Home Lighting Safety measures for the operation of monorail and locomotives. The next step in improving the mine auxiliary transport Mine monorail roads

Safety measures for the operation of monorail and locomotives. The next step in improving the mine auxiliary transport Mine monorail roads

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
STC "Industrial Safety

Series 05

Safety regulations,
supervisory and licensing activities
in the coal industry

Issue 12

This Collection includes regulatory and technical documents of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, developed for the implementation in the coal industry of the requirements of the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" and Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1540 dated December 25, 1998 "On the Use of Technical Devices at Hazardous Production Facilities ".

The requirements of regulatory and technical documents are mandatory for developers, manufacturers of vehicles for underground mining, as well as joint stock companies, enterprises and organizations (regardless of their form of ownership) that operate, maintain, repair, test and certify the specified equipment.

The employees of the NSC GP - IGD named after V.I. A.A. Skochinsky, VostNII, MOS "Certium", Department for supervision in the coal industry of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

With the entry into force of the normative documents included in the Collection, the following shall become invalid:

Temporary norms and technical requirements for the safe operation of diesel locomotives (machines) in coal mines, approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on 04/15/1975;


RD 05-323-99


1.1. These Temporary Requirements apply to the operation of underground freight and freight monorails with a cable traction arm *.

* The rules for the operation of diesel powered monorails are set out in the Technical Requirements for Safe Operation transport vehicles diesel driven in coal mines.

1.2. Operation of monorail roads should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Safety Rules in Coal Mines, the Rules technical operation coal and shale mines, these Time Requirements and plant operational documentation.

1.3. Commissioning monorail is carried out after its running-in and is drawn up by an act of the commission appointed by the director of the mine.

1.4. Monorail roads must be certified and have permission from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for their use in coal mines.

The right to issue certificates for monorail roads are accredited in the established order by certification bodies, whose scope of accreditation includes this equipment.

1.5. The provisions of these Time Requirements are binding on:

business entities and organizations (regardless of the organizational and legal form), including foreign individuals and legal entities developing, modernizing, manufacturing, selling and using monorail roads intended for use in coal mines;

certification bodies and testing laboratories, the scope of accreditation of which includes mining equipment.


2.1. The equipment of mine workings with monorail roads must be made according to the project approved by the chief engineer of the mine and executed in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Rules and these Time Requirements (see Appendix).

2.2. The maximum angles of inclination and turning radii of the workings in which the roads are mounted should not exceed the values ​​specified in the technical documentation for the road.

2.3. The gap between the most protruding part of the gauge of the rolling stock of the monorail road or the cargo being transported and the support of the working must be at least 0.3 m and for the passage of people at least 0.7 m along the entire length of the road route.

2.4. In horizontal and inclined workings equipped with conveyor and monorail transport, a passage for people should be arranged between the rolling stock and the support of the working, and the gap between the rolling stock and the conveyor should be at least 0.4 m.

In places of overloading of rock mass from conveyor to conveyor and the location of intermediate drives, a local reduction of the gaps between the most protruding edges of the dimensions of the rolling stock of the monorail road and the conveyor up to 0.25 m is allowed. ...

2.5. It is prohibited to place monorail and rail vehicles in the same slope.

In inclined workings equipped with monorail roads and rail transport, before the release of these Time Requirements, interlocks must be provided to exclude the possibility of their simultaneous operation.

When monorail and self-propelled transport means are placed in one development, the carriageway of the development intended for movement self-propelled machines, should be fenced with devices (curbs, bumpers, etc.) that exclude the possibility of convergence of self-propelled vehicles with the most protruding part of the rolling stock of the monorail road by less than 0.4 m.

The requirements specified in this clause do not apply to junctions and intersections of monorail roads with other means of transport, as well as to transshipment points.

2.6. The gap between the dimensions of the rolling stock of two monorail roads (in workings with a double-track monorail transport) must be at least 0.4 m.

2.7. When equipping transfer points at the junctions of monorail roads with each other or with other modes of transport, passages for people should be arranged on both sides of the mine.

2.8. The size of the gap on the curves and adjacent straight sections of the workings should be taken at least as indicated in the table.

Here V- speed of movement along the rounding and adjacent straight sections, m / s;

H = 0.34V 2 /R- the value of the broadening of the working, m;

R - radius of curvature of the working, m

The lengths of straight sections adjacent to the curvatures are taken depending on the radius of curvature of the working.

The sufficiency of the obtained values ​​of the gaps on the curves should be checked by the factor of fitting long weights.

2.9. The distance between the bottoms of the rolling stock and the working soil or equipment located on the ground must be at least 0.4 m.

When transporting large-sized equipment, it is allowed, with the written permission of the chief engineer of the mine, to reduce the gap between the lower edge of the transported cargo and the working soil or equipment located on the ground to 0.2 m, provided that the following conditions are met:

escort of cargo by the person of technical supervision;

shutdown of the conveyor and mechanical blocking of its starter during delivery along conveyorized workings.

2.10. In places of people landing on the rolling stock of monorail roads, there must be a passageway at least 1 m wide from the landing side.

For landing sites periodically moved during operation, it is allowed to reduce the width of the passage to 0.7 m.

2.11. Landing pads should be equipped with floorings so that the distance between the bottom of the passenger cabin (platform) and the flooring is from 0.2 to 0.4 m. The length of the flooring must be at least the length of the passenger part of the train.

