Home Food Starline A9 Programming Instructions. Keychain from Starline Twage A9 for Starline A8. How to remotely disable the shock sensor

Starline A9 Programming Instructions. Keychain from Starline Twage A9 for Starline A8. How to remotely disable the shock sensor

The SRARLINE A9 security complex is characterized by the presence of such functions as autorun, anti-primilation, as well as panic and others. A9 contains the sections needed for mounting and setting up the system. Before starting the installation of the complex, you should carefully examine the management and think about the location of the components.


Technical characteristics A9.

Model of automotive signaling Starline Twace Has characteristics:

  • operating frequency of the radio transmitter - 433.92 MHz;
  • radius of signal feed communicative keychain (with display) - 600 m;
  • radio reception by the pager signals submitted by the head unit - 1200 m;
  • the distance of the auxiliary control panel is not more than 15 m;
  • type of sand sensor design - piezoelectric element;
  • the permissible temperature of the head unit is from minus 40 ºС to plus 85 ºС;
  • voltage on power terminals - not higher than 18 V and not lower than 9 V;
  • current taking by alarm in standby mode - 0.25 mA.

The stated flow and reception distances are achieved only in the open space. In urban development and with no interference, the reception distance is reduced several times.

The design of the Tweez A9 head unit mounting boards allows the operating current values \u200b\u200bindicated in the table.


The mounting set includes:

  • a keychain-communicator equipped with a liquid crystal screen and a receiver-transmitter for two-way communication;
  • auxiliary key chain, working only on the transmission of signals;
  • the main unit, which includes the control processor and the relay module;
  • antenna module (with an additional transmitter and temperature sensor);
  • temperature sensor in the engine compartment;
  • adjustable shock sensor;
  • control diode;
  • tuning and service button with wiring;
  • control key of the anti-label function;
  • terminal dispersion;
  • a set of connective harnesses;
  • technical documentation, including the Installation and Setup Guide.

A9 alarm is supplied in a cardboard box, the components are laid in a foam substrate, protecting parts from shocks.

Photo Gallery

The photo shows the type of components included in the alarm set.

General Type of Supply Set Dismantled with car set Additional control panel Main keychain

Main features

Key features provided by alarm:

  1. The security complex creates several individual protection zones by car. Separate zone is protected by electrical circuits to ensure the start and operation of the engine. End switches are triggered with unauthorized unlocking doors and lever release parking brake. The shock sensor performs the protection of body panels and glasses from damage applied. Additionally ensures the protection of the chains and the ignition lock.
  2. The head processor unit has a non-volatile memory that saves the state of the system when the power is turned off.
  3. Built-in anti-primilation mode. It is activated by a button on the keychain or a separate key set.
  4. Panic mode with remote activation.
  5. Functions of an additional immobilizer and built-in turbo-timer.
  6. Automatic start and heating of the motor at a distance and on the laid program.
  7. It is possible to extend the operation of the power unit using a keychain.

Installation Instructions

  1. Installation of the complex is carried out on vehicles equipped with electrical scheme direct current With a voltage of 12 V. The negative pole is connected to the bodybuch.
  2. All connection work is carried out with disconnected battery terminals.
  3. Before turning off the power, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations of the car manufacturer relating to the system of inflatable airbags and standard radio (device encoding).
  4. The elongation of wiring harnesses should be carried out by a conductor from a similar material with a cross section of no less source.
  5. The wire connection is recommended to be disappeared, and then protected by a tape or shrink tube.

The literacy of the layout and accuracy of the installation depends on the further operation of not only alarm, but also the entire electronics of the car.

What do you need?

The minimum set for mounting includes:

  • instructions for Starline A9 on installation and configuration;
  • self-tapping screws or screeds (preferably several sizes);
  • bolts M6;
  • wrench or end heads (set);
  • plastic blades;
  • broach for wires through the engine shield and car interior;
  • drill and set of metal drills;
  • installation and insulation materials;
  • pulbs for removing isolation if you need to eliminate wiring.

Connection schemes

Below are the main component connection schemes. Detailed information is available in the Installation Guide.

General compound scheme Auto-starting module Block of the Central Castle Solding sensors

Step-by-step action

Approximate component installation sequence:

  1. Disable terminals from acb. For this, the wrench must be loosen the clip at the battery output.
  2. Place the processor block system in the hidden cavity of the car, protected from moisture access. Usually, the node is placed inside the instrument panel, on the removal of the aircraft climatic installation. The location is selected in such a way as to eliminate the flow of condensate on the wires inside the connector. The block is fixed to the metal frame of the panel with screws or tie through the regular attachment points. Installation is allowed using bilateral tape.
  3. Place an antenna node on the inner surface windshield At a distance of at least 45-55 mm from metal panels of the body. If the glass has a metallized film, the module is recommended for free space. Only in this case the maximum range of the transmitter and the receiver is achieved. When installing antenna, avoid places exposed to sunlight. This is due to the presence within the temperature sensor module. Overheat item will report inaccurate information.
  4. Install the temperature sensor on the block or motor head using a regular bracket. The hole is designed for the M6 \u200b\u200bsize bolt. The installation point should provide a good thermal contact, because this data runs autorun.
  5. To place Siren under the hood. The node is installed by a shore down at a point inaccessible from the bottom of the car or through the wheel arch. If the owner uses autonomous siren, it is necessary to provide unhindered access to the larch of the Deactivator Castle.
  6. Sensor hit in the cabin. Mounting place should not prevent access to adjustable potentiometers.
  7. Install the indicator diode on the dashboard or facing of the front racks. Details are allowed to drilled in advance with a drill hole.
  8. Thinking through the installation location and mount the buttons of service and anti-grab. The location of the devices should provide quick access to them.
  9. Install end switches on doors. Decorative upholstery is removed using plastic blades.
  10. If it is necessary to establish end swipes under the hood and lid of the trunk. When installing, it should be gap within 3 mm and more between the contacts (with covered covers). With a reduced distance, the risk of false positives occurs. The place of installation of the opener should not be in the zone of the cluster of rainwater.
  11. Using the broach, pave the wiring to the main alarm elements. The gasket route must be kept on the removal from the ignition system and other interference sources.
  12. Connect wiring harnesses in accordance with the schemes. The head module should be connected last.
  13. Imagine all connections.
  14. Turn on the power and program the system in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the instructions.

User's manual

Download user manual and installation StarLine A9

Designation of buttons and icons on the keychain

The purpose of the button A (nearest to the antenna is mainly with the icons of locks on an additional communicator):

  • switching on and off protection (including when a power unit running);
  • direct autorun and motor stop (only on the main keychain);
  • search for a car (together with the B button).

The B button (average on the main remote and with the key icon on optional) is used for functions:

  • confirmation of the label selected by the cursor;
  • unlocking the luggage compartment;
  • auto-starting and engine operation time (optional only);
  • choosing a autorun mode (on an additional remote), etc.

Button with (with pictogram open trunk) is used for:

  • cursor movement;
  • shutdown signal sounds;
  • keychain settings (including buttons a);
  • timer programming;
  • machine search (for an additional console).

The D button installed only on an additional remote control is necessary in some cases:

  • silent system management;
  • enabling additional functions (collaborated with other keys).

The screen has labels of functional and information destination. Functional icons are selected by the cursor method and pressing the buttons turn on or disconnect various modes of operation. Information indicators displays the current status of the functions of the security complex.

Display with labels on the STARLINE A9 key chain

List of functional labels on the screen:

  • A - mapping the function of the anti-grab;
  • B - the work of Dopcinal 3;
  • C - automatic launch of temperature values;
  • D - turning on the motor according to the data from the alarm clock;
  • E - engine launch at a distance (keychain);
  • F - switching on and off protection without filing Siren signals;
  • G is the standard mode of operation (with lilac);
  • H - disabling shock sensor at a distance;
  • I - service mode;
  • J - Displays the temperature in the cabin, as well as a survey of the condition of the car;
  • K - the work of Dopkanal 2;
  • L is remote control of the drive of the luggage compartment lock.

Information icons:

  • 1 - the state of the battery installed in the keychain;
  • 2 - inclusion of DPKANA 2;
  • 3 - automatic launch depending on temperature ambient;
  • 4 - working force unit;
  • 5 - the lid of the trunk;
  • 6 - open the terminal side doors;
  • 7 - vibration;
  • 8 - tuning mode;
  • 9 - the function of automatic resetting of the protection of active;
  • 10 - protection without feeding sound signals when alarm;
  • 11 - standard protection regime (with lilac);
  • 12 - open the hood ender;
  • 13 - Detection of a strike on the body or windows (various mapping for the first or second sensitivity zone of the sensor);
  • 14 - indication of the active parking brake;
  • 15 - turning on locking locks on the doors;
  • 16 - disabling lock lock;
  • 17 - indication of the standby mode, in which only the receiver of the control panel is active;
  • 18 - turns on when sending a command;
  • 19 - There is a challenge from the car's salon;
  • 20 - actively reduced energy consumption by keychain;
  • 21 - ignition activation;
  • 22 - inclusion of alarm clock;
  • 23 - indication of time after lunch RM;
  • 24 - similarly - before dinner AM;
  • 25 - Start on the signal from the alarm or daily;
  • 26 - Displays additional information;
  • 27 - selection of temperature measurement scales;
  • 28 - Indication of the countdown timer.

