Home Food Magirus 290 Specifications. Gruzavtooinfo. Cargo vehicles in detail. Guy FAUN tractors

Magirus 290 Specifications. Gruzavtooinfo. Cargo vehicles in detail. Guy FAUN tractors

Not a single newsreel of the Soviet "storage institutions of the century" of the late seventies - the beginning of the eighties, including the BAM, known to each then schoolboy, does not do without personnel, in which the bright-orange dump trucks Magirus flashes.

Great Contract

In the 1970s of the past century, the German company Magirus entered the heard of forces: leaving far behind the post-war difficulties, she managed to create a powerful and modern production base, master the promising export markets and develop a whole range of successful designs and effective in the use of heavy trucks, including Capotic and bad models. The future seemed cloudless, but in 1971 the most severe economic crisis broke out in the world. As a result, many customers began to abandon the previously concluded contracts, which led to a sharp and very significant drop in production. The company loomed a real threat to bankruptcy.

The introduction of Magirus's promising festivals in the series of a family of promising caps of Magirus, which was subsequently well known in our country, fell out of this difficult period. Especially under the program of their production in 1969, one of the most advanced and well-equipped motor plants was commissioned in Ulme, which began the release of diesel engines with direct injection Fuel. And in 1970, the release and the car itself started. Being is intended mainly for the installation of construction, firefighters and other special pieces, it received the most rational capatization for this specialization and the running part with an increased margin of strength. Potential customers offered a wide range of chassis, including two-axis and three-axis models with rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive transmission, with several options power aggregates and with different permissible loads on the axis.

And now, it has not passed since the year from the date of the car on the conveyor, as a result of the broken crisis, all these efforts hung literally on the hairs! Assistance came from where they did not expect: at the construction of the Bam and the development of the largest oil and gas fields of the Soviet Union arose a sharp need for heavy dump trucks of about 15 tons. At the same time, in our country, only KRAZ-256B was produced in this class, designed to transport 12 tons of cargo, and 15-ton tatra-148, also widely used in the USSR, then only went to the series and deliveries could not fully cover the sharply increased need for such a technique. Yes, and the scale of unfolding construction required the use of more productive, powerful, reliable and economical cars than those produced CEV plants. The exit was seen one: buy them in one of the caps. And so, after conducting serious comparative tests, the choice fell on the German Magirus. In November 1974, the company concluded a grand contract for the supply of nine with more than thousands of dump trucks and side trucks. At that time, such large-scale one-time orders could not be enjoyed to foreign manufacturers even in the most rainbow dreams!

Reference dump truck

The dump truck for deliveries to the Soviet "construction of the century" was selected among models of various brands. And the choice on Magirus 290d26k fell not by chance: according to its technical and operational characteristics, the machine almost completely corresponded to the upcoming tasks.

First, it was one of the newest European trucks at that time, in which the developers implemented a number of progressive technical and layout solutions.

Secondly, it was originally created to work in regions with complex road and climatic conditions, since exports to developing countries were always important for the company. In the design of the car, in particular, drummed brake mechanismsleading bridges with two-stage gearboxes and mechanisms for blocking differentials. Yes, and the capacitor scheme in the best way corresponded to the northern operating conditions.

Thirdly, the basis of the contract Triply Magirus received a reliable, well-working 10-cylinder 14-liter diesel with frosts with air system cooling. He developed 262 hp And allowed a fully loaded car confidently move even on broken, covered with mud or snow roads.

Fourth, in the framework of the contract concluded, the Company was able to offer our country a whole gamut different models, widely unified (and in our country, the unification of technology has always been appreciated as anywhere in the world). So, in 1975-1976, in addition to the Magirus 290D26K dump trucks with a wheel formula 6x4 and a carrying capacity of 14.5 tons, to which the lion's share of supplies (6320 units), the USSR received 1139 three-axis on-board trucks Magirus 290D26L, 940 Magirus 232D19K dump trucks and 732 onboard Magirus 232D19L truck. The last two of these models were two-axis and equipped with 11.3-liter 8-cilyirder diesel engines with a capacity of 210 hp.

