Home Lighting The oldest BMW. BMW - The history of creating a brand, how it all started! The main power "BMW"

The oldest BMW. BMW - The history of creating a brand, how it all started! The main power "BMW"

Company BMW. Bayerischa Motor Werke AG) appeared in 1913 on the outskirts of Munich, as a result of the merger of two mini companies founded by Karl Rappa and Gustavom Otto. The second is the son of the famous inventor of the engine (engine internal combustion), Nicolaus August Otto.

At the beginning of the First World War, BMW has many orders for the production of aircraft engines, after which the founders make a decision to reunite in one aircraft company. After that, the aircraft engines plant appeared in Munich, registered in 1917 under the name - Bayerische Motoren Werke ("Bavarian Motor Plants"), that is, in Abbrevia - BMW. A little later, this date was called the date of birth of the BMW company, and Karl and Gustav - called it the founders.

Today, quite a lot of disputes regarding the date of the foundation of BMW, car historians are constantly arguing about it and cannot come to a common opinion. All due to the fact that the official registration of the company was dated July 20, 1917, but long before this date, in the same city successfully existed organizations that also produced engines for engines. So, in order to find out the true origin of the "roots" of the Bavarian BMW brand, you need to teleport in the last century. The involvement of the current BMW for production was first seen on December 3, 1886, in the city of Aisenach, where from 1928 to 1939. The central office of the company was located.


As a name for the first car called "Vartburg", one of the local attractions was served, the car saw the world in 1898. The appearance was due to a number of 3, as well as 4-wheeled concepts. The first "Wartburg" was a car with a 3.5-strong engine, a volume of 0.5 liters, the body was primitive without the slightest hint of the front or rear suspension. This primitive car served to create a more advanced model, which appeared already a year after the first "Wartburg". The successor could accelerate to incredible at the time of 60 km / h, and already in 1902, "Vartburg" appeared, equipped with a 3.1-liter engine and a 5-speed transmission, which turned out to be enough to keep victory on car competitions Frankfurt.

Max Fritz became the chief designer Bayerische Motoren Werke, who had worked at the Daimler plant before. With Fritz, the BMW IIIa aircraft engine appeared on the light, which was successfully held in 1917 stand tests. After the test, the aircraft is aggregated by this engine, set the world record, rising to a height of 9760 m.

It was this event that was the impetus for the appearance of the BMW emblem - a circle separated by two blue and two white sectors, personifying themselves - a spinning propeller, which is unrestrained against the sky.

After the First World War, the BMW company on the verge of collapsed, according to the Versailles, the production of engines for aircraft to the Germans is prohibited, and the engines, as you understand, were the only type of products that BMW produced. However, enterprising Karl Rappu and Gustav OTTO had enough of the mind to get out of the current situation, and they decide to re-refill the plant for production at first motorcycle engines, and after a while the motorcycle themselves. So in 1923 the first BMW R32 motorcycle comes from the conveyor, which in the same year on the motorcycle room in Paris conquers recognition of the public and reputation as a reliable and high-speed motorcycle. Over time, this sympathy has been confirmed by absolute records of velocity on motorcycle racing held in the 20s and 30s.

The beginning of the 20s was marked for the BMW with a new epoch, two influential businessmen appeared in her history, which, later and became its owners, stretching her out of the crisis and delivering from debts. The main reason for which the company experienced difficult times was the lack of its own automotive production. The way out of the situation found Shapiro, which had connections with influential English automotive supplies in essence - Herbert Austin. Shapiiro agreed on joint cooperation and mass mass production of "Ostinov" at the plant in Eisenach. Serial production in those times was quite rare, he could afford only "Daimler-Benz".

The first "hundred" purebred "oestine", which in Britain used incredible popularity, were "right-Russian", which became a rather awesome phenomenon for the Germans. A little later, the car was fitted under the "local" preferences and were produced under the name "Dixie", which by 1928 it took about 15,000 by the conveyor. In 1925, Shapiro was seriously interested in the production of own cars, which will be built on an individual structure, after which he began negotiations with designer-designer - WuBald Kamm. Negotiations were successful and the designer accepted an invitation to participate in the development of a new car, thereby writing his name to the history of the company with a world-famous name. For several years in a row, Kamm developed aggregates and new power units for BMW.

The premiere of the first purebred "BMW" took place on April 1, 1932, which after several years of existence won the public recognition. The model itself became the result of the experience of obtained when working with Dixie, as well as the embodiment of his own ideas and developments. Under the hood of the new car, there is a 20-strong engine, capable of speeding up a car up to 80 km / h. The role of the transmission was performed by a mechanical "matter", which no model was equipped until 1934.

Before the Second World War, BMW became one of the fastest growing companies in the world specializing in the production of sports equipment. Among the records of the company: Reference Wolfgland, the Dornier Wal on the open hydrosapol, equipped with a BMW engine makes a trip, crossing the North Atlantic from East to West, as well as the record of Ernst Henne, which is on a motorcycle R12, with cardan drive I installed the world speed record for motorcycles - 279.5 km / h. The last record was broken only after 14 years, before that, no one managed to achieve such results.

