Home Transmission How to charge a car battery? Charging a new car battery. The rules of the first charging of the new phone as it is better to charge a new battery

How to charge a car battery? Charging a new car battery. The rules of the first charging of the new phone as it is better to charge a new battery

Source: Zr.R.ru.

Need to charge new battery Many car owners cause bewilderment, because few people know that the just acquired battery also needs if not in a full charge, then at least in recharging.

The reasons for the discharge of a new battery can be several. Most often, this is due to the fact that he stayed too long in stock or in the store.

An independent discharge can lead to a decrease in the battery capacity below the nominal value. The longer the battery breaks down, respectively, it will discharge more.

Therefore, when choosing an Akb it is desirable to pay for the date of manufacture. It is indicated on the housing of the product either on the packaging container. After determining the date of manufacture, you can already make a decision to buy a battery or searching for another product.

According to the rules, if the battery was not used throughout the year, it is necessarily charged.

Modern rechargeable batteries are made in such a way that their charge is saved throughout as much time as possible. Unfortunately, completely eliminate the physico-chemical process of the battery self-discharge failed to any other manufacturer.

Do I need to charge a new car battery?

When buying a new battery, it is desirable to check the level of its charge and the appearance of the device. First, the integrity of the case is checked: it should not be dents, scratches, cracks and other defects.

After visual inspection, it is desirable to ask the seller or store consultant to check the level of charge and the density of the electrolyte. Ideally, its value must be less than the norm by two thousandths, which corresponds to eighty percent of the total level of charging. Before purchase, it is also desirable to connect to the voltmeter battery terminals.

If you have a load for 10 seconds, the device must show at least 11 volts, with its absence -12.5 - 12.9 volts.

The battery successfully passed all the tests, then you can purchase it. It is necessary to put it at once after the purchase, otherwise it is quickly discharged when stored in the garage. If there is a desire and necessity, then with the help of a standard charger, you can carry out a charging of the battery.

However, this procedure should be short-term and carried out only under the current of a small value. To recharge a new battery one or two hours.

If charging the battery is impossible to spend in the garage due to its absence, then it is impossible to do this residential building in any way. During charging, harmful evaporations are distinguished, which can cause irreparable harm to human health.

Do I need to charge the battery after the electrolyte change?

The battery after the change of electrolyte is charged in the following cases:

1. If the battery is not operated during the day after the pouring of the electrolyte.

2. The first use of the battery should be carried out in difficult conditions - cold weather, frequent engine launches.

3. The new battery was kept for the year from the moment of release.

The electrolyte in most cases is poured into the dried rechargeable batteries. The density of the liquid used should be selected depending on the climatic conditions in the operation region vehicle.

The electrolyte is poured into the battery with a thin jet, while the fluid level rises above 10-15 millimeters.

Then the battery is withstanding for two hours a maximum of this time should be enough for complete impregnation of separators and electrolyte plates. After that, the battery voltage and electrolyte density is checked - it can decrease slightly.

The battery can be used if its voltage does not exceed 12 volts, and the electrolyte density decreased by no more than 0.03 g / cm3.
If the indicators rejected from the norm, then the battery is charged with a small current not exceeding the value of 0.1 capacity of the device. Charging procedure on average lasts five hours.

Why you can not recharge the battery

The long-term charge of the battery can cause the decay of the electrolyte to hydrogen and oxygen. The latter launches the process of oxidation of the lattices of positive plates, which leads to their complete destruction.

The pores of the active plates during recharging accumulate large volumes of hydrogen gas and oxygen, which leads to an increase in pressure, choking and breaking the active mass.

The decomposition of the plates reduces the battery capacity and can cause a short circuit between the varieme plates.

One of the main symptoms of recharging ACB is the active boiling of electrolyte, increased gas formation and a rapid decrease in the level of fluid.

Such non-compliance with the rules of operation can lead to the complete exit of the battery.