In conclusion, it will not be noted that already in the post-Soviet time the release of three-axle caps, the heirs of the famous Magirus, began on an organized in 1994 (now Iveko-AMT). Although externally, these cars did not differ much from the 1974 contract, technically they advanced far ahead: loading capacity increased to 18.5 tons, engine power - up to 315 hp, a 16-speed gearbox appeared instead of 6-speed The volume of the body increased by a third. And what is interesting: already in the early 2000s, when the joint venture finally passed to the manufacture of bad models, the customers continued to find the opportunity to find the ability to find the "Hopp" to his leadership. Those very dump trucks that lead their history from Orange Magirus, who left a deep mark in automotive history our country.

Magirus as a gift

An interesting fact: the newly celebrated 20-year-old anniversary from Yekaterinburg presented the famous Magirus 330.30 dump truck. After all, from their assembly, a joint venture once started its activities, in 1996-1998, producing in the amount of six dozen! What is interesting: the car is still in working condition - she arrived in Miass by its move from the city of Gubkin, located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District. Today, simplicity, reliability and maintainability of these trucks are amazed - it is no coincidence that there are several of their dozens, being purchased two or three decades years ago, continue to work in a number of regions of the country. Divated by the same "Mistus" is renovated and turn into a museum exhibit.

Konstantin Zaderniev

This year marks 110 years old by the German brand Magirus. Probably, the products of this company were the most famous in the USSR from the Western Auto industry. Indeed, in the mid-70s of the last century, almost 10,000 of these cars were built by the famous Baikal Amur Magistral.

It is noteworthy that Magirus-Deutz's history actually began over forty years before 1902. Back in 1864, Konrad Dietrich Magirus began producing fire equipment in Ulm.

It is not surprising that gradually Magirus began to produce its own trucks, which was something simple. The first was the simple chassis 1c on cast tires with purchased engines with a capacity of 20-35 hp By the mid-1920s. The program launched a variety of models with a lifting capacity from 1 to 5 tons with NAG, Maybach or Deutz engines (formerly by a separate company).

At the same time, the famous logo was born in the form of a stylized letter "M", imitating the spire of the city cathedral of Ulma.

In 1929, there was its own 56 hp diesel brand, and a couple of years later, a dual closed cabin for fire calculations. However, the competition has tightened, and from March 1936 Magirus united with the machine-building company Humboldt-Deutz, which produced the same engines. Two years later, the combined company formed a concern with a complex name of Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz, and the trucks received a familiar name Magirus-Deutz.

One of the first complete fire trucks of the company is still without the letter "M" on the radiator

The famous "Common" series Sirius is a company bestseller for the 50s.

I changed it in the 60s. The version with simplified forms remains 40 years later

During World War II, the company, along with other, participated in military production. Within six years, Magirus produced about 20,000 military trucks, 2,000 half-barrier machines and 12,000 tracked RSO tractors.

It is natural that the plant was almost destroyed by the Aviation of Allies at the end of the war. However, at its end, he was restored, and soon the production of a pre-war 3-ton model S-3000 resumed. For the first time, a diesel engine appeared, which in the future brought large orders of the company - 4-cylinder air cooling. He possessed certain advantages over traditional motors - easily started in the cold, quickly hesitated, stably "held" low revs. On its basis, a whole family of typical diesel engines appeared with a number of cylinders from 2 to 12.

In 1951, a completely new family S appeared with a characteristic appearance that received the nickname "Common". The first appeared a 3.5-ton 90-strong Sirius S3500, a 5.5-ton Saturn and 7.5-ton jupiter appeared later. The most difficult was the 16-ton uranus with a 16-liter Diesel V12 with a capacity of 255 hp. In parallel, the Pluto baduto with the same aggregates was developed. Later, with increasing engine power, the cars changed their appearance to a more traditional one, at the same time they began to disappear their own names.

