Home Generator What oil to fill in Nissan Almer G15. Choose the right oil in the Almera engine which oil is needed for Nissan Almera

What oil to fill in Nissan Almer G15. Choose the right oil in the Almera engine which oil is needed for Nissan Almera


With frequency once in calendar year Each car owner faces the need to replace the oil in the engine. Are no exception and a large number of owners of the Nissan car, because this car Mark. High popularity among domestic motorists. This article will help you understand what oil pour into Nissan Almera.

The wide selection of motor oils presented on the market is a certain plus for motorists. However, inexperienced drivers can easily be lost in such a variety.

The issue of replacing the oil acquires its relevance before the onset of the cold period of the year. Making right choice When buying an oil, you can provide the smallest wear of the driving parts and increase the service life of the "Heart" of the car of Nissan Almera. An error in choosing an oil will lead to the loss of engine power indicators.

Nissan Almera. NISMO 2017. model year

Requirements for oil

To understand which oil to fill in Nissan Almer Classic, you need to deal with the device of the lubrication system of its engine.

Nissan Almera has an engine with a combined lubrication system. The essence of this method of lubrication lies in the fact that the most complex in terms of friction parts (indigenous and connecting bearings) are lubricated by supplying oil under pressure from the oil pump, and parts that are subjected to smaller friction are lubricated by splashing and arbitrary oil flow.

An important parameter of motor oils is the content of sulfur in their composition. This chemical element is naturally in the original raw material for oil production - oil. Unfortunately, excessive sulfur content in oil harms its lubricant characteristics. For the engine of the Nissan Almera, it is allowed to use oils with a sulfur content that does not exceed one percent of the volume.

Oil, which is more often used to lubricate the engine Nissan Almer Classic, has a mineral origin. This kind of oil is produced from by-products of oil raw materials processing: getting mineral Oil Chemical method from the secondary components of the distillation of oil. Sorted and filtered from liquid fuel oil is subjected to multi-level cleaning.

The tool to make oil improved performance is to add special additives to its structure. In such improved oils, the structure is obtained more even by viscosity. Also, in an engine running on oils with additives, the oxidation of its metal parts weakens. Some of the main tasks that solve the additives are to reduce the temperature of the oil and washing the pollution from the gaps between the driving surfaces.

Motor Oil Scheme in Car Engine

The viscosity of the oil used directly depends on the climatic environment where the car is operated. In terms of temperate climate, viscosity indicators are directly dependent on the time of year.

In the cold season, less viscosity is required from the oil. Too viscous oil when low temperatures It becomes very thick, and because it loses in its thermodynamic qualities. Penetration into the gaps between driving items will be insufficient. The consequence of these factors can be difficulties in starting a cold engine.

In the summer, on the other hand, the oil requires high viscosity performance. The cause of this is the dependence of the dynamic characteristics of oil from the temperature of the working medium. The higher the oil temperature, the more liquid it becomes. This factor negatively affects the quality of the engine size lubrication. Over time, the oil is inevitably contaminated and loses its viscosity. As a result, the change of engine oil becomes inevitable.

Types of motor oils for the car Nissan Almera

The manufacturer Nissan is not a manufacturer and supplier of motor oils, limited to clear tips on their choice. On the recommendations of the plant should constantly stick to the selected oil brand. A frequent oil change, various viscosity, can lead to an undesirable mixing effect of various oil species.

In the manuals manual, the manufacturer advises the use of oil into the engine of the Nissan Almera, corresponding to the following SAE viscosity classes:

  • 20W-20;
  • 20W-40;
  • 10W-30;
  • 10W-40;
  • 5W-30;
  • 5W-20.

Motor oil viscosity selection depending on temperature

Specified oil brands most fully meet the recommendations of the Nissan car manufacturer, Total manufactures. Oil data comply with the highest quality indicators, which are established by world standards.

Winter, summer and all-season oils are distinguished by a degree of viscosity. Most oil brands in today's market are represented by all-season oil brands.

The market is replete with suggestions of mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic oils. Synthetic oils are more "accurate" on specified characteristics than mineral. They are not paraffinized, and due to this, more durable. Wherein, synthetic oils Have a higher price.

It is important to understand that there is a large number of fakes of the well-known brands of world oil manufacturers. Bay such an oil, you can harm the engine.

