Home Food Tourist routes Rhodes. Faliraki, Rhodes, Simi (self-journey). It's time to return the car

Tourist routes Rhodes. Faliraki, Rhodes, Simi (self-journey). It's time to return the car

05/10/11, Tuesday, 1st day for cars. Today we plan to make the first departure beyond our village. There are no specific plans. As you write everywhere, the island is small (in length 78 km, in width - 37 km). In this regard, for the beginning, we decide come around his round. We must make sure it is the island. 🙂

On the map The red line is indicated by our entire automotive route for this day. Here is such an air ball or fungus. 🙂

In the morning, traditional swimming and breakfast. Closer to 10 o'clock we go to the rolled office to take our car. We explain in 5 minutes how it is arranged where which buttons are pressed. So, we sit down in our green Suzuki Splash (POT-5540 number). Initial mileage 20567 km. Back view:

At 10.00 Departure to the Great Earth. It just happened that on the journey around the island we went counterclockwise: from the north on the west coast to the south, then on the Eastern - at the starting point.

Expensive On the western side, very good, though, only 2 stripes, so with overtaking on the island were difficulties. On the plot from the capital of Rhodes to the airport - a continuous flow of cars, in small villages, narrow streets, everyone go slowly, no one overtakes. After the airport, the road has become much freer. On the signs unfamiliar to us so far: Cremacitis, Paradisi, Soroni. Along the road - fields, olive groves, somewhere in the distance can sometimes be seen. Beauty!

We decide not only to observe a variety of floral world from the car window, but even closer to touch it. Basis in a small church, standing near the road. Inhale fantastic air filled with crazy flavors of blooming flowers and trees, herbs impregnated with the sun. I hear bird singing and striking grasshoppers. And no extraneous sounds violate this natural harmony, except that occasionally passing cars (after all, we stopped on the main road).

To begin with, come to church. There is a small, but well-groomed territory. The door is closed, but there is a key in the castle. We open and go inside. Twilight and coolness, crackling a few candles. Apparently, someone here was a little earlier than us. A small altar and iconostasis, a few icons, chairs, candlesticks and a box with candles (a box hangs around, where you can lower the money for the candle).

Having reached the harmony of heaven, we again go to the harmony of the earth. Next to us turns out the field with dispersion and blossom. It all looks so fascinating and smarter!

Well, we are here, it seems, too - no worse. 😉

And slightly in the side grow olive trees.

Their branches are sleeping small, but very fragrant flowers. And the smell ... only bees can still tell how it is delicious. But they are busy work. I wonder if olive honey happens?

In the distance can be seen sea. I really want to get closer to him. We turn on the country road going in the right direction. We are moving with some kind of fields. In the end, the road leads us to a dead end. But this deadlock turns out to be a small house with a stunning beauty garden. There were no such chic pink bushes with a height of 2 meters yet. This is indeed suitable for the definition of a "bush".

We return to the track and continue our way. Soon sea approaches straight to the road. Along the coast, places are rocks, and in some places there are normal beaches.

Near Kamirosa (blue circle on the map) decide, after all, stop and swim. On the street is not hot. The temperature is + 21c, but the cold wind blows from the sea and it seems that even colder. We calm ourselves that the temperature of the water is also + 21c, well, and it is necessary to "try" the sea elsewhere. The beach is unfamiliar, so long do not risk going through the stones in the water and almost immediately fall into the waves. Seconds 20 active swimming for warming, and then ... Full kayf! Water no longer seems to be cold, waves are stormy, and the wind is completely not felt in the water.

Night In his pleasure, we continue to move on south. But now the road becomes a little different. She goes through the hills, loops in small serpentines around. Machines in this part becomes even less, however, the speed of movement drops sharply. It does not upset this at all, because now the other beauty appears around: the mountains, crouched grass and trees, stone cliffs, on which flowers are inconspicuous.

On top open fantastic landscapes on neighboring mountains,

Rhodes Island, as if the goddess of beauty and love of Aphrodite, appeared from the sea depths, washed by foam waves. It was the gift of Zeus God of the Sun Helios after the victory of the gods over the titans. Helios called the island in honor of his beloved - Nymph Rhodes and does not get tired of admiring them to this day. That is why on the island almost all the days in the year solar! So read the legend.

O. Rhodes is one of the largest Greek islands and one of the most popular tourists. It is located quite far from mainland Greece and coins with Turkey: the shedout of the same name, separating the island from Turkey, has a width of only 37 km. O. Rhodes has been populated by people for more than 9,000 years and the historical part of the capital of the island - Rhodes listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

The climate on the Rhodes is soft - the average annual temperature of 18-20 ° C, in the summer - 27-29 ° C, the heat is always softened by the northeast wind. On the side of the summer, 1-2 ° C is cool than popular mainland resorts. It rains in summer a rarity, but in the winter months it goes every 2-3 days.

The most suitable time to travel to the island - from the end of August to the beginning of October, when tourists are already smaller, and the sea is still warm, as in the summer. The beaches are located all over the perimeter of the island, most of their sandy, but there are pebble.

The capital of the island - the city of Rhodes is the city of knights, medieval castles, impregnable fortress walls and high, washed by the secrets of the towers, and besides, it was here that the Kolos Rododsky was once erected - a giant statue of God Helios, a height of about 36 m. (For comparison, the height of the statue "Mother's Mother" in Volgograd without a sword - 52 m.)


The main routes of the traveler in the capital of the island will be held through the old town, according to its original cobbled streets, along the ancient fortress walls and high towers, where the Middle Ages and the knighthood are constrained with antique Greek monuments and ancient Ottoman mosques.

An incredibly powerful defensive structure with a total wall-length of about 4 km, which is now amazing with his impressiveness. Built in the XIV century by knights of the Order of Hospitallers, more than 200 years have kept the attacks of the Turkish troops. During one of the siege of the wall of the fortress, which were double and separated by a twenty-meter moat, withstand up to 1000 cannon shocks per day!

To this day, most of the walls have been preserved, 11 gates around the perimeter, bastions, the Palace of the Grand Master and a few streets, since the days of Middle Ages, who did not undergo almost no changes.

  • Entrance to the fortress is free, access for visitors is round the clock.
  • Accurate address: Address: Alexandridou 14, Rhodes.

The central street of the Rhodes fortress, which preserved his primary appearance over the centuries. When you go on a paved rough stone Street of the stone walls, it seems like the back of the back of the hoofs and the ringing of the Armor of the rider ridiculous.

Here and there on the walls along the knights street preserved the vintage coat of arms of chilipers and the old lanterns, and the lanterns are already preserved, the truth is already with modern lamps.