2.12. Intersections of monorail roads with cables, pipelines, overhead wires, etc. must be carried out in accordance with the design of the road installation in such a way that the possibility of their contact is excluded.

2.13. Landing pads and workings for monorail roads must be illuminated in accordance with the standards given in the PTE.

2.14. Stationary landing sites and the drive station should be equipped with a telephone connection included in the general mine network.


3.1. The control of a monorail track with a cable traction body must be carried out by a conductor who has undergone special training, has a certificate for the right to drive the road and has been assigned an order for the mine.

It is allowed to control the road with a rope traction device by a trained person directly from the drive station on the signals of the conductor. Other persons are prohibited from driving the road.

3.2. In monorail trains, the conductor must be in front of the first passenger cabin in the direction of travel.

3.3. The rolling stock of the monorail should be equipped with rigid couplings that ensure the ability to operate the roads in horizontal and inclined workings, ensure the safety of adhesion, and also exclude the possibility of spontaneous uncoupling.

The passenger part of the monorail train and the cabins for the persons accompanying the train must be interconnected with each other and the driven trolley by double couplings.

3.4. The monorail train must be equipped with automatic emergency braking (parachute) systems in such a way that when the train's coupling devices break, the train's normal speed is exceeded by 25%, the hauling rope breaks or the emergency brake system all rolling stock units stopped at a stopping distance not exceeding 10 m.

Manual activation of the emergency braking system should be provided from the locations of the conductor in the head and tail of the passenger section of the train.

3.5. Coupling devices Roads must have a 10-fold safety margin in relation to the maximum static load in the mode of transporting people and a 6-fold margin in the transport of goods.

3.6. The passenger part of the train must be equipped with means to send a signal to the conductor.

3.7. The design of the seats for passengers should ensure a comfortable position of the human body, regardless of the angle of inclination of the working.

3.8. Passenger cabins and cabins for persons accompanying the train can be made easily removable and suspended from the carriages as needed.

The attachment points for removable cabins must provide at least 6-fold safety factor in relation to the maximum static load.

3.9. The design of the escort's cabin, as well as the arrangement and location of the escort's landing points in the passenger cabin, must provide an overview of the route and the ability to land the escort in the direction of travel.

3.10. When the road is operating in the mode of transporting goods, the number of people in the train should not exceed three people.

This number can only include persons accompanying the cargo and the conductor.

The transportation of people should be carried out by passenger cabins (platforms), the number and location of which in the composition are determined by the project, depending on the purpose of the road, the nature and amount of goods transported and the number of people transported.

When performing passenger flights, it is allowed to use freight carts of the train for transporting hand tools.

It is forbidden for people to ride on cargo carts.

3.11. Passenger flights in conveyorized workings with inclination angles of more than 10 ° to 18 ° inclusive are allowed, provided that the conveyor is equipped with belt catchers or cable integrity control devices (for rubber cord belts).

3.12. The speed of movement of monorail trains should be determined by the design and passport of the road.

Transportation of long and oversized cargo should be carried out at a speed of no more than 1 m / s.

3.13. In workings with an alternating profile, with sections with a reverse slope longer than the length of two trains, roads equipped with double-acting emergency braking devices (parachutes) should be used.

3.14. Notices must be posted at the landing sites indicating the code of the signals used, the total number of seats in the train, the name and position of the person responsible for the transportation of people.

3.15. Workings with monorail transport and rolling stock of monorail roads must be equipped with signaling devices and safety signs in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Signals and Signs in Underground Workings and in Coal and Shale Mines.

3.16. The formation of monorail trains should be carried out in strict accordance with the manual or operating instructions with the adoption of safety measures against accidental rolling of the rolling stock into the inclined part of the working.

If the cargo part of the train is not equipped with an emergency braking (parachute) system, then freight carts must be connected to the captured (equipped with parachutes) part of the train, as well as to each other, in addition to the coupling, also by counter-couplings.

3.17. Couplings and counter couplings must be factory made and replaced with new ones no later than five years after attachment.

3.18. The composition of the monorail road must be loaded in such a way that a distance is maintained between the loads on adjacent bogies, which ensures the passage of the train on curves and bends of the track, but not less than 0.3 m. the lower edge of the monorail track must be at least 50 mm.

Lateral deviations of the transported goods should not exceed 0.2 m during movement.

3.19. Operation of monorail roads is prohibited:

in workings with faulty support and in the absence of clearances required during road installation along the section of the working;

in case of malfunction of the monorail track, rolling stock, braking system, control equipment, signaling and communication facilities.


4.1. The monorail support body (monorail track) must be assembled from standard prefabricated sections.

Devices for suspension of a monorail track must be prefabricated and correspond to the type of roof support.

It is allowed to use elements of a monorail track manufactured at repair enterprises according to the technical documentation of the road manufacturer.

The design of the monorail track should provide for the possibility of installing special devices (guy wires) to prevent the monorail track from swinging in the plane cross section development.

4.2. Devices for suspension of a monorail track must have at least a 3-fold safety factor in relation to the maximum static load, provide the ability to adjust the position of the monorail in height and be adapted for suspension to the corresponding types of roadway support.

When used for suspension of monorail chains, the latter must have at least 5-fold safety factor in relation to the maximum static load.