How to set up a key chain

The setting sequence is:

  1. Press the button with select the desired function icon.
  2. Drown and keep the key from for six seconds during which the buzzer will give a double, and then a triple signal.
  3. Check the operation of the programmed function by pressing the button A. If the owner is required to change the key assignment, the rewriting procedure has a similar view.

Only the first button (a) of the main console can be adjusted. The owner can choose and assign options for this key unlimited number. The standard solution is to set to enable / disable security mode.

The button B does not have a hard binding to execute any command. It is used to confirm the function selected using the C key. Additional control panel is not programmable.

Installation of watch

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Drive the C button and hold it until the dual signal is fed and started flashing the indicator field of the clock on the screen.
  2. You can change the value by pressing a (zoom) or in (reduce). For an accelerated clock translation, the button hold is used.
  3. Press and similar to set the value of minutes.
  4. Re-use the C button to hold the sound signal confirming the output from the setting. It is possible to automatically exit programming, waiting a few seconds, during which you should not press the keys.

Entering the alarm data memory is somewhat different from the clock setting:

  1. Drink the button C and hold it until the dual signal is supplied.
  2. Clicking on with choose a closure label, after that it will flash the configuration field for the awakening time.
  3. By analogy with the clock, make the value of the signal on.
  4. After that, an additional an alarm on / off will appear in the menu. To activate, pressing on A, for shutdown - on V.

Active alarm clock on the STARLINE A9 keychain screen is displayed by a burning label. When triggered, a melodic signal is supplied, which is interrupted by pressing on C.

Setting up autorun.

In order for the owner to use autorun, you need to configure the transmission type when installing the head unit. On the housing of the node there is a connecting loop that must be cut (in the case of mechanical transmission). If an automatic is used on the car, then the loop remains closed. The type of motor is laid when programming block. For the correct launch of a diesel engine, a pre-warming of candles is required, so the starter response delay is set.

Before you need to perform the conditions:

  • turn off the ignition;
  • raise the parking brake lever;
  • close all body elements equipped with trumps from alarm;
  • install the program neutral position of the box of the box (only on the mechanical transmission, not required on the machine).

Brief instructions for setting neutral in memory block:

  1. Stop the car on the site of the scheduled parking lot, leave the ignition active.
  2. Translate transmission control lever to a neutral position, and then activate the parking brake.
  3. Disable ignition. With the correct procedure, the engine will continue to work.
  4. The owner has 0.5 minutes to leaving the cabin of the vehicle. After closing the door, you need to activate the mode of protection according to the standard diagram. The motor will stop instantly either continue to work within the turbotimer mode. If the owner does not include protection, the engine will operate 0.5 minutes or before turning off the programmed turbo-player.

The neutral installation procedure is performed before each alleged auto start.

On some cars there are features of the design, requiring activation of support for the operation of the power unit:

  1. After stopping the car and translating the lever of the box to neutral, you must press and hold the button A on the keychain.
  2. Wait for a triple outbreak of overall lights and turn on the melody to the built-in buzzer. The label of the functioning motor is activated on the screen and the operating time will be displayed. In the case of deactivated turbotimer, the text of the type "R00" is included.
  3. Disable ignition and remove the key from the lock, the power unit must continue to work.
  4. Further actions are identical to the usual neutral setting (described above).

On alarm clock

Before starting, you need to set the clock and the alarm value.

The setup procedure is simple:

  1. Button with select the desired icon and confirm the execution of the KE key
  2. Wait for the supply of a single signal with lilac and dimensions, after which the melody will be played. Two labels will be active on the screen, and the diode will start working a series of two outbreaks.

Starting an alarm clock provides for a single warming of the power unit in the programmed time.

The start time of the power unit according to the alarm clock and the moment of inclusion of the alarm itself does not exactly match. The reason is the rounding of minutes to a dozen during the operation of the autorun.

By timer

Programming is as follows:

  1. Choose the cursor method the desired shortcut and confirm the action.
  2. A confirmation will be a single beep of lilac and a flash of light alarm lamps.
  3. Immediately after that, the first start and engine warming will occur. Repeat launches will be performed 24 hours after the first start time. In case of an error, at least one start, an automatic cancellation of the subsequent heating of the power unit occurs.

Timer Start is the ability to run a power unit daily at a certain time. With an unsuccessful start, the function is turned off, it must be activated again.

By temperature

Step-by-step programming is as follows:

  1. Move the cursor to select the desired icon on the channel screen.
  2. Confirm the selection of the function by pressing the button. Get a confirmation signal of the melody, at the same time it should work outward light alarms, and a short siren beep will sound. The display is activated by the mode icon and the threshold temperature value is displayed. An additional confirmation will be an indicator diode that will go into operation mode of three outbreaks.

If you want to deactivate the function, then this is done according to an identical procedure. Confirmation is a double sound and light signal feed, ringtone buzzer and disabling the label on the screen.

When the motor start starts, the alarm uses information from the sensor installed on the engine block or in the engine compartment. The sensor has four settings in the range from -20 ºС to -5 ºС. Additionally, the operating time of the motor and the number of repeated launches, which can not be more than 12 per day. There is also a time limit between starts - at least 1 hour. At the same time, it occurs from the moment of the operation of the power unit, the duration of the heating period does not affect the settings.

The owner should be remembered by two rules for using autorun temperature:

  • numerous motor starts lead to the discharge rechargeable battery;
  • if an unsuccessful engine start attempted, the continuation of the cycle is automatically canceled.

How to bind a new key chain to Staline A9?

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Enable the ignition of the car, and then click and hold the login button in the settings.
  2. After filing four beeps, the alarm is released to release the button.
  3. Take a key chain and press two buttons at the same time. On the main remote, the A and B key clicked, on the additional - C and D. Confirmation of it in memory will be a short signal filed by a lilac complex.
  4. Repeat the previous item for all programmable devices. It is important to withstand the time interval between the keychains in memory, which should not exceed five seconds. In case of violation, the programming procedure is automatically interrupted. The console number in memory is displayed by the number of confirmation of the beeps.
  5. After recording the last code, exit the setup mode by turning off the ignition. It should be five times to work out external light alarm.
  6. Check the performance of the remote controls.

In memory of the head block of the system keychains is required if additional remote controls are purchased. In total, it is possible to bind four communicators, when you try to write the fifth, it is deleted from the memory cell of the first device. This is due to the cleaning of the storage module, so new and old consoles should be prescribed.

The video tutorial on the reference of the console to the STARLINE A9 system is provided by the "Raccoon and Panda" channel.

Advantages of alarm

The advantages of the security complex include:

  • function of automatic start of the power unit;
  • an additional channel that allows you to expand the system functionality;
  • built-in temperature sensor inside the car cabin;
  • ease of installation and settings;
  • loud built-in buzzer buzzer.


According to the reviews of the owners, the alarm has disadvantages:

  • there is no possibility of performing repeated starts through programmable time intervals;
  • small radius of receivers and transmitters in urban conditions;
  • the command encoding is made according to an outdated algorithm that is easily intercepted and decoded;
  • cases of acquisition of alarm with an incorrectly operating head unit are noted;
  • weak housing keychain, the support elements of the buttons are destroyed;
  • software malfunctions are possible.

How much is?

The approximate cost of the STLINLE A9 signaling is indicated in the table.

Video "Programming SRARLINE A9 alarm"

An example of setting up the STLINLE A9 security package is presented in the videot of Anton AUTO.

How to secure your car from the hijacking? Today, this question worries every motorist, and therefore the range of security systems offered to help him is constantly expanding. What to make a bet? On attractive characteristics or budget value? Alarm Starline A9 eliminates the owner of the machine from making a decision (it successfully combines both the first and second).

Protection 100%

The automotive system for the protection of this model is rightfully considered one of the best. And there is reason: a high indicator of the degree of protection. Such enviable safety is due to two moments:

  1. Complex original encryption principle. It is he who is based on a dynamic code, reliably protected from interception. Hacking an individual cipher is practically unrealistic (but the manufacturer decided to progress and strengthen the effect using a non-standard solution).
  2. An extraordinary innovative approach. This model of auto alarms is successfully applied and the principle of zoning. Each individual plot is guarded (internal combustion engine, parking brake, hood, doors, trunk, windows, ignition lock). And for it corresponds to a specific device (switch, sensor, relay). All information about trying to hack or cause harm is displayed on the alarm key chain. Alarm signals are included when exposed to any of the above zones.

The impeccable work of protective functions is also due to the fact that the state of all elements of the system is constantly under control. The failure of one of them is diagnosed by the device itself in a matter of seconds (the owner of the car learns about an existing problem immediately after their detection). This option (self-diagnostics) completely eliminates any risks (provided that the motorist will take the necessary measures to eliminate them in a timely manner).

Comfort class "Lux"

Another advantage of the STARLINE A9 alarm is to combine its ability to combine pleasant. It is replete with options that significantly facilitate the life of the owner of the machine, and at times increasing the degree of its comfort during the operation of the vehicle. To such decent attention, the functions of this model of the security system can be attributed:

  1. Autostart. Runs the engine at a certain time (the setting can be produced in three directions: depending on the temperature mode, the waiting timer, the alarm time)
  2. Anti-Frame mode. It triggers when, after opening a driver's door, confirmation of the displayed cipher of the owner, through a given number of meters the system blocks the engine operation.
  3. Immobilizer mode. Relevant for those who forget to step by step press the buttons on the keychain, is activated after 30 second lack of actions from the driver (blocks the motor after half a minute after the ignition is turned off).
  4. GSM Module Starline. Allows you to control the alarm from your mobile device, as well as receive messages about the state of the system.
  5. Indication. The alarm keychain can replace the clock, and alarm clock, and a timer, he will also inform the engine time (such information may also be needed by motorist).

