Home Food Tires Dunlop Sport 01. Dunlop tires. Positive reviews about rubber from drivers

Tires Dunlop Sport 01. Dunlop tires. Positive reviews about rubber from drivers

The British Dunlop company is one of the oldest manufacturers of tires who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of autoresine manufacturing technologies.

Hundreds of models of automotive, motorcycle, aircraft, industrial and other tires presented in a huge number of sizes are produced at the company's manufacturing complexes. Combined with high quality and excellent performance, it makes the products of the Dunlop brand in demand and popular worldwide.

Prehistory Brand

The history of the British tire brand Dunlop, which today is one of the largest in the world, began with one case from the life of the Scottish veterinarian John Dalop. The Son of the doctor, riding on a three-wheeled bike, experienced inconvenience and discomfort due to excessive rigidity of the wheels.

To soften the stroke of the bike, the future founder of the company wrapped them with rubber and pumped inside the air. This event is considered the initial stage in the history of the production of pneumatic tires.

Start of production

In 1889, a year after receiving a patent for pneumatic tires, the British veterinarian opened his own enterprise.

Initially, the company specialized exclusively on the release of Vellesein, but after 4 years the production was reoriented to the assembly of automotive tires. The reason for such reorientation was the mass distribution of passenger cars in Europe and, as a result, the increased need of automotive companies in high-quality tires.

Innovative solutions

By putting the production of tires and securing its position in the market, the company did not stop at the achieved. Soon the range of products was replenished with agricultural tires (1929), in which one year later began to use side bridges for a higher passability on the ground.

In 1956, the company designed and successfully launched into mass production the first tire of the "rain" type with an improved drainage, designed specifically for racing chas.

The invention of a nylon breaker was also a real coup in the tire industry, which was first used in Dunlop tires in 1958. This innovative development made it possible to significantly reduce the weight of the tires, while maintaining the necessary strength of the internal frames.

Also in 1962, the company presented the first tire in its history, made using synthetic rubber. Rubber was tested on the racing track and demonstrated impressive results: the rate of passage of the circle of Formula-1 by car, as well as its handling and stability increased significantly.

Today, the company's technological base continues to expand. At the same time, Dunlop employees are constantly exchanged experience with the engineers of its Mother's company Goodyear. In combination with the constant modernization of production complexes, it allows you to achieve the highest quality of products.

To obtain a consultation and find out the delivery time in Moscow or area, call us at the specified number. The order can be made directly on the site using the convenient online service.

If you are looking for the opportunity to buy summer, winter or all-season DUNLOP tires, take advantage of our online store offer. Our range presents various models of British production, among which you can easily select the optimal option for the price and characteristics.

Synonyms: Tires Danlop, Rubber Dunlop, Dunlop

About Dunlop tires

Dunlop is obliged to a three-wheeled bicycle on which the son of the Scottish veterinarian John Boyd Dutlop drove. The caring father noticed the inconvenience and discomfort arising from the cast rubber wheels of the children's means of movement. To get rid of these shortcomings, the doctor wrapped the tire with several rubber layers, downloading some air in them. The result was the first pneumatic tire in the world, the patent was issued on June 3, 1888.

Pneumatic Tyre & Booths Cycle Agency Ltd.

That was the way the company was named, which was headed by John Dunlop in 1889. For the first four years of its existence, she was engaged in the release of exclusively pneumatic cycling tires. In 1893, an epochal event occurred in the history of this company - the production of automotive pneumatic tires began. It coincided with the beginning of mass production of cars, thanks to tires dunlop. appeared first in France, Austria and Germany, and then in Canada.


This name company received in 1896, to acquire the world's first laboratory for testing automotive tires, and then aviation, the production of which was started in 1911. The First World War, unfortunately or fortunately, made the company switch to the execution of military orders. Nevertheless, scientific developments did not cease, as a result of which the British manufacturer began the release of agricultural tires in 1929, on which, after the first time, side bridges appeared in the world.

Formula 1

The history of "Royal Racing" and Dunlop is not unrequisitely connected with each other. In 1956, the British manufacturer invited the world's first "rain" tire for Formula 1 racing cars. And in 1958 an epochast event for the entire automotive world occurred. We are talking about nylon cord, which has allowed without deterioration of the strength properties to reduce tire weight by 30%. Another innovation that had no less influence on the automotive world was presented in 1962, when the company mastered the production of a rubber mixture with a synthetic rubber. The tires made from it allowed much to significantly increase the rate of passage of the circle of the Formula 1 racing car.

