Home Lighting Summer Tires Review Continental - What model to choose? Top tires Containental CONTACT automotive product characteristics

Summer Tires Review Continental - What model to choose? Top tires Containental CONTACT automotive product characteristics

A huge number of manufacturers produce rubber by introducing it to the car market. When reviewing and choosing two pairs of tires, they simply scatter eyes, and the buyer flows into a stupor. What brand of tires to purchase? Maybe cheaper or used?

In no case. The thing is that manufacturers invest large amounts of money on the development of a tread, the pattern of the pattern and rigidity of rubber in order to ensure the maximum clutch of the wheels with the surface of the road.

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The surface can be different: asphalt, stone, crushed stone and so on. But, despite the surface, the car must behave obedient, gently and gently. Stone tire protector can lead to a car drift and subsequently to the accident.

The depth and pattern of the tread are made in such a way that the car rode well on the road. During the rain, water, which does not interfere with the control of the car when driving. So the rubber must be new. During the choice of summer tires, you should not neglect the recommendations of good manufacturers.

Universal tires

All-season rubber is an alternative replacement, but it behaves badly on the road. In bad weather, it can lead to a dangerous situation. It is universal, but at the same time does not fully fulfill the function or a summer or winter rubber. Summer tires relative to winter have not just a different pattern of tread, but also various rigidity of the tires itself. In summer, the asphalt is heated, and the rubber is used more rigid.

The choice drops on hard rubber for a good hitch with an expensive. In addition, the pressure also plays its role, and the poor-quality tire will simply be either pumped or lowered, depending on the season. And this greatly affects fuel consumption.

The difference between summer rubber from the winter

Summer tires is tremendously different from winter. To begin with, it is worth knowing the necessary radius, parameters and other rubber characteristics. Each rubber has its own size. This is a set of parameters necessary for a particular machine. They include:

  • width in millimeters;
  • the percentage ratio of height and width;
  • the construction of the tire (it happens radial or diagonal);
  • disk radius in inches.

For clarity, 195/65 R15. The first digit 195 is the width, 65 - height, R is a radial tire, 15 is the diameter of the disc itself. More detailed parameters are included, such as: the most critical load on rubber, the speed indexation, the mass of the car, the recommended tire pressure, the country of the manufacturer and the company's brand. You can also see the markings of Aqua or Rain.

It will give the opportunity to choose more detailed rubber under the local climate and weather conditions. The best pattern for summer rubber should be asymmetric and have a greater tread depth. In addition to the drainage, he copes well with stones and mud on the road.

What to stop your choice?

In the list of huge selection of summer tires, Continental firmly entered the top ten of the best manufacturers. This rubber has a durable composition and has excellent maneuverability. It is made of treated rubber and is an environmentally friendly product. The environment remains clean and not contaminated. It also affects the load of the machine, as a result of which fuel economy occurs. Many experts argue that Continental tires are considered to be the most reliable in the world in terms of their performance. In the auto racing sport, the ContactContinental PREMIUM class is also used. The review of statistics suggests that pilots on such tires come to the finish the first.

Continental conveyorially produces rubber not only for passenger cars. Serving buses, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles, each fourth vehicle in Europe craft into this rubber. The manufacturer's chip is that it produces the Summer Tires ContactContinental with a special and unique tread pattern. This secret gives the advantage of increased control and management of transport on any road coverage.

Quality and features of tire production

The Continental organization was founded in Germany in the year before last. To be extremely accurate, then in 1871. The future leader of world production began as a small factory, which was engaged in the release of different rubber products. In particular, overlays for cart and bicycles.

Scientific and technical developments together with German quality for ten years have gained world popularity.

1901 was remembered by the fact that it was then that the cars began to install the tires Continental. Twenty years later, the organization first time took up the tire release, which had a flexible cord. He was made of special fibers. Filled with carbon tires, due to which they are considered as high quality and durable.

The Continental tires were originally red, then they began to do it black. Due to these tires, the institution has become known to the whole world. Such tires are ordered both to Europe and in the United States.

Summer tires Continental are installed on such brands of machines like Porsche and Mercedes. Every year such tires are more and more. The organization has opened a lot of laboratories for research. Even the most avid lovers of cars use these tires.

Characteristics of automotive products Contact

Car wheels show elegant features on a wet asphalt coating. The car rides very easily, while it has excellent noise insulation. Summer tires ContinentAds are a set of many positive feedback.

