Home Transmission Parachute ISS system. Roman Alekhin Airborne Forces The history of the Russian landing. Brand new topic

Parachute ISS system. Roman Alekhin Airborne Forces The history of the Russian landing. Brand new topic

The editors are grateful for the help of the preparation of the material by the Deputy Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Universal" ICRC V.V. I live, as well as employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Universal" ICRK V.V. Zhrabrovsky, A.S. Tsyganov, I.I. Burtarov.

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On May 20, 1983, a decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 451-159 "On the conduct of experimental design work on the creation of a combat car of the landing of the 1990s was published. And the means of landing. " OCC on the martial machine of the landing received the Bakhcha cipher ( ), and by means of landing - "Bakhcha-SD".

When developing a new airborne airborne combat vehicle and the means of landing, the scale of the tasks that were set up to the Soviet Airborns in case of war, and the complicated conditions for conducting airborne operations were taken into account. The potential opponent, of course, took into account the role assigned to the Airborne Forces, and the possibility of mass parachute landing in itself in the rear of personnel and military equipment. In the course of the teachings of the Armed Forces of NATO countries, the issues of combating aerial landings were practically worked out, and assured the landings by the battalion and above. In the UK, for example, in September 1985 held the teachings of "Brave Defender" with practical development of tasks to combat aerial landing throughout the country. In the American charters, it was emphasized that the commanders of all degrees when planning a combat operation should solve the issues of the protection and defense of the rear of their troops. Intelligence means of intelligence were improved, low and long-distance detection and alerts were deployed, the air defense system was attracted to the fight against air deposits - from individual compounds to the scale of host theater.

To combat landed landings in addition to the protection forces of objects and bases in the rear areas of the troops, battalion, regimental, brigade movable tactical groups were formed from the composition of armored, mechanized and aeromobile parts. Among the fighting measures were envisaged: shelling of military transport aircraft and landing during landing, the attack of the enemy landed the opponent with the mobile tactical group with the support of tactical and army aviation, trunks and reactive artillery, using the initial inorganization of the landing, with the aim of either destroy, or to forces. The emergence of intelligence and impact complexes increased the possibilities of defeating the landing in the landing area.

A comprehensive solution to the problems of reducing the vulnerability of a parachute paratrooper, including the increase in the suddenness and secretion of the landing, an increase in the number of equipment and personnel packed by one echelon, and targeting accuracy, reducing the time of landing and time between landing and the beginning of the pavement of the landing.

The main requirement for a family of airborne airborne aircraft, was landing from the military transport aircraft of the IL-76 (IL-76M) and the An-22 combat vehicles with a full combat kit and refueling, as well as with combat calculation (two crew and five people Man of the landing) placed inside the car. At the same time, the IL-76 had to lift up to two cars with targeting facilities, IL-76M - up to three, An-22 - to four. The landing was planned to produce on land (including high-mountainous sites) and water (with excitement to 2 points). Means of landing were to guarantee a decrease in the minimum permissible height of landing, the minimum possible ratio of their mass to the mass of the pavement of the cargo (combat vehicle with ammunition and calculation), use in various climatic and weather conditions. The probability of conducting an airborne operation after the strikes of the opponent and the dismissal of roads and a number of airfields required to provide the possibility of combat vehicles with a long march to carry out a long march to the airfields of loading with overcoming water obstacles.

On November 30, 1983, the management of orders and supply of aircraft equipment and armament of the Air Force issued the Moscow aggregate plant "Universal" coordinated with the Ministry of Aviation Industry Tactical and Taxation No. 1998 on the development of free tutoring for new BMD. Development of targeting funds on the topic "Bakhch-SD" began under the leadership of the chief designer and the responsible head of the Universal Plant A.I. Balvanov and deputy chief designer P.R. Shevchuk.

In 1984, Universal issued automatic devices (NII AU) Technical task No. 14030 on the development of a parachute system. Work in the research institute AU was headed by director of the institute O.V. Ryshev and deputy director B.N. Skulanov. The design of landing facilities was carried out, of course, in close cooperation with the team of developers of the VGTZ headed by the chief designer A.V. Shabalin and deputy chief designer V.A. Trishkin.

If the BMD-1 base family made it possible to create each next set of targeting facilities based on previously developed samples with a high degree of unification, now it could not be about continuity on nodes and aggregates of speech. The tactical and technical task on the "Martial Machine of the 90s of the 90s" (the designation "Object 950", in production - "Product 950") assumed a qualitative improvement of its characteristics compared with the BMD-1 and BMD-2 and the corresponding increase in Dimensions and masses. The planned mass of the new BMD (12.5 T) more than 1.5 times higher than the mass of the BMD-1 family of the BTR-D. Combined with the need to land the entire calculation inside the car with very hard restrictions on the mass of the means of landing agents, it forced to create a new complex. Of course, a rich supply of technical solutions previously found by the station wagon and Research Institute of AU was used during other works, but the design should have been new. In fact, it took a full range of research and development work.

Taking into account the novelty of the task, the Customer agreed that final choice Tentization concept will be made at the technical project protection stage.

Of the two main schemes for the farewell towing facilities used for the BMD-1 - BTR-D (parachute or parachute-reactive system), a multi-pop parachute has been chosen, which ensures greater reliability, which was paramount taking into account the calculation towing. Placing the calculation on universal seats Instead of special amortized chairs, it required the developers to ensure vertical overload when landing not more than 15 g. A multi-power system in combination with energy-intensive shock absorbers could provide it. Therefore, the variant of the parachute-reactive system at the stage of the technical project was not considered.

In December 1885, a meeting of representatives of the customer and industry was held at the Universal Plant on the approval of the technical appearance of Bakhcha-SD funds. The chairman of the meeting was the Army Army Commander, General Army D.S. Sukhorukov, Deputy Commander-General General Lieutenant N.N. Guskov, from the customer - G.I. Cashnya, from the factory "Universal" - N.F. Shirokov, replaced by A.I. Avivalova as a head of the head and chief designer of the plant, from Research Institute AU - Director of the Institute O.V. Ryshev and the head of his Feodosi branch P.M. Nikolaev, from GC Research Institute of the Air Force - Head of the Department A.F. Shukayev.

The meeting discussed three options for free parachute facilities:

The option of the Feodosi branch of the NII AU represented P.M. Nikolaev. It was, in fact, upgrading the means of landing Type PBS-915 "Shelf" with self-filled aircraft;

The option of the plant "Universal" with self-filled air depreciation "Kid". Reported Lead Designer Ya.R. Grinspan;

A variant of the plant "Universal" with air absorption of forced filling with overpressure inside 0.005 kg / cm2. According to him reported the chief designer N.F. Shirokov.

As a result of a comprehensive study, it was decided to create a third-option targeting funds, providing greater energy intensity of depreciation and smaller overload on the machine housing and placement places for landing. Development received the factory cipher "4p248", the customer assigned to her "PBS-950" cipher.

Designing the means of landing 4P248 (for brevity, called another "System 4P248") was conducted in the 9th department of the Universal Plant under the guidance of the head of the department G.V. Petxus, Chief of Brigade Yu.N. Korovochka and leading engineer V.V. Zhrabrovsky. Calculations were performed by the department headed by S.S. Filler; Tests of landing facilities at the factory were led by the heads of test departments P.V. Goncharov and S.F. Thunder.

The main problems that the developer team had to be decided to decide again, the creation can be attributed:

A new installation and shock absorption device (skiing with shock absorbers and a central node), which would provide the loading of the equipped BMD into the aircraft, fastening it in the aircraft cargo cabin on the rolling hardware, the safe output of the cargo cabin during landing and automatic inclusion to the work of parachute and depreciation systems. A air shock absorber of forced filling 4P248-1503 was designed;

Aggregate intended for forced filling shock absorbers atmospheric air In the volume that ensures the quinetic energy of the cargo during the landing. The unit was named the "block of superior" and received the factory cipher "4P248-6501";

A multi-polar parachute system that would provide a saved landing and an "object 950" conversion with a full combat calculation. The development of the Parachute system of the ISS-350-12 was carried out in the Research Institute of AU under the leadership of the Deputy Director B.N. Skulanova and Chief of Sector L.N. Chernyshev;

Equipment allowing BMD with installed towards landing means to make a march of up to500 km by overcoming water obstacles;

Electrical equipment placed inside the "object 950", for issuing the crew members of the lighting information on the stages of the process of landing process, as well as to control the accelerated riming means of landing after landing.

The solution adopted at the meeting mentioned did not exceed the search for other possible embodiments of the depreciation device. There was among them and the principle of the airbag. Based on the decision of the State Commission, see the USSR on military-industrial issues of October 311986, the department "Universal" was issued a technical task for research work "Study of the possibility of creating means of landing equipment and cargo using the principle of an airbag". "Universal", in turn, in 1987 issued the task of the Ufa Aviation Institute. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (WAI), who had previously conducted a similar study within the framework of the "PRED". The newly open Nir received the cipher "blowing-1" and was fulfilled in full.

In the course of this Nir, the landing of the "object 915" (BMD-1) was studied, but it was assumed to use the same principle for more severe objects. The shock absorption device was an inflatable "skirt" at the bottom of the bottom of the battle car, which during the reduction was discharged with pyrotechnic gas generators. Forced air force under the "skirt" was not made: it was assumed that when landeding the machine, due to its inertia, it will compress air in a volume limited by the "skirt", spending on this considerable part of its kinetic energy. Effectively operate such a system could only in ideal conditions and on the perfectly level platform. In addition, the proposed WAI depreciation system provided for the use of expensive rubberized TSM tissue, was complex in preparation for use. Yes, and this work was completed when the funds 4p248 had already passed the stage of government tests. The final report on NIR, approved by the supervisor head in December 1988, recognized its results useful, but read: "Using the principle of gas-air cushion in the landing device on the NIR" PREFER "and NIR" PREFER-1 "for the development of landing systems inexpediently".

Within the framework of the work on the topic "Bakhch-SD", other NIRs were opened. The composition of the previously developed facilitating means of landing for the BMD-1, BMD-2 and BTR-D - experienced 3P170, serial PBS-915 (925) - included guidrop orientation systems in the direction of wind before landing. Relief with their help of the landing object at the parachute descent stage by the longitudinal axis in the direction of the wind demolition allowed to provide a safe landing at wind speeds in the surface layer to 15 m / s and thereby expand the range of weather conditions of parachute paratroopers. However, the mechanical handrope in the type used in PBS-915 (925), which effectively operated at a wind speed of 10-15 m / s, when it decreases to 8-9 m / s, it simply did not have time to work: with a decrease in the object, Gaidrop's slack was formed by the object. And he did not have time to stretch and deploy an object before landing.

Nii Ay together with the Moscow Aviation Institute. Sergo Ordzhonikidze was developing a solid fuel orientation system (NIR "Air"). The principle of its action was to turn a packed object using a rivesed jet jet engine with a solid fuel gas generator, included and the system turned off automatic control. Data on the height of landing and the estimated direction of the wind demolition of the route of the packed car received prior to the start of targeting from the navigator of the aircraft and introduced into the automatic control system. The latter ensured the orientation of the object in the process of decline and its stabilization until the landing.

The orientation system was tested with a joint landing complex (CSD) and with a BMD-1 layout, a calculation was made for the means of landing the "Object 68m" combat vehicle ("Bass") and "Object 950" ("Bakhch"). The prospect of the system for use in the Airborne Forces, specialists of the 3rd Central Committee of the Ministry of Defense were noted. NIR was completed in 1984, it issued a report, but did not receive further development - mainly due to the lack of the possibility of accurately determining the direction and speed of the wind in the ground in the area of \u200b\u200blanding site. In the end, from use in 4P248 any orientation system refused. The calculation was made that two air shock absorber in the process of exiting air after landing form shafts on the sides of the cargo, which will prevent overturning due to lateral demolition.

It is appropriate to remember research work According to the choice of materials for the depreciation of parachute platforms and containers, conducted abroad (primarily in the United States) in the 1960s. Foams, Kraft Fiber, Cellular metal constructions. The most favorable characteristics were metallic (especially aluminum) cells, but they were expensive. Meanwhile, at that time, air depreciation was already used on American and British parachute platforms of medium and large loading capacity. Its characteristics were quite satisfied with customers, but later the Americans abandoned air depreciation, referring to the difficulties of providing stability and prevent the platform overline after landing.