Houses on the street Knights - these are the residences of "languages" - units of the Order of the Knights-Hospitallers from different countries Medieval Europe. Some of the houses are open to visiting, for example, the house in which the Turkish prince Jam, who encroached the Ottoman throne was hidden.

Address: IPPOTON, RODOS 851 00.

Home Building on the streets of knights, the castle inside the castle with impressive towers and thick walls. The existing building is the reconstruction of the 30s of the 20th century, the original building was destroyed as a result of an explosion of the powder warehouse before. However, the reconstructed castle was erected with scarpural accuracy and completely reproduces the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

Inside the castle there is a museum dedicated to partly archaeological findings about. Rhodes, partly - to reproduce the interiors of the Knight's castles of the late Middle Ages.

Ancient books, icons, weapons, huge mosaics, laid out on the floor and extraordinary onyx windows, in which instead of glasses inserted plates of light yellow mineral onyx, because of which the light penetrating the Great Master Palace saturated and warm like the sun Even on cloudy days.

  • Address: IPPOTON, RODOS 851 00.
  • The cost of visiting: 8 euros, children under 18 free.
  • Opening hours: Monday - 12:30 - 19:00.
  • Tuesday-Sunday - 08:30 - 19:30

The building completes the Knights street, the medieval hospital, erected in the XIV century for the help of crusaders and pilgrims affected by the battles on the Holy Land. This is a two-story building with an internal courtyard surrounded by two-level arcades.

Currently - one of the most interesting museums of Rhodes. There are numerous finds from all over the island, including the Aphrodite statue of the sea, found right in the sea and dated IV century. BC er, a very beautiful statue of the Aphrodite of Rhodes on the 3nd centuries younger, the marble head of the Sun of Helios, a collection of vintage coins and jewelry, ancient Christian manuscripts.

  • Address: 2 Symis, 851 00 Rhodes
  • Mode of operation: May - October - from Tuesday to Saturday 8.00 - 19.00; Sunday - 8.30 - 15.00.
  • Monday - day off.
  • November - April: from Tuesday to Saturday from 8.30 to 15.00.
  • Ticket price: 6 euros, up to 18 years old - free.

Rhodes fortress, its walls and towers are the main part of the old city, but he himself is much older: the city was founded in 408 BC. The ancient Greeks, visited the rule of the Romans, Byzantines, the knights of the Order of St. John, the Ottoman Empire.

From each of these periods in the city, their testimonies and historical monuments were preserved in the city: fragments of the ancient Temple Aphrodite, the remnants of the Roman shipyard, the Church of St. Spiridon, the Mosque of Suleiman and the Mustafa Mosque, already mentioned by the Knights Street and the Palace of Great Masters and Much, much more.

The most interesting thing is that within the old city there are ordinary people, as well as thousands of years ago, their small houses with wooden shutters, flowers and cats everywhere, for us - the ethnographic museum, and for them - the native home and everyday life Among the tourist fuss.

Local residents are very sociable and friendly people, meeting acquaintances, will certainly stop chat, even if they are separated by a passing part of the street.

According to the old city, you can safely walk yourself at least a whole day, not afraid to get lost - sooner or later you will go to the urban wall and to one of 11 outputs that are always open. In addition, in the old town is always crowded and easy to meet Russian or, at least English-speaking people among cafes or tourist staff who will prompt the road.

The main shopping street is old, and perhaps the whole city. It stretches within the fortress walls parallel to the street knights in a quarter from her. Almost all are sold in numerous small bears and stalls: from ice cream and magnetics to huge statues and vases under antiquity, bright fabrics, spices, coffee, olive oil, honey, decoration, paintings, etc.

On Socrates Street, souvenirs are somewhat cheaper than outside the old town.

In addition to shopping pavilions, there are many landmarks on Socrates Street. Start with the fact that the street originates from the beautiful old Suleiman mosque with a high slender minaret, and ends - on the hippocrates area, where the unusual fountain of Castellana is located with the owl on the top and another old mosque and the Kastelelan Palace.

The most famous of the 14 mosques of the island was built in 1522 by the Board of Sultan Suleiman, who commanded the Turkish troops during the conquest of the island. The mosque building is small, plastered into a pleasant light pink color. Crown Mosque 4 semicircular dome, several quacks are smaller and high 35 meter minaret with two balconies.

Despite the fact that Minaret is a new building erected on the site of the dilapidated old one, he very harmoniously fits into the architectural ensemble of the mosque.

On the territory of the mosque of a small garden with high cypresses and a pretty fountain, the entrance can be closed due to repair workBut still this oldest monument to Ottoman culture on Rhodes worth seeing. Best view By the way, it opens with a clocky tower of the Rhodes Fortress - the highest point of the old city.

Address: rhodes, intersection ul. Ορφέως [ORFEEOS] and ul. Ιπποδάμου [Iposamum].

The fare on buses - 1.8 - 8 euros, depending on the route duration. Schedule Motion on sites: sindikatodesroda.gr and www.ktelrodou.gr.

The city in the northeastern part of the island at Cape Crane is 50 km from Rhodes, not far from the famous Church of St. Paul in the shape of a heart. The town is tiny, there are only 700 inhabitants in it, almost one and two-storey bright white houses are built up.

Modern building of this monument of the culture of UNESCO is prohibited. Also in the city itself is prohibited automobile transportBut this is not a misfortune, since it is easy to walk in a couple of hours. Alternative to the car - donkeys.

In Lindos is the second largest Acropolis in Greece, after the Athenian Acropolis. At the foot of the Acropolis, it leads a rather steep rise, to overcome which can be on foot, and it is possible - on the donkey, hiring it to the local residents growing here.

On top there is a very beautiful view of the bay of St. Paul. From here they make photos on which the bay has a romantic heart shape.

Interestingly, a monument of ancient Greek architecture is surrounded by medieval fortifications with gear walls.

The complex of the ancient Acropolis of Lindos (IV - III century. BC) make up propelleans (gate) of the Acropolis, the temple of Athens, Dorian Porticik, the remains of the Roman temple of the emperor Diocletian.

  • Acropolis is open to visitors practically year-round - except for the two winter months - January and February.
  • Opening hours: 8.00 - 19.40 (not in season - up to 14.40).

Attention! There is practically no shadow on the territory of the acropolis, so it is better to inspect it in the early morning or evening hours. But the streets of the city itself shady and cool.

The cost of the entrance ticket to the territory: 12 euros.

You can get to Lindos by bus that leaves from the bus station every hour from 6.00 to 20.00. You can sit down at stops in the city, if there is a booth with a schedule, where the direction is indicated: "Lindos". The fare of 5 euros, a ticket to buy from the driver.

