Home Engine Which body from Zhiguli is better for drift. Russia captured the street drift on the rusty "Zhiguli. Tazoprom goes to the east

Which body from Zhiguli is better for drift. Russia captured the street drift on the rusty "Zhiguli. Tazoprom goes to the east

Director of the Racing Racing "Red Ring" G. Krasnoyarsk Arkady Tsaregradsev He told ClubTurbo.Info about which cars most suitable for winter drift, how to prepare a car for competitions and gave advice from novice drifters.

Arkady Tsaregradsev

- Arkady, Is it possible to drift on the drain (standard machine)?
- Many people of our planet, not indifferent to drift, dream of being in Russia, because we have a snowy cold winter, because this time of year allows you to drift at least by bus. Of course, the answer is approved - it is possible to trim the drain on the drain, but with amendment for the time of year, and if the concept of drift is considered narrowly as "doing drift". Of course, professional drifting or drifting "advanced", i.e. at a higher level, rather than the basic elements on a standard car are impossible.
- What is the feature of the preparation of machines for the winter drift?
- You will need good tires - This is the basis. Otherwise, you will bounce in turn and no speed and sharp shocks do not see. Also need blocking, although the welding and a convenient driver's seat is suitable. This simple set will allow you to train all the basic drift skills, as well as participate in winter drift competitions, and even win with good skill.

What is interesting for you domestic cars? Is it possible to call VAZ one of best cars For drift in Russia? Are there any benefits of "Zhiguli"?
"My opinion: every novice male driver must pass through Zhiguli." They teach to understand how the technique works, and which node in the car affects what. They have the most direct contact of the driver with aggregates and with an expensive, which makes it more accurate to get into the car and feel it.
Of course, the VAZ can be called the best for drift in Russia in winter time. Power weight ratio, excellent chassis for slippery coating, accessibility of spare parts and an excellent pace on the track when proper preparation - The key to the success and mass of this car. Anyone can become a drift by taking Grandfather "Zhiguli" to competitions or training.
- What are you riding every day?
- Every day I drive "Lancer EVO VIII". Very honest and transparent machine with excellent power reserves and strength. As "Zhiguli", only more powerful. Once a week I take the "Mercedes" my wife to take a little from the rhythm, which I ask Evo, but by the end of the day I want to go to him again!
- On January 17, a winter track was opened on the "Red Ring" and you already experienced "Zhiguli" Artem Pankratov. Tell me about the track, your impressions, what feelings are experiencing from drift on "Zhiguli"?
-Donts on "Zhiguli" in a few words: quickly, projected, transparently. I always know where the car rides, I know that it does not drag over the turn of the turn overweight, it has enough power to turn the narrow wheels on the ice. "Sylviam", who are mocked in the summer of "Zhiguli", in the winter you have to push the tail!
- Drift on foreign cars and domestic cars - what are the pros and cons of both options?
"I clearly share for myself at the time of the year: in the summer - foreign cars, in the winter -" Zhiguli ". This victory formula allows you to save the budget, nerves and pleasure from the process. I can not imagine "Zhiguli", able to compete in speed in the summer with my "badassgtr", as well as I can not imagine this GTR in winter, able to keep up with the Zhiguli.
- How are the competitions on the "Red Ring" now?
- We spend four stages of winter drift. After the first stage, the podium looks like this: I - VAZ, II - VAZ, III - VAZ.
- What can you wish novice and professional drifters?
- Go to workout! Do not frighten with the construction. Eternal construction will not teach you ride, but only empty your pocket! Skill in Drift is always more important than the car!

Winter drift is in Russian! And it turns out Ice Matsouri is not only cool, but also cheap. Drift is popular in all corners of the world, but not everyone has money to afford to buy a Japanese car for drifting. Therefore, many craftsmen simply rewor budget cars VAZ, because the most important thing is that you need for drift - it is rear drive. Here are 9 most cool Zhiguli For drift.

Initially, the owner built this twice not for drift, and therefore for a long time the car simply stood in the garage.

Here, as we can see, a little Bosozoku is added!

For drift it is better to use good new rubber. Pay attention just for these steep wheels of the Zhiguli. Also, it is impossible to leave without attention and the mirror on the hood - all this talks about Japanese culture!

Yes, the wheels are played not illustifying the role. So in this case, the wheels from Lancia Delta Integrale helped the owner of these Zhiguli to win.

Here is another example of the fact that the wheels and tires are more expensive than the car itself!

Yes, and repair costs cheaply and quickly!

Here is another cool drift stay!

