Home Engine Crawling cars. Aerography or Hood. Painting car - business idea. Visual video example, how to paint a car

Crawling cars. Aerography or Hood. Painting car - business idea. Visual video example, how to paint a car

Bright flame languages \u200b\u200blike a belt covering the car, clawed beast paws leaving the trail on the glossy body surface ... all these fiery subsoil, flora and fauna, can be the most unexpected way on the car. The times have long passed when the only possible option for the car was some kind of classic strict color. Fashion came to replace boring shades, and now the fashionable and popular phenomenon is airbrushing.

Aerography is the art of a car painting. This phenomenon keeps its beginning from America, where it was fashionable to paint the motorcycles and racing cars. The first pictures were rather symbolic. On cars were depicted fast birds, jaguars, etc. Attributes of freedom, speed and power. Gradually with the development of this direction, airbrushing became an attribute and simple machines. And the drawings changed depending on the wishes of the owner of the car and its taste preferences. In the 60-70xc, the United States was conquered by this trend, in Europe, such arts appeared much later, well, and the conservative Soviet Union speaks out. On the expanses of our immense homeland, aerography as a common and well-known phenomenon appeared after the 90s.

The popularity of this type of art is difficult to overestimate. After all, this is not just a picture, it technological process, allowing you to completely change the type of machine, betray him a special meaning. The process itself consists of several stages: financial - airbrushing on cars is no cheap service. Quality materials and work of a good wizard will cost money. Conceptual. By ordering any drawing, you must talk with a professional and evaluate his opinion as well. Sometimes a superb looking drawing on one machine is completely different. Well, and then, as in any work there is a stage of preparation. That is, the surface on which the work will be carried out should be prepared properly: without dents, scratches and other defects. After that, only follows the procedure for applying the pattern - the process of painstaking, requiring complete concentration and creativity. Performed with the help of a special tool - airbrush. The final stage of airbrushing is varnish and polishing the image.

It is worth noting that the entire airbrushing procedure on the car is the labor-intensive process, in which not one person is involved. Deciding to decorate the car in this way, it is worth being ready for some time to part with him. After all, the procedure lasts from 2 weeks before the month, depending on the brand of the car and the complexity of work. The price of this kind of pleasure can vary and depends on the region, the demand of the masters and the complexity of the work. On average in the country, it ranges from several hundred to several thousand dollars.

Where is it better to order airbrushing in Moscow?

The first impression of the technical center, in which the owner plans to order automotive airbrushing, can be compiled by telephone conversation, - based on the attitude towards the Client, awareness degree in this topic. If you are ready to agree with you in absentia, this should seem at least strange: a good artist discusses the details of the upcoming work of TET-A-TET. If there is low prices on auto airmography, it should also alert - it is possible that in such a service saved on materials or neglected technology. As a result, the picture can quickly faded or suck out. Professionals cover images on special varnish cars, resistant to scratches, and it is very silent, which also affects the final cost.

Conclusions about the qualifications of artist on airbrushing can be made by its previous works: self-respecting master has a portfolio. Ideally consider creatures in kind, but this is not always possible for obvious reasons. The number of work performed is also a kind of certificate of professionalism. Pay attention to the complexity of the image, drawing parts, tone transitions. The concepts of "warranty" and "post-warranty service" are also applicable to drawings on the body. If in warranty period With the coating something happened, restore it for free. Many artists are repaired and chips on their "canvases", sometimes free. If the drawings are damaged as a result of an accident, their recovery is quite expensive.
That is why in the technical center engaged in airbrushing on cars, it can be offered to insure the image. For those who drive not very carefully or often leaves a car in open parking, it is definitely insurance will not be superfluous.

Adjusim reality.

One of the most popular ways to highlight your car from the crowd - apply on the body (or part of it - airbrushing on the hood) original drawing. Airbrushing can be considered a good anti-theft.

The art of applying airbrushing on the details of the car originated not so long ago and got its name from a special tool that the whole process is produced. It allows you to change the thickness of the lines from 20 mm to 1 mm.

The process of giving the car of individual decoration, begins with the choice of drawing for airbrushing, the place of application and directly calculating the cost of completed work. An important factor is the professionalism and experience of a specialist to whom you entrusted this process. At first, he must perform a sketch of the image by imposing it using special programs on the car image in the computer. Thus, a visual layout of work is created.