Popular resort 15 km from Rhodes - Center for Youth Tusovok, Nightclubs, Disco and Active Recreation. It is also famous for its beaches with clean transparent water and a sand coastal stripe. And this, despite the fact that the beaches in the season are crowded, and on the water, like a lot of catamarans, water motorcycles, bananas, canoes and other plaques for the entertainment of holidaymakers.

Attention! From Faliraki to Lindosa you can make a walkway on a small bright red boat.

You can get to Faliraki from Rhodes on buses from the car station on Rimini Square.

One of the best and most extreme water parks of Greece. "Kamikazy", "Free Fall", "Black Hole", "Mad Cone" - Here are some of the attractions for the most fearless.

Lovers of more relaxed entertainment can try to storm the "wet bubble" or swim along a "slow river".

For visitors under 12 years old - children's zones with a pirate ship, water jungle, children's slides and moon park.

  • Address: Faliraki, 85100, Rhodes, Greece.
  • You can get from Rhodes by bus.
  • Ticket price: 24 euro adult, 16 Euro - children's.
  • Mode of operation: from May to October - 9.30-19.00
  • Website in Russian: https://www.water-park.gr/ru/

The highest point of the northwest coast of about. Rhodes. Located 15 km from the capital of the island, the nearest town is the town of Yalissos. Although the mountain and not the highest on the island, it opens a very beautiful view of the surroundings.

The name of the mountain occurs on behalf of the Monk Fileurim, who, according to legend, climbed to the mountain with the icon of the Virgin of the work of the Holy Luke himself, and founded the monastery. To this day, the temple of the Philerim Virgin Mary is functioning on the mountain, interesting in that it is divided into two parts: Catholic and Orthodox.

The icon brought by a monk is now stored in the art museum of the city of Cetini in Montenegro, and in the Church of Fileurimos - only its copy. The temple is surrounded by a small cozy park, according to which manual peacocks walk.

Another attraction of Fileurimos - "Path on Calvary" is a cypress alley, rising to the top, equal to the length of the path traveled by Christ on Calvary. At the end of the way - an impressive 16 meter cross and an observation deck.

In the season you can get to Fileurimos on the bus directly from Rhodes, you can only get to Yalissos in the offseason, and already from there - on foot or taxi.

A small resort town, just 8 km from Rhodes - an ideal place for sailing and surfing, thanks to the northwestern wind and the direction of the waves.

The last 20-30 years in Yalissos are often held national and international competitions in Windows and Kitesurfing. Here is a great place and for the practice of novice athletes.

For bathing, the beaches in Yalissos are not the most comfortable - the sea is always worried, and the bottom is stony.

We divert the leisure of the excursion - quite near the mountain of Fileurimos, to the capital of the island with his knightly castles - also hand to hand.

Getting to Yalissos is easy by bus from the airport or from Rhodes, you can take a taxi due to small distance It will be released.

Settlement Arkhangelos, located 30 km south of Rhodes - a quiet and peaceful place for family holidays. Sandy beaches, shallow sea, vineyards, olive groves, citrus gardens have a surrounding area.

Among the attractions - the Belo-Shop Church of Archangel Mikhail with a high lace bell tower and the ruins of the ancient castle of St. John.

Another calm place to relax with the whole family. This is a small, but rapidly gaining popularity among tourists settlement, is located 20 km from Rhodes on the east coast of the island. The main street of the village is a three-kilometer eucalyptus alley, descending to the sea. Huge trees create a special microclimate, thanks to essential oils that are highlighted by the leaves in the sun.

Not far away - just 6 km there is a monastery of Tsambika with a church in honor of the Saint Virgin Mary, a visit to which, according to beliefs, helps women cure from infertility and give birth to a child.

Back in Kolimbia, tourists reviews are the best on the island of the tavern of the National Greek cuisine.

The colorful lively village, adjacent to the noisy Faliraki, is famous for its bright colorful houses, the main color of the walls in which - bright blue, doors and shutters can be red, the porch is green, etc. Also, souvenirs are often hung right on the walls handmade - Ceramics, embroidery, fabrics, rugs, which can be immediately purchased.

In Califae, there is ancient term with mineral water, which were recently renovated and accept visitors.

This natural attraction is located in the gorge stretching up the flow of a picturesque stream near the place of Petaludes in the north-western part of the island. You can get there on the white-blue bus company R.O.D.A. From the central bus station for 5 euros.

The valley of butterflies is a place in which their thousands are assembled, but all of them are one species and do not fly, but sit on trees, sometimes covering trunks with a solid carpet. These are the butterflies of the Four-stage bear (Euplagia quadripunctaria rhodosensis), which will underdesert the trumps, so they are in adulthood do not eat, and the forces accumulated into the paths of caterpillars only enough for mating and laying eggs.

Butterflies are not the most bright painted, but still when the set of them covers trees or other surfaces of a live carpet - this is a fascinating sight!

Attention! It is guaranteed to meet butterflies in the valley from the end of May until the beginning of August. Arriving before or later, you will most likely not meet them or there will be very little.

  • Opening hours: 8.00-17.00
  • Ticket price: 5 euros, for children - free.

Children on the island will like it! Sea, sandy beaches, abundance of extraordinary vegetation, real knight locks, everywhere towers, walls, ruins.

Excursions for the old city in a game form can be a real adventure! You can walk along the fortress wall, climb on the high tower of the Rhodes Fortress - the hour. Children will always be interested in walking along the shopping street Socrates and choose souvenirs and gifts to relatives.

Special entertainment - water park in Faliraki - you can spend a whole day for it or even two! Older children can take windsurfing lessons in Yalissos - when will such an opportunity?

Finally, another day can be devoted to visiting the valley of butterflies and located nearby the zoo.

The main inconvenience of the island when traveling with children is rather strong winds, why the sea is often restless. Although, almost always you can find a cozy cove, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bLindos.

I immediately offered my candidacy, but I warned that the experience of driving is almost zero, albeit the right to hand for two years now: 14 out of 15 classes with an instructor, periodic participation in karting competitions, plus a few and short trips on friends. The only thing that, I am absolutely no difference, what a box in the car is a machine or manual. Natalia Granitsna car drives quite a long time and confidently, but only the machine, and with machines with automatic gearbox on Rhodes are complicated. Svetlana Grantovna owns a manual gearbox, but unfortunately, he arrived without taking with him right. It was accepted by the "family" decision that in the event that it does not feed with a machine gun, then I sit down behind the wheel, and the shine is placed in places, in which case it will force. Ivan Grantovich from candidates fell, since it was indifferent to cars.

