Home Chassis Check the battery multimeter, load fork. Voltage charging a car battery from the generator Check whether the battery does the battery

Check the battery multimeter, load fork. Voltage charging a car battery from the generator Check whether the battery does the battery

We will tell you how to correctly check the car battery for service with the help of a multimeter and loader, which methods exist.

Check using a multimeter

Multimeter is required - the device for measuring the voltage. If it is not, you can ask for acquaintances or buy in the store. The device is inexpensive, the simplest costs 300 rubles. If more than once you will spend repair work With an electrician, it is useful. I recommend buying a digital multimeter, not the shooter, because It is more convenient in work.

Do not rely on the measurement of the battery using the onboard computer of the machine, because They are mistaken. These voltmeters are connected directly to the battery, which means that there are losses. Therefore, the voltage on them can be shown less than on the battery itself.

Check when the engine running

We measure the voltage first on the engine manner. It must be from 13.5 to 14.0 V. If with the motor running it is more than 14.2 V - this indicates a low battery charge and that the generator works in reinforced mode to charge the battery. This happens not always, for example, in winter it is possible an increased voltage, because The battery could be discharged overnight due to cold temperatures. Or electronics determines the air temperature and gives more charge to the battery.

There is nothing wrong with the high voltage. If everything is fine with the machine electrical equipment, then after 5-10 minutes the electronics hits it to normal: 13.5-14.0 V. If this does not occur and it is gradually not reset to the optimal value, it can turn into an accumulator reload. It will work with the maximum return, which threatens the swollen electrolyte.

If the voltage is less than 13.0-13.4 V motor, says that the battery does not fully charge. It is not necessary to immediately run in the auto service, for starters, the measurement should occur with all the users turned off. So turn off the music, headlights, heating, air conditioning and all power consumption instruments.

What are you showing a multimeter now? For normal work Machine electronics It must be between 13.5 to 14 V. If below indicates that the car generator does not work. Especially when the voltage at the engine running and the consumers turned off less than 13.0 V.

Low indicators are possible if the battery contacts oxidized. Therefore, check them. If they are raised (for example green color), Clean the skin or flat supfil.

How else to check the operation of the battery and the generator? There is one way. When the engine is running and the devices, the battery voltage is 13.6. Now turn on the Middle Light. The tension should slightly fall - on 0.1-0.2 V. Next include music, then air conditioning and other sources. Each time turning on the battery voltage should fall slightly.

If the voltage after the power supply of the car's power consumption drops significantly, it says that the generator does not work in full power And brushes were worn.

With all the included consumers, the voltage on the battery of the machine should not fall below 12.8-13.0 V.. If less - the battery is discharged and requires replacement and buying new, and how to check out the talk below.

Check when not working engine

If the voltage is less than 11.8-12.0 V - the battery is discharged, the car may not start and will have to decorate it from another car. Normal value from 12.5 to 13.0 V.

There is an old and simple technique to find out the charge level. Thus, the testification of 12.9 V - says that the battery is charged by 90%, the value of 12.5 V is 50%, and 12.1 V - by 10 percent. This is an approximate method of measuring the level of charge, but effective, which is confirmed on its own experience.

There is one nuance. If the measurement passes after the engine was muffled, then one point is possible, and if the next morning is different. It is better to measure the voltage on the battery before the trip.

The battery charge level speaks of his ability to keep tension over some days. If it is fully charged, or did not go for more than a week, the voltage does not much fall. Otherwise, if the battery is discharged - the voltage will fall quickly.

Verification with the load plug

it an effective way Checks for the performance of the battery of the car. It is according to its results can be declared, a battery is charged or not.

How to check? To do this, connect the load plug, observing the polarity. The joining time should not exceed 5 seconds. At the beginning of the stress of 12-13.0 V. at the end of the fifth second, it should be more than 10 volts. Such a battery is considered charged and able to work under load.