In 1933, the production of the model "303" - the stakeholder BMW car with the 6th cylinders, his debut took place on the auto show in Berlin, and became a real sensation. A row six-cylinder 1.2 liter motor allowed a car to develop a speed of 90 km / h. Subsequently, it was based on many sports projects of the BMW company. In addition, the installation was first established on a new model "303", on which the branded radiator lattice was established, in the form of two oblong ovals. BMW-303. - Designed at the plant in Eisenach and was distinguished: tubular frame, excellent handling, independent front suspension, and wonderful dynamics.

The result of bMW 303 produced by BMW 303 - was 2,200 cars, after which new cars appeared, which were already different powerful engines With other notation - "309" and "315". From these models actually went a logical system for the designation of BMW models. For example, the digit "3" is a series, and 09 - engine volume (0.9). By the way, the system is used to this day.

The most bright and remarkable models of that time were "BMW-319" and "BMW-329", which were more sporty than just everyday, their "maximum speed" was about - 130 km / h.

In 1936, the public demonstrate BMW 326, it looks just gorgeous, and the audience immediately falls in love with this novelty. The premiere of the model took place on the Berlin Motor Show, the design was already difficult to call sports, it was most likely made in the style of that time and taking into account all the trends of the world. The chic salon, an open top, the mass of innovations and the improvements made this car object of lust, after which it could already boldly make a competition of Mercedes-Benz models.

The model "BMW-326" had a weight of 1125 kg, while he had a high-speed maximum - 115 km / h. And consumed a hundred km. The paths of 12.5 liters of fuel, thanks to these characteristics and its attractive appearance of the car became one of the bestsellers of the company. BMW-326 was removed from production in 1941, the production volume in those days reached almost 16,000 copies, this allowed the "BMW-326" model to obtain the title of the best pre-war model.

1936 became for the company BMW the year of the famous "BMW-328" - which became one of the most successful sports cars of the company. After the appearance of "326" ideology, the BMW was determined, the concept: "Auto - for the driver" is relevant and seeding day. That to the main competitor - Mercedes-Benz, then he pursues a goal called: "Auto - for passengers." Each of the companies are faithful to their ideologies and strictly follows them for several hundred years.

Over the years of its existence, BMW 328 has become a multiple winner of all sorts of rally and ring racing, surpassing all the parameters of its competitors. Under the hood of the car was a six-cylinder engine, capable of accelerate to 150 km / h.

With the beginning of war, the production of cars is suspended, and the priority is again the aircraft engine. Second world War - became a fateful for most German automakers, and BMW did not excel in this. The Milbertshofensky Plant was completely bombed by the liberators, and the enterprise that was in Eisenach, from nowheree belonged to the Russian. Part of the equipment was confiscated by Russia as repatriations, the remaining part of the equipment was involved for the production of models BMW-321 and BMW-340., followed by sending to the USSR.

The plants in Munich were almost not touched, the shareholders of BMW concentrated around them, with the support of German National Bank, who helped the company to return to the life of sports "BMW-328". From 1948 to 1953, BMW produces new sports cars on its base.

In 1951, the first chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany - Conrad to Adenauer was demonstrated by the new sedan BMW. "State Sedan", based on the platform 501.

BMW experienced difficult times, but despite this in 1951 demonstrates the prototype of the new car - "BMW-501". The main differences of the model were: drum brakes, a large four-door body (sedan) and a new force aggregate, with a capacity of 65 "horses" with a volume of 1.97 liters. The car was perceived by two, surprise was caused by the company's financial inability to provide the serial issue of the BMW-501 model, but in 1952, 49 copies left the conveyor. Two years later, the amount reached 3410 pieces, buyers became predominantly true fans of the BMW brand.

After some time, the Firm BMW begins to think more and more often about the lack of motors, weak, nigh-making engines contributed to a decrease in interest in machines. Designers begin to develop a new eight-cylinder motor, the first samples of which appeared in 1954. The engine had a volume of 2.6 liters, its capacity was 95 hp, after which in the 60 years was increased to 100 hp.

With the advent of the new eighty-cylinder motor, the appearance of the "BMW-501" changed: chrome moldings appeared on the body, which added some chic and elegance to him. In addition, the new engine allowed "501" to accelerate to 160 km / h, of course, and the fuel consumption has significantly increased that it could not worry designers, as well as the BMW management.

In 1913 on the northern outskirts of Munich Karl Rappa and Gustav Otto, the son of the inventor of the internal combustion engine of Nicolaus August Otto, create two small aircraft company. The first World War started immediately brought numerous orders for engines for aircraft. Papes and Otto decide to unite in one aircroof pottery. So in Munich there is a factory of aviation engines, which in July 1917 is registered under the name BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE ("Bavarian motor plants") - BMW. This date is considered to be the year of the founding of BMW, and Karl Rappa and Gustav Otto its creators.