There were no problems with rental. The choice of cars is not very wide, but is quite sufficient. Prices car rental cost on Rhodes - From 40 euro per day. The more long-term rental period, the more the discount can be obtained: if you take the car for a week, then the car rental you can do in general at 25-35 Euro per day. Tetchka in the rolling office promised to us the rush price, since we ordered three cars at once (not only grantovichi decided to ride in the island). We took a miracle korean Auto industry Hundai Getz, from all that he suggested that he had the most powerful engine. He cost us at 25 Euro. The only thing that, with a machine gun, is still not a fart.

0 km. Come on with the wheel

On the morning of May 9, after breakfast, behind which, according to the tradition, I looked like a glass of juice to the Germans with the words "for the victory !!!", aunt from rolled office kindly handed me the keys. The mood at that time was pretty contradictory. On the one hand, I really wanted for the steering wheel, on the other hand, I felt more responsible for people and someone else's property, with the third - fear. But, having acquainted with this silver handsome, I realized that everything would be good. The presence of CD magnetic and the working air conditioner added a positive.

The first goal of our "victorious march" was. From the hotel to the old city, the road took 10 minutes. The city we already knew well, so there were no problems with the passage and route. Once again, he admired the appearance of the Northern Cape itself. In this place the Aegean Sea goes into the Mediterranean. The waters of the first are always not very calm. From the Aegean Sea side almost constantly blowing a rather strong wind. Mediterranean surprises with absolute calm, water is only occasionally going to the small ripple. From the Northern Cape, which is called an aquarium, the underwater sandy spit comes into the sea. It is she considered to be the border. And just a lively visible, how sharply ends the excitementary Aegean and the peaceful Mediterranean begins. It was still morning and the body has already begun to demand at least some caffeine. In the old town - in fact, the perfectly preserved medieval fortress of the knights of the Order of St. John - on the area of \u200b\u200bthe hippocracy we were able to quench this thirst.

The car was left in the parking lot, near the gate of St. Ekaterinis, the benefit with the parking lot here, unlike Kiev, there are no problems at all. As soon as they crossed the border of the old town, they immediately plunged into the real Greek color. Souvenir shops, clothing stores, jewelry salons, ice cream sellers. And for the shelves - non-painted and leisurely Greeks and Greek. Never hurry and do not fuss. And right! Apparently, this is one of the main factors of their long-life. The only ones who behave very actively are closed in local taverns. The struggle for the client is carried out very violently and practically every corner. And it is not terrible that everyone promises the most exquisite food and excellent drinks. This is true, only in every place there is any highlight. We took advantage of the advice of the experienced and sat down in the tavern, where several local people had breakfast. It is in such institutions that you can always get a lot of pleasure from food, drinks and atmosphere.

16 km. To visit Mr. Quinna

The next goal of our fleet was the city of Faliraki. The town is pretty colorful. It looks like a traditional Greek settlement with an abundance of shops and restaurants. But in fact, the most part of the rhodes. A lot of holidaymakers from the States and Britain. Sometimes it seems that I got into the Negro ghetto, but in fact everything is quite calm. What was very surprised, so it is long queues in tattoo salons. Apparently, the local make a considerable turn on this.

And the Faliraki is famous for its beaches - yellow pure sand, calm sea, umbrella, chaise longue, still a glass of local "mythos" - and I am in paradise. But I'm driving, it is impossible ... honestly, it was very difficult to restrain, since Grantovichi did not refuse themselves in pleasure, but I had to be content with Freshami.

Immediately after departure from Faliraki to the municipal highway in the direction south almost missed the turn into a very significant place. Fortunately, Natalia Grantna, as the main navigator, in time adjusted the route. Do not miss the pointer to Cape Ladyko. There is the famous Bay of Anthony Quinna. This American actor of Mexican origin played Grek Zorba, in the movie of the same name. In the process of filming, he conquered Greece so much, and in particular Rhodes that he wanted to buy a land plot from the state in this bay.

Despite the fact that the Greeks took Quinna for their national hero, the state men refused to sell him, but they called this small closed bay in his honor.

32 kN. It's time to make desire

Moved further south. I looked at mileage for the day - just some 20 km, and so much saw. Grantovichi silently admired landscapes, but in their eyes it was possible to understand that they were subconsciously wanted a place for meals. "But here we rightly" - quietly commanded the navigator directly opposite the church, at the entrance to the town of Quickness. We slowly moved deep into the island, and all Grantovichi began to ask Natalia in surprise, where we go. As it turned out, we went to the valley of seven sources (Ept Piez, 3 km from the municipal highway). Actually - Bomb !!! A mixed pine-plane forest, wagging a path under a hill - and we were in a small gorge, at the bottom of which seven springs make their way from under the ground. Rodnikov gather in a stream, which takes 186 meter tunnel inside the rock, and then forms a small mining lake. The Greeks say that it is necessary to drink water from each source and walk barefoot to the ankle in the water of the tunnel to wash off all the sins for seven years ahead. We came another idea. We decided that every spring symbolizes human qualities, to strengthen which you can only put water from them. When we started trying to try the driver for friendship, devotion, courage, love ETC, a few more people joined us. We hope that this tradition is hooked there.

Now to the tunnel. Fishing! Very dark! It is seen only a small glowing opening at the exit. For the bottom, water flows rapidly. The width of the tunnel is not more than 70 cm, so you can only move in one direction, it is impossible to expose it. If you suffer from claustrophobia, it's better to do not go there, although, on the other hand, is a great way to win it. While you move on it, carefully stepping on the slippery bottom and blending your head in the shoulders, really arises a feeling of purity, calm, peace. Still, there is something in this. Yes, and we also told us that real nymphs live in this tunnel. With these mythical ladies you need to be careful: if you see it, you can go blind if you look into the eyes, you can die, but if you like it - consider happiness to you. While I was made through, honestly, I did not see. Apparently, the camera flashed. But it managed to make a desire, which on arrival home came true.

After such psychological extreme and water procedures, I wanted to eat. Immediately, near Rodnikov, there is a decent tavern. Menu - Completely standard: lamb, kozdyatin, seafood and big choice National snacks. The guys from our group were connected to our meal, which for the absence of an experienced navigator went for us on the second car. As a result, a very dense dinner at eight people with meat, wine, a bunch of snacks cost only 120 Euro.