If when checking load fork The voltage drops below 9 volts, the battery is considered weak and unreliable. IN this case We'll have to think about buying a new one.

Most motorists at least once come across the need to learn the condition of the battery, especially if vehicle Long idle. After all, with a low voltage indicator in the on-board network, the culprit may not only be a battery, but also a generator. It is impossible not to mention the purchase of spare parts used - for them to perform such a test. Such an inspection allows you to determine the further fate of the device - can it be fixed or can it be a direct road to the landfill? How to check the car battery for performance, we will talk in our today's material.

Methods of fast diagnostics

Some rechargeable batteries (AKB) boast the presence of an indicator intended for diagnosis. In this case, it is enough just to open the hood and look at the special eye, located on the device. The color of the indicator will "tell" about the state of the battery. Possible options:

  • Green - the battery is fully charged and famed.
  • White - problems with the level of electrolyte (about it - just below).
  • Black - Akb needs charging.

Accumulator charge indicator

It should be noted that such models cost 20-30% more expensive than similar, but not having such a function. Therefore, in most cases, this option is not suitable for the diagnosis.

External inspection of the device is also important, because if there are muds on the housing, the contact compound can be impaired, and the decrease in the electrolyte level may indicate its leakage and, as a result, the loss of voltage.

If there is a on-board computer and the built-in voltmeter, some information about the state of the battery can be obtained immediately. The figure in 14.2V is normal. Please note that this value can fluctuate depending on the time of downtime of the car battery, air temperature, electrolyte density and other factors. It should also be understood that the first time after starting the engine, the generator operates at full power to fill the battery charge, decreased during idle time. However, if the voltage is very different from the specified value, then with a high probability you can argue about the presence of problems with the battery or generator.

Important! An indicator referred to on-board computer, inaccurate, since the voltmeter built into the car system is connected to the battery not directly.

The quality of the wiring, the contact compound, the number of consumers (headlights, radio, air conditioning, wipers) - all this affects the testimony, and therefore it should not be fully trusted. Also, the voltage can be low due to a poor contact compound, therefore, before sinning on the battery, do not forget to check all contacts for dirt or rust and, if necessary, brush them.

Using a multimeter

This device is used to measure the current, voltage, the presence of cliffs in the chain and other parameters required in the electrics. The people are called the tester.

The state of the battery can be determined by the voltage level, which it issues, and when the electrolyte leaks, find out whether the battery loses the battery. This follows:

  • Switch the tester to voltage change mode up to 20B.
  • Connect the battery terminal with the red (plus) probe device.
  • Black (minus) probe to spend at the points of leakage.

If there are no losses - 0 will display on the display. In other cases, the battery should be attributed to the service center.

To measure the multimeter of the battery voltage level, you need to connect both terminals to the appliance, pre-switched it into the voltage measurement mode until 20V. According to the results obtained during testing, you can calculate the percentage capacity of the charge. You need to focus on the following values:

  • More than 12.7V - the battery is fully charged.
  • 12.5V - 75% of the nominal capacity.
  • 12.3V - 50%.
  • 12.1V - 25%.
  • Less than 11.9V - deep discharge, it is necessary to use a charger.

Battery voltage measurement multimeter

Working with a multimeter should be carried out on the removed and disconnected from the on-board network of the car. Otherwise, the results will be inaccurate.

Checking the level of electrolyte and its density

Electrolyte - "Blood" of any battery. The service life of the device and its efficiency directly depends on this fluid. The electrolyte level can be measured with a measuring tube, and its density with a special device is a steamer. All measurements must be carried out with each of the cans separately.

For measurement follows:

  • Open a jar.
  • Up to the stop, lower the measuring tube into it.
  • Pinch its top and pull out of the tank.

Normal indicators consider values \u200b\u200bof 10-15 mm. At a lower level, it is necessary to add distilled water, and with high to drain the part of the fluid. By the way, pay attention to the color - the liquid must be transparent. Otherwise, there is oxidation of the plates or the ingress of some foreign objects inside the device, which can lead to it. In some cases, it may be necessary to make their own electrolyte (a mixture of distilled water with sulfuric acid) or buy it in special stores.

