formula (regardless of the modification 2-1 / 4-1):

M \u003d 2159 x (K + 180) / T - P, where

K - the size of the opening of the exhaust channel in degrees to NMT, on the crankshaft;

T - the required engine turnover, which is tuning cars;

P is the length of the final channel.

After the car owner decided on the required "Spider's" model, it needs to be purchased to work in the length of the muffler, the resonator (direct, sports), graphite ring and oxygen sensor. Models 4-2-1, offered in stores for the machine "Priora", have a nut under the oxygen sensor, so install it will be completely simple. If the spider has no built-in sensor, then after its installation, the firmware can be replaced.

When buying, you need to look at which volume of the engine is calculated one or another "spider", as well as on the diameter of the pipes. The increased diameter of secondary pipes, for example, contributes to improved cleaning of cylinders from gases produced. The output flange offered in the collectors-spiders is usually 51 or 63 mm.

How to put on the prior the "spider" model 4-2-1?

The bottom of cars

In order to put on the Spider's "Spider" 4-2-1, you first need to dismantle the previous version of the collector. It will take tools: head to "13" (with extension), flat screwdriver, WD-40 for treating nuts.

Before starting operations on the installation of "Spider" 4-2-1, it is necessary to avoid burn, check that the system for the production of exhaust gases has cooled. Then you need to disconnect the pipe of the muffler (optional) from the catcolektor. For this:

Fill the edges of the plate, turn over 3 nuts for fastening on the pipe (using the head to "13").

  • Remove the lock plate.
  • Remove the protective screen.
  • Weching the flange of the pipe of the muffler and the laying with the studs on the catcolektor.
  1. We turn the fastening bolts (2 pcs.) Use the head to "13".
  2. Turn the bracket mount to the cylinder block (2 pcs.).
  3. Remove the bracket.

To remove the catckel before installing the "spider" 4-2-1, we turn off the back of the engine rear support on the bracket, weakening the tightening of the bolt (fastening the support to the body). I pull out the fastening bolt, turn away all three nuts, which are attached to the rear support bracket to the GBC, we move the bracket by stiletto on the GBC.

Then we turn off the nut, which secures the bracket from the drilling pumping pipe of the coolant, from the heel in the head of the cylinder block. After that weaken the nut attaching the bracket to the pipe stud (pump). We remove the entire bracket to the side. We turn over the 8 nuts of the collector fastening, we move it along the poles on the GBC and take it down. Now you can install "Spider" 4-2-1.

Modification 4-2-1 and resonator

Before assessing the flushing surfaces of the catcollector and the GBC need to be cleaned from Nagara. If the "spider" of the model 4-2-1 is properly chosen, then it must "sit down" on the studs on the cylinder block without any refinement. Before wasting the nuts, you need to lubricate the studs with graphite lubricant, check the gasket of the catckel. Further assembly is carried out in the reverse sequence, while you need to make sure that no wire or hose touch the newly installed configuration 4-2-1, as well as there are no touch to parts of the body under the bottom, since otherwise the part can Be damaged with a strong heating of the collector.

The cost of "spider" 4-2-1 is very democratic, about 2 thousand rubles. Therefore, if the motorist has the skills of working with technology, then it can significantly improve the engine operation with its own hands. In the auto repair shop, you can order a full range of works taking into account components at a price of about 7 thousand rubles, including diagnostics.

Today I want to touch on one of the most important topics in the content of poultry spiders, it is feeding. I immediately note that the article is written for beginners, and will contain simple tips and rules that experienced pile people have long known.

Than feeding poultry spider:

Spiders of the poultry worships, contrary to its name birds, do not eat, but eat small (about the body of spider), insects, on which they hunt in the natural habitat. What to feed a poultry spider at home?

The answer to this question is very simple - feed insects. The most popular feed insects are marble , turkmen , madagascar , argentine and other cockroaches, as well as larvae zofobasa And a flour worm.