Further - Cambick. This is a rock, on top of which is the Church of the Virgin. It has a copy of the miraculous icon, which helps childless families to conceive and give birth to a child. Some guides are joking that there is even a room in which future parents can immediately begin the process. The road to the church is a rather difficult test not that for the kettle, but also for the driver with experience - mountain serpentine with steep lifts (about 45 °) and turns on the VI clock. First, as we agreed with Svetlana Grant, I wanted to ask me to inshance, but men's pride and durability took the top, I decided that I could handle myself. At the beginning of the rise, on a narrow section of the road, there were two obviously "not ours." For all the rules, the one who goes on the rise has an advantage. But these "not ours are", apparently, the rights bought, and I had to smuggle with the jewelry accuracy between them and I had nowhere to go. Then went a steep rise, and I, not having time to switch from the second to the first, stalled. Well, sorry, well, inexperienced. I began to even worry about the fact that Grantovichi will think about me, since I didn't really try on a slide from the handbrake. An autotraining helped: "Snakes pick up, rag !!!". And in the end, with a slip, the drawing of the engine is up to seven thousand revolutions (so I will forgive me the poor getz, he, apparently, never strained so much) and everything turned out with a malicious expression. The next rally area is another steep rise with a turn 180 °, the road is narrow, on the left - the rock, right - the abyss. Grantovichi was worried, since I first led the Gat. On the rise in the car stood a female screech and the concerned voice of Ivan Grantovich. In the turn - a five-second scene. All, we rose, we are in place. The hysteria is over, but the shivel in the knees is still left.

A rocky path led from the parking lot to the church. At its very beginning, the hill of the sand is covered, near which the sign hangs asking for help in restoring the temple. You just need to dial into the sand package and raise it to the top, it is not difficult, but the people do not run on the ball. The church herself was personally impressed me. Simply a good placewhich creates the impression that time stopped. A copy of the icons is covered with photographs of kids. The pictures are very much in proof that in this is also something there. Also near her, there are many small chasing with the image of various figures. Checking can be bought from the local caretaker. Depending on your need, you can choose the image of a child, any part of the body (in order to recover, in the case of ailment), an adult (for the health of someone).

60 km. Change transport?

20 minutes on the road - we are in. It seemed that this city as stood many centuries ago, and remained untouched time. White houses stretched down the slope, the fortress wall, the only thing that did not survive in the original form - the Acropolis. According to the town itself, only walking or on donkey. At the entrance to the city there is a peculiar parking, so you can immediately take "transport" along with reassigns for 5-6 Euro. Street systems are not available. It is rather not the street, but the passages between the houses. Moreover, independently in which you will turn on the rise, - you still get to Acropolis. Each house is at the same time housing for the local and shop or a small tavern. And in the evenings, dance parties are held in the bowels of these houses, and no sound is heard on the street, and in this time a real movement.

119 km. Kiss Moreley

The last jerk remained before the victory. For all the time Rhodes' trip, I had confidence in my own disposal. On the last, the longest segment of our route wanted to purify. Not even frightened the fact of the possibility of screaming a fine for exceeding, apparently woke up the spirit of the instruction. Moving in a common stream, we acted up to 120 km / h. The car went easily and confidently, the speed did not even feel. So, we fell asleep to Prasonissi.

Prasonissi Peninsula is the southernmost point of Rhodes. This place is called the "Kiss of the Two Seas". Monumental and VPE-chatalingly. Even calm among-earthly from this kiss is worried. Sitting on a hillock and watching the local kite and windsurphs, I remembered the final of the film "Reach to Heaven." All just silently sat with one single thought: "We did it!"

Vladimir Bednarsky

Rhodes' Greek island is not so great, just 80 km long, but, despite the size of the island, there are not few unique attractions worthy of attention. You can inspect them in different ways, for example, by ordering a tour of local travel agencies. You can explore the island yourself on public transport or by taxi if the budget allows.

However, the most productive and full acquaintance with the island of Rhodes you will succeed, if you use the services of local Rentcars and rent a car. In this case, you yourself the owner and you will not depend on anyone.

Take a car rental on Rhodes is not difficult, Rentcars are more than enough, they are practically in every village and in any hotel. Most of them there is a Russian-speaking employee. Moreover, the Rhodes are increasingly found on renting cars, where the rental contract is made in Russian, this greatly facilitates the Russian tourist to navigate in terms of insurance and lease conditions. General rules for renting a car in Greece remains the same. One of these companies, Russian tourists popular in Rhodes, is "Laksheri Kars".

Traveling in Rhodes by car is easy and simple, the roads are good enough, the movement is not intense and, most importantly, to get lost, you need to really try even if you do not use the navigator. rules road In Greece, almost nothing differs from Russian, all the same. There are, of course, some features, for example, meters for two hundred to traffic lights, you can see an additional section of a yellow blinking fire, warning about the fact that the intersection with the traffic light is ahead.

Special attention when traveling by the machine in Rhodes must be added to parking. Basically, they are free everywhere, but, in large villages, and in particular in the city of Rhodes there are parking paid. Blue marking on Earth means paid parking. If you are parking in such a place, you immediately look for a parking lot to pay the parking lot. The cost of parking on Rhodes on average is 1.5 euros per hour. To pay for it, it is necessary to omit into a parking lot of coins (it does not accept paper bills) and click the button on the scoreboard with the desired parking time. After these manipulations, the parking lot will give you a twin, which must be put under windshield Your car.

Rhodes route to Rhodes Any tourist can easily make up myself. To do this, you need to get acquainted in advance with the sights. By the way, those on the island of Bole than enough. In addition, you can just ride the towns and villages and discover new and unknown mass tourists. For example, to visit a small not tourist village of Fans, it will leave you an indelible impression, believe me. And for lovers to photograph just a storehouse of landscapes and plots.

To begin with, I offer you your simple travel route by Rhodes by car. By the way, we made it not so long and helped us in this one of our familiar who lives at Rhodes, it was thanks to him that we learned about the village of Fans. But, about her later.

This time we leased a small machine " Nissan Micra.»With a box of automatic. The fuel consumption was not more than six liters per 100 km, quite economically for Greek prices for gasoline. By the way, gasoline on Rhodes is on average 1.7 euros per liter AI-95, and refueling are located every 2-3 km along any road. Fix the gasoline machine is very simple, you drive up to refueling, give money to a specially trained person who is available at each refueling and everything, nothing more needs to do, you can even leave the car.

For traveling by Rhodes, the car is still preferably to choose more power than "Nissan Micra". On mountain roads and on steep lifts, it goes to a slide with tension. Probably C. mechanical box Transmissions on such roads to travel would not be very comfortable if you have been driving on the machine.

The car of the first day decided to choose easier to get acquainted with the surroundings and get used to the car and the peculiarities of the local traffic rules. We rested at the Virginia Hotel near the village of Califa, so the initial point of our trips will be considered Califa.