Yes, of course I want to beat, at least E30, and better E36. But how to catch Drift Matsouri on the BMW, how much will fall to teach a bag to put at least at the bottom price bar, remember the economic blockade and the ruble exchange rate. And if you still remember that there is a family, children, cottage, apartment, and three more cars, then you understand that all this is not that. Bahu wants anyway, but as a podzhopnik, everyday, the rush E36 coupe. And there will be something easier to cake - Zhiguli. Here they are out of competition

If I told six to seven years ago that I would be in my own will and with undisguised interest to seek a fat, I would not believe and would not even laugh. But then I was parallel - front-wheel drive, rear or complete. Rather, I had to be the front, since in the back winter ass, and a lot of things eats a lot ๐Ÿ™‚ Although there was a case, in 2007 I carry such a thing on my first burying of GAZ-31029 along the Kazan Kremlin, a light rain, winter semi-chase tires and on the turn cars. First scary, and then cool, but then I don't even know the words drift.

So while on Drift Matsouri, we need alone, and BMW will begin to cook when I am suddenly growing ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes, yes, I'm going to do so, and go dry more thoroughly. Good luck to me in this good beginnings (I'm about getting rich)

Choosing Drift Zhiguli - Market Overview

I would like to believe in the myth of the Zhiguli for 10000r, but it was not there. Of course, they are, but somehow I do not see the meaning of these buckets to take as a basis. Curves - rusty, you get tired of bringing to mind. There is a way in the Niva sign. We must take a bucket and ride it every day. Most of the jambs themselves are eliminated by themselves, the skill of the auto-exchanger-autoelectric pumps again. But I do not want to drive all summer on the Zhiguli, so for the risk of a couple of thousand you can push. Again, it is better at the Niva.

So what's the market? 2101-2102-2103 I do not want. Among them there are no injectors, they are old, and if good condition, it is a pity to the drift - better in the museum. More minus - you need a donor donor engine to the Niva, at least 1.5, and better 1.6 from 2106. Therefore, our patient is a five, six and seven. And she wants to go anymore - like two headlights. Far light You can remove under the air ๐Ÿ™‚ Prices - minimum 20, and better 30. Plus insurance-clearance of almost 10 thousand. Total 30-40 pieces. In principle, for the workpiece normally. I plan still for 30 to look for, so as not to stick with infinite shoals cheap buckets. For 30 chances to take the injection - minimal, but they are.

How we will cook Drift Laguli

With preparation, everything is simple. We take and apply Japanese philosophy - for success, we need no power and the balance of the car. The Japanese pays a lot of attention. It is thoroughly brought every trifle, which is why the best-made Khachiroku for 200 forces sometimes can be a pumped drift of the Court for 500 horses. In fact, the plan for the preparation of my future Drift-Matsuri Zigi? No heneers - expensive. We do this:

  • - Motor from Niva by 1.7, even can carb - most likely it will be a motorcycle engine.
  • - CAT need to find a classic 4-speed, go through ideal. The 4-mortar is reliable, simple, as for the drift is invented. And 1.7 it does not bloom (probably).
  • โ€” Reducer-brew cheap, but not cool. Then maybe lsd what. Reducer classics I think to try to find with a large reduction factor from 2101,2102 (better than all but not found), 2103.
  • โ€” Split - Really can be limited to shortened bumps. No need levers for drift - proven jiga drifters
  • โ€” Weight relief- in the firebox! At the ice drift-matsuri lacking a hooker. Therefore, it is necessary to carry the battery back, you can also throw a subwoofer into the trunk - for weight, and more fun with him.
  • โ€” Hook- In what not to save, it is on rubber. Travel hip winter tires, preferably new.
  • Approximately such a plan - everything is most cheap and accessible. Rubber in winter does not eat, know the gasoline. Mastery grows rabily without special investments - so they say. Lost these drift Laguli into life to embody.

The time has come. The capital was once again supresented by Snowball, and until he melted, under the cover of the night to the empty parking lots of the shopping centers, the adepts of the "Combat Classics" were revealed - young lovers of winter drift on classic "Zhiguli". This youth traffic is gaining popularity throughout the country - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. There are almost 400 thousand people in the Public Simony. He studied than attracting rusty vases attract and what the works of the Soviet car industry were capable of controlling the boldlists.

"Battina flashes blocks sideways"

Day in weekday. AZS in Shipiv's pass. The first column has a blue "seven" VAZ with a "Combat Classic" sticker on the rear window. There are two guys in 18-20 years.