These are general rules, many of them are considered optional, and on the Internet, rollers often appear, in which spider feed mice, or insects with streets. To be honest, I also love a couple to feed my pets caught by singers.

Why not feed spider poultryed insects from the street:

Small vertebrates in the form of frogs, or newborn mice it is very heavy food for spider, he will have it for several days, and at that time it will begin to decompose and fill with pipe poisons. Also on the forums sometimes saw reports that after feeding the spiders for incomprehensible reasons, DS were ill. It is not known to be connected or not, but, in my opinion, it is better not to risk.

Again, if you still decided to feed the poultry spider with small spine, then make sure that the animal is great, and bought in a proven place. Pick the animals in size, you should not give large animal spider poultry, they can damage it.

Also, it is also possible to feed a poultry spider by other predatory insects, such as mantis, other spiders or scolenders. There have been cases when mining won in battle, and the poultry spider killed.

Summarize: feed poultry spider need feed insects Suitable size (approximately with a poultry spider body, excluding paws), purchased in a proven place, or from its own colonies.

How often feed Poultry spider:

After we have dealt with the fact that the poultry spider feed, let's find out how often it is worth doing.

Feed adult spider poultry man follows 1-2 times a week corresponding to size feed insects. When the spider poultry is sufficient, it will cease to pay attention to feed, but sometimes it is necessary to determine the spider, "enough", and stop feeding.

Usually a sign of the fact that the poultry spider was flooded, it is an increase in the abdomen in relation to pumped up 1.5-2 times. After it happens, feeding should be stopped, in order to avoid breaking the abdomen.

Feeding spiders of small ages of small ages is a bit specific, and I carried it into a separate which you can read by going to link .

  • Do not feed a poultry spider after molting for a certain number of days, which can be calculated by the formula: the number of lines + 3-4 days. Otherwise, feed can damage the spider, or other, more specific problems may occur.
  • If the spider does not eat a poultry person, you should not beat the alarm, and create a type of topic on themes: "Alba does not eat for 4th day, what to do?". Failure to eat is absolutely normal for poultry spiders, some of them can arrange a hunger strike for a period of 1-3 months, without harm to health. This is usually famousGrammostola. .
  • If a spider poultry person does not eat insect at once, then you can press the head insect, and leave it for the night of a spider. If by morning, spider does not eat insect, then the corpse must be removed.
  • Do not leave feed insects in a spider terrarium without supervision to avoid a number of problems that may arise. For example, with a molting of a hungry cockroach or a larva, Zofobas may damage the spider, the female of the cockroach can give birth to a spider tank, and the kids will scatter through ventilation, well, and the like.

That's it seems to be all that I wanted to tell, it may be not very ordered, but tips here there are many and some of them are even good. And so, with time and experience, you yourself will understand what and when you should feed your poultry. Thanks for attention.

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Spiders - what is better? 4-2-1 or 4-1

D. va of the most common issue on the tuning of the exhaust system is: "What spider is better than 4-2-1 or 4-1?" And "Is there any meaning in the installation of spider?". When I myself, I myself, puzzled by this question, theoretically, waging on sites and forums for a long time, did not find anything adequate and reasonable and threw the search for the truth with the Taste in the heart. As I managed to make sure before writing this article, I did not change anything dramatically on the network, still full of darkness and that in what cases it applies hard to understand, but still let's try!

And let's start with is there any sense in the installation of spiderafter all, there are separate "experts" that argue that most tuning spiders worse than the standard manifold. Yes, of course there are such, but they are originally conceived not to improve the engine indicators, and for steep sound often. But it is rather an exception than the rule because all the same assortment tuning spiders are guided precisely on improving the motor indicators, and not as not to deterioration. Yes, and how I see the problem here in the other, just some people from tuning spider are waiting for some magical additives and often on almost stock engines. And then there are noby that tuning exhaust is a gift that money is spent. Yes, and in fact, a sense from tuning spider on the stock engine is about how it is more expensive from Nylivique. Of course, comparison is rude but at least something clarifies, because no one will argue that there is a lot of reduced resistance filter, although few people felt after installation. So with a spider than an evil motor, the more he needs a good exhaust, but also the drain worse will not be from tuning spider. The main thing is that the pipes he have the same is long, so that the motor worked exactly, although it already knows everything.