So the first day.

Route: Caliphey - Califhea Terms - seven sources (36º15'12.90 "and 28 º06'52.91") - Tsampiko monastery (36º13'50.08 "and 28º08'04.56") with a tavern "Panorama" - Haraki village (36º10'00.73 "and 28º05 '37 .08 ") with swimming on the beach - Lindos - Califa.

After breakfast, we leave the hotel towards Faliraki. I immediately pay attention to that there are no pointers with the name of the area, so the first planned attraction "Caliphea Terma" we pass by. Next, we decide to immediately go swimming at Anthony Quen. The heat stands unbearable, so it is not so comfortable to move on Rhodes in the car, despite the air conditioner working on the full power in the car.

The beach we found quickly on the "Ladiko Beach" and "Antony Quinn" sign. These two unique beaches are immediately behind the village of Faliraki, if you are heading south along the east coast. Parking has these two beaches alone and find free space in a high season is not so easy. Parking itself is free. If you face the sea, then the beach Ladiko will be right, and Antony Quinn on the left. Both beaches are great, are in small bays. Waves are not here, the water is purest, like the beaches themselves. In stock Sun beds, umbrellas at a price of 8 euros per day for a set, dilateral and shower with fresh water. At Anthony Queen's beach is better to come in the morning, otherwise there will be no free places not only in the parking lot, but also on the beaches. People sunbathe here so tightly that because of the sun beds along the shore sometimes and in the sea are not included, it is literally on the bodies.

Tourists on Anthony Queen Beach

Anthony Queen Beach

Getting around in a paradise place, heading further to the next sight of Rhodes, which is called Seven Sources (EPTA Piges). It is quite pretty to a winding serpentine rising to the mountain. The car is with difficulty. Park on free parking under a tree in the shade. If you leave the car under the sun, then the body is rapid so that in the car the first five minutes you feel like in the steam room, despite the working air conditioning.

Where to leave the car in the city of Rhodes Before entering the source, there is a small tavern where you can drink a driver or orange Fresh, which we have done.

Seven sources on Rhodes

However, you still need to leave. It is a pity that such beauty is so far from our hotel. On the way again we visit Haraki to drink cold frapp and reappear on a cozy beach. The day passed quite rich and interesting, impressions - the sea. Tomorrow we continue to travel by the car by Rhodes in new uncharted places and famous sights.

Day Three. The route is: Califhey - Fanoven village (36º21'03.69 "and 27º58'56.75") - the valley of butterflies (coordinates for the navigator - 36º15'11.47 "and 28 º06'50.90") - an ostrich farm (36º21'09.05 "and 28º02'09.05" ) - Monastery of St. Nectarius (36º15'56.20 "and 28º04'38.12") - Anthony Queen Beach - Filerimus Mountain - Rhodes City - Califa.

First we visit the non-cerebral village of Fans on the west coast of Rhodes. Parking the car and go to walk along the narrow colorful streets, take pictures of multicolored houses and do not cease to respond to the greetings of local residents, who are the first with a smile greeting. It can be seen that we are glad here and it is very nice. Stock Foto Fans in a separate topic. For lovers of exotic and local flavor, I highly recommend going here.


Dark Fantanese

Then go to the valley of butterflies. The road leads through the mountain serpentine through coniferous forests.

Road in the mountains

A small stop on the mountain road.

Such souvenirs can be bought in the mountains from locals.

It so happened that at first we drove into the valley of butterflies, and only then on an ostrich farm. Park machine on the upper parking, because All other places are busy. From the upper parking to the entrance to the place where the butterflies live, you need to go down the meters of 400. Really spectacle is amazing, thousands of bear hundreds of the gers are rushed on trees and stones along the stream. It is a slightly sigh of them and you are surrounded by red fluttering petals. The further descend along the stream on wooden floorings, the more jaw involuntarily displays from such a number of fluttering pesting insects. In the second half of summer, especially in August, butterflies are collected in this place in the greatest quantity.

Butterflies in the valley of butterflies

The next stop is an ostrich farm. The cost of the entrance ticket is 8 euros. We didn't like it at all. First, in the heat there was no desire to feed these long-legged birds, and secondly, all this would be more interesting to children, so we walk around a small ostrich cell, returned to the parking lot and went to swim on the beach of Anthony Quen, on the way I drove in honey . Holy nectaries helps to get rid of alcohol addiction and assists those who need money. It is also believed that it helps oncological patients. In the monastery itself, it was not possible, he was already closed. In general, if you are going to visit Rhodes monasteries and churches, then it is better to do it before dinner, otherwise most of them will be closed.

Next to the monastery of St. Nectarius, you can buy a magnificent honey that we have done. And near the road near the staircase, leading to the monastery, grows a huge fence with a hollow, where an adult is easily placed.

Entrance to the monastery of St. Netry

And this is the monastery of St. Nectari

Next, we are heading to Anthony Queen's Beach, named after American film actor. The path to the beach is already a protopantan, here only there are no places on the beach, all the sun beds are busy. But we still manage to find one free sun bed and get on it. I go to the diving center, which is right there on the beach. For 60 euros I do a dive along with the instructor of minutes on forty, the wife rests on the shore. Unfortunately, it will plunge deeper than seven meters, the instructor did not allow, said that they have such rules for new customers. Well, okay, I saw something interesting on the bottom, for example, a long Sargan, a couple of octopus among the stones and many flocks of fish.

Outcome. Yes, indeed, traveling by the car by Rhodes is much more interesting than public transport. We, however, later bought an excursion to the island of Halka, but this is a completely different type of travel, besides, the Khalka on the car is not Comilfo. And I strongly recommend using Renkara services "Luxury Car Rental, "for years tested by many tourists.

Good luck to you!

More about Rhodes

Publish a story about our independent journey :)
This time, Rhodes was again chosen as a place of rest, namely Faliraki. Tickets bought on our own, failed cheap. Such can be found when flying through Helsinki. Our flight was from Moscow (Domodedovo), a charter, which was usually detained by 2.5 hours.