4.3. The distance between the hangers should be such that the deflection of the monorail between them does not exceed 1/200 of the span length.

4.4. On curved sections or junctions of mine workings, the monorail track should be assembled from monorail sections previously bent in the horizontal or vertical plane with a bend radius and length determined by the project for installing the road in a mine workings.

4.5. When the track is suspended in workings with an inclination angle of more than 10 °, measures must be taken against the downward shift of the track and an increase in butt clearances by means provided for in the technical documentation for the road.

4.6. When operating a monorail track, the gaps in the joints of the working surfaces should not exceed 5 mm, and the mismatch of the working surfaces vertically and horizontally - 3 mm. These requirements must also be met when closing the turnouts.

4.7. The angle of inclination of straight sections of the monorail at the joints in the horizontal plane should not exceed 4 °. In this case, the permissible size of the gap in the joints (5 mm) must be maintained on the inner side of the monorail.

4.8. Monorail turnouts should generally be equipped with a remote-controlled mechanized drive.

For monorail tracks with a cable traction device, it is allowed to use turnouts with a manual drive.

Switching the arrow by manual drive is allowed only when the train is stopped and reliably braked. In this case, the monorail control circuits must be blocked from the possible inclusion of the road.

4.9. At the end points of the monorail track, end stops should be installed to prevent the rolling stock from leaving the monorail.


5.1. The monorail drive must be at a reduced speed to inspect the hauling rope.

5.2. The drive station must be equipped with two brakes: service and safety.

In drive stations with hydrostatic transmission, the hydraulic transmission itself can act as a service brake.

The presence of a worm gear at the drive station cannot serve as a replacement for the brake.

The ratio of the magnitude of the moments developed by the safety brake in the braked state of the drive to the static moments must be not less than those indicated in the table.

For workings with a variable angle of inclination, the value of the braking torque is set according to the largest angle of inclination of the given working.

The braking torque values ​​for intermediate slope angles not listed in the table are determined by linear interpolation.

The deceleration during both working and safety braking should not exceed the value due to the possibility of the rope slipping along the pulley.

5.3. The tension of the hauling rope should be carried out by devices that ensure a constant value of the rope tension.

5.4. Load tensioning devices must provide the ability to mechanically fix the loads in the upper position to pre-tension the rope.

5.5. The rotating parts of the drive station and the tensioner must have guards to ensure the safety of service and the passage of people.

5.6. On monorail roads, circular strand ropes (GOST 2688-80; GOST 7665-80), with a diameter of at least 15 mm, made of galvanized wire according to the "Zh" group, should be used as traction ropes. The use of light wire ropes is allowed.

It is allowed to use other ropes approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for use on monorail roads.

5.7. Traction ropes of monorail roads must have a safety margin of at least:

6-fold in the mode of transporting people;

5 times in the mode of transportation of goods.

The safety margin of the rope is determined relative to the static load, calculated by the formulas:

for bottom drive position

S = Q(sin? + 0.02cos?) + 0.1 5q· 2 L to cos? + 0.5 Q n + 0.2 L To , kgf;

for top drive

S = Q(sin? + 0.01 cos?) + qL k (sin? + 0.15cos?) + 0.1 L To , kgf,

where Q - Weight Limit freight (passenger) train, kgf;

The greatest angle of inclination of the working, degrees;

L k - the length of one branch of the traction rope, m;

q- linear weight of the rope, kgf / m;

Q n is the weight of the tension load in the rope branch escaping from the drive, kgf;

0.01 - coefficient of resistance to movement of the train;

0.15 - coefficient of resistance to movement of the rope;

0.1 and 0.2 are coefficients that take into account the resistance to rotation of blocks and rollers on the road route, kgf / m.

5.8. It is allowed to use side-by-side ropes on cargo roads.

The splicing of ropes (including non-twisting ones) must be carried out in accordance with the Instruction for the operation of steel ropes in mine shafts. Allowable number of links ( n) along the length of the traction rope is determined (rounded to the nearest higher integer) by the expression

n = L/L b ,

where L- length of the traction rope, m;

L b -? 600 m - rope capacity of the drive trolley drum.

The distance between the links must be at least three lengths of the links.

5.9. The distance between the guide and support rollers is determined by the factory operational documentation and the road installation project.

5.10. The bend angle of the rope on the rollers should not exceed 10 °.

5.11. The guide and supporting rollers must be made so that during the operation of the road, the possibility of the traction rope falling out, its going beyond the dimensions established by the project and contact with the elements of the road structure or the support of the workings is excluded.

5.12. The working area at the drive station and 5 m in each direction from it must be secured with non-combustible support.

5.13. For monorail control and signaling, special factory-made equipment should be used.

Control equipment should provide:

remote control of the drive of the road by the conductor from the train from any point of the route;

local control of the drive of the road from the place of installation of the drive station according to the signals of the conductor;

emergency stop of the drive by any person from the road and from the local control post, with the drive off and brakes applied;

the ability to supply code signals from any point on the track;

automatic stop of the drive when the train passes the final points of the haulage, lowering the tension load below the permissible level, exceeding the speed of the traction rope by 25% of the rated speed, reducing the speed (slipping) of the traction rope relative to the drive pulley by 25%, malfunctioning control circuits or emergency stop circuits, actuation of the brake devices.

5.14. The requirement to control overspeeding applies only to the maximum value of the working passport speed of the road.