During the operation of the engine, the battery () regardless of the type (serviced or maintenance-free battery) is recharged from automobile generator. To control the battery charge on the generator, a device called the relay controller is installed.

The operation of the car in the winter often involves short trips, the inclusion of a large amount of energy-intensive equipment (heated mirrors, glasses, seats, etc.) the load on the battery increases significantly. At the same time stay from the generator and compensate for the loss spent on the launches, the battery simply does not have time. Taking into account the above, optimally fully charge the battery with a charger to 100% at least once a year before the onset of cold.

Add that in case of problems with the start of the engine due to the presence of motor faults (problems with fuel equipment, etc.), the owner has much longer and more intensively turn the starter. In such cases, to charge the battery by an external charger will need much more often.

Charging the battery charger

To know how to charge the car's maintenanceable battery charger, as well as charging the battery of the type served, you must follow certain rules. Charger (memory, an external charge charger, a power-proof device) is actually a condenser charger.

Car battery - DC source. During the connection of the AKB, the polarity must be observed. For this, the plus and minus terminal connectivity is indicated by the plus and minus sign ("+" and "-") on the battery. Point conclusions have similar labeling, which allows you to correctly connect the battery to the charger. In other words, the "plus" of the battery is connected to the "+" charger terminal, minus on the battery connects to the "-" zoom output.

Pay attention to the random change of polarity will result in the battery discharge instead of charge. It is also necessary to take into account that a deep discharge (the battery is fully planted) may in some cases output rechargeable battery In order, as a result of which it may not be possible to charge such an ACB using a charger.

It is also necessary to take into account that before connecting to the charger, the battery must be removed from the car and thoroughly clean from possible contaminants. The flows of acid are well removed with a wet rag, which is wetted in a solution with soda. For the preparation of the solution, 15-20 grams of soda at 150-200 grams of water are sufficient. The presence of an acid will indicate the foaming of the specified solution when applied to the AcB body.

As for the accumulated batteries, traffic jams on the "banks" for the pouring of the acid should be unscrewed. The fact is that during charging in the battery, gases are formed that need to provide free output. You should also check the electrolyte level. When the level decreases below the norm, the distilled water is made.

What voltage charge the car battery

Let's start with the charging of the battery involves the flow of such a current on it, which is not enough battery for a complete charge. Based on this statement, you can answer questions by way to charge car battery, and Also how much you need to charge the car battery by the charger.

In the event that a battery with a capacity of 50 amps-hours is charged by 50%, then at the initial stage, the charging current should be installed 25 A, after which this current must be reduced dynamically. By the time of the complete charge of the battery, the current flow should stop. Such a principle of operation underlies the automatic chargers with which car battery Charges on average for 4-6 hours. The only minus such memory is their high cost.

It is also worth highlight semi-automatic type chargers and solutions that suggest a fully manual setting. The latter are most affordable and widely represented on sale. Taking into account the fact that the battery is usually discharged by 50%, you can calculate how much a car battery is charged, and also to understand how much the car battery is maintained.

The basis for calculating the charge time of the battery is the battery capacity. Knowing this parameter, the charge time is simply calculated enough. If the battery has a capacity of 50 a h, then for complete charging you need to submit no more than 30 a. On the charger, 3a is set to the charger, which will require ten hours to complete the battery charging charger.

To 100% to be sure that the battery is fully charged, after 10 hours you can set a current of 0.5 a, after which it continue to charge the battery for another 5-10 hours. This method of charge does not represent hazards for automotive batteries that have a large container. The minus can be considered the need to charge acb about a day.

To save time and rapid battery charging, you can set 8 a, after which it is charged about 3 hours. Upon the expiration of this period, the charge current decreases to 6 A and the battery is charged with this current for another 1 hour. As a result, it will take 4 hours for charging. Note that this charging mode is not optimal, since the battery is desirable to charge a small current to 3 A.