This is not all the possibilities of this model, the table shows only the most sought-after from them.

Cares and energy efficiency. Situations when the keychain does not respond to the commands of his host most often associated with the wear of its power elements, in the Star Line A9 panel of the batteries serve at least 2 months (more often to six months).

Installation without problems

Automotive alarms of this brand and the model are good and the fact that they can be installed independently. This process can be characterized as complicated and simple at the same time. The difficulty lies in the fact that it involves a large amount of work, which must be implemented in accordance with the strict algorithm of actions regarding:

  • location and fixation of system elements (Recommendations: Central Block It is advisable to fix under dashboard, transceiver module on the windshield, shock sensor anywhere in the cabin, the LED indicator near the instruments, the temperature remote sensor on the motor housing, siren in open space shore down away from highly heated parts of the engine);
  • connection schemes(Wire gaskets, installation of electrical wiring connections, connecting the circuit responsible for the operation of sound and light equipment, systems with auto start, doors activator, locking system, lock engine lock, engine control over one of the options: tachometer, voltage on-board network, generator).

Easy to install Starline A9 is that the instruction manual is included in each implemented product of this type, gives a clearly detailed view of everything that concerns its installation. It can also find a description of the reasons that can lead to incorrect. unstable work Installed security system (errors made during the installation process).

Setup without much effort

All of the owners of the cars, which establish the alarm of this model, are interested in two important questions: how to tie a key chain to the system and how to configure the desired parameters for each of the modes offered by the manufacturer. To help car enthusiast detailed instructionsconcerning its interests:

  1. Binding keychain. We act step by step:
    • we bring the car;
    • press the "Valet" button (Before the appearance of 4 sound signals, we hold it);
    • at the same time, press the buttons 1 and 2, release after 1 audio signal (to program the keychain with the LCD display - the main PU);
    • simultaneously press the button 3 and 4 (relevant to record additional keychains).
  2. Programming parameters. We follow the next action algorithm:
    • press 6 times the service button when the ignition is turned on (We will make the response of the system: 6 flashes of LEDs + 6 audible signals);
    • press the "Valet" button several times. (before going to a specific function);
    • select the desired value, confirm the action either short or long pressing the buttons 1 and 2 (half a second or 30 seconds);
    • returning to "Start"by pressing the service button;
    • repeat actions for all functionsin need of special settings other than factory parameters;
    • we leave from programming mode (turn off and turn on the ignition or wait automatic shutdownaccompanied by 5 outbreaks of overall lights).

Convenient management

In order to competently manage the automotive security complex called Starline A9, you do not need to have a special education. The key chain with the LCD display is a kind of book with pictures, you just need to choose the right picture. Another thing is an optional control panel (push-button panel may puzzle). However, the instruction manual included in the alarm summary For use, the task of the motorist will be simplified. These carriers crucial information Will help you find answers to all questions. There are all: connection schemes, mounting cards, methods of binding and controlling control panel (keychain), programming methods of options and parameters, and even a list possible faults and their removal techniques.

The virtues of Starline A9 is enough. Why not take advantage of them!

The basic instruction attached to the STARLINE A9 signal contains all information about its connection and operation. How to conduct a setting, the instructions also said. The tips that are formed on the basis of feedback will be listed here. It will also be indicated how to quickly configure the main keychain to start using any of the options. You can connect an alarm with auto-start or without, as well as apply either not to use blocking. In all cases there will be several options. By the way, here we are talking about one model - Starline Twage A9, and not a9 dialog.

How to implement autorun

Let's see what is provided in the basic instruction attached to the Starline A9 signal.

Scroll of power connector

The six wires indicated above are connected to the ignition lock terminals. For example, the "red" cord is connected to the 30th terminal, on which the "+12" voltage remains all the time. And the 15th terminal receiving the potential when turning the key must be connected to the "yellow" wire. Last requirement is always observed, even if you perform installation without autorun.

Wiring power connector

Immediately list, what all cables are connected:

  1. Red - lock terminal 30;
  2. Yellow - Terminal 15 (ignition);
  3. Blue - lock terminal, voltage on which is missing during the starter operation, but appears when the key turns to the ACC label;
  4. Green - can duplicate the yellow or blue wire, and the first option is chosen by default;
  5. Black and white - included in the gap of the starter cable, connecting the cord of the signaling with the terminal 50;
  6. Black and yellow - starter nutrition.

"Blue cord" is usually connected to the "15/2" terminal to feed the second ignition line. If it is missing, you can serve a current into the accessory chain. It all depends on the standard scheme - the auto alarm is compatible with any of them.

When the start of the autorun is performed, the signaling emulates the behavior of the standard lock. But some lines, such as the power of accessories, is not necessarily connected. But the starter must receive the power in any case:

Sparking lock terminals

If it is known that the autorun does not use the owner, connect only one wire - "yellow". We need a turbo-timer - add a "red" cord here. In the second case, all compounds must withstand a significant current (up to 30 A). In the first version, this requirement is missing.

Installation of signal chains

If everything is done, as indicated above, you can not start the motor motor. The car alarm must "know", whether the car is in the parking lot, and it is also desirable that the engine operation is controlled. By connecting only the brake ender, you can observe the following: the sound of the starter operation appears, and then the motor will start and stalls. The fact is that you still need to install a commander. Three wires that are listed here are mainly connector:

  1. Black and red (3) - managing a cross;
  2. Orange-violet (16) - monitoring the state of the brake pedal or the "handler";
  3. SERO-Black (6) - Engine Control Input: The cord is connected to a delivery or to the terminal on which the potential "+" appears when starting.

Note that the third cord can not be connected to anything, and then it is not even necessary to perform programming.

In the last option, the car alarm "monitors" for the voltage of the network, controlling the operation of the motor on it. But the instructions say that such a method is the most unreliable. It is better not to use control during operation at all, assigning the option 6 value 3.

Unlike most car alarms, the STARLINE TWAGE A9 system recognizes only the presence of the "mass" potential, if we talk about the brake control input. So, in the basic scheme is better to add a diode:

Connecting control wires

The resistor extends the excess voltage, and the condenser makes the signal symmetrical. In standard instructions, these details are not considered.

Connect the cord in the gray-black shell or to the generator terminal, or to the delta. By default, the second option is specified in the settings - "Danger".

Of course, the STARLINE A9 system can control the bypass. The coating relay winding is connected as follows:

  1. Black and Red Cord - Minus Power Supplies;
  2. Terminal 15 - "Plus" supply voltage.

This option, as the only correct, is specified in the basic instruction. Suppose the motor will start "once" or stall immediately after launch. Try then to connect the winding not to the 15th terminal, but by the 30th. The essence of the last sentence is clear: Alarm can enable ignition later than you need. Immobilizer will then not perceive the presence of a key.

Trial launch

If the signaling is installed, the engine test starts. Make sure that:

  1. PPC selection loop is cut if the system was installed on a car with MCP;
  2. Connecting the brake sensor for machines with MCP produced according to the circuit - the wire is connected to the "handler" button;
  3. Even for machines with "mechanics", preparation is carried out, then performed during operation.

The test looks simple: taking the main key chain, press the key 1. Pressing duration - 3 seconds.

Display of the main console

The sound of the working starter will appear, but the main thing is not in this! The keychain should display the smoke icon.

Turn off or turn on the motor can be single and the same key. Note that after stopping the engine, the icon should disappear. If the condition is not fulfilled, it is impossible to use autorun. By the way, the system can not work correctly if "training" was not conducted. What is true for one option - control by the dress.

Consider how the preparation procedure looks like:

  1. Involve "handbrake" without turning off the ignition;
  2. The key is made (the engine is working);
  3. In 30 seconds leave the salon and closed the doors;
  4. The motor will stall when half a minute after step 2.

Let one of the conditions: the sound of the working motor changes either the engine stalls until step 3. It is possible to correct the situation: when programming the function 15 is assigned to 2 or 4. Then between the steps 1-2 another action will be added between the steps 1-2. Taking a key chain, you will need to press button 1, without releasing it to a melodic signal.

Setting butter keys

Note that any of the additional keychains in this case Not suitable.

Each key chain, on which there is no display, is equipped with one key that allows you to perform remote launch. The button is indicated by number 2, and you need to press it half a second.

Connecting the temperature sensor - error

If we talk about the STARLINE A9 alarm, it leads to the temperature control:

  1. If an external sensor is connected, the engine temperature is controlled, and the keychain displays the temperature of the cabin;
  2. Do not connect the sensor, know that the car alarm is measured in the temperature inside its housing.

It seems the option using an external sensor is the most suitable. Connection, in turn, spend in parallel with microcopki contacts:

Basic Sensor Installation Scheme

The button closes when opening the hood.

The above is true for STARLINE TWAGE A9, and in general for any car alarms installed additionally. Sensor itself, that is, the resistor is connected to a standard microcopder. But when operating an effect arises:

  1. When the hood is open, contacts are closed - everything is right here;
  2. Closing the hood, you can get a "plus" potential on the signal output, which is invalid.

The latter is due to the fact that in the standard microcopka scheme is connected to the lamp, which, in turn, always gets nutrition. Lamp thread has low resistance, and "12 volts" remains at the input of the signal. Well, or "almost 12".

