Home Wheels Do not feel the dimensions of the car. Exercises for the development of a sense of gabarites of the car. Proper individual preparation of the machine

Do not feel the dimensions of the car. Exercises for the development of a sense of gabarites of the car. Proper individual preparation of the machine

Buying new car And passing to the rights, a happy newly minted motorist from the first day is ready to rush to master the driving science and seeks a busy road. But the devil lies in the details. It would seem that everything seems to be on the road, but problems begin in the parking lot of the supermarket. It is necessary to put the car so that she does not take three places at once, it did not interfere with anyone, and the motorist himself must leave the parking without problems. But it turns out that it is not so easy to do. And all because the inexperienced driver does not feel the dimensions of his own car and to cope with this problem, specialists in the field of safe driving have developed a special system of exercises that help beginner motorists to understand and experience the dimensions of their vehicle.

It is trained in this useful and not difficult in implementing the way, you can both at special sites and on any other territory where you can safely carry out car maneuvers.


In order to practice this exercise, you can use an empty plastic bottle. The driver needs to go on it alternately with one and other wheel. At first glance, this is very simple, but in practice it turns out not from all the first time.


This is a standard exercise. For this you can use training cones, sandbags, old tires or plastic water bottles. Under the conditions of training, you just need to pass between them trying not to hook.

Tags for glass.

Sometimes novice motorists are placed on the windshield certain tags, with which they determine the distance to the obstacle.

Why it is necessary to feel the dimensions of the car.

Naturally, the awareness of the size of the car will necessarily appear with experience. And it will greatly facilitate the life of the motorist. This skill is very important for several things.

  • When moving in a traffic jam or in a dense stream. During such a movement, the motorist is extremely important to move correctly in the stream and at the same time observe a very short distance.
  • Knowledge of dimensions will help in the countryside, where the roads are not always distinguished by quality. The motorist sometimes has to be seriously maneuver between many located at the close distance obstacles.
  • Parking is very important in the urban environment. The life and operation of the motorist depends on this. And if you consider the density of transport, it is important to be able to put the car into a rather limited space.

What does not take away from instructors in a driving school, so this is what they all give the same advice. Only practice will allow you to master all the wisdoms of safe driving. Of course, it should be diligently engaged in courses, but after their ending should not be neglected by workouts. It does not need to be lazy, because only a few occupations on the site within an hour, it is already quite advantageous to the novice driver in the case of the sensation of the dimensions of his car.

Sometimes a person changes the car to a more cumbersome. And naturally in habit can get into trouble. To avoid this, even experienced motorist on the new Machine It will not hurt several times to drive up the training platform and exercise in mastering the dimensions of the new car.

Typical beginner errors.

A beginner motorist does not immediately begin to see the overall picture on the road and the problem lies in it. Here are some key mistakes that admit newcomers.

  • Neglect or not always take into account the distance from the hood to another car while driving in a traffic jam or a dense stream.
  • During parking use only side mirrors, And this does not give a common picture behind the car. At the same time, only part of the car can be seen in the side mirror and not all obstacles.
  • During the movement, watches only behind a small segment of the road in front of the hood, while completely not recognizing the entire surrounding road situation.

Naturally, it is very important that all car mirrors are correctly configured. But it is necessary to understand that these are only means to relieve driving and they do not give full picture What is happening.

Physical parameters of the machine: height, length and width, and there are dimensions. It is very important to learn how to feel the dimensions of the car, any driver faces the situation when you need to pass back or park close to the tightness, and also do not hook standing Machine When attaching to another strip. There are many such such situations.

Learning to feel the dimensions of the car immediately when driving you will not succeed, this skill is improving with increasing driving hours. In this article we will describe the moments to reverse special attention When driving and parking.

How to feel the dimensions of the car and not be afraid of riding in the city

This question sets every starter driver. All of them often make the first mistake: unnecessary control of everything and everything, and the constantly what is happening behind the front and rear bumper of the car. This is superfluous, because of this you are very tense, which reduces the concentration necessary for driving.

The control of the dimensions of the machine must be carried out within reasonable, i.e. Look in the side mirrors and rear-view mirrors, so you control the side dimensions and rear. For the front control of the front dimensions, the hood should be visible. Heading to the windshield and try to consider the bumper is pointless, since in the traffic rules there is a notion "distance" before ahead of the car or an obstacle.