Battery Electrolyte Density Measurement

The density of the electrolyte is measured as follows - in the "Bank" with a liquid, the nozzle of the area is lowered, then a certain amount of electrolyte is drawn into the device inside the device (while the float or sticks will not pop up). The density is also one of the ways to check the charge, since it decreases by 0.01 g with losses of 5-6%. Thus, knowing the nominal values, the remaining capacity of the battery can be calculated. These values \u200b\u200brange from 1.22 to 1.29, depending on the air temperature (the lower, the higher the density of the fluid).

Using the load plug

Measurements obtained by a multimeter do not always give an accurate picture of the state of the battery and the degree of its charge. It often happens that there is a voltage, and the electrolyte level is in order, and the battery does not even keep the capacity. In such cases, you can resort to the most reliable method - to the use of the loader. This device, like a multimeter, also measures the voltage, but during tests it simulates the operation of the starter or other "consumers", i.e. Loads the battery with additional work. Algorithm for measuring measurements is practically no different from working with a multimeter, however, load the battery more than 5 seconds should not be as follows, as it will lead to its failure. Performance indicators are calculated on the fifth second test and give the most full picture Battery performance. In addition, with the help of nominal voltage values, you can determine the battery charge:

  • More than 10.2V - complete capacity,
  • 9,6V - 75%,
  • 9B - 50%,
  • 8.4V - 25%.
  • Less than 7.8V - the battery is completely discharged.

Measuring battery voltage load fork

A more accurate diagnosis of a car battery can be made using a special digital multimeter that combines the functions of the load plug, tester and, in some cases, the charger. However, such devices cost quite expensive and, as a rule, require special skills to handle such a technique.

Summing up

In conclusion, once again we recall the highlights to be paid attention to the battery diagnostics:

  • The device should not be inclined electrolyte and, moreover, external damage.
  • Normal voltage index in the onboard network of the car - 14,2B.
  • The optimal level of electrolyte in the battery must be in the range of 10-15 mm.
  • Normal density value of approximately 1.27
  • When checking the battery using a multimeter, the voltage must be greater than 12.9V.
  • When using a load plug - more than 10.2V.

According to all indicators, it is safe to argue that your battery is in perfect order and the problem, if any, should be sought in another car module.

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Sooner or later, the battery fails. This may be for various reasons, for example, or showering the active mass, and a lot of things. And you know such ankb can behave not predictably, that is, on warm days, he can run the engine easily and simply, but it's worth a little cold, for example, in the morning, it will turn it difficult (or not to twist at all)! Immediately climb thoughts, what's the matter? Maybe the battery may be a generator, or something else. But as practice shows if your car is 4 - 5 years old, it is most likely the battery, and now it needs to be checked and if necessary. And how to do it, how to check the battery? Calm for this is the "Load fork" ...

You know the battery check, especially when buying a used car - desirable! How things are in Russia in Russia - I sell the car, and my neighbor is already on the "approach" (sometimes launches - sometimes no), you just throw them in some places, the neighbor also gives money and all in "Chocolate", except you ! At first cold you will need to "fuck" and look for yourself new battery. Such a business in Russian. But if you check the battery with a load fork when buying, the picture immediately becomes clear. Here you have an additional discount, demand from the seller.

What initially check by car?

At the very beginning, I would like to note such features before you write off the battery, you need to check:

  • Electrolyte level in banks (of course if the battery is served)
  • Check . It is necessary!
  • Check the charging of the generator.
  • Try .
  • Try to do
  • We definitely examine the terminals, oxides are possible on them.

Often, in order, initially, the generator comes out or there are large current leaks, which subsequently leads to strong discharges of the AKB and can provoke its early death. Therefore, these items must be checked!