From Rhodes Airport, the Faliraki can be reached in two ways: by bus through Rhodes with a transplant, or by taxi. We chose a second way, the price of a taxi is fixed, before Faliraki 26 euros, they got back for 28. We returned home through Sheremetyevo without delay. From Moscow to Peter drove on the new two-story train, the fare in the coupe a little more than 2000, I very much advise to ride it :)
Hotel We booked on Booking.com, focused on feedback and overall assessment of tourists, we were interested in a simple room with a kitchen. For financial considerations, a hotel was chosen without the pool. And it was not enough for us, the sea was cool and we could reappear a couple of times. Next to the hotel was located a bar with a pool, buying a drink in which you could have sunbathe and swim for free. On bucking is not everywhere, the photos correspond to the description of the numbers, there are no minibunks on all photos, so if you doubt - you can go to the hotel's website and try to contact them by email. But we were without it. Immediately after booking, I received a letter from the hotel owner of Nikos with a greeting and warm words. The hotel is called Tasos Apartments, prepayments are not required, paid accommodation when arriving with cash.
The hotel in general is very pleased, there is cozy. There was a welcome compliment in the form of a bottle of red wine (not bad), fruits, a couple of cups with coffee and cream and a pair of cake pieces. The room has everything you need, air conditioning and Wi-Fi for free, hairdryer, television, large balcony with table and chairs, rope for drying linen. Every morning, a pretty woman makes a pretty woman from 9 to 13, it changes the towels, even behes the dishes after breakfast. It will be removed only if there is no one in the room, will bring full order on the bedside table and in the room as a whole, carefully will put your pajamas and clothing in the room.
The kitchen has everything you need for cooking and storage of products. A couple of tips from their own experience:
1. Use with you 1 or 2 containers to shift the ready-made food and free up the pan and the pan, the pan will fit into the refrigerator, but it will take a lot of space and you can warm the food only in a frying pan.
2. We also use transparent food sachets, I'm not sure that they are in the local supermarket.
3. Use with me to the suitcase, the compelling knife for meat and vegetables, in the hotel they are stupid and small.
4. A pair of slices of soap: one for vegetables in the kitchen and one for washing the linen.
Salt, sugar, spices, everything needs to be bought, necessarily oil, even with it on the existing frying pan, food often burned food. Upon arrival we were given a bottle of detergent and sponge. Corkscrew for wine is. No paper napkins.
In the bathroom shower with a curtain, but no matter how old water gets into the floor and if it is a problem for you, you can buy a floor cloth. On the floor there is a rug, but it is enough only to stand on him with my legs after the soul. There is one big and one small towel for each guest. Small jar shampoo and gel. Everything is clean and tidy. Tip from personal experience: so as not to pick up the possible fungus (hotel low price category) we wiped the soul tray specially brought by technical alcohol (small bottle), because Soap fungus does not kill.
The beds in the room were compiled together, between them there is a gap, which we neutralized a warm blanket. The extensionist brought from home was very useful because The socket above the bed did not work.
Hangers in the closet enough, a lot of things for things.
Nikos is very hospitable and always ready to help you solve any problem. He is about 60 years old and he is a very positive person. Near the reception there is a bar, where you can sit and chat with him in the evening.
Sea and beach.
The sea in May on Rhodes is cool, we were on the Mediterranean. The first week was uncomfortable to swim, and in the second we bathed only in weak weather. Therefore, if you want plenty of swimming, come no earlier than June, and better in September, when the tourists are smaller, and the water warms up. Although local children bathed with pleasure. The beach in Faliraki is probably the best on Rhodes, sandy, water clean, there are no stones. There were few people on the beach because of the start of the season and in general tourists are less than in summer.

In the first couple of days it was relatively cool in the afternoon and in the evening, then he was warm up, it was hot in the afternoon, in the evening well.

I recommend to take a non-storm blouse or a tight jacket for the evening, if you go to May, the sea is cool in the evening. Beach only four: Faliraki A, B, Catara Beach and Qatar Beach. At the end of the beach of Qatar there are pretty large pebbles, which can be picked up, but to swim there is a problematic bottom of the sliding due to clay. There is a nudist beach, but we did not go to him.

From our hotel to the sea 10 minutes walk.
Interesting places.
We are on Rhodes for the second time, almost all the main attractions have already seen (Monolithos, Prasonissi, Kamiros, Epta Piez, Lindos). On this trip, we visited not so many places, namely: Rhodes, Bay Anthony Queen and Ladico, Siemy Island. Let's start with Faliraki.
In the Faliraki itself it is interesting to see the view from the observation deck, which can be passed after the beach of Qatar on the local tracks. From there, there is a beautiful view of the whole town and there can be sitting in the evening with a bottle of wine together.

And so the Faliraki is a small town where many cafes, shops and nightclubs.

Of the interesting places-only boat station with a small Catholic church and the beach. From there, boats are sent to Rhodes and Lindos, as well as excursions to the above bays.

Church of Sv.nectarus on the highway, it is very beautiful.

Many cats, on the boat station there is a place where they are specially fed :)

Freshe to Rhodes from Faliraki costs 2 euros 20 cents, the bus brings you to the final stop to the box office, where you can see the schedule of departure back. Also from Rhodes there is a large number of buses in almost all the main settlements of the island, the excursions are also sent from there.
Rhodes are an interesting place, according to personal experience, I advise you not to combine long trips to its shops with a walk around the city on the same day, it is very tedious. I will write about the stores below in a separate section. We took over the main tourist sites this time and found a lot of interesting courtyards and streets. On one of them in the local cafe playing guitar. It is difficult to get lost there, everything is near. The city is beautiful, interesting. One of his chips are parrots on one of the central squares that can even get to your hand, even if you are sitting in a local cafe and do not expect anything like that. In general, Rhodes is worth a visit and repeatedly.

Bay Anthony Queen and Ladyko are 40 minutes walk from Faliraki, if you go along the highway. The path is not close, but it is worth it. First, your eyes will open the bay of a ladical-cute wide bay with a sandy-pebble beach.

Anthony Queen is a bit above her, 10 minutes walk. This is a very beautiful place, a small cozy bay with a pebble beach and dark turquoise water.

As for the sun beds in this bay, then after 17 they are free. I am very advised to stroll along the track, which leads to a parking lot from the bay: from there a great view opens.

As for the island of Sima, I can say from myself that it is still the most cool and interesting place where I have ever been. But first things first. We purchased a tour of SIMI in the middle of the beach of Katafigu at the local very benevolent Greek Mikhail for 25 euros per person. In principle, you can buy a lot of different excursions (in Marmaris for 47 euros, in Nisiros-island with a half-minded volcano for 56 euros, in the above bays, etc.), and you can order an individual private water tour of those places where you want To visit (he offered us such an excursion to Lindos for 29 euros, only 4 euros is more expensive and for several hours longer than it).

The excursion consisted of two parts: visit the central city of Siy and the monastery of Panamimitis.
The next day, at 8 am, the bus took the bus at 8 am, on which we drove to Rhodes and moved there on the ferry.

On it we sailed about 2 hours, we took the lower closed deck, but in principle on the upper, it was also not bad. The only moment was a small pitching, but at the bottom did not feel.

