Home Lighting Is it possible to restore the car battery. How to restore the car battery and has an equally meaning of the restoration of the battery. Long battle battle with small current

Is it possible to restore the car battery. How to restore the car battery and has an equally meaning of the restoration of the battery. Long battle battle with small current

Motor enthusiasts are treated with batteries that have lost their work. Some decide to immediately get rid of the unnecessary element, going to the store for new battery. Others for the purpose of saving are still trying to restore faulty battles, experiencing everything possible methods. In both cases, the actions can be justified, since the repair of the battery is not as simple, and the presence of toxic liquids in it becomes a warning for inexperienced motorists. And yet, if you are guided by the rules of security and follow the practical experience of experienced craftsmen, the life of the battery can be extended at least half a year.

Causes of the "death" of the battery

How to restore the volume of the battery?

The most affordable repair of auto / batteries is a multiple charging of a faulty battery with minor interruptions. A series of such charges increases the stress of the element, after which it does not perceive exposure to the current. On the other hand, in the intervals between operations, the process of aligning electrode potentials is launched. Normalization of the condition of the plates contributes to the transition of a dense electrolyte into the space between the electrodes from the pores on the surface of the plates. Thus, in the intervals, the voltage on the battery is reduced and as the charges are charged, the battery gradually gains volume.

This technique allows not only to repair automotive batteries, but also restore batteries with a similar composition from other equipment and even electronic devices. In the course of simple manipulations with charges, the density of the electrolyte is increasing, gaining normal for operation. Charging time is determined concrete model Battery and, as a rule, is 6-8 hours. Breaks between them vary from 8 to 16 hours.

Full battery disulfide

There are not so often there are situations when the battery has completely lost the volume as a result of the development and damage to sulfate. Usually, up to this point, the battery or is revealed or ejected because it is impractical in such a state. Despite the severity of the lesion, and in this case it is quite possible to repair the battery with your own hands using the disulfacy method. The essence of the recovery is to feed and long hold the high voltage on the battery. But here it is not without small pauses, since the growth of voltage contributes to the intensity of gas dividing, which is undesirable in terms of security.

So, disulfide is performed according to the following instructions:

  • Water poured into the battery.
  • The current is connected to the power source.
  • First, in two cycles of 13 minutes, approximately 14.4 V.
  • Next, two more cycles are performed, but with a voltage of 14.6 V.

Subsequent extension voltage should be done until an explicit capacity of the container appears. Thus, you can repair any type of battery. But if the recovery operation does not give any results, it remains only to dispose of the device.

Operational recovery battery

This technique allows you to restore the battery within an hour. Fully discharged acb must be charged. After that, the entire electrolyte merges from it, and the cavity is washed several times with distilled water. Next is the ammonia solution, so such a repair of automotive batteries should be carried out with maximum body insulation from possible contacts with the substance.

The composition used should include 2% (weighing) trilons and 5% ammonia. Chemical mixture and will act as an activator of the disulfation process, which on average takes 40 to 60 minutes. Fast repairs The battery with a solution must be accompanied by gas release and the appearance of small spray. When gas evolution stops, the procedure can be completed.

Repair of battery constant voltage

This method is slightly similar to the effect on a high voltage battery, but has its own characteristics. A stable charge is supplied to the discharged battery. It is impossible to increase it, but it should not be reduced. In this state, the battery should remain 12-13 hours, after which it must be discharged a little. Under the constant voltage, the repair of the battery gives almost a 100% result in the form of recovery. This procedure can be repeated twice, and then make the voltage measurement in the battery. If it is approximately 13 B - this means that the element is correct, and it can be used. If this indicator does not exceed 10 V, then the battery can be disposed. The battery is mechanically faulty, and no other method of repair will help it.

Prevention of malfunctions of AKB

First of all, it is necessary to track the level and state of the electrolyte in the AcB sections. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the tightness of the hull and the integrity of its serving elements, among which the battery terminal - the quality of the supply of current depends on it. You should also protect the battery from external influences, especially from low temperatures. IN winter time It is advisable not to leave the block in the car, and attribute overnight in the garage or to the house (if it is possible to isolate it from the residential premises). Much as a work and durability of the ACB depends on how correctly the charging procedure is performed. Compliance with operational standards will allow to extend the battery life of up to several years.