However, if you are fine here, i.e., the level of electrolyte, and onboard network It behaves fine, there are no leaks, the generator works well. And in one bank you saw - that it, then the time has come (although banks can be bright). But still to make sure that it is in the battery, it is necessary to check it and preferably under load.

Load fork

This is a special device that works with voltages 12 and 24 volts. The main appointments are the measurement of the voltage and the level of charge or I would even say the serviceability of the battery. In essence, there is nothing complicated in it, there are two wires of a plus and minus with two terminals. Inside there is a load, it is usually either a resistor high powerOr the usual spiral made of refractory metal.

If the load is not removable, then it can fluctuate in the range of 100 - 200 amps. However, there are load plugs in which you can choose a load - either software or physically by installing various resistors

Also on the case is mandatory there is a voltmeter, it is needed not only for measuring the voltage without load, but also to display the behavior of the battery under load. Previously, Voltmeters were ordinary shooter, now more and more digital with different features.

Many motorists think - that the "load plug" must be in the form of a plug (sorry for the "tautology"). But now it is not the case, before she really looked like this cutlery, only with two teeth - plus and minus. But now the forms of factors may be somewhat:

  • Old option when it really looks like a plug (with two teeth).

  • One tooth (spike) and one wire. For example, a minus terminal has a wire with a "crocodile" you simply connect it to the battery, and desert or spike rest in the plus terminal.
  • Two terminals. These are modern loaders, there are two wires with crocodiles, it is them that connect to the terminals and measure the desired voltage or load.

Actually everything is elementary. So, since it is to check whether the process itself.

How to check battery

Actually, everything is simple, the process is banal. The plug creates a load of 100 - 200 amps (rarely seen up to 250 A) on the battery, that is, this is such an imitation of the starter load. The voltage must do before a certain value, after the end of the load, it should recover almost completely.

Load as usual 5 - 6 seconds (usually enough to start the engine). And according to readings, it can be concluded that keeps the load of the battery or not. Also, modern forks can check the bank closed or not.

Indications during 5 second loads:

Voltmeter readings, in

Charge percentage,%

> 10,2 100
9,6 75
9 50
8,4 25
< 7,8 0

By the way, you can check your battle battery in the same way, just load it with a fork and see what kind of charge it will give out. And following the table, you can understand what state it is. Whether it is necessary to recharge it or not, whether he needs to do desulfate or a bank is not working. Actually, the load plug is a very necessary device. Its and such that the plug shows "L" (LOW) is a very low battery charge, just such a video at the bottom. Most likely, a closure of one of the cans, or showering the active mass. If the voltage after checking is not restored to 12.4 - 12.7 volts, and in my case 11.4 volts (yes, "L" is displayed), then the problem is most likely in one of the cans.

How to use the load fork

It is very simple and almost everyone can cope. The plug is a portable device and it can be used at least under the hood of your car without removing the battery.

However, it is necessary to remember, the use should be from + 20 to + 25 degrees Celsius ideally (we checked at + 15 degrees). Cold battery is better not to check! This is important because you can define it very much, which is fraught with a deep discharge.

From this follows, or warm garage (If you do not want to remove), or it is better to remove and bring home, well, or in a special room. Yet .

Connect plus plugs (usually it is a red wire) to the plus of acb, respectively minus (black wire) to minus.

The plug should turn on and show you voltage. Even "dumpy" batteries can show from 12.4 to 12.7 volts, which seems to be the norm.

After a special button (there is a "pressing" - you need to press a plus pin) you need to submit a load on the battery - this is important for 5 seconds! As I wrote above, the load can be 100 - 200 amps, a lot!

During this time, the charge of a normal battery will fall at no less than 10.2V, then after 5 seconds of the load, it is again, quite quickly fill up to 12.4 - 12.8V.

In the process of operation rechargeable battery The car should always be remembered that the regular check of its voltage level prevents the "sudden" stop of the engine and allows you to miss the moment when the battery will need to connect to it charger. It is possible to understand that the battery is charged, when using such an instrument as a multimeter. He must be present in the arsenal of every motorist. Any driver needs to be aware of how to check the battery charge by a multimeter.