The problem considered above has two solutions. If during operation, the light under the hood is not used, the cord is cut, which goes to the lamp:

Improved connection scheme

But interference with the standard wiring is incorrect. It is better to install an additional microcal. In addition, in the StarLine A9 sets, it is always present.

Obviously, do something in accordance with the instructions. But at the same time, the features characteristic of each car are also taken into account. This rule uses, by mounting any alarm. We wish you success.

Adding blocks

Again, we present the basic scheme taken from the instructions:

Installing a blocking relay

Here, as you can see, one pair of contacts is used - normally closed (NZ). Interestingly, another option (HP) will be set in the processor memory. When setting, assign functions 15 The value 3. and the diagram will start working.

The starter chain rupture, as indicated in the first chapter, includes two wires from the power connector. Thus, another blocking is implemented: the alarm is not closed by contacts when the protection is involved. Bad is that blocking the starter is almost useless. Motor with hijacking "from handles".

Each car alarm can monitor and normally open contacts. But the STARLINE TWAGE A9 system, as well as other StarLine signaling to such a relay, is better not to connect. Simply, it is not always possible to start the engine. We are talking about starting "from the key."

What and how to program

For the system under consideration here, a simple settings table is suitable:

Software changed parameters

The number of options characteristic of the Starline TWAGE A9 model is 16. Seven of them, as we see, are connected by autorun. To configure, you will need any of the keychains. Values \u200b\u200b3 and 4 are specified like this: the key 1 or 2 is humbered and held three seconds. This is true if the main keychain is used.

An additional alarm console is equipped with four separate keys. Of course, they correspond to the values \u200b\u200bfrom "1" to "4". Know about it.

Here is a comment on paragraph 15. Suppose three conditions:

  1. The signaling was installed on a car with MCP;
  2. Everything is connected according to the instructions;
  3. When removing the key from the lock, the sound motor sound changes.

If all statements are correct, use the SAFE setting. In any other case, leave an AUTO version. As you can see, everything is simple.

The above council is important in two cases: if autorun is implemented or if a turbo-timer is needed. We are talking about a timer embedded in the signaling. By the way, the latter still needs to be enabled (option 16).

By using the SAFE item, the owner will have to press the key fob button - the ignition support does not turn on. Here it was about the procedure performed during operation.

First - the handbrake, then the button

Important was considered, one list remained:

  1. Turning on the ignition, the Valet button is pressed 6 times;
  2. Ignition turn off - the sound of sirens and 6 flares of the indicator will follow;
  3. The Valet button is pressed 1 time, a short siren sound follows, the button is pressed again, etc.;
  4. Choosing an option number in step 3, set a new value, for which any of the keychains is used;
  5. Car alarm can return to the "usual mode": it is enough to turn on the ignition or wait 10 seconds.

That is how, not otherwise, the STARLINE TWAGE A9 system needs to be programmed.

"Training" and the meaning of its use

Suppose each of the conditions:

  1. The engine control is carried out at a touchscreen;
  2. The sound starter sounds when automatic starts stops later than the motor is started.

Only if both conditions are made, it makes sense to conduct "training". System
"Learn" to recognize idle turns. The keychain for learning will not need.

Talk signal

These difficulties, in theory, are characteristic of any car alarm, and not just for the Starline brand systems. So, take patience.

Below is a sequence that is not in the basic instruction:

  1. Ignition include, the Valet button is pumped 9 times;
  2. Turn off the ignition - the indicator is constantly lit;
  3. Perform the start of the engine "from the key";
  4. When idling are installed, the VALET button is set 1 time - follows 1 siren sound;
  5. The indicator should go out - the training is completed!

When the alarm is trained correctly, it controls the motor without errors. By the way, the connection to the tank is recommended. That is, "simplify the task", moving to control over the generator, no sense.

Use the functions of the block

Consider a simple operation: how to turn off the sound in the remote control itself. Press and hold the 1-3 keys. The display will display the MUTE symbol, the vibration signal will follow.

Station speaker inside the console

Return everything as it was possible by pressing.

Now turn on the protection without sound emanating from the siren. Here the cursor method is activated: the 3 button is swing twice, and then by pressing the same button, move the cursor over the icons. Going to the desired label, the key 2. That is how the STARLINE A9 system is controlled.

It is known that not any car alarm is equipped with a built-in timer. From which it follows that the main keychain must be kept near the antennas. But to the system discussed here, this requirement does not apply. And yet, despite all the "pluses", you warn the reader about the following: the Starline TWAGE A9 signal does not use the dialog code. Reliability and simplicity settings are two important qualities characteristic of the TWAGE family. Need resistance to hacking - go to the Dialog family.

How the new keychain is prescribed

In the alarm, it is possible to remotely disconnect / turn on the impact sensor over the levels an unlimited number of times during the same protection cycle.

If you need to disable only the preliminary level of the shock sensor, set the cursor to the icon, press the 2 button once. An additionally icon will be displayed on the display display, the 2 siren signals and a melodic signal keychain will be displayed. The first level of the sensor will be disconnected. If you need to turn off both levels of the shock sensor, set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keyword the second time. The icon appears on the keyboard display, and 3 beeps will be performed. Both levels of the shock sensor will be disabled. If you need to re-enable the shock sensor, set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keyword the third time. The icon will disappear from the display of the keychain, and 1 beep sounds. Both levels of the shock sensor will be turned on again.

Manage the central lock with a keychain when the ignition is turned on

When the ignition is turned on, the sequential pressing of the 1 keychain will lead to alternate closure and opening door locks.

On the display keychain will be displayed icons:

When closing locks;

When opening locks.

The ignition enabled is indicated by the icon.

Automatic control of the central lock from the ignition key (programmable function)

At your request, a function can be introduced automatic control Door locks when the ignition is turned on and off. If this function is turned on, then when the ignition is turned off, the door locks will be automatically open.

You can program 3 castle control options when the ignition is turned on:

  1. castles are not locked;
  2. locked after 10 seconds after the ignition is turned on;
  3. locked 30 seconds after switching on the ignition.

Attention! If one of the doors is open at the moment of inclusion of ignition or after switching on the ignition within 10 or 30 seconds, the locking of the door locks will not occur.

Open Door Alarm (Programmable Function)

At your request, the open door alert function can be programmed when the security mode is turned off. When opening any of the doors, the dimensions will flash for 10 seconds or until the door closing.

Control service life switches

Car search mode

To search for your car in the parking lot in dark time Tap simultaneously buttons 1 and 2 keychain.

If before this, the protection mode turned on or turned off with sound signals
confirmation, follow 6 siren signals and 6 outbreaks of dimensions. If the mode
The protection turned on or turned off silently, then by the team from starline alarm
TWAGE A9 will follow only 6 outbreaks of dimensions.

In both cases, a melodic signal keychain will sound.

Monitoring car condition

Set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keychain. 3 flash outbreaks will follow.

On the display, the temperature is displayed in the car's cabin (for example,) and the status of the alarm protection mode, the melodic signal will sound.

Note. Temperature display scale (Celsius or Fahrenheit) is programmed.

The temperature indicated by the keychain may differ from the real value depending on the installation location of the transceiver module in the car (for example, when the module is located on the Sun, the indicator temperature value will be more real.

Call from car

To serve a call signal from the car to the alarm keychain, press the button located on the case of the transceiver module. 6 outbreaks of dimensions follow (2 series of 3 flash). The icon appears on the keyboard display, and 20-second call sound signals are turned on. To interrupt the signals and display on the display, press the 3 keychain button.

Turbotimer Mode (Programmable Function)

For turbocharged machines, a special turbotimer mode is provided, which allows you to keep the engine operation after turning off the ignition with the key for some time required to complete the turbine stop. Thanks to this algorithm, the resource of the turbine sliding bearings is preserved.

The duration of the turbotimer is programmed 1, 3 or 6 minutes. If during operation of the turbo mode, accompanied by the lighting of the LED indicator, the protection mode will be turned on with locking locking locks, then the system will turn off the ignition inputs and the shock sensor during the turbotimer. Engine locking will not happen. The engine will be stopped automatically, and the ignition zones and the impact sensor will be protected only after turning off the turbotimer mode. The LED will start slowly flashed.


Control of the health of limit translation switches STARLINE TWAGE

In the alarm, it is possible to control the health of the end switches of the doors, the hood and trunk when the security mode is turned off. Opening the doors, hood and trunk when the ignition is turned on, must be accompanied by flashes of the LED indicator. If the LED does not light up when they open, it means that the corresponding terminal switch is faulty.

Monitoring the condition of the car and temperature in the cabin

Set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keychain. 3 flash outbreaks will follow. On the display, the temperature is displayed in the car's cabin and the status of the alarm protection mode, the melodic signal will sound.

Note. The temperature displayed on the display of the keychain may differ from the real temperature in the cabin as it depends on the installation site in the car of the transceiver module (for example, when the module is in the sun, the indicator temperature value will be more real).

Service mode Valet.

temporary disconnection of anti-theft and security functions of the STAR auto alarm
Line A9, for example, when transferring a car to a service station
For preventive or repair work, it is recommended to include
Walt service mode.

Before switching on the VALET mode, make sure that the previously programmed modes of the turbotimer and the immobilizer are turned off. Otherwise, log in to the programming mode and setting the alarm and switch the specified modes to the state - off.

To enable the service mode, set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keychain. The confirmation will follow 4 of the siren signals, 4 outbreaks of dimensions and sound a melodic signaling signal. The flashing icon appears on the display, when Valet is enabled, only a function continues to work. remote control locking and unlocking door locks and control of an additional channel number 1 (spilling trunk).