The Parachute system of the ISS-350-12 was designed by AU based on a block with a parachute of 350 m 2, unified with already accepted PBS-915 systems (-916, -925, P-7 platform), and with the developed at the same time The ISS-350-10 system for the means of landing P-211 boats "Gagara".

Nir, conducted in the early 1980s, showed that the most effective way to reduce the minimum height of cargo landing is associated with the refusal of the main parachutes of a large cutting area (as in ISS-5-128M systems, ISS-5-128R and ICS-1400 ) and the transition to "bundles" (or "packages") of an amarrone major parachutes of a small area. The experience of creating an ISS-350-9 system with blocks of the main parachutes of 350 m 2 confirmed this conclusion. The possibility of developing multi-pool systems on a "modular" scheme: with an increase in the mass of landing cargo, the number of basic parachute blocks simply increased. Note that in parallel with the ISS-350-9, the ISS-175-8 system has appeared with a double area of \u200b\u200bthe main parachute, which was intended to replace the single-oiled system in parachute reactors of the PRSM-915 (925) - with the same purpose to reduce the minimum tenting height. .

In both systems, for the first time in the practice of parachute construction, a method for increasing the uniform loading and improving the characteristics of the fillerness of multicoral systems through the use of low-rise brake parachutes and an additional exhaust parachute was used. Brake parachutes were introduced earlier than the basic and reduced the rate of reducing the landing object to the level, providing acceptable aerodynamic loads of each of the main parachutes during their disclosure and filling. The connection of each of the domes of the main parachute with an additional exhaust parachute (Fiberboard) by a single link led to the fact that the Fiberboard, as it were, "automatically regulated" the process of filling the domes. In the disclosure of the main domes, the "leader" was inevitably formed - the dome, which was revealed before the rest and received a significant burden. The effort from DVP could have somewhat "pretty" such a dome and not to give it to completely reveal too early. Ultimately, this was to ensure the uniform loading of the entire parachute system during disclosure and improve the characteristics of its filling. In the PBS-915 system with nine-football ISS-350-9, it made it possible to reduce the minimum height of landing to 300 m at a maximum height of 1500 mb of the flight rates of the aircraft flight (for the IL-76 aircraft) from 260 to 400 km / h. This high-speed range should be noted, it is still not surpassed in any domestic, nor in foreign practice of parachute cargo towing goods weighing up to 9.5 tons.

The same minimum height of landing in 300 m was laid in the tactical and technical task for the development of Bakhcha-SD funds, it was also assumed to "work out the question of reducing the height of landing to 150-200 m." The maximum height of the landing was set in 1500 m above the site, the height of the site above the sea level - up to 2500 m, the flight rate for the instrument of landing should be located within 300-380 km / h for the IL-76 aircraft (IL-76M) and 320- 380 km / h - for An-22.

The 4P248 funds were introduced by the "Universal" developed by the plant "Universal" a new automatic unscrewing P232 with a unlocking clockwork. Moreover, it was created in the development of autotype 2p131 from the parachute platform P-16.

Interesting production and technological requirements of TTZ: "The design of landing facilities must take into account the technology of serial manufacturers and the most advanced methods of manufacturing parts (casting, stamping, pressing) and allow the possibility of making parts on CNC machines ... raw materials, materials and purchased products must be domestic production". Constructive documentation Litera T (technical project stage) For the means of landing 4P248-0000 already approved in 1985. In the same year, the first three copies of the BMD "Object 950" ("Bakhcha") were the factory tests and government tests of the Parachute system of the ISS-350- nine.

"Object 950" with Means of landing 4P248, loaded into the IL-76 aircraft
BMD "Object 950" with Means of landing 4p248 after landing

For preliminary tests 4P248 Universal factory and Research Institute AU in 1985-1986. Prepared experienced samples of landing agents, as well as dimensional mass layouts of the "object 950". At the same time, it was taken into account that the mass of the product presented in the state testing in 1986 exceeded the planned - 12.9 tons instead of the initially defined 12.5 tons (subsequently the new BMD still "sweating"). Funds 4p248 at this time appeared under the changed cipher "Bakhch-PDS", i.e. "Parachute-landing agents."

Preliminary terrestrial tests 4p248 held from September 1985 to July 1987. During these tests, 15 cooked discharges were carried out, including physiological experiments, as well as dropping into an aqueous surface - using lifting crane (in 1986). It was determined that "... Air shock absorbers 4p248-1503-0 with a preliminary supervision of chambers provide landing of the product" 950 "on a parachute system at a vertical speed of up to 9.5 m / s with overloads on board no more than 14 units, and on universal chairs in the parachute drop position along the X axis' not more than 10.6, along the Y axis, not more than 8.8 units and allow one-time application; Universal chairs, taking into account the implementation of measures with the staffing of the depreciation funds, provide tolerability of landing conditions by members of the crew ... Means of landing 4p248-0000 When resetting water, ensure a parachute system with a vertical speed of up to 9.8 m / s with overloads on board the product not more than 8 ,five; The overload obtained does not exceed the maximum permissible, regulated by the medical and technical requirements for these objects ".

True, when driven out, the membranes of exhaust valves did not work, which deteriorated the stability even on the smooth surface. Modeling on a wind demolition copper at a speed of up to 12 m / s. During landing to land, it did not give tipping. During flight tests, two layouts were dropped and one real "object 950" with 4p248-0000 facilities from the IL-76MD aircraft by single, series and the ZUCH method at the flight speeds of 300-380 km / h. Preliminary flight tests with discharge from the An-22 aircraft were held only in 1988.

Although in general, according to the report on the preliminary tests of September 30, 1987, "Means of landing" 950 "4p248-0000 ... passed all types of preliminary tests with positive results"A number of unpleasant surprises have revealed in the work of the 12-dome parachute system. Already at the initial stage, it turned out that at large instrument rates of landing, the parachute system is distinguished by insufficient strength (terminals of the sling, tissue separations from the power framework of the main parachutes, "leading" by the filling process), and at the lower boundary of the specified high-speed application range - unsatisfactory Prices of domes of major parachutes. Analysis of the results of preliminary tests made it possible to identify the causes. In particular, an increase in the number of brake parachutes (their number corresponds to the amount of basic) led to the formation of a noticeable aerodynamic shading zone, which fell closer to the center of the dome of the main parachutes. In addition, the turbulence zone has formed behind the bunch of brake parachutes, which adversely influenced the filling process of the main parachutes in general. In addition, while maintaining the same length of the connecting links in the 12-dome system, as in the ISS-350-9, the "central" domes, the filling of which was delayed, turned out to be clamped by "leading" neighbors, and the "regulation" scheme of the disclosure process DVP worked not so effectively. This reduced the efficiency of the parachute system as a whole, increased the burden on separate dome. It was clear that a simple increase in the number of main domes would not be able to do.

NTK WVV, headed by Major General B.M. Ostrberhov, constantly paid the closest attention to developing both "object 950" and 4P248, as well as the refinement of landing and transport equipment of military transport aircraft - all these issues required a comprehensive solution. Especially since, in addition to the IL-76 (-76m) and An-22 aircraft, the combat vehicle was to land from just that had just entered the IL-76MD and who had passed the state test of heavy An-124 Ruslan. In 1986, in January and September 1987 and in 1988, on the initiative of the Airborne Forces, four operational assessments of 4P248 (PBS-950) were conducted, based on the results of which also made changes to the design of both the BMD itself and landing facilities.

The need to refine the rolling equipment of cargo cabs of military transport aircraft revealed already at the preliminary test phase. In the aircraft IL-76M (MD) to ensure the landing of three objects, the end portion of Montorels was extended, an additional fastening was introduced to the Monorail section. Two transshipment rollers were replaced: so that the machine, turning through the ramp, did not hold the side internal supply of the tail part of the cargo cabin, installed rollers with ring rollers holding the car from lateral displacement (such a solution was previously used when working out the system P-211 For the boat "Gagara"). Refinery and landing and transport equipment of the An-22 aircraft.

From January 5 to June 8, 1988 System 4P248 with parachute system The ISS-350-12 (with an additional exhaust parachute of DVP-30) passed government tests. Directly supervised by the head of the Test Department of the State University of the Air Force, Colonel N.N. Nevzorov, the leading pilot was Colonel B.V. Oleinikov, leading navigator - A.G. Smirnov, leading engineer - Lieutenant Colonel Yu.A. Kuznetsov. Various options for landing on various venues were checked, including (at the final stage of the state test) to the aqueous surface. The act of state testing was approved on November 29, 1988

In the "Conclusions" section, the act said: "The means of landing" Bakhch-PDS "Tactical and technical assignment No. 193098 and Supplement No. 1 mainly correspond, with the exception of the characteristics specified in PP .... The correspondence tables of the present act, and provide parachute towing to the earth's surface of the military machine of the BMD-3 flight mass of 14,400 kg with 7 members of the combat calculation placed on universal seats inside the machine, from the heights of 300-1500 m at the landing site having exceeded the sea level Up to 2500 m, at the wind speed at the earth up to 10 m / s ... The means of landing "Bakhch-PDS" ensure the safety of the technical characteristics of the BMD-3, its weapons and equipment after parachute landing in the following versions of the machine picking:

fully equipped with ammunition, operational materials, tablet property, full refueling fuel, with seven members of combat calculation by a combat mass of 12900 kg;

in the above configuration, but instead of four members of the combat calculation, 400 kg of additional ammunition in the regular closure of a combat mass of 12900 kg;

With full refueling fuel, equipped with operational materials and a tablet property, but without combat calculation and ammunition with a total weight of 10900 kg ...

The landing of the BMD-3 on the means of landing "Bakhch-PDS" on the aqueous surface is not provided due to the tipping of the machine 180 ° at the time of the leading during the wind in the surface layer to 6 m / s and the excitement of less than 1 point (i.e. under conditions, much more "soft" than those provided by TTZ. - Approx. Auto)… Flight transfer of the Battle Machine of the BMD-3 Magitat on the Bakhch-PDS means to the flight mass of up to 14,400 kg, taking into account the features set forth in flight assessment, difficulties are not available and accessible to pilots with experience of landing large cargoes from IL-76 aircraft (M , MD) and An-22 .... The probability of trouble-free operation, determined with the confidence probability of 0.95, is in the range from 0.952 to 1, 0.9999 is specified by TTZ (excluding discharged to the aqueous surface).

According to the results of state testing, the Means of landing 4p248 were recommended for the adoption of the Air Force and Airborne Forces and to run into mass production, but after eliminating deficiencies and test tests.

The problems of the parachute system were manifested again: the destruction of one or two domes of the main parachutes, the terminals of the sling on the limit high-speed modes, in two cases - the unjuggestion of two domes when the BMD is dropped at 300-360 km / h from the heights of 400-500 m.

Analysis of comments and opportunities for their elimination forced to release the addition to TTZ. In order to prevent a long delay in the launch of targeting facilities into mass production, the requirement of landing to the aqueous surface is simply eliminated, and the flight rate for the instrument of landing was set to 380 km / h - to ensure safe exit of the product from the cab and disclosure of the parachute system. True, the same document implied additional flight and experimental studies to ensure the landing of the BMD-3 on the aqueous surface. The requirement was not formal - the studies held at the same time, in the late 1980s, studies, showed that even in the case of a non-nuclear scale war at the European Theater of Military Acts, up to half will be flooded due to the destruction of hydraulic structures Sushi surfaces. And it had to take into account when planning possible airborne operations.

The main improvements of the system have completed within a month. To accelerate the scattering of the BMD-3 from the means of landing into the design of the central node, a retreasing slider was introduced and one pouring point. In addition, they introduced screw supports and strengthened the fastening of the pipes of the central node. An additional compensators between the lever and the lock case appeared in the castle of fastening the object to Montorrels, the control stud to ensure reliable lock control in the closed position; The lock of the castle was finalized to speed up its installation in the monorail socket. Improved blocking unit in order to reduce its mass. Changed the design of the caterpilla covers, in order to reduce the likelihood of the caterpillars of the "object 950" caterpillars for elements of landing means at a congress with the "swollen" shock absorbers after landing. On the car healed the brackets for fastening skis. The design of the removable fencing of the BMD tower, which ensures the safety of the elements of the tower when the parachute system has joined the work: on state tests, for example, the bracket of the OU-5 illuminator on the tower was destroyed and the fence itself was deformed.