1917: Rapp Motor Company renamed BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke

Although the exact date of appearance and the moment of the company's foundation and today is the subject of disputes between car historians. And all because the officially industrial BMW company was registered on July 20, 1917, but long before that, in the same city, Munich existed many firms and associations, also engaged in the development and release of aircraft engines. Therefore, in order to finally see the "roots" of BMW, you must be transferred to the last century, the territory of existing not so long ago is the GDR. It was there that, on December 3, 1886, "the involvement of today's BMW is" mounted ", and it is there, in the city of Aisenach, in the period from 1928 to 1939. There was a headquarters of the company.

One of the local attractions of Aisenach was a reason for the appearance of the name of the first car ("Vartburg"), who saw the light in 1898 after the company was created by a number of 3- and 4-wheeled prototypes. "Wartburg" -Rells represented itself that neither there was a slavery wagon equipped with a 0.5-liter engine capacity of 3.5 hp On the presence of anterior and rear suspension There were no hints. Such a maximally simplified design has become a good stimulus for more progressive work of local engineers and designers who have already created a car that has been accepted by up to 60 km / h. Moreover, in 1902, "Vartburg" appeared with a 3.1-liter motor and a 5-speed gearbox, which was enough to win the race in Frankfurt in the same year.

Highly an important point In the history of the BMW company and the plant in Aisenach, 1904 became the year, when the Motor-show was put up on the "Dixie", testifying to the good development of the enterprise and the new production level. There were only two models - "S6" and "S12", the numbers in the designation of which were indicated by the number horse power. (By the way, the model "S12" was not shot from production until 1925.)

Max Fritz was invited to the position of chief designer in Bayerische Motoren Werke, who worked at the Daimler plant. Under the leadership of Fritz, the Aviation Engine BMW IIIa was manufactured, which in September 1917 successfully passed bench tests. The aircraft equipped with this motor at the end of the year has established a world record, rising by 9760 m.

At the same time, the BMW emblem appeared - the circle, separated into two blue and two white sectors, which was a stylized image of a propeller, rotating against the sky. Recovered and the fact that blue and white - National Color Label Bavaria.

After the end of World War I, the company was on the threshold of collapse, since, according to the Versailles Agreement, the Germans were forbidden to produce engines for aircraft, namely the engines at the time were the only BMW products. But enterprising Karl Rappa and Gustav Otto find a way out of the situation - the plant is replicated to release at first motorcycle engines, and then the motorcycle themselves. BMW's first motorcycle R32 comes from the BMW plant. At the 1923 motorcycle in Paris, this first BMW motorcycle immediately gained a reputation as a speed and reliable machine, which was confirmed by absolute speed records on international motorcycle racing of the 20s-30s.

In the early 20s, two influential businessmen appeared in the history of BMW - Gotier and Shapiro, to which the company has fallen into the abyss of debt and losses. The main reason for the crisis was the undeveloped destination of its own automotive production, along with which the company, by the way, was engaged in the release of aircraft engines. And since the latter, unlike cars, brought the main part of the means for existence and development, BMW was in the wrong position. "Medicine" came up with Shapiro, who was on a short leg with the English automotiveman Herbert Ostin and was able to negotiate with him about the beginning mass production "Ostinov" in Eisenach. Moreover, the release of these machines was put on the conveyor than by that time, except for BMW, only "Daimler-Benz" could boast.

1928: Logistics in a factory in Aisenach.

The first 100 licensed "oestins", which used incredible success in Britain, came up from the conveyor in Germany with the right steering wheel, which was for the Germans to the novelty. Later the design of the machine was changed according to local requirements, and cars were produced under the name "Dixie". By 1928, more than 15,000 "Dixy" were manufactured (read - "Ostinov"), which played a decisive role in the revival of BMW. For the first time, it became noticeable in 1925, when Shapiro became interested in the possibility of producing cars of his own design and began to negotiate with the famous designer and designer by Wuinibald Kamm. As a result, the agreement was achieved, and another talented person turned out to be involved in the development of the currently known automotive brand. For several years, Camm has been engaged in the development of new nodes and aggregates for BMW.

In the meantime, a positive for BMW was aware of the approval of the company trademark. In 1928, the company acquires auto plants in Aisenach (Thuringia), and with them and a license for the production of a small car DIXI. On November 16, 1928, Dixie ceased to exist as a trademark - it was replaced by "BMW". DIXI is the first BMW car. During the period of economic difficulties, the small car becomes the most popular car in Europe.

As of April 1, 1932, the premiere of the first "real" BMW "was scheduled, which later deserved the recognition of the automotive press and became the starting point for the release of the machine of his own design. This car with a well-thought-out body obtained from the side and a well-thought-out body was combined with new ideas and developments with already well known and used on Dixie models. The power of the motor was 20 hp, which were enough to ride at a speed of 80 km / h. A four-stage gearbox has been a very successful development that has not been offered anymore on any model until 1934.

By the beginning of World War II, BMW is one of the most dynamically developing firms in the world, producing equipment with sports orientation. In its assets, several world records: WolfGAng von Grona on the open hydrosapol DORNIER WAL, equipped with a BMW engine, crosses the North Atlantic from East to West, Ernst Henne on the R12 motorcycle, equipped with a cardan drive, hydraulic shock absorbers and a telescopic fork (BMW invention), establishes world Motorcycle speed record - 279.5 km / h, not exceeded by anyone over the next 14 years.

