Home Transmission Operation and principle of electrical work. Electrobe from Tatarstan became a victim of political intrigues? Experts are confident that the goal was not KAMAZ, but Sobyanin. "This is not a bus, but a spacecraft on wheels!"

Operation and principle of electrical work. Electrobe from Tatarstan became a victim of political intrigues? Experts are confident that the goal was not KAMAZ, but Sobyanin. "This is not a bus, but a spacecraft on wheels!"

The cost of the new electrobus KAMAZ will be 20-30 million rubles. Avtocontracean intends to deliver it to Moscow, Kazan, St. Petersburg and Lipetsk, said RBC Deputy Director of the company Nikolay Pronin

Photo: Provided by the press service Drive Electro

In December, the metropolitan authorities plan to declare a competition for the purchase of the first 300 electric buses for operation in the city. In this competition, the KAMAZ autocontracene intends to participate, said RBC deputy general director of the enterprise for passenger transport Nikolai Pronin. According to him, approximate cost One electrical work will be 20-30 million rubles. Depending on the configuration and stock of the battery defining the stroke reserve. For comparison, European electrical structures cost within € 400-600 thousand (27.9-41.9 million rubles), which is a bit more expensive than the Russian counterpart, notes Pronin.

According to Pronin, the Kamsky Electrobe will not need an additional infrastructure: charging will be installed on the basis of the current trolleybus network. KAMAZ is also negotiating the supply of electric buses to St. Petersburg, Kazan and Lipetsk, he added. Detaned tested by these electricians took place in Moscow from March to September 2017, Pronin said.

The powerboard is able to accommodate up to 85 people, charging is carried out in 6-20 minutes at the final stop, the reserve of the course without recharging is up to 50 km. DRIVE ELECTRO is responsible for engineering, it also supplies batteries for sideways. RBC that the battery life is 15 years old, then the company is ready to buy it and use it again, and after 20 years it is disposed of. Electrobe is much cheaper in service than the bus with diesel engineMoreover, a kilometer is four times cheaper than diesel buses, he said.

Earlier in the RBC TV channel, Evgeny Mikhailov, said that in December 2017, it was planned to announce a competition for purchasing 300 electric drives. According to him, the operation of new electricians will cost the city cheaper than trolley buses, they will spend less energy and become maneuver.

On the idea of \u200b\u200bremoving electrical structures on the line in the center of Moscow, the metropolitan authorities first declared in 2013. In 2015, Moscow City Hall announced the intention to replace the trolley buses by electric workers.

In July 2017, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin is completely replaced by the metropolitan bus depot Electrics. Earlier, test samples of gas electric drives, Liaza, Belkommunmash and Finnish Linkker were published on the metropolitan tracks.

However, ordinary buses with the engine internal combustion It is significantly cheaper. In October, Moscow bought 588 buses for 8.1 billion rubles: 350 low-voltage buses for 4.5 billion rubles. and 238 buses for 3.6 billion rubles. Thus, the average cost of the bus does not exceed 15.1 million rubles.

Competitors Kamaza

For two years, within the framework of the replenishment of the capital bus fleet, the test tests in Moscow took place cars of Russian and foreign manufacturers.

In July 2016, the first electric office was released on test tests with a diesel-generating plant of the Belarusian enterprise Belkommunmash. Part of the path the powerboard works on a diesel engine, part - on electricity. The salon can accommodate 153 passengers.

At the end of November 2016, the gas handed over Mosgortrans into test operation of an electric office jointly with MSTU. Bauman development based on the city low-voltage bus LIAZ-5292 (Likinsky bus factory enters the gas group). And in February 2017, the tests of Liaz-6274 developed on its basis began in Moscow. The stroke reserve is up to 200 km, the capacity capacity is up to 90 people. Batteries charge from the electrical network with a voltage of 380 volts for 6.5 hours.

In April-May, the test operation of the Finnish electric grouse Linkker with the "Fast Charging" technology was held. The model has a 50-kilometer stroke, fully charged for 4-10 minutes during stops. Electrobe is able to accommodate up to 77 passengers.

Let's talk to you today about the electrobus. You, because, all you know what it is? How do you not know? But the Sobyanin has long been talking about them as a long time for long transport and is going to move massively on them soon.