5.15. Control equipment should exclude the possibility of:

simultaneous remote and local control of the road drive;

starting the road drive without giving a pre-start warning signal;

repeated start of the drive when the protection against reduction (slipping) or excess of the rope speed is triggered;

restarting the drive until the "Stop" signal is removed from the place where the road stopped in case of emergency shutdown;

re-starting the drive in the direction of over-lifting when the train hits the limit switch at the end points of the haulage.


6.1. Maintenance personnel (road conductor or road driver) must every shift before starting work inspect the rolling stock, drive station, tensioner, locomotive, couplings and signaling devices, and emergency braking devices(parachutes) try manually switching on.

The monorail track, drive, parachute devices and electrical equipment must be inspected at least once a day by the responsible person appointed by the order of the mine.

Monitoring the condition of the monorail road should be carried out weekly by the mechanic of the section in charge of the road, and quarterly by the chief (senior) mechanic of the mine.

The results of inspections should be entered into the Hoisting Installation Inspection Book, the form of which is available in the Safety Rules for Coal Mines * (clauses 1, 2, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15).

6.2. On roads installed in workings with an inclination angle of more than 6 °, monthly tests of the speed limiter of the emergency braking (parachute) system should be carried out under the guidance of a site mechanic in accordance with the factory documentation.

Emergency braking devices (parachutes) must be tested at least once every six months in accordance with the requirements of the factory operational documentation under the guidance of the chief (senior) mine mechanic. The test results must be documented in an act.

6.3. Pulling ropes must be tested in accordance with § 416 Safety Rules in Coal Mines * before being mounted. The rope should be rejected in the presence of 6% of the wires that did not withstand the tests.

* In connection with the enactment of the Safety Rules in Coal Mines (PB 05-618-03), after their official publication, the Safety Rules in Coal Mines (PB 05-94-95) (Order of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated July 30, 2003 No. 168 ).

6.4. During operation, repeated tests of the ropes must be carried out every six months. The rope should be removed if the total cross-sectional area of ​​the wires that did not withstand the tensile and bend tests reaches 25% of the total cross-sectional area of ​​all wires in the rope.

For repeated tests, the working section of the traction rope, adjacent to the place of its attachment to the frame of the drive trolley, should be presented. Subsequent compensation for the shortening of the length of the traction rope should be made at the expense of its reserve.

6.5. It is forbidden to hang or continue to work with ropes with torn, bulging or sunken strands, with knots, bugs and other damage. If, when inspecting the traction ropes, it turns out that in some section equal to the lay step, the number of broken wires reaches 5% of their total number, then the rope must be replaced.

It is forbidden to work with ropes, the thinning of which during the operation amounted to more than 10% of the nominal diameter.

6.6. Inspection of the traction rope of gruzoludy roads should be carried out daily by an electrician along the entire length at a speed of no more than 0.3 m / s or with the drive stopped.

A weekly inspection of the rope of a freight road is also carried out by an electrician, and a monthly inspection of a rope of all types of roads is carried out by an electrician with the participation of a site mechanic.

It is allowed to carry out daily inspection of the rope, in which the number of broken wires does not exceed 2% of the total number of wires along the length of the lay step, at a speed of up to 1 m / s.

The results of inspections should be entered in the Book of inspection of hoisting ropes and their consumption, the form of which is given in the Safety Rules.

6.7. In the event of an emergency loading of the rope, the monorail should be immediately suspended to inspect the rope.


Scope and content of the monorail installation project

The project for the installation of a monorail road must contain:

a description and a diagram of a transport tunnel with an indication of its length, profile, position in terms of overall clearances in characteristic places (including according to clause 2.8);

layouts of main and auxiliary equipment, crossings of monorail roads with cables, pipelines, overhead wire;

diagrams of equipment for transfer points, landing sites, as well as junctions and intersections with other vehicles;

instructions on the organization and procedure for carrying out work on the transportation of people and goods;

principled electrical circuit and a blocking scheme in accordance with the requirement of clause 2.5; alarm circuit;

instructions for the execution of sections of the monorail track for rounding and bends of the track (according to clause 4.4), the location of guide and supporting rollers on the track, suspension and fastening of the monorail;

safety precautions.

The approved project must be located in the section (service) in charge of the road.

Read also:
  1. N is the number of intersections and junctions, entrances and crossings on a given kilometer of the road;
  2. Highways as an integrated engineering structure.
  3. The analysis of the use of net profit is carried out using the method of vertical and horizontal analysis, for which the indicators are grouped in a table similar to table 20.
  4. B) by units and groups of technological equipment;
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  6. Ticket number 40 Text editor MS Word, appointment, the main elements of the program window. Using a picture in text documents

Delivery of assembly units and component parts equipment to the place of installation, as well as from the place of dismantling to the shaft of the mine, can be carried out using monorail and ground roads with a closed traction body. In the coal industry, the most widespread are overhead monorail, gruzoludskie roads with a closed traction arm of the DMK type and ground cable cars of the DKN type. In the mines of Kuzbass, monorail overhead roads and ground roads with a cable drive of the company "Scharf" (Germany) have found application.

Suspended monorail roads of the DMK type are intended for transportation of materials, equipment and people along sectional trackless and conveyorized mine workings of mines. Roads can be used in mine workings fixed different kinds lining, with angles of inclination of different signs up to 35 ° curved in the horizontal and vertical planes, in mines hazardous for gas or dust.