The performance of the car strongly depends on technical status Rechargeable battery. It is worth it to discharge or fail, and it becomes very difficult to operate the car. Constantly push either to take a vehicle in tow - no way out. Because the replacement of the power source is the pleasure of the cheap, the natural question arises, how to restore the car battery in a regular garage. Often extending the service life is quite real.

About the design of acid battery

On the vehicles 3 varieties of batteries are used - gel, alkaline and lead-acid. The first are considered relatively new, they are infrequently applied and until the sufficient resource has been accumulated to talk about recovery. Alkaline batteries are found on commercial transport, electrical loaders and carries. The overwhelming majority of passenger cars are equipped with acid acb, so their resuscitation is considered to be considered more.

The lead-acid battery is a hermetic plastic case, which elements are placed:

  • positive electrodes (anodes) in the form of lead plates with an active filler collected in blocks (on jargon - banks);
  • negative electrodes (cathodes) of identical design;
  • separators - insulating partitions from polymeric materials or fiberglass;
  • connecting tires ending with two terminals for connecting the battery to the automotive power grid;
  • the electrolyte is a solution of sulfuric acid.

Negative and positive electrodes are established alternately, separators are placed between them to avoid closure. In the process of charging the battery, a chemical reaction occurs, why lead dioxide is precipitated on the surface of the anodes - energy is accumulated.

After connecting consumers, the dioxide reacts with the lead cathode lead, forming a lead sulfate layer on negative electrodes - energy is released. The gas released as a result of the reaction outward through the valve and the vent hole.

Common battery malfunctions

Restoration of the car battery is possible not always and depends on the type of malfunction. Also plays a role type of battery:

  • the serviced battery is equipped with plugs installed on top of each bank;
  • the main power source is characterized by a solid plastic housing - a monoblock without traffic jams.

If there are unscrewed covers, you can check and adjust or drain the liquid to repair. The hermetic monoblock is reanimated by one way - by charging according to a specific algorithm, but the positive result is not guaranteed.

Battery malfunctions are conditionally divided into 2 groups - external and internal. Every variety should be disassembled separately.

Elimination of external defects

During the operation of batteries, motorists have to deal with two outer malfunctions: oxidation of lead terminals and cracks in the case. The latter arise for such reasons:

  • the housing burst as a result of mechanical damage (for example, the drop in the battery);
  • bloating of the discharged acb located on a strong frost;
  • plastic became fragile from old age.

The oxidation of the terminals prevents a reliable contact of the source with onboard network And often serves as a starter failure. The defect is "treated" with a simple stripping using large sandpaper, in the running cases - a small file. Similarly, the layer of oxide is removed from the contacts placed on the terminals and the bolted bolted.

If a crack was formed in the housing, restore unqualified battery It will not be released - there are no holes for emptying and filling the electrolyte. Akb, equipped with traffic jams, is repaired as:

  1. Drain the electrolytic liquid from all cans and rinse the housing from the inside with distilled water so that the hot tool is not in contact with the acid.
  2. Dry the body from the crack side, then carefully read it along the entire length.
  3. Cut the patch from plastics and breed it over the crack, closeing the seams without skipping.
  4. Another option is to use a glue gun. The defect needs to be slightly expanded, filled with a polymer composition, and then apply a latch.

After completion, check the battery for tightness, the bay to the top distilled water. In the absence of leaks, fill the battery with electrolyte and try to charge. If the blocks of the plates are not damaged, the battery "takes" the charge and continues to serve as a car.

Note. If the housing has cracked from bloating or old age, it is unlikely to revive the battery by soldering the defect. The accurate result will only show charging performed after seeling the crack.

