Home Salon Ekobus - urban transport of the future. Electrobe - Environmental transport or new monorails? Eco-friendly buses

Ekobus - urban transport of the future. Electrobe - Environmental transport or new monorails? Eco-friendly buses

In the environmental rating of the subjects of the Russian Federation of the All-Russian Public Organization "Green Patrol", Moscow ranked fifth, rising over the year by 9 positions. Improve the state of ecology in the capital helped, including measures to develop the city transport system.

The environmental rating of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has been published since 2008 and is published four times a year: in winter, in spring, summer and autumn. According to the results of winter, 2016-2107 Moscow ranked 5th. Last winter, the capital was posted on 14 positions. The basis for calculating the environmental rating is the operational data on environmentally significant events, incidents and issues. You can get acquainted with the methodology of calculation on the website "Green Patrol" www.greenpatrol.ru/sites/default/files/_ppt_1_0_0.pdf

According to the rating, the ecological situation in Moscow influenced the transport decision of the recent years - entry of a paid parking lot, the purchase of a new rolling stock of public transport, the creation of pedestrian spaces and cycles in the framework of the program "My Street", regulation of truck traffic and other initiatives.

Public transport is one of the most eco-friendly movements in the capital's roads. Since 2013, buses purchased in Moscow correspond to the ecological class of the Euro-5 engine. The bus fleet of the carrier of GUP "Mosgortrans" was updated by 95%. In 2016, thanks to the reform of the terrestrial urban passenger transport, 2 thousand new eco-friendly vehicles were released on routes. The average age of buses of commercial carriers is 1 year, and Mosgortrans - 4.9 years.

In the next three years, 100 trams will be delivered to Moscow every year. Each modern three-section tram is transported by 30% more passengers than the tram of the usual design. In addition, a new electric office of Russian production is underway in the capital.

In 2016, the number of urban transport passengers increased by 600 million people compared with 2010. Muscovites have become wiser to use the car, preferring other ways to move around the city. The launch of the movement along the Moscow central ring, as well as the introduction of the new route network "Magistral" in 2016 made urban transport more conveniently and attracted new passengers. The growing popularity of Moscow taxi and carcharing systems also reduces the number of personal cars in the city and improve the road situation, which has a positive effect on the environmental situation in the city.

"The work of the Government of Moscow, and in particular, the transport complex, in the direction of the reorganization of the city allowed Moscow to enter the top 5 rating of ecology. Moscow is almost one year earlier than the rest of the regions of Russia, adopted a law on the sale of the Euro-5 fuel, which had a positive effect on air quality. The positive effect was given and disembarking trees, entering paid parking lots, restricting the entry of cargo transport, "said Andrei Nagibin, Chairman of the Office of the All-Russian Public Organization of Green Patrol.

"Construction of a residential foundation, population growth and an increase in the number of cars require new decisions from the government to improve the state of urban ecology and improving the quality of life of citizens. In 2017, we will continue to purchase a modern and eco-friendly rolling stock, improve the route network, preferring to travel around the city with public transport, as well as maintain the development of alternative transport - cycling, creech and electric vehicles, "said Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Head of Transport and Development Department Moscow road transport infrastructure Maxim Liksutov.

"From January 1, 2017, trucks with engines below the Euro-3 class can not enter the third transport ring (TTK) and in its limits, and the engine trucks are lower than the Euro-2 class - on the Moscow Ring Automobile Road (MKAD) and in its Limits. About 30% of exhaust gases polluting air in the area of \u200b\u200bautomotive trails, thrown out trucks. Restrictions should stimulate transport companies to update the fleet to more modern. We expect that the restriction on the entry of the cargo transport to the central part of the city will reduce air basement by 2-3%, and this is essential for such a metropolis as Moscow. I think at the end of 2017, we can already evaluate the effectiveness of this measure, "said Anton Khulbachevsky, head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection.