DMK monorails operate on the principle of hauling transport vessels with a closed traction rope. The load-bearing element of the road is a monorail made of an I-beam, the segments (sections) of which are 3 m long are pivotally connected to each other and suspended from the lining of the mine on hangers through the load-bearing beam. The articulated connection of the monorail sections allows the deviation of one of them relative to the other up to ± 5 ° both in the horizontal and in the vertical plane, due to which the monorail track easily fits (without flexible segments) into the curvature of the roadway and is insensitive to lining deformations during settlement of the topsides under the action of rock pressure. At the beginning and end of the monorail track, end stops are installed to prevent the train from leaving the monorail. The haulage of transport vessels is carried out by a traction rope supported by a special device.

DKN-type ground cable cars are intended for transportation of auxiliary materials, equipment, rock mass and people along local mine workings with a variable profile of rail tracks with a slope of up to ± 20 ° in which locomotive haulage and haulage with an end rope is difficult or impossible, including: sectional workings, traversed in the direction (gypsometry) of the seam, along side and prefabricated workings with long-pillar development systems along the rise (fall), along other workings with rail tracks characterized by a variable profile.

The road works according to the principle of hauling transport vessels with a closed traction rope and is a rail track laid on the working soil, along which a tow car and a set of mine cars, platforms and passenger carts coupled with it move with the help of a drive with a friction pulley.

Monorail and ground roads of the firm "Scharf" (Germany) are intended for transportation of auxiliary materials, equipment and people through mine workings with a variable profile, curved in horizontal and vertical planes, in which locomotive and end rope haulage is impossible or difficult.

Monorail aerial road consists of: drive, tensioning and pumping station with tensioning device; rope, brake carriage; traction mechanism; containers for transporting materials; beams for transporting people; starting equipment; limit switches and sensors.

The load-bearing element of the road is a rail system, which consists of running and connecting rails made of a special I-profile, pivotally connected to each other. The rail line is suspended from the support using suspension brackets, chains or, if necessary, using adjusting joints. The traction force generated by the rope winch is transmitted via an endless rope to the traction chassis. Carrying and brake carriages are connected in the train by means of rods with a traction running gear.

With the help of the used universal roller supports, the rope is guided along the entire path along the compulsory guides. At the end of the monorail cable car in the tensioning station, the direction of movement of the rope changes by 180?

The ground road with a rope drive of the company "Scharf" (Germany) consists of a drive, tensioning and pumping stations, an end tensioning station, a rope, a traction mechanism, brake trolleys, connecting rods, transport platforms and containers, portable removable seats, starting and protective equipment, sensors and switches.

The load-bearing element of the road is a rail system consisting of two identical unequal corners in the form of a crossbar connecting the channels, open outside the sleepers and having holes for their possible attachment with anchors to the working soil. The connection of the rail sections is hinged, quick-release.

The thrust is generated by a hydraulically driven winch. The rope is guided along compulsory guides with the help of roller supports along the entire path.

Depending on the quantity and purpose of cargo, the rolling stock can be equipped with the following transport units: a transport platform with a carrying capacity of 18 t (permanently as part of a train), four transport platforms with a carrying capacity of 4 tons, a brake bogie (permanently as part of a train), containers with a capacity of 1.1 m 3 , connect

The Monotrans group of companies made a name for itself in the market of monorail roads and diesel-hydraulic suspended locomotives in 2001. Already at that time, as a sales and service representative of machine builders in the Czech Republic, the company was not only engaged in the supply of mining equipment to its partners for the mines of the Siberian region, but also successfully developed its own technological solutions for the production of an overhead monorail and diesel-hydraulic locomotives.

For example, the ZD-24 cable car was used in the Czech Republic to transport light cargo and passenger trains. However, in the mines of Russia and, in particular, Kuzbass, the requirements for the carrying capacity of monorail transport systems much tougher. In such conditions, the specialists of the Monotrans group of companies, after a thorough analysis of the technical documentation received from the Czech partner, developed their own DP-155 aerial road.

Having strengthened all the elements of the aerial track, the company created a monorail track (DP-155), which provides transportation of goods weighing up to 32 tons and is designed in the future for operation of more powerful diesel locomotives, which is significantly superior to the Czech analogue. The overhead track of the DP-155 road consists of two-meter sections made of a special M155 I-beam. The road sections at both ends are equipped with key-and-lock pivot joints for mounting them together and with lugs for fixing them to suspensions. The suspension of the monorail is carried out using a chain 20 * 80 with anchor support or special bolts to the frame support. The fastening of the monorail track in the transverse direction is carried out using a 14 * 50 chain. The minimum radii of curvature of the monorail in the horizontal plane are 4 m, in the vertical plane - 8 m, and the maximum operating angle is more than 30 °.

The train, in addition to the diesel locomotive, includes brake bogies BV1, WHR1, BTS, designed to brake the train at an increase in speed of more than 2.5 m / s, as well as mobile supporting bogies with a vertical load of 4 or 10 tons, which are used to suspend the train to the monorail and fastened together with connecting rods.