Charging a large current can lead to recharge and excess battery heating, as a result of which its resource is significantly reduced. It also should also be noted that the use of battery charge methods, which are aimed at minimizing the negative process of plates sulfate, do not have noticeable positive results.

Proper battery operation depending on its type (serviced and maintenanceable), the exclusion of deep discharge and timely charging with the help of the memory allow acid accumulator It works in 3-7 years.

How to estimate the condition and charge of a car battery

Proper charging and a number of conditions that must be observed during the operation of the automotive battery, are able to provide normal launch engine even in extremely low temperatures. The main indicator of the status of the AKB is the degree of its charge. Next, we will reply, how to find out if the car battery is charged.

Let's start with the fact that some batteries models have a special color indicator on the battery itself, which indicates that the battery is charged or discharged. It is worth noting that the specified indicator is a very approximate indicator, according to which it is possible to determine only the need for recovery. In other words, the charge indicator may show that the battery is charged, but the start current at negative temperatures is not enough.

Another way to determine the degree of battery is the measurement of the voltage at the conclusions of the battery. This method also allows you to quite approximately to assess the state and degree of charge. To measure the battery, you will need to remove from the car or disconnect from the memory, after which you need to further wait about 7 hours. The outdoor temperature has no fundamental importance.

  • 12.8 B-100% charge;
  • 12.6 B-75% charge;
  • 12.2 in 50% charge;
  • 12.0 B-25% charge;
  • Fall voltage less than 11.8 V indicates a full battery discharge.

You can also check the battery charge degree without waiting. To do this, the voltage at the conclusions of the battery must be measured with the help of the so-called loading forks. This method is more accurate and reliable. The specified plug is a voltmeter, in parallel with the voltmeter conclusions, resistance is connected. The amount of resistance is 0.018-0.020 Ohm for the battery with a capacity of 40-60 amperes.

The plug must be connected to the corresponding outputs on the battery, after which 6-8 seconds. Fix readings that displays a voltmeter. Next, you can estimate the charge of the battery voltage using the load plug:

  • 10.5 V - 100% charge;
  • 9.9 in - 75% charge;
  • 9.3 in - 50% charge;
  • 8.7 in - 25% charge;
  • The indicator is less than 8.18 V - the full discharge of the AKB;

You can also make measurements in the absence of a loader without removing the battery with a car. The battery must be connected to on-board network vehicle. Then it will be necessary to give a load on the battery through the inclusion of dimensions and far Light Head optics (for cars with regular halogen lamps). Headlight light bulbs have a capacity of 50 W, the load is obtained about 10 A. The voltage of a normally charged battery in this case should be about 11.2 V.

The following way, which allows you to check the battery charge, is the voltage measurement at the outputs of the battery at the moment when the DVS starts. Measurement data can be considered reliable only under the condition of a working starter normally.

At the time of the start, the voltage indicator should not be lower than the mark of 9.5 V. The voltage drop below the specified mark means that the battery was greatly discharged. In this case, its charging is required using the memory. This method of checking also allows you to identify starter malfunctions. The car is installed obviously good and 100% charged battery, after which it is measured. If the voltage on the terminals of the AKB at the time of launch will fall below 9.5 V, then the problems with the starter are obvious.

Finally add that measurements different ways Support the fixation of oscillations in the share of Volta. For this reason, increased requirements are put forward to the voltmeter. The accuracy of the device is extremely important, since the slightest error even in one or two percent will lead to an error in measuring the degree of charge of the battery by 10 -20%. For measurements, it is recommended to use devices with a minimum error.

How to charge a fully discharged car battery

A frequent cause of a deep discharge of AKB is a banal inattention. It is often enough to leave a car with the included dimensions or headlights, salon lighting or a radio tape recorder for 6-12 hours, after which the battery turns out to be fully discharged. For this reason, many car owners are interested in the question whether it is possible to restore a fully discharged battery.