By the end of the 60s, Magirus cars won recognition not only in Europe. License on their production bought Yugoslavsky there, Samil from South Africa and the Egyptian NASR. And the geography of the assembly was much wider: Argentina, Greece, Portugal, Turkey, Congo, China, Brazil, Chile, Iran and Thailand.

Fire stairs 70s. widely purchased by different countries, including the USSR

The most legendary "Bamovsky" dump truck on tests in Dmitrov

Medium-connected model 80s 110m8 with cabin "Club Four"

However, by the end of the 1970s, the situation has worsened, the energy crisis "stifled" the economy. New models have no longer enjoyed such great popularity. It was not even saved to introduce a gamma of medium-room with new cabins, developed in the cooperation of the so-called "Union of Four".

It is quite possible that soon the company would generally cease to exist, but in 1974, after several years of testing and thought, an event occurred, called in the world press "contract of the century". The Soviet Union signed a contract for the purchase of almost 10,000 Magirus trucks. Such a deal for a private West German company is a phenomenon unheard of!

Before this, the machines were long been tested both at the NATIONAL polygon, and in the harsh conditions of Western Siberia. Of course, from its Soviet analogues (MAZ-503 and KRAZ-256), "Mazhirus" differed sharply for the better, possessing greater energy transport, dynamic qualities, comfort of a three-bed cabin with panoramic glass. But the main advantage was not the most modern, but an excellent engine is highly powerful, fantastically reliable, easy to maintain and repair. And its main advantage was air cooling - in the conditions of Siberian frosts, he had no problems with the launch. V-shaped decade-cylinder motor 14,702 cubic meters. cm developed 290 hp

Built Magirus and private buses, including tourist

This is not Magirus, and his Egyptian brother named NASR

The nameplate with its own name was preserved only on this series of bloodless

In accordance with the contract in 1975-1976, the construction of the famous Baikal Amur highway received 6,320 model values \u200b\u200bof the 290D26K model, 1139 onboard trucks models 290d26L, 940 double-axle model 232D19L truck and 732 models 232D19L trucks with an onboard platform. All of them were equipped with a 6-speed gearbox, planetary wheel gearboxes and blocked differentials.

Nevertheless, even this contract only extended the Sunset of the company. Understanding this, management has entered into negotiations with the Italian "Fiat" on creating a joint holding for the production of trucks. And from the beginning of 1975, an agreement on the establishment of a new international association was entered into force between concerns, which also included French and Italian firms.

Magirus played it far from the first role, but at first kept his "face" - not only its brand was used, but also the most devices of the deutz air cooling.

Soon the union of the program began to cross-equipped with various units and cabins. So, capotic dump trucks were produced in Italy with engine Fiat.And in Ulm was collected by the Baby-blind Iveco-Magirus machines from the cab of OM.

It is not surprising that the first products of the joint venture "Iveco-Uralaz" (now Iveco-AMT) were copies of the capacitor model.

The name Magirus is preserved today - on the concern fire trucks

Since 1990, the Magirus trucks were larger serially not installed air-cooling diesel engines (although optionally several years were offered), and Magirus's inscription was maintained only on the TURBOBOSTAR chartless triggers.

However, this name did not disappear - taking into account the huge authority of the German company in the production of fire equipment, all the fire trucks of the concern still carry it. Special chassis options for firemanship have eurofire designation. Magirus brand retain fire superstructures and stairs that are installed not only on their own, but also on any other chassis for the customer's choice.

Magirus-Deutz trucks produced by the German company Klockner-Humbolt-Deutz (the year of foundation 1864) are long known in many countries of the world. Starting with the production of equestrian traction, the company by the end of the 60s of the last century was recognized as a manufacturer trucks, Including for the needs of the Bundeswehr. The most famous among them trucks:

  • Magirus S330 (1949);
  • three-axle Magirus 200D26A 6 × 6 Kranwagen (1951-1953);
  • multifunctional Magirus-Deutz Jupiter, which was in service with the Army FRG from 1960 to 1967.

Under licenses, companies were produced in Europe (Yugoslavia, Portugal, etc.), Asia (China, Thailand, etc.), South America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile) and Africa (Congo, South Africa). However, crisis phenomena, periodically shocked the world, did not go out for a popular producer of freight and fire equipment.