How to feel the dimensions of the car during parking back

Parking rear is a complex test for newbies drivers, since it is necessary to especially feel the dimensions of the car. Therefore, if your car is equipped with parkfronics or a camera, then listen to the signals and analyze the distance, so you will quickly master the dimensions with the sound signal and visual memorization. Or just do not forget to look into the side mirrors. But it is necessary to get used to the mirrors, the first few times will be scared, but over time you will understand that it is much easier to enter the garage on the side of the side mirrors than before.

How to feel the dimensions of the car at the entrance to the garage

A very difficult task for the beginner is entry into the garage. Therefore, in order to feel the dimensions of the car, initially entering it is necessary to carry out the back, focusing on the side mirrors, so you feel the side dimensions.

When you learn to feel the side dimensions, you can travel to the garage before. But now it is necessary to feel the distance from the front bumper to the wall. For this there is a trick. It is necessary to tie a rubber ball to the ceiling on the rope, at the entrance to the garage and touch the ball windshieldwill be a signal for you that you drove as it should be.

Control the distance between the wall or another object to the rear edge of the car helps the rearview mirrors. It is necessary that they were correctly configured. Ideally, in the mirrors you need to see rear wheelsto navigate them.

Be sure to look into the lateral mirrors when you need to restart from one lane in the other. Look in the side mirror, if the next car is fully placed, then you can rebuild, but if at least part of the car is not noticeable, then you can hurt it when you attach it.

Such electronic assistants, as a parking sensor, the camera will help you much faster orientate and feel the dimensions of the car.

How to feel the dimensions of the car with simple exercises

Snake. For this exercise, a smooth area is needed, on which you need to place the cone objects, you will maneuver between them, move as a snake. At first, lay the cones at a high distance, move at low speed. Compare exercises, increase the speed and reduce the distance between the cones.

Eight. To perform the exercise you need to draw eight car. From the beginning you need to describe oval, if a normal oval turned out, then after drawing the eight trajectory. The size of the eights determine in accordance with the sensitivity of the steering. Complicate the exercise, ride the eight trajectory reverse. But be careful when driving back, the car turns more dramatically, the control sensitivity increases.

Line. In this exercise you will need to learn how to approach the line as close as possible so that neither move it. It should be performed before, rear and sideways. To begin with, put the box or another item, learn how to approach close and do not hurt it. Complicate the exercise, instead of the subject, draw a line on the asphalt.

Regularly perform the exercise data, and you quickly learn to feel the dimensions of the machine.

Experienced motorists say that the driver must feel the dimensions of the car as if he is continued his body. Such a comparison is quite reasonable, since each owner of the car has to be in difficult situations requiring the ideal sensation of dimensions, such as parking, at the entrance to the garage,. The question arises, how to learn how to feel the dimensions of the car newcomer not to create emergency situations on the road? For this, experts have developed several exercises that help significantly improve driving skills.

A good sense of car dimensions reduces the likelihood of emergency


The easiest way to get acquainted with the size of the car is the use of beacons. They are safe items that are not damaged in contact with the machine. Lights for training feelings of dimensions can be:

  • Orange restrictive cones;
  • Plastic sand bottles;
  • Bags stuffed with soft packaging material;
  • Old wheels.

The principle of exercise is quite simple - it is necessary to touch the beacon to the central part and its sidewalls, and then - rear bumper. It is very important to touch the subject chosen by you, but not to knock him down. Practice shows that a successful usually turns out to be 10-20 attempts, since here the accuracy of touch depends not only on the sense of dimensions, but also from the ability to control the engine loading at low speed.

Restrictive cones are well suited as beacons

When the exercise is performed by the driver unmistakably, you need to go to next stage. From the beacons you should post the contours of two cars located at a distance of 8-10 meters. To improve the sense of dimensions of the machine, you need to try to park between them. Such an exercise will prepare you and towards parallel parking, which is considered the most difficult view of the entrance to the parking lot.