With new snow, boys! - in the city finally fell snow and a light frost was established, promising rear-wheel drive zhigulm best conditions For drift.
- BUT? Yes thank you.
- Where are the guys today?

Boys look. Questions asks a man who came up on the old "Saraj" Volkswagen Passat.. The dude is clearly not in the subject.

What kind? Where to?
- Well, "throw sideways", "dub", "give an angle" (all these expressions mean manageable skid - here and further approx. "Tape.ru"), - The man is playing with slang young drifters and is ready to "ask" the boys about the glass sticker if they continue to blend.
"Go to Tsarki, there are people there now," the guy is enough for the sports steering wheel with one hand, the second one skeins the speed and its "flasher" ("Zhiguli") with a roar, but without much acceleration, rushed to leaving the refueling.

Tsarki is Tsaritsyno. District in the south of Moscow. Here a lot of all zakulkov and playgrounds, but the most attractive - parking in front of the entrance to the park. It is far from the residential buildings - to complain about noise.

Driving there in full swing. At the edge of the parking in a dense row of cars there is a free place. Now you can look back.

On the large platform there are no "outsiders" cars. In the center of the circle there are heels of auto most suitable drifters. They smoke, laugh, povered under the hoods and alternately fit the largest guy in a bright orange jacket. Looks like he is here for the main thing.

Around this mug with each other, machines are carrying, gluing ice and asphalt. Snow from here all gone somewhere. It is not at all on the asphalt, only a light layer of white dust on the sidelines.

Cars with spectators - pieces 40. The people warm in the salons, music comes from open windows. Predominantly young people and students on the same vases, but there are older people on dear foreign cars. Some Caucasian brags new Mercedes with a number 999 and a beautiful girl on the passenger seat. He then goes away from the spot, lays a steep turn and park again.

In the tonned front glasses Audi Q7 flashes red lights of cigarettes. And also the Volvo crossover, several BMW of the Third and Fifth Series.

Someone from the parking lot leaves, someone comes. Exchanges enjoy the second entrance, aside from the rolled road.

Winter Drift on Battle Classic

Drifting for a small exception only "Thai", that is, VAZ cars "classic" (from the first to seventh) models. But everything is very different, depending on the skill of the driver and the preparation of the car.

Stock (without tuning) The classic embarrassingly roll over on the side when turning, and then slowly accelerates on the straight lines.

Some kind of "Four", a packer dodged with drinking boys, only rolls in a circle with barely notable drifts. She is clearly not yet brewed (not blocked) differential, so it cannot be drifted as it should. It is still too new and a flathery apparatus to be called "combat".

Prepared vases are moving much more, aggressive and entertaining. Understated, on theft (extended wheel disks), with cropped engines and, of course, with extended levers, which allow turning the wheels at a large angle, - such cars are proudly referred to as "cords".

Cords are capable of drifting and shifting in a straight line, moving almost in constant drift even on dry asphalt. And in such more dentsthan rust.

On their background, the pale looks even middle-aged "treshka" BMW. She also grinds well in straight and gives an angle on turns, but for a long time to torment the driver is unable. And the audience sympathize with him - repair, as they say, will be in a penny.

Many gave the audience to some seamless guy on Carcehering Kia. Obviously not worrying about the consequences, he managed to send it several times to skid. After that, he took a place among the audience.

At some point, what is happening in the parking lot begins to resemble the famous children's attraction "Autodrome". Several "bolids" go there and here in chaotic order without any meaning, and young drivers are clearly not afraid to crash into each other. Periodically, one after another ends "paid time": the team rolls the casting car to the side, turns out "from the pusher", and the album returns to a crazy dance.

Can I sit at the wheel? - I appeal to the driver of the broken "six". The boys on the appearance of 15 years. "And you can move to me with the guys to get shattered."
- Thank you. We have a stove of the norms!

Through wheelbarrows, thresholds rotted, and, it seems that the wind blows through it. But on the lid of the trunk there is a "duck tail" (cheap version of the anti-car), one headlight is riveted crosswise echo black tape, and glass-free glass is decorated with stickers: "Combat Classic", # Silutyl, # Navebaby, # yajaled and so on.

Happy New Year, this dance for you ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜Œ # stand-up # hands up # Battleclacial # BSURGUT

So, do not freeze?
- Sit down and check, only the engine is not wilderness.

Behind the wheel of a fat, the feeling of the ride is enhanced. Feel yourself as in the model that is done on 1: 2. Windshield Relieves right in the face, small pedals with a short move, a round sports steering wheel is similar to those that come on slot machines. But the motor and stove work. Heat this basin produces.