As is known, the full discharge of the battery strongly affects the battery life, especially if we talk about the maintenance-free battery. Manufacturers of automotive batteries indicate that even one complete discharge is enough to exit the battery. In practice, relatively new batteries manage to restore at least 1 or 2 times after their complete discharge without significant loss of operational properties.

To begin with, it is necessary to determine how much the battery was discharged, using one of the above methods. You can also immediately put the battery for charging. Next, a fully discharged battery must be charged in the mode recommended by the AKB manufacturer. The standard is the supply of the charge current at a mark 0.1 from the total battery capacity.

A fully planted battery is charged with such a current of at least 14-16 hours. For example, consider charging the battery with a capacity of 60 amps-hours. In this case, the charge current must be on average from 3 A (slower) to 6 A (faster). A fully discharged automotive battery is correctly charged by the smallest current, and as long as possible (about a day).

When the voltage on the terminals of the battery no longer increases for 60 minutes. (provided that the identical charging current is filled), then the battery is fully charged. Unqualified batteries With a complete charge, the voltage value is assumed at a mark of 16.2 ± 0.1. B. It should be borne in mind that such a voltage value is standard, but it has a dependence on the battery capacity, charge current, electrolyte density in the battery, etc. Any voltmeter is suitable for measurement, regardless of the error of the device, because it is necessary to measure the constant, and not exact voltage.

What to charge the car battery if there is no charger

Most. simple way Charging the battery is the launch of the car by the "cigarette" method from another car, then you need to move by car for about 20-30 minutes. For the efficiency of charging from the generator, it is assumed either dynamic ride on increased gears, or movement on "Nizakh".

The main condition is to maintain crankshaft revolutions at about 2900-3200 rpm. On the specified revs, the generator will provide the necessary current that will allow you to recharge the battery. Note that this method is suitable only under the condition of partial, rather than a deep discharge of the AKB. Also, after the trip, it will still need to implement the full battery charge.

Quite often, motorists are interested in what else can be charged the car battery, except for the memory. Most often as a replacement is supposed to use chargers that charge cell phones, tablets, laptops and other gadgets. Immediately note that these solutions do not allow the car battery without a number of manipulations.

The fact is that the main condition for flowing from the charger to the battery is that the output of the memory should be present, which will be more voltage on the battery outputs. In other words, when the battery outputs voltage 12 in the output voltage of the charger should be 14 V. as applies to various devices, The voltage of their batteries often does not exceed 7.0 V.. Now imagine that at hand there is a charger from the gadget, which has the necessary voltage of 12 V. The problem will still be present, since the resistance of the car's battery is measured in integer ohms.

It turns out, charging from mobile device The battery outputs will actually be a short circuit of the charging power supply block. The block will be triggered in the block, with the result that such a zoom will not give a current on the battery. Subject to the absence of protection, the likelihood of a power supply unit from a significant load is high.

It is worth adding that the car battery should also not be charged from various power supplies, which have a suitable output voltage, but they are constructively lacking the ability to adjust the amount of the current current. Only a special memory for the car's battery represents such a device that has at its output the desired voltage value and current to charge the battery. In parallel with this, there is the possibility of controlling the permanent current.

Homemade memory for car battery

We now turn from the theory to practice. Let's start with the fact that you can make a battery charger from a third-party device with your own hands.

Please note that these actions represent a certain danger and are performed exclusively at their own risk. The resource administration does not bear any responsibility, information is presented solely for informational purposes!

There are several ways to manufacture a memory. Let's superficially consider the most common:

  1. The manufacture of a charger from the source, which at its output has a voltage of about 13-14 V, and is also able to provide current force more than 1 amp. For such a task, the laptop power supply is suitable.
  2. Charging from the usual household electrical outlet 220 volts. To do this, you will need a semiconductor diode and incandescent lamps that are consistently connected to the chain.