The train can be formed by eight-seat or four-seat suspended passenger cabins and hydraulic support transportation devices (UPKG-12 DUO, UPKG-18 DUO) for transportation of large-sized equipment. The composition is completed with one

or several mobile hydraulic lifting devices of the GPU-8 type with a lifting capacity of 8 tons. For the transportation of heavy loads (sections of powered supports, elements of shearers and preparatory combines), the train can be equipped with special devices that allow to distribute the weight of the transported equipment on the suspension nodes so that maximum load per unit node will not exceed 6 tons.

The mines of OJSC OUK "Yuzhkuzbassugol" operating the monorail DP-155

LSP 70 DO, unit





Tomusinskaya 5-6




Initially, it was planned to use a diesel-hydraulic locomotive IMM-80TD manufactured by Stavus as on the overhead road, but later the specialists of the Monotrans company (the TransDiesel joint venture created on the basis of the Monotrans service center and Zarechnaya Mine OJSC) developed their own overhead diesel-hydraulic locomotive DPL-80, adapted to work in specific Russian conditions.

A serious advantage of this locomotive is its non-volatility and the possibility of using it in mines that are hazardous in terms of sudden gas and dust emissions. DPL-80 is designed for the transportation of people and goods along the monorail aerial road DP-155 in a mine working with a minimum cross-section of 8 m 2 with an angle of inclination of the track up to ± 30 °.

The mine working for the DP-155 installation can be fixed with concrete, block, panel, or anchor support, most often from a steel arched profile SVP 17,22,27.

Suspension road DP-155 has a Permit from Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and a Certificate of Conformity ROSS RU. MSh05. B00152. She meets the requirements normative documents predetermining the use of diesel equipment in coal mines.

The first enterprise to introduce in 2003 the DP-155 suspended monorail with diesel-hydraulic suspended locomotives manufactured by the Czech company Stavus as, the general representative of which is the Monotrans Group of Companies, was the Abashevskaya mine of OJSC OUK Yuzhkuzbassugol ...

GV Lavrik, Executive Director - First Deputy General Director of OJSC OUK Yuzhkuzbassugol, who headed the Abashevskaya mine at that time, says: locomotive haulage, which has already established itself as an effective and versatile means of mine transport. The mine specialists, together with the installation group of the Monotrans company, carried out a high-speed installation of the DP-155 monorail track with a length of 2,250 m and put into operation suspended diesel-hydraulic locomotives. This made it possible to achieve an unprecedented speed of longwall installation: the delivery and installation of 12 KM-138 support sections with an assembly weight of 12.5 tons was carried out per day (2 people took a shift to deliver the support sections: a locomotive driver and a conductor-slinger). The sections were delivered directly to the assembly chamber to the installation site, thereby eliminating all overloads and overhauls.

The result of this cooperation was the successful solution of long-standing problems in mine transport, such as timely delivery of equipment and materials, frequent accidents and injuries at the end haulage. It became possible to deliver people to the workplace.

The next enterprise of the coal company, which took over the baton of the introduction of overhead transport, was the branch Tomusinskaya Mine 5-6. To date, 33 suspended locomotives and 33390m of DP-155 monorail are in operation at the mines of Yuzhkuzbassugol, JSC, and this is not the limit. "

As a result of a tender held in 2004 for the supply of monorail roads and overhead locomotives for OAO UUK Yuzhkuzbassugol, Monotrans became the general supplier. Over the limit short term monorail DP-155 and IMM-80TD suspended locomotives were installed and put into operation at a number of mines.

The advantages of this modern transport equipment coal miners of other mines of Kuzbass and the Vorkutaugol company have already fully appreciated.

On the whole, in 2004, these coal companies were supplied with 14 thousand meters of overhead roads. And in 2005 shipments were carried out according to two specifications for the Severnaya Mine and the Mulda project with a total length of 12,950 m.

Initially, there were complaints about the quality of manufacturing of individual elements of the cable car. However, due to the principled position of the specialists of OJSC Vorkutaugol on the compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of industrial safety and regulatory documents, the Quality Control Service was completely reorganized, and the production technology was changed. Constant checks of monorail track elements for breaking strength, maximum breaking load have been introduced in the testing laboratories of KuzNIUI in Prokopyevsk (director R.P. Zhuravlev).

To check the weld by non-destructive testing, special ultrasonic equipment was purchased, and the employees of the Quality Control Service were certified. Today, every welded structure passes through test benches.

The flagship of the introduction and use of monorail transport systems in Kemerovo region is OJSC Mine Zarechnaya. Since 1999, technical re-equipment of auxiliary transport has been started at the mine. Replacement for single-ended, high-emergency, low-capacity and safety lifts

used monorail diesel locomotives LPG-50Dze of the Czech company Ferrit. The first stage of the Czech Gruzoluda monorail MPD-24F included only one route 3.9 km long to ensure the delivery of goods and equipment in two directions to longwall No. 905 of the Polysaevsky-1 layer from the ± 0m horizon. Then the length of the road gradually increased, the number of routes increased in succession.

The monorail has solved many of the most painful problems for the mine: the volume of manual labor in delivery works has been sharply reduced, and it has become possible to transport people through mine workings on a clear schedule. The movement of workers on foot or on vehicles not intended for the transport of people. The risk and accident rate associated with overloads, rolling stock re-hitching, warm-up maneuvers, rope breaks at end haulings, and transport vessels derailing from the track have decreased.