Summer tires Continental are used in the most severe conditions. The organization is engaged in the production of tires, based on what could be weather conditions. The company has a rather large range of automotive tires, which it can boast. The organization has gained leadership among such similar institutions.

The company produces winter tires taking into account various weather conditions. In the assortment you can find the priest tires Continental. To date, Continental has swallowed many well-known tire manufacturers. From now on, the Germans have 10 tire brands.

Even before the organization was founded, its founders were actively engaged in the production of rubber products for various profiles. They were engaged in example tires as: solid tires, the purpose of which is to ride caters and wagons. That is why the institution and got such a name as Continental. It translates as a horse that jumps.

The organization has existed for more than a hundred years, and during that time made a huge contribution to the car enthusiast industry.

Products from Continental

Contact has not only tire products, but also an eponymobile, which has become known to the world in the nineteenth century. This car was designed for bicycles and cars. Also, the company has released special branded tires that have a protector.

They are used for passenger cars.

These innovative tires have simplified the ride on the road. The car will no longer slide. This is another reason for which the organization has become such a well-known and popular car market.

The institution works in conjunction with the organization for the production of tires "Bayer". This cooperation led to the Continental tires even more reliable and resistant to external impact factors.

It is already impossible to submit a modern world without this modern summer tire firm. It was a small organization that after the expiration of Premium reached the level.

All Europe considers this German firm world leader in both product quality and based on its external design.

Tires are applied not only for cars, but they are also suitable for various types of transport, including bicycles.

As soon as new cars were produced, the company immediately produced tires for them. Manufacturers very seriously approached to keep track of all the innovations of modernity and follow them.

Continental has released rubber tires based on synthetics. In the 36 year and began their existence of artificial tires, which were issued precisely this masterpiece company.

When a review of summer tires was survey, it turned out that they were perfectly driving like ice. According to the results of the review on the world arena, spinned tires came out. They continue to be developed and improved to this day.

Modern technologies for the production of automotive summer tires and their review

In terms of technological progress, the Continental tires have increased in a very short period of time. Motorists began to use the summer tires of this manufacturer in order to compete in sports races on their cars. Introducing all new improved tire models, the organization has not ceased to add various innovative technologies for greater convenience and a comfortable ride.

The 60s were marked by the release of radial tires. The organization worked and parallel developed new innovations in the automotive industry.

The company opened its plants in countries such as:

  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Other countries that are located along all Western Europe.

In the spring of the 67th year, a special landfill was opened on which tires were tested. The area of \u200b\u200bthe landfill is 592 square meters. It is considered a top object on which car tires are tested.

Every year, various innovations pass there a scheduled check. European extreme ride lovers regularly evaluate tires, conduct an overview, based on which rating is produced.

Continental will well advertise himself well.

The most common models among the latter are such models of Summer Tires Premium Class, as:

  • Continental ContisportContact 5;
  • Continental ContiousCocontact 5.

Both the first and the second model of the Summer Tire Premium equates to similar types of tires regarding its functionality in the feeling of road and ecology. It does not matter, you calmly eat on the highway, or make various sports tricks.

Summer luxury tires

The overview of the summer tires PremiUMClass showed that the clutch, load and regulation is evenly distributed on the steering wheel. High-speed dynamics closely contact with the comfort of summer tire operation. Sports machines most often supply PREMIUM tires Continental.

On such sports machines as Audi or Mercedes, it is most often possible to see the Contacts.

For example, the excellent model Premium tires, which refers to the category "Eco", will not immediately turn your car into racing, but it is entirely focused on sports races. The automotive series of these tires turned out to be quite economical. She was reviewed, during which a number of undeniable advantages were identified. An excellent indicator of this was saving gasoline when driving.

Also, the pluses include the quality of the material, thanks to which the tires are considered durable and most reliable as possible.

They perfectly withstand the extremal load, are very persistent with the ride process.

When the review passed, it was revealed that almost all tire models of this company are considered noise insulating and progressive.

Concern Continental, one of the leading international suppliers of autocomponents and the manufacturer of tires, has established at its Kaluga plant the production of a new winter studded bire of the premium class IceContact 2.