To turn off the service mode, set the cursor to the icon, press the 2 keychain button. keychain The confirmation will follow 3 Siren Signals, 3 outbreaks of dimensions and a melodic keychain signal. Icon goes out. If necessary, program the disconnected modes of the turbotimer and the immobilizer again.

Control of additional channel number 1 (remote spilling trunk)

Channel number 1 (yellow-black wire) It can be activated independently of the system of the system and used for remote spilling of the trunk. If the channel is activated when the protection mode is enabled, the trunk zones and the shock sensor are temporarily disconnected.

There are two options for the inclusion of an additional channel number 1:

Option 1 - Press and hold the 2 keychain button for 3 seconds.

Option 2 - Use the 3 keychain button. Set the cursor to the icon and click the 2 keychain button.

The confirmation will follow 3 outbreaks of dimensions and 3 beeps of the keychain.

When the security mode is disabled on the display, the flashing image of the open trunk will appear.

With the mode of protection on the display, the keychain will appear flashing images of an open trunk and a disabled shock sensor

At the output of the channel there will be a negative impetus with a duration of 1 second - the trunk will open. If, when you activate the channel, the trunk will not open, then the indications of the open trunk and the disabled shock sensor on the display the keychain will not follow.

If at the time of the trunk closing the alarm will be in the mode of protection, then the zones of the trunk and the impact sensor will be taken under protection again after 5 seconds. The confirmation will sound 1 Siren Signal and 1 Sound Sound. Flashing outdoor trunk icons and shock sensor will disappear.

Advanced Channel Management 2 (Programmable Function)

An additional channel number 2 (yellow-red wire) can be activated regardless of the status of the protection mode by 0.8, 10, 30 seconds or before switching off by the keychain. The duration of the output signal is programmed when the system is set (Function 4). Channel can be used for remote control additional equipment car.

To turn on (off) the channel, set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keychain. The confirmation will follow 1 Siren Syrene, 1 outbreak of the dimensions and 1 sound keychain. On the display keychain displaying icon,

The icon disappears when the keychain is turned off.

Control of an additional channel number 3 (programmable function)

Channel number 3 (yellow-blue wire) can be activated regardless of the state
Starline A9 car alarm protection modes. When working in the mode of protection of the channel
Can be programmed for two options:

Option 1 - Channel activation without shutting down the security mode. The duration of the channel for this option is programmed: 0.8, 10, 30 seconds or shutdown by keychain.

Option 2 - Activation of the channel with simultaneous shutdown of the protection mode and unlock all door locks. The duration of the channel for this option is fixed - 0.8 seconds.

To turn on (off) the channel, set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keychain.

When the channel is activated by option 1, the confirmation will follow 3 of the siren signal, 3 outbreaks of dimensions and 3 beeps of the keychain. When operating the channel for option 2, only 2 sirens and 2 flash outbreaks will follow.

An example of using an additional channel number 3 to implement the function of two-step unpiration of door locks when the security mode is turned off

Before using the channel number 3, to implement a two-step unlocking door locks with simultaneous shutdown of security mode, it is necessary:

  1. Connect the driver's door activator and the remaining doors activators in accordance with the scheme below
  2. Enter the programming mode of functions and auto alarm installations and program a function 10 (an algorithm of operation of an additional channel No. 3) according to option 2.

To turn off the security mode with unscrupuling only the driver's door, press the button 1 keychain. When the security mode is turned off, the keyboard display shows the icon and follow the audio and light confirmation signals.

To unlock the rest of the doors, set the cursor to the icon and press the 2 keychain button, follow 2 siren signals and 2 flash outbreaks.

Control of an additional channel number 4 (automatic raising of glass or the inclusion of "polite" interior backlight)

Additional channel number 4 (blue wire) can be programmed for two options:

Option 1 - The channel is automatically activated when the protection mode is turned off and simultaneously with the appearance of alarms when the security mode is enabled. The duration of the channel 20 or 30 seconds is programmed when the system is installed. This algorithm can be used, for example, to include a "polite" interior backlight.

Option 2 - The channel is automatically activated only when the security mode is turned on. The duration of the channel 20 or 30 seconds is programmed when the system is installed. At the time of channel activation, the system does not respond to the shock sensor to avoid false positives. This algorithm can be used to automatically raise the glasses when the protection mode is turned on.

LED signaling status indication

In various signaling modes, the LED indicator flashes in different ways. If you do not have a keychain with a liquid crystal display, indicating the alarm and car status, then you can define the current signaling mode of the alarm by the type of flashing LED indicator. Types of flashing LED indicator in accordance with the signaling modes are shown in the table.

Star Line Twage A9 Alarm ModeType of flashing LED indicator
The engine runs remotelyLit constantly burning
Turbotimer mode includedLit constantly burning
Immobilizer mode is turned onLit constantly burning
Protection mode is offDoes not burn
Protection mode is turned onSlow flashes
Open doors, hood or trunk (with ignition on)Quickly flashes
Included Mode of Daily Engine Auto Tackle or Start BudilinSeries of 2 outbreaks
Increased temperature autorun modeSeries of 3 outbreaks
Included autorun modes daily or starting the alarm clinic and temperature4 series of outbreaks
The Valet service mode is enabled.5 series outbreaks

Engine starting

To implement the function of remote and automatic engine launch, at the steps of the alarm, must be programmed:

Type of car shift box (PPC) - automatic or manual. With manual gearbox, it is necessary to cut a wire loop in the central block, with an automatic gearbox - the loop must be saved.

Motor type of car - gasoline or diesel (programmable function No. 8). When the engine type is selected, the presence or lack of a starter is delayed after turning on the ignition at the first start attempt. For diesel engines Such a delay is necessary to warm up candles before starter starter. The value of the delay can be programmed by 4, 6 or 10 seconds (programmable function No. 8).

Remote engine start can not be implemented in the following cases:

  1. Included ignition;
  2. The hood is opened;
  3. Parking brake is turned off;
  4. On cars with manual gearbox did not prepare for the engine start.

Preparation for starting the engine on cars with manual gearbox (PPC)

Preparations for the start of the engine on cars with manual gearbox lies in the activation of "software neutral", which should protect the car from the engine start when the transfer is enabled.

The inclusion of "software neutral" depends on the programmed engine support mode. If AUTO mode is programmed, the inclusion is made as follows:

  1. Stop the car without turning off the ignition.
  2. Install the gear knob to the neutral position and place the car on the parking brake.
  3. Turn off the ignition and remove the key from the ignition lock. Engine is running.
  4. Within 30 seconds, leave the car, close all the doors, turn on the security mode by pressing the 1 key button. The engine will be stopped immediately or will continue to work until the turbotimer mode is turned off.

If the security mode is not turned on, the engine will continue to work for 30 seconds or turn off the turbotimer mode.

After the successful procedure described above, the car will be prepared for the start of the engine.

Attention! If after turning off the ignition according to claim 3, there is a sharp change idling The engine or motor stalls, it is recommended to program the SAFE engine support mode. In this case, to enable the "program neutral" mode, the actions of claim 3 must be performed as follows:

When the engine is running, press and hold the 1 channel button until 3 outbreaks of the dimensions and a melodic keychain appears. The display shows the icon and the engine operating time will display. If the turbotimemer is not programmed, the R 00 symbol appears. If the turbo-timer is programmed, the icon with the corresponding turbotimer R 01, R 03 or R 06 will appear. Now you can turn off the ignition and remove the ignition key from the lock. The engine will continue to work.

Remote Engine Start with Starline A9 alarm

There are two versions of the remote engine start regardless of the status of the security mode.

Option 1 - Install the cursor to the icon and press the 2 keyword button;

Option 2 - Press 1 keychain button for 3 seconds.

The first attempt to start the engine is accompanied by 3 siren signals, 3 outbreaks of dimensions and a melodic signal keychain. In the case of successful engine launch, additional 3 flash outbreaks will appear and the keychain can sound. The LED indicator will constantly light up.

On the display, the engine startup process is displayed as follows:

For one engine start cycle, the system can take 4 start-up attempts. If after 4 attempts the engine will not start, then the display shows the inscription, and the keychain will give 4 beeps, indicating the end of the start attempt. Four sirens and 4 outbreaks are followed by 4 signals.

If the engine running will stroke until the warming up time is completed, a new engine start cycle will be taken.

Note. The maximum time of the first attempt to scroll through the starter can be programmed 0.8; 1.2; 1.8; 3.0 seconds when installing alarm. The time of each subsequent attempt at the starter scroll automatically increases by 0.2 seconds.

If the engine is launched before the start of the maximum starter scroll time, then subject to the operation of the engine on the signal and generator signals, the starter will be turned off early. When controlling the operation of the engine voltage, the starter scroll time is determined by the programmed value.

Daily automatic engine start

The system has the ability to automatically start and warm up the engine at the same time (for example, every morning).

To enable the function of daily automatic start and warming up the engine, set the cursor to the icon and click the 2 button

1 Siren signal and 1 outbreak of dimensions follow. The keychain will give a melodious beep. The keyboard display shows the icon indicating the included daily autorun mode. The LED will flash a series of 2 outbreaks.

Simultaneously with the first turning on the function, an automatic start of the engine and its heating during the programmed time will occur. All subsequent automatic engine launches will be made every 24 hours.

To turn off the daily autorun function, re-set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keychain. The keychain will give a melodious beep, the icon will disappear.