With the introduction and expansion of the volume of use of diesel transport, cases of injuries in auxiliary transport are practically excluded. Thus, at the Zarechnaya Mine OJSC not a single industrial injury was recorded after the introduction of an overhead monorail transport.

Since 2002, the supply of equipment and monorail to the mine, as well as service maintenance mine transport began to be carried out through the Monotrans group of companies. To date, the total length of 6 routes is more than 11,700 meters, the diesel locomotive fleet consists of 12 vehicles. 6 of them. - DPL-80 (TransDiesel), 1 - IMM80-TD (TransDiesel - Stavus a.s.), 1 - LSP 70 (Ferrit), 4 - LPG50 (Ferrit).

Today the director of the Zarechnaya mine VG Kharitonov sums up the first results: “TransDiesel” is engaged in the introduction and production of locomotives, so far with a capacity of 80 kW. But at the exhibition "Coal of Russia and Mining 2005" a 120 kW locomotive with a traction force of up to 120 kN will be shown for the first time. We are not monopolists in this matter. But we are following the path of creating our own modern production, reducing the cost of not only diesel locomotives, but also road components. And due to this, we strive to strengthen our position in the market. Although, I think that now in the market we are already quite firmly occupying our own place ”.

In addition to production and supply, the company "Monotrans" provides warranty and service maintenance of mining equipment. For its uninterrupted and safe operation, the "Monotrans" service department regularly carries out scheduled repairs, maintenance of monorail equipment with replacement of oil and filters as needed. Thus, the service department fulfills the entire range of warranty obligations.

In total, during the period of the company's activity, 11 installation supervision was performed in the amount of 2450 m and 5 commercial installations in the volume of 3500 m.

At the exhibition "Coal of Russia and Mining" 2005, which will be held from June 7 to 11 in Novokuznetsk, the premiere of the joint project "TransDiesel" and Stavus as - the suspended diesel-hydraulic locomotive IMM120-TD (DPL-120) characteristics and tractive effort is similar to DZ 2000 (DBT, Germany), but easier to operate, maintain and operate.An important factor is that the cost of the DPL-120 will be much cheaper.

A new one will also be presented hydraulic device for transportation of support UPKG-18DUO with a carrying capacity of 36 tons. The device is designed for lifting, handling and transporting heavy loads in mines.

For the first time, a new development of the Monotrans group of companies will appear at the exhibition stands - prototypes of dust collectors with wet cleaning DPU-800 and DPU-1000. Previously, similar equipment was supplied to Russia together with imported mining complexes such as Alpina, JOY. Now the company "Monotrans" carries out its own production of dust collectors designed to clean the gas-air environment from suspensions and dust of different caliber and composition. The dust collector cleans the air from the wellbore space through the suction flexible line by wet screening on sieves. The unit is equipped with a closed water circulation system. Air purification efficiency - 98.5%. Since all documentation allowing mass production dust collectors have already been prepared, immediately after the exhibition closes, prototypes will be sent for industrial tests at the Zarechnaya mine. Another exhibit at the Russian Coal and Mining 2005 exhibition will be an improved hydraulic lifting device with a lifting capacity of 8 tons. attachments to a monorail locomotive for the delivery of small loads is highly valued by miners for its maneuverability and compactness. The updated cargo hoists are capable of handling 8-ton loads. They can also be operated in pairs, i.e. provide a lifting capacity of 16 tons, which more than covers the needs of cargo transportation in the bottomhole space.

Regular participation of "Monotrans" in prestigious exhibitions of mining equipment clearly demonstrates the capabilities and level of professionalism of the company. Such a rapid breakthrough into the overhead monorail transport systems market took place thanks to an integrated approach to the introduction of new technologies in mining enterprises. Along with the creation of the design part of the documentation for the operation of the locomotive monorail haulage, after the immediate operational supervision of the equipment installation and its further Maintenance, Monotrans specialists are constantly improving own developments... For example, in order to increase the tractive effort of a diesel-hydraulic locomotive, the company was forced to change the equipment supplier and the design of the hydro generators several times. As a result, auxiliary hydraulics began to work more efficiently, which affected the operation of the diesel locomotive for the better.

This year Monotrans plans to strengthen some elements of the DP-155U monorail (reinforced) for the transportation of especially heavy sections at the Tomskaya mine. This is necessary in view of the fact that heavier sections weighing 32 tons will be operated here to develop thick seams. The company's immediate development plans include the full development of the locomotive rigging system with the introduction of dispatcher communication and additional signaling devices.

Prospective developments of Stavus a.s. and "TransDiesel" in 2005-2006:

1. A ground-based diesel locomotive - for a track width of 900 mm and with maximum pressure per axle 5 t, power 80 kW, tractive effort 35-40 kN.

2. Drilling string for anchoring.

3. Suspended diesel-hydraulic diesel locomotive of light type (power 88 kW, speed 2.5-4 m / s, pulling force 85 kN) s diesel engine with recirculation of combustion products and an air-to-air intermediate radiator.

4. Universal mine diesel conveyor on pneumatic drive with equipment for vertical and horizontal drilling.

5. Development of a turbocharger for a diesel-hydraulic locomotive taking into account the optimization of torque and reduction harmful emissions... Development cooperation with the Research Center for Engines at the University of Leipzig and the Technical University - CTU (Prague).

A lot has been conceived, and the team of the Monotrans group of companies is fully confident that even the most serious plans can be fully implemented.