Production receives an additional impetus after concluding a secret agreement with Soviet Russia on the supply of new aircraft engines. Most of the Soviet record flights of the 30s were performed on aircraft equipped with BMW engines.

In 1933, the release of the model "303" - the first car of the BMW 6-cylinder engine, debuting on the Berlin automotive exhibition. His appearance has become a real sensation. This inline "six" with a working volume of 1.2 liters allowed the machine to move at a speed of 90 km / h and became the basis for many subsequent sports projects BMW. Moreover, it was applied to the new model "303", which became the first in the history of the company, on which the radiator grille was installed with a branded design, expressed in the presence of two elongated ovals. "303" The model was designed at the plant in Eisenach and was primarily a tubular frame, an independent front suspension and good characteristics Managers resembling sports.

"BMW-303" was perfect for actively built in Germany "autobahn". Immediately after the presentation, it was performed on the territory of the entire country, and in this promotion the car has established itself only with a good side. People were ready to pay for this car installed by the manufacturer. Moreover, the secured BMW fans chose the "303-U" model with a sports double body Roadster.

For two years of production of "BMW-303", the company managed to sell 2,300 such cars, which, by the way, followed by their "counterparts", distinguished by more powerful motors and other digital symbols: "309" and "315". Actually, they became the first samples for the logical development of the BMW Company Model Design System. On the example of these machines, we note that the figure "3" indicated a series, and 0.9 and 1.5 - the operating volume of the engines. The symbol system that appeared then successfully exists to this day, with the only difference that it has been replenished with such numbers as "520", "524", "635", "740", "850", etc.

"BMW-315" was far from the last in a series of externally similar cars, since the most bright and notable among them were "BMW-319" and "BMW-329", relating to sporting machines. The maximum speed of the first, for example, was 130 km / h.

Along with all previous cars, I simply looked gorgeously "326", which appeared at the Berlin Automotive Exhibition in 1936. This four-door car was far from the world of sports, and its rounded design was already then belonged to the direction that came into force in the 50s. Open top, good quality, chic salon and a large number of new changes and additions set the "326th" model in one row with Mercedes-Benz cars, whose buyers were very secured people.

With a mass of 1125 kg, the BMW-326 model accelerated to 115 km / h and at the same time consumed 12.5 liters of fuel per 100 km of mileage. With similar characteristics and with its appearance, the car hit the list of the best models of the company and was produced until 1941, when the production of BMW was almost 16,000 pieces. With such a number of BMW-326 issued and sold cars, it became the best pre-war model.

By logic, after such a loud success of the "326th" model, the following logical step was to be the appearance of a sports model made at its base.

1938: BMW 328 dominates races.
1940: Again the victory in "Mille Miglia": BMW 328.

In 1936, the famous "328" is produced on BMW - one of the most successful sports cars. With its appearance, the ideology of BMW was finally formed, to this day, the defining concept of new models: "Car - for the driver." The main competitor, "Mercedes-Benz" should be a principle: "Car - for passengers." Since then, each company goes its own way, proving that it is its choice.

The winner of the great set of competitions - ring races, rally, competitions in lifting on the hill, - BMW 328 was addressed to the connoisseurs of a sports car and left far behind all serial sports cars. Two-door, double, truly sports "BMW-328" equipped with a six-cylinder engine and accelerated to 150 km / h. This model allowed the firm to take part in many pre-war racing and conquer recognition in the new capacity. With the "328th" model BMW company so famous in the second half of the 30s that all subsequent cars With branded two-color signs perceived by the public as a symbol of high quality, reliability and beauty.

The war began to suspend the car. Priority is again given to aircraft engines.

In 1944, BMW first in the world begins to issue reactive
Engine BMW 109-003. Tests of rocket engines are also conducted. The end of World War II became a catastrophe for the concern. Four plants found in the eastern occupation zone are destroyed and dismantled.

The head plant in Munich is dismantled by the British. In connection with production during the war of air traffic and missiles, winners make an order for prohibiting production for three years

Company name - BMW - deciphered as "Bavarian Motor Plants" (Bayerische Motorenwerke). This automotive company, which specializes in the production of motorcycles, passenger, sports cars, high passability cars. BMW headquarters is located in the capital of the federal land of Bavaria, Munich city. The company's logo hints at the aviation past and the present company is a white propeller against the background of the blue sky. In addition, blue and white - the official stamp colors of Bavaria.

The BMW history begins with two small aircraft companies created by Karl Rappa (Karl Rapp) and Gustav Otto (Gustav Otto) (the son of Nikolaus August Otto, the inventor of the internal combustion engine) in 1913 in Munich. Next year, the First World War begins, and the German state begins to experience a greater need for aviation engines. This moves down two designers to unite in one factory. In July 1917, this plant registers the name Bayerische Motorenwerke, and the BMW brand acquires life. But with the end of the war, Rappa and Otto expects a complete decline due to the defeat of Germany and the ban on the production of aircraft engines. Nevertheless, enterprising BMW managers quickly detect another niche in which their ability to produce powerful motors can be useful. Motorcycle engines are beginning to be made, and then the factory passes full cycle Motorcycle production and assembly.