The new tire goes to the markets of Scandinavia countries, Baltic and Russia this fall. The company argue that IceContAct 2 has improved characteristics compared to the previous generation bus, which was also at the proper level. Thus, the developers managed to improve controllability on a dry road surface by 9%, and on ice - by 2%. Most significantly - by 8% - increased indicators such as the transfer of brake and traction efforts on ice. In addition, the IceContAct 2 bus guarantees increased controllability on snow-covered roads.

The composition of the rubber mixture of the tire of the new Tire Continental includes numerous polymers and a large amount of filler in the form of silicon dioxide. In addition, the rubber mixture is characterized by a high proportion of rapeseed oil, used as a softener, and the accelerators of the vulcanization process optimize the chemical structure of the composition. Due to this, the rubber mixture remains flexible at low temperatures, which guarantees the best grip with the road.

The IceContAct 2 bus received a new asymmetric tread pattern. Its outdoor part provides good adhesion for optimal control, and internal - excellent traction for proper braking and overclocking. On the market, this tire will appear this year. The ruler will include 69 sizes for passenger cars and car class SUV. For 2016, the replenishment of the line with new sizes is scheduled.

In the Scandinavian countries, there has been a new standard approval standards for studded tires for the last one and a half years. It describes the test procedure, providing 400 passages of a vehicle equipped with studded tires, according to granite slabs at a speed of 100 km / h. As part of this test, the tires are divided into three categories depending on the load index. In order to measure the degree of wear of the road coating, the slabs are weighed to the test and after it. Tires are approved only by conforming to certain restrictions on the depreciation of the road surface. The purpose of this standard is made by minimizing the unwanted wear of the road coating with studded tires.

In collaboration with the University of Karlsruhe (KIT) and using its own drum test booth, the Continental Concern's specialists have developed a new method of determining the wear of the road leaf of studded tires. The results of the studies have made it possible to conclude that the spikes of smaller size and mass are much weaker than weaker the road canvas. Taking the basis of these results, the Continental Concern's specialists developed for IceContAct 2 new ultralight spike.

The mass of new spikes is 25% less than in the tire of the previous generation. Thus, depending on the size in a new tire, you can set 50% more spikes. Such an increase guarantees the new tire the best features on the ice compared to the previous one and does not lead to greater wear of the roadway. In other words, the new tire is capable of providing better grip with icing roads characteristic of the Northern region. An additional advantage of thickens of reduced sizes and mass is a reduced noise level from tire friction about the road.

The location of spikes with displacement provides them with constant contact with intact ice, and not with ice, which has already been fragmented by other spikes. The result is an improved clutch. To the spikes did not stick the ice, the Continental concern engineers developed so-called ice pockets, that is, small closed cavities around the spikes in which the fragmented ice accumulates before it is removed under the action of centrifugal force. It improves safety, especially when braking.

Concern Continental The first of the shinnikov has developed a technology for reliable fixation of spikes in the tire, which reduces the likelihood of separating spikes from the tread while driving. For a small base of spikes, a special adhesive composition is applied, after which the spikes are inserted into the bus robotic machine. At the next stage of the production process of the spikes is fixed in the tire under certain temperature conditions and pressure. Such a technological process increases 4 times the strength of the attachment of spikes in the bus compared to the traditional one. Each such "glued" spike is withstanding the load up to 500 H (50 kg) without traces of the tread separation.

Yaron Vimmayer, General Director of Continental Tiesries Rus LLC, notes: "We believe in the development of the Russian market. Reliable and wide dealer network, high quality products, as well as the benefits of local production allow us to improve our position in the Russian market in the medium term. "
Due to the complex economic and market conditions, the Continental Moscow office predicts that the Russian tire market will fall until next year and return to the pre-crisis level only by 2020, despite the difficult economic situation, the Continental bus departure keeps a stable market share in Russia, which contributes , among other things, an extensive dealer network, numbering about 50 companies and about 400 trade and service centers.

From the conveyor of the Continental Tire Plant in Kaluga, 2,500,000 tires left for two years. The range of products is expanding: the plant has already produced more than 150 articles of tires of three popular brands in Russia : Continental - Premium, Gislaved - average price category, Matador - Budget.

In 2015, the plant began delivery to export and work with auto assembly plants. The first parties of export tires went to the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine in April 2015. For them followed the supply of tires to Germany and France. The Scandinavian countries began to be exported to the Tires IceContAct 2.