It should be borne in mind that the use of such solutions means charging the ACB by means of a current source. As a result, constant control of the time and time of the battery charge is required. This control It is performed using regular stress measurements on the battery terminals or counting the time on which the battery is charged.

Remember, the recharge of the battery leads to an increase in the temperature inside the battery and the active release of hydrogen and oxygen. The boiling of the electrolyte in the banks of the battery causes the formation of an explosive mixture. In the event of an electrical spark or the appearance of other sources for fire, the battery can explode. A similar explosion can lead to fires, burns and injuries!

Now pointed attention in the most common way. independent manufacture Memory for car battery. We are talking about charging from the Laptop BP. To implement the task, certain knowledge, skills and experience in the assembly area of \u200b\u200bsimple electrical circuits are needed. Otherwise optimal decision It will refer to the specialists, purchase a ready-made charger or replace the battery to a new one.

The scheme itself is quite simple. Ballast lamp is connected to the BP, as well as the outputs of the homemade memory are connected to the outputs of the AKB. As a "ballast", a lamp will be required with a small face value.

If you try to connect the BP to the battery without using the ballast light bulb, then you can quickly output as the power supply itself and the battery itself.

You should step by step to select the desired lamp, starting with the minimum denominations. To begin with, you can connect a low-power light bulb of the rotation repeater, then a more powerful turning lamp, etc. Each lamp should be checked separately by connecting to the chain. If the light is on, then you can switch to the connection of the analogue, more power. This method will help not output the power supply. Finally, add that about the charge of the battery from such homemade device The binge of the ballast lamp will testify. In other words, if the battery is charging, then the lamp will burn, even if it is very dull.

The new battery must be fully charged and is operational, that is, it assumes an immediate installation on the car to start further operation. Before purchasing, it is necessary to check the ACB for a number of parameters:

  • housing integrity;
  • stress out of the outputs;
  • checking the electrolyte density;
  • date of manufacture of AKB;

At the initial stage, it is necessary to remove the protective film and inspect the body for cracks, drills and other defects. In case of detection of the slightest deviations from the norm, the battery is recommended to replace.

Then the voltage is performed on the terminals of the new battery. You can measure the voltage by a voltmeter, while the accuracy of the device does not matter. Voltage should not be below 12 volts. The voltage rate of 10.8 volts indicates that the battery is completely discharged. Such an indicator is invalid for a new battery.

The electrolyte density is measured using a special fork. Also, the density parameter indirectly indicates the battery charge level. The final stage of the verification becomes determining the battery output date. Batteries that were released 6 months. Back and more from the day of the planned purchase should not be purchased. The fact is that ready-to-use acb has a tendency to a self-disconstruction. For this reason, for long-term storage, the battery must be prepared in advance, but in this case the battery can no longer be considered a new finished product.

It turns out that the answer to the question is whether it is necessary to charge a new battery for the car, it will be negative. A new battery is charged there is no need. If the battery planned to buy is discharged, then it may be simply an old, used or occurs a production marriage.

Other questions regarding charging automotive batteries

Very often during operation, the owners are trying to charge the battery without removing the battery from the car. In other words, charging the battery is carried out without removing the terminals right by car, that is, the battery on charging remains connected to the vehicle network.

We draw your attention to the fact that when charging the battery, the voltage at the battery outputs may be at about 16 V. This voltage indicator is highly dependent on what type of memory is used when charging. We add that even turning off the ignition and seizure the key from the lock does not mean that all devices in the car are de-energized. A security complex or alarm, a head multimedia device, intra-alone lighting and other solutions can remain on or in standby mode.

Charging the battery without removing and disconnecting the terminals may result in the device turned on too high supply voltage. The result is usually a breakdown of such devices. If your car has appliances that cannot be completely de-energized after the ignition is turned off, then the battery is prohibited without disconnecting the terminals. Before charging in this case, it is necessary to make a mandatory disconnection of the "minus" terminal.