Popularity powerful trucks Magirus-Deutz in the late 70s last century It fell so much that even unprecedented contracts for the challenges for the delivery contract for the supply without a small 10,000 trucks, signed with the USSR in 1974, could not save the company from bankruptcy. And only an agreement on the establishment of an international IVECO Corporation (Industrial Vehicles Corporation), which, in addition to the company Klockner-Humbolt-Deutz, entered the Italian Fiat with its foreign units (OM, Lancia and Fiat France SA), solved its financial problems. In the future, absorbing a number of truck manufacturers from different countries The world, the composition of the concern has undergone significant changes.

As a result of this merger, the Magirus brand was gradually derived from circulation and is currently used only on fire machines that Iveco produces.

Magirus brand is currently used only on Iveco fire trucks.

Magirus-Deutz cars in the USSR

Klockner-Humbolt-Deutz is one of the few Western European companies who successfully cooperated with the state structures of the USSR. In the 60s of the twentieth century, the company occupied one of the leading places to produce heavy vehicles. On it production Squares Produced:

  1. Trucks with engine power from 70 to 290 liters. from. In their nomenclature it was possible to detect vehicles with a carrying capacity from 3 to 17.5 tons.
  2. Models like Kapotny (HAUBER), and bad fit (Frontlenker) layouts.
  3. Trucks, equipped diesel engines Deutz Own production both with inline and with V-shaped cylinders.
  4. The chassis on the basis of which were going to:
  • truck tractors;
  • fire trucks;
  • vehicles for utilities (garbage trucks, snow blowers, auto expense, etc.);

However, the company focused on the production of heavy building machines - and onboard cars. It was this area that Autoexport became interested, when he turned to the leadership of Klockner-Humbolt-Deutz about the supply of trucks suitable for construction work in hard roads and climatic conditions of Siberia. The contract concludes a serious work, during which they compared technical and performance features Car domestic manufacturers. In addition to cars, Magirus treated trucks:

  • MAZ-503;
  • KRAZ-256B;
  • KAMAZ 740.51-240.

Domestic cars did not withstand competition with Magirus-Deutz trucks. German technician was the ease of control and comfort of the cab. In addition, they possessed the best economic (fuel consumption of no more than 26 l / 100 km.), Operational (carrying capacity from 10 to 14.5 t.) And dynamic (engine power 232 and 290 l.) Specifications.

Magirus-Deutz trucks have different and more advanced design solutions. For example, in contrast to domestic samples, they equipped:

  • automatic adjustment systems thermal regime diesel engine;
  • non-synchronized six-speed gearboxes (PPC);
  • parking brakes with spring energy accumulators;
  • the system of inter-axis and interstole blocking of differential.

As a result of the work done, Autoexport opens its choice on Baubullen's capat laying trucks ("Construction Bulls") of Klockner-Humbolt-Deutz. In October 1974, a contract was signed on the supply of Magirus-Deutz trucks to the Soviet Union for a total of more than 1 billion German grades. As part of this contract, the USSR received 9131 vehicles, including:

  1. Three-axle Magirus-Deutz 290D26K dump trucks - 6320 pcs.
  2. Three-axle onboard trucks Magirus-Deutz 290D26L - 1139 pcs.
  3. Two-axle Magirus-Deutz 232D19K dump trucks - 940 pcs.
  4. Two-axle trucks with onboard platform Magirus-Deutz 232D19L - 732 pcs.

In addition, the contract was supplied:

  • magirus-Deutz 290D26S truck tractors equipped with semi-trap pipes;
  • concrete mixers with a capacity of 6.5 cubic meters. m., collected on the Magirus-Deutz 290D26 chassis;
  • wagons-workshops intended for repair of construction and filling vehicles. They were collected on the chassis Magirus-Deutz 290/232.

"AUTOMEXPORT" opted for Baubullen's capat layout trucks ("Construction Bulls") of Klockner-Humbolt-Deutz.