I do not know how to drift. Show?
- Accelerate, break the handbrake, unscrew the steering wheel. In order not to turn, the steering wheel is twisted towards driving.

The kid sitting behind the wheel, moved to the right seat. He is definitely not 18 years old, which means - and driver's license. Rear sit still two: a girl and a guy.

Do not listen, he himself can not yet, - scream from there.
- I can, but there are few practices. We must wait until the snow will fall more, and then to throw anyone.

The guy removes S. dashboard JBL wireless column - it replaces the car audio system here and makes music quieter: "Chicks with brine from the alien flow, I am a LSU rubber. Yes - I'm cool "- Words from the song "Batina Ziga" Group I.G.L. Almost hymn movement.

The guy nods in response to the question of rights, but it claims that by the car, which he "gave one uncle," he leaves only at night and only when she succeeds.

"And I put the Sheck (16-valve engine from VAZ-2112) and riding crumbs in it. Zhiga now at the start of all crumble ... " - Song continues.

The engine and other winding "filling" by the guy while in stock, but the springs from the "Niva" could already be received. Is free. It remains only to cut and put. The guy is generally lucky: he is friends with a girl who meets with a 18-year-old guy. Togo has a driver's license, and he sometimes agrees to sit behind the wheel when you need to go from the courtyards to the street or drive around the track.

I don't care about "combat classics". It's just a joke of some. I am Camry (Toyota autoota model) want. But my girl likes to chew with tazov, and I love her, "says" Senior ", hugging the girl with such a recognition in the back seat.

The guy in the party is almost superhero, because, in addition to the driver's crust, iPhone and girls, he has one in this company there is an opportunity to legally buy alcohol and cigarettes.

"Battina flashes shake sideways, pinches in the yard and a dense stream. Wipers only stayed in stock ยป- the point finally came to the chorus ...

For a couple of hours, the district is stunned, whistling, creaking and other related sounds of the road, but still not. Previously, they still loved to burn the largest car. Now, too, it would be possible, but there was no suitable car - all on the go.

We ride themselves, you do not apply to "Tsaritsyno Racing", "says the same manner in an orange jacket. - Guys are all local. Free admission. Come and dull. Only without frills and disadvantaged for a cast wheelbarrow.

According to him, last year the station regularly blocked the police, but now they kind of scored. The guys still went to the site in a prominent, near the Palace of Sports. There are also far from residential buildings, and no one seems to complain, but then put the "lying police".

The King of Drift this night was a resident of Orekhovo-Borisovo Cyril Valerian on his prepared "five". This lowered wheelbarrow stands the engine and cropped springs from "Niva", and a turbine, turboclub levers and a hydraulic panel (reinforced hand brake). Only the buckets (armchairs) remained so far

When Kirill rides on his short on the highway, it seems that this is a broadcast of professional competitions Rds. (Russian Drift Series - Russian Drift Series).

Dug up summer) # Saratov # Classic # Battleclassic # Lada # Vaz2107 # Money # Sungages #skatersocks @skatersocksrussia

I drive just a year, and I have no grandmothers for participation in legal contests. Can someone zozynatit? - He says, smoking. There is no garage. Drifter carnage stores and serves right in the courtyard at home. - Friends who have garages and tools have helped with the replacement of the engine and other labor-intensive work.

In the "Battle Classic", according to him, it was accepted: together to engage in machines, throw parts for each other.

Kirill tied up its advantage over colleagues in the gathering today that his car was prepared for the summer drift. The rest were waiting for more from the weather, more precisely, from bad weather.

A trip with such riders to a person with a weak vestibular apparatus will not like it. No wonder in the songs about the jigs (and a lot of them), the talent to rotate the girl to the vilot, akin to the ability to overtake the magazine on a steep wheelbarrow.

By the way, as experts say, the lady in the salon - an important attribute that distinguishes the true adapt of the "combat classics" from the horse on Rusty Ziga, because it is still the first guys on the area: handsome, athletes and fighters. So Cyril throughout the speech, shook at the passenger seat, supported a pretty companion.

The most spectacular moments of such pokatushki are paired races, when two jigs go on each other, drifting side by side.

Cyril is lucky. A decent opponent has left the platform. At some point during the synchronous arrival, two "Zhigul" almost sticks to each other in a drift. Collisions, though not happened. Drivers spread cars in time in different directions, stopped and gladly screamed on the entire district.

Panca, Hoy!

"Zhiguli always" - the exhibition organized by the community "Combat Classic" in VKontakte.