Also, you should not begin to disable the battery with the "plus" terminal. The "minus" terminal on the battery is connected to the car power grid through direct connection with the body. An attempt to disable the "plus" may be the first to have sad consequences. An unintentional wrench contact or other tool with metal bodies / engine elements will lead to a short circuit. This situation is sufficiently disseminated in cases where with the help of keys, the positive terminal is revealed from the output of the AKB with non-removed minus.

As for charging the battery in the cold or indoors in winter without heating, the battery can be safely recharged in such conditions. During charging, the battery is heated, the electrolyte temperature in "banks" will be positive. In parallel, it is necessary to enter the battery to the heat for charging if the electrolyte and acb is fully planted inside the battery. Charge such a battery is necessary strictly after the plotting of the frozen electrolyte occurs.

How to charge a car battery?

Under normal conditions, the automotive battery is charged from the electric generator located inside the vehicle. It is important that this process does not cause an increase in the level of the gas allocated in the device, therefore the voltage supplied to it should be exactly 14.1 volts with an error plus-minus 0.2 volt. The regulation function in the auto system performs a special relay. But complete charge automotive battery It is capable of providing a current with a voltage of 14.5 volts.

As a result, in any battery, there is always a shortage of charge, which increases with the natural wear of the batteries and the loss of them laid by the resource manufacturer. Especially acute this problem is manifested in winter timeWhen the batteries of cars under the influence of cold begin to discharge faster. The battery can be too low that the car does not start.

How to charge a car battery?

Recharge the battery for a passenger car You can using a special device purchased in the store. Connection should be strictly according to the rules and recommendations specified in the instructions on this product. It is undesirable to use homemade gland, as this can cause a breakdown of the power unit.

If you need to charge a new battery, then you should pre-remove it from the machine and attributed to the right place. But if there is no such possibility, then you can do it and when it is directly in the car itself. But before that, it is necessary to take care of safety measures.

Battery Charging: Precautions

Charging the battery should be carried out in compliance with the following security requirements:

  • Use protection tools. Working with batteries is allowed only in the chemical effects of rubber gloves and glasses, which protect the appropriate parts of the body from acid damage;
  • Choosing a suitable place. Car batteries need to be charged in well-ventilated rooms or on the street. It is impossible to do this in a house or apartment where people live, since different hazardous substances are distinguished during the process (for example, sulfur gas). It is better to do this in the garage or technical room, where the air is constantly circulating;
  • Compliance with the rules of fire safety. Being near the car battery connected to a DC or AC, it is impossible to smoke, breed a fire or apply devices that create sparks. The highlighted hydrogen can enter into chemical contact with oxygen, which forms a dangerous and explosive mixture.

Preparation for charging automotive batteries

Before charging the battery for the car, it is necessary to prepare it to this process. In order to save time, you can not remove the car battery, but to bring the electrical wires from the charger directly to the car itself. This can be done in an open garage, which is equipped with electrical outlets. The most important thing is to turn off all the wires from the bacteria located in the automotive body.

The second method is that the device is connected to the battery, which is pre-removed from the machine. Before charging the battery, it should be completely discharged. To do this, it can be connected to its conclusions to external lighting devices and leave for a few hours.

Estimation of the state of batteries

Initially, you need to make sure that the terminals of the product are well cleaned with lubrication and dirt. If this is not the case, then the battery must be wiped with a dry cloth from the fabric. It is necessary to remove the lid and unscrew the special protective plugs. It is important to check the electrolyte in each bank, making sure that the liquid is clean and transparent. If you have noticed that the electrolyte has become a dark muddy color or "flakes" swim in it, it should be replaced.

In addition, check the level of electrolyte, focusing on the marks that are applied on the walls of the product. If your batteries need to recharge, then you first need to fill the amount of fluid. Otherwise, this will lead to full or partial damage to the product during the use of the appropriate devices. For this purpose, distilled water is poured into cars (battery capacity).