What is a multimeter

This is a multi-purpose electrical device, with which you can measure, at least, voltage, ampero and resistance level. For simplicity, it is often called the tester. Used in all spheres of electronics. There are multimeters with the measurement option even water temperature or surrounding air.

Any multimeter has two wires with contacts with the possibility of connecting to different "sockets" - depending on which indicators we need to measure. It is always important to remember that red wire - this is "Plus" Pole , but the black - minus. The main purpose of metal contacts at the end of the wiring is a direct connection to the terminals. car battery.

Checking the battery charge by this device can be carried out, anywhere: on the street, in the garage, at home. During the check, you can install a multimeter at a convenient place by car. The main thing is to know the correct sequence of simple actions in order to correctly determine all the necessary indicators.

How to use the multimeter

Measuring the battery voltage, it should be remembered that such a charging check starts from setting the instrument switch to the correct mode.

In this case, we will need a voltage mode (not to be confused with an empty):

  • The switch must be set at the 20 Volt. This means that all indicators will be available to us below 20 volts.
  • Wires from the tester It is important to bring to the car battery correctly By connecting to its terminals as follows: The wire of the black color is displayed on the minus pole of the battery, and the wire of the red color is on the positive.
  • Now the multimeter will show what battery charging level.

How to find out if the voltage indicator is normal and does the battery need to subscribe to its standard charger? For this, there is a specific scheme that allows you to check how the battery is charged and what is the level of discharge of the battery, if available.


  • is 12.7 V. (Sometimes 13.2 is a maximum). If after charging the indicator above, the battery needs to be able to "stand out" for several hours. Then U will be 12.7 V. This is a 100% charge, the battery is well charged.
  • If the battery voltage is 12.1-12.4 V, the discharge is about 50%. Soon you will need to charge the battery.
  • With the indicators of 11.6-11.7 V - the full digit of the battery, 100%. He urgently needs to be charged Otherwise, destruction can begin inside the battery. The plates will begin to be covered with salt, and it will be necessary. Or the battery can freeze into the cold, because it falls.

After finding out how to check the battery charge by a multimeter, it is important to take note that the working battery charge level, and the level of its capacity is better to check with. The multimeter shows the voltage without load when the car is alone. And the plug helps measure u when simulating a car start. During the inspection under load, the voltage "sends" to 9 volts, and then it should recover to the initial level. If it falls below 6 V, the battery capacity is very low.

Checking the charge car from the generator

In order to understand how to check the battery charging from the generator, you must first of all know that the generator performs an important role in the current automotive battery power. When the car engine is in working condition, it is the generator that makes a specific voltage, thanks to which the machine battery is charged on the go. Similarly, in the process of movement, the entire side electrical system cars. There is a charge The battery from the generator means the battery has the ability to always be in the rechargeable state and work longer.

As for the voltage indicator, the level U of the generator and the plus pole of the battery are always the same - due to the same interconnected by the same wire.

If the engine of the machine is in working condition, the voltage must be more than 12 volts And do not go downRegardless of whether the entire onboard load of the car is included, or not.

In order to check how the battery is charging from the generator, it is working or not, it is necessary to connect the multimeter wires to the battery and first measure the voltage indices without load. In this case, on the idling The level U is 13.5-14 volts .

After preliminary measurements alone, we check the system voltage already under load. You can turn on successively all heating, fan, emergency system and light. Please note that the voltage should not "see" below 13.3-13.8 volts. If the indicator is such - this means that the generator, and the battery work properly, and charging the battery from the generator is good. If the indicator U is below the specified, the generator is most likely faulty.