The first one is R32 - appears in 1923, and immediately acquires a high reputation due to its high-speed qualities and reliability. In the field of the production of actually engines of entrepreneurs is also waiting for an unprecedented success, since the aircraft equipped with a BMW engine driven by the Franz Dimer pilot in 1919, in 1919 establishes the world record of the flight height - 9760 meters. In addition, the company concludes a secret treaty with the USSR for the supply of aircraft engines, and the Union aircraft also put records.

1928 marked by the acquisition of new factories in the city of Aizenakh, the Federal Earth Thuringia, and together with this license for the production of DIXI salty agents.

Actually, DIXI becomes the first BMW car. His low price And efficiency provides high sales in the German destroyed and financial crisis. The Glory of BMW and its motors is growing at the expense of new achievements, for example, the flight Wolfgang von Gronau across the Atlantic Ocean on the seaplane and the world record speed for motorcycles supplied by Ernst Henne on R12, equipped with the latest BMW design solutions.

The gap between the two world wars in the BMW history is also marked by models 303 and 328.

The latter was a sports car, which left far behind its competitors from the same Niche and was a repeated prize-winner of all sorts of racing competitions. At the same years, the concept of which the company should still have been formed - "car for the driver", in opposition to the Mercedes "car for passengers."

World War II, like its predecessor, forces the company to switch to the production of aircraft engines, including in connection with the ban to sell cars to individuals. In this key, the BMW is the first to begin production of jet engines in the world, as well as carry out design developments on rocket engines. But with the completion of the war, the company turns out to be on the verge of collapse, since part of its factories is in the Soviet occupation zone, and they are destroyed and dismantle the equipment for reparations. The release of the Air Motor Enginee War is now aged three-year ban on production.

Then BMW leaders, rapp and Otto begin all over again. R24 motorcycle appears,

and behind him passenger car model 501, which, however, did not bring big profits. By 1955, models of motorcycle R50 and R51 are produced, and an interesting project is published - the ISETTA is a strange hybrid of a motorcycle and a car with three wheels (two in front and one behind), as well as the door opened on the frontal part of the case.

Of course, Isetta turned out to be extremely cheap, and for driving in some countries there was enough to have a motorcycle right, so such cars were ruined with war and reparations, such cars fell to taste and on the pocket.

But the fashion for cars is changing, and once again not guessing the preferences of the public, the company's management makes a marketing error, and BMW is on the verge of bankruptcy. The question arises about selling the company Mercedes, but small shareholders and field dealers impede this, and the transaction fails. Then the company rebuilds its capital and thus holds on the afloat. The further history of the company is the story of steady growth and original technical solutions. Among them, it can be sequentially noted: anti-lock brake system, electronic engine control, introduction of turbotechnologies in the automotive industry ...

In 1969, motorcycle production is translated into Berlin. BMW establishes a headquarters building, as well as a research and testing center. In the 70s, the first models of all the famous BMW series - 3rd series, 5th series, 6th series, 7th series. 1983 - the year of Victory BMW on Formula 1 races.

In 1990, the year of reunification of the two Germany, BMW returns to the production of aircraft engines, and the BR-700 engine is first in the row. In addition, the company actively cooperates with other automakers.

In 1994, the industrial group Rover Group is bought together with its largest in the UK complex for the production of brands Rover, Land Rover. and MG. In 1998, the British company "Rolls-Royce" was acquired. The company also does not forget about the safety of its customers, so since 1995 all cars without exception are equipped with airbags for both the driver and the front passenger and the anti-theft engine blocking.

Modern BMW is a thriving concern that increases its profit from year to year. This is one of the few firms exercising exclusively manual assembly, without robots, only with post-produced computer diagnostics. The company includes five factories in Germany and twenty-two subsidiaries worldwide.

BMW - how much is concluded in these three letters. There are no human in the world in the world that would not know that this is one of the best German car companies. Cars of this brand Blard the minds of adolescents, adult men and even female representatives. It all started in the distant 1913, when two young people create two engineering firms for aircraft. Soon, they are united into one enterprise, which is proudly called "Bavarian motor plants". It is since that time, BMW cars are called Bavarian, and some official dealers receive the prefix "Bavaria" in the title. The official year of the creation of the company is considered to be 1917. In five years, the company will be almost 100 years old. A whole age of unique and varied cars, various innovations and a lot of fans around the world. Here is the main achievement of BMW. After the end of World War I, the firm is on the grain of bankruptcy and decides to focus on the production of motorcycles and engines for them. Note that still BMW produces the most modern two-wheeled vehicles that are sold in countries such as North Ossetia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, South Ossetia, Abkhazia , Armenia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, USA, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Europe (EU (EU)), Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Montenegro , Austria, Switzerland, Australia, Israel, India, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Iran, China, Japan, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya.

