Home Heating Car rental: business plan. Equipment and documents for the start. How to hand out retro and wedding cars for rent. Your business: how to open car rental how to open car rental business

Car rental: business plan. Equipment and documents for the start. How to hand out retro and wedding cars for rent. Your business: how to open car rental how to open car rental business

The car in Russia, as well as in the entire civilized world, has long been just a vehicle, necessary tool To solve, both personal and business tasks. However, unlike other necessary things such, for example, like a mobile gadget, the car does not always happen at hand especially in various travels, business trips. To solve this problem, there is a whole car rental industry, whose turnover in the world is billions of dollars.

The concept of business creation on the provision of car rental services (rental of vehicles) is based on the following: fundamental economic and social factors:

  • the car market market in Russia is underestimated compared to its analogue in Europe, at least several dozen times. So, now in the market of car rental in Russia, approximately 50-70 thousand units of vehicles are used, while in European countries this figure matters about 2 million cars. Those. The growth potential of the autoard market in our country has good prospects, which, in particular, has been proven by its expansion rates - 15-20% per year.
  • starting from 2014-2015. In Russia, there has been a clear trend of the interest of Russian citizens and foreign tourists to routes and travels on endless expanses of the country. This is expressed by a surge in road tourism, both in traditional Russian tourist clusters - metropolitan cities, southern resorts and expansion of the geography of road tourism, up to Kamchatka, Chukotka, Yakutia, Primorsky Krai and Sakhalin. This trend led to the growth of the market for the rental of special tourist vehicles - primarily SUVs, jeeps, as well as transportation for tourists, transfer airports, etc.
  • the emergence of new information technology makes it possible to enter the market to such new formats for the provision of autara business services, like CARCHERING. This type of service can become not only a competing business for traditional automotive ranks, but also part of their business schemes. For example, you can temporarily stand upward transportation on the conditions of short-term lease or open a separate carchering business on the existing material base.

To all listed factors should also be added that in addition to the growth of services for rent passenger carsThe park of leased special automotive equipment is growing significantly - ranging from trucks and ending with truck cranes, auto shocks, excavators and even snow removal, repair, road and municipal technology.

Payback period is 27 months.

Initial investments will be equal 11 220 000 rub.

The break-even point is achieved on 3 month of work of the car rolling company.

Medium monthly profit 421 254 rubles per month.

2. Business, product or service description

The main service of the company considered as part of this business plan is to rent cars without a driver. As proposed for clients, cars are planned to use three main types:

1. Representative-class cars - Mercedes.

2. Cars of middle class - type "Toyota Camry" and "Volkswagen Polo"

3. Cars of general user class - type "Kia Rio".

Basic tariffing services - for rent.

Rental tariff rates are as follows.

one. " Toyota Camry."- 7000-8000 rubles. per day

2. "Mercedes" - 15,000 rubles. day

3. "Solaris" - 3000 rubles. per day

four. " Kia Rio."- 2800 rubles. per day

5. "Polo" - 3200 rubles. per day.

When calculating general scheme income applies the average optimal version of the fleet - 75%,

As additional services to corporate clients will be offered services for individual orders - in particular, delivery to the hotel from the airport and back, accompaniment of any private or corporate events. The base rate of the tariff of an individual transfer - 3000 rubles per hour.

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • constant growing demand for rent;
  • large selection of sales and service supply channels;
  • fast adaptation to a rapidly changing market;
  • the possibility of creating an individual approach to requests for corporate clients on the range of services and their volume.
  • competition from local businesses, network car robbing corporations;
  • poor-quality work of personnel, violation of the technological regulation of car maintenance;
  • risks of frequent damage and failure of cars;

Project features:

Project threats:

  • expansion of the business due to an increase in the line of rental of a fleet, the provision of drivers, guide translators;
  • opportunity to work with corporate clients;
  • the possibility of creating related types of business - for example, autocamping, organization of auto tracks;
  • relatively high competition in the market;
  • raising prices for automotive spare parts and fuel;
  • Raising rental or termination of a parking place lease agreement, office;
  • Reduced purchasing power, both the population and the commercial sector, the overall decline in demand for car rental services.

3. Sales Market Description

In order to fully implement the concept and practical scheme of a car rental business plan, at a minimum, it is necessary to know the main characteristics of the market, which will have to provide services.

Such basic characteristics of the automotive rental market in Russia include the following data types:

1. Volume of car rental market, its dynamics and regional specificity.

The Russian car rental market originates at the very beginning of the 2000s.

For more than 15 years, the car rental market has turned from a narrowly segmented niche focused on wealthy clients of Moscow and St. Petersburg, to the developed network of specialized service companies, both domestic brands and companies working on franchise foreign rolling contracts. Corporations in many cities of the country.