Before you think about changing the generator, you need to check how its belt is stretched. Maybe it's just that the belt tension weakened, and the generator itself is working. The resistance of the most common wire connecting the battery with the generator is also checked. Checking the resistance is carried out when the car is turned off, and its indicator should be no more than 20 ohms. When the engine works, resistance is definitely increasing, but not much. 40, maximum, 50 ohms.

In the event of an increase in resistance to several kilomes, try cleaning the contacts to the mass, as well as on the cable. Set everything back and check the service function. If everything works fine, and the level of the charger U is left low, the problem is exactly in the generator, and it needs to be repaired.

Attentive motorist will always check and remove all the indicators necessary to control the battery charge level and its condition. He knows - if I have a car, I perfectly understand what, if you do not follow the battery, it is possible to be in such a situation at any time when it fails at the most inappropriate time.

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One of important elements Auto requiring verification is a battery, or AKB. The serviceability of the battery and its performance is very important, since it is thanks to batteries that the car will be used, and the electricity systems are powered by all systems: the headlights of the Middle and far Light, media system and much more.

If you have already met with the seller and want to be sure that in the case of buying a car you will not have to be the first thing to break the head to run to the store for the new Akb, the cost of which is usually more than 10 thousand rubles, then you have several ways to check the battery By car:

  • Inspect the battery outwardly;
  • Measure the voltage on the battery multimeter;
  • Check the battery with a load fork;
  • Check the electrolyte level in the battery.

Every question we will consider in detail, but we immediately note that the fourth version with checking the level of electrolyte is available only for serviced batteries. But anyway, there are a number of methods, how to check the car battery for performance, and in this article we will look at them.

You met with the seller and have already walked around a car in a circle, saw what it was clean and beautiful. It's time to look under the hood, you raise the lid and see the usual content of the windscarette, the engine and numerous systems that support the operation of the car.

In most cases here, in open space, It is also ankb - a rectangular box with an electrolyte inside, to which two wires are suitable - the positive and minus. These wires go to the distributor block, and the entire machine and all its systems feeds from this electrolyte massive "battery" of electricity.

Even if you do not understand anything in cars and went on an independent inspection rather as part of compliance with the formality, you can still appearance Akb determine what state it is.

With external inspection, attention should be paid to the most part of the integrity of the elements, and the battery and contacts are clean. There are a number of external factors, the presence of which immediately reports replacement Or at least cleaning the battery.

    • Dirt on contacts. In order for the battery to work, both contacts suitable for its wiring must be clean. In case the contacts are dirty, it suggests that the battery is not new, and the dirt will interfere with the correct operation of contacts.
    • The oxidation of the conclusions - the unarmed eye can be seen on the terminals of the battery, the extraneous tax is oxidation, which in most cases is associated with the leakage of the electrolyte. The electrolyte is an acid that is inside the battery. If it is spilled and falls into contacts, it may lead to a deterioration in the battery life and a decrease in contact area.
    • Cracks on the housing - the battery itself should be integer. Plastic box containing electrolyte should not be damaged. It is also clearly visible without additional equipment And with good lighting.
    • Dirt, dust, elevation of electrolyte - all this is eliminated by a rag, and you can not allow the car to go with a dirty battery, since the conductive tax will contribute to its quick discharge and deterioration of work.

In addition to external inspection, you can run the car engine. Especially indicative will be the launch of "on the cold" if the engine did not start for a long time, but on the street, cold. If the car started easily - the battery is in order, if she did not start or started hard, the headlights shine dimly, and dashboard Also not brightly highlighted, the battery should be changed. Or, at least, check it with appliances, which we will tell me further.

Voltage measurement multimeter

If you do not want to check the state of the battery "on the eye", or simply want to have accurate results in the hands in numerical expression, you will need such a device as a multimeter.

So, how to check the car battery by multimeter: the device itself has two probe, one of which is red, and the other is black. In order to measure the battery voltage, you need to translate the multimeter to the measurement mode and lean the red probe to the "positive" conclusion, and the black dipstick, respectively, to the "minus".