In the comments, it was indicated that the tires installed on the machine in the march position allow the BMD to make a march "For rough terrain at a speed of 30-40 km / h a distance of up to 500 km"But the requirements of TTZ are not fulfilled, since the placement of targeting facilities by car "Improves the visibility of the commander from his workplace in a position at a trip day and with IR devices". The same applied to a review from the workplace of the driver's mechanics. With a given possibility of making long-term marches and overcoming water obstacles, the requirement was important. It was necessary to finalize the elements of fastening the means of landing on the machine at a hiking machine. Specified the requirements for the design and installation of universal seats of BMD.

Specialists of the NII AU redo the parachute system of the ISS-350-12. In particular, for hardening the domes of the main parachute on it in the pole part, 11 tapes of an additional circular framework from the technical capron tape LTKP-25-450 and LTKP-25-300 were found. To improve the filling and uniform loading of the parachute system, 20-meter extension cords were introduced, which allowed the domes of the main parachutes to diverge down from each other before disclosure. Changed the order of laying the brake parachute into the chamber. All the problems mentioned did not solve this, and at the launch of PBS-950 funds to production, it was necessary to limit the multiplicity of use on the limit high-speed modes, and to enter the PC-350-12 system to introduce an additional block of the main parachute and limit the multiplicity of application at the limit highly - speed mode.

From December 29, 1988 to March 27, 1989, preliminary flight tests of the revised funds of 4P248-0000 were held on an IL-76M aircraft belonging to AU. The influence of changes made to the design was checked at all stages of preparation for landing and towing himself. In particular, it was determined that the calculation of 7 people loads the "object 950" with the modified means of landing to the IL-76M aircraft for 25 minutes (the truth is not taken into account, the installation time of the UPS-14 of each object). The time for disconnecting the means of landing from the product after a landing was 60 s using the accelerated strolling system and no more than 2 minutes with a manual forces by 3 people calculated.

In the landing and transport equipment of the aircraft also made changes - in particular, in order to increase the safety of landing accompanying settlements with individual parachutes (this requirement was also included in the list of measures based on the results of state tests). Modified equipment with reinforced monorail 1P158, manufactured by the Universal Plant, was installed on the IL-76 plane OKB IS.S.V. Ilyushin and fully justified. The report on these trials approved by the supervisory heads and NII AU on March 30, 1989, said: "Developed according to the comments G.I. And comments on the operational assessment of the means of landing 4p248 for the product "950" were provided with a fivefold application with the replacement of disposable parts ... Means of landing 4P248 provide a saved landing of the product "950" with overloads not exceeding values \u200b\u200bNY \u003d 11.0, NX \u003d 1.4 , NZ \u003d 2.2 ... constructive changes in the main elements of 4p248: the Parachute system of the ISS-350-12, the central power unit, the supervision unit and other nodes carried out according to state test comments and according to comments identified in the process of present tests, are checked in the process Tests and confirmed their effectiveness ... Means of landing 4P248 correspond to TTZ No. 3098 and can be presented for control tests. Except: the loading time of the product "950" into the IL-76M aircraft on TTZ - 15 min is actually obtained 25 minutes, and the stripping means of landing after landing is performed with an output of 3 people from the product ".

Not without absent-free situations. In one of the flight experiments, the BMD "Object 950" after the landing is simply overturned up the caterpillars. The reason was the collision of the machine with a lateral demolition with a frozen snow shaft 0.3-0.4 m height (still winter) - and this case found "unsteady landing".

For the entire period of testing 4p248 during the tests (not counting the control), there were 15 coarse recesses of BMD layouts on the development of air shock absorbers; 11 Koprov drops "object 950" (of which four physiological experiments), 87 flight experiments with "object 950" layouts, 32 flight experiments with "object 950", of which four are physiological, with two tests inside the machine. For example, on June 6, 1986, parachutists testing NII AU A.V. Tests were landed on the land of landing under Pskov inside the machine from the IL-76 aircraft Shpilevsky and E.G. Ivanov (the height of landing - 1800 m, the flight speed of the aircraft is 327 km / h). On June 8 of the same year, parachutists, tests of the GC Research Institute of the Air Force Lieutenant Colonel A.A. Danilchenko and Major V.P. Nesterov.

The report on the first summer physiological test, approved on July 22, 1988, was noted: "... At all stages of the physiological experiment, the tests have retained normal performance ... Physiological and psychological changes in the crew members were reversible and were a reflection of the body's reaction to the upcoming extreme impact". It was confirmed that the location of the members of the calculation on universal seats during the landing prevents strikes any part of the body about the body or the internal equipment of the combat vehicle. At the same time, the parachute system still did not provide the required fivefold application. Nevertheless, the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force of November 16, 1989. PBS-950 landing facilities were adopted for the supply of Air Force, Airborne Forces and implemented in mass production, provided that the AU (in 1990 was renamed the Research Institute of Parachutivation) of the warranty multiplication of the Parachute System -350-12.

To confirm the effectiveness of the refinement of landing facilities in 1989 and 1990. Conducted additional control and special flight tests. As a result, the appearance of the 4P248 troops (PBS-950) was finally formed, the design documentation was assigned to Litera O1, i.e. For it, the installation lot of products for the organization of mass production could have been manufactured. During 1985-1990. On the development of 4P248 system, five copyright certificates were obtained regarding, mainly depreciation.

Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 155-27 of February 10, 1990 for Arms Soviet army And the military fleet adopted a combat machine of the BMD-3 landing and the means of registering PBS-950. In the ruling, by the way, it was said: "To oblige the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR to make the refinement of landing and transport equipment and staffing of IL-76 aircraft, IL-76MD, An-22 and An-124 devices for booting BMD-3 with the means of landing PBS-950".

Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 117 dated March 20, 1990, I said: "To intend a battle machine of the BMD-3 landing machine and the PBS-950 landing facilities for staffing the paratrooping parts of the Soviet Army and the units of the Navy, along with the battle machines, airborne BMD-1P, BMD-2, PRSM-915 parachute systems, PrSSM 925 (916) and parachute free PBS-915 systems, PBS-916 ». The general customer for tutoring by the same order was determined by the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Armed Air Force. Minaviaprom was obliged to create power calculated on the annual production of 700 PBS-950 kits. Take this (maximum) productivity, of course, have not yet intended. Real orders were planned much less. But they actually did not take place.

The first serial batch of PBS-950 in the amount of ten sets was manufactured in the same 19990, directly at the Universal Plant and transferred to the customer. This batch corresponded to the previously ordered VGTZ party from ten BMD-3. In total, the Universal CPC made 25 PBS-950 serial sets. At the time of the adoption of the means of landing PBS-950, their production was organized in Kumertau. But soon the events in the country made their own adjustments, and the mass production of PBS-950 was transferred to the Taganrog apo.

Despite the extremely unfavorable situation in the armed forces, work on the development of the few BMD-3 and PBS-950 in the troops still conducted, albeit with a significant delay. The ability to reset the BMD-3 using PBS-950 with all seven members of the calculation inside the car was tested in 1995 with a cooled drop. The first targeting of the calculation in full compound inside the BMD-3 with PBS-950 took place on August 20, 1998 during the displacement tactical teachings of the 104th GW. Parachute-landing shelf 76th GW. Airborne division. The landing was carried out from the IL-76 aircraft with the participation of military paratroopers: Senior Lieutenant V.V. Konev, Junior Sergeants A.S. Aborn and Z.A. Bilimichova, Efreitor V.V. Sidorenko, ordinary D.A. Gorheva, D.A. Kondratieva, Z.B. Tonaev.

Comparative characteristics of landing facilities

Parachute "Universal"

Forming systems

Semen Fedoseev

Continued. Beginning See in "Tiv" No. 8,10,11 / 2010, No. 2-4 / 2011

The editors are grateful for the help of the preparation of the material by the Deputy Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Universal" ICRC V.V. I live, as well as employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Universal" ACPK A.S. Tsyganov and I.I. Burtarov.

Photos from the archives of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Universal MCRK".

In the early 1980s The free parachute system of the PBS-915 "Shelf", developed by the Feodosia branch of the Moscow Research Institute of Automatic Devices (now the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Moscow Research Institute of Automatic Devices (now FSUE "NII Parachute Building") and designed to land the BMD-1P and BMD-1PCs from the IL-76 aircraft intended and An-22. This system is well known in the troops.

It is less known that the creation of free parachute systems began with specialists of the Moscow aggregate plant "Universal", where by the beginning of the 1980s. There appeared its own complex. A number of solutions found in the process of this work was later used in the design of targeting facilities for the BMD-3 target combat vehicle (the topic "Bakhch-SD").

Studies of free parachute tutoring at the Universal Plant began in parallel with work on parachute platforms and parachute-reactive systems.

So, in the early 1970s. UNIVERSAL presented preliminary calculated data of the three options for the system for goods weighing up to 16 tons (they could relate to self-propelled Gaubitz 2c1 "carnation", BMP-2 infantry combat vehicles) - parachute-reactive, multi-polar parachute with landing platform and free.

Interestingly, the question of landing the combat vehicles with the crew (calculation) was originally raised at the proposal stage. In particular, in the table specified in the table (in a five-foot version), the self-propelled Gaubitsa 2C1 "carnation" was proposed with three members of the calculation inside the machine.

Project towing self-propelled Maubitis 2C1 with crew inside the machine. Pay attention to the shock absorption panels with foam aggregate.

Name characteristics * Specifications value
Forming means of landing with PRS type P172 Forms from the ISS type PS-9404-63R Universal type 4P134 platform with ISS type PS-9404-63R
1 Weight of military equipment, kg 16000 16000 16000
2 The weight of landing facilities (s.), Which is from weight of military equipment% 2600 kg 3100 kg 4200 kg
16,3 19,4 26,2
3 Flight weight, kg 18600 19100 20200
4 Parachute System Square, m2 2240 7000 7000
5 Landing speed, m / s 5 8 8
6 Transportation prepared for the landing of military equipment with S.D. By its own way By its own way With the help of tractor
7 Basic requirements for military equipment The presence of technician specials for fastening S.D. -
8 The cost of landing facilities, rub. - 58000 - 86000 - 98000

* The table was compiled by: "The state and prospects for the development of military transport aviation and means of landing the military equipment and military loads of airborne troops." Moscow aggregate plant "Universal".

The advantages of the preferential systems compared to the incomplete platforms already used at that time were obvious. A significantly smaller mass of the system and its share in the total mass of the monogrose allowed the landing of more combat machines as part of one pavement. Preparing for landing and preparation of the machine to move after landing is accelerated. These advantages by the time the PRC-915 parachute reactive system has already demonstrated, developed for the landing of the BMD-1 and adopted for supplying in 1970. However, parachute-reactive systems were characterized by slightly smaller reliability than multicoral parachute. This led to the creation of a parachute free system to solve the same tasks.

On January 9, 1976, the management of orders and deliveries of aircraft equipment and armament of the Air Force issued tactical and technical requirements for free facilities of the BMD-1 landing facilities (that is, it was about the object weighing up to 8 tons). Requirements provided for the landing of two crew members inside the combat vehicle.

The task of joint landing of technology and combat calculations has already been determined by the commander of the Airborne Forces by the Army General V.F. Margelov. Its implementation was one of the conditions for a significant increase in the combat readiness of the Airborne Forces, it was considered and as an important component their psychological training. Recall that the first targeting of the crew inside the BMD-1 at the Centaur complex with the landing platform was held over three years earlier, and the landing on the RetotalAvr complex with a parachute reactive system was also prepared.

On March 3, 1976, the decision was approved on the development of free facilities for landing the Moscow aggregate plant "Universal".

BMD-1 with the means of landing ZP170, prepared for loading into the aircraft.

The main elements of the means of landing PC170:

1 - ski with a folding panel; 2 - Central beam.