Subsequently, the beacons can be replaced by vertical racks made of large branches or plastic supports for plants. Having stuck in a bottle filled with sand, set two racks at a distance exceeding the width of your car 1 meter. Driving through such an improvised gate, reduce the distance by 5-10 centimeters. Your goal is to achieve an easy and fast passage through the opening, which is wider than 10 centimeters. Exercise option for professionals - try to do the same with folded mirrors by installing the "gate" in the width width.


The exercise is also very simple, however requires good practice for an error-free repetition of the achieved results. The plastic plastic bottle is put on the platform on the platform. Your task is to be around for such an item alternately and right front wheel. The exercise may seem incredibly simple, but the sense of dimensions often brings novice drivers, which makes them flush.

When the exercise is performed flawlessly, it is worth complicating its conditions - to hit at greater speed. To secure the result, select a deserted section of the road and make a drop at it at a speed of 60 km / h - it will require a very good sense of dimensions. However, it is not recommended to exceed the specified threshold - you can get into dangerous.

With due diligence, the newcomer quickly learn to feel the dimensions of the car

To perfectly feel the dimensions of the car, you should go to the third stage - the hitting on the bottle should be done, at the same time performing a turn. In such an exercise, even experienced drivers are mistaken - due to their complexity it turns out to be the most effective. Plastic bottle can be replaced by another subject, but it should be easily deformed, publish a loud sound, but not to fly out of the wheels at high speed. A good substitute for such a beacon for training a sense of dimensions can be called a folded carton box.


To better feel the dimensions of the vehicle, it is worth making labels on the base of the windshield. Take a big straight line and attach it to the hood in the place where the center is located front wheel. The second end attach. In the place that will be on the axis specified by the wheel, inside, apply a label - a screpery with a marker or a small sticker. In the same way, do with the second front wheel of the car.

Tags help better feel the dimensions of the car and correctly choose the direction of movement in any situation. Their application will allow to get rid of the problems associated with the passage in narrow places, for example, arches, gates and other architectural forms. Also labels will help to feel the dimensions of the machine and the width of her gauge when driving in a bad road.

The guideline can also serve as part of the car body that will help to feel the dimensions of the car newcomer. Many beginners are installed on the hood deflectors, called the people of "Flywathers" to see the front edge of the machine. Some cars are equipped with special bulges on the front headlights, for example, Nissan Micra., Ford Fiesta. other. They are intended for improving the sense of dimensions from the driver. Side labels can serve as mirrors for which it will be very easy to navigate.

With the rear dimension, it is much more complicated - learn to feel it is very difficult. Hatchback drivers and can take a rear wiper as a reference point, and the owners of sedans will have much worse. An ideal option for obtaining an impeccable feeling of the rear dimension will be the above exercise with the beacons - regularly repeating it, you can achieve excellent maneuvering in any circumstances.

Fast learning

To work out a sense of car dimensions, exercise is worth not less than 1-2 times a week during the first year driving the car. Since the parameters of each vehicle are individual, after buying a new car, the occupation should be repeated. In addition, there is always a possibility of passing professional training in a specialized driving school. After posting for extreme driving courses, you will learn to feel the dimensions of the car in any situation, and also learn how to avoid the most dangerous cases on the road.

Those who have just recently received a driver's license often face a lot of fears before the first independent departure on the road. Fear of the commission of an incorrect maneuver or a collision with another car - one of the most common. The overwhelming majority of fears have one common cause - the inability to correctly determine and feel the dimensions of the car.

Proper seating, mirrors and steering

The first step that the driver needs to be done driving is to adjust the seat, mirrors and the steering wheel "for itself." This will not only make a trip more comfortable, but also help to avoid emergency situations on the road. The reflection in the mirror changes depending on the viewing angle. Therefore, it is extremely important that the driver can appreciate the situation on the road, without turning the head and without breaking away from the back of the seat.

If the driver's seat has a height adjustment function, it is better to install it as low as possible - it allows you to better feel the car. You should not try to raise it higher to see the way before the hood. You need to look forward, evaluating and controlling the situation on the road. To move the armchair forward / backwards so that the hands lying on the steering wheel were slightly bent and relaxed, like legs on the pedals. It should not move the seat too far or close - it will prevent the car control and reduce the response rate to the emergency situation.