Electrobe, as follows from the name, is an electric bus. "What then does it differ from the trolleybus" - you ask? " The main difference is in the method of receiving electricity from the network. If the trolleybus receives it directly from the wires, the electric belch has a capacious battery and charges in the park or at end stations. Electrobus has no rod or "horns", like a trolleybus. There is only a special current receiver, which is charging.

Electrobe is not tied to the contact network - and in this key advantage! You can direct it on any routes on any streets, the main thing is to at end stations or, at least, at intermediate stops there was a charging infrastructure.

But on this its advantages and end. And immediately pop up numerous flaws.

1) Tract time for charging. There are two ways to charge the electrobes: both are the same bad.
First - charging at night in the parks. Bad what required 1) very high power (At once, thousands of cars are charged at one time), 2) the capacitance battery, which will occupy 30-40% of the cabin. It is good because it will not be necessary to spend time on the final.
The second is charging at stops and end stations. The bad thing is that the useful time is spent, into which the electric office could carry passengers. As a result, the maintenance of the route with the same frequency will be required more machines.

The most extravagant way - charging at stops. But, again, you will not kill physics. You need either high voltage in a short point of time, or, again, stand on the stop. The first is very expensive, the second - for obvious reasons, uncomfortable for passengers.

2) Danger of discharge during the way. If an unexpected situation occurred, and the electric office is discharged on the route - it will be possible to take it only with a tractor. Accordingly, the disruption of the release. And situations can be different - traffic jams, cold, accident, battery glitch. By the way, the batteries of electricians will behave at -30, no one has checked the batteries while (in latitudes where there are such temperatures, the electrical structures have not yet been exploited).

3) Disposal of batteries. No one asks this question, and in vain. This moment significantly reduces the ecology of technology.

4) Diesel heater. Funny - but the electricals still require diesel fuel. In order to save battery, heating in cars works on a diesel. What is this environmental transport Such a while still from petroleum products will not leak?

5) Price. Due to the novelty, the technologies are significantly expensive than buses and trolley buses.

6) Losses of electricity. It is known that the energy is lost on each gear starring. If the trolleybus energy from the wires immediately sends into the engine, the electric office does not first receive it all when charging, and then loses it along the movement. The longer goes, the longer the loss. If the battery is old, or the weather is cold, losses during movement can be quite tangible - up to 30-40%. But any battery is quite quickly starting to lose in quality - 2-4 years.

7) Skating a heavy battery. The well-known cosmonaut or hiking dilemma: how much fuels with them (food). Take a little - they will not fly away / do not leave. Take a lot - everything for yourself drag. Trolleybus is completely accustomed to this problem - it feeds on the move. And then there will be a lot of energy to go to the carriage of energy capacities.

Thus, in total, we obtain a dubious result: more expensive transport that is required numerically more (on the same intensity of movement), which can be discharged and to get up anywhere, electricity for travel at the same distance of which is also more due to losses and transportation Battery.

And all in order not to bother with the contact network? But it will still need content of infrastructure in the form of substations and charging stations.

In principle, the electrobes are an interesting idea and correct. But they should replace diesel buses, and not trolleybuses, then it will be progress. However, in a situation where someone at the top, some animal hatred does not like trolley buses, it does not have to choose. However, for adequate replacement of trolleybuses with electrical equipment, this new technology must be debugged, to work, see how it behaves in different conditions. Especially important winter season been through. Run at least one route to them, and then smoothly expand the network, and then then look at the fact that best - put them on trolleybus routes, or, nevertheless replacing them non-ecological buses.

In the meantime, saying that the technology is still raw, it would be wrong. Technology is generally absent! Have you ever seen a live electric office in my life? I'm here. Honestly, I saw a couple of times. True in the standing condition. In fact, in Moscow for several years now, they bring different samples for testing, but all of them riding, having breakdown, leaving back insolence bumps. Well, I would like, if you really would like, for so many years it would be at least one serial model to portray, and not unfinished test samples? I remember that in 2015 an electric desk from Kamaz came to the tram parade, where is he now?

Used electric office from China. Ride a little in Moscow, and then he was taken to Chelyabinsk.

There were many other electricians. Finnish, from Liaza, and from "Belkommunmash". The latter, by the way, resembles a similar dowler (trolleybus-bus), which was also tested a year ago on the former 25 route, but from which, unfortunately, also refused. And similar electrical equipment in small quantities began to be tested in Minsk.