Three-quarters of urban transportation of passengers by 2030 will perform the subway, electricians, gas and other environmental buses. About the plans "Izvestia" told in the Ministry of Transport. So far, Russia is harmless to the environment only half of passenger traffic. The Ministry of Environment records that emissions from vehicles grow and the current level of pollution is fraught with more than 80 diseases of citizens.

By 2030, in the largest cities and urban agglomerations, no less than 70-75% of passenger traffic should perform eco-friendly transport, consider in the Ministry of Transport. About this "Izvestia" told in the department.

We are talking about buses working on natural gas and transport with electric motors - trams, trolley buses, metro, electric trains, cars and hybrids, cable cars, cable cars, electrical workers, and so on. According to Rosstat for 2017, on average, the country for eco-friendly transport accounted for a little more than half of urban passenger traffic. About 47% of urban passenger traffic made buses and route taxis. For the most part, they are notorevised: 95% of buses work on diesel fuel, indicate the data of the interregional trade union of public transport workers.

The Ministry of Transport suggests that the transition to eco-friendly transport will reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Motor transport is one of the main sources of air pollution in large cities, is indicated in the latest final report of the Ministry of Industry, presented on the site of the department. The volume of emissions from vehicles maintains a tendency to increase and in 2017 amounted to 14.5 million tons, indicated in the document.

The impact of hazardous environmental factors on health is associated with more than 80 diseases and injury types. Thanks to the provision of a healthier environment, it would be possible to prevent 13 million deaths in the world annually, - noted in the report of the Ministry of Environment.

Almost all buses in Russia operate on diesel fuel, their re-equipment will require capital investments, the chairman of the interregional trade union of public transport workers Yuri Dashkov said. Now there are about 30 "gas" passenger fleets in the country (two of them in Moscow). The re-equipment of the diesel bus on gas costs 60-80 thousand rubles, the expert told. At the same time, the blue fuel itself is cheaper almost a half times, he noted. Also in fleets will have to install gas stations to refuel buses - they will cost approximately 1 million rubles each, Yuri Dashkov told.

In many European countries, for example, in the Netherlands and France, urban electric transport and Russia have already been actively using this experience in armament, the expert of the National Expert Council for Training and Testing Drivers Alexander Lykin believes. However, the full transition to the electric transport is inexpedient because of the high price of electricity, he said.

The gas is considered the most environmentally friendly fuel in the world, as it burns without the formation of smoke, the director of operations FM Logistic Alexander Pavlov said. When using it, the engine oil can be changed twice as much as it added. Gas transport thanks to the cheapness of fuel popular in India, Colombia, Pakistan, said expert.

It has previously known that sales of electric vehicles in Russia increased by 72% in eight months compared with the period from January to August 2017. However, in Russia, Russia is still about 2.5 thousand electrocars.

We for an environmentally friendly lifestyle - and travels including. This time we understand what type of transport to choose and why.

What does "eco-friendly transport" mean?

You can meet expressions of eco-friendly transport, green transport, steady transport (or stable transport system), Sustainable Transport. They mean all the same - transport that has a minimal environmental impact and climate change. Ideally, such transport contributes to social justice and social connections (this is, for example, the advantage of convenient public transport in front of personal cars) and uses energy from renewable sources (and not oil, which sooner or later end). Read more about sustainable transport read.

Why is it important?

Another criterion is a source of transport energy. Almost always should be preferred to the electric transport. Ideally, this is energy from renewable sources. Another important point is new models of transport. The difference between the old model aircraft and the aircraft with a new engine can be huge: reduction of CO2 emissions up to 20%. Compare emissions of different types of transport depending on fuel and loads you can on this tablet.

To find out the number of CO2 emissions, there are several calculators (for example, or), which you can calculate the impact of your environmental trip, indicating the type of transport, distance and number of travel. The program will give you the amount of CO2 produced and can give compensation options (Carbon Offset), which you can transfer money: most often it is a planting program, forest restoration, wind turbine or solar panels.

We often fly by airplanes and drive by buses, I feel your guilt in front of nature. What can be done?