Means of landing ZP170

The work received the factory cipher SP170. The system was intended for a parachute landing of the BMD-1 machine from An-12, IL-76 and An-22 aircraft on a land and an aqueous surface. OCD on the topic of ZP 170 was conducted under the leadership of the Deputy Chief Designer of the Universal Plant P.R. Shevchuk and Chief of the 9th Department of the G.V. Plant Petskus, the works participated by Brigades Yu.N. Barinova and Yu.N. Korovocha.

ZP170 landing facilities prepared for testing in the spring of 1978. They included:

Multi-polar parachute;

The central beam with the ZKP lock with a cut-out check, which ensures the fastening of the BMD-1 machine to the roller equipment of the load cabin of the IL-76 aircraft and the AN-22 and the introduction of the parachute system after exiting the aircraft;

Skis with folding (folding) panels;

Accelerated screeching system;

Two chairs "Kazbek-D" with nodes for fastening them in BMD-1 and skinding systems.

As a parachute system used serial ISS-5-128R with five domes of 760 m? everyone.

The accelerated scattering system served to quickly disconnect the means of landing (skis and the suspended system) from the machine after its landing. The disconnection was carried out with the help of pyrotechnic locks.

Skis were intended for the movement of the BMD-1 machine along the roller equipment of the aircraft of the IL-76 aircraft or An-22 or by the transportation of TG-12M An-12 aircraft. Skiing with folding panels served and shock absorbing device to reduce the effects of overloads on the crew members when landing. The predetermined vertical overloads on the body of the machine and on the chairs were up to 20 g with a landing and up to 10 g during the transmission.

If in a parachute-reactive system, the operation of the brake motor installation made it possible to reduce the reduction rate before landing almost to zero and thereby significantly reduce the impact overload, then when using a multi-polar parachute system, the landing rate was up to 8 m / s - new solutions were required. The depreciation height was to be much larger than the one that shielding panels of the ski system of the PRS-915 system (PrSSM-915) were provided. At the same time, the BMD-1 had to maintain the possibility of moving his move at the maximum clearance when loaded into the aircraft with skiing, fortified under the bottom. This forced skiing in the form of a folding structure of two parts (reference skiing and folding panel), hinged-connected along the length. When preparing for landing, the reference ski was rigidly mounted under the bottom of the BMD-1, and the folding (more precisely, the folding) panel during the plane was mounted to the bottom of the machine. During the direction after exiting the aircraft, the parachute system of the decorated the folding panel, the one turned around the rib and pressed from the bottom to the reference ski, increasing the height (working stroke) of the depreciation. The aggregate, as in skiing PrSM-915, served a foam.

To increase the reliability of the triggering of the ZKP lock, the duplication of the system of its inclusion was introduced: two cables for the inclusion of the STS, which opened independently of each other stretched to the castle on the pipes along the bottom of the car.

Chairs "Kazbek-D" were mounted in the building of the combat vehicle behind the combat department (under the lid of the landing hatch) and were located with a tilt of the back of 52 ° from the vertical: according to the research of the Research Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine, such a tilt was optimal for the human body. Fastening the seats provided their rapid removal of the crew after the landing.

SP170 was calculated on the storage of all elements in the park along with the fighting machine. To the place of loading in the BMD-1 aircraft was moved by its move with targeting facilities laid on the housing.

BMD-1 with means of landing zp170 in a marking position. So the car could move on any roads and overcome water obstacles.

Experience at accelerated scattering BMD-1. Disconnecting the central beam.

Pyrotechnic means for disconnecting skis installed on BMD-1.

Testing and refinement

From April 4 to August 3, 1978, preliminary flight tests of the PC170 funds were held on the basis of the Ministry of State Unitary Enterprise of the Air Force with BMD-1 layouts and with real battle machines, with parachute systems of the ISS-5-128R discounts from the An-12b aircraft from the height 500-800 m.

In the first drops of layouts, excessive rigidity of shock absorbing ski with foam filler was revealed. To reduce stiffness, first in the folding panels were made by 27 holes with a diameter of 100 mm, then 12 of the same holes were performed in basic reference skiing. The attempt to eliminate the sling of the parachute system in these experiments was not justified: in three drops with the extension cords, the dome was rushed, and in one case all five domes were collected. However (with the exception of cases of cliff and unscrewed domes), the target rate did not exceed 8 m / s, and the measurement accelerations were mainly in the conveyors of the task. Note that when landing the BMD-1, they were loaded with depreciation universal seats 5P 170 with mannequins as ballasts. In conclusion, signed by P.R. Shevchuk, indicated: "Continue testing the means of landing the BMD-1 (ZP170) with IL-76 and An-22 aircraft."

In parallel, in June-August 1978, cooked tests of the SP170 system were held, during which they spent 28 drops on the concrete site at a landing rate of up to 8 m / s and with a roll to 10 ", and eight drops - with tests inside the car. The results were recognized as positive .

Successfully successfully passed in 1978. Ground and cooked tests for separating the central beam and ski. However, according to their results, it was still necessary to finalize pyrotechnic locks (based on Pyropathron DP4-3), ski fasteners.

The process of landing the BMD-1 on the Tools of the SP170 includes five main steps. At the first stage, an exhaust parachute was introduced, which removed the car from the aircraft cargo cabin. At the second stage, the exhaust parachute was separated, and an additional exhaust dome was introduced. The third stage included the output of the main gas domes from parachute chambers and a decrease in the machine on a fractal system for 4 s. The fourth stage is the filling and filling of the main domes, after which the car decreased already on the filled major domes. At this stage, the central beam was disconnected. The beam suspended on the cables under the bottom of the car played the role of Guydropa. Laying on the ground, she became a kind of anchor, orienting the car before landing in the wind and thereby reducing the likelihood of its tipping under the influence of the side wind. The last (fifth) stage included the landing of the machine and disconnecting the means of landing.

BMD-1 after landing and scattering.

BMD-1 After shooting rates of landing zp 170.

The crew of the BMD-1 as part of Major-engineer Yu.A. Brazhnikova and Sergeant V.B. Cobchenko after successful landing in December 1978

"Centaur" without platform

Factory flight tests continued on the basis of the State Institute of Air Force. Finally, on December 22, 1978, BMD-1 was torn at the "Medvezhye Lakes" playground with two crew members on the SP170 system - the first landing of the combat vehicle with the crew on the free parachute system. The commander of the car was Major Engineer Yu.A. Brazhnikov, a mechanic-driver - Sergeant of urgent service VB Cobchenko, and the sergeant conscientious already had the experience of towing inside the BMD-1 on the P-7 platform.

By that time, we successfully spent ten cooled discharges of the SP 170 system with tests from the Airborne Forces and from the Research Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine and 40 drops from aircraft with mannequins (including preliminary technical landing selected for the BMD-1 experiment, spent three days before landing with the crew ). ZP170 landing tools have been complemented by a communication and alarm system that ensured the filming of the crew members of the light signals "went" and "landing", as well as the connection of the crew with the release. The experiment received the designation of "Centaur-B" ("Centaur" was called the system 2P170 of the landing of the BMD-1 with the crew on the P-7 parachute platform).

The training of the experiment was actively involved in the chairman of the NTC Airborne Forces L.Z. Kneeko, his deputy VK Parisian, officers V.I. Sortannikov and A.V. Margelov. On the eve of the landing of the BMD-1 with the SP170, the crew was a training session in chairs, working with communication tools, operation after landing. Complete installation of landing towards BMD-1 spent on the territory of the plant in the boxing of the test department. When preparing for the experiment, I had to introduce "extra" node. The fact is that when checking the accelerated riming system, it was found that when the newly installed system of the alarm, there is a voltage on the sinkatrons of the locks, and the premature triggering of the castles of the scatter meant the crew death. Time is pressed, and G.V. Petcut decided to simply temporarily cut the harness of electrical wires running from the console to the pyropatron, and insert the plug connector that the crew should have been connected after the landing. In the future, the error in the electrochmem was eliminated, the plug was not needed, but in the report of the commander of the crew Yu.A. Brazhnikova remained a record of the inconvenience of using the plug connector.

The dropping was carried out from the IL-76 aircraft (departure-from the Chkalovsky airfield) from the height of 700 m at the flight speed of 350 km / h. The decline time was 100 s. Despite winter time, the landing occurred not on the snow: BMD-1 landed on taketon strip Without snow cover. The crew immediately began to scatter the car and bring it into combat readiness, made a planned maneuver and after 4 minutes it reported to fulfill the task of the Commander of the Airborne Forces V.F. Margelov and Chief Designer- Responsible Head of the Universal Plant A.I. Privalov.

The communication system in the process of the experiment ensured a reliable connection of the crew of the machine with an airplane, and after the output of the machine from it, with a terrestrial radio station. Overloads were determined using Viber measuring equipment WBB-6 with an oscilloscope recording. The landing rate was 6.7 m / s, overload - within the normal range. Medical examination of crew members recorded only deviations associated with the "degree of general emotional arousal". But besides the testimony of the instruments, it is important and subjective perception of tests. From the review Sergeant V.B. Cobchenko: "... The triggering of the parachute system felt like a light jerk. At the time of the landing, I felt a short push evenly throughout the back, tougher than when landing on the P-7 platform. There was no shock head. " Major Yu.A. Brazhnikova: "... At the time of the landing, I felt a sharp short-term painless blow. Repeat and lateral movements did not feel. After a second, after the landing there was no unpleasant sensation. " Also, Yu.A. Bringerhov (subsequently Colonel, Head of the NTK of the Airborne Forces) issued recommendations for the warming up BMD-1 still on the aircraft to guarantee a quick engine start after landing.

In the express report, signed by representatives of the Airborne Convision and the Air Force, the Ministry of Aviation Industry, the State Institute of the Air Force, NIIAIAM, etc., and the approved commander of the Airborne Forces V.F. Margelov 1Byanwar in 1979, said: "... The physiological experiment confirmed the possibility of a free parachute landing of BMD-1 with two crew members on the TSP170. After landing, paratroopers retained full combat readiness and excellent health. " And the conclusion: "Frameless means of landing UP170 Tactical and technical requirements of the Air Force of January 9, 1976 comply with the factory tests withstand and are recommended for transmissions and on government tests."

BMD-1 with mounted means for landing ZP170.

New trials, new improvements

Government tests began on February 21, 1979 and lasted until June 29. They included both single and serial landing. At the same time, the command of the Airborne Forces involved the landing sites in Pskov and Fergana. Five flights were conducted and eleven drops from the IL-76 aircraft, two flights with two drops from An-12, three flights and ten drops from the An-22. The result was a list of shortcomings requiring eliminating to run into mass production. The main points of the inconsistency of the SP170 system specified by TTT were the excess of overloads on the body of the combat vehicle and on the Kazbek-D chairs and the high values \u200b\u200bof the target currents in the circuits of accelerated scattering from the effects of electromagnetic fields (both internal, from the operation of the aircraft equipment and external). Both did not provide the required level of safety when landing the BMD-1 with the crew. In fact, the overload recorded on the Kazbek-D chairs in the direction of "chest-spin" was achieved during these tests 35.2 g and exceeded the permissible in 37% cases, the overload on the machine body exceeded the permissible in 33% of cases .

Taking into account the emergence of such overloads of discarding from the aircraft of machines with the crew inside during the Gospings, the funds of the RC170 were not performed. In accordance with the state test, it was true that in general SP170 corresponds to the TTT of January 9, 1976, and the IL-76 plane contains the landing of three BMD-1 on the means of landing ZP170 (flight weight up to 8300 kg each), An-12 - one, An-22 - four cars. Reliability indicator was estimated at 0.954. "To ask the Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR," said the act, - to oblige managers of enterprises (Plant "Universal" and Research Institute of AU. - Approx. Aut.) Eliminate the shortcomings set forth in the list No. 1 before launching into mass production and in the list No. 2 On time, agreed between the Air Force and MAP. The act specifically noted that "the improvement of the instructions of the flight operation of the IL-76 aircraft, the An-12 and An-22 are not required": when resetting the TSP170, the relevant sections of the instructions for landing the P-7 platforms should be guided by the corresponding sections, and during loading in the aircraft - sections Instructions for landing machines on PrSM-915. That is, continuity remained in the order of managing towing means and was not required to specifically move the crews of military transport aircraft. There was continuity and in terms of production: the coefficient of standardization and unification with the already manufactured systems amounted to 67.4%; It was also proposed to even replace the central node on the central beam from ZP 170 already produced by the PRSM-915 system as "more convenient in operation."