The event was held in the metropolitan "Sokolniki" in one of the November weekends and became one of the first legal gatherings of fashionable Zhigulists.

The ticket cost 350 rubles, and a queue was gathered at the entrance! "They were afraid that he would not go to the public, as everyone would usually want to ride on the Zhiguli, and not stand up near them," said Edik Ovansian, Admin "Combat Classic". "Everyone liked everything, there was a lot of prizes." For the price of the entrance ticket, many scored stickers. "

Movement, according to Edik, did not arise from scratch. "There was a public to a thousand subscribers, approximately. Not on the topic "Zhiguli". He did not develop in any way, and decided to sell it. My friend bought and began to actively deal with them. It was 2012, "he explained.

Then there was already a Tusovka of the VVCD (drift in the VDNH region). "They rode, laid out a photo, a video with drift on the" Zhiguli "and all sorts of jokes, it was very liked by the public."

People in many regions of the country began to arrange and record their pokatushki with drift. This was done as a joke and parody of the pathoral streeting of golden youth, so the most affordable and distributed Avtahlox was taken as the basis and distributed in Russia - the classic "Zhiguli". Over time, the spectacular parody has turned into a self-sufficient automotive culture, known under the brand "Combat Classic" and the logo developed by the group designer.

Judging by the exhibits presented at the exhibition in Sokolniki, the "Combat Classic" unites not only of korch lovers for drift and carpanks, but also representatives of new club currents associated with restoration (Resto) and artificial composition of rust cars (Rat Look).

"My 2101 is our family relic," says one of the participants of the exhibition Roman from Voronezh. - She bought her grandfather in the 1990s. And a few years ago I gave me, said that it would not be possible to restore. But everything came out. "

You won't call the classic restaurant of the novel. His penny is "understated" almost to the limit. In the roof cutting a huge hatch, stock steering wheel is replaced by a sports, trimmed with a lacquered tree.

This guy is not a supporter of fashionable pneumatic suspension, allowing you to raise and lower the car if necessary. His car sparks the bottom on the uneven road - and this is another her chip.

On an auto stitch near some "Zhiguli", beautiful girls were willingly posed. They like such a passion for the guys. The self-irony of "mother drifters" these girls appreciate more than sputtering and pathos of owners of expensive sports cars.

"In the context of modern crap and daily knock from the bottom, it is pleasant to see the guys who can enjoy what is available that is available, without falling into loans for the sake of Ponte, which is not typical for Russians and requires special courage," the laryrshen told one of the sympathetic Zhigulists.

She likes the desire of these guys to make "a holiday from the thing from which everyone spits," and their ability to understand "in these glands" with their brains and hands.

Tazoprom goes to the east

Among the participants of the exhibition were representatives of autotuning companies interested in the rapid development of the "combat classics".

"Fashionable phenomenon," says Pavel Danilyuk, an employee of one of these firms. - Our company has Korni Vladivostok, and even there, the guys are facing a tough choice: to spend from 200 to 400 thousand on some "Skye" ( Nissan Skyline), and fear him to hit, or collect for 200 thousand matter From the vase, which then at least about concrete dolby. For winter drift, cross and rings there are even no alternatives. "

"Combat Classic", according to Paul, gradually displaces JDM culture - the passion for Japanese cars selling on domestic market Ascending Sun countries.

Danilyuk works in autotuning 10 years. "We were not engaged in the domestic auto industry until the latter," he notes. - Sell tuning spare parts for taz only a few months. Demand grows, nothing is selected in the warehouse. "

"Classic" Cranes "and" Markov "(Toyota Crown and Toyota Mark.) goes into the past. After customs clearance, these cars now stand huge money. In addition, when buying a Japanese car "SWAP" (refinement, engine replacement - approx. "Tape.ru") You will have to do from fresh aggregates and details. And this is all expensive. In the case of VAZ, the engines from newer models are inexpensive and the quality is gradually growing. "

In the "Zhiguli" housing, according to him, it is possible, if you wish, stick the engine and the entire suspension from the BMW, an unbailed motor from Toyota.

"At this exhibition we had one of best cars- continues Paul. - its power is 500 horse power. This car costs some 500-700 thousand rubles (based on the old and new prices for spare parts). This is with a professional fire extinguishing system, brakes, and so on. Suspension completely all from BMW, good motor And new turbine. "

Such a car is already used not for pokatushek, but for serious drag races (racing in a straight line). "No one goes on it in the city, of course," Paul clarifies. - It is brought to the exhibition or competition on the podcast. "

According to Danilyuk, the plant in Togliatti did not miss a new trend on tuning vases and, not paying attention to the ironic attitude of the guys "Battle Classics" to their car, engaged in the manufacture of the same differential locks, without which young drifters could not do. Other domestic firms have established the production of plastic products.