5 minutes to sail to the central city of Simi, I advise you to take a place for photo and video shooting on the nose the ferry-look overwhelming.

We had only 3 hours in Sima, for which we barely managed to bypass his embankment and resemble a little on the streets within the city. I categorically do not advise you to join the excursions, almost all the time drove them on souvenir shops. It is better to get around the city yourself, you will see much more.

I most liked the most in the city. One place, immediately for the cafe of La Vapallotto: Lestenka to the sea, where we sat down with my husband and sat, hanging down on the water.

And then they decided to reconcile in the cafe itself. There, with your first appearance, the staff cafes throws the fish to the fish to be able to observe how they are divided. And there are quite large fish there and there are a lot of them, so it is worth looking at it.

After three hours we went to the monastery and in 50 minutes were in place.

The monastery is pretty, you can go to put a candle in inside, you determine the fee for the candles yourself. In addition to them, they will give an icon and lamp oil.

But on this our entertainment did not end. On the bottom deck on the way back the Tamada ferry sang songs with all the wishing audience from the hall, in the languages \u200b\u200bof different countries. It was very fun and incendial.

In Rhodes, we sailed at 19 pm and then could transfer to the bus that would bring us to the hotel. But we did not do that and decided to just stroll through the old town, I drove home on a public bus.

Shops and souvenirs.
Near our hotel there are only small grocery stores, we took water there in large canices (poured home in a bottle, much cheaper) and potatoes not to carry from afar, the choice of vegetables is small and quality is not very particular in the evening. A relatively large supermarket is a 25-minute walk on the track towards Rhodes, after the Church of St. Nectarus.

I advise you to buy there a good choice and product quality, many household goods and cosmetics of the level of massmarket. The chickens are sold there only, from meat-pork in pieces for steaks or expensive pieces in the package. Many fish, another place where they are sold, we did not find. Before buying, be sure to ask the seller, whether you choose the names in Greek, you can mistaken squid. There is octopus and shrimp, but for their cooking in the room need a good frying pan.
In this store I bought myself a lotion for the body of Athenas Treasures, a simple, he has many smells to choose from, there is an aloe without fragrances, in stores it is more expensive for 5 euros. Buy the sunscreen there is a very expensive cost from 12 euros, go back to them in advance.
Cards for the word are taken in all stores regardless of size, we paid only in a taxi.
On the other side of the track opposite the church, a little in depth is a meat shop, there is a large selection, meat, chicken, stuffing are good, bought immediately for all vacation-freezer allowed. All products prices are indicated at the end of the story.
If necessary, you can find all spices in Faliraki, they are sold in large quantities and the choice of interesting. But do not hurry to carry from there a mixture of spices - they are quite expensive for tourists, but you can do such at home. Similarly, you can buy a large canister of olive oil and a house add different impurities to it, such a thing there is also sold, only in small bottles.
In Faliraki there is one main street with shops of souvenirs and clothes, clubs that are activated at night. There are a pair of tattoo salons and salons of Pilling feet with small fish.
Regarding prices: Souvenirs in Rhodes are cheaper at 1.5-2 euros and the choice is more. Silver jewelry is also better to buy in Rhodes, immediately along the way from the end bus stop to the Old Town (not in the oldest city). Rings there are exactly cheaper than 2 times, there are very beautiful and suitable in case, if not confident in the size (squeezed).
In Faliraki, we liked an unusual magnet in the form of a bottle with sand and shells and figures on the neck, 3.5 euros. Ordinary magnets from 1.5 euros. In Rhodes, you can just buy magnets with a piece of olive soap for 5 euros for 2 pieces. Cheap interesting magnets can be bought in Simim, they are there 1.5 euros per piece. Postcards mostly everywhere from 25 cents. The rest is all fairly standard, but pretty. Also as gifts, we purchased the facial napkins in Faliraki, from 3.5 euros, a ceramic boat figure for 5 euros, a mug with Greece for 3.5 euros.
Alcohol on the main street of Faliraki is more expensive, take in stores, when choosing metaxes, choose a glass bottle, 5 stars are preferable than 3., from 4 euros. Local vodka (UZO) as a gift can be bought in a supermarket, from 5 euros in gift wrapping.
Prices for clothes are the same as we. Large selection of hats, cost from 8 euro
As a gift you can buy a picture in Rhodes, they are wonderful here (15 euros optimal size, there is a bigger and smaller), you can take with you to manual sting. Beautiful scarf or palatine can be purchased from 8 euros, in Rhodes for 25 euros you can buy 3 dense scarf. Very large selection of leather bags, there are cute backpacks, you can buy from artificial skin for 25 euros. Prices for bags and backpacks are not fixed, you can try to bargain.
In Faliraki at the end of the main street there is a bar of the coos, immediately after that the bar is a pretty shop in which unusual non-revocual gifts can be found. There I gained myself a very pretty bracelet for 4 euros, which is combined with local turquoise rings and looks worthily for jewelry. Fans of turquoise shades and similar to them - you go there
In Greece, we discovered the mini-tanks with a rubber ball, you can play on the beach and in our St. Petersburg in nature, from 3.5 euros.
As for cosmetics, it is a lot of rhodes and different prices. I advise you to buy the one that local cosmetologists enjoy, the price for day cream on average from 30 euros.
Cafes and restaurants.
Very advise you to visit two cafes in Faliraki: Kavos, it is located in front of the boat station, at the beginning of the Katar Beach, and Dimitra, it is located in the middle of the beach of Kataatigu.
In Kavos, we tried several dishes.

I really liked the octopus on the grill (9 euros),

Kleftika (8.5 euros) did not like, but she is an amateur (baked lamb in cabbage with tomatoes).

There were delicious pork chops with mushroom sauce (12 euros) and mussels with lemon juice (10 euros per half kilograms).
In Dimitre, the choice is more.

We first ordered an assorted seafood (15 euros), one big plate for two for the whole evening, which included Koryushka, mussels, squid and anchovies in breading and royal shrimps on the grill. I ordered the sauce of TCattsy (2.5 euros), in which we safely all this Makali. For the second time we ordered shrimp in the Saganaki cheese (8.5 euros) and the octopus on the grill (9.5 euros). But in Kavos, I liked it more. And for the third time we took meat assorted grilled (18 euros), which is a huge plate with pork, beef, chicken, lamb, sausage and a cutlet. Very tasty and wonderful service :)
Public photo menu of one of the Greek cafes.

All photos from Rhodes can be found in my open album, there are about 500 pieces there, they are large, so you can't download them here, at the end of the album prices for souvenirs and cafes,

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