Currently, the total volume of car rental services market is at least 150 - 200 million dollars per year. Moreover, the dynamics of the development of this segment of transport services grows the last few years at no lower than 15-20%. Such rates are due to the fact that the market still has a small capitalization, and affects how specialists say, the effect of a low base. Those. This is a situation where even a dozen rolling firms that have a park of more than 10-20 cars are operating in large Russian cities, each. The total assessment of the car park in Russia, working in the field of car rental, is not more than 50-70 thousand cars, which is ten times less than, for example, in Europe, where the rolling park is at least 2 million units of vehicles.

The specifics of the car rental market in Russia is the fact that the geographical concentration of companies providing such services is mainly concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg (almost 70% of the market), as well as in traditional tourist regions - Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, areas adjacent to tourist clusters: Baikal, Altai Territory, Kamchatka, Primorsky Krai. It should be noted here that in the regions where tourism is mainly represented as an environmental (natural), the demand sector for rental services is concentrated on the provision of high passability cars - jeeps, as well as the auto-charge service (including car rental).

2. Market structure. The structure of the car rental market is based on the main categories of customers. These are people driving business trips, tourists, corporate clients. Customers who do not have their own car are at the moment, and tourists.

Since the car rental market in Russia is still poorly developed, it has a strongly segmented nature. Those. There is no reason for a sufficient number of strong players who are able to struduce and finally form the market. In the car rental markets, especially regional, there are a large number of small players who either work on a very narrow segment of customers, or provide car rental service as an additional (this is most of all refers to hotels, tourist bases and campsites).

In addition, representative offices of world car rolling companies, such as Avis, Herz, Europcar, Rental Cars, Sar Booking and others, actively began to appear in many major cities of Russia. The most popular services are renting a car without a driver in business and personal purposes, including leaving the border, as well as rental of executive cars with the driver.

It also should be noted here that the standard rolled car rolled competition is cherrying companies that can at the same time be the usual rolling firms that are actively diversifying their business. For example, if you take into account these studies conducted by the analysts of the Bank Morgan Stanley analysts, then by 2030, the carcharing will take at least 25% of the total car rental market.

As visual example It is possible to bring statistics in Moscow - more than 280 thousand subscribers have already been registered in the system of metropolitan carchering. The number of trips from September 2015 exceeded 1.3 million. Each rolling car uses 8 customers for a period of 24 hours. According to the analytical agency Delimobil, the average duration of the path is 37 minutes.

Thus, it can be concluded that gradually rolling business will be shifted towards applying a combined business circuit, both the organic combination of the traditional format for the provision of car rental and the use of carcharging schemes for the provision of services to customers.

This should also be added that the scope of car rental services in Russia will be in a large extent expanding due to an increase in the flow of domestic tourism, where the leading place will occupy the auto training, combining both the provision of vehicles for rent and hospitality services, support of groups of tourists Guides and instructors.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

7. Financial plan

8. Risk factors

The car rental market in Russia is relatively young, and he is still far from full saturation and the emergence of real large players and tough competition. Nevertheless, there are a number of risks that should not be neglected when opening a car rental firm. Among such risks, the following negative factors should be noted primarily:

  • market risks that are associated with such adverse economic conditions as a decrease in consumer activity among groups of potential customers, economic crises, reducing the flow of tourists both within the country and arriving from other countries. The methods of neutralizing such risks are a bit and they are very limited. You can use, for example, options for working with a low-budget car fleet, or idle cars to use partially to provide taxi services;
  • competition from new service transport technologies. This is especially true of such formats as recreation, where there is actually the distribution of time for the use of cars in minutes. Also, part of the competition accounted for such services as Uber or Yandex.Taxi, which to some extent will be intercepting part of customers on car rental firms. The only effective measure of countering such risks is a targeted work with certain groups of clients, for example - these are hotel guests, travel groups, wedding cortices or support of various festive or official events (EVENT-Industry)
  • the car rolling business is characterized by a high capital intensity, the financial threshold of the entrance to it is quite high. In addition, both the technical content, a fleet service, and its legal support (Insurance, paying taxes) also costs significant funds (almost 25% of the company's capital turnover). Therefore, there is a risk that, with a significant increase in prices for gasoline, spare parts or automotive insurance, the company's operating profit can noticeably and simultaneously decrease. To prevent such risks, you should have a certain financial reserve and in time to replenish the loss of profits (without bringing the case before the bankruptcy of the business) until the business and customers adapt to the new economic reality.

In addition to these systemic risks, it is also not worth discounting and the fact that more serious competitors appear on the horizon - unmanned cars and taxis. And even if it is still a matter of the future, while in the perspective of several years in the major cities of Russia, you can expect the emergence of the first companies that provide services for renting unmanned cars with the help of modern information technologies.

Any business is conjugate with certain risks. But the most risky is the projects that require significant financial investments for launch.

At the same time, there are other options when there is a real, without investing huge money and minimizing potential risks, reducing possible financial losses. One of them is the delivery of the car for rent.

If another 10 years ago, such services practically did not become in demand, now the situation has changed significantly. This is a priority activity for major cities and resort regions. This business has its own characteristics that are better to study in advance and peel into its essence.