It is necessary to take into account that the cost of the work may vary, directly depending on the specific form of the car's hood, as it is necessary to take into account all the joints of the parts and small third-party elements, in order for the picture to be holistic, and did not have a broken view. Also, the price depends on the nature of the application, detail of the image elements, because if you want to see each small detail of your drawing, then it should be aware that the cost of such work will be higher. To protect the applied image from erasing, mechanical and physical influences ambient, Special varnishes are used, securely protecting the image, from various damage, except emergency situations, of course.

If the integrity of the picture is broken over time, then do not be discouraged, because it is always possible to renovate, contacting the master, which caused it, or if it is impossible, to any other specialist.

Do you have a question about the price of airbrushing concerning the contract of an individual character? Our specialists are always ready to answer all the questions that arise and advise, taking into account the individual queries of each client.

By the way, airbrushing can be insured.

"How much should they paint?"

Aerography is perhaps the most creative work of those that are performed in the technical center. Leonid Vorobiev gives a couple of tips: who can you assign the painting of your car?Ride exclusive car - Probably the dream of every car owner. It is clear that not everyone can afford a rarity or supercar. You can go to another - for example, make an exclusive of the usual serial car. As an option - decorate the body in the picture.

Find a technical center capable of performing work today is not a problem. However, far from the fact that the work of the artist will like it. After all, it is not a banal body repair, requiring only good skills in painting, and the creation of practically works of art. How to insure yourself from possible disappointment?

If there are no preferences, you can find a technical center or tuning studio via the Internet. At the same time asked about the reviews of the organization you like. Serious service must have a gallery of work performed on the site or in extreme cases at acceptance is a kind of exhibition of achievements, which allows you to demonstrate both their quality and quantity. However, the final decision should be taken only with full-time acquaintance. Evaluate how much the full range of services are willing to offer specialists, whether they are welcoming and configured to dialogue.

Take ready?

The ideas of drawings can be learned in the same galleries of finished work. If you really want something original, you will be offered to develop a project "from scratch". This service in Moscow will cost 10-15 thousand rubles. As a rule, "at the output" Customer receives several possible sketches on a given topic, superimposed using a computer in a photo of a car. After approval by one of them, you can proceed directly to the drawing of the pattern. Of course, it will be somewhat different from the computer version, as well as the concept differs from the serial car that appears on its base. Be prepared to control the process - at least it is worth carefully inspecting the drawing to cover the details of the varnish. Then it's not too late to make adjustments.

About the qualifications of the artist judged by his work.
In our case, the work belongs to the technical center -
than them more and what they are more difficult, the higher
The probability that the result of painting the body
Your car will not disappoint you. Usually
Ready projects are postponed to the site, or
Photographs with a printed description can be found at the acceptance


The cost of airbrushing will vary greatly depending on the complexity of the drawing and, of course, the status of the artist performing it. On average, over 15 thousand rubles will be paid for the painting of one detail. (Although some famous student take 30 thousand rubles and more). Make a small margin can if the surface of the parts is badly damaged: for example, there are dents, multiple chips of a paint and varnish coating ...

But it is not enough to apply an image - you still need to save it. In this regard, you can only advise to be neat on the roads, do not wipe the dirty surfaces with a dry cloth, do not park the prompt to other cars ... Some decide to install parking sensors - it is clearly cheaper even a banal color of the bumper.

It is believed that aerography - also good tool From hijacking
Sell \u200b\u200bthe stolen packed car is not so simple
Yes, and remain unnoticed on it difficult
If still body detail It turned out to be damaged, contact the same center where work was performed. Firstly, from her, most likely, remained flowed, according to which the image would be easier to restore. Secondly, if the artist has not changed in the service, your car will fall directly to the author of the work - of course, he will be able to recreate the fragment as close as possible to the original.

But note that the repair of the part can do even more expensive than its initial painting. It is said that the complexity of the work in this case is higher.