Renault Nissan Concern cars are distinguished performance features and build quality. True car enthusiasts got acquainted with Nissan machines in the 90s of the last century, when the former was actively transported to Russia automotive technology. Since then, the army of fans of cars from this manufacturer is growing steadily.

How Nissan Almera Classic appeared in Russia

It is noteworthy that Nissan Almer N16 was designed by Nissan, although in 1999 Nissan and Renault have already united. The Korean company Samsung Motors was engaged in the starting launch in production, being one of the Renault divisions. The industrial release of the first generation of Nissan Almera N16 began since 2000 and continued until 2003, when the model restyling was held.

These inexpensive I. practical cars The N16 platform was created, which was used when designing Nissan Primera P12 and Nissan Almera Tino. On the territory of Russia, the Nissan Almer Classic N16 car officially began to import since 2006 and was sold until 2013.

After some time, the assembly in Russia of the third generation of Nissan Almera Classic, which had the G15 index had been established. The car is still produced at the factory in Togliatti.

Nissan Almera Classic G15 was created at the symbiosis of two platforms - L90 from Renault Logan. And L11K from Nissan. The video presented is shown the interior and exterior of the car. The exterior is taken from L11K - japanese Nissan. Bluebird Sylphy second generation. The car has a presentable European look and is very quickly selling. Despite the fact that during 2013, 20 thousand cars were issued, and since 2014 it produces about 50 thousand during the year, the demand for this model is very high and exceeds the supply.

Lubricants for Nissan

What motor oil Is it necessary to use for Nissan Almera classic G15 and N16 so that its replacement affects the motor only in a positive way? The fact is that each of these cars has its own engine. For example, in Nissan Almera Classic H16 facilities QG15DE (1.5 liters, 98 liters) or QG18DE (1.8 l, 116 l.). Nissan Almera G15 is equipped with K4M from Renault, 1.6 liters, 16 valves, 102 liters. from. This is the only engine that the machine is completed. russian assembly. All three engines - 4-cylinder, have 16 valves.

Nissan Almera 2013 release

What kind of oil is better pouring in Nissan Almer G15? Motor oil with such characteristics should be poured: SAE should be 5W30, during a warm climate, it is allowed to replace the All-season 10W30 or 15W30. The first digit means the temperature range of use, more precisely, the minimum temperature at which the oil does not thicken. Than a number less, the more at lower temperatures lubricant composition It remains liquid.

The second digit is the viscosity and reliability indicator, which forms the engine oil on the surface of the rubbing parts. The digit is more, the more durable and stable, without breaks, the film is formed. In new motors, there is enough viscosity 30. Over time, with a large range, it is desirable to increase the viscosity of the oil to 40-50.

Quality class by API: SL, SM. This means that engine oil with characteristics is intended for multiclap and turbocharged engines. The SL class is designed for motors released after 2001, and class SM - for power units after 2004. Class SM lubricants are better and wear-resistant.

Quality class on ASA: AZ / VZ. This means that lubricant is resistant to mechanical degradation and has high operational qualities. Should be applied in highly functional gasoline engines and has increased intervals between shifts.

Nissan Almera 2000 release

What engine oil is required to use for Nissan Almer Classic and N16? In the engine should be pouring a lubricant with SAE the same characteristics - 5W30, in the cold winter it should be used 0W30, with a warm climate, it is allowed to replace the all-season 10W30 or 15W30.

According to standard API - Here are more modest characteristics, SG, SH, SJ. These lubricants are designed for earlier release motors - since 1996 and later. Lubricants with such parameters have good resistance to the formation of precipitation and nagar, as well as are able to maintain their properties at low temperatures. Quality class on ASA: 96-A2. These are the lubricants of the standard level.

The output is as follows: Since the K4M engine is more modern, compared to QG15DE and QG18DE, the requirements for lubricating composition are much more harsh. That is, lubricants intended for K4M can be successfully used for earlier release motors, since their characteristics are better. On the video presented on the Internet, it is available to decipher the labeling labels.

The procedure for replacing the lubrication

What amount of lubricating makes a replacement in Nissan Almer Classic G15? For specifications, a volume of 4.8 liters of oil is required. It is best to use the original Nissan 5W30. Replacing lubricating fluid in Nissan Almera Classic N16 is performed if there is 2.7 liters of lubricant in the engine volume of 1.5 liters. This is a passport, and in practice it is necessary to lubricate a little more, up to 3 liters.