Attention! The unsuccessful start of the engine for any reason cancels the further programmed daily engine launches.

Automatic engine start time

Alarm has the ability to automatically start and warm up the engine with a decrease in the ambient temperature. Temperature control is carried out along the temperature sensor installed on the engine housing. Thus, the automatic start of the engine occurs when the engine temperature is reduced to -5 ° C, -10 ° C, -15 ° C or -20 ° C. Startup function, temperature value and engine warming duration are programmed. The maximum number of motor autoruns at a temperature for one day is - 12. The interval between repeated autoruns is 1 hour. The time to the subsequent launch is counting from the moment of starting the engine and does not depend on the warming time.

To enable the automatic engine start function, set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keychain. 1 siren signal will follow, 1 outbreak of dimensions, and a melodic signal keychain will sound. On the display, the icon appears the indicating power on the temperature in temperature, and the temperature value in which the engine will be launched, for example, the LED indicator will flash a series of 3 flashes. To turn off the temperature of the autorun temperature, set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keychain. Follow 2 sirens and 2 outbreaks of dimensions. The keychain will give a melodic signal, the icon will disappear.

Attention! The unsuccessful start of the engine for any reason cancels further programmed automatic launches by temperature.

Automatic Starting Engine Budil

The alarm is able to automatically start and warm the engine at any set time on the alarm clock.

To enable the auto-start function on the alarm, check the current time setting on the key chain and set the desired engine start time, programming the alarm keychain to the desired time and turning on the alarm clock. The enabled alarm mode on the display of the keychain is indicated by the icon. The engine start time is calculated as the difference between the alarm time and the current value of the time. Programming an alarm clock must be considered that only dozens of minutes are taken into account for autorun in time.

Example. Current time by keychain 7:18 PM. Set time alarm clock 7:20 PM. Starting the alarm clock will occur exactly after 10 minutes.

After checking the current time and set the alarm, set the cursor to the icon and click 2 keychain. 1 Siren signal and 1 outbreak of dimensions follow. The keychain will give a melodious beep. On the display, the icon is displayed, indicating together with the icon included the autorun mode on the alarm. The LED will flash a series of 2 outbreaks.

Simultaneously with the first turning on the function, an automatic start of the engine and its heating during the programmed time will occur. If there is no need to warm the engine you can stop the engine while clicking on the 1 keychain button. Another engine start will occur during the shown on the alarm clock. The presence of a keychain in the zone of alarm at the time of autorun on the alarm clinic is not required.

Note. The engine start time on the alarm clock and the response time of the alarm can not accurately not coincide as such a autorun takes into account the time of multiple only dozens of minutes.

To turn off the autorun function on the alarm, re-set the cursor to the icon and press the 2 keychain button. The keychain will give a melodious beep, the icon will disappear.

Note. When a power transducer + 12V, the alarm does not remember the installation of the engine start mode on the alarm.

Remote Extension of Engine Operation

To prompt extension of the running engine running time by 10, 15 or 20 minutes, set the cursor to the icon and press the 2 button the required number. Each new press, accompanied by 1 siren signal, 1 flash of the dimensions and a melodic signal keychain, increases the engine warming time for 5 minutes. The maximum engine operation time can be installed 20 minutes. At the same time on the display the keychain displays the total time remaining until the engine is stopped. If in the alarm, the engine heating is programmed without time limit, then the activation of the extension function can be used to limit the engine operation. In this case, the extension of work time leads to an automatic restriction of engine operation time. The engine will work 20 minutes and will be stopped.

Preparation of the car to the movement (shutdown of the security mode without stopping the engine)

To turn off the security mode without stopping the engine, briefly press the 1 keyword button. The keyboard display shows the condition of the vehicle with the disabled protection mode and the luminous icon.

Within 30 seconds, open the door, paste the key to the ignition lock and turn on the ignition. Disconnect the parking brake. 1 outbreak of dimensions will follow. Car ready for movement.

Remote engine stop

Without shutting down the security mode

To stop the running engine without shutting down the security mode, press and hold the 1 keychain button until 4 siren signals are appeared, 4 outbreaks of the size or melodic keychain signal. On the display, the vehicle is displayed on the state of the vehicle with the security mode, the icon _ will go out.

With shutdown of security mode

To stop the running engine with the shutdown of the security mode, press the 1 keychain button twice. The first press must be long, before the appearance of 4 signals of sirens and 4 outbreaks of dimensions. The second press should be short-term. In response, 2 siren signals will follow, 2 flash outbreaks and a melodic keychain will sound. The keyboard display shows the condition of the vehicle with the disabled security mode, the icon will go out.

Recording codes Brecks

In total, 4 keychain can be recorded in the alarm memory. Recording codes of key chains is performed when the security mode is turned off in the following order:

  1. Turn on the ignition.
  2. Press and hold the Valet service button until 4 siren signals appear.
  3. To record the main keychain with the display, click simultaneously buttons 1 and 2 keychain. To write an additional keychain without a display, press simultaneously buttons 3 and 4 keychain. Successful recording of the first keychain in the memory of the system is confirmed by 1 siren signal.
  4. Repeat item 3 for all recorded keychains. The interval between the recording of each keychain should not exceed 5 seconds, otherwise the alarm will automatically exit the recording mode of the keychain. Successful recording of each keychain is confirmed by the corresponding number of siren signals.
  5. Turn off the ignition. In confirmation of the output from the recording mode, 5 outbreaks of the dimensions will follow 5 outbreaks.

Attention! When recording new key chains, you must overwrite both old, otherwise they will be deleted from the system's memory.

Programming functions and auto alarm installations

Some functions and installations of auto alarms can be changed using a service button and a keychain without the need to access the center block. The list of functions is shown in the table below.

Programming procedure Next:

  1. Turn the ignition and press the service button 6 times.
  2. Turn off the ignition. Flash outbreaks will follow, and 6 sirens signals indicate input to programming mode will be performed.
  3. Press the service button the required number times equal to the number of the selected function. Each pressing of the service button will be accompanied by the lighting of the LED indicator and short beeps, indicating the number of the currently selected function. Each fifth pressing a long beep.
  4. For 10 seconds, press 1 or 2 keychain (0.5 sec) or for a long time (3 sec), depending on the desired state of the selected function. A confirmation will follow 1, 2, 3 or 4 short Siren sounds and a keychain, depending on the function set function.
  5. To go to the next function, press the service button, and then press the keyword button to set the desired function value. Repeat this procedure for all functions requiring changes.
  6. To exit the programming mode, step ignition or wait for the automatic system output. The confirmation will follow 5 outbreaks of dimensions.

Note. When programming an alarm with an additional keychain function of the buttons 1 and 2 of the main keychain 3 and 4 additional keychain are performed.

Programming modes using the VALET service button

Some signaling modes can be turned on or off without using remote control key chains using the VALET service button.

The list of modes is shown in the table.

Silent The table marked the factory setting of alarm.

The procedure for programming the operation modes of the alarm is as follows:

  1. Turn off the ignition.
  2. Press the VALET service button the required number of times corresponding to the programmable mode. Each press of the service button will be accompanied by the lighting of the LED indicator.
  3. Turn on the ignition. Sirena short signals will follow. According to the table below, the number of sirens signals can be judged by the choice of programmable mode.
  4. To turn on or off the programmable mode, press the VALET service button again one or twice. In confirmation of the mode, 1 siren signal follows, in confirmation of the mode shutdown - 2 siren signals.
  5. Turn off the ignition. 5 outbreaks of dimensions will follow, confirming the output from the programming mode.

Note. When you turn on the daily autorun mode, the engine will start immediately after the ignition is turned off. You can turn off the engine using a control keypad.

When powering + 12V, the alarm does not remember the mode setting daily launch Engine.

Instructions for Alarm Starline A9 includes all the main points for setting up and installing. Therefore, before exploiting the anti-theft complex, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the service leadership.


Technical characteristics A9.

Description of the main features of the auto start center for the car:

  • the magnitude of the carrier frequency for the transmission of control signals is 433.92 MHz;
  • the maximum range in which the main automotive signaling remote control can transmit pulses equal to 600 meters;
  • in the mode of receiving messages from the microprocessor unit, this parameter is 1200 m;
  • the range of operation of an additional communicator in the mode of transmitting pulse data is 15 meters;
  • the sensitivity regulator refers to the class of piezoelectric;
  • the temperature range in which the security complex works efficiently and without failures is from -40 to +85 degrees;
  • the value of the power supply voltage of the anti-theft system is 9-18 volts, which allows you to set alarm with remote start on passenger cars and motorcycles;
  • the value of the current that consumes the system during the started protection mode is 25 mA;
  • at the outlet of the electrical circuit along which the siren is connected, this indicator is equal to two amperes;
  • the maximum permissible value of the current on the electrolyney section is 2x7.5 A;
  • at the output of the electrical caps to connect drive devices of the door locks, this indicator is 15 amperes;
  • the maximum permissible value of the current on electrolyns connecting the blocking of the power unit, starter, the ignition system is 40 A;
  • at the output of the electrical caps of additional control channels, this indicator is 300 mA;
  • to power the main communicator, an AAA class battery is required, designed for 1.5 volts;
  • in an additional pager, a CR2032 type battery is installed on 3 V.