A separate story with levers, allowing to turn the front wheels by almost 90 degrees, and consequently, increase the maximum angle of controlled drift, and welders - they are made in small workshops.

"We still do not know how to make silicone nozzles and alloyous radiators," Pavel added. "We are driving them from China, where all this is done on our project."

Mad Max and Spear Fate

Garages on the outskirts of Brateevo. Near one of the iron boxes is a green "penny" VAZ. Her owner Maxim Mahankov is kind young healthy. This year he graduated from PTU and now works in tire terminal. And Max is one of the "old people" of the movement of "Battle Classics".

"It was necessary to learn to ride. I was looking for a Zhigulchik thousand for 15 rubles, "says Maxim. - Father's friend was preparing his "penny" [VAZ-2101] for racing. All brewed, I wanted to put "Hack" to her. Then something did not work, and he decided to sell it. "

Having bought "Zhiguli", the guy went on the courtyards. He has not yet had right. "This is now some kind of fashion that whether it went - without rights on the roads ride, I was honestly afraid," he recalls.

Gradually, the guy's interest in the jigs began to increase. He began to collect them like toys, - cars that have already turned into damaged jewelry. For three years, 15 such cars visited his hands!

"For a while I had eight bickens at once. All the yard made them, "Max smiles. He did not interfere with his passion.

Photo: From the personal archive of Maxim Mahan

Every car this brother's craftswoman tuning in his own way. Fortunately, the Father works in the car service and is always ready to help the advice, to start the lift. The lively algs were resold to other guys drawn into motion. After all, not all fans of the "combat classics" have the opportunity to restore the car. But it was not possible to earn it, since the cost of its investments sometimes exceeded the sales price of the machine.

"I had a" six ". A brewed differential, levers, a hydraulic man, he led an example. With this car, by the way, Max became the coolest drifter in the area. "I sold her friend and broke it in six hours." I bought her grandfather and 50 thousand invested in her yet. She was generally like new. Drift on dry, wet and in the snow. And then they needed urgently money. And sold it for a month to a friend for 30 thousand. It's a pity, of course, it was. "

But at least two cars of Max became the first, as he says, "fighting jigs" in two districts of the capital - Brateevo and Tsaritsyno. Looking at them, the local guys were inspired to create their masterpieces.

Many cars were made for fans (fun pastime with friends).

"Made the four in the style of Bosodpus (tuning style from Japan, when the car is decorated with long exhaust pipesAs directed to the sky), "says Max. - He took a plastic plumbing tube, pasted the gold film for 100 rubles, sticked up the sticker # yaled, and went to ride ... at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour, this garbage caught fire and fell off, but it was funny. "

But the first "kopeck" he protects for himself and the beloved girl she especially likes. And under the pressure of warm feelings, this VAZ gradually turned from the "black gangster" in the cute green car in the style of Resto: understated and decorated, as it should be, with a Soviet suitcase on upper trunk and with rifle on the gear shift knob.

"At the cottage, I found a penny of the same broken in the side. And the owner allowed to pick up everything I want from it, as he was going to send it to the dump, "the guy tells.

Max even put the original wheels with discs from the "penny": revented on his strades. "The seats bought for 2000 rubles, in perfect condition," he added.

True, the elements of the Bosyatsky tuning in the overall picture were still shown - in some places instead of chromium fit foil. And the carburetor is the second heart of the car - the guy received a gift from the future mother-in-law (removed from her "seven").

Max Garage is full of spare parts and items that resemble his hobby in combat jigs. Here, by the way, there is also the plastic "Pipe of Bosodzoku".

We are not catching up

When the meetings of lovers to fift the "Zhiguli" - gathering - held in the urban backyards and the guys themselves were a bit, then this movement did not particularly worry.

"If cops came on someone else a complaint, we were quiet and peacefully going, moved to another place and hanging out there," Max recalls. - But then there were great events, such as the birthday of "Tsaritsyno Racing". There were some drunken inadequate, which began to be born on policemen. Those instead overlapped from the parking lots and arranged the cooking checks of all who went away from there. "

Also, the authorities gradually covered the party near the entrance to the WVC. "Everything is clear here. This face is not only the city, but also countries. Inturists come, and here the boys on rusty pelvits will be cured, "says Bracheevsky Drifter.