After which mileage is required to replace the lubricant? For Nissan Almera G15 Passport Mileage - 10,000 km for synthetics. Semi-synthetic oil It is required to change every 6000 km. In practice, considering russian conditions operation and quality of fuel, replacing the synthetic lubrication fluid should be carried out after 7-8 thousand, and semi-synthetics - after 5000 km of mileage. This will guarantee an excellent motor condition.

In Nissan. Almera Classic. N16 It is supposed to change the lubricant every 15,000 km of run. But for this car, it is best to carry out a procedure twice as often as indicated above. The order in which the lubricant is replaced, for both cars almost the same.

Before replacing, it is required to prepare: the container where the waste oil will merge, a set of wrenches, a removal for oil filter Or a key with a very wide capture, rags and a brush, lubricating fluid in the required quantity, as well as a new original oil filter from Nissan and a new copper gasket for drain plug.

  1. The car travels to the observation pit or on the overpass, the engine is heated. On some video, the car is raised on the lift, but it is the worst option, because in the raised state it is impossible to get to the hood of the car, and it will be necessary to lower it, then raise.
  2. The hood rises and the filler plug is unscrewed, where the lubricant will be poured.
  3. Under the car, in the engine crankcase, a drain plug is unscrewed for a couple of revolutions. Before that, it is necessary to clean the surface from dirt. Capacity is substituted, the plug quickly turns out, freeing drainer. It is necessary to be careful that the hot fluid does not hit the hands.
  4. It takes some time to wait until all the lubricant follows from the hole. Is there some more good advice - To completely remove the remnants of lubrication from the Carter, you need to take a large syringe and put on it a thin hose, running it to the bottom of the Carter. From there, it will be possible to reach another 200-300 ml of the most dirty, spent lubrication fluid.
  5. After the entire lubricating composition is found, the drain plug with the new copper gasket is spinning on its seat.
  6. Next, unscrewed by the film by the old filter. Required again to substitute the capacity, because some kind of lubricant will flow from the mounting hole and from the filter.
  7. A lubricating fluid is poured into a new filter, a little more than half of the volume, and the oil is lubricated rubber gasket. The new filter is twisted into the installation hole, while it is not worth tightening it too much.
  8. A new lubricating composition is poured into the filling neck in the required quantity indicated above for each engine. Periodically, the level is checked by a dipstick until it reaches the middle between the minimum and maximum.
  9. The engine starts and works for a few minutes so that the lubricant uniformly filled the entire lubricant. Oil pressure light should go out. After that, the lubricant level is checked again. If necessary, slightly fill.

On the video presented on the Internet, you can see the process of replacing the lubricant clearly. The procedure is simple, even a novice driver will cope with it. Now the car can be operated until the next replacement.

Very popular budget foreign car in our country - Nissan Almer.A priori operation of such a car involves the use of only the highest quality supplies. Let's try to figure out that we offer us modern manufacturers and what better oil Pour into your own engine.

Natural Synthetic - Esso Ultron 5W-40

The first thing we drew attention is the stated heat-oxidative oil stability. In practice, she was, to put it mildly, very weak. We poured oil in engine Nissan. Almera and were unpleasantly surprised when it fell very hard kinematic viscosity.

The manufacturer declares its own product with higher standards and ensuring reliable protection of any engines. However, in practice, Esso Ultron 5W-40 took the leading positions, first of all, on the Ugar - so, during the test, the total volume decreased by about 1.3 liters.

However, the positive dynamics was seen - an increase in capacity, as well as a very significant decrease in fuel consumption (about 2.5 percent).

It is not necessary to talk about the long exploitation of oil - we failed to drive 15 thousand on one portion. For ESSO ULTRON 5W-40 ceiling - 10 thousand kilometers.

Motor shell oil Helix HX8.

Pay attention to the specification from the manufacturer. Stated that motor oil Shell Helix. The HX8 was developed when using active cleansing technology - thus prevents the formation of precipitation and the possible accumulation of dirt. Shell Helix HX8 for Nissan Almera was designed specifically to optimize the engine and increase the return on its work. There is a motor with high efficiency (throughout without exception of the oil replacement interval).