It is necessary to consider that the range of action of the keychain and the antenna adapter will depend on several factors:

  • pajor Installation Places;
  • voltage values \u200b\u200bof the battery of the machine - its decline will lead to incorrect operation of the protection system;
  • the location of the electrolytes in the area from the antenna to the microprocessor module (interference may be interfered with electronic devices next to wires);
  • location of vehicle and car owner;
  • battery voltage in the communicator;
  • weather conditions;
  • radio frequency interference.


Elements and parts included in the Startline A9 Signal Set with Engine Run Function:

  1. The main communicator. It has a higher radius of action, its body is equipped with a liquid crystal screen. The device has the option of two-way communication.
  2. Spare Communicator. Made in a plastic case without a screen.
  3. Main microprocessor unit. All elements of the anti-theft complex are connected to this device.
  4. Transceiver with antenna adapter. This device is equipped with a temperature controller. Used to determine this parameter in the vehicle cabin.
  5. Power unit temperature controller. The sensor is required to evaluate this parameter if you need to start the engine.
  6. Two-level impact controller and sensitivity.
  7. Diode indicator. It determines the state of the anti-theft complex.
  8. Special device to turn on the service mode - the currency button.
  9. Keys to activate and disconnect the anti-label function.
  10. The end switch of the hood.
  11. Mounting set of wires in order to connect all items.
  12. Instructions Starline A9, which allows you to step by step and register the communicator to use the system.
  13. Consumer memo.

Main features

Protection methods and sections protected by the system:

  • motor machine is provided by setting a lock relay that prevents unauthorized launch of the unit;
  • the hood locks, the luggage compartment and doors are protected from the opening; button switches are used;
  • lever arm manual brakes The machines are protected from shutdown, it is also provided by a terminal;
  • the presence of the impact controller allows you to protect the wheels, windows and body from the illegal movement of the vehicle, as well as shocks;
  • the ignition system is protected from unauthorized activation.

Provide effective protection at the same time several zones of the car will allow the correct A9 TEGA.

For the full protection of the vehicle in the alarm, the following features are implemented:

  1. Dynamic code. The new algorithm for which it has been developed allows you to prevent interception of commands.
  2. The ability to memorize the state when you turn off the battery. When the battery is activated, the alarm will automatically go into the mode that was before turning off the power.
  3. A limited number of disturbing cycles from controllers.
  4. The ability to interrupt the siren signal without disabling the security mode.

Separately select the protective options that the system has:

  1. Anti-primilation that allows you to block a motor in case of robbery attack on the machine. The function is activated by the communicator or a special button.
  2. The possibility of remote activation of the panic regime when the siren is triggered when suspicious people approaching the car.
  3. Alarm triggering when the sensitivity regulator is turned on.
  4. Immobilizer that allows you to activate the engine blocking machine.
  5. Turbo timer.
  6. On all the events that occur with the signaling, the system is notifying a car owner by sending a message to the main communicator.
  7. With unauthorized removal of the anti-theft installation, the power unit is blocked.

One of the main features of the alarm of this model is the ability to remotely start the engine engine. Moreover, the start can be carried out both by the command and timer. It is allowed to adjust this option in accordance with the air temperature or voltage value in the onboard network of the vehicle. To disable the function, special combinations are used, which are described in detail in the service manual.

About the problem In the work of the two-way function in his videos, the user Alexey Muravyev told.

Pros and cons

Advantages that allocate A9 alarm consumers:

  1. The ratio of value and quality. All elements of the anti-theft complex are made in durable enclosures, which eliminates the likelihood of their physical damage.
  2. The presence of a temperature controller in the cabin. This allows the consumer using a keychain equipped with a screen, learn about the temperature level in the car.
  3. The presence of additional channels. Thanks to them, the user has the ability to install and configure the auxiliary equipment. For example, closers of electrical windows or hatch.
  4. Detailed installation and configuration guide system. With its help, the consumer has the ability to independently install a security complex and adjust the main parameters.
  5. Availability of display. Using the screen on the communicator allows you to simplify the procedure for setting up and operating a security complex.

Cons characteristic of this model:

  1. The timer option incorrectly works. Because of this, consumers may arise difficulties with the launch of the machine motor through a certain time interval.
  2. Low radius action of the communicator when operating in urban conditions. This drawback is particularly manifested in major cities. The range of the chapel work is influenced by interference from power plants and other equipment, which in the megalopolises more than enough. Despite the manufacturer's statements, the communication channel is not reliably protected from the effects of external factors.
  3. Some consumers note such a disadvantage as the lack of dialog code. Old models of security complexes do not have this function, as a result of which they can be easily hacked with a grabber code. According to the manufacturer's application, it is almost impossible to do this, but on the fact the alarm is susceptible to hacking.
  4. Sliding keys on a key chain in a few years of operation. Over time, the buttons begin to mess, resulting in inconvenience when arming and disable protection.

How to install?

After examining the instruction of Staline A9, the installation of the anti-theft complex can be independently. But for this it will be necessary to deal with the card that comes in the kit.

If the StarLine A9 is installed and errors are allowed during connection, the security system will not work correctly, it can be arbitrarily disconnected, which will reduce the safety of the car.

Connection scheme

General scheme for connecting alarm Starline A9.

Step-by-step instruction

Anti-theft Installation Guide:

  1. Procedures are turned off terminals from acb. For this, the wrench must be loosen the clip at the battery output.
  2. Installation of a microprocessor module in which the board is located, is made in a hidden place, it is best to place it under the control panel. This will ensure the minimum length of cables when connected. To prevent moisture from getting inside the microprocessor module, it is recommended to install it down by the connector. It is necessary to qualitatively fix the block on a flat surface to eliminate the negative impact of vibrations. You need to fix the device with the help of screws or bilateral scotch.
  3. Antenna block is installed inside the cabin on the surface of the windshield. It must be placed so that the distance from the device to metal on the body amounted to at least 5 cm. This will prevent the negative impact of interference that affect the radius of the communicator.
  4. Before installing antenna, the surface of the windshield must be cleaned and degreased. Since the temperature controller is located inside the device, the adapter is not recommended to be placed next to the stove or other heat sources. It is desirable that solar rays do not affect him. Otherwise, the testimony that gives the temperature sensor will differ from the actual one.
  5. The external controller is installed on the power unit under the hood. Its fixation is carried out on the cylinder body for one of the existing M6 screws. It is important to provide high-quality contact of the temperature sensor with the COF Case.
  6. Installation of the siren is made in the engine compartment. The place of its placement should be away from the sources of moisture and heat. The device is put on the mouth down, thanks to this, water will not be gathered. When installing, you need to make sure that from under the bottom there is no access to the siren, as well as the conductors for which it is connected.
  7. The shock controller is installed in the cabin of the machine. It is recommended to place it in the center of the body so that it can effectively determine the impact on the car on any side. When installing, it is necessary to ensure unobstructed access to the controller adjustment elements.
  8. The diode indicator is fixed in a prominent place on the control panel. The cable laying is carried out under the dashboard.
  9. The cash key of the currency is mounted in a hidden place. The same principle must be adhered to the installation of the anti-label button. But the consumer must have direct access to these items if necessary.
  10. Installation of push-button switches is performed on the doors of the luggage compartment and under the hood. They must be installed so that with closed locks to the devices there were no access. After installation, the diagnosis of the correctness of their functioning is performed. If errors will be made when installing the terminats, will result in false alarm response.
  11. Under facing plastic cabin, in particular, under the thresholds, all wires are locked. Cables must go from the alarm elements to the microprocessor module and connect in accordance with the scheme.

Indicator designation on the pager screen

Description of the Icons on the display of the Communicator:

  • 1 - a discharged battery icon in the device;
  • 2 - the inclusion of the second additional channel;
  • 3 - launched the automatic dvc mode in accordance with the temperature of the unit;
  • 4 - Machine Motor is equipped;
  • 5 - open door of the luggage compartment;
  • 6 - not locked door locks;
  • 7 - indicator of the function alert function of events by vibration;
  • 8 - a symbol of the included service mode of the currency;
  • 9 - an automatic reactivation icon of a protective function;
  • 10 - This indicator reports on silent protection mode included;
  • 11 - a security function with sound accompanies is launched;
  • 12 - Open indicator motor compartment car;
  • 13 - a symbol of triggering a sensitivity regulator, reports the activation of the first or second level of the impact controller;
  • 14 - shut off hand brake car;
  • 15 - indicator in the form of a locked lock reports about closing the door of the machine;
  • 16 - if the same symbol is modified on the open, the door products are not locked;
  • 17 - wait indicator, when activated it, the alarm reports that only the receiver of the communicator functions;
  • 18 - Icon transmission of pulse data by a pager;
  • 19 - Symbol for calling a car owner from the car;
  • 20 - This indicator reports activation of the communicator power saving mode;
  • 21 - inclusion of ignition;
  • 22 - activation of alarm clock;
  • 23 - Symbol of the morning day;
  • 24 is also a daily indicator, only afternoon;
  • 25 - the icon of the daily start of the DVS either its start in accordance with the testimony of the alarm clock;
  • 26 - a symbol of time, temperature, as well as modes of the remote start of the power unit;
  • 27 - Indication of the temperature scale;
  • 28 - indicator of the timer.

Setting the keychain

Designation of elements on the case

To program the communicator, you need to tie it the first button. The value of this key is configured and can be changed if necessary. Reprogramble the button can the bus owner an unlimited number of times. To ensure more convenient use of the security system, it is recommended to configure the key to activate and disable the protective mode.