Perhaps the scandalous was the meeting organized by the Community of the "Combat Classics" on the Khodynsky field on April 15, 2016 on the occasion of overcoming the mark of 200 thousand subscribers - "200k Zhiguli".

According to eyewitnesses, peaceful Tusovka because of the abundance of a drunk "left" public turned into hellish vakhanalia, surprisingly and frightened the police.

But even more journalists were rejected, who brought all this illegal rally of the gang of street racers and mass riots paid to Davidich. For this, the movement of "combat classics" is still in great insult to the media. "After that gathering, some of our guys spent searches. They have been withdrawn laptops. Then, however, everyone was returned, but the signal was clear, "said Edo ovansian.

The next event is "300K Zhiguli" - the community has already passed away from other people's eyes, at the landfill under Dmitrov. About 10 thousand people got there. "It turned out a cool festival without scandals, the people removed a bunch of rollers and pictures. All this is on the Internet, "said Edo.

Now the "combat classic" plans to organize legal winter drift competitions.


"I have a friend who has a wheelbarrow just awful," says Admin Public Classic. - Everyone knows her nicknamed Auryhov. He chases on her for several years, and his skill is unreal. Respect him big! And someone has a turbocharged Shersna, and he does not know what to do with it, and does not know how to ride sideways. This option is not in width. "

On the Internet, the "Dictionary of Beginner Driftera" walks, in it by the father of Drift in Russia, Denis panties on nicknamed Marseille.

"In Russia, two capitals drift: Moscow and Vladivostok. And here in the gold-head of the first person who became popularize this case, I was, but not alone, of course, "the panties told.

Denis initially ordered himself for Drift Reloruten Toyota Altezza from Japan in the winter of 2005.

"He studied in the snow, ice, wet asphalt. Assemmed the team, he recalls. - And the first large-scale speech was on the tuning show in Luzhniki in 2006. And just so coincided that the same summer came out the film "Triple Fasting: Tokyo Drift", and our tricks called Furore, everyone suddenly became interested in this case. "

The first who became professionally drifting on a puzzoprom, according to Coward, was. "In 2006, on the first competition came on his" five "and, of course, everyone struck with his skill," says panties. "The car completely competed with foreign cars."

Denis admits that he does not participate in the movement of "combat classics", but sympathizes the guys. "This is exactly better than sitting and drinking and drinking. And winter cruising on the classics is the easiest and available way Learn to drift, "he notes.

According to Trusov, Drift is a discipline designed for viewers. Perhaps it is because of the special demonstration that it is popular with self-affirming teenagers among peers.

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In essence, it looks like a freestyle Motocross (FMX), skateboarding and BMX. "There is no stopwatch and the need to drive them faster," says the "father" of Russian drift. - Estimated style and execution: angle, trajectory, speed. The passage on the highway consists of the execution of several elements: the production of the car into the skid (by rolling or pulling the handbrake) and the passage of turns by "smoke" from one side to another. There are still steamwalks, where the first driver should mostly drive the track by the drift method, and the second is to hold as close as possible to the first and make less mistakes. "

According to the founder of the RUSSIAN DRIFT Alliance project Anatoly Murashov, the "combat classic" is a budget version of JDM culture, which develops in connection with the fall in the level of real income of Russians, also there is a part of patriotism, the memory of their past, without which there is no future !

"But the surrounding population has such natural manifestations of racing culture negative," he notes. - I myself occasionally watch nightlife under the windows of my house. We have a playground there, and here are five to six people on cars, loud music, and attempts begin to twist "Pyataki". "

However, the legal drift movement is fully held on private enthusiasts and cannot organize free events for young people. "How much I didn't try to talk to the transformed on this topic, offered to do under our control platform in Moscow, where you can ride for free in winter and summer, everything is in vain, - Murashov complains. - DOSAAF sites are leased to Karting and something else. "

With the support of the state and television, the drift can be a profitable story. "In attendance, ring races and all other autodisciplines are significantly inferior to our events. Only at the RDA audience in different social networks 2.5 million subscribers, "says our interlocutor.

The enthusiasm of the participants in the movement "Combat Classic", according to Murashov, should not be switched to the prohibitions, police raids and implanting articles in the media, and support, send to the right direction.


Today, young people who have been involved in the rusty "Zhiguli", are outlawed on all articles.