The procedure is carried out at the outputs of the battery without load. In the event that the battery is charged, the result on the device will be about 12.6-12.9 volts. it normal tensionwhich must be on a fully charged battery. If you have frightened with the colors of the probe, the figure will be the same, just appear with a minus sign.

If the motor is running, then the multimeter can also be checked the battery operation, but in this case the presence of its operation will be checked together with the generator, as well as the health of the voltage regulator. When the motor works, the indicators must be slightly higher - from 13 to 14 volts. If the indicator below, for the battery it will mean charging problems, and in case the indicator above - the water electrolysis process will begin.

There is a method as a voltage determine the degree of battery discharge. The voltage is 12.5 - it says that the battery is charged by 90%, the voltage is 12.1 - by 50%, and 12 - by 10 percent. Although the method and approximate, but verified.

To measure the device is also preferably "on the cold", since the newly worked car can give higher values \u200b\u200band mislead. The multimeter checks the degree of charge, but does not give comprehensive information about its performance. To do this, it is better to apply the load fork.

Load plug - the tool is very accurate, but it is rarely found in the "manual" handling, as it is used mainly to a hundred. The charm of this method of verification is that thanks to it will be known for absolutely accurate result.

The load plug works similar to the multimeter manner: it also connects to the battery terminals, but gives a short circuit current. As we said, without load, the indicator should approach 13 volts. The load plug simulates the operation of the starter, which is why the voltage at the time of use "sends".

The fall must be no more than 9 volts. Otherwise, this will mean that the battery is greatly discharged. After removing the load, the indicator "rolls back" to the original value. If under load voltage "sends" to 5, or even up to 3 volts, this means that the battery will not be able to start the car engine.

Extremely important note: the load plug supplies a voltage of about 200 amps per battery, and it is not recommended to use it at low temperatures. The ideal conditions for the "field" use of this unit is the temperature of + 20-25 degrees Celsius.

In case the voltage is on a cold battery, there is a risk of hard to discharge.

Another convenient and reliable method, which, however, is suitable only for checking the servants serviced, it is checking the electrolyte level. The method is a bit more complicated than the previous ones, but it gives a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe status of the battery and will tell that he is inside.

First remove the battery and completely clean it from dirt. Recall that it is better to do with rags, dirt and minor corrosion can also be considered using an ammonia-based brake wash.

Next you need to open two corks of the fuel holes. They need to be easily pushed and unscrew, six fuel holes are hidden under them. The electrolyte level in them is checked on the eye, it can be seen when flashlight light. If everywhere the same fluid level is all right if somewhere the liquid does not cover the plate, you need to add distilled water.

In general, this procedure should be carried out regularly, since with each charging of the battery electrolyte in small fractions decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen. In the absence of regular service, the battery simply fails.

The norm is considered to be the level exceeding the height of the plates about one centimeter, or below the neck of the fuel hole for three millimeters. If necessary, to the serviced battery it is worth adding distilled water, but we once again remind: if there is a "non-liable" mark on the battery, or the manufacturers of this specific model Akb is not recommended to top up distilled water into it, you can only resort to previous test methods and, if necessary, replace the battery.

Knowledge, how to properly check the battery, it is important when buying a car with mileage. Often the sellers of cars want to save on trifles, including selling a car with a discharged battery, which can lead to negative consequences for the new owner. Always be alert and check in reality what the seller talks about the health of his car.

And do not forget to check the history of the car before buying. You can do this using the Avtocode online service on VIN or state. number. The system checks the car by more than 12 official bases: traffic police, EAOSTO, RSA, taxi registries and banks, FTS, FCS and others. From the report you will learn: real mileagewhether there are limitations of the traffic police, the CTP, the customs history, the history of fines, participation in the accident and many other important information.

If you do not have an imposition to go to the inspection or you just doubt your experience, book an autocode checkout service. The expert will arrive at the inspection and will hold comprehensive diagnosis Car without leaving no doubt about your choice of vehicles.

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