But advertising, as they say, advertising - we will pay attention to the results of real tests. As practice has shown, Shell Helix HX8 shows very good results (first of all, we are talking about heat-oxidative stability). Kinematic viscosity throughout the entire period operation remained in the stable limits.

During the engine operation, approximately 1.2 liters of oil burned down - it would be just fine, if there was less Ugona. High-temperature deposits pleased - more precisely, their almost complete absence (for such a shell Helix HX8 is in the leader line).

The engine power is very much increased - when long operation It turned out very noticeable. But, together with this, fuel consumption and consumption are about 1.5 percent.

Especially for Nissan Almera - Total Quartz 9000

The manufacturer declares about the possibility of all-season exploitation of its engine oil not only in gasoline, but also diesel engines. We also promised a complete compliance with even the most stringent requirements for diesel and gasoline aggregates .... But without real confirmation, this advertisement is not worth a penny - let's understand that there is something.

In fact, the results of the testing of the motor total oils Quartz 9000 leave very controversial impressions after herself. Indeed, the kinematic viscosity when conducting the tests changed not so seriously, but the iron content is by no means pleasing - the indicators are very high. About 1.5 liters of oil went to the avgar. But high-temperature deposits in the engine practically did not remain.

We conducted a series of tests, as a result of which a 3 percent increase in power was seen, as well as a decrease in fuel consumption by 3.2%. However, when a run of 12 thousand kilometers is reached, the indicators of the economy have come to no - on the "pouring oil" Nissan Almera increased fuel consumption by 2 percent.


We did not pay much attention to an important indicatorlike washing capacity oil. The reason is to assess this parameter, quite serious tests are required, they failed to enter the expertise programs.

However, indirect signs are still present and it is they who helped us in determining the result.

So, let's talk about the tendency to form deposits - it is characterized, first of all, the volatility of oil. The lower it will be, of course, the oil is more resistant.

A bright example is Esso Ultron 5W-40, its temperature was approximately 209 degrees Celsius. Dirt remove detergent additives found in oil. However, the volatility of this oil was at a rather high level - but, nevertheless, the result was balanced.

Chemical composition lubricating fluids Optionally, studying the planned change of car. It is enough to familiarize yourself with Manul to the car. In this documentation, the manufacturer describes the parameters of the recommended motor oil for Nissan Almera.

Nissan Almera Classic B10 2006-2012 release

If we consider the instruction manual for the Nissan Almer, then the manufacturer of the car is recommended to use lubricating mixtures that meet the requirements:

  • original automal company Nissan;
  • in accordance with the API classification, the type of oil SH, SJ or SL;
  • according to the ILSAC standard - GF-3;
  • the viscosity of the lubricant is selected according to Scheme 1;
  • the approximate volume of the mixture for replacement with regard to the oil filter is 2.7 liters (without filter - 2.5 liters).

The approximate volume of the car is calculated on the basis of a fusion lubricant, excluding the engine mixture remaining after the drain in the motor.

According to the Regulations, you need to use motor mixtures:

  • if the temperature is from -30 ° C (and less) to +30 ° C (and higher), pour 5w - 20,
  • at temperature conditions from -30 ° C to +30 ° C (and higher), 5W - 30 are poured;
  • if the thermometer shows from -20 ° C (and less) to +30 ° C (and higher), pour 10w - 30; 10w - 40 (7.5W - 30);
  • in the temperature range from -10 ° C to +30 ° C (or more) use 20W - 40;
  • at temperature mode from -10 ° C to +25 ° C poured 20w - 20;
  • from 0 ° C to +30 ° C (or more) Apply SAE 30.

QG 15DE 1.5 L and QG 16DE 1.5 L and QG 16DE - operate on gasoline.

Nissan Almera N16 2000 - 2006 release

  • nissan's original lubricants;
  • according to aPI classification - type of oil SH, SJ or SG (prohibited Application API - CG-4);
  • according to the ILSAC standard GF-I, GF-II, GF-III;
  • quality class for ACEA - 96-A2;
  • the viscosity of the lubricant is selected according to Scheme 2;
  • the approximate volume of the engine mixture for replacement with regard to the oil filter is 2.7 liters (without filter - 2.5 liters).