Checking the charge level in power devices

Determine the charge degree of the battery for a passenger car by voltage measured in volts on its terminals. It should be done no earlier than 6 hours after turning off the product from the power supply scheme of the vehicle. You can use the simplest voltmeter that is sold at the electrical outlet.

If the voltmeter shows 12.8 volts, then this means that the battery managed to charge 100 percent. At a voltage of 12.2 volts, the driver should be aware that it lost its resource half. And when the voltage rate is less than 11.8 volts, this is evidence that the power device is completely discharged.

Determining the level of charge of power elements in vehicles using a voltmeter

If it is not possible to wait, then you can check the charge already used by the battery at its output at the time of engine start. In this case, the voltage should not fall below the mark of 9.5 volts. Or you can measure the voltage on its output contacts under load using special loading forks. Such a product is a voltmeter, to the conclusions of which the resistance is connected from 0.018 to 0.020 ohms. This is enough for products with a capacity from 40 to 60 amps / hour. Conclusions need to be brought to battery contacts and after 6 seconds to secure the testimony of the voltmeter. The result can be defined by the table below.

Determining the level of charge using the load plug

What power of the current should be charged the battery?

Current requirements that are used for these purposes are sufficiently rigid. According to the rules measurable in amperes, the force is exactly 1/10 on the capacity of the devices. For example, if the capacity of the battery is 60 amps / hour, the current strength must be 6 amps.

If the power member of the vehicle is completely discharged, it is desirable to reduce this indicator. For example, to power devices with a capacity of 45 amp / hour, the current of 2.8 amp should be set. Such a step will make the process of recharging deep and efficient, but also increase it in time.

How to charge the battery at home

  • Contacts Passions are connected to the terminals of the machine element sequentially - first plus to the plus and only then minus to minus (and only after that it is included in the outlet);
  • If charging the car battery is inside the machine, it is necessary to turn it off from the onboard power supply of the vehicle;
  • The process must be controlled at all its stages. This also applies to those cases if an automatic memory is used. If something goes wrong, then the product may fail or even explode. You can not surpass next to those places where other people or minor children are;
  • The number of charges of the power element is limited, as it depends on the resource laid in it.

What time is it required?

It depends on how much the battery is discharged. For example, if this happened 100 percent, then when using the current force in 1/10, the process will last at least 15 hours. If the motorist accepted the decision to use a reduced current force (to obtain a better result), the duration of the procedure will increase on average up to 24 hours.

If the power element of the machine has already been discharged by 50 percent, then it is necessary to reduce the duration of the standard procedure by 2 times. For example, if the capacity of the product is 65 amps / hour, but the motorist was able to determine that it was discharged by 50 percent, then in this case the standard recharging with a current of 6.5 amps should continue for 15 hours, and exactly 7.5 hour.

How to charge a new laptop battery to ensure maximum use duration? Modern lithium-ion batteries There are sufficiently high requirements for the operation mode, however, compliance with simple rules significantly increase the battery life. It is important from the first day after the purchase to provide the device the correct operation mode.

Charging a new laptop battery

Charging a new laptop battery is carried out according to a special scheme: it is necessary to "practice" the battery and prepare it to work, as well as avoid too fast discharge in the first days. Immediately after buying, the battery needs to be fully charged: they are usually stored in part-time warehouses about 60% - it is necessary to maximize the battery capacity.

The battery needs to be installed in a laptop, then connect it to the power grid without pressing the power button. The first charging lasts about 4 hours, its ending can be seen from turning off the indicator. After that, you can turn on the laptop and use it until it turns off. In this case, it needs to be disconnected from the network. Then the charging and discharge cycle is repeated again, after which the battery can be used as usual.

Such "training" for the battery is further recommended to spend once a few months. The calibration process allows you to eliminate any faults in the controller and prevent a decrease in the battery capacity due to them.