Well, very simple. Soon soon, soon. We need to sit here, folded up, and wait for this container "significantly increase" and the batteries will solve a bunch of problems.

Is there an ideal solution? There is! It is called "trolleybus with a large autonomous move." It combines the advantages of both trolley buses and the electrobus. And also devoid of their flaws. It can safely ride up to 60 km on the battery, and can be charged from the contact network. Which is already there, which is not necessary to create from scratch! Why don't you want to take our leaders - this is a big question. And it is impossible to say that this is something ephemeral - such trolleybuses are not the fact that in other countries, they have been operating for a long time in many regions of Russia! For example, Vologda. Photo 2013! Trolleybus takes about 2-3 km on the site without a contact network.

There are also cars with a long autonomous run, in Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Bratsk, Tula, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Nalchik and other cities. There, trolleybuses are quite successful in normal mode, drive along routes with plots without a contact network.

It would immediately solve a lot of problems. In fact, at the end of 2016, 12 such trolley buses from "Trollea" had to come. They were in the contract, they were paid for them. But the "Mosgortrans" cried face, and the agreement was dissolved. Trolleybuses went to Peter.


Be that as it may, the Mosgortrans meets now buy 300 electric drives per year. Everything is serious: the TK has recently been designed for these same electrobes. All wishes could contribute to it. The requirement of dynamic recharging (just the opportunity to take energy from the contact network of trolleybus) stubbornly deviated. Although calling the trolleybus "Electrobe with dynamic recharging" and everything would be fine. What is it like not religious hatred?

The most enchanting that is already a government decision after 2021 purchasing Only electricals! No other trolley buses, but even buses. Do you imagine? There are no longer them at all, they do not go anywhere. No one experienced how they will work for a long time in winter, how will batteries are discharged with large passenger traffic, whether they will not deterue because of our famous reagents. It is not clear in principle, as in general (non-existent, again, until) the charging infrastructure will cope with the simultaneous charging of a large number of cars.

But these questions are not interested in anyone. There is an installation - to buy after 4 years only them, which means you need to perform .. I feel that we will remain so without any vehicle - only the subway with MCC and several trams.

Another electrical cortex, riding now on the trials, which, apparently, is planned to put instead of normal buses of great capacity

Even if from all disadvantages of the electrobus abstract. Even if you believe that Liksutov with Sobyanin sincerely want to develop an electric office, we must not forget that tomorrow can happen anything. The crisis, God forbid, of course, the next some instability in the country, as we have repeatedly happened. And it may not be at all to the electricians! And the trolleybus is already, in the calculation of these electrobes, will be eliminated. And then what? In general, in general, without anything, with one buses, which in crisis periods are generally most unstable (as the 1991 experience showed) ..

And what in the world? In general, experiments with electricals are indeed carried out in many countries. But while there is no massive use of this technology, there is no particularly much where it received. Almost everywhere if there are electricals, they go in a minor quantity of 3-5, less often - 10-15 pieces. The reasons? They are all described here above.
Here is an electric office in China, Shanghai. In the fortunate state, I, however, did not see it.

This, by the way, is the same model of "fast charging".

Buses travel along a well-known route, along which a quick charging station should be placed in stopping at stops every maximum of 5 km. The current receiving at these stations rises to the charger, and, touching it, fully charges the battery of the electrobe in just a couple of minutes.

That neither say, much more "more convenient" trolleybus ..

But one of these stations. More than one route, the Chinese did not do. Even the Chinese!

Anyway, the Chinese are slowly folding the development of electricians, returning to an improved trolleybus - the same "electric office with dynamic recharging".

In any case, in development new technology There is nothing bad. Bad is that for the missing technologies, the current working work is destroyed. Which is consistently and reliably functioning ninth dozen years and tested by time. It is not destroyed because it has some disadvantages (with an insignificant improvement here, a stereo perfect result may be obtained). Just because someone "there" does not like it. The same Europeans who, for doubt, were represented by their trolleybus networks, in the 70s, are now very regretting their mistakes, and that they do not have such potential as we. They also develop electrical structures from scratch, but, as we see, even they come to the fact that "an electric office with dynamic recharging" - most optimal solution. But we, for some reason, must be sure to step again and again on the same rake, although there is such a unique opportunity, this is not done, taking advantage of world experience ..