Breakthrough technologies

That is the effect on the design of the automotive pneumatic tire, which engineers provided this British company to overestimate is extremely difficult. After all, they were the first to divide the protector drawing into several longitudinal rows, ensuring a tire not only excellent course stability, but also increased wear resistance.

It should not be noted that this British manufacturer became the first one who managed to bring to the serial production of a tubeless tire, as well as a rubber mixture with water-repellent properties. Due to this, it became possible to release winter-notched tires, ranging from GRASPIC and ending with SJ4, which have trustworthy motorists around the world.

Technological leadership has become possible, thanks to the scientific base, which was laid back in the 20s of the last century. At the same time, the pneumatic tire was considered as an integral component of the car. It is thanks to this understanding that the first test laboratory for automotive tires was created. In 1960, scientific research allowed to discover the effect of aquaplaning, and in 1983 to develop a tire-torsion that millions of car enthusiasts enjoy today.

Nowadays, the broadest scientific base is actively used by the Goodyear concern, which includes a British company. But unlike Fulda, Kelly, Debica and Sava, this English manufacturer is not included in the so-called category of the second echelon bus companies, being one of the recognized world leaders in the development and production of automotive pneumatic tires.

The name of the famous British brand of tires - Dunlop is consonant with the name of the founder of an extensive corporation and the inventor of the first pneumatic tire - John Dutlope. It is therefore associated with the prosperity of the tire industry.

However, in general, the success of the firm is explained by a number of other aspects. And the main one is the rich practical experience in the development of tires for various purposes and the development of production in accordance with the requirements of time.

Summer and Winter Tires Dunlop exit steps to the world market

The history of Dunlop began in 1888 (at the time of its acquisition by its first director of the patent for its invention) from the release of bicycles and universal cycling tires. But when the car replaced the period of "reign" of the previously known types of transport, aimed at success, the firm began to rapidly expand their range. So they have been developed taking into account the scientific and engineering innovations Automotive tires Dunlop buy that car enthusiasts found from different parts of Europe, Australia and America.

Further achievements of the company were associated with experimental research and development of new technologies. The most famous of these achievements for car owners are considered:

  • the beginning of use in the process of production of practical latex foam;
  • functional winter tires DUNLOP ha base of rubber mixture with water-repellent properties and a number of others.

In the first years of "Formula 1", representatives of professional teams of riders sought to buy summer tires Dunlop, created using other scientific developments. In this regard, the company was recognized as the official tire supplier for the championship.

Today, individual varieties of these tires help in achieving the cherished goals not only to brave conquerors of Moscow roads, but also lovers of a quiet ride, as well as owners of agricultural machinery. And thousands of owners of different types of transport from a number of countries in which the summer tires of Dunlop and other modifications are being implemented today, have already been convinced that they are characterized by:

  • amazing stability;
  • accuracy;
  • sensitivity;
  • durability

The current advantages of these tires over the analogues of competitive grades are achieved thanks to specially designed patterns of protectors, proper geometry of the hooks and test designs. The further innovation of the company, according to its forecasts, will be the so-called "smart" tires with exclusive capabilities (and absolutely innovative equipment.

Moscow fans of speed, appreciating reliability and functionality in auto accessories, we give the opportunity:

  • choose and buy Dunlop Winter Tires, familiarized with the features of each of their models;
  • order the procedure for their operational installation directly to us and evaluate their real opportunities in practice.


The experience is small, but during this time there were no complaints. Quiet, comfortable, without cuts and punctures. In the corners keeps smoothly, in a row is not very storm.


Not noticed.

Moderate manner, fast accelerations and not sharp braking. In turns without Juz. Therefore, about sports qualities of rubber is difficult to speak.


Quiet, Comfort

He took on the F25 performed a ranhet in 17 radius. For this car - a wonderful choice. Absolutely no negative sensations from ranpality (on this machine and in this amount), no gulov, no noise, no wooden sensations. Excellent combination of price / quality. I won't say for sports qualities, since the high profile and high car is not a sports a priori. But in the staff and moderately active ride modes - the tire rides as a car itself - as it should be. Interesting feedback on analogue of this tire - Pirelli Satento P7. Who put in the amount of 225/60/17 post, are as good and positive sensations?