There are other options

There are some more ways to give a car body a little individuality. One of them is pasting with decorative films. This type of tuning continues to gain momentum, because has a number of advantages. Printing on the film and its application on the body is not as expensive, besides, you can always return the car in the original look. It is the initial, since under the film, the paintwork is preserved perfectly - it is not covered with scratches and small chips. However, the drawing, made by the paints, looks, of course, is much advantageous.

Do not forget about another body painting - the so-called autoatat. Its essence in the following: the work on a computer sketch is performed by a robot resembling a huge inkjet printer. It can only print on vertical (or almost vertical) surfaces. But the main charm is not even in the method of applying, but in special paints. The drawing, applied by them, can be ... washed off by any solvent. This is a little bit of winning when selling a car - it is not a fact that your artist will come to the buyer.

Applying the autoatat takes a minimum of time, besides it is noticeable cheaper (from 3500 rubles per item with regard to supplies). However, the quality of the "printed" picture is still inferior handmade. More accurately, to know how much aircraft on the car can be from our specialists.

Council of the specialist

The painting of the body is not the work on which it is worth saving. It is silly to order a picture of a graduate of the artistic school and hope to get the world masterpiece. A professional always knows the price and simply will not take to work "for cheap."

The only option to reduce the amount of an airbrushing account without prejudice to quality - not to create a layout "from scratch", but to use the existing billets from previous orders. Do not be afraid that you will see a double car on the road: only image elements can be similar, but not all of it.

Pay attention to the portfolio of the technical center you have chosen, read the reviews about it on the Internet. If the service is not the first year by airbrush, there should be enough information about it.

Feel free to actively participate in the process. In order for the result to fully satisfy you, you must maximize the task to the artist, express it all the wishes for detail and possible nuances. Not all of us we have a good imagination and creative vision. Therefore, be sure to listen to the opinion of the specialist. Sometimes, in general, a good drawing is not very advantageous on a particular car or details allocated for painting, it is desirable to correct it. It happens that the color of the drawing is not harmonized with the basic color of the body.

Dmitry Bychkov,
Director of Technological Center
"Autotumes on
Volgogradka "

An article on how to apply beautiful airbrushing on the car body. Nuances of image application technology on the car. At the end of the article - video of beautiful 3d drawings on the car body.

The content of the article:

The car demonstrates the status, character and temperament of its owner. Many car enthusiasts want to stand out against the background of others vehicleTherefore, they apply different drawings on your cars. In fact, a whole art emerged, which is called airbrushing. Now anyone can make a real work of art from his car. In this article, consider the nuances of applying drawings on the body of your car.

Advantages and disadvantages of airbrushing

Before choosing a picture and apply it to the car you need to understand the pros and cons of airbrushing.

The pros will be attributed to:

  • The ability to demonstrate their own individuality, their hobbies, catch on their cars enthusiastic views of passersby and other motorists;
  • The ability to hide small body defects, cracks and scratches using drawings;
  • The presence of a drawing on the car significantly reduces the likelihood of its hijacking. Few people will treat such a car, as it is easy to find it, and get rid of the drawing too considerably and expensive.
By cons of airbrushing include:
  • High cost of work;
  • After Accident car Picture is more difficult to restore;
  • Sell \u200b\u200ba car with airbrushing is usually difficult, since not all buyers will like the drawing on it.
Before going to the master or apply a drawing yourself, it is necessary to take into account all the advantages and cons of such art, so that it does not have to regret.

What instruments need

Naturally, specific tools are needed for applying the selected pattern:
  1. Aerograph. This is a main device that under pressure sprays paint to the surface of the car body. It provides accurate and neat spraying.
  2. Compressor;
  3. Connecting hoses;
  4. Paints;
  5. Different skar;
  6. Fixer for varnish;
  7. Solvent and degreaser;
  8. Polishing machine with different circles.
Also need related materials: film, cardboard, tape, polishing paste, printer, screwdriver, passage, wet wipes.

Find this equipment will not be much difficulty. All this is sold in specialized stores. Special attention You should turn to paints. Now you can find different types Mixtures, but novice artists can take advantage of universal paints and solvents of grades 646 and 647, with which a wide range of tasks can be performed. In principle, working with automotive paints resembles work with conventional paints.

As a rule, drawings are applied to the hood, doors, trunk lid, front or rear wings. With a great desire, you can paint the whole car.