The rearview mirror must be adjusted so that its center goes to the rear window center - so, without changing the position of the body, you can see everything in this mirror rear glass. In the side mirrors, the car body should be reflected on the tangential, and the reflection should show the situation around the car. During adjustment, you need to ensure that the horizon line comes in about the middle of the mirror.

Determine the correct position of the mirrors, guided by the following criteria: In the left mirror you need to see the rear left wing, in the right - the edge of the rear wing and the handle rear door. An overview of the surrounding space on both sides should be maximum.

Choosing standard landmarks

Often, newcomers are forgotten that there are still at least a meter of the car body. It is necessary to remember and constantly keep in your head in order to properly observe the distance in traffic jams and during the usual movement. But what to do to feel the side dimensions of the car?

Pay attention to the left dividing strip. During the movement, it should seem to "leave" in the lower left corner of the windshield. In fact, this means that between the body of the car and the separation line remains about 70 cm. Similarly, it is worth navigating on the right side.

The separation strip or border on the right should also cross the right lower corner of the windshield. This will help with parallel parking on the right side of the road - subject to this rule You can be sure that the car will not hurt the border with the wheel and at the same time will not be parked too far from him.

To estimate the distance from the car to the objects located behind, it is best to use the left side mirror - the entire body of the car should be visible, the length of which is usually approximately equal to three meters.

Creating prompts

Beginner drivers will optionally use certain prompts that will help you get used to the dimensions of the car. Those who leave the car in the garage daily, it is recommended to hang a small ball or ball to the ceiling. It should touch the windshield at the moment when it is necessary to stop, leaving the optimal distance from the front bumper to the wall.

If there are problems with the understanding of the trajectory of the movement and the sensation of the wheel line, then experienced drivers recommend the following exercise: it is necessary to go to the large platform, align the wheels of the car and spend six smooth lines on the asphalt. Two of them must continue the lines of movement of the right and left wheels; Two more - front and rear bumpers; The remaining two are the axis of the front and rear wheels.

After that, you need to make sure that the driver's seat is adjusted in accordance with all the requirements listed above, and take the driver's seat. Mentally extend the conducted lines to the intersection with the windshield and dashboard and mark the intersection of any in a convenient way. Small pieces of scotch are suitable, color stickers that do not interfere with the review. This will help to understand where the wheel line will be held during traffic on the road. Over time, when the driver starts to determine the position of the wheels automatically, such tags can be removed.

Additional landmarks

Some drivers choose additional guidelines for themselves to better feel the dimensions of the car.

For example, to better understand where it ends front bumper, You can set a small beacon antenna on it, which will show the edge of the hood. This idea, many drivers borrowed from the Japanese cars of the 90s of release. Popular among women's "cilia" on the front heads is one of the species of such a reference. To determine the front dimensions in dark time A day can be installed on the edge of such antenna a small reflective element.

To determine the rear dimensions, you can also use similar antennas on the rear bumper or, if we are talking about the hatchback, take the point of fastening the rear wiper. But it should be remembered that the wiper is not the edge of the car, it is necessary to leave more than about 20-30 cm about the supply.

Addictive to the dimensions of other machines in reflection in the mirrors

Beginners are often faced with the fact that they cannot properly determine the distance to the surrounding machines, using side mirrors. From here - problems with rebuilding from one row to another.

The first thing you need to remember - cars in mirrors seem less and more remote than in fact. IN modern cars Often there are notifications about it directly on the mirror. There is a criterion that experienced drivers usually use - if the mirror shows the reflection of the machine completely, then you can rebuild.

If only part of the body is visible, it means that the adjacent car is too close and cannot be rebuilt. When performing this, the rule should not be forgotten that the side mirrors have the so-called "blind zones", so before making a maneuver, it is necessary to additionally make sure that there is no car in the neighboring row, the reflection of which is not visible in the side mirror.

It will be worthwhile to go to the training platform on two machines with a more experienced driver. By installing cars on different distance From each other, you can determine for yourself which dimensions of the machine in the reflection correspond to the real distance.

There are many ways to help yourself determine the dimensions of the car, but you need to remember that the most important thing in driving is experience and practice. Over time, all such tricks will not be needed even when driving on another car model.

Each starting driver first after the end of the driving school calmly feels on the road. One of the main skills that needs to be mastering when driving is to learn how to correctly feel the dimensions of your car and evaluate the real distance from the edge of the body to the neighboring car or the nearest fence. To understand the dimensions, it is necessary to produce driving skills daily and gain experience.