The German company develops the most different engines for motorcycles and motorcycles themselves, at the same time thinking about the production of cars. In 1928, BMW buys a license to produce its first car. He gets the name of the DIXI. The novelty immediately begins to conquer Europe, and the Bavarians slowly increase their popularity around the world. In those years, BMW is distinguished by the sporty character of their creations. As you can see, these features are traced from the company's cars so far.

In the 30s of the last century, the first BMW 328 is produced, which will be one of the most successful in history. The main difference between "treshki" in its aggressive character. The 3rd series car conquers a number of awards and honorary titles that only emphasize the correctness of the chosen BMW line.

After World War II and the collapse of Germany, the company begins to worry not the most rainbow times. BMW again decides to focus on the production of aircraft. However, the Germans are still thirst for innovation and create a mixture of a motorcycle and a car. The tracking "miracle" (and in a different way I won't call it) conquers success in my homeland, but literally a few months later, people begin to be interested in other cars and BMW comes to the verge of bankruptcy. The question of selling the company, and the main competitor Mercedes is trying to even buy a Bavarian company. BMW hold capital restructuring and begins to continue its production. In fact, this is the beginning of the company's becoming, which won the hearts of motorists around the world. Note that today it allows Bavarian to sell their cars with success, for such currencies in the world, as the Russian ruble, US dollar, Australian dollar, Belarusian ruble, British pound, Kazakhstan tenge, Canadian dollar, Chinese yuan, Ukrainian hryvnia, New Zealand dollar , Swiss frank.

Naturally, many cans of the world with pleasure collaborate with an authoritative German brand. Among them can be distinguished by banks of Belarus, banks of Russia (VTB Bank, Sberbank, Alpha Bank), banks of Europe, banks of Ukraine, US banks, banks of Switzerland.

The German concern gradually opens up new plants around the world, produces the first car with turbocked engineAnd also creates an anti-lock brake system, known as ABS. All of the above-mentioned seven-world steps bring BMW to world car leaders. In the 70s of the last century, the most popular models of the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 6th series are created, without which it is impossible to submit a German brand today.

Meanwhile, others do not stand still and other automakers: VAZ, UAZ, Renault, Audi, Toyota, Kia, BMW, Nissan, Ford, Chevrolet, Volkswagen, Mercedes.

BMW cars are increasingly mentioned in various media of Russia and the CIS, foreign media, among which you can allocate: The Guardian, The Financial Times, The New York Times, Forbes.

The company does not forget about the production of motorcycles, which are also gradually gaining their popularity, as well as yachts, cars, phones, dogs, diamonds, online games, real estate.

In 1994, BMW buys the British industrial Rover group, which belongs to the Rover, Land Rover and MG brands. Such a purchase allows the company to increase its share in the market of SUVs and compact cars. Four years later, the Germans get the british premium brand Rolls Royce.

The number of cars produced is constantly growing. To date, BMW is a very prestigious brand, so employees of embassies, consulates, tourist and insurance companies are often moved on cars of the German company. In addition, the machines are attracting their attention from such personalities from the world of show business, as noted Alla Pugacheva, Anastasia Volochkova, Ani Lorak, Christina Orbakaite, Ksenia Sobchak, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolay Baskov.

BMW, Bayeris Motor Verke, (BMW, Bayerisch Motoren Werke AG), German automobile company specializing in the production of passenger and sports cars, cars increased passibility and motorcycles. Headquarters is located in Munich.

In 1913 on the northern outskirts of Munich Karl Rappa and Gustav Otto, the son of the inventor of the internal combustion engine of Nicolaus August Otto, create two small aircraft company. The first World War started immediately brought numerous orders for engines for aircraft. Papes and Otto decide to unite in one aircroof pottery. So in Munich there is a factory of aviation engines, which in July 1917 is registered under the name BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE ("Bavarian motor plants") - BMW. This date is considered to be the year of the founding of BMW, and Karl Rappa and Gustav Otto its creators.

After the end of World War I, the company was on the threshold of collapse, since, according to the Versailles Agreement, the Germans were forbidden to produce engines for aircraft, namely the engines at the time were the only BMW products. But enterprising Karl Rappa and Gustav Otto find a way out of the situation - the plant is replicated to release at first motorcycle engines, and then the motorcycle themselves.

In 1923, the first motorcycle R32 comes from the BMW plant. At the 1923 motorcycle in Paris, this first BMW motorcycle immediately gained a reputation as a speed and reliable machine, which was confirmed by absolute speed records on international motorcycle racing of the 20s-30s.

At the same time, the engine "Motor-4" is developed, the final assembly of which is made in other European countries. In 1919, Franz Dimer on an airplane with this engine, rising to a height of 9760 meters, sets the first World BMW record. Production receives an additional impetus after concluding a secret agreement with Soviet Russia on the supply of new aircraft engines. Most of the Soviet record flights of the 30s were performed on aircraft equipped with BMW engines.