"New conditions will always dictate new opportunities. Thanks to the coordinated and efficient work of the team of the plant, which has already already 950 people, we manage to quickly and effectively adapt to changes and expand the range of products that we offer our customers both in Russia and abroad. Concern Continental pays great attention to the technical preparation of its enterprises and the introduction of the most modern technologies. Thanks to this, we have the opportunity to localize here, on Kaluga land, unique technologies of the concern, "said Georgy Rotov, General Director of Continental Kaluga LLC.

After the factory in Korbakha, Germany, the Kaluga plant became the second enterprise of the concern, which produces winter studded tires. In Kaluga, unique technologies of hissing and vulcanization of spikes are used fully integrated into the production process. This allowed the Continental Kaluga Plant in March 2015 to launch the latest development of the concern - the winter studded IceContAct2 bus.

Continental is developing smart mobility technologies for people and goods. In 2014, a concern with its five divisions "Chassis", Salon Equipment (Interior), Transmission (PowerTrain), Tires (Reifen) and ContiTech reached a turn of about 34.5 billion Euro. The concern employs more than 205,000 employees in 53 countries.

Continental Conti Premium Contact 5 - Summer tire with an asymmetric pattern of a tread, intended for passenger cars of the middle and representative class.

Available in sizes from R14 to R17.

Country of manufacture: France, Portugal, Czech Republic, Germany, Romania.

Test Continental ContipremiUmcontact 5 from Swedish VI Bilägare in 2017

In 2017, the Specialists of the Swedish magazine VI Bilägare held the Tire Test Continental Conny Premium Contact 5 in the amount of 205/55 R16 and compared it with seven similar Middle and Premium Tires.

When braking on the wet track, the continental showed the shortest braking path and took the first place. The difference with the worst result was 8.6 meters.
In the test dough on the wet route, the tire ranked second, slightly giving way to the model Nokian Hakka Blue 2.
In the dough on the side stability on the wet route of the tire split the first place with Pirelli.
Third place in the dough on resistance to aquaplaning. Continental ContipRemiumContAct 5 Loses a clutch with an expensive in a puddle at a speed of 80.5km / h.
The first place and the shortest brake path on dry asphalt with a slight step of Pirelli.

Results of dough

According to the results of the test Continental ContiPremiUmcontAct 5 ranked first. The tire showed balanced characteristics and showed the shortest brake path on the wet and dry asphalt.

DisciplineA placeComment
Dry asphalt braking1 Best result. The braking path is shorter than 0.7 meters, in comparison with the nearest result.
Controlness on dry asphalt3 The time of passage by 0.47 seconds longer (in comparison with the best result)
Brake on wet asphalt1 Best result. The braking path is shorter than 2.3 meters, in comparison with the nearest result.
Handling on wet asphalt2 The time of passage by 0.43 seconds longer (in comparison with the best result)
Side stability on wet asphalt1-2 Best result. The time of circle is 0.05 seconds faster, in comparison with the nearest result.
Resistance to aquaplaning3 The speed of "float" of the car occurs at a speed of 2.1km / h more, in comparison with the nearest result.
Economy7 Fuel consumption by 0.21 l / 100 km more (in comparison with the best result)

Feedback experts who conducted a test

On wet asphalt lagging behind only in the dough on the aquaplaning. And otherwise showed the best braking path, good controllability, stability, lack of a tendency to the rear axis. On dry asphalt, also the shortest braking path, predictable and stable behavior. The tire absorbs road irregularities well and provides a comfortable ride and low noise.

Test Sontineal ContipRemiumContact 5 from the Russian "driving", spent in 2017

In the same year, an alternative test of the tires in the amount of 195/65 R15 conducted experts from the Russian publication "behind the wheel" and compared it with 11 tires of the budget, secondary and premium class.

In the test, the continental also performed adequately, but ranked third and slightly lost to the tires from Nokian and Pirelli.

Products of this manufacturer are considered to be one of the best.

But what are the summer tires of Continental deserve to be considered most preferable to the consumer from the point of view of performance?

From this article you will learn:

Rating of the best summer tires

The most popular among motorists are the following Models Continental:

  • ContisportContact 5.

All three tires presented earned high marks from car experts and customer loyalty. What's the secret?

Continental ContipremiUmcontAct 5.