When cars are leased

Considering such a project as a delivery of its own car for temporary rent as a business, you should understand why this service is in demand and when a person may need to be actually someone else's vehicle.

Buy, as just renting, cars can people with medium or high adell. Relying only on the category of citizens with small income here is not worth it.

But there are several reasons why they prefer precisely leases, and not buying your own vehicle.

  • There is no storage space, a person does not want to spend time money on maintenance, repair, repairing procedures.
  • The car is used in rare cases. And the long-term simple level of negative effect on the state of the vehicle is not inferior to aggressive operation.
  • In major cities, sometimes get to work more convenient and faster with public transport. When there are no other tasks in front of the machine, buy a personal car meaningless.
  • There is a car, but now it's in repair, and you need to go. It is often wiser to contact the rental, and not wait until the car will be restored and returned.
  • A person is a tourist who wants to move around the city, going to the region is not a car, but not by public transport. Freedom of action is very important for many travelers.
  • The driver rents the car to work out. The actual option for taxi drivers, when to receive money can be behind the wheel of someone else's car on completely legal grounds.

All considered situations imply the opportunity to take a car for rent. It will be cheaper, more profitable and more convenient for a person, rather than pay a taxi or.

As for only, whether the car owner is beneficial to hand over their car for temporary lease, then you can put it on the numbers. The most budget models can cost from 1-2 thousand rubles per day for rent. More prestigious and expensive cars are able to bring the owner of 5-10 thousand rubles.

But should you take a car in such a rent or not, everyone decides for himself. There are several ways to earn in the presence of your car. Moreover, at the same time, it is not necessary for the helm itself. It is mistaken to assume that the car is capable of making a profit only if you have a taxation on it.

How to open a business

The size of earnings on rental cars depend on the set of conditions, including the number of cars that the owner has. It can be both one and immediately several vehicle.

Therefore, before passing your car to rent some particular or legal entity, determine the format of maintaining your activities.

If you are planning, here you can choose an option with a franchise work. The essence is to become a representative of a well-known company. Not the worst option for beginners, since such a business as a car rental may require solid financial investments to launch a project from scratch.

If you wish or the need, your own small firm is created. For this, be sure to evaluate the level of competition and make sure that you will be able to go to a certain level. To issue an enterprise is extremely simple, since our legislation does not require special licenses required for renting a vehicle.

At the initial stage, everything is done according to the standard scheme. Namely, the office space, staff, is acquired by office equipment and licensed software. Please note that specialists in this area are not so much, and therefore difficulties may arise with the selection of employees with definite qualifications and experience.

Potential audience

An important issue is speaking the target audiencewhich can be the consumer of the services you offer. As car tenants, ordinary physical or legal entities. And private or individuals understand most often businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers and simply wealthy people.

Many foreign representative offices often turn to rental companies to provide themselves with the necessary number of cars. They do not have his own fleet, and keep it sometimes financially inappropriate.

The potential list of customers is quite impressive. Next, you can find out who can take a car, and what other ways carrying car owners are not their own cars, without applying special efforts. This is a good alternative to the organization of a whole rolling business.

Choosing cars

What kind of cars are better to choose for rent and what will make a profit.

The number of vehicles directly depends on what the scale of the activities of the rental organization. From the start to purchase several dozen representatives of the representative class, it is almost meaningless, because there is a high probability and not to go out in zero, not start earning.

Large Western companies can accounted for 100-300 cars in a fleet. But there are small organizations where you offer literally 10 cars.

Consider that the demand will increase. It is then that it is worth expanding the fleet, add new transport units to it.

Customers who appeal to hire, appreciate the choice. And what he is more, the better. The optimally fleet must contain cars different classes, ranging from economy, ending with the representative. Moreover, the market analysis clearly shows that the highest demand and the greatest volumes of profits bring cars in economy class and the average price segment. Elite foreign cars are expensive, but also rented them rarely.

How much money is required to run business

Here you can take into account several factors and apply them to our business plans and ideas:

  • One budget car type Hyundai Solaris. Or Kia Rio costs from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles, depending on the configuration. Middle-budget models cost 1.2-2 million, and the cost of prestigious cars can be from 2.5 million rubles or more. It remains only to calculate the number of cars and their type.
  • Additionally, you will need to buy or rent office space, provide parking spaces. This is usually from 150 thousand rubles per month or more.
  • Each machine will need regular maintenance, in periodic repair work. Budget models on average require 100 dollars a month on their content. For prestigious models, costs are much higher, although potential profits are more.
  • The organization of the office itself provides for the purchase of furniture, office equipment, installation of software, Internet and telephone. All this will cost a minimum of 200 thousand rubles.
  • Personnel payments are also included in the main part of the costs. Here, it is difficult to bring specific figures, but the salary of the same customer service manager should be at least 30 thousand rubles per month.