Complexity of drawing

Since aerography is an art, then in this case you need to take into account many nuances. First of all, much depends on the complexity of the pattern to be applied to the car. There are three categories of drawings that require in turn from the artist of different preparedness.
  • The first category. It includes simple graphic drawings: different lines, patterns, stripes, elementary geometric shapes.
  • The second category. In this case, the drawing is limited to one artistic object, when creating multicomponent paints.
  • The third category includes complex artistic drawings with several objects and an applied background. It can use all the variety of paints. The master is important to mix the paint properly and create a smooth transition of colors. If everything is done professionally, a simple car will become a unique masterpiece.
It is worth understanding that there are no creative borders in airbrushing. A specialist can draw even a large-scale picture on the car body. At the same time, it is important not only to understand well in existing airbrushing techniques, but also know how to mix and apply varnishes and paint.

How to draw

For drawing, a special airbrush is used. But when creating an ornament, landscape and animals, brushes and paint are used, and the artist's hand-made work is used. You can also draw on a stencil if the style of "techno" is used.

The used paints should be high quality, durable and resistant to different atmospheric precipitation.

Naturally, you should use a wide color row so that you can create any desired shade. Also during the drawing, it is necessary to add reflective and light-capacity paints. To give greater strength, the drawing is coated with several layers of varnish, which among other things will give the image "Depth".

These are basic drawing rules. But it is important to strictly observe the technology of airbrushing.

The main stages of airbrushing technology

It all starts with the selection of the desired picture. It is important to determine its topic, observe the proportions, color gamut, image style and ensure its correct placement. It is also important to choose the right background so that the drawing looks beautiful and expressive. After that, you need to understand where it is best to place the selected image on the bodies.

When the theme of the drawing is selected, it should be done by developing a sketch. Collections of drawings, graphic tablet, camera, laptop, scanner will help this. If you draw well enough paper and pencil. Figure Using Photoshop, you must apply to the photo of the machine and add fragments of the selected pattern. Everything, sketch is ready.

Then you should carefully examine the character of the image to pick up suitable way drawing pattern. As mentioned above, for each way you need your tools. If it is "just a sticker" or a translated picture, then enough stencil. If you need to portray different complex objects with smooth flower transitions, you will have to use an airbrush and brushes.

It should be remembered that it is important to correctly place the drawing, because what is wonderful on paper, it will not always look beautiful on the body.

Not only, the wrong placement can "kill" the style of the entire car. Therefore, it is necessary to take a very carefully to choose the place of placement of the drawing on the car body.

This will help the computer. The entire process of modeling and positioning the image on the car body is performed using a computer.

If you are an experienced professional, you can do it and manually. However, it should be borne in mind that the body is distinguished by a complex relief and form. It has different protrusions and transitions that can affect the image of the drawing. Therefore, it is still better to introduce an image in a PC, put on it different versions of painting, nuances of the geometry of the body. Now images can be represented in three-dimensional form, which will allow you to carefully see and edit all the shortcomings.

If everything suits you, you can move to the preparation of the body of the machine to apply an image.

Preparation of car

First of all, you need to remove door handles, mirrors, headlights, all rubber seals And other elements to ensure the uniform of the applying of paints and varnishes.

After that, matting is performed. It is necessary to handle only the top layer of varnish so that the paint is well cloudy with the surface. All scratches and small chips should be eliminated. You can perform work with special matting sponges that do not leave scratches.

All the details and elements unredened by the pattern and items must be saved with a scotch or paper so that paint does not fall into them or varnish. The place where the drawing will be applied, it is necessary to clean from dust and degrease.

Design process

First you need to apply the main sketch. As a rule, in this case, stencils that make it easy to make the basis. The very first lines are desirable to do not very bright and more blurred. It is important to keep the airbrush perpendicular to the body surface.

It should be applied gently and neatly, eliminating sharp movements. The hand must be kept calm, but firmly to avoid the outers. Gradually (layer per layer) It is necessary to output the entire image. First, the base will be burned, and then add new parts.

Success in this business depends on proper setting Aerograph. It is necessary to configure the required thickness of the lines and the supply of pressure.

Paint should be applied by layers. And you can only apply the subsequent layer when the previous one gets up. It is important to remember that they first apply light shades, because dark is difficult to paint.