Tires belong to type for passenger cars. The market proposed in the wheel dimension from R14 to R17. The width of the tire ranges from 165 to 255 millimeters, and the profile height is from 50 to 70. Positioned in a high price category.


Continental ContiPremiUmcontAct 5 has shown themselves as very balanced tires who know how to delight driving. On a dry asphalt coating, a clear and impeccable flow rate, sensitive steering reactions, a very informative ramp and a pleasant reactive effort on it are noted.

The turns impressively the high level of cross-clutch, however, and the longitudinal is as high enough - the braking path is small. On a wet road, we can talk about the high resistance to aquaplating and confident clutch with the roadbed.

Weak sides

There are almost no complaints about these tires on handling and braking. But there are questions for driving comfort. Hardly work out irregularities, and even small road defects are able to cause shaking. The second minus is low wear resistance. Thus, it may come into disrepair after 2-3 seasons of the most common operation.

Continental ContisportContact 5.

Present sports rubber for vehicles with a powerful engine and verified ride chaggards. Sold in the dimension of the wheels from R17 to R22. The width of the tire varies in the range from 205 to 315 millimeters, and the height is from 30 to 65. The maximum speed is limited to 300 kilometers per hour. This model is a premium product, therefore it is high enough for it.


On the dry asphalt road there is a responsiveness of the steering in the okolonulous zone, the high informativeness of the ram and a clear reactive force on it. In the corners, the clutch of the wheels with the road is very good, and at the limit appear unobtrusive demolitions that are easily eliminated.

High braking efficiency is accompanied by car stability at this moment. The wet road will also not be an interference to maintain high speed - good and longitudinal, and transverse clutch, as well as high aquaplaning stability.


It is worth noting the highest fuel efficiency of Continental ContisportContact 5 due to the fact that rolling resistance is essential. The smoothness of the stroke is low on any type of coating - even small irregularities are clearly felt fifth point.

Continental is a German premium tire manufacturer, famous for its quality. All major production technologies are the result of own developments of engineers of the company. The best solutions were initially adapted for the military industry, but subsequently stuck in civil proceedings.

Technologies Continental

The Germans are known for their scrupulsiness and hardly working, which is directly reflected on the quality of the products produced. The plant produces a wide range of tires adapted to any weather conditions. Moreover, adequate assessment of any climate is based on its own experience - Continental has opened subsidiaries in many countries of the world.

Recently, the concern applies the latest tire manufacturers:

  • SSR - Development that allows you not to have a spare wheel with yourself. After damage to the tire, the driver retains the ability to drive about 80 km, without resorting to repair.
  • ContiSeal - Technology that protects the wheel from punctures. The material covering the rubber from the inside delays those punctures that do not exceed 5 mm.

Assortment of tires

Connector Continental launches tires for any category of cars:

  • passenger;
  • light truck;
  • freight;
  • sUV.

A series of passenger tires is the most numerous and traditionally divided into summer and winter options.

Summer tires of the Belessa-type type, too, at one time were the innovative development of the Continental concern, which was subsequently adopted and other automakers. The unique patterns of the tread allow you to maintain a good clutch with a road surface, even in conditions of summer off-road. Continental tires showed high speed coefficients, response and overheating stability.

The most popular models:

  • Conti Premium Contact;
  • Continental Vancontact 100;
  • Continental Conti4x4Contact;
  • ContisportContact;
  • Conti Eco Contact 5.

Winter option "Continental" perfectly prevents sliding even in the absence of spikes in tires, they also cope with loose snow. Sugriters, ice and snowy slush will cease to be your problems.

The most sought-after winter models:

  • IceContAct;
  • Contiviking Contact 5;
  • Vancowinter;
  • Continental ContiwinterContact;
  • VancoCoCeContact;
  • ExtremeWinterContact.

All-season tires successfully combine all the advantages of winter and summer options and consistently occupy high rating positions. However, the demi-season execution does not suit lovers of active ride in the conditions of good Russian off-road. For such trips, it is better to choose tires for a specialized series.

The cargo tires of the concern did not fit in the retail sales network. Mostly due to their high cost, which some are called the main disadvantage of Continental. But car manufacturers will gladly buy these tires, as the latter show excellent running characteristics.

Criterias of choice

The first thing to pay attention to is the price of a tire, the original "Continental" can not cost a penny. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the country of production. Concern's plants, as we have already said, are located around the world, but German quality can only be in Germany. Therefore, when choosing a tire, read the label on the side of the bus, the manufacturer will be indicated there.