Laptop battery usage rules

How to use a new battery for a laptop? So that he served as long as possible, it is necessary to observe a few simple rules:

  • You can not allow complete discharge of the battery and its storage in a discharged form. Optimal option - Stop working with a laptop when the charge level in the battery drops to 10-20% or more. A few weeks of storage in a discharged will lead to the fact that the battery will completely fail.
  • Overheating and overcooling of the battery should be avoided: both leads to a rapid decrease in capacity. In winter, the laptop cannot be used immediately after it was listed from the cold.
  • To increase the service life, it is not recommended to constantly maintain a battery with a 100% charge. If you work with a laptop at home and use it as a stationary PC, the battery is recommended to be disconnected and stored with a charge level of approximately 60%.
  • It is important to avoid shocks and mechanical damage to the battery. They can lead to short circuit and completely break the device.
Use the laptop in a cool place - it will increase the battery life. Below is a table showing the dependence of the battery loss depending on the temperature in which it was located.

Installing a battery in a laptop

Installing a new battery in a laptop does not take much time. It is necessary to turn off the device from the network, turn off, after which it is turned over and open the battery cover. In old models, it is attached with screws, it closes on the latch. The old battery is neatly retrieved, the new is installed, after which the housing is closed in the same way.

If you do not acquire an original, but compatible battery, you need to make sure that it corresponds to the original in size. Even a small discrepancy will lead to the fact that it will be unsuitable. If you can not pick up the appropriate battery yourself, use professional help: our consultants will choose a battery for a laptop of any model, and no problems will arise with the installation.

Proper operation will provide a new battery for long-term stable use with long autonomous work.

The process of proper charging of a new battery

It is strongly necessary to recommend to acquire a "ready-charged" battery, but there are cases when it does not work. You should not ignore your hands, you can independently prepare your battery and here you need to know how to properly charge the new car battery if such a need has occasted.

For work on the charge of the battery need:
. Charger;
. Multimeter;
. hydrometer.

As correct

The place where charging will be charged, by and large, the values \u200b\u200bdo not have, but to comply with the safe method of work.

If there is an opportunity to open the cavities of the banks of the battery, then do it, pre-put it is chemically resistant gloves. Visually inspect the electrolyte, it must be transparent. To do this, you can use the areaometer, dialing alternately from each can and visually examining. If there is suspension, flakes or some more deviations external view, It is worth thinking, probably, it is time to attribute acb back to the store.

Charging, as it should be
Most. best way For basic charging of a new car battery, a deep charging is considered. This is done like this: the battery is set to charge the highest possible for 6-10 hours, after which it is measured and determined by the degree of charge, this method should be taken into account as the main battery for proper charging.

DC Method
The method requires constant presence.
Charging begins with the supply of 10% of its nominal on the battery, and the current and voltage is controlled every hour. When the voltage is 14.4 - the current is twice as well, up to 3a, then at 15V current is set to 1,5A.
In this method, the charged battery will not give voltage changes within 1-2 hours. The disadvantage in the need for constant control and in boiling in the last steps of charging, which is not good for the battery.

Combined method
Progressive method implemented by all modern autonomous chargers. When charging, there is no question of the question, how to charge a new battery, "smart" charger will do everything for you. Let's just say that the essence of the process is to charge the battery first dC, and complete the process of constant voltage.

Permanent voltage method
The technique is based on the charge of the battery, supporting the constant voltage, as follows from the name. The essence is this: if, for example, a 14.4 volt voltage is set, then the full charge will take two days, if 16.5 volts, the time is to be shrinking twice and will become equal to the day. The method of unhurried, but also the presence of a person does not require quite.

. Current charges at the beginning can reach 45-55 amps, but it limits the built-in protective charts of the memory;
. The charging process lies in the fact that the battery is gaining and strive to compare with the charging voltage, and the charging force in the end falls into zero.

Charging method is considered to be the most gentle.

There is still an express battery charging method, but it is cruel, especially for a new battery, so it should not even voice it.

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