At the very end, the finished drawing must be covered with several layers of a spray with a spray gun so that the image is fixed. When the varnish hardens, it is necessary to proceed to polish. This is the final stage in the drawing procedure on the car body.

The durability of the drawing will depend on the compliance with the technology and quality of the materials used.

  1. Applying a drawing, work in a respirator with a high-quality air filtration system. This will help keep health, because paints and varnishes are pretty toxic.
  2. In order for the drawing for a long time retained its beauty, it is necessary to periodically apply protective equipment on it. Be sure to buy a protective and abrasive polyteroli. As a rule, if technology was observed, the image will last as much as the factory body paint.
  3. If you want to remove the drawing in the future, some problems may arise. When applying temporary airbrushing, it can easily be removed using special washing paints. But from constant airbrushing is so easy not to get rid. We will have or repaint a car, or cover it with a special film.
  4. If the image takes more than half the body surface, you will have to reissue the documents for the machine, since its color has changed.
  5. Aerography is considered a multicolor coloring car. It should not copy the identification coloring or symbolism of special vehicles. In the passport of the machine must be marked the fact of image availability.
  6. Airbrushing, if desired, can be insured in the CASCO. At the same time, the insurance company will cover all the costs of restoring the image.

Let's summarize

If you decide to decorate your car with some drawing, you should think carefully if you need it. If you need and you have defined skills, you can draw a sketch and apply a picture on the body. If you never kept brushes in your hands, it is better to trust this business to professional craftsmen.

Video - Beautiful 3D car body tuning:

We talked with three masters from Kazan, Moscow and St. Petersburg, and on the first to popularity the place they all put the topic of wild animals, not a bonuse of add "unfortunately." Probably the topic of this inexhaustible and people again and again ask to portray Tigers, Panther, bears and other animals. "Kitness" masters are scary, but the client asks - it is necessary to do. Dogs, by the way, order much less often, and usually these are breeders or loving owners of a particular pet.

In the photo: Drawing "Leopard" on the hood, cost 25 000 r., Studio Color-Line (SPB)

"The most popular, unfortunately, are all sorts of beasts, cats. But we usually advise all the same unique design to develop together. We try to offer some alternative. Just people come and say: we do not know what we want, so, we saw a cat from someone, probably, we want something like that. After cats in popularity, there are beautiful views of nature or city. Then abstraction. "

In the photo: Drawing "Leopard" on the hood, the cost of 22 000 r.,mS-Motors Studio (Moscow)

"No one has canceled cats, they have always enjoyed success. Animals in general, cats, wolves, snakes and other animals. Still fantasy, skulls, angels. The last six months there was such a tendency that many want a drawing on a patriotic topic. They ask to portray the flag, coat of arms - in general, some kind of symbolism. Some bear wants in framing flags. "

On the picture: figure "Panther" on the hood, the cost of 10 000 r.,studioSEM GRAFIX (Kazan)

"Feline mostly girls are ordered. Wolves or Orlov - more often a man. The abstraction choose those who do not want something defined, they just want to somehow decorate the car. "

Non-standard solutions

Nevertheless, judging by the experience of our masters, not everyone is chased by cats and enjoy the ideas of artists. Many and themselves are looking for inspiration in what surrounds them, and drawings on their cars really become an excellent way of self-expression.

"There was such a case. The girl came to us with a dress on which there was a drawing in the form of a French newspaper. She said that she really likes this print and she wants to transfer it to the car - BMW X6. She then came to Porsche Cayenne. I ordered Maks from another dresses.

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In the photo: Figure "French Newspaper", the cost of 200 000 r. , Studio Color-Line (SPB)

Another girl came to Range Rover.. She likes the work of Pushkin, and she wanted a drawing from caricatures and sketches. The most unusual was another Range Rover, the customer is also a girl. She did a project for the reconstruction of the main headquarters for the Hermitage Museum Complex, and we transferred drawings and types of this building onto her car, "says Andrei Color-Line Studio Director (St. Petersburg).