Gasoline power units - QG15DE 1.5 L and QG18DE 1.8 l.

  • at temperature conditions from -30 ° C (or less) to -10 ° C, pour 5w - 20 (this oil is not recommended to use if the machine is often exploited at high speeds);
  • at temperature mode from -30 ° C (and less) to +15 ° C, 5W - 30 are poured (automation helps reduce consumption fuel mixes car);
  • in the temperature range from -20 ° C to +15 ° C, pour SAE 10W;
  • if the thermometer shows from -20 ° C to +40 ° C (or more), use 10W - 30; 10w - 40; 10w - 50; 15w - 40; 15w - 50;
  • if the thermometer shows from -10 ° C to +40 ° C (or more), use 20w - 20; 20w - 40; 20w - 50.

It is better to apply 5W-30 lubricant.

Nissan Almera G15 since 2012

According to the manual, it is necessary to use lubricants that meet the requirements:

  • branded engine fluids Nissan;
  • quality class by ACEA - A1, A3 or A5
  • according to the classification of API -SL or SM;
  • vissedy parameters motor fluids selected according to Scheme 3;

The approximate volume of the car for replacement is 4.8 liters (including oil filter) and 4.7 liters (excluding the filtering device).

According to the regulations, it is necessary to pour motor fluids:

  • in the temperature range from -30 ° C to +40 ° C (and above), 0W-30, 0W-40 is poured;
  • if the thermometer shows from -25 ° C to +40 ° C (or more) Apply 5W-30, 5W-40;
  • with the thermometer indicators from -25 ° C to +40 ° C pour 10W-40.

Preferably, apply 5W-30 oil.


Recommended motor oil for Nissan Almera can fill the gaps in friction pairs of a certain type of engine to protect the motor from abrasion and overheating. Pouring a more dense or liquid car will worsen performance characteristics power aggregatewill lead to his breakdown.

Manufacturers lubricants Use various bases of lubricants (synthetics, semi-synthetic, mineral water), dominated different chemical additives. That the machine is a certain brand suitable for specific model Machines may testify to the canister tolerances. At the same time, the mixtures for the summer, buy more viscous than for the winter.

Look interesting video According to this topic:

Release updated Nissan Almer started in 2012 forces of the domestic plant in Tolyatti, and the G15 generation has become the fourth large updating of the Almera family. The car is designed on the basis of the global platform B, and the design of the manufacturer borrowed from the 2005 model of Bluebird Sylphy. As in the case of the generation of Classic, G15 was adapted from the very beginning to russian market (During the development, climate and road were taken into account), which was reflected in the brake and gasoline-protected highways and increased clearance.

Repeating the tradition of Almera Classic, the novelty also does not replete a variety under the hood. And this, along with a little dynamics, is the most important minus model. The heart of the car became the same 1.6-liter petrol aggregatebut with a capacity of 102 hp (against 107 hp at the predecessor). The engine has 16 valves, accelerates the car to the limit 175 or 185 km / hour (on AT and MT, respectively), and reaches 100 km / h in 10.9 and 12.7 seconds. The choice of the buyer shows modifications with a 4-speed automata or 5-speed mechanics for classic lovers. As for fuel consumption and oil indicators, Almera retained its economy. Thus, 100 km traveled the path passed to the driver at 9.5 liters in the city and 5.8 on the track on the manual transmission, and at 11.9 and 6.5 liters with AT. Information about oil consumption and which pouring is a little further in the article.

A sedan in the body G15 refers to the classroom and is considered to be one of the most spacious cars among the analogues on the market. This is promoted by increased dimensions of the machine and a wide wheeled base. Almera IV has become excellent option For those who are looking for a good-free family sedan for a relatively small price (the trunk volume is almost recorded - 504 liters). Of course, the budget did not benefit the interior design - inside immediately noticeable, which received a greater priority: luxury or functionality.

Generation G15 (2012 - N.V.)

Engine RENAULT K4M 1.6 l. 16 valves 102 hp

  • What engine oil is filled from the plant (original): Synthetic 5W40
  • Oil types (viscosity): 5W-30, 5W-40
  • How many oil liters in the engine (total volume): 4.5 liters.
  • Oil consumption per 1000 km.: Up to 500 ml.
  • When changing the oil: 15000

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