First attempt to establish electrical engine Motor transport capable of transporting people belongs to the Rubel XIX-XX centuries. True, further experimental models of the car then did not go. But the idea to use the electrical machine for autonomous vehicles has always found its supporters. Nowadays electric buses - Or abbreviated. Electrics are able to transport dozens of passengers for hundreds of kilometers, with the desired speed moving without charging or replacement rechargeable batteries For many hours.

Although the electrobe itself is on russian roads common use There is still a rather rare beast, this word has already entered our life with full right. Most often, this term does not require explanations - except for clarifications. Strictly speaking, an electrician (unlike the same golf cart, excursion electric vehicles and so on) it is customary to be autonomous transportmeans intended For transportation of seven and more passengers, movable using traction electric drive, electric Energy for which it is stored in the storage stored on its board - most often, the battery acts in the role of the latter - or several acb are immediately.

The era of electric drives on urban and country roads is coming now. If you remember, there are still ten-fifteen years ago, the leading automotive companies still competed in the distance to drive on one charging of their passenger car - and almost all the free space in it except the driver's (and, rare, passenger) place It was occupied by batteries. Five hundred or seven hundred kilometers on one charge seemed very impressive result. Today cars There is an electric train model row Almost every eminent automaker -now attention attracts, rather, those of themwho "Electric Fever" did not touch: Such, for example,Fiat Crysler Alfa Romeo.or Ferrari.

ABOUTdako will return to the passenger transport - electricals, which every year becomes more and more, both in the world and in Russia in particular.From the electric car, it is noted by such characteristics as passengerism, power of the electric drive, battery capacity - is usually the table or traction batteries, which are located in the niches under the body, in the rear compartment or in other places. Principle of movement at the electrobus and passenger electric vehicle One: drive wheels list in motiontraction electric motorwhich is through electrical system Control (including power cables, contact or non-contact switching devices and devicesand Other) is connected to the tab.This, so to speak, in the classic version; As an alternative solution to the vehicle, the motor-wheels can be installed, the use of which allows you to abandon such transfer devices as a cardan, differential, semi-axis and others.

By virtue of various reasons, not all regions of the planet can be densely dying with stations to recharge autonomous electrical transport. Therefore, it is hardly the most important direction of the development of electricals are an increase in the stock of the stroke without charging on the stationary filling station. In this direction, the year of the year is offered all new solutions in the form of a table of high capacity, all sorts of fuel cells, supercapacitors (ionisterov) and much more. As an option for emergency recharging of the batteries of the electrobus on its board, a small generator set can be placed -of course, with the condition of its safety for passengers and low level noise corresponding to the requirements for modern electrical equipment.

Elektrum, as often accepted to emphasize, is a passenger motor transport of new generation - therefore, innovative solutions introduced into its design include not only power aggregate and rechargeable battery, but also to other nodes and aggregates. Below are the example of two representatives of Russian electricians of the first and second generation to make the evolution of the machines of this type,p rusted in our country.

"First Russian": NEFAZ-5299 With lithium-ion acb

Pioner among the electricians russian production was created on the basis of the buse of the nonBUTZ-5299 commissioned by Lyotech for the needs of Rosatom - Operation in Novosibirsk, where he transported the staff of the local plant of Himkoncentrats. The developer of the first domestic bus on the electrical engine was the engineering companyDRIVE ELECTRO,in the past, Niikau, which we say separately.

In the design of the machine, the mass of innovative at that time of the decision was realized. In particular, the electrobe was equipped with a telemetry system, which is in accordance with GLONAS orGSM-the channels are able to transmit data to a remote computer to monitor the status of the battery and the main aggregates.

But the main innovation was lithium-ion batteriesproduction of Lyotech LLC, the process of complete charging of which occupied eight hours. For quick charging fortwenty minutes Special connectors were installed on it to 500 kW. In the role of the charger useovalsiaroof installedtraction inverter receiving food from a three-phase network of 380 V 50Hz. In the process of charge power consumed from the networkla About 40 kW.

FROMpecial S.battery Management System, BMS (BMS) Continuously Trackingla Parameters of the battery mode and the state of individual cells,exercisingonropol and control of the battery charging process,its balancing and sask from emergency operation modes.