"They go on cars that cannot legally go through the inspection, which means that either without motorways, or with the" left "," the fingers begins the employee of the metropolitan traffic police, who asked not to indicate his name. - Secondly, the technical changes are illegal: installation of engines from other machines, collaps and so on. Thirdly, they create emergency situations on the roads and public parkingwhere they arrange their arrivals, violate the law on silence at night. "

The policeman also nods in the direction of DOSAAF, that this is his work to occupy adolescent cargoes. "Many of them have a real engineering talent, and the state raises some kind of rogues running from the guards of order. We don't need it, we have enough work, "the inspector complains.

He added that they don't have specialized raids to identify adolescents, but led to an episode as an example, when a 17-year-old guy bought a domestic Vaz and drove to it in South Butovo.

Sergey Lutoy

"It ended in that at night he noticed the DPS patrol," the guard told the guard. - The guy tried to hide: rushed to the red light, on the opposite and so on. Three police cars participated in the pursuit. Employees applied to passable weapons, and the driver, stopping near the forest, tried to hide there. But he was detained, the car was seized. "

The guy was taken to the department, made up with a dozen administrative protocols, caused parents.

"If DPS officers delay a 15-year-old driver, then its parents make up a protocol, and after considering the materials in the Commission on Minors and Court, they are appointed a fine of 500 rubles," the police officer told them.

Seventeen-year-old rider can already be fined by 15 thousand rubles. Also, the administrative protocol will be prescribed on parents of a young man, they are fingered by 500 rubles through the court.

In the case of a re-violation during the year, the Commission on Minors organizes the inspection of the conditions in which the teenager lives, and may decide on the seizure of it from the family. Then such young offenders will have problems getting a driver's license. They may not be adopted for training in a driving school. Since these organizations send data from their students to the MREA about whether such misconducts were behind them.

Anatoly Murashov also sees the problem in the actual inequality of Russian motorists before the law. "Majers chase, as they want, having money and acquaintances, and simple guys are trying to show that they are not worse, not understanding that they will ask them by law," he noted.

So far, the situation is softened not attentive careful supervision of combat fats from the authorities and various views on tuning ordinary policemen.

"Everyone is afraid, not knowing what to expect from each meeting with the police," Edo Zovaneyan notes. - We have a friend "Five" on the levers and with all such. We reached her to Adler. In one post only asked us that with the suspension. They said that we have certified levers. And there were no more questions. "

The main thing, according to Edo, to stand the rooms and the car looked more or less like a car. Another output is to carry a wheelbarrow on the tow truck.

"In the worst case, they will make a protocol, and then you will go to the traffic police to show that all alterations are eliminated," says ovineyan. - Otherwise, you will be canceled after 10 days. "

On the other hand, if some ziga is banned to appear on the road, the loss will be small. The domestic auto industry managed to label such a number of puzzles that it was enough for young people for a long time.

"Combat Classic" turned a rusty car flesh into a fashionable accessory, which can be purchased and revived, driving a tablet presented by ancestors.

They began to produce half a century ago. They became a dream and a symbol of success for our parents. We grew up in them, drove the first kilometers behind the wheel, broke them and dropped them into a ditch, but they are still with us. Immortal Zhiguli experience another youth. Now they teach the winter drift - and no other rear-wheel drive car can catch them on the ice.

Zhiguli now everywhere ride sideways - from Instagram to Vladivostok. And on the Mountain Road of the landfill too. The low sun is blind, in front of the hood of the wall of the snow dust, but I know for sure that somewhere in front of my "seven" dials the move "Two", and on the top of the lift we need to synchronously go into a skid and stretching all these one and a half twisted kilometers best expensive Moscow region. This is my debut pair drift - and the first synchronous ecro is editing all the estimates that I put these cars by rolling alone.

Counseling to the right, a short hit on the pedal of clutch for a more holling of the smoke - and full gas. Thanks to an increased to seven degrees, the casthor steering wheel rotates towards driving, and I only control the process. A short jumper between the devices - and the next change of the corner of the slope of the short gas discharge. The machine straightens, so I add an angle with a hydraulic handler. And so - a circle behind the circle. These were the most fascinating route of the mountain road.

Yes, and the final too: I clinging the brush with a back wing, the car is aligned and rests on the front wheel in the spent snow. Instant pace loss, a second pause - and a blow from behind! Winter pair drift without contact is impossible. Zhiguli is ideal for these purposes also because body details are cheap for them.

Yes, and prepare the "classics" easily. Enough to boil rear DifferentialSo that it is forever blocked and shorten the steering bumps to increase the angle of rotation of the front wheels. For the price of a normal donor of 60-70 thousand rubles, almost everyone can afford such. A standard motor is quite enough to cause skid at low speed and work out contraloan skills. And the "long" steering gear will teach you to work quickly with your hands.

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