Trucks supplied in the USSR were produced in export performance and did not fall on the domestic market in Germany. They were painted in bright orange or bright red colors, and therefore dramatically stand out among the domestic vehicles.

Some of these cars were equipped with snorkels (vertical outer air intakes) installed along the front corners of the cab, which was caused by the working conditions of trucks in off-road conditions.

In the USSR, Magirus-Deutz trucks were initially involved in the construction of the Baikal Amur highway. Working in the most severe conditions of Siberia (severe frosts, almost complete off-road), they have established themselves from the best side. Due to the high quality of their manufacture, unpretentiousness, endurance and reliability in the process of operation of trucks Magirus-Deutz in the mid-80s of the last century were considered the best construction machines. In the future, they were used in the development of new gas and oil fields in Northern Kazakhstan, Western Siberia and the Far East.

Specifications Magirus-Deutz 290/232 (Table)

Magirus-Deutz trucks232D19L290D26L232D19K.290D26K.
engine's typeF8L413.F10L413.F8L413.F10L413.
Number of cylinders (located V-figuratively)8 10 8 10
The volume of cylinders, cube. cm.11310 14137 11310 14137
Power, l. from. at 2650 rpm248 310 248 310
Torque, nm at 1200 rpm656 809 656 809
Load capacity, T.11.5 16.6 10 14.5
Overall dimensions, m7x2,49x2,87,65х2,49х2.8.7.1x2,49x3,18.18x2,49x3,1
Body volume, m. Cube.9.89 6.58 5.9 9
Speed \u200b\u200bat MAX. Download, km / h77 73 77 73
Consumption diesel fuel, l / 100 km.20 26 20 26
Wheel formula4x26x44x26x4
Wheel base, m4.6 3,85+1,38 4.6 3,85+1,38
Clearance, mm.320
Wheelpoint, mm (front / rear)1968/1809
Rotation radius, m9.2 9.5 9.2 9.5
Allowable chassis mass, t19 26 19 26
Distribution full mass, (front axle / rear trolley), t6/13 6/20 6/13 6/20

Constructive features of trucks Magirus-Deutz 290/232

Baubullen cars were developed in 1971 and at the time of delivery of them in the USSR (1975 - 1976) were considered somewhat outdated. Despite this, they significantly exceeded domestic analogues for technical and operational parameters. This was due to the use of unconventional for the domestic industry design solutions, among which were particularly highlighted:

  1. Diesel engine of type Deutz FL413.

Basic constructive features These power units can be considered:

  • the process of clutch-film mixing;
  • availability effective system Forced air cooling with automatic control of the thermal regime, which in the process of work took into account temperature changes:
  • motor oil;
  • exhaust gases;
  • air cooling motor (after contact with heating parts).

The use of air cooling reduced the number of engine faults by about 20% (compared to liquid cooling motors) and completely excluded their defrosting.

  1. Transmission.

The engine is aggregated with a six-speed gearbox of the transmission of the company ZF (AK-6-90) and one-piece clutch GF420KR. In addition, trucks were equipped with planetary gearboxes in wheel hubs and blocked differentials, which in vehicles with wheel formula 6x4 were blocked not only the rear, but also an intermediate leading bridge.

  1. Brake system.

In cars used a pneumatic type brake system, which included four independent drives:

  • front wheels;
  • rear wheels;
  • parking brake;
  • auxiliary brake.

Working braking system of all wheels - drum with internal brake pads bilateral action.

All Magirus-Deutz braid trucks supplied in the USSR were equipped with the same all-metal triple cabins.

The leading (rear) wheels were additionally equipped with parking brakes, which included brake chambers with spring energy accumulators.

In the operation of auxiliary (motor) compression brake, the backpressure was used, created in the exhaust gas release system. This system was activated by a separate pneumatic crane located in the driver's cab.

The air stock providing all brake systems was provided with a set of special pneumatic equipment consisting of:

  • piston compressor running from pulley crankshaft;
  • tanks for storing compressed air, which was injected with a compressor;
  • automatic regulator that supported the required pressure in the system;
  • systems of fuses that exclude the system output in the freezing of the resulting condensate or damage to individual elements of the brake drive.
  1. Driver's cabin.