Programming Guide:

  1. The 3 Communicator button clicks two or more times that the cursor on the device screen moves clockwise or against it. So that the direction of movement has changed, you need to make a two-second pause between clicks.
  2. The key must be set to a position that matches the necessary command. For example, it may be the activation of the protective mode and its shutdown with sound.
  3. The button at number 3 is pressed and maintained in this position for six seconds. You must wait until the key chain erupts two, and then three beeps.
  4. To program the first key, it must be briefly clicking on the switching on the desired option.

Subsequently, when operating a security system, one click on this button will contribute to the execution of a specific command. In this example, it is activation and disabling the protective mode. When you press the key, the indicators will be turned on, which correspond to a specific option. If you want to reconfigure the button, the described procedure is repeated to change the purpose of the item.

Installation of watch

Adjusting temporary readings is as follows:

  1. The third communicator key is clamped and maintained in this position for a few seconds. We must wait until the key chain erupts two short-term sound signals. The clock symbol on the pager screen will blink.
  2. To increase the values, you need to click on the first key, reduce - on the second. For a faster increase or lowering the buttons are clamped.
  3. When the clock is set, you need to set up minutes. For this, the third button of the communicator is clicked. The procedure for increasing the readings is carried out similarly - using the first or second key. To speed up this process, the buttons can be clamped.
  4. To leave the temporary settings menu, the third keychain button is held while the device does not emit a beep. You can not take any action, and after a few seconds the Communicator will do it automatically.

The CRSSSOVER 159 channel spoke about the features of adjusting the time parameters in the Starline pager.

Installation of alarm clock

Programming process:

  1. The setup procedure is performed by clamping a third keychain key until the device has emit two short-term sound signals.
  2. The same button is clicked consistently, an icon in the form of a clock appears on the screen. This will lead to the blinking of the alarm symbol.
  3. To increase the time values, the key 1 is used, and to reduce the second button. For accelerated adjustment of the parameters, you must clamp these items.
  4. After setting the clock, you need to configure the minutes, for this, the third page of the pager is clicked.
  5. Then the same button is pressed to go to the activation menu or disable the function. To enable the option, the first key clics, for shutdown - the second. The corresponding character (ON or OFF) will light up after the selected action.
  6. To leave the setup mode of the parameters, the third button is clamping, while the keychain will not emit a beep. This can not be done, but you have to wait a few seconds so that the device came out from the menu automatically. When the alarm clock is on, an icon in the form of a clock is on the screen. When it is activated to shut down, you can press the third button.

How to set a timer?

Timer Programming Algorithm:

  1. To go to the setup menu of this parameter, the key is also clamped at number 3 until two short-term sound pulses are turned out.
  2. This button is sequentially clicked, the cursor on the communicator screen will go to the timer menu. This is an hourglass icon.
  3. The parameter adjustment procedure is performed in the same way as in the case of alarm clock.
  4. The maximum value that can be configured on the timer is 19 h 59 min.
  5. When the function is activated on the Communicator screen, the current state, as well as a flashing indicator in the form of an hourglass, will be displayed. When the option works, there will be eight sound signals and the timer symbol will disappear. To interrupt pulses, you need to click on the third key.
  6. To quickly activate the function, it is necessary to simultaneously clamp the buttons under the numbers 2 and 3. This will lead to the marging of the indicator in the form of an hourglass on the screen, the timer time will also be displayed. The third and second keys are used to adjust the time parameters. When quickly setting up the step is 10 and 30 minutes.
  7. When the option is enabled, the current state is displayed on the device screen and the blinking icon in the form of an hourglass.

Channel " The best choice - BMS "told about the nuances of the settings of the Communicator Starline A9.


With a short-term stop, the car owner may need to include alarm on the engine installed.

The activation procedure is performed as follows:

  1. While the power unit is running, you need to pull the parking brake lever.
  2. Then the first button cliches and clamping until parking lights Vehicle does not blunt three times. The communicator must publish a melodic signal. A symbol of smoke from the muffler will appear on the pager screen, the time of operation of the power unit will appear. The diode light bulb will burn without a break. If the time parameter for the engine is not configured, the R99 indicator will appear on the display.
  3. Then the key is removed from the ignition lock, it is necessary to leave the car's interior. The motor will remain in working condition.
  4. The doors of the car, the luggage compartment and the hood are closed.
  5. The first button on the communicator is clicked. In confirmation of the inclusion of this feature, one signal of sirens and overall lights are blocked 1 time. With such an inclusion of protection, the sensitivity controller does not work, as well as the zone of protection of the ignition system. If the door locks are connected to the anti-theft installation, they will also close.
  6. In confirmation, the communicator will publish one short-term signal. On its screen, indicators in the form of a closed lock turned on with siren and smoke from the muffler. The current time will also be displayed. If the engine stops, the protection mode will remain on. It will activate the protection of the ignition zone and the impact controller.

About the setting of modes, as well as service options told the user Michael MNS.

The emergency activation mode of the protection system without a communicator will be useful in the event of a breakdown of the latter.

Enabling and setting is done like this:

  1. The ignition is activated, it is not necessary to run the power unit.
  2. The wallest key is pressed eight times.
  3. The ignition system is turned off. The overall lights of the car are blinking once, the siren will publish a beep.
  4. Over the next twenty seconds it is necessary to leave the vehicle salon and close all door locks with the key. Sirena will have a beep, one time should work the communicator.
  5. After 20 seconds after that, the alarm protection mode is activated. Overall lights must blink again. The diode status indicator of the security system will flash by demonstrating the protection mode included.

If the manual brake lever has not been activated, then after connecting the function, four audio impulses will be distributed. The overall headlights of the car are burned as much time.

To disable this mode, you need to do the following:

  1. Opened using the key driver's car door. The anti-theft installation will work, the siren will reproduce the alarms.
  2. The key is installed in the lock, the ignition is activated. The power unit does not need to start this task.
  3. For twenty seconds, it is necessary to click on the service key of the currency four times.
  4. Ignition deactivation is performed. The siren should publish two sound signals, double the overall lights of the car twice. There will be deactivation of the protective regime.

User Alexander Shkurevsky told about the settings of the STARLINE signaling parameters using a keychain.

Setting up autorun.

Before activating this option, you must prepare a power unit of the machine if vehicle Equipped automatic transmission.

Engine preparation is performed as follows:

  1. The car stops, it is not necessary to disable it.
  2. The gear lever is set to a neutral position. Activation of the parking brake is performed to fix the car on the spot.
  3. Ignition turns off, the key can be removed from the switch. The power unit should remain in working condition.
  4. For thirty seconds you need to get out of the car. All door locks are locked, the protective mode is activated. For this, the first key of the communicator is clicked. The power unit of the car will stop immediately or continue to function before turning off the turbotimer mode.

There are two versions of the remote start of the power unit of the car by the team:

  1. On the display of the communicator, you need to translate the cursor to the icon with the inscription "START". Under it is a symbol in the form of an asterisk. Then the second key of the communicator is clicked.
  2. You can also click on the first button of the control panel and hold it for three seconds. This will lead to a commissioning of the command.

User Vavan 176 demonstrated a remote power to turn on the machine with a keychain.

The start of the power unit can be performed daily at a certain time. This option is especially useful in the morning, since it allows you to sit down the driver in an already warm car. To activate the function, you need to translate the cursor on the communicator display on the "START" icon. Then the second pager keys clicked.

If the function is configured, the siren will play a signal, the same communicator will make the same, the overall lights of the machine will be blocked. The pager screen appears in the form of a check mark. The status diode light bulb will blink two outbreaks.

You can adjust the basic parameters according to the temperature mode, for this it is used by the sensor installed on the engine.

DVS starts when:

  • -5 degrees;
  • -10 degrees;
  • -15 degrees;
  • -20 degrees.

The setting is subject to the DVS warming duration, as well as the startup function. The largest number of automatic starts of the motor in accordance with the temperature for one day is 12, the interval between attempts will be 1 hour.

To activate the function, you must translate the cursor on the symbol with the "START" symbol and the key icon. Then the second pager keys clicked. Sirena will emit one beep, once blinking the overall lights of the machine. Must work the communicator itself, an indicator with a key icon will appear on its screen, as well as the temperature value at which the start will occur. The diode status light bulb will blink with series consisting of three flashes.

The user of NYUR GUN showed how the user can face when setting the automatic startup option.

How to bind a new key chain to Staline A9?

Alarm allows you to drive up to four communicators. Everyone new keychain Makes information about yourself in the microprocessor module. But at the same time, the data on the rest of the communicators are removed from it. Therefore, if you need to reflash one pager, you will have to re-introduce information about other devices.

The procedure is performed when the protection mode is disabled:

  1. Ignition activation is performed.
  2. The honeystone is clicked and maintained until the siren leaves four beeps.
  3. To make information about the communicator in memory, you must simultaneously click on the first and second key. If a pager is programmed without a display, a spare, then the buttons under the numbers 3 and 4. On the successful email information to the microprocessor module, will report one siren sound signal.
  4. The previous item is repeated for all communicators. The time between the recording of each subsequent device should be not more than five seconds, otherwise the security system will leave the binding mode.
  5. Then the ignition is turned off. Overall lights of the car must blink five times.

Photo Gallery

Photo of the elements of the anti-theft complex Starline A9 are given in this section.

Communicator for signal management Microprocessor Module Starline A9 Siren security complex Antenna adapter signaling

How much is?

The approximate price of the signaling is given in the table.

Video "Communicator Binding Guide"

User Anton Auto showed how to program a new Starline A9 pager on the example of a Nissan example.

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