Add all sorts of additional costs, advertising, promotion of a website or social networks, unscheduled repair work and other freelance situations, and get a fairly solid outcome.

In some cases, it is much wiser to start with minimal businesses in the form of passing your car or a pair of cars. A large office for this will not be required, as well as staff. The main efforts will be allocated to enhance the recognition and search for customers.

Potential earnings on car rental

Subject to a competently composed business plan for car rental and its proper implementation, earnings on such a project may be quite solid. Moreover, it is possible both in the case of the rental of only one personal car and when organizing a full-fledged company.

Average market value Rental inexpensive or budget car per day costs 10-12 dollars. It is about $ 300-350 per month, subject to constant demand. The more expensive and prestigious the car itself, the result is more money it will bring from one client. The catch is only that expensive cars are leaseing much less frequently than budgetary and medium-budget.

In any business, it is important to properly dispose of your finances

The total costs in which taxes, insurance, advertising, and other costs, can be 70-100 dollars a month in relation to an inexpensive car. Renting an economy class car, a net month profit from one machine can be $ 200-300. If cars are about 10, then this is already 2-3 thousand dollars per month of work. Much depends on the level of demand, as well as the auto park itself and the interest of potential customers in your services.

It is not recommended to start working without a well-thought-out business plan for car rental. It can be made independently or contact the profile specialists. But the second option provides additional financial costs.

Required documents

Yes, you can rent a car unofficially, but it can entail certain negative consequences. Plus customers who will contact you, without the availability of relevant documents and permits, simply will not want to get involved, and will prefer to competitors.

For legal work in this area for renting a car or one rental machine, it is required to place an IP through the tax service. The procedure is not complicated, is carried out according to the standard scheme. It will only be necessary to write a statement, pay for the duty and present documents. After about 3 business days you will receive permission and you can start your activity as an individual entrepreneur. After that, you can proceed to passing your car for rent.

The tax will require you to specify the code of your activity. In the case of rental of passenger vehicles, the actual code on OKVED is 71.10.

For rental cars, you will need to have a specific package of documents consisting of:

  • technical passport of the vehicle;
  • casco Insurance Policy;
  • insurance on the OSAGO system;
  • tPC agreements for rent with all conditions;
  • documents on the passage of the car then;
  • act O. technical condition Auto certified through a notary.

With the basic documents of problems, even newbies should not arise. But to compile a competent contract for passing your car or several cars for rent, it makes sense to turn to a profile lawyer. After placing one standard contract for a certain fee, in the future you will only have to print it and make data on a specific client or machine in the agreement.

Who to pass the car

There is an option earnings in the form of opening a whole business for car rental with car purchase and car formation. But there is another option that provides a passive or active way to earn money on its own personal car in the number of literally one unit.

And such a small business is also capable of making a profit. The question is only in which in which format you will be in temporary possession.

Specialists in this area give several important recommendations Regarding how to properly rent a car.

The primary question becomes wherever you can or need to pass your car for rent. In fact, several basic options are distinguished. Each of them has its own nuances.

  1. Taxi Services. The most popular I. simple option Account is considered in the taxi service. You pass the company's car that will use it for passenger traffic. At the same time, the car is in constant employment mode. This allows the owner to constantly receive stable profits in the form of a fixed amount or percentage of earnings. Before passing your car to rent a company for transportation, check it out, enter into an agreement, make an act of receiving.
  2. Rental services. Objectively, many do not risk passing their own car to rent a almost unknown physical face. In the case of a rolled service, the car will be in sublease, as you transfer the organization to the organization, and it has a TC for third parties. There is no significant difference in the design plan in comparison with a taxi here. Only in the context is not a fixed fee, but the percentage of profits. What it will be, the question is purely individual. Most often, the service takes itself from 20 to 40%, and everything else is passed to the owner of the car. The problem is only that sometimes your car can stand idle for a long time to wait for customers. About the stable and constant income here does not go.
  3. Other firms. You can include almost any organizations that are not related to the rental or taxi. But they may need official vehicles, not wanting to contain their fleet. This is not such a rarity, as some may think, because based on the financial considerations, many companies are really unprofitable to contain their own park of cars.
  4. Private faces. Another option is to pass your car into a temporary lease to some particular private person. This is a potentially more risky event if the tenant is not your familiar or friend. It is quite difficult to check how respectful is a person. Before passing your car for rent a private trader, present a number of requirements for it. It should be a person with a local register, his driver's experience is at least 3-5 years. Be sure to conclude a contract certified by the notary. Even under such conditions, this is the most risky version of earnings on your own car.
  5. Rent along with the driver. This type of business will suit the owners of expensive, elite, exclusive and unusual cars. There is no longer a speech about passive income, because the owner of the vehicle speaks as a driver. But potentially this is a profitable business. Rent with the driver can be in demand for weddings and other solemn events, for daily or hourly rent. A business man arrived in an unfamiliar city, he needs to visit many different places during the day or several days. Taxi will cost too expensive, and public transport often unacceptable. Because the client will easier to hire a person with a car who knows the city and can carry it all this time.