Suspended monorail track DPA-155M is designed for uninterrupted delivery of equipment, materials and workers along branched horizontal and inclined mine workings with an angle of inclination of ± 25 °, with appropriate sections of workings. DPA-155M can be used in gas and dust hazardous mines.

Opportunities DPA-155M

A mine working for the installation of a DPA can be laid in a solid accompanying rock or fixed with concrete, block, panel, anchor or arch support, most often with a steel arched profile SPV 17, 19, 22, 27, 33. The suspended monorail track can be operated with an open rope or a traction winch, an overhead locomotive or an appropriate type of tractor.

The monorail track DPA-155M has the Permission of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision No. RRS 00-33207 dated February 24, 2009 and the Certificate of Conformity ROSS RU.MSh05.H00071 dated 02.02.2009, manufactured in climatic version U, category placement 5, GOST 15150-69, meets the requirements of OST 24.070.01-86. General assembly and technological requirements in accordance with GOST 24444-87.

DPA-155M successfully passed control (acceptance) tests at the mining equipment center of ZAO NTs VostNII (Kemerovo) in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents RD 05-325-99 "Safety standards for the main mining equipment for coal mines" and PB 05-618-03 “Safety rules in coal mines”.

Composition of DPA-155M suspended monorail track

The monorail track consists of individual monorails of different lengths (running rails), pivoting segments, connecting rails, fork switches with manual operation, suspensions on an anchor support (gripping on an anchor support), suspensions on metal support (grips on metal support) and a rail barrier (rail support ), spacer locks (swivel) and stamped staples (earrings) with a pin, washer and cotter pin. The monorail track is mounted along branched horizontal and inclined workings; for these purposes, the rails are manufactured in different options... To rotate in the horizontal plane, rotary segments by 15 °, 7.5 °, 5.5 ° are used. To connect the curved sections of the track of the monorail with straight sections of workings, as well as to connect to the turnout, connecting rails are used. The main connecting elements of the monorail are the lugs, which are welded on the upper flanges of the running rails.

To prevent accidental sliding off the track of the rolling stock, rail barriers are installed at the beginning and at the end of the DPA-155M.


The DPA-155M suspended monorail track set includes:

  • running rail with base length, mm: 2000;
  • connecting rail with a connecting shackle (lock);
  • connecting rail with connecting element (key);
  • connecting rail 95, 5.5 ° K = 5000;
  • rotary segment 95, 15 ° K = 6000;
  • pivoting segment 95, 7.5 ° 11 = 6000;
  • forklift switch with manual operation;
  • stamped bracket (earring) with a finger, washer, cotter pin;
  • hanging bracket for arch support (grip on metal support);
  • suspension bracket for roof bolting (grip on roof bolting);
  • expansion lock (stretch);
  • rail minelayer (rail stop);
  • operating documents (Operation manual DPA-155M.00.000RE).

By agreement with the customer, the list and the number of components for the monorail track are determined.

Conditions and requirements for safe operation

Operation of an overhead monorail track must be carried out in accordance with the Operation Manual DPA-155M.00.000RE, "Safety Rules in Coal Mines" (RD 05-94-95), "Safety Standards for Diesel Powered Transport Vehicles for Coal Mines" (RD 05-311-99) and " Technical requirements on the safe operation of diesel-powered transport vehicles in coal mines "approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated September 30, 1999, No. 71.

At the end points of the monorail track, end stops should be installed to prevent the rolling stock from leaving the monorail. When suspending a monorail track in workings with an inclination angle of more than 10 °, measures must be taken against the downward displacement of the track and an increase in butt clearances by means provided for in the technical documentation for the road.

Devices for suspension of a monorail track must have at least a 3-fold safety factor in relation to the maximum static load, provide the ability to adjust the position of the monorail in height and be adapted for suspension to the corresponding types of support for workings. The chains for the suspension of the monorail must have at least a 5-fold safety factor in relation to the maximum static load.

The distance between the hangers should not allow the monorail to deflect more than 1/200 of the deflection length between them.

When operating a monorail track, the gaps in the joints of the working surfaces should not exceed 5 mm, and the mismatch of the working surfaces vertically and horizontally - 3 mm. These requirements must also be met when closing the turnouts.

Switching the arrow by manual drive is allowed only when the train is stopped and reliably braked.

The gain on the turnout control lever should not exceed 147 N.

Maintenance, repair and diagnostics procedure

The monorail track must be inspected at least once a day by the responsible person appointed by the order for the mine.

Every day, they must check the presence of fasteners and, if they are not in the connection, restore the monorail before operation.

Inspect the turnout switch performance on a daily basis. If it is difficult to translate the wit of the turnout switch, check for foreign objects.

The suspension elements are visually inspected. If the wear of the suspension elements increases, they must be replaced.

The results of the inspection of the monorail track and its elements are recorded in the journal, on the basis of which the protocol is drawn up.

Operating instructions

Maintenance and operation of the monorail track must be carried out in accordance with DPA-155M.00.000RE. The use and operation of the monorail track in conditions that do not correspond to the field of application and operating conditions are not allowed.

manufacturer's warranty

The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the monorail track with the requirements of these technical specifications, subject to the conditions of operation, storage, transportation and installation.

The warranty period for monorail operation is 12 months from the date of commissioning, but not more than 18 months from the date of shipment.

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