Pay attention to whether companies are provided by CO2 emission data and is it possible to make a compensation fee: often enough to put another check mark when buying a ticket and pay for a couple of euros more. This money will go to environmental projects around the world. This can be done, for example, by positioning itself as an eco-friendly company (they also use modern buses and call on not to print tickets). Emission compensation programs have airlines. Even if there is no fee possibility, you can always compensate for emissions yourself through various funds (see the link in the previous paragraph).

It is important to remember that the process of transporting you and your suitcase from one point to another is only part of the costs. There is also the cost of transport itself, its service life and the disposal method - indirect costs that are difficult to calculate for one trip. And do not forget that manufacturers love to use such words as "green" and "environmentally friendly" without special rights, just to attract attention. So always check which specific actions and indicators are hidden behind it.

The value of transport for humanity is difficult to overestimate. From time immemorial, he played an important role, constantly developing and improving. The scientific and technical revolution, the growth of the population, urbanization and many other factors that occurred in the 20th century has brought its development to a completely new level.

However, at the same time, a problem appeared: a huge amount of vehicles caused the deterioration of the environmental situation across the entire planet. That is why increasing attention is drawn today to the development of environmental modes of transport.

Any transportation, energy obtaining for which is not associated with the processes of burning hydrocarbons, can be called environmentally friendly. The exception is atomic reactions that are not used on land transport. Biodiesel, an internal combustion engine on alcohol also burn carbon, so they cannot be attributed to environmentally friendly modes of transport. It is most correct to classify ecotransport by type of engines.

Electric drive

At the moment, this is the fastest growing type of environmentally friendly transport. He prescribed a great future and this has already noticed all major automotive concerns. Several thousand electric vehicles are already driving on the roads of the world. Moreover, the future electric vehicle will not have such large dimensions and cost as the famous TESLA electric car. It will rather, rather, some kind of rickshaw with a cabin or with a conventional automotive body of plastic. On average, so that the electric vehicle can compete with gasoline, he needs to weigh four times less. There are similar examples in the automotive industry.

The main problem of electric vehicles - batteries. They are already the only limitation to the mass production of electric vehicles. All other technical limitations were overcome by another 50 and 100 years ago. The electric motor has an efficiency more gasoline. Its resource is much higher, and the complexity of the manufacture is small. In addition, it is not required by the checkpoint. Now most serial electric vehicles are made with lithium batteries. They have a very high cost. As an alternative, sulfur-sodium batteries are offered. At the moment, in Japan, stationary sodium-sodium battery stations are used, with a capacity of more than 1 MW. Perhaps in the future they will appear on electric vehicles.

Hydrogen engines

Hydrogen is the most energy-intensive fuel in the world. The caloric content of one weight of the pure gaseous hydrogen exceeds gasoline 2.5 times. This means that the weight supply of hydrogen in the cylinder may be at the same time less. The combustion of hydrogen can occur in the usual piston engine. At the same time there are technological difficulties. Due to the high combustion temperature, it is necessary to strengthen the cylinder block with ceramics, which is very difficult and expensive.

For this reason, catalysts are particular interest - the installation of flameless burning of hydrogen. However, they need balloon oxygen, and their cost is also high. When hydrogen oxidation in the catalyst, an electric current is produced. It works such installation silently and with high efficiency. Unfortunately, the high price does not promote hydrogen cars of mass distribution. Currently, they are also driving on the roads.

There are other solutions in the field of ecotransport: pneumatic motors, chemical batteries (heat or current is released during metal oxidation), mechanical energy storage devices, spring drive. While all of them are at the development stage, giving way to electric vehicles.


Currently, aircomers are available (pneumomommobil), so called cars with a pneumatic engine, which use compressed air to work. Energy accumulation occurs by injection it into cylinders. Then, passing through the distribution system, the compressed air falls into the pneumatic motor, which leads the car in motion. Thus, when driving at low speed or for a short distance, a similar car uses only air, without harming the environment.