As you can see, there are many passive and active earnings. Although the last option can be eliminated if you pursue the goal to earn precisely passively, simply transferring your vehicle to another person or organization to the temporary possession, receiving this profit due to this profit.

Consumes of car rental

There are a few moments to pay special attentionso that they do not become a problem or an unpleasant surprise for you.

  1. Insurance. There are no problems with OSAGO. It is enough just to choose as an option unlimited number of drivers. Casco is more and more difficult, as most companies refuse to insure rolled carsOr deliberately increase tariffs on them. But the law rose to the side of the drivers, with the result that now you can arrange the cheapest type of contract. The insurer is obliged to insure a car.
  2. Tracking systems. Since cars are transferred to the hands of unfamiliar people, put the tracker for each car will be a direct need. There is an equipment for tracking about 5-10 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can constantly know where there is a vehicle.
  3. Accommodation. If there are not so many cars, no more than 10 units, and half of them in constant work, for the rest you can distinguish the place near the train stations, near the major trading and office centers. Another option is the rental of places on intercepting parking lots.
  4. Advertising. About you should learn. At the initial stage, it is not necessary to create your website, although it is a competent solution to the future. Initially, you can do with advertising in newspapers and outdoor advertising.

Earn for rent own car can. Also, currently promising business is considered the opening of its own lease company. The amount of income depends on the set of factors. But with a competent approach, it is possible to achieve significant progress, to expand its influence and gradually increase the fleet, attracting new and new customers.

For beginnings, it makes sense to consider the idea with the surrender of your car. In the future, it can turn into something more serious or so to remain a good option for passive income with a profit of 20-30 thousand rubles per month.

Attention! A complimentary business plan offered to download below is approximate. Business plan that best meets the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

Rental of passenger cars - the path to great success!

This story tells a successful entrepreneur Nikolay Runner, who lives in the Moscow region and is the owner of a small business rental business. Nikolay rented a building under the office and bought the platform on which the car garages built. His staff consists of five drivers, one accountant and two mechanics.

How did the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a business?

Cars are my weakness. As soon as I was 18 years old and I got the right, my parents gave me my first car, an old Muscovite.

But since he was old and demanded frequent repairs, Sometimes I was forced to ride in urban transport. Then I originated in my head the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a car rental business.

Over the years, collected some capital, I decided to open my business. Before that, I already had a small auto parts store. Therefore, having a certain amount of money, I decided to realize my long-standing dream and open your own car rental business.

Create a business plan correctly and cheap

I did not have any problems with the purchase of the office and the acquisition of the platform for cars. But having some experience doing business, I understood that I need some kind of actions algorithm that would help compare income and expenses and receive good profits. This algorithm must have a valid business plan.

But after the acquisition land plot For garages, I did not have enough money to buy a real business plan.

Therefore, to embody my project, it was necessary to somehow get out, but nevertheless I understood that the algorithm of action is simply necessary. Otherwise, I could go broke without starting even to make a profit.

Business plan helps to take into account all moments, helps to see the shortcomings and without it is impossible:

  • Accurately decide on the initial amount required for opening a business;
  • Calculate what capital and which cars will need;
  • Calculate the amortization of the car park;
  • Take into account the cost of advertising;
  • Choose the required staff.

And many more points that contain a business plan for car rental. Therefore, without him, the entrepreneur feels helpless child.

So, my goal was to find a working business plan, which was suitable for my business conditions.

Ways to solve the problem

First of all, I learned how much it costs to buy a valid business plan for car rental in RBC. Its value was pretty impressive and was 50 thousand rubles.

The next idea was to download a business plan from a free site that I did. But I could not find the one that was really really I needed. Yes, there were various calculations, but they are too outdated, or were not workers at all.

Desperate to acquire the necessary algorithm of my acts, I shared a problem with my friend who had already had its own business and received decent income.

She advised me to buy an inexpensive business plan template and recycle it under my conditions. I did, just took and bought for funny money (550 rubles) ready business plan template.

Next, I figured out all the numbers that have a property to change. This is both rental fees, and currency exchange rate, and fuel. Having written all the changing numbers, I again turned to the same acquaintance and with it using we slept a purchased business plan template for my project.

So, thanks to the purchased business plan template, almost for a symbolic fee, I began my super-profitable business that brings me real incomes.

If the family or in the enterprise has extra cars that cost, they can be made of regular income. We understand how to start a business car for rent in a taxi: the pros and cons of business ideas, where to start and what nuances pay attention.

Renting cars for rent under a taxi as a business

The essence of the business is simple: you have an excess car, you do not plan to "Tax", but find a driver for this car and give him transport to rent - a reasonable idea.