What spider is better than 4-2-1 or 4-1? Before this question must be answered to another - "What do you want from the exhaust?". Because most of the parts for tuning "emphasize" either the top or bottom, and the spider is no exception. It is known that 4-2-1 spidersaves the bottom and adds top but not as 4-1 , 4-1 It is often created only for the top, but it is not to mean that 4-1 need to put exclusively on the "horse" motor, and 4-2-1 Only on the "low". Options here can be quite a lot for example, you build a "horse" motor, but want to leave at least some bottoms, no one prevents you in this case 4-2-1 , as 4-1 this is not a very urban version, but if you do not care and you want a missile on top 4-1 It will be better. What is it connected with? IN 4-2-1 2 pipes from 4 are connected in 1 and only then they are associated with the main mainstream because of this, the pressure of the "backway wave" as it is effective distributed by rushing back. The effect of the "back wave" in the graduation system is most talievable after resetting the turnover, this is associated with the fact that the pressure in the exhaust highway is higher than the pressure of the next portion of the exhaust. And, accordingly, with the exhaust system 4-1 On the bottoms after resetting revolutions in the exhaust system, a kind of gas "plug" is formed a little swarming motor. Therefore, in urban cars to install the system 4-2-1 preferred 4-1 .

Objectivity for the sake of it should also say that it's not just a spider layout, 4-2-1 or 4-1. It's just almost the only spider factor on which we can affect when buying, that is, we want 4-2-1, take 4-2-1, we want 4-1, and it will be, and then much more difficult. Since the rest independent factors such as - diameter and volume of pipeswhen selling is not as not specified by the manufacturer, and there is not much assortment for these parameters. Therefore, it was written further to use you rather as a common theory if you certainly do not decide to make a release yourself, but in this case one article will be not enough. So, the larger the diameter of the pipe, the higher its bandwidth, but the lower the effect of "purge" or gas-dynamic inertia - simply speaking exhaust gas accelerating in the pipe creates a vacuum and pulls the following portion of exhaust gas. Accordingly, the larger the pipe diameter, the greater the gas is needed so that this very effect of gas-dynamic inertia is. Accordingly, the lower the operating range of the revolutions, the less the volume of exhaust gas during a certain period of time, and therefore, the diameter of the pipe should not be redundant.

There are also discussions about the length of the pipes - something like if the pipe is longer it is good for Niza, if shorter, it is for top, it is so but not quite in the length of the case (although not without it), the point here is just in The amount of volume and diameter. Since there are certain norms of the ratio of the volume of the exhaust manifold pipe to the volume of the cylinder, it is equal to +/- 2.0 (depends on the heap of factors and fluctuates in one direction or another to 0.5). And since the diameter of the pipes, depending on the desired characteristics, it has a clear value, and it came out that the lower engine with a smaller diameter of the pipe was longer, and the rigorish is shorter due to the larger diameter. Now, it is precisely the long people who are seriously engaged in refinement of exhaust in practice confirm that with an equal diameter of the pipes and a different length, the motor characteristics also change.

And finally, a few words about the "thermolent" of ideas on this bill, but the functionality of this refinement is quite banal and who the "bourgeois" hanging (or any other oven) he knows that the cold tube "pulls" is worse than and hot. Here is all the same than spider hot, the smaller the resistance creates its walls to pass the gas, and the "thermolent" contributes to so that the spider is harder and slower cooled, only and everything.
Something like that, all that happened to accommodate into one general article We tried to explain here, of course it turned out not quite concisely and did not fully revealed the topic. But if necessary, when you arise any questions on your part, we will write explanatory articles on this topic.

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