In a number of countries, employees of mail, golfing, police and many other categories of citizens move with such a type of transport as segway. This is a self-balancing scooter having two wheels located on both sides of the driver. Balancing segway occurs automatically and depends on the position of the housing of the rider: when it is deviated back, the scooter slows down, stops or rises with reverse, and when the slope forward - starts the movement or accelerates. On each of the wheels segwing there is a private electric motor that responds to the slightest changes in the vehicle equilibrium. The engine runs from lithium-ion batteries, their recharging occurs automatically when the mountain is descended. On the full charge for 8 hours. You can use the usual outlet - 15 minutes of charging is enough about 1.6 kilometers of the path.

Monocoleso (segil)

Monocoleso (segilvan) - an electric self-balancing scooter, which has only one wheel and the steps, located on both sides of him, first appeared in 2012 in the United States. It is equipped with a powerful electric motor (250-2000 W) and gyroscopes necessary for automatic balancing. When the power is turned on, the gyros align the wheel relative to the axis, supporting this balance. Also in the scooter are accelerometers and a variety of sensors.

The vehicle management occurs by changing the tilt of the body: when rejecting back it slows down, slows down or changes the direction, when transferring the center of gravity forward - accelerates. When the scooter stops, the driver must rely on the leg. The highest distribution received this type of transport in China.

City Ecotransport

Probably everyone knows such types of ecological transport as trolleybus and tram. They both work from electricity and are intended for the transport of passengers.

The tram is one of the first types of urban public transport, appeared at the beginning of the XIX century, then it was driven by an equestrian harness. The first electric tram appeared in 1881 in Germany.

The trolleybus appeared in the form of the first ecperimental trolleybus line in 1882, as well as in Germany. And first, trolleybuses were operated only as additional transport to the tram. The first fully trolleybus line opened in 1933 in Moscow.

Bicycle and scooter

No, probably, a person would never have tried to ride on a scooter or bike. These wheel vehicles are moving through the muscular force of the subject. Bike for this purpose, foot pedals are used for this purpose, and in the scooter, the movement is ensured by repeating the leg from the Earth. On a bike, a person takes a sedentary position, he stands on the scooter, holding the steering wheel. Scooters are now used not only to entertain children, but also along with bicycles are used by adults: employees of mail, police and even ambulance.

Many people in Europe and America prefer to work on a cycling, in Tokyo on scooter, because, on the one hand, there is no need to stand in traffic jams, and on the other - thanks to physical exertion, the body becomes more healthy.

Every year the need to use environmental transport is growing, since the functioning of the current transport system with the release of pollutants into the air increasingly worsens our planet's ecosystem.

The authorities of the city found a replacement to the usual trolleybuses. Now the center of the capital will move new eco-friendly Liaz buses (EURO-5 engine). Modern buses, or rather - electricians, should start moving around the city by the end of December.

Road electrobus!

Speaking at the radio station "Says Moscow", the head of the Moscow Deptartrans Maxim Liksutov spoke about the prospects of metropolitan trolley buses.

During the discussion, he said that the contact power grid was outdated long ago, and it leads to large losses of electricity (about 30%). In addition, an environmental bus that is planned to put in place of trolleybuses - will allow you to clean the air above the city.

Maxim Stanislavovich noted that the trolleybus routes would not go anywhere, just new modern buses will appear in their place. And this in turn will facilitate the life of motorists - after all, the electrobes have a much greater degree of maneuverability compared to trolley buses.

M. Liksutov also stressed that the last few years a tram network is actively developing in the city. The old paths are reconstructed, stops appear, a new park is purchased with modern low-voltage trams.

EcoAvtobuses - transport of the future

Ecological Liaz Bus with EURO-5 MAN Engine is an excellent alternative to trolleybuses. The Russian bus of the new generation works on modern types of fuel (diesel, electricity and gas), it has already passed a number of certification tests and is fully ready for operation.

The new electric office meets all the requirements for ecology. Using the Euro-5 standard will reduce the emissions of hydrocarbons to the atmosphere 143 times! Not to mention the emissions of other substances.

In addition, a new series of buses is distinguished by comfortable salons, the latest air conditioners and heating systems, as well as other fashionable "chips".

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