This approach is, by and large, not even a business, but a method of passive income. This is turning into business when an entrepreneur specifically acquires one or more cars for this and then leases them. In a situation where you rent already an existing car, the risks are small - the car is already there in the event that it does not go, the car will just continue to stand up to sales. In the event of the purchase of a car, specially under such a business loss immediately become tangible. Immediately after departure from the salon, the car loses 10% of the cost and as much as the first year, even if all this time she just stands in the parking lot.

To understand how it looks in the money, take the lower threshold of prices for the three most popular models for a taxi. Renault Logan - for economy option, Skoda Rapid - For middle class and conditional premium - Toyota Camry. The first car in the minimum configuration costs 570 thousand rubles., The second - 790 thousand rubles, the third - 1,580 thousand rubles. Thus, having bought and immediately without running the car in turnover, the entrepreneur loses 60-150 thousand rubles - those The most 10% of the prices of the new car. And this is not counting problems with buying, decoring and possible subsequent sale.

The first rule for those who are planning not just a host of an idle family car, and a real business for car rental under a taxi - all preparatory work You need to spend even before purchasing cars. In order for the cost of acquiring quickly paid off, immediately after departure from the car dealership and registration in the traffic police, the driver should already sit down and go to make money.

What should be done:

  1. Decide to those who will become a tenant of your vehicles. These can be local taxi, aggregators or individuals. Optimal option - Local transport companies. With them, you can enter into a lease agreement and they will take on legal and tax burden, control of drivers, service.
  2. Understand the legal side of the issue. There are two options for action. The first - you open an IP and sell a permit, a taxi patent, pay taxes as an IP. The second option - you simply conclude a lease agreement with a taxopark and from the monthly amount received from them, pay 13% NDFL as individualLike an option from renting an apartment. The second option will require less effort and theoretically, it can even be more profitable, but it is more suitable for those who do not consider it as a serious business, but gives one personal car.

Important! In Moscow, permission for transportation as a taxi can only be obtained by the owner of transport when making an IP or legal entity

How to collect documents for business for the delivery of a car under a taxi

1. If you have chosen the option with the opening of the PI, step by step algorithm how to register your work can be found. If you want to save, use the support of the head of the head of the assistant and open the IP for free. OKVED code for this type of activity - 71. 11.
2. The second mandatory document is a permit from the Ministry of Transport to Passenger Transportation. He is received for each car - the owner must file, a statement to the Ministry of Transport (Department of Transport) of its region through the Public Services portal. You can also find out and pay the amount state dutywhich can be from 0 rubles in Moscow and up to several thousand by region.
Also distinguished requirements for cars, for example, in Moscow you can already obtain permission to the car of only yellow, equipped with a taxiometer and having a type of "Taxi" in the service. There are no such difficulties in other regions, but everything needs to be recognized at the place of registration of the entrepreneur.
After 10-30 days, the owner will receive a resolution that is valid for 5 years.
3. The next step is to receive a taxi patent, for which the application is submitted to its tax on the transition to the patent system. The cost of a patent for IP 18000 rubles per year.
4. The fourth mandatory document is the lease agreement between you and those who will use the car: a taxi aggregator, a taksopark or a private person. It needs to register all the details: who and when maintenance is undergoing, who pays for repair and draws up insurance, how many drivers are fixed behind the car, how to act in case of disputes, etc. It is this document should be the basis for the settlement of disagreements in the future.

Delivery Taxi cars for rent - we calculate the business

During the year, the machine will lose 20% of the cost, and after 3 three years - half of the initial price and more. For longer than 3 years, it makes no sense for a car, after this period it becomes almost without fail or very sharply falls in price, and most importantly - it becomes more and more often repair.


Calculations show that the car transmitted in the city-millionnica brings 1.5 thousand rubles a day (often less), but no more than 40 thousand will be in a month. Even with the presence of two drivers, working on a car approximately 20% of the time will not be on the go. This means that the maximum that can be obtained in the "dirty" form for the year is 450 thousand rubles.

To go out in zero when renting, for example, Renaul Logan, taking into account the loss of the car's cost in the first year you need to earn clean 120 thousand rubles, for 3 years - 320000.


  • buying a car - 570,000 rubles,
  • alarm 10,000 rubles,
  • gPS beacon - another 3000-5000 rubles,
  • 5000 rubles will have to pay for the taximeter, although so far it is not fine for it. professional drivers Usually have their own video recorders and navigators, especially for navigation now enough phones, but perhaps on this and will not be able to save, so add another 5,000 rubles,
  • set winter rubber - another 12000 rubles,
  • insurance - approximately 25,000 rubles (OSAGO, Commercial Casco for a taxi can cost more than 100 thousand),
  • patent for taxi services - 18000 rubles (depending on the region),
  • pension fund and OMS - 36,300 rubles,
  • permission for taxi transportation - 5000 rubles,
  • 3,000 a month will go on the oil and filters, pads and other "expenses". Those who went to personal car And then once a year such expenses would be surprised, but you need not to forget that the monthly taxi mileage is about 10,000 km. In the second and third years on the month, we will lay 5,000 per month.