In comparison with the regular continental, I can not say anything bad. No longer no longer, the road is kept and dry and wet. Brokes well. What noticed them harder to put into the beams on dry asphalt and I like it.


obvious shortcomings did not notice. True, the production of these tires - Indonesia, I do not know whether it is worth considering it a disadvantage.

It is exactly worth the money.


Price / quality is comparable. For the budget car suits well. For riders, look for more expensive.


While I went specially noticed. Everything was fine with optimal and not high-speed ride.

I advise for calm drivers.


Soft, keeps well on the road, as well as in honey season


Rubber retired 100 thousand km. It would be possible, but it became not comfortable in the rain. It breaks into aquaplaning at a speed of 90 km / h. Perfectly showed itself in the offseason. You can feel a bit early to move in spring and later in the fall. Ie do not rub the spikes. Rubber is very pleased. I buy a new one.


Handling at all without any problems that on dry coverage, which is on the wet, and in the spring I got into an unexpected snowy snowflower, I got an ice crust in general in a mumath, first drunk slightly, and then it was just shocked that the rubber allowed not just calmly go to such Situations, and not even worn about nothing when I started to borze with a high-speed regime. So I want to say that a very decent tire is definitely worth my money, and even better than many of those that will be more expensive than 1.5 times !!!


did not reveal

Stood tires on Prado 150 3.0 diesel


perfectly behaves in the rain on the asphalt, it is well kept for the asphalt at high speeds, it does not slowly slow down both in wet and dry weather


noise, poor grip on dirt roads, categorically not welcomed dirt, even wet curb in chernozem ... badly passes on balance

skated until the season holds the road very worthily, it's not afraid of a sudden wet asphalt, and puddles, too, the braking path is really shorter than that of domestic analogues, a relatively low price, but only here does not like primers (after 70km / h begins to tell the car on the road) , sand on asphalt (I don't like it very much, it slows down badly), it's better not to climb in dirt at all, the protector is immediately clogged and you can go for help, at low temperatures from +7 to 0 quite quickly warms up and confidently keeps the asphalt, But the infection is a bit noisy, it even seemed to me that the winter amtel was no more noer, did not badly show himself in the first snow, the truth I would not recommend to celebrate the winter on this tires PS Drive on it about 22,000 km, the depreciation is average (very intensely operated) I think for another two seasons enough, i.e. thousands of 40-45, but then we'll see, time will tell


Terribly soft, wild wear, absolutely unstable on the road, "Magnet" for self-tapping screws

The first problem is 2 weeks after the start of use (beginning of June), hernia on the front wheel, it is not clear where to appear. The result is the replacement of one cylinder. Further, when driving, felt rigid beaches. Thinking that the tires may not yet be told, departed as a pensioner about a week. But, to my surprise, a week later the effect was absolutely the same. Well, and then it started ... I caught the screws on different wheels with a periodicity of 2-3 weeks ... 2 hernias on the rear wheel, 1 hernia on the front wheel ... side cut on the rear wheel (the cord was exposed at cut and it became visible that he is almost without reinforcement ...) before selling the car (4 months after the start of use) I decided to see what kind of wear, in the case of which to pick them up on another car. Worn amounted to (attention!) 60% !!! I realized that there was no point in picking up with him, left with the car. According to the final: for 4 months of operation only in the city (mainly CAD) 4 hernias on different wheels (one of them is such a size that it has not been possible to ride possible), a total of 10 punctures, a rather large side cut. With such wear - rubber enough for 2 seasons. Everything is explained very simple: the rubber is very soft, at temperatures above +20 heard, as if she sticks to asphalt. Suitable for people who travel by car for purchases 2 times a week to the nearest supermarket and drives at a speed of 60 km / h. For the rest - I extremely not recommended. Before that, Pirelli P Zero was standing - was pleased as an elephant.


Excellent tires, keeps well the road, minimum aquaplaning.


Drove on this rubber 5 months. I will say honestly I drive the car aggressively. Taking into account my ride to rubber from any complaints.

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