During the revision of the SP170, with the aim of reducing overloads, the option of reducing the vertical rate of reducing the object was tested. For this, it was still resorted to the elongation of the sling of the main parachute with the simultaneous amplification of the parachute system. The refinement was carried out by the factory "Universal" together with the Research Institute of Automatic Devices. An experimental reinforced parachute system of PS-13756-74 with extension cords of PS-15150-78 was used. The flight mass of BMD-1 with targeting agents increased to 8400-8600 kg. From January 17 to March 19, 1980, the factory tests of the final funds of the SP170 were held, and four drops were held from IL-76 and An-12 aircraft, and one of them - to the highlands (height above sea level - 1900 m) from height 800 m above the landing pad.

From June 2 to July 25, control tests were held in Belgrade and Kirovabad, during which seven single landing from the An-12 aircraft and one were from IL-76. In the act of testing, it was stated that the means of landing ZP 170 with refinement "provide overloads specified by the Tactical and Technical Requirements of the Air Force of 09.01.76." In fact, the overload in the direction of "chest-spin", for example, amounted to no more than 22 g at a given 25 d. "Recommend a reinforced parachute system with extension cords in a set of farawhny facility towing (CPP170 cipher) when you start them into serial production," - Passed the act of tests. At the same time, new comments were expressed. In particular, the "Universal" plant was offered to "continue work on the work schedule ... by mechanical way," there was a version of the scattering at the expense of the effort from the movement of the caterpillars of the car.

At the same time, the Universal plant was proposed another way to reduce overload when landing, which does not require replacing the parachute system and reduce the vertical reduction rate (which, we recall, affects the accuracy of landing). To do this, we decided to replace the foam aggregate with an increased energy intensity material. Selected cellular blocks of aluminum foils used in the aircraft industry. The mass of the means of landing zp 170 with the MKS-5-128R serial parachute system has practically not changed.

From July 7 to August 28, 1980, they conducted appropriate copp tests, and on August 14 and September 8 - two flight tests with a discharge from the IL-76 aircraft to the "Medvezhye Lakes" platform. Overloads on the chairs did not exceed 18.6 d, and on the body of the machine - 19.8 d, i.e., TTT fully corresponded. Tests showed the performance of the SP 170 system with depreciation panels from aluminum sathlocks. In the conclusions on preliminary control tests, it was noted: "In view of the small number of flight experiments and the insufficient number of cooked experiments, ... it is necessary to choose the optimal design of the folding panels in the process of further terrestrial work, after which it is necessary to make a decision on transmission to special flight tests." It is worth noting that only folding panels of depreciation ski produced from aluminum sathlocks, while retaining their size and configuration, and the main ski panels were left with a foam filler, which, apparently, did not allow to completely identify the use of new material. In addition, the magnitude of the working stroke of the shock absorber remained insufficient. Further work on the use of new aggregate in the depreciation skiing. In addition, aluminum semoblocks with the advantageous characteristics of the power absorption of the impact were still relatively expensive.

Reduce overload on chairs to TTT requirements (no more than 25 d) managed only to install the punches in the seating nodes.

BMD-1 leading on ZP170 landing agents.

Liberation of BMD-1 from targeting after a leading.

Landing the BMD-1 on the means of landing ZP170 in the mountains.

At this time, a new parachute system of the ISS-350-9 was held on the basis of a unified block with a parachute of 350 m? And the TSP170 facilities were also proposed in the embodiment with the ISS-5-128R system and with the new ISS-350-9 -9 -9 -9-in-in system with an exhaust parachute UPS-8 system.

If the multiplicity of the central beam is 20 or more times, the parachute system is up to 5 times at the ISS-5-128-R and up to 8 times at the ISS-350-9, then only once can be used to ski (folding) panels. However, it was not a significant disadvantage, since the combat use of targeting means is generally disposable.

The development of the SP170 lasted five years - from 1976 to 1981 the topic was protected by five copyright certificates. To understand how the scale of the work was carried out then when creating new landing systems, it was enough to mention that during the development of the SP170, 50 copp tests were carried out (of which 15 physiological, with tests, and three experiments on the aqueous surface), 103 flight experiments with discharging from three types of aircraft and in various climatic conditions (one physiological, with two crew members, and three on the aqueous surface).

The act of specifics of March 2, 1982, the product ZP170 was recommended for running into mass production and adoption for the supply of Air Force and Airborne Forces. On June 30, 1982, the Universal Plant presented to the Customer the serial documentation of the Frameless Tools for Tentizing the BMD-1 Machine with the crew.

Tactical and technical characteristics of free parachute facilities in comparison with the regimening system on a parachute platform

Forms On a landing platform
Means of landing SP170 PBS-915 "Shelf-1" 2p170 (with P-7 platform and lining depreciation)
Parachute system ISS-5-128p ISS-350-9 ISS-350-9 ISS-5-128p
Flight mass of means of landing PC170 BMD-1 machine with two crew members, kg 8385 8345 8568 9200 + -100 (for An-12) 9100 + -100 (for IL-76 and An-22)
Mass of payload, kg 7200 ± 70. 7200 ± 70. 7200 ± 70. 7200 ± 70.
Mass of landing facilities, kg 1085 1045 1177 2000 (for An-12) 1900 (for IL-76 and An-22)
Mass of landing facilities in% of payload 14,86 14,31 16,35 28-26
Flight rate when discharged, in the device, km / h: - from the An-12 aircraft 350-400 350-400 350-400 350-370
- from the An-22 aircraft 350-400 350-400 350-400 350-370
- from the IL-76 aircraft 260-400 260-400 260-400 350-370
Height of landing over the landing platform, m 500-1500 300-1500 300-1500 500-1500
Height of landing site above sea level, m 2500 2500 2500 2500
Permissible wind speed at the surface of the Earth, m / s 1-15 1-15 Up to 15 To 10
Maximum Number of BMD-1 Machines Placed in Cargo Cabin:
- An-12 aircraft 1 1 1 1
- An-22 aircraft 3 3 3 3
- Airplane IL-76 3 3 3 3
The surface on which can land Sushi and water surface Sushi and water surface Sushi and water surface Land

Meanwhile, there was already a test of another variant of the free parachute facilities of the BMD-1 landing agent, created under the direction of P.M. Nikolaev in the Feodosi branch of the Research Institute of Automatic Devices and received the "Shelf" cipher. It used newly developed NII AU Parachute systems of the ISS-350-9 and ISS-760F and the depreciation system for the development of the Feodosian branch. The Parachute system of the ISS-350-9 "lowered" the minimum height of landing to 300 m, which contributed to the accuracy of landing. Means of landing ZP170 and "Shelf" were offered in options using this system, although the state testing of the ISS-350-9 passed only in 1985. Shelf was also calculated to land the crew inside the car on Kazbek-D chairs. The composition of the shelf tanning tools included a parachute area with a parachute system, a cable system, a december locks, an ATS-2 signaling device, a guide orientation system, an amortization system mounted under the bottom of BMD, special equipment. A number of technical solutions and ready-made knots of the shelf system were borrowed from previously developed products of the Universal Plant.

In January 1979 V.F. Marghelova as the commander of the Airborne Forces was replaced by Colonel-General D.S. Sukhorukov. The new commander decided to carry out comparative tests of SP170 and Shelf systems. SP 170 showed not only reliable operation, but also a smaller time required for mounting and loading into a plane. After landing, the BMD-1 with SP170 was quickly represented. The system of "shelf" is simply "not lucky": the cables of the decontamination fell into the caterpillars of the machine, which significantly delayed the bringing to combat readiness. Nevertheless, the Commission was clearly inclined in favor of the shelf system. Apparently, the subjective opinion and sympathies of the new leadership played his role. But you need to recognize that the means of landing "Shelf" with self-filled aircraft gave overload when landing in the range of 15 d, i.e., ensured the safety of landing with a significant reserve with respect to TTT, specified by the Air Force in 1976. Yes, and the work of the Hydropic system in the shelf "It turned out to be more efficient. Shelf also passed tests to water towing.

One way or another, but the means of landing "Shelf" entered the supply of Air Force and airborne under the designation of PBS-915.

Serial production of PBS-915 "Shelf" ("Shelf-1") was transferred to the Kumertau Aviation production Association, and in the 1990s. - in Taganrog (OJSC Taganrog Aviation). Finally, in 2008, the production of PBS-915 was transferred to Moscow to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Universal" CPC.

As for the SP170 system, its main structural elements, as already mentioned, were used by the "wagon" specialists when creating targeting facilities for the BMD-3 combat vehicle on the topic "Bakhch-SD" (in the series, the designation of PBS-950). This, in particular, reference skiing with depreciation (only with the replacement of foam depreciation of air, forced filling) and the design of the central node. Also, when developing tighting facilities for BMD-3 and SPTP "SPTRUT-SD", a circuit of the ZKP lock with a duplicate system for switching on and switching the PRP to the crossing of an UPO link from the cargo to a parachute system similar to that was used in the SP170.

From the book Technique and Armament 2011 09 Author

Parachute landing equipment "Wagon Sewage" Semyon Fedoseevisused photos from the archives of FGUMKPK "Universal" and OJSC "Aviation Complex them. S.V. Ilyushin ».Reatevery. For each

From the book Technique and Armament 2011 12 Author Magazine "Technique and Armament"

Parachute landing equipment "Universal" Semyon Fedoseyevisused photos from the archives of the FSUE "Universal MCRC" *. The editors are grateful for the help of the preparation of the material by the Deputy Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Universal" V. V. MKPK, and

From the book Technique and Armament 2012 02 Author Magazine "Technique and Armament"

Parachute landing equipment "UNIVERSAL" Semyon Fedoseyevisused photos from the archives of the FSUE "Universal".

From the book Technique and Armament 2012 03 Author Magazine "Technique and Armament"

Parachute landing equipment "UNIVERSAL" Semyon Fedoseevis used photos from the archives of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Universal". Creativity expresses gratitude for the help in preparing the material by the Deputy Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Universal" by V. V. MKPK

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The 500th / 600 Parachute-landing battalion of the SS troops until inclusion in the fighter connection of the SS 500 troops (then the 600th) paratrooper battalion was used as an independent combat unit for special operations. First an attempt

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Parachute training program 1. Familiar flight of young fighters on an airplane and helicopter.2. Training jumps without weapons and equipment.3. Jumping with weapons and equipment.4. Jumping with weapons and cargo container GK30.5. Jumping in winter.6. Jumping for water. 7 Jumping on

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Amounting practice. On February 6, our squadron arranged interesting prizes for marine infantry. Each ship was supposed to set 35 people in full hiking equipment (about 30 pounds, not counting the rifle). From the national team it was necessary to pass 4.5 English

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The 9th parachute regiment "COL MOSCHIN" Based in the barracks of the bathrooms in Livorno 9th Parachute, the Moskin Parachute Regiment is a unique division of the Italian army. The regiment is designed to perform a wide range of operational strategic tasks, and

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Airborne preparation Parachute preparation is one of the mandatory elements to whom the special forces should own, be it land or sea. French special forces worries landing with the USSR parachute and was not the first country,

The invention relates to parachute techniques, in particular to multi-polar parachute systems intended for landing heavy loads with aircraft. The design provides a decrease in the weight of the parachute system and increasing its operational reliability. The parachute system contains an exhaust parachute and basic parachutes whose domes have a frame with a frame of tapes connected to the main stalls, and is equipped with a spur of the ripples passed through the fastening elements and porrodzak. The selection of the sizes of the rings, their number, their distance from the lower edge, as well as the length of the ripping hole leads to a decrease in the weight of the parachute system, as well as to increase its operational reliability. 8 yl.