We summarize all income and expenses for the "Logan" option and we get such a picture for the period 3 years:

An article of income \\ expense

For 1 year, rub.

For 2 years, rub.

For 3 years, rub.

Car Purchase



Taxes PFR, OMS

Winter tires



GPS beacon

Navigator \\ recorder


Car sale

Cost of deposit

Net profit

Income per month

Important! Accounting can be transferred to the outsource - this will allow you to seriously save and avoid problems with the tax, because your professionals will be engaged

Underwater stones on rental cars for rent for a taxi

Several tips for those who decided to try themselves in this business:

  • This type of activity is suitable primarily to those who are detailed in the "inner kitchen" a taxisup - how the transmission is shifted between drivers, how to fix car damage and the fact of passing the maintenance driver. One of the risks - on the car "sit" the second or third driver and the car begins to work at all without interruptions, i.e. wear. To prevent such cases it is worth a promotion of a daily mileage limit.
  • The probability of renting a car over 2 years is much lower than the new one. This is due to the fact that during this time the machine produces a fierce resource, increasingly begins to require substantive large details and, moreover, loses its commodity look. Therefore, usually machines that spent in rent 2-3 years sell, and to continue the business they buy and give new ones.
  • Repair and maintenance is a special question, as about 100 thousand kilometers passes the taxi per year. This means that the main costs during operation will be leaving consumables: butter, brake pads, filters, tires. If you entrust the Tenant Process, it can become the main source of losses, from deception on the car service to the deliberate passage of maintenance, "making" the money allocated to this, and as a result - the deplorable state of the car after a year of the mercury.
  • The best solution is to have a car service with familiar owners or at least craftsmen. Another way to save is to buy a "consumption" wholesale, but it makes sense when you rent from a dozen cars at the same time.
  • If you own a new and only car, it is better to take it not to taxoparks, but to look for private traders in personal rental (i.e. not to work as a taxi, but for personal use). Often cars rented companies for employees.
  • When we rent a car to a taxi, participate in the choice of drivers, do not trust this company. Prefer family men older than 40 or women. Pay attention to the experience and history of driving.
  • OSAGO and CASCO need to be issued, taking into account the fact that different faces can be driving. Be sure to point out that transport will be used for commercial traffic. When executing the contract, insurers put in a policy a special mark "Vehicle is used as a taxi". In the usual policy indicated "not for a taxi."

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Car rental business is an interesting and fairly unusual idea for Russia, which can bring an impressive profit to its owner with a minimum of physical and time costs. But to invest in this case will have a lot, as money will be required to create your own fleet. In order for the activity to be profitable and quickly paid off, you need to start at least 10 - 15 cars.

Market assessment

Car rental is an interesting service. It is very in demand abroad, especially in those cities where the number of tourists is great. In Russia, a niche of car rental is developed weakly. Basically, the services of such companies enjoy in large cities. So, more than half of the income from the car rental falls on Moscow and St. Petersburg. There are much more modest results from other Milionnik cities.

The larger the settlement, the more money the entrepreneur will be able to earn. But to open your own business in a small town no sense. There the service will be unclaimed. It is possible for renting your car for rent, placing free ads in newspapers, bulletin boards.

Competition in the field of car rental as such. This market segment is almost not busy. The exception is large cities. But there, the market is not overflowing - the newcomer will be able to take his niche and make a profit.

To determine which cars to buy, it is necessary to assess the demand for the service. Most often, people take a car for rental for the following reasons:

  • temporarily does not have its own car (it is in repair, for example);
  • during rest;
  • for a business trip.

Where less frequently, cars are taken to the immediate purchase of the car to assess the convenience and other properties of the vehicle.

To appreciate the demand for the service. It is important during this study to understand which machine would like to get a potential buyer. When choosing a car, people value the following parameters:

Based on this, you can identify three groups of potential buyers:

  1. Those who want to rent cheap car. This includes medium segments of the population. A few years ago, such citizens were beneficial to offer domestic cars. But now the price has increased sharply, and the cost of services remained at the same level. Therefore, it makes sense to purchase inexpensive foreign cars. Better to stay on Daewoo Nexia, Chevrolet Lanos. or Renault Logan. These cars are subject to the number of budget vehicles, but on the road they behave well.
  2. People wishing to rent inexpensive carBut necessarily with a machine gun. This is a slightly higher price category. We enjoy in demand in women and young people. The number of such clients is increasing. People are increasingly preferred by a machine, and some of them simply do not know how to use mechanics. For such clients, it is necessary to provide a separate category of cars. For example, you can buy one of Hyundai models.
  3. Customers who prefer expensive cars. Such people are many times less. They constitute about 10% of all consumers. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy many cars premium segments. But at least several options a large fleet should have. But B. little business It is pointless to buy it, often the car simply does not pay for costs incurred.