The rest will help you to understand the concern. Continental launches tires adapted for specific car brands. Plus there are special series of tires that take into account the conditions for their operation and your driving style:

  • for use in good road conditions - highway;
  • for fastest ride lovers - high-speed with improved braking and rotation accuracy;
  • for movement on "frontal" roads - off-road with a good management index and a large pattern on the protective.

Concern's tires Continental quite little shortcomings:

  • high cost (which is compensated by excellent driving characteristics);
  • modest indicators of controllability of demi-season tires;
  • big weight of off-road tires.

All other characteristics are one solid plus that will delight you for several years. After all, the "Continental" tires, among other things, have high levels of resistance to wear.

My rating of tires

  1. Continental ContipRemiumContact 5.
  2. Continental IceContAct 2.
  3. Continental IceContAct 2 SUV.
  4. Continental ContiCecontact.
  5. Continental ContivikingContact 6.
  6. Continental ContisportContact 5.
  8. Continental ContiousCocontact 5.
  9. Continental PremiumContAct 6.
  10. Continental Conti4x4Contact.

Continental ContiPremiumContact 5 tires

Summer tires Continental ContipRemiumContAct 5 are an excellent choice for a calm and measured city, along asphalt and dirt roads. These are sufficiently soft tires that provide optimal adhesion with a wet and dry surface. Well show yourself with emergency braking. The indisputable advantage of this rubber is silent, tires are the same quiet at different speeds of movement, on asphalt with large dispersion, it is possible to rush on low frequencies without a hum.

When buying summer tires, please note that the ContipremiUmcontact 5 is a thin board - this is exactly what comfort provides driving. These tires are more suitable for rigid suspension - in this case, the board is less wearing, the likelihood of hernia is reduced and other damage.


A type tires
Seasonality summer
Spikes not
Seasonality summer
Diameter 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Profile width 165 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 255
Height profile 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Functions and features
Spikes not
Technology Runflat. optional
Maximum speed index
Load index 81...104
462 ... 900 kg
Chamber not
Diagonal not

Pros and Cons Continental ContipRemiumContact 5

Tires summer tires Continental ContiPremiUmcontact 5 have such positive sides:

  • silent;
  • comfortable ride;
  • good grip;
  • no aquaplaning.

The minus is rapid wear with aggressive ride. For riders and extreme driving lovers, these tires are not suitable. If you buy them for comfortable movement around the city, it is really a good choice at an optimal price.

Video review Continental ContipRemiumContact 5

Tires Continental IceContAct 2


A type tires
Seasonality winter
Spikes yes
Purpose for a passenger car
Maximum speed index T (up to 190 km / h)
Purpose for a passenger car
Seasonality winter
Type of winter tires for northern winter
Profile width 155 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255 / 265 / 275 / 285
Height profile
Functions and features
Spikes there is
Technology Runflat. optional
Type of tread pattern asymmetric
Directed protector there is
Maximum speed index T (up to 190 km / h)
Load index 75...116
387 ... 1250 kg
Chamber not
Diagonal not

Video Review Continental IceContAct 2



A type tires
Seasonality winter
Spikes yes
Purpose for SUV
Maximum speed index T (up to 190 km / h)
Purpose for SUV
Seasonality winter
Type of winter tires for northern winter
Diameter 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21
Profile width 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255 / 265 / 275 / 285
Height profile 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Functions and features
Spikes there is
Technology Runflat. optional
Type of tread pattern asymmetric
Directed protector there is
Maximum speed index T (up to 190 km / h)
Load index 96...116
710 ... 1250 kg
Chamber not
Diagonal not

Video Review Continental IceContAct 2 SUV

Continental ContiCecontact Tires

Characteristics of Continental ContiCecontact.

A type tires
Seasonality winter
Spikes yes
Purpose for SUV / for a passenger car
Seasonality winter
Type of winter tires for northern winter
Diameter 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Profile width 155 / 165 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255 / 265 / 275 / 285
Height profile
Functions and features
Spikes there is
Technology Runflat. optional
Maximum speed index Q (up to 160 km / h) / t (up to 190 km / h)
Load index 75...116
387 ... 1250 kg

Video review Continental ContiCecontact.