The invention relates to a parachute technique, in particular to the design of a multi-polar parachute system (ISS) intended for landing from the aircraft (LA) of heavy loads, such as a variety of equipment weighing from 1000 to 20,000 kg and more. The ISS includes a bundle of the required number of main domes, depending on the weight of the cargo and the specified landing rate. The wide use of the ISS in the practice of parachute landing is explained by a number of positive qualities, characteristic of only the ISS. The main one is a reliable landing of landing loads during damage to one or more domes. In addition, the manufacturing technology and operation of the ISS is less complex in comparison with the technology and exploitation of a single-square system of several hundred and even thousand square meters required for landing heavy loads. The disadvantages of the ISS refers to the bulk of the filling of all the domes of the system and therefore the unevenness of the distribution of loads between the domes, this circumstance makes it construct the dome of increased strength, which increases the weight of the entire system. The simultaneity of disclosure and filling of the ISS domes is achieved by various ways. The most common of them is the method of rifting domes. The ISS is known, containing the dome in a riflation cord fastening elements at the same time on the tapes of the radial frame over each main sling, which leads to the following disadvantages: first, inconvenience when installing the cord of the riflation, since the elements of its fastening are located inside (in folds) laid dome, secondly, a large number of elements of fastening the cord of the riflation, which complicates the technology and increases the mass of the dome. The closest in technical essence to the invention is the system includes a bunch of basic parachutes, the domes of which contain a frame with a frame of ring and radial tapes connected to the slips, and is equipped with a cord of the riflation passed through the mounting elements (recordings) located at the bottom edge of the dome in each from the main sling. Dumping rhyps are carried out with the inlet. The disadvantages of the famous ISS are: the complexity and high cost of manufacture, since on each dome of the well-known ISS-350-12m, it is necessary to put 80 pieces of lover; Large Weight of the ISS, so the weight of each dome of 350 m 2 increases by 2.5 kg, which increases the weight of the entire system of 12 domes to 30 kg; The complexity of the installation of the cord of the riflation, as the recordings are located in each sling and when laying, they turn out to be inside the laid dome. The technical result of the invention is to reduce the ISS weight and increasing its operational reliability. This is achieved by the fact that a multi-pop parachute system that includes exhaust and basic parachutes, the dome of the latter contains the panels with the frames of the frame and the main lines connected to the ribbons in the field of the bottom edge of the dome, and are equipped with a cord of the rifrance passed through the fastening elements and squeezes, According to the invention, it elements for fastening the cord of the riflation are placed on the panels of the dome between the frames of the frame with a pitch, the value of which is chosen from the relation: B to T, mm, where b step of fastening elements, mm; To the empirical coefficient, to 2.45-2.85; T The distance between the main stalls, mm, while the mentioned elements are located above the lower edge of the dome at a distance selected from the condition: H mm where n is the distance of the mounting elements from the lower edge of the dome, mm; t The distance between the main stalls, mm; And the empirical coefficient, and 3.5-6.0, and the number of fastening elements are determined by the formula:
N 2 where n the number of fastening elements;
B step of fastening elements, mm, in addition, the rifer cord is installed without the inlet, the length of which is made equal
l mm where l length of the cord of the rifrance, mm;
D diameter of dome cutting, mm;
With empirical coefficient, from 62. FIG. 1 shows the output of cargo from LA; FIG. 2 μs with stale domes, general view; FIG. 3 Same, with swapped domes; FIG. 4 Node I in FIG. 2; FIG. five a-A section FIG. four; FIG. 6 View by arrow B FIG. five; FIG. 7 View by arrow in FIG. five; FIG. 8 riflation scheme. A multi-pop parachute system (ISS) is intended for landing from an aircraft 1 (FIG. 1) of cargo 2 using an exhaust parachute 3. The ISS contains basic parachutes 4 (Fig. 2-3), on the parses of the domes of which are rings 5 \u200b\u200b(fastening elements) Through which messed the cord 6 of the riflation and are installed two porroresack 7. Rings 5 \u200b\u200b(FIG. 4) are sewn into the mounted panels between radial frames of 8 frames, connected to the main strips 9 in the field of the lower edge of the dome. The ends of the cord 6 (FIG. 6) are fixed using specialsack 10 and studs 11. Pills 7 (FIG. 7), associated with the plugs 12, are installed on the cloth and cord 6 of the ripples and is closed with valve 13 with textile fasteners 14. Rings 5 \u200b\u200bare closed On the domes of the main parachutes 4 with a certain step, the amount of which is chosen from the relation:
B K T, mm. And with K\u003e 2.85, there will be an excessive number of elements 5 of the fastening of cord 6 of the riflation and therefore an increase in the mass and value of the dome, and when< 2,45 возможен местный выход нижней кромки из-под шнура рифления и разрушения купола. Кольца 5, через которые пропускают шнур 6 рифления, закрепляют выше нижней кромки купола парашюта 4 (фиг. 4) на расстоянии, выбранном из условия:
H mm.
Moreover, when A\u003e 6 is possible a local yield of the lower edge of the dome from under the cord 6 of the rifrance and the destruction of the dome, and when< 3,5 порыв шнура из-за увеличения динамической нагрузки на него. Количество колец 5 определяют по формуле
N 2.
When laying, each dome of the main parachutes 4 rifuve without the inlet, i.e. Through rings 5 \u200b\u200bpasses cord 6 of the rifer, the length of which is equal
And with C\u003e 62 it will be difficult or impossible to install the cord of the rifrance, and when< 62 купол будет слабо стянут. Длина шнура выбрана так, чтобы при его установке купол основного парашюта был надежно стянут и усилие стяжки было бы одинаковым на всех куполах. Работает МКС следующим образом. После введения в действие вытяжного парашюта последний вытягивает из ЛА1 груз. После выхода груза из ЛА1 вытяжной парашют отсоединяется и вводит в действие систему основных парашютов в зарифленном виде. После срабатывания пирорезаков 7 купола основных парашютов равномерно раскрываются и обеспечивают приземление груза с заданной скоростью. Изобретение позволяет обеспечить удобство при укладке основных парашютов, так как кольца для шнура рифления размещают с определенным шагом не над стропами, а между ними с тем, чтобы при укладке они находились на внешних боковых сторонах уложенного купола и обеспечивали хороший доступ к ним при монтаже шнура рифления;
reduce the number of elements of fastening the riflation cord, which reduces the weight of the entire parachute system, namely, it is necessary to put 80 pieces for each dome on the prototype, and no more than 15 rings are required for each dome, and the weight of each dome on the prototype increases on 2.5 kg that a parachute system of 12 domes gives an increase in weight to 30 kg, and according to the invention, the weight of each dome increases only 0.35 kg and the entire system of 12 domes by 4.2 kg, and others are preserved and even improved. Characteristics of the ISS:
Provide constant on all domes of the main parachutes of tightening during installation of the cord of the riflation, since the latter is made of a given length;
ensures uniform administration (drawing) of the system into action, excluding the uneven loading of individual domes, which is not provided on the prototype with the rifrance having an inlet;
provide the necessary resistance of domes in the air at the stage of riflation, uniform disclosure of all domes after the tweaving and eliminates the local yield of the lower edge of the dome from under the riflation cord, since the latter is located above the lower edge of the dome at a given distance;
Mounting loads as at a minimum height of 300-500 m, applying various models of the grade, for example, the PPK device with cutters and from the heights of 4000-8000 m without a significant increase in dynamic load, i.e. With the proposed ripping scheme without the inlet with an increased time delay of the riflation stage. With a known rifer with the inlet (prototype), the dynamic load increases at an altitude of 4000 m to 30% and at an altitude of 8000 m to 60%, which can lead to the destruction of the domes.


A multi-polar parachute system, which includes the exhaust and main parachute, the dome of the latter contains the panels with frame ribbons attached to them and the main lines connected to the ribbons in the field of the bottom edge of the dome and are equipped with a cord of the riflation passed through the fastening elements and sinks, characterized in that the elements The mounting cord fastenings are placed on the panels of the dome between the frames of the frame with a pitch B K T (mm), where K 2,45 2.85 empirical coefficient, T the distance between the main stalls, and the mentioned elements are located above the lower edge of the dome at the distance H T / a (mm), where t is the distance between the main stalls, mm; A 3.5 6.0 Empirical coefficient, and the number of n fastening elements are determined by the formula

where D diameter dome cutting, mm,
In addition, the rifle cord is installed without the inlet, the length of which is LD / C (mm), where C 62 empirical coefficient.

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    Parachute landing equipment "Wagon"

    Work in the directions

    In the second half of the 1960s - early 1970s. The organizational structure was formed, which ensured the development of parachute landing machinery (PDT) and included specialists of the Scientific and Technical Committees of the Air Force and Airborne Committee, ordered by the Aggregate Plant "Universal" as the main executive of work on PD, a number of co-valves (first of all automatic devices), equipped with test polygons, platforms, mass production and t . D. The determining factors of development of PD during this period were:

    Admission to supply the Air Force of Special Military Transport Airplanes;

    Expanding the tasks solved by airborne troops to strategic scales and, accordingly, - high-quality improvement of the system of their weapons, which happened under the direction of V.F. Marghelova:

    Changing the nature and number of landing cargo.

    During this period, the airmunnel of the Airborne Union of the Air Force was admitted, such as the combat machine of the BMD-1 landing machine, the GAU-66B car, the anti-tank missile complexes of the Malytka Eki and 9k111 "Fagot", portable zenith rocket complex 9k32 "Strela-2". Also-23 anti-aircraft installation was also included in the number of cargo, towed reactive installation of RPU-14, BM-21B reactive martial car (Grad-B) with a transporting machine 9F37V, 73-mm Machine Grenade LNG-9D, 30-mm Automatic grenade launcher ATC-17 "Flame" with their ammunition, Cars UAZ-469 and UAZ-450, special machines, new means of communication and control, tanks with fuel and fuel and so on.

    It is worth noting that the adoption of BMD-1 and the machines at its base meant not just the emergence of new landing facilities - it marked the transition of the Airborne Forces to a qualitatively new stage of development, which was also reflected in the development of towing means of landing. Parachute landing of such objects as a floating Tank PT-76, armored personnel carrier BTR-60PB, BMP-1 infantry combat, self-propelled 85-mm Installation Su-85, self-propelled 122-mm Gaubita 2C1 "carnation". The diversity of the conditions in which parachute paratroopers were planned, was required to work out parachute equipment in various geographical and climatic conditions (including northern and mountainous areas).

    The main directions of the work of the Ungatal Platform "Universal" during this period were parachuting platforms and parachute systems, as well as aircraft equipment (rolling, conveyors, etc.), rescue means, airfield equipment. In accordance with this, the factory has developed its own organizational structure, designed to develop specific areas of development of PD.

    The development of parachute platforms was engaged in the department under the direction of G.V. Petkusa (the same department answered both the means of salvation), parachute-jet systems - Department A.A. Entrepreneurs, aircraft equipment for landing, as well as stands for terrestrial equipment testing - Department B.F. Lukashev. The base of terrestrial testing of parachute the landing equipment was the bearish lakes near Moscow.

    Of course, the work was on the most close cooperation with the Research Institute of Automatic Devices (now the FSUE "Research Institute of Parachute Building") and the developers of the IWT - the Volgograd Tractor Plant, TsNIIMash, Gorky Automobile Plant and other enterprises. Great help from the Airborne Forces in the works of the plant provided the chairman of the NTC Airborne Colonel (later Major General) L.Z. Kneeko, his deputy Colonel V.K. Parisian, officers NTK B.M. Ostrich, Yu.A. Brazhnikov, A.A. Petrichenko, V.I. Saint estimates. Not once visited "Universal" and General V.F. Margelov. Yes, and chief designer A.I. Privov often appeared at Marghelov to solve various issues. His friendly-joking greeting: "Comrade Commander! Hero of Socytrud, Laureate of Lenin and State Prizes Sergeant Stockside of Privalov In Your Ordering Arrived! "

    Platform circuit 2P134 for landing equipment Weighing up to 12 tons with An-22 and Il-76 aircraft.

    Scheme of the universal platform 4P134 for landing weight up to 16 tons.

    Platform 4P134, prepared for download SU-85. The shock absorbers are laid down, the ranks are installed for loading the machine to the platform.

    Platform 4P134, loaded by the Su-85, is mounted on the Chmap-5203 semi-trailer, towed by the KRAZ-221 tractor.