Adjust the seat

An important rule that is taught in a driving school at the very beginning - to adjust the driver's seat for yourself. From how convenient you will feel behind the wheel, the speed of decision making and traffic safety depends.

  • sit on the driver's seat and move it so much so that the legs are easily delivered to the pedals. It is necessary to squeeze the grip, so that the feet completely felt the pedal. Light bending in the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee will help avoid tension and fatigue with a long trip;
  • adjust the slope of the seat so that the back is straight and completely pressed against the chair. The perfect angle of inclination is about 100 degrees. Put your hand on the steering wheel and tap the wrist, between the steering wheel and the knees there should be a distance of about 10 centimeters.

Find your comfortable position and then the trip will be pleasant and do not forget to run away.

Adjust the rearview mirrors

Before starting the move, look in the mirror if the review is difficult, you need to adjust them. In the rear view mirror, the rear window of the car should be fully viewed, while you should not be lifted on the chair or pull your head. And in the side mirrors, the edge of the body of your car at the level of the handles and the adjacent band should be reflected.

Looking in the mirror during the rebuilding it may seem that the car on the next strip is still far away, but be careful, the distance can be deceptive. Make a maneuver, making sure full securityWith time, you can easily navigate in space and evaluate the road situation.

Training with beacons

Exercises with the installation of beacons well helps to feel the dimensions of the machine. You can use any items as limiters, it is better to prepare safe and notable devices:

  • bright cones;
  • plastic bottles with colored flags;
  • cardboard boxes with soft filler;
  • tires used.

I exhibit improvised beacons and start training.

  1. You need to stop your car immediately before the barrier installed. Slightly tap the bumper beacon without having hitting it. Try first to drive up the central part of the bumper, then the right and left side, after several attempts, you will understand when it is time to stop. Bring this skill to automatism.
  2. Do a similar exercise by moving back. Do not despair, if not happened from the first attempt, it is not so easy!
  3. After you learned to feel the front and rear dimensions, moving on. We put the beaches, imitating the dimensions of two cars parked at the sidewalk, with a distance of about 10 meters away from each other. We work out the skills of parallel parking, which requires special care and skill.
  4. For the next exercise, we use plastic bottles filled with sand, for clarity, you can insert a long stick or bright flags into the neck. It will be an imaginary garage gate, whose width a little more than the dimensions of your car. Starting will be delivered if you drove between the beacons, do not touch them. Each time we reduce the distance between the bottles, the excellent result is the passage of the lumen exceeding the dimensions of your car by 10 cm.

Development Feeling Line Wheels

To learn how to feel the line of wheels, you need to work hard. To do this, we use the screwdriver again, it can be a plastic bottle or a small cardboard box. I exhibit a prepared object in front of the car and alternately bypass on it first left, and then right wheels. After this exercise, put these items at a meter distance from each other and drove in such a way that they are between wheels.

After working out these skills, use the same algorithm of action only when moving by reverse. This is a rather complicated exercise, but with systematic execution you will learn how to evaluate the dimensions of the car in a short time.

Exercise "Snake", "Eight" and "Box"

An assessment of the side dimensions is performed using exercises on the site, which are often practiced in driving schools. As limiters are used bright cones, tires, plastic bottles and other healthy items.


Perform this exercise on the first gear, before turning the steering wheel, you need to turn rather quickly, but without jerks. Coming out of one turn, you need to immediately fit into the other. The main task is to drive a certain distance without hitting improvised beacons.


It is necessary to work out this skill at minimal speed, without jerks and sharp movements. Navigate better on the side interval between the leftmost point front wing Car and installed chips.


The essence of the exercise is to check-in in a small imaginary box, located perpendicular to the movement of the car. Menonevr needs to be performed on a strip equal to the width of the car's length plus meter. Here you need to accurately calculate the trajectory of movement in order to accurately get into the gate of the improvised boxing, for this you need to work repeatedly.

Using the proposed training options, you can within short time Feel the dimensions of your car. Orientation in space will help to gain confidence on the road, quickly park in any place, turn around in a limited space, rebuild and make any maneuvers in the stream of cars.

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