Traction asynchronous electric motormounted for the first domestic electric office,providingl. Electricity transformation into motion energy,a in R.hedgehog recovery partial electricity refund in the batterym.cOLOR BATTERY. Traction inverter workl. in the vector control mode of the electric motor, which allowslo achieve high accuracy and efficiency of speed control and moment on the engine shaft, as well as highwow Efficiency by minimizing heating losses and reclamation.

Brake systemthe electrical was equipped withomPressoroh. FIAC CCS 100/338 m, attached to the desiccant of the standard brake system.The bus had electric priving Pump Hydrauscitel 24 Vand a liquid heating system with a diesel heater.

Electrobe, designed for the maximum technical mass of 19 tons, had a passenger capacity of 110 people and was designed for the maximum stroke of 200 kilometers without recharging. Maximum speedthat electricNaveBUTZ-5299.it was capable of developing on a horizontal site, accounted for 70 kilometers an hour. The cost of electricity to a kilometer of the path at the first Russian electric power was from 1 to 1.6 kW * h, which for the beginning of the decade was excellent indicator. However, in five years later, a representative of a new generation of electricians will appear in Russia, significantly superior in a number of characteristics of its predecessor - and it will happen again with the direct participation of company specialistsDRIVE ELECTRO.

KAMAZ-6282: second generation electric

ABOUT senuyu this year torupneysh russian manufacturer Freight and passenger transport - PJSC KAMAZ - at the exhibitionCOMTRANS 2017,past in Moscow, presented the second-generation electric office KAMAZ-6282, developed in co-authorshipfrom already mentioned by the companyDRIVE ELECTRO.It should be noted that the official presentation of the electricity was preceded by the tests of the model in the MOSTRANSAVTO GUP on the route "M. Slavic Boulevard - the innovative city of Skolkovo, where the novelty has proven itselfvery positive.

Comparatives with the first generation electrical workers new model Differs in the updated interior and exterior. Modified car interior: in itno mine motor compartmentWhat made it possible to increase the overall passenger capacity.

In the KAMAZ-6282 electric business, modern components of traction electrical equipment are applied, incl. Electroported Bridge and Lithium Titanate (LTO) Rechargeable DRIVE Electro Batteries. On the recharging batteries, only 6-20 minutes is required, which is 20 times less than the average charging time. previous generation batteries. The powerboard is charged from the stations of the ultrabstroy charging using a half-penographer, in addition used onboard chargerwhich allows you to charge the drive from the three-phase AC 380 volt network (the so-called "night charging"). It is noteworthy that charging the electrobus is possible in conditions low temperatures: batteries work without additional systems Preheating even at -40 ° C. Thus, a new electrobe can carry passengers all year round.

M aximal speed KAMAZ-6282 - 75 km / h, maximum stroke - 70 km. Note that the electrobe is adapted for a small category of citizens, equipped with video cameras and satellite navigation. And the hatch is designed for at least 20 thousand cycles of full charge / discharge - this is more than 15 years of intensive operation. According to the developers, witheducation of the low cost of maintenance and operation The electrobe of KAMAZ pays off in the middle of its life cycle. In the course of the already mentioned exhibitionCOMTRANS 2017. the sample of the second generation electrical was transferred for an experienced operation for a period of two months "MosgorTrans" - in the ceremony was attended by General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" Evgeny Mikhailov, General Director of PJSC KAMAZ Sergei Kogogin and Director General Drive Electro Sergey Ivanov. Elektring KAMAZ and station for its charging are created specifically for the Moscow Government as part of the implementation of the Memorandum on the establishment of a national consortium for the development of autonomous connected electrical transport.