    Parachute platforms

    After taking on the supply and production on the mass production of the parachute platform of PP-128-5000 with air depreciation of the development of B.A. Sotskova was discussed on the whole complex of parachute equipment and equipment for landing equipment and cargo from the An-22 aircraft. Work on the topic "Angel" (factory designation P134) was conducted on the basis of the Resolution of the USSR CF and the CPSU Central Committee of October 18, I960 and in accordance with the "Technical Requirements for Parachute Meaning Installation of Martial Technology from the An-22 aircraft" of February 2, 1961 G. Within the framework of this topic, parachute-landing equipment 1P134 An-22 cargo cabin and parachute platforms were designed: 2P134 - on loads weighing up to 12 tons, 4p134 - on cargo to 16 tons, 14p134 - on loads up to 7 tons.

    Platform 2P134 only passed tests, but the 4P134 and 14P134 platforms went into mass production. The 14P134 platform was designed under the guidance of the head of the Brigade B.A. Sotskova, 4P134 - Chief of Brigade Yu.N. Korovocha.

    In the bear lakes was mounted 35 meter factory stand with reinforced concrete base and rolling equipment that allowed to test objects with a flight mass of up to 20 tons. Special devices tensioned with a tractor allowed to overclock the platform to a speed of 40 m / s. Simultaneously with the platforms, new locking locks were created (14P134M-0105-0, 4P134-0130-0, etc.), auto-outceptors, etc.

    Tests of the 4P134 platform with an experienced PS-9404-63R parachute system and an exhaust parachute UPS-11782-68 system conducted from August 7, 1968 to July 31, 1969 on the test base O.K. Antonovav pos. Gostomel (Kiev region). In parallel, auto-outward 2p131, roller (roller) Equipment 1P134A, loading and unloading complex 7P134 for an experimental version of the An-22 aircraft.

    Parachute Platform 4P134 included: Steel framework, the longitudinal beams of which were served to slip the platform along the roller; Castle fastening the STS; mooring in the form of two side grids; Removable wheelchair; Parachute frame in the form of a welded tubular design for mounting the main parachute system. 4p134 was equipped with a lining foam depreciation located between the platform and the cargo.

    Loading the 4P134 platform aircraft with a load (flight weight up to 20.5 tons) was produced in two ways: on its own wheel fashion Or with the help of loading and unloading equipment 7P134. In both options, a brigade of eight people spent on loading 1 h 15 min. Downloading with a swing was made when the flight mass of the cargo exceeded the possibility of loading and unloading equipment of the aircraft. The equipment of the platform to the flight of a brigade of six people, depending on the cargo occupied 5-7 hours.

    According to the test results, the platform 4P134 "provides placement on it and mooring of the main samples of military equipment provided for by TTT (SU-85, PT-76, BTR-60, BTR-50PK) ... Parachute landing with aircraft aircraft weighing Until 1Bonn ... Foam depreciation ensures the safety of the platform elements with modules of military equipment at a landing rate of up to 8 m / s. "

    The platform was adopted for supplying in 1972 under the designation of P-16. In addition to these machines, it was assumed to land on it also BMP-1 and 122-mm self-propelled Gaubitsa 2C1 "carnation" (with a PS-9404-63R parachute system in a five-circuit version). 2c1 with the means of landing was held state test, but the Airborne Wavrogen was not received. For the Airborne Forces, SAU models have already been developed.

    Rolling equipment 1P134 for the drive cabin An-22 was commissioned by the Air Force in 1970

    In 1973, a platform 14P134 was adopted to supply, which received the designation of P-7 in the series. This platform was created as the development of PP-128-5000 with greater lifting capacity - this was required by changing the nature of the landing cargo. Platform frames and suspension frames, wheeled and other elements were strengthened. The manufacture of these platforms was transferred to the Kumertau Helicopter Plant.

    The P-7 platform with a multi-polar parachute system of the ISS-5-128M was intended for the landing of the BMD-1, BTR-D and machines on their base, car UAZ-450, UAZ-452, UAZ-469, GAZ-66, artillery systems 30, SD-44, PSU-23, various ammunition and cargo supplies from An-12B aircraft (with roller transporter), An-22 (with roller equipment and central monorail).

    Platform 4P134, loaded by an overall mass layout (12500 kg) with a parachute system in a 4-dome variant, before loading into the aircraft and after landing. Tests June 30, 1970

    Towing a platform 4p134 KRAZ-219 car loaded by PT-76 tank.

    Output of the 4P134 platform from the aircraft cargo cabin.

    The kinogram of introducing the 4-dome parachute system when landing the dimensions of the mass layout on the 4P134 platform.

    The P-7 kit consisted of a cargo platform itself, automatic devices, mooring parts (metal cables, locks, earrings, clips, rods, etc.) and a marker radio transmitter P-128, included with the cord when the parachute system is triggered. The base of the cargo platform was an aluminum frame of the riveted construction, covered on top of the sheets. Over the sides of P-7, the folding panels were mounted, which served to set the platform on the roller tracks or the rollers of the conveyor in the aircraft cargo cabin, holding the shock absorbers in the folded position, and after the landing, helped keep the platform from tipping.

    In addition, the cargo platform included the suspended system cables, the suspension frames, cable cables of panels and folding guide rollers, locking locks, spring compensators, three dual air shock absorber, folding rollers (for mounting to monorails in the IL-76 or An- 22 aircraft) , fastening locks to the conveyor (for An-12b), the switching on the PCA, removable wheeled and leash for towing.

    The wheel running, in addition to the quadhead and twined rear wheels, also included side wheels: their use depended on the platform loading. Automatic devices included the lock fixture lock of the RCP platform, the auto-unitage knot and the TM-24B remote pyrotechnic tube. Own mass of the P-7 platform on wheels - 1350 kg, dimensions - 4216x 3194x624 mm (on wheels).

    Parachute platforms are stored and transported on road trains (in packages from two: platforms). Before landing, they are loaded from the car (trailer) and installed on the training platform. The downloaded platform is towed by tractor along a concrete road at a speed of up to 30 km / h, according to the ground - up to 10 km / h. Loading the plane is performed using a telfer.

    The MKS-5-128M multi-pop parachute system allows the maximum drop of dropping to 8000 m, since it can be administered with a long delay in the disclosure of domes of main parachutes. Its exhaust parachute UPS-12130 system includes a supporting cruciform parachute, a stabilizing parachute is included in the system to ensure a stabilized decline in the platform with a speed of 40-50 m / s, and each of the five main parachutes, in addition to the 760 m² domes (paracron dome), Includes a braking area of \u200b\u200b20 m², as well as an additional link connected to the HD-47U autotype. The work of this system consists of the following steps:

    Removing a parachute platform with a load from the aircraft with an exhaust parachute and the introduction of a stabilizing parachute;

    Reducing a parachute platform on a stabilizing parachute and fractal main domes;

    Disconnection of a stabilizing parachute, the introduction of the main parachutes, filling them with air and a decrease in the platform on them;

    At the time of touching the land platform, the domes of major parachutes are disconnected from the cargo with the help of autootsecks AD-47U.

    In decreasing, the folding panels of the platform are unfolded, releasing shock absorbers, which, under the action of the severity of the lower base, are straightened and through the valves are filled with the oncoming air flow. When landing, crumpled shock absorber shells and air booming through the valves provides absorption of a significant part of the impact energy.

    Working in the air of the object 4p134 with the Parachute system of the ISS-5-1400 in the 4-dome variant.

    An experimental platform 2P134, loaded BMP-1 and BTR-60BB, with additional depreciation.

    Platform P-16, loaded by self-propelled Gaubice 2c1 "Carnation".


    In 1976, the IL-76 aircraft entered the supply of military air transport. In addition to the development of parachute equipment for the new aircraft, the department "Universal" had to be modernized by parachute platforms. In the same year, the supply equipment 1P158 was adopted for IL-76 (subsequently used on IL-76M and IL-76MD aircraft) and P-7M platforms (14P134M) and P-16M (4P134M).

    The P-7M platform has a carrying capacity to 10,000 kg. An ISS-5-128R parachute system was introduced with ferrifable main parachutes. It includes: exhaust parachute UPS-8 system to extract the entire system from the carrier by a breakdown method; Additional exhaust parachute (Fiberboard) for rapid introduction of the main parachutes; 5 or 4 blocks (depending on the mass of the platform with cargo) of the main parachutes; parachute chambers; Staples for connecting links. UPS-8 exhaust system, called "exhaust", includes a brake cloth, a link of 50 m long, a dome in the form of a truncated cone with an area of \u200b\u200b8 m². VPS-8 is suspended in an airplane to the holder's castle on a HosmemoC of the hatch, using the ZKP link, connects with an additional exhaust parachute, which is a round diver of 30 m² with a pole hole. The main parachute includes a cylindrical chamber, a damper link in the form of a 5-meter tape to reduce shock load, a round diver of 760 m² with a pole hole, four belts with pins.

    Tendering of cargo or military equipment on the P-7M platform with a parachute system of the ISS-5-128R includes the following steps:

    The introduction of exhaust parachute and the extraction of the platform from the aircraft;

    Disconnecting the exhaust parachute and the introduction of an additional exhaust dome;

    The output of the main gaspeed domes from parachute chambers, a decrease in the platform on a fractal system of domes for 4 s;

    Filling and filling with air of the main domes, reducing the platform on the filled main domes;

    Landing, actuation of depreciation, disconnecting towing means.

    Platform with a parachute system was calculated on fivefold use.

    Crawler Tractor DT-75, prepared for landing on the P-7 platform.

    At this kinogram of the cooked reset of the platform loaded by an overall mass layout, you can see the sequence of operation of air shock absorbers.

    Towing technology prepared for landing, to the airfield at the airfield.

    GAZ-66B car prepared for landing on the P-7 platform.

    The P-16 platform loaded by the SU-85 self-propelled installation and prepared for landing. Right: Self-propelled SU-85 installation on the P-16M platform after landing.

    If the P-16 platform and its modifications over time were removed from operation (with a reduction in the number of objects, for the landing of which it could be used), then the modifications of P-7 are still "working horses" of Airborne and military transport aircraft.

    Parachute platforms were created on solid and serial landing. With a serial landing of machines on platforms, the first to exit the platform, leaving the aircraft, crimps the end switches of the roller tracks that are installed on the ramp. After that, the cargo reset system displays a signal to reset the exhaust parachute system to output. It stretches the target time, which means it increases the scatter of the landing points and increases the time required to search for goods and collecting the landing. Therefore, the method of cargo discharge and military equipment On Tsugom Platforms: The exhaust parachute system of the next object is pulled out in a cargo hatch by the previous object. Saving time dropping in a few seconds it saves hundreds of meters at the landing site.

    The R-128 marker transmitter for searching the landed platform was subsequently replaced by the R-255 MP transmitter; Marine paratroopers were used by an individual search receiver R-255 PP. Since 1988, a R-168 MP marker transmitter was used and the R-168 PP receiver.

    In the cargo cabin, IL-76M can accommodate three BMD-1 on P-7M in the version of parachute towing platforms, in the cargo cabin An-22 - four. From the IL-76 and An-22 aircraft, up to four P-7M platforms with cargo material and ammunition were landing. In the cargo cabin of the IL-76 aircraft (IL-76M, MD) or the An-22 of the P-16M platforms with a parachute system of the ISS-1400, only two were placed in a four-or five-circuit version, while their landing was also possible single, series and zugom .

    Light Tank PT-76, prepared for targeting on the 4P134M platform (P-16M).

    Output of the 4P134M platform, loaded PT-76 tank, from the aircraft IL-76.

    At the top: BMP-1 infantry combat machine, prepared for landing on the 4P134M platform (P-16M). Pay attention to the location of the main and additional wheels, the mooring of the machine on the platform and the installation of the parachute system. Below: Loading platform 4P134M (P-16M) with BMP-1 to the plane.

    At the top: Mooring BMD-1 on the landing platforms P-7. Gajunai, Lithuanian SSR, 1976 below: Preparation of the P-7M platform, loaded by the BMD-1, to download the IL-76 to the Telfer.