All Magirus-Deutz braid trucks supplied in the USSR were equipped with the same all-metal triple cabins. They were equipped with comfortable ergonomic adjustable seats and equipped with a three-layer panoramic windshield. Comfortable car control was provided:

  • the original mounting of the cabin to the frame with the help of rubber pillows and hydraulic shock absorbers (two on each side);
  • the presence of a hydraulic agent that has taken over 80% of the effort required to rotate the steering wheel;
  • two autonomous heating and ventilation installations Webasto. with a separate 2.5 liter container for diesel fuel. Heaters provided heating of the cabin and batteries when disabled Engine. During operation, the cab was heated from the car engine.

The native of the German city of Ulm, that in the land of Baden-Württemberg, Konrad Dietrich Magirus (Conrad Dietrich Magirus) knew about the work of the firefighters, he was not a professional fireman himself. So, at the heart of Feuerwehr-Requisiten-Fabrik C. D. Magirus created in 1864, lies its own experience of its creator.

Initially, the company produced equipment for fire equipment, especially glorifying various designs of fire stairs.

Only in the XIX century many unique designs were created - the first folding staircase, the first swivel staircase, the first auto expense. In the eyelid XX-M, this list will complement the development such as the first staircase with hydraulic drive, the highest fire staircase, the first staircase controlled by a computer and much more.
Feuerwehr-Requisiten-Fabrik C. D. Magirus One of the first to begin to adapt self-propelled vehicles for the needs of firefighters. So, in 1903 an attempt was made to create fire truck on steam rod.

In 1911, the company becomes a joint-stock company and changes the name on C. D. Magirus AG. And six years later already begins mass production trucks, including adapted and fire extinguishing. In 1919, Magirus begins to release buses.

Magirus Bayern 1923.

The crisis that reigned in Germany after the First World War, hasting the company and saw the bank that she took loans. And since 1935, it became a member of the company Deutz AG (in those years, called Gasmotoren-Fabrik Deutz AG, and a few later klockner-humboldt-deutz AG), turning into the division called Magirus-Deutz.

Magirus releases wide the lineup Trucks, special vehicles, buses.

Magirus-Deutz KW 16.

Police car with water cannon.

"July 1943, copy №1003" - is written on a poster attached to the front of this semi-zealous Magirus. During the war, Kleckner-Humboldt-Deutz was one of the main suppliers of such all-terrain vehicles for the fascist army ...

Army truck Uranus V12.

Speccran Uranus V12.

Magirus O 3500 bus 1954.

Magirus Deutz O 3500.

Magirus Deutz Lkw Bundeswehr.

Manufacturer of trucks and various special equipment. Most of all became famous as the creator of fire trucks. Since 1974, Magirus (or Magirus-Deutz) has been part of the IVECO holding and is called Iveco-Magirus since then, respectively.
This is an amplua company and existed before the appearance of the IVECO Holding. By the way, despite the fact that the merger occurred in 1974, the first trucks under the Iveco-Magirus brand appeared only in 1982.

For a long time on Magirus trucks, a diesel engine with air-cooled was used. Because of this, on the spot where the radiator is usually located, a fan was installed. After merging with Iveco, they refused this outdated scheme.

Perhaps the period from 1935 to 1974 was the most bright in the history of Magirus. During the Second World War, it produced various armored vehicles in the workshops. Special attention Deserve several pz.kpfw tanks. IV AUSF. With which there were some similarities of fire stairs on the site of the towers. It was called such a miracle sturmstegpanzer. They were planned to be used with the support of infantry, so that the latter could overcome various obstacles and storming high buildings. It was in 1940.

The delivery agreement in the USSR by Klokner-Humboldt-Deutz (KHD) of the Big Party of Heavy Trucks "Magirus" was signed in October 1974. The contract was preceded by long-term tests of these machines in the harsh road and climatic conditions of Siberia. Actually, initially and it was assumed that "Magirus" will find application primarily on the construction of the Baikal Amur highway, the track of which was supposed to pass through areas with difficult terrain, and in places even on the "permafrote".