"The use of urban public electric transport is able to completely change the road-transport infrastructure of Moscow, He considers the DRIVE ELECTRO CEO of Technical Sciences, Professor Sergey Ivanov. With the transition to vehicles Autonomous stroke not only significantly reduces the level of pollution. This is beneficial with a financial point of view, as it provides savings on fuel and maintenance. In addition, the emergence of public electric transport will contribute to an increase in the number of private electric vehicles. "

TO Real Timerussian engineering dRIVE ELECTRO,specializing in the field of design of electrical and hybrid systems for commercial vehicles and public land transport implemented a number of passenger electric transport projects with a rechargeable course. In Novosibirsk since 2012, electric vehicles and an electroweight of nefhas, developed by Drive Electro on the order of the fuel company, are operatedand Rosatom "Twell". In 2014, 13 trolleybuses were running in Tula - the world's first trolleybuses based on lithium-titanate (LTO) batteries. In August 2017, a party of 10 trolley buses with Drive Electro batteries was sent to Gorelektrotrans of St. Petersburg. In addition, Drive Electro has already entered the market of Eastern Europe and West Asia. Trolleybuses with a large reserve of the stand-alone model of 32100D - Joint DRIVE ELECTRO and Belkommunmash project - at the end of 2016 appeared on the roadscities Gomel and Grodnoin Bellararuci . In August 2017, the first electric office developed by the Russian company Drive Electro specifically for the Turkish automaker went to Turkey. Active negotiations on cooperation with customers in Germany, Latin America and Thailand are underway.

Given that the first domestic electric office transported the personnel of an industrial enterprise, and the representative of the second generation already operates in the field of urban passenger traffic, it is not difficult to carry out the vector of further development of this type of vehicles. More than it is likely that the electric structures of the following generations will serve long-distance and tourist routes. Of course, it will require further improvement Rechargeable batteries whose charge will be enough for hundreds of kilometers of the path - as well as telemetry systems that transmit information about the status and modes of operation of the electrobe. Given the European experience of manufacturers of autonomous passenger transport, the domestic developers are quite forces. And it is possible that after some five or ten years we can enjoy the journey from Moscow to Petersburg, while in the salon there is a completely silent moving bus.

As a specimen to this small material, we call another weighty argument in favor of buses on the electric car, perhaps the most important one. Electrics are very economical in operation - it was for this reason that the mayor of the Russian capital has already decided to gradually replace

Today, Sergey Sobyanin Day Feilov. An important election event was to be happening - the launch of the first route in Moscow. But everything went wrong

According to the original plan today by 73 the route should have exit 30 electrics, which are designed for some reason to replace the trolleybus there. However, everything was confused

Fail №1: Elektrum with Sobyanin on board broke
Chief Fale Day. At the Metro VDHH Sobyanin with a group of children plunged into one working electric office, everyone went towards Altufevo.
However, passing 3 stops, the electric office landed everyone, including the mayor, and went to the park. Dertrans has fun funny:

Fail number 2: The electric office on the go was today only 1, and not 30, as planned
Another 2 cars took part in some ridiculous presentation, where the bloggers sank on the stage of Diffirb, and then drove into the park. It is said that another 4 cars will be later, and another 23 - in general it is not clear when.

Fail No. 3: In the evening the electric office was able to drive only one round route
In the evening, working around 4 hours, the electric office charged and was able to drive from VDNH to Altufyevo and back, but could not use the infrastructure for recharging and left after this circle to charge into the park.

Fail No. 4: It is not clear why you need to change the trolleybus on an electric office for 73 route
During the ride in the evening, the trolleybuses overtook the electric office, they go to at least at the same speed, they are electric, the whole infrastructure is. Why such a replacement is needed - it is incomprehensible. He goes the entire route under the wires.

Fail No. 5: Replies of Likutov interested
Soon lay out a complete conversation, it turned out to be almost an interview. Liksutov confirmed that the entire trolleybus network would be removed, the new trolleybuses will not be purchased. At the end, I somehow wanted to take a picture with me.

In general, the main thing is incomprehensible. If the mayor's office had introduced the electricals instead of smelly diesel buses, then it would be a superpositive and useful event that would support everything at all. The electrobe itself inside is very comfortable, the salon is made in qualitatively, if these will go instead of buses, it will be just fine.
It was enough just to buy the correct model - which is charging from the wires in motion. And today it would be possible to launch a truly working technology with pump.

Instead, they launched a toy. It is symbolic, by the way, that the presentation was against the background of another toy, the previous mayor - Monorail. Soon it is dismantled.

But even this toy could be used with the mind. It was possible to take the area where there are no trolley buses, for example, Mitino, and launch a toy there. In such areas, residents have long been waiting for electric transport, there were protests in Mitino, when instead trolleybus Park Built a bus.
Why wasn't to launch toys there, instead of smelly diesel buses?

And in the current format it clean water sabotage.

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