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In the photo: Figure "Pushkin", the cost of 160 000 r., Figure "Drawings", the cost of 190 000 r., Color-Line Studio (SPB)

"There was a minibus for schoolchildren, which we painted on both sides. Parents gave the development of design to children, and together with them worked on him. As a result, they stopped on funny birds, "says the artist of the MS-Motors Studio Pavel (Moscow).

In the photo: drawing "birds", cost of 75 000 r., Studio MS-Motors (Moscow)

What makes the price

To speak in a nutshell, the cost of airbrushing depends on the complexity of the drawing and place of application. That is, the more small details, the harder and more expensive. As for the place of application, not only the area coverage is plays here.

sEM GRAFIX Studio Artist (Kazan)

"The price depends on the complexity of the execution and the number of small parts in the figure. If this is just one of some silent strip along the body, it is easy and, accordingly, inexpensive. And if these are the same bands, but there are many of them, they are different forms and sizes, and they are intertwined, it will be another price. That is, the harder and longer work, the more expensive it is worth it. Place of application also plays a role. The hood is usually more expensive than the side elements. Because it is more difficult to work with him, it must first take off and draw on it as on the easel, and it has more coverage. Although of course depends on the model. There is, say, Hende Solaris with a small hood, and there is a Mercedes GL, who has a hood - like a roof in size. "

In the photo: drawing "City", hood, cost 10 000 r., Studio SEM GRAFIX (Kazan)

Despite the fact that the drawing of the hood is popular, the wizards do not advise you to choose it if the drawing will be located only on it and more anywhere. And in general, so that it is clear that it is the artistic painting, and not a sticker, it is better to use at least two body parts. We add that in addition to the standard hood and sides, some paint more sporst and discs.

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In the photo: discs, drawing "Flowers", the cost of 8 000 r. per disk; Outlet, drawing "Rat of the Winged", the cost of 15 000 r.; Outlet, drawing "Tiger", cost 15 000 r, MS-Motors Studio (Moscow)

color-Line Studio Director (SPB)

"We do not advise you, because in this case it looks like a separate element of the machine, there is no finished picture. In addition, if the car is high, the drawing will also be clearly visible. Therefore, the hood is not the most the best way. We advise you to use rear wings. It also helps protect the car from the hijacking. The hood can be removed, and you will not remove the rear wing. Therefore, the most popular with us is the back of the car. "

In the photo: drawing of "samurai in the blood", the cost of 135 000 r., Color-Line Studio (SPB)

sEM GRAFIX Studio Artist (Kazan)

"The full drawing of the hood usually implies the transition of drawings on the wings and on the door, otherwise it will look like a sticker. But just the hood still often ordered, it is probably played by the cost of work. Figure just on the door I also do not advise, does not look. It is better to go to the wing so that it does not look like a sticker again. "

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In the photo: Figure "Knight", two doors, the cost of 15 000 r.; Figure "Line abstraction", two identical boards, cost 15 000 r.; drawing "curls", rear, cost 15 000 r.; Figure "Military Theme", board, cost 17 000 r.; Figure "Landscape with a ship", board, cost 17 000 r.; Figure "Flame", the whole body, the cost of 45 000 r. ; Figure "Skull", body in a circle, cost 40 000 r.; Studio SEM GRAFIX (Kazan).

artist Studio MS-Motors (Moscow)

"As a rule, people choose the hood or side part. Of course, we advise clients not to draw a picture only on the hood, because it may not look. But people in this matter usually hardly convince. And best of all the airbrushing looks when the drawing is applied from the wing to the wing, that is, when the whole side is involved, even better with an approach to the roof and trunk. But here another price is already, and many this question, naturally, stops. Many simply stop on one of the element, and then returned through the year-two and something else is added. "

In the photo: Drawing "Snake", side, cost 45 000 r., Studio MS-Motors (Moscow)

How to choose a studio and how much time takes work

If you think the studio of airbrushing is one or two artists who draw in some bracket literally on the knee, then you are mistaken. A conscience studio must have at its disposal also mechanics, and the reinforcement officer, and the malaria. Makes the corresponding equipment.

sEM GRAFIX Studio Artist (Kazan)

"When choosing a studio, you need not only to watch ready work, but also pay attention to working conditions. If this is a conventional cold garage, where a person just draws, then you need to clarify how it is going to lacine - here or gives somewhere specialists. The drawing itself can be applied by and large, without having special conditions, the main thing is that it was a warm ventilated box. But the preparation and coating of the lacquer require special conditions - you need at least a paint chamber. "