In January 1975, the cargo branch of Magirus-Doyz, officially gained independence from the Klokner-Humboldt-Deutz, KHD concern (KLOKKNER-Humboldt-Deutz, KHD) was a member of the international holding of Iveco for the production of trucks. His share of shares was only 20%, but the German side has identified its membership in Iveko a number of conditions, including the preferential use of Doyz air cooling engines and the further use of the Magirus-Doyz brand. Indeed, in the first years, Gamma produced in Ulm wore an old brand, but over time they were replaced with Iveko-Magir-Doyz, and since 1983, Iveko-Magirus was used.

In 1975-76 The fulfillment of the "contract of the century" was necessary for the supply of the Magirus-Doyz's heavy heavy trucks in the USSR, where they were used mainly on the construction of the BAM.

Soviet specialists of air cooled machines attracted first of all durability, reliability, unprecedented before high power and the lack of concerns with the freezing of water in radiators with strong Siberian frosts.

For cars with "normal" engines, this problem was solved very simply, but uneconomically: during the whole cold season they simply did not turn off. On this background, powerful foreign cars seemed to be the riding perfection, although precisely obsolete engines were just led by Magirus-Doyz on the edge of bankruptcy.

In the USSR, 9131 cars were supplied, including 6320 pcs. 3-axis 14.5-ton dump trucks "290D26K" and 1139 side trucks "290d26L" (6 × 4) with Doyz Diesel V10 (14702 cm3, 290 hp), as well as 2-axis models "232D19L" and "290D19K" (4 × 2) with a 11.3-liter V8 motor. All of them were equipped with a 6-speed gearbox, planetary wheeled gearboxes, blocked differentials, 2-contour pneumatic brake system. Some of them still work in Siberia.

In accordance with the contract in 1975-1976 - in the midst of the BAMA structures - in the USSR, 6320 triaxial models of model 290d26k, 1139 trio trucks models 290d26L with an onboard platform, 940 double-axle models 232D19K and 732 models 232D19L with a side platform were used.

It is easy to see that the main share here was three-axis dump trucks 290d26k with a carrying capacity of 14.5 tons, distinguished by good dynamic qualities, operational and economic indicators, comfort and ease of management.

It will not be superfluous to recall that during the same years, the Soviet auto industry could offer bamets to master the taiga only two-axis 8-ton MAZ-503a

and three-axis 12-ton kraz-256b,

moreover, the working conditions on these domestic machines were completely unsupported with the "Magirus", which had a large three-bed thermally insulated cabin with panoramic windshield, adjustable driver seat and two independent autonomous heating and ventilating installations. A massive wide hood gave the shocks as they loved to be expressed, "another security meter."

Under this hood was a diesel air cooling - high-power, just fantastically reliable, convenient to maintain and repair. Magirus-Deutz 290 It was a 10-cylinder 262-strong DEUTZ F10L413 with a working volume of 14.14 liters, Magirus-Deutz 232 - 8-cylinder 210-strong DEUTZ F8L413 with a working volume of 11.31 liters.

Interestingly, afterwards, already in the 80s of the last century, making sure in the indisputable advantages of DEUTZ diesel engines, the Soviet Union was literally a few steps from the beginning of their release under license the same Klokner-Humboldt-Deutz (KHD)!

It should be noted here that only 2 firms in the world then made a diesel engine of air cooling (in Siberian frosts to launch the engine a huge advantage !!!) - Tatra and Doyz. To build the capacity of the capacity of the plant, the tatra lacked, we needed a lot of dump trucks and not parts, and immediately they purchased almost 10,000 pieces in Germany (the figure for the time of imports of capitalist cars is very impressive) of the Magirus, 90% of them were the dump trucks of the model 290- D.

It is well known that for this in Kazakhstan even a new plant was created - Kustanai Diesel, who was to master the production of the engine "Ural-744" - an analogue of F8L413, which could be equipped with "Ural" cars, and many other Soviet trucks. On almost everything was ready for the launch of a licensed diesel engine in a series, but the collapse of the USSR did not allow this.