In 1928, the company acquires auto plants in Eisenach (Thuringia), and with them and a license for the production of a small car DIXI (it was a licensed English Austin 7). Its production begins with 1929. DIXI is the first BMW car. During the period of economic difficulties, the small car becomes the most popular car in Europe. By the beginning of World War II, BMW is one of the most dynamically developing firms in the world, producing equipment with sports orientation. In its assets, several world records: WolfGAng von Grona on the open hydrosapol DORNIER WAL, equipped with a BMW engine, crosses the North Atlantic from East to West, Ernst Henne on the R12 motorcycle, equipped with a cardan drive, hydraulic shock absorbers and a telescopic fork (BMW invention), establishes world Motorcycle speed record - 279.5 km / h, not exceeded by anyone over the next 14 years.

In 1933, the release of the model "303" is the first BMW car with a 6-cylinder engine. It is this model that the characteristic grille of the radiator becomes the first. The people called "nostrils" BMW. These nostrils have become a typical element of the design of all BMW cars.

In 1936, the famous "328" is produced on BMW - one of the most successful sports cars. For that time, these were simply avant-garde technical innovations: tubular frame, six-cylinder engine with a block of light alloys, a new valve mechanism system with rods. With the 328 model, BMW became so glorified in the second half of the 30s. that all subsequent cars with a company two-color sign were perceived by the public as a symbol of high quality, reliability and beauty. With its appearance, the ideology of BMW was finally formed, to this day, the defining concept of new models: "Car - for the driver." The main competitor, "Mercedes-Benz" should be a principle: "Car - for passengers." Since then, each company goes its own way, proving that it is its choice.

The winner of the great set of competitions - ring races, rally, competitions in lifting on the hill, - BMW 328 was addressed to the connoisseurs of a sports car and left far behind all serial sports cars.

1938 - BMW acquires a license for PRATT - Whitney engines. Then the model 132 is being developed, which is installed on the famous Junkers Y52. In the same year, the fastest pre-war model of a motorcycle, with a capacity of 60 hp and maximum speed 210 km / h. In 1939, the German racer Georg Mayer becomes European champion on this motorcycle. And for the first time, a foreigner on a foreign motorcycle wins British races "Senior Tourist Trophy".

The war began to suspend the car. Priority is again given to aircraft engines.

In 1944, BMW first in the world begins the release of the BMW 109-003 jet engine. Tests of rocket engines are also conducted. The end of World War II became a catastrophe for the concern. Four plants found in the eastern occupation zone are destroyed and dismantled. The head plant in Munich is dismantled by the British. In connection with the production during the war of air traffic and missiles, winners make an order for the prohibition of production for three years.

And Karl Rappa and Gustav Otto, who did not change their love for engines, decide to start everything from scratch again. The 1-cylinder R24 \u200b\u200bmotorcycle is being developed, which collected in workshops practically treasurely. It becomes the first post-war BMW product. In 1951, the first post-war passenger car model "501" appears. However, he does not bring financial success.

In 1955, the release of models R 50 and R 51 begins, opening a new generation of motorcycles with a fully tighted chassis, incoming the "Isetta" strange, a strange symbiosis of a motorcycle with the car. The three-wheeled car with a door opening forward on the move, had a huge success in the refinement of post-war Germany. But because of the continued limousines that followed by large limousines and the losses associated with these losses turns out to be on the verge of collapse. This is the only case in all bMW historyWhen the economic situation was incorrectly calculated and the cars thrown into the market did not have demand. The question arises about the sale of the company. "Mercedes-Benz" hurried to declare her purchase, but this was prevented by small shareholders, employees of the company, its trading agents.

Rebuilding the capital structure, BMW manage to continue its activities. The third time the company starts all over again.

1956 - Designer Albrecht Graph Gerstz, living in New York, creates a sensational car - sports handsome man. "BMW beat even Italians." - So wrote newspapers in 1956, when this car was presented. BMW 507 was offered as a roadster, and with a rigid roof. Eight Cylinder Aluminum Engine 3.2 liter with a capacity of 150 hp I accelerate the car up to 220 km per hour. Total cars from 1956 to 1959 were sold 252 pieces. Today it is one of the rarest and expensive collectible cars.

1959 - with the help of a new BMW 700 model with air system Cooling The concern was able to overcome the internal crisis and create the basis for the further success of the brand as a whole. Success was achieved not only in the sphere of sales. The version of the coupe gave the possibility of BMW to seek sports victories.

In 1962, the concept of model 1500 is easy. Compact. Sports. The four-door car was accepted on the market with such delight. That production facilities did not allow to satisfy the demand for these cars.

In 1966, a two-door car 1600-2 was presented for the first time. He served as the basis for creating a successful series of models from 1502 to 2002 with turbocharging. The successes of the "new class" contributed to the development of everything model Row. The BMW concern was able to afford to revive the tradition of the 30s and start the release of six-cylinder models. In 1968, a premiere of models of 2500 and 2800 took place. Which allowed BMW to enter the number of enterprises. producing large sedans. In this way. The 60s became the most successful in the entire previous history of the enterprise.