Tires Continental ContivikingContact 6


A type tires
Seasonality winter
Spikes not
Purpose for a passenger car
Maximum speed index T (up to 190 km / h)
Purpose for a passenger car
Seasonality winter
Type of winter tires for northern winter
Diameter 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Profile width 145 / 155 / 165 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255 / 265 / 275
Height profile 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Functions and features
Spikes not
Technology Runflat. optional
Type of tread pattern asymmetric
Directed protector there is
Maximum speed index T (up to 190 km / h)
Load index 72...116
355 ... 1250 kg
Chamber not
Diagonal not

Video Review Continental ContivikingContact 6

Continental ContisportContact 5 tires


A type tires
Seasonality summer
Spikes not
Purpose for a passenger car
Purpose for a passenger car
Seasonality summer
Diameter 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
Profile width 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255 / 265 / 275 / 285 / 295 / 305 / 315 / 325
Height profile 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Functions and features
Spikes not
Technology Runflat. optional
Type of tread pattern asymmetric
Directed protector not
Maximum speed index H (up to 210 km / h) / V (up to 240 km / h) / w (up to 270 km / h) / y (up to 300 km / h) / z / zr (over 240 km / h)
Load index 81...113
462 ... 1150 kg
Chamber not
Diagonal not

Video Review Continental ContisportContact 5



A type tires
Seasonality summer
Spikes not
Purpose for SUV
Purpose for SUV
Seasonality summer
Diameter 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
Profile width 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255 / 265 / 275 / 285 / 295 / 305 / 315 / 335
Height profile 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Functions and features
Spikes not
Technology Runflat. optional
Type of tread pattern asymmetric
Directed protector there is
Maximum speed index H (up to 210 km / h) / L (up to 120 km / h) / R (up to 170 km / h) / t (up to 190 km / h) / V (up to 240 km / h) / w (up to 270 km / h) / y (up to 300 km / h) / z / zr (over 240 km / h)
Load index 95...119
690 ... 1360 kg
Chamber not
Diagonal not

Video Review Continental CONTICROSSCONTACT UHP

Tires Continental ContiousCocontact 5


A type tires
Seasonality summer
Spikes not
Purpose for a passenger car
Purpose for a passenger car
Seasonality summer
Diameter 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Profile width 165 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245
Height profile 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Functions and features
Spikes not
Technology Runflat. optional
Type of tread pattern asymmetric
Directed protector not
Maximum speed index H (up to 210 km / h) / t (up to 190 km / h) / V (up to 240 km / h) / w (up to 270 km / h) / y (up to 300 km / h)
Load index 77...105
412 ... 925 kg
Chamber not
Diagonal not

Video Review Continental ContiousCocontact 5

Tires Continental PremiumContAct 6


A type tires
Seasonality summer
Spikes not
Purpose for a passenger car
Technology Runflat. not
Purpose for a passenger car
Seasonality summer
Diameter 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21
Profile width 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255 / 275 / 285
Height profile 30 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Functions and features
Spikes not
Technology Runflat. not
Type of tread pattern asymmetric
Directed protector not
Maximum speed index V (up to 240 km / h) / w (up to 270 km / h) / y (up to 300 km / h)
Load index 84...112
500 ... 1120 kg
Chamber not
Diagonal not

Video Review Continental PremiumContact 6

Tires Continental Conti4x4Contact.


A type tires
Seasonality summer
Spikes not
Purpose for SUV
Purpose for SUV
Seasonality summer
Diameter 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Profile width 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 255 / 265 / 275
Height profile 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Functions and features
Spikes not
Technology Runflat. optional
Maximum speed index H (up to 210 km / h) / r (up to 170 km / h) / s (up to 180 km / h) / t (up to 190 km / h) / V (up to 240 km / h) / y (up to 300 km / h)
Load index 88...111
560 ... 1090 kg



A type tires
Seasonality summer
Spikes not
Purpose for SUV
Technology Runflat. not
Purpose for SUV
Seasonality summer
Diameter 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Profile width 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255 / 265 / 275 / 315
Height profile 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Functions and features
Spikes not
Technology Runflat. not
Type of tread pattern symmetric
Directed protector not
Maximum speed index H (up to 210 km / h) / q (up to 160 km / h) / s (up to 180 km / h) / t (up to 190 km / h) / V (up to 240 km / h)
Load index 95...120
690 ... 1400 kg
Chamber not
Diagonal not

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