    The loading stage of the BMD-1 on the P-7 landing platform (P-7M) into the plane. The chains of the aircraft telphers are on the platform brackets, the platform is raised above the ground and installed on the safety stands, the platform wheels are removed, and the front guide rollers are set to the working position. Next, the BMD platform will be raised into the carbon cabin and installed on the roller tracks ramps so that the monorails are between the platform guide rollers.

    An anti-aircraft installation of PSU-23 with ammunition prepared for landing on the P-7 platform.

    Preparation of the P-7 landing platform, loaded by BTR-D, to the download to the An-22 aircraft using telphers.

    Diagram of shock absorbers of the P-7MR platform in the working position. Double shells of shock absorbers are visible.

    The P-7MR platform loaded by ammunition after landing.

    Loading to the Platform of the P-7M Armored Transporter BTR-ZD. Right: BTR-D armored personnel carrier, prepared for landing on the P-7M platform. The installation of the Parachute system of the ISS-5-128R, the mooring of the BTR-D on the platform and the attachment of caterpillars with tie.

    Together with the adoption of the multi-pop parachute system of the ISS-350-9 (developed in the 1980s. In the Research Institute of Parachute Building Based on the Unified Block with a parachute of 350 m² for the layout of multi-pop systems, a new modification of the platform was created for the layout of multicoral systems. P-7.

    The introduction of a soft (kapron) suspension system instead of steel cables made it possible to reduce the load on landing load and the frame of the suspended system during the targeting process. For this, the more energy-intensive depreciation system was served: all six shock absorbers received additional camerasAlso inflated in the process of reducing the oncoming air flow. In addition, the platform, which had the designation of P237-0000 at the time of development, received a wheel stroke with a rotation angle limiter, a device for adjusting the gaps between the RCP and the monorail of the aircraft cargo cabin, more comfortable means of mooring the gas-66 car. From June 1985 to April 1988, a preliminary, and from October 1988 to January 1989 - government tests of the platform took place. Finally, in December 1991, the modernized platform was accepted for the supply under the designation of P-7MR.

    The Platform with the Parachute system of the ISS-350-9 provided landing from the An-22 and Il-76 aircraft by mass from 3.5 to 10 tons with a minimum safe height of the drop of 300 m. However, during operation, the P-7MR has revealed a large than -7m, a tendency to overturn after landing: the platform "bounced" due to insufficiently fast air bleeding, especially with relatively light loads. In addition, the P-7MR did not comply with the unification of individual details with already consisting on the supply of P-7 and P-7M platforms. The production of P-7MR limited to a small batch.

    Changing the set of landing loads required changes in the parachute platform. In 2000, for example, the Universal CPC received a tactical and technical task for the modernization of P-7 platforms (P-7M) for landing with a parachute system of the ISS-350-9 new cars considered as promising for Russian army, GAE-3308 "Sadko" and GAZ-3937 "Vodnik" (work received on the "universal" of the notation, respectively, P321 and P322), as well as KAMAZ-43501 (P312 index). But GAZ 3308 and FA3-3937 did not affect the supply. Experimental work on KAMAZ-43501 landing with the P-7M platform began in 2004, and ended in 2009. The KAMAZ base compared to previously packed cars and his highly located center of gravity was not allowed to provide a safe landing with platforms P-7 or P-7M. In 2010, it was decided to create a completely new generation of means of landing all types of wheeled vehicles located on the supply of airborne supplies.

    The P-7MR platform loaded with GAZ-66, prepared for landing, and after landing.

    Kinogram of operation in the air platform P-7MR, loaded with a GAZ-66 car, with a parachute system of the ISS-350-9 B7-dome version.

    Platform P-7MR, loaded BMD-1 (left) and BTR-D, after landing.

    "Centaur" on the platform

    An example of the massive use of multi-pop parachute systems and landing platforms can serve as the major international doctrine "Dvina", conducted in March 1970 in Belarus. The 76th Guards Aircraft Chernihiv Red Banner Division took part in the teachings. In just 22 minutes, more than 7,000 paratroopers and over 150 units of military equipment were ensured. According to these teachings, V. F. Margelov first expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bresetting the crew along with the BMD-1. The fact is that usually the crews left the plane after "their" combat vehicles so that they could observe them in flight. However, the rates of reducing the BMD-1 on a parachute platform and a paratrooper on an individual parachute will differ greatly. When resetting the BMD-1 separately from the crew, the latter turned out to be scattered within a radius from one to a few kilometers from his car. In order to reduce up to a few minutes, the time between the release and the beginning of the Movement of the landing Commander of the Airborne Forces General V.F. Margelov already at the beginning of 1971 demanded to work and implement the crew targeting inside the car. The high reliability of parachute-platform reached by the time (reliability indicator 0.98) allowed to do this.

    The commissioning system of a combat vehicle with two crew members was assigned the conditional name "Centaur". The history of the "Centaur" now write and speak a lot and willingly, mainly emphasizing the dramatic "psychological" moments of such a means of landing (by the way, speaking remaining "pure Russian", noigible reproduced). In fact, many this risky method caused serious concerns. It is characteristic that in parallel, work on another solution to solve the problem of reducing the time between the landing of technology and bringing it to combat readiness. A collaborative landing complex (CSD), created by the Research Institute of Automatic Devices and an estimated installation on the landing platform along with the object of the seats (cabin) to accommodate the crew or calculation with individual parachutes - in case of failure. This method allowed landing along with the combat vehicle not only the crew, but also a landing, and in addition - landing cars and artillery systems along with the calculation. Nevertheless, the choice was made in favor of landing the combat vehicle with the crew inside. And this method was, first of all, carefully prepared with the "technical" side.

    Means of landing 2p170 (2p17 ° C, "Centaur" system) with BMD-1, prepared for loading to a landing plane. Pay attention to foam shock absorbers between the platform and the combat machine.

    Placing a crew member in the chair "Kazbek-D" in the BMD-1 case during landing.

    Automatic strippers of the combat vehicle (left) and 2P170 system with BMD-1 K after landing.

    Commander of the Airborne Forces General of Army V.F. Margelov and Chief Designer A.I. Privov.

    The WPV Scientific and Technical Committee has fulfilled the appropriate specification. The work was attended by the factory "Universal" (chief designer - A.I. Privalov), Zvezda plant (chief designer - G.I. Severin), GNII Aviation and Space Medicine. In the BMD-1 case, two shock-absorbing chairs "Kazbek-D" were mounted for crew members - a simplified version of the Cosmonaut's Armchair "Kazbek-y" production of the Zvezda plant. There is an additional foam shock absorber between the platform and the machine. Initially, the option of the "Centaur" on the PP-128-5000 serial parachute platform was worked out with the MKS-5-128M parachute system, but then the system was transferred to the P-7 platform. Special crew armies and foam depreciation added 80 kg of weight towards targeting 80 kg. To reduce the time of bringing the car in combat readiness after the landing, a system of accelerated pussy was installed: on the Kapron Rings of the branches of the branch of BMD-1 on the platform, pyrotechnic cutters were installed, resulting in the crew commander after landing.

    Active work on the preparation of practical discharges on the new system was held by the Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces General Lieutenant I.I. Foxes. The preparation was completed by the fall of 1971, but the permission for the first reset of BMD-1 with a real crew of the Defense Minister gave only in December 1972. The first dropping of the Centaur system on the P-7 platform (the system received the designation 2P170 on the Universal) It was produced on January 5, 1973 from the An-12B aircraft in the Tsneitskaya Training Center on the basis of the 106th Tula Airborne Division. Crew BMD-1 - Lieutenant Colonel L.G. Zuev and senior lieutenant A.V. Margelov. The results showed - the crew not only seal with such a discharge, but also will retain the combat readiness.

    Then the discharges on the "Centaur" with military crews were carried out in each parachute shelf. To assess the scope of work on the 2P170 system, we give a list of tests: Copp tests (53 cooked drops, of which 14 of them with two crew members, before dropping people, they spent hoop drops with accommodation at the crew places of dogs); tests of automatic scattering and exposure to it electromagnetic fields of KV, VHF and microwave ranges; terrestrial physiological and flight technical tests; Flight physiological tests. Means of landing of the BMD-1 combat vehicle on the P-7 platform with two crew members were officially commissioned in January 1977,

    Participants in the first experiment on the landing of the BMD-1 with the crew inside - officers of the Airborne Command, the Universal Plant Employees and Research Institute AU. In the first row in the center - Lieutenant Colonel L.G. Zuev and senior lieutenant A.V. Margelov. January 5, 1973

    The crew of the BMD-1 as part of the GW. Older A.A. Titova and GW. Senior Sergeant A. A. Merzlyakova after landing on the "Centaur" system reports on the fulfillment of the task of the Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces by the Army General I.I. Lisov. Kaunas, July 11, 1974

    Cooping Cabin Cabin (CDS) with a personalized platform with a loaded gas-66b car. Pay attention to the platform shock absorbers.

    The collaboration cabin on the platform prepared for the landing of the Gaubitis D-30 together with the calculation.

    Means of landing
    BMD-1 with crew (2p170c) 1977 P-7-go-92 (p215) 1983 P-7MR P-16m.
    1991 1976
    Structure BMD-1 with crew 2 people Platform P-7 Parachute system Parachute MKS-5-128R or ISS-350-9 exhaust parachute system UPS-8 auto-outage MOWER MODE AND INSTALLATION RHM on the basis of GT-Mu Platform P-7 Parachute system Parachute MKS-5-128R Exhaust parachute system VPS-8 auto-motorizing means of mooring and mounting Useful cargo Platform P-7MR Parachute system MKS-350-9 exhaust parachute system UPS-8 auto-carding AD-47U MODE MODEL AND MAINTAGE Useful cargo platform P-16M Parachute system Parachute ISS-5-1400 exhaust parachute system VPS-14 Ser.2 auto-outage 2p131m MODE MODEL AND MAINTAGE
    Flight weight, kg:
    - for the An-12 aircraft 9200 ± 100. 7667I70. -
    9100 ± 100. 7557 ± 170. 3600-10000 13500-21500
    Maximum weight of payload, kg 7200 ± 70. 56401120 7700 (for 2P170) 900-16000
    Mass of landing facilities, kg:
    - for the An-12 aircraft 2000 ± 30 (from the ISS-5-128R) 1980130
    - for IL-76 and An-22 aircraft 1900 ± 30 (with ISS-5-128R) 1870 ± 30. 1970 5500
    Mass of landing facilities from payload. % 28-26 34 26 34
    Flight rate for the device when dropping, km / h:
    - from the An-12 aircraft 350-370 350-400
    - from the IL-76 aircraft 350-370 260-400 260-400 260-400
    - from the An-22 aircraft 350-370 320-400 320-400 320-400
    Height of landing over the landing platform, m 500-1500 500-1500 300-1500 800-4000
    Landing speed, m / s, no more 9 7,92 6,6-8,1 9

    BTR-D armored personnel carrier with a Parachute system of the ISS-5-128R, prepared for landing on the P-7M platform.

    The laying of the parachute system, the mooring of the BTR-D on the platform and methods of attaching caterpillars with tie. Additional side wheels are installed on the platform.

    BTR-D aircraft carriers with parachute systems are prepared for loading on landing platforms P \u003d 7M

    Down: Platform P-7M, loaded by BTR-D after landing

    P-7M platforms loaded with GAZ-66 cars. Teachings near Novorossiysk. 2007

    Platforms P-7M, loaded with GAZ-66 cars before loading into the IL-76 aircraft.

    The P-7M platform loaded with a GAZ-66 car with a Parachute system of the ISS-5-128R in a four-circuit version.

    Tentization of the P-7M platform loaded with GAZ-66 car. The grade of the main domes.

    Filling the main domes.

    Reducing the platform on the main domes. Shock absorbers are filled with air.

    Platform P-7M with GAZ-66 car after landing and checking the domes.

    The car KAMAZ-43501 with a multi-pool parachute system of the ISS-350-9, downloaded to the P-7M platform. Side wheels installed on the platform.

    Car KAMAZ-43501 on the P-7M platform. On the dimensions and the situation of the center of gravity, this car was "at the limit" of the capabilities of the platform.

    Sanitary version of the UAZ-452 car, prepared for landing on the P-7M platform.

    Radiation and chemical intelligence machine based on GT-MU-1D tractor loaded on the P-7M platform.

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