In 1969, BMW translates the production of motorcycles to Berlin. The release of a new series of motorcycle-"Opposites" begins. In 1976, a full-size fairing is installed on the R100 RS motorcycle. In 1983, one of the most popular motorcycle models is produced - K100 with a 4-cylinder row engine with liquid cooling and fuel injection. In the year of the century of the motorcycle, in 1985, the plant in Berlin produces more than 37 thousand motorcycles. In 1989 there is a presentation of a motorcycle K 1.

In the 1970s, the first cars of the famous BMW series - models of the 3rd series, 5th series, 6th series, 7th series appear. With the release of the 5th series, the production of a fundamentally new generation of BMW models began. If earlier the concern held predominantly niche of sports type cars, now he took his place in the segment of comfortable sedans. Coupe 3.0 csl. Which since 1973 wins six European championships. Allows BMW to achieve special success. This coupe hid a lot of technical innovations. It was for the first time a six-cylinder BMW engine with four valves per cylinder. And his brake system It was equipped with an ABS - perfect novelty for those times.

In 1977, a new breakthrough in the Lux class. With the advent of the 7th series, the fundamental update of all BMW series was over.

Since 1986, BMW M3 has the most successful car for highway-ring races in the world. The compact two-door model was parallel to both serial production and motor racing. The result was for BMW just triumphal. In 1987, Italian Roberto Ravelo wins first place at the World Championships in the Highway and Ring Racing. And over the next five years, BMW M3 dominated the sports scene.

In 1987, a new roadster, which initially conceived simply as an experimental model, continued the tradition of the Rhodster of the BMW 30s and 50s. BMW Z1 was built in 8,000 copies and became a carrier of ultra-modern technologies. The aerodynamics of this car was also on the sample level. In 1987 concern BMW. One of the first in the world applies electronic system Engine power adjustment.

In 1990, a new coupe of a dream: BMW 850i. The heart of this elegant coupe of the class "Suite" was the twelve-cylinder engine, which could literally shoot a car forward with any revolutions. Brand new integral rear axle Completely uniquely combined sports qualities and the highest comfort.

In the year of German reunion, the concern, founding the company BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, returns to its roots fleeing the Niva aircraft industry, and in 1991 presents a new BR-700 aircorder. In the early 1990s, sports compact cars of the third generation of the 3rd series and coupe of the 8th series appear on the market.

A good step for the company was the purchase in 1994 for 2.3 billion German brands of the industrial group Rover Group (Rover Group), and with it and the largest car in the UK complex for the production of cars Rover, Land Rover and Mg. With the purchase of this company, the BMW list has been replenished with the missing supermarital cars and SUVs.

Since 1995, the serial configuration of all BMW cars includes an inflatable airbag for the front passenger and the anti-theft engine blocking system. In March of the same year, a station wagon (Touring) of the 3rd series is launched. New car Different not only by modern design, but also the most advanced technique. So, for example, for the first time in the automotive industry chassis Almost entirely was made of aluminum.

Also 1995 - Debut of the new 5th bMW series. The main principle in its development is to create a harmonious concept. The new car was distinguished not only by modern design, but also the most advanced technique: For the first time in the automotive, the running part was made almost entirely made of aluminum. The use of new materials made it possible to increase the degree of car disposal to 85 percent. Exceptionally rigid body provides an unrivaled level of passive safety.

In 1996. model BMW. Z3 7th series is first equipped diesel engine. The unique synthesis of dynamic and classical design is just a delightful concept. Additional advertising car creates a film "Golden Eye", in which the superageent 007 James Bond travels on Z3. BMW Z3 became a bestseller. The new plant in Spartanburg does not have time to perform all orders.

In 1997, a motorcycle, which cannot leave indifferent - model R 1200 s, is a completely new interpretation of the road motorcycle. Sensational design that combined traditional and futuristic elements. He got the largest of the ever created opposite engines BMW.. Its working volume is 1170 cm. And the developed power of 61 hp In the same year, BMW represents another car-dream. We are talking about the roadster M, which like no other is the true embodiment of a purebred open sports car.

In 1997, BMW presented a dream car that made bouncing the hearts of the experts. Roger M embodied the ideal of a purebred sports car, oddly as a single BMW before. Its 321-strong M3 engine guarantees exciting ride.

In the spring of 1998, the fifth generation of successful sedans 3 series was debuted. Recycled in a variety of details, new 3 series offers not only exceptional appearancebut also the most modern engines, the latest suspension technologies and best-in-class security standards.

The beginning of 1999 was marked by the debut of the BMW X5, which was the world's first sports car for outdoor activities: a unique way combining elegance and practicality, thereby opening a new mobility measurement.

And one more first place: BMW Z8, Great sport carHe celebrated his premiere in 1999 and admired the fans of James Bond in the film "And the whole world of little".

In 1999, BMW also presented a surprise car business enthusiasts at the Frankfurt Motor Show, providing a futuristic concept of Z9 Gran Turismo.

Currently, the BMW, which began with a small aircraft plant, produces its products at five plants in Germany and twenty two subsidiaries scattered around the world. This is one of the few automotive firms that does not use robots at plants. All assembly on the conveyor is only manually. At the exit - only computer diagnostics The main parameters of the car.

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