Although, the Kazakhs will be almost rapidly, the Kustanai diesel plant could become one of the most modern productions in its industry on the economic space of the former Soviet empire, but, as they say, did not come true, and today we all reap the fruits "stupid" politicians of the recent past by purchasing In a mass order, this, actually, strategic products in Brazil and the People's Republic of Brazil, as well as resold from hand to the hands built long ago cars equipped with Diesel, the creators of which were ahead of us in technical terms not for one decade.

Ural 375 6x6 With Daecel Doitz 413, this is an example of excellent interaction between companies. The excellent off-road chassis + eight cylinder engine with air-cooled, demonstrates the perfect car at the polygon, with high traction capabilities, in motion in tension, in mountain conditions, while maintaining high speed and resource. Especially this hybrid is ideal for military conditions - the absence of cooling water, simplicity of repair, all this makes the machine operation as simple matter as a clean machine AK-47.

with an airport, this is an example of how the real "shishig" should have been made - reliable, economical and with a high resource. The real dream of military, hunters, yenches and production workers using a gas-66 platform as a chassis equipment carrier with the movement of the latter in extreme roads off-road.

The lawn was equipped with a row six, with air-oil cooled, and a drive effective impeller for blowing cylinders. In cold conditions, the fan worked rarely, and therefore there was little noise from the car. Unfortunately this carDespite the obvious need for the series did not go.

But all the same, at the beginning of the nineties, a partition of wheel equipment with diesel engines DEUTZ 413 was released. These are capotic Urals, with a characteristic angular cabin, with a 6x6 axes formula, and even the model of the Urals 8x8 C without a braid cabin from Kamaz. Party of trucks was ordered by NGDU "Decochevneft". Machines showed themselves very well, showing high economy, and ultimately showed a decrease in the cost of the life cycle compared to the "native" dieselks.

In 1993, the joint venture of Ural-Iveco produced and put the batch of capapot dump trucks of the Ural-Iveko 330.30 series by the oilmen of Siberia. The dump truck, including dump trucks in the Ural tractor and the semi-trailer of the dump truck. It turned out that the motor resource exceeds the chassis resource several times. When raising the chassis resource, taking into account the benefits of the machine - high permeability, low cost, this type of vehicles with the expanding nomenclature of species and types of the chassis of the Ural, and the add-ons, this car has so far be in no competition.

In April 1994, an agreement was signed with the Russian Factory "Uralaz" (Miass, Chelyabinsk Region) on the production of large-tonnage trucks for work in the conditions of the Far North.

The capotic dump truck of the Ural-Iveco-5531 with two and three leading axes was released.

But the quality of the dump trucks was that our drivers nicknamed their "parody of Magirus" ... Now the issue of the model is completely discontinued.

At this, the history of the mass use and production of diesel engines of Daitz in the territory of Russia ends. But it does not end their production and operation. Now Diesel, the famous series 413, successfully operate in the mining sector of the economy, in the mine household, as drive Installations drilling machines frontal loaders, Dumpers, mini dump trucks, excavators, generators and compressors. Everywhere where complex conditions Operation requires the use of special endless diesel engines.

Man 8 × 8the car container ship for heavy operating conditions is equipped by order by the engine cooling engines DEUTZ 413 or 513, with 8 and 10 cylinder architecture, and up to 18 liters. Available power from 360 to 430 hp

Magirus 330 6 × 6 Dump truck for quarries, uses Diesel Deutz V8 413 with turbocharging, paired with transmission types by order: EATON-FULLER non-indexed gearbox, with ZF TransMatic WSK with 16 front transmission transmissions, or ALISON automatic machine.

Man Kat 8 × 8 The dump truck of extreme permeability should have high traction at low revs, simple engine design, and high reliability. All this gives him a power plant in a Diesel Diesel 513 with a capacity of 420 hp

Yet interesting information About technique of those times: for example, or +, as well as let me remind you and The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -

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