In the photo: "Angel" drawing, hood, cost 12 000 r., Studio SEM GRAFIX (Kazan)

artist Studio MS-Motors (Moscow)

"Aerography is not only artwork: the car must be disassembled, you need to remove moldings and so on. Then the element is given to the malarier for applying a base background. Then the artist is starting to work. Then everything comes to the malar, which covers all this varnish. The reinforcement makers everything again. That is, if you need to apply even some small drawing, it's still the item where it is applied, you need to remove from the car. Because covered with varnish only this small drawing will simply fail. It is necessary to close the whole detail so that it was exactly. And if you put the lacquer locally, the halo will remain, which will not remove any polishing. Secondly, the edges of this piece will begin to peel in time. "

In the photo: Dog drawing, side part, cost 30 000 r., MS-Motors Studio (Moscow)

Varnish are not applied in one layer, as with normal painting, but at least three or four layers. It is necessary so that the place of the drawing can be restlessly polished. The masters argue that airbrushing in principle does not require any special care. The main thing is not to damage the pattern mechanically. In this case, you will have to appeal to artists for recovery. If you are afraid that art may be damaged in an accident, then it is not problems to insure it.

We add that, choosing a studio, it is better to ask where your car will be, while it will work with its detail (or details). Agree, the car, which remained for a while, say, without doors, needs security.

By the way, about time. Based on the fact that the work implies several actions and before, and after painting, it takes no one day to fulfill the order. So, going to make maraphs with your swallow, get ready for separation.

sEM GRAFIX Studio Artist (Kazan)

« Full cycle Work occupies from three days to two weeks. The first day is always disassembly, preparation of pattern, paints and kneading flowers. At least a day or two - drawing the picture, if it is small. And another day - varnishing, drying, installation of part in place, polishing. "

In the photo: Drawing "Snake", hood, cost 10 000 r., Studio SEM GRAFIX (Kazan)

sEM GRAFIX Studio Artist (Kazan)

Is it difficult to sell a car with airbrushing

Thinking about making the car individual, it is not bad to foresee and such a moment as its subsequent sale. Nowadays, many change the car every 4-5 years, or even more often. It turns out that a certain car is in possession of one owner not so long. Will you want to sell your car in price and the cost of painting? Perhaps, by the time you sell, you do not want to spend on the repainting of the car in its primordial appearance. Or vice versa - will have to reduce its price due to too specific patterns? And you yourself would buy a car with someone's self-expression on the bodies? Replies to these questions, of course, no - everything is subjective. But it is worth thinking about it in advance, because airbrust is not cheap.

In the photo: Figure "Panda", hood, cost of 22 000 r., Studio MS-Motors (Moscow)

In the forums, many, responding to these questions, they say that they would not have bought such a car, or the solution would depend on the drawing. But that interesting car Good luck with pleasure, units say. Here are the following reviews to us:

"I bought with airbrushing, then I sold it, I do not see any problems."

"If Aerography in the form of a neutral pattern, then why not! And if the drawing is purely individual, I will look for auto another. "

"With airbrushing to sell more difficult, this is a fact, in general with any external tuning ... the closer to the drain, the easier it is to sell."

"Why was this practice formed, the people are afraid of individuality? I understand when the price tag is screwed, well, if the price is like everyone else, and the car is in order, but it is released from the gray mass. I know, people did their portraits on the hood, that's, I think it is difficult to sell. And if the abstraction is simply, it is neastno. "

"My friend selling Audi A6 with quite decent airography. Sold only when the price threw up to the minimum. "

"I will answer for myself. If the car would be with a calm drawing, it does not matter. In the main thing is the state. "

"Aerography is a purely individual thing. If it is done well and the drawing itself falls on the taste, then why not ".

"I would not bought. And if I wanted airbrushing, I would buy the stock and painted myself what I like. "

"If the car is hijacked, the airbrushing the wheelbarrow is easier to find. Try to find the firm gray without drawing when they are in the city +100500. But the airbrushes must be in moderation, and not decorated as the New Year tree. "

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