It is worth considering the purchase of used cars for its fleet. The age of vehicles in this case should be about 2 to 3 years. Such a car will cost almost 2 times cheaper than new, but the cost of its lease will be almost the same. This will significantly increase profitability, and payback period can be reduced by 2 times.

Why should I open a business rental business?

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a car rental business is suitable not only to an experienced entrepreneur, but also a newcomer. You can do this, if only because it has a number of the following advantages:

  • Does not require serious investments. Indeed, if a businessman has no big capital, he can start with the purchase of just a few used cars. But experienced entrepreneurs are better to get 10 cars at once. This will allow for a high level of profit.
  • Minimum current expenses. After buying a car, significant costs are excluded. Gasoline pays the client itself, breakdowns are possible, but in most cases they do not assume large cash infuses. And the presence of insurance for the car will eliminate the need to restore it for their money in the event of an accident. All you need to pay is inspection and insurance.
  • The possibility of obtaining additional profit. When the machine will pay for its cost, it will be possible to sell it. This will increase the level of income and profitability.
  • Do not need serious time spending. It is not necessary to devote all his time to this case. It is enough to respond to incoming calls, issue and take cars. Such a format of doing business allows a person to work on ordinary work and engage in his own business.
  • No skills need no skills. Indeed, you can pass the car to the rental without any special personal qualities or professionalism. Even creative thinking in this area is optional, because the car will sell itself. It is only necessary to place an advertisement about the service in local newspapers, on free bulletin boards.

Legal aspects

An important point of discovery own business Car rental is that there will be no entrepreneurial activity here without registration. After all, it is necessary to document the lease agreement, provide for insurance, allowing you to receive compensation, even if the wheel was not the owner of the car. You need to act like this:

  1. The choice of the most suitable organizational form. Small rolled can be registered as IP. If there are several business owners, it makes sense to open ooo. But in this case, you need to be ready to more strict checking records. In addition, LLC has certain requirements for cash operations. Accounting for such firms is also more complicated than the IP, which can be released at all.
  2. Select OKVED code. It's enough to choose from the new reference book of 2017 77.11 - "Rental and leasing passenger cars and lungs motor vehicles» . It must be specified when applying for registration. The specified code allows you to rent cars, both with the driver and without it.
  3. Choosing a tax regime. There are three available options - USN "Revenues", USN "Revenues minus costs" and PSN. When buying cars, it is better to choose the first scheme. But when purchasing cars in leasing it will be more profitable for paying taxes from the difference between income and expenses. In this case, leasing payments can be taken to account and reduce the taxable base on their sum.

The feasibility of acquiring a patent must be determined independently. Its cost in each region is its own. Before buying a patent, it is worth calculating its price, alleged profit and tax, which would have to pay on the USN.

It is important to determine the channels of promoting your business. Increasingly, people try to create their own website. Such a decision is suitable for large companies or rentals located in large or resort cities. But in smaller settlements, this option may not bring the proper effect.

Therefore, it makes sense to take care of advertising in local newspapers. You can raise ads near large hostels, hotels, near the train stations. When you choose the newspaper to place ads, it is better to give preference to those of them that are debugged on the mailbox weekly.

Additionally, it is necessary to make an organization in the industry directory of your city. So people will be able to quickly find where you can rent a car.

Minimization of possible risks

To be profitable, it is necessary to take into account possible dangers and minimize the risk of their offensive. It is especially important to solve the following questions:

  • Age group. You can limit the minimum age or the necessary driver's experience.
  • Limit of daily mileage. This will eliminate the chance of renting a car by taxi drivers. For such categories of clients, you can provide an increased cost for services.
  • Risk of theft, damage to the machine. It is important to determine the amount of the collateral. The essence lies in obtaining some amount (usually, about 5,000 - 10,000 rubles). Return it is carried out only after accepting the car. You can go and other ways to increase the cost of rental without collateral, for example, by 15 - 25%.
  • Non-payment of fine. In order for the client to take over the payment of a fine, the corresponding item should be provided in the contract. Even better, if a serious penalty will be provided for late payment.

Financial results

If the entrepreneur opens the rental with 100 machines, then the cost of cars, GPS navigators, video recorders and other attributes will be included in the initial cost. Minor expenses will be associated with advertising, procurement of office equipment and business registration. Total will need not less than 6,000,000 rubles.

The amount of expenses in one year will include the following costs:

  • insurance - 600,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 50 000 rubles;
  • repair, then, car wash, parking - 550,000 rubles;
  • rent office space - 100,000 rubles;
  • salary to employees (including insurance payments) - 900,000 rubles;
  • the decision of legal issues and disputes (without a lawyer will not do) - 200,000 rubles.

Total: 2,400,000 rubles.

If we assume that 60% of cars will be used 300 days a year, then the average income size will be (2,500 rubles - the cost of rental per day) 4,500,000 rubles. Taking into account the cost of profit will be 2,100,000 rubles per year. It turns out that profitability is about 40 - 50% even with incomplete load on the fleet. Employed your expenses will be possible only after 3 years.

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