Internal malfunctions

Most of the internal faults unambiguously leads the battery in disrepair if the problem is too late. In the early stages, resuscitation is quite possible. The list of common problems looks like this:

  • sulfate electrodes - deposition on the plates of a thick layer of a lead sulfate, which does not allow the electrolytic fluid to be properly in contact with the active filler;
  • swimming filler with lead grids;
  • closing electrodes and blocks with each other.

Reference. Short closure plates - a consequence of a large amount of active filler with grilles. The defect is critical - the battery is not subject to restoration.

The causes of the specified faults are as follows:

  • multiple complete discharge of an acid-lead battery "in zero";
  • operation of the power source with low level charging due to the problems of the generator or the electrical part of the car;
  • long storage in the discharged state.

If the problem is detected at the last stage - deep sulfate, total shrinkage - to reanimate the car battery will not succeed. The irreparable defect is diagnosed simply - the battery absolutely does not perceive the charging, the electrolyte constantly boils. In other cases, try to implement the ACB restoration methods described below.

How to get rid of sulfate?

The first way to eliminate the malfunction is suitable only for serviced batteries. For implementation, the charger will need, the device - the electrolyte density meter (range), the multimeter and the light bulb - the consumer on 12 V.

Important! The lamp power is taken by this calculation: the battery capacity (for example, 45 Ah) is multiplied by the coefficient 0.1 and the voltage value (12 volts). IN this case Power was 45 x 0.1 x 12 \u003d 54 W.

Restoration of the faulty battery is carried out in the following order:

  1. Fully charge the current power battery equal to 10% of the power supply capacity.
  2. Check the amount of density in all banks by the area, it should be 1.27 units. If the density "displaces" to the specified digit, add the electrolyte and charge the battery for 30 minutes.
  3. Connect the lamp to the terminals and discharge the battery, periodically measuring the voltage. Do not forget to damage the start time of discharge.
  4. When the voltage falls to 10.2 volts (full discharge), turn off the light bulb. If the process took more than 8 hours, the battery is in an acceptable state (the discharge rate of the new battery is approximately 10 hours).
  5. Upon completion, charge the battery to 100% and put it on the car. Do not hold the power source fully discharged.

The procedure allows partially or to completely return the lost battery capacity. To restore the battery with a non-serving case, use another technique:

  1. Layout the charger capable of producing small currents - from 0.5 to 2 A with a periodic shutdown function.
  2. Charge the battery at least 2 days, periodically measuring the voltage.
  3. Turn off the charger and check the voltage within 2 hours. If it does not fall, try to put the battery on the car, otherwise charge further.

To achieve a positive result, the charging duration can be 50 hours or more. It is preferable to use a charger in which the desulfation function is provided - it will supply the current of 2 and after certain intervals.

Method of chemical washing

This procedure is used to eliminate sulfate and rapid recovery of the battery serviced at home. It will take 2 reagents available on sale, "Trilon B" and a solution of ammonia. The procedure for such:

  1. Try to fully charge the battery, then drain the entire electrolyte.
  2. Rinse the battery with distilled water.
  3. Prepare the solution by adding 5% ammonia to distillate and 2% "trillion b" (from water volume).
  4. Carefully pour the solution into banks - a rapid reaction will begin, accompanied by boiling and spraying.
  5. When the fluid stops boiled, drain it and re-rinse the battery.

After washing, pour electrolyte and charge the battery to the end. Flushing removes the extra layer of lead sulfate, so the battery capacity must recover.

The last method of removing lead sulfate is to replace the electrolytic liquid with distilled water and long-term charging with a voltage of 14 volts. At the first stage, the battery is brought to a boil, then the voltage decreases. The goal is slow dissolution of sulfate with water. At the second stage, the distillate changes, and the voltage and the charging current is minimized. The operation is considered successful if the density of the solution does not fall within 2-3 days. By duration, the procedure may take 3-4 weeks.

All batteries have a shelf life, with numerous charge-discharge cycles and a multitude of worked clocks, the battery loses its container and keeps the charge less and less.
Over time, the battery capacity is so falling that further operation becomes impossible.
Probably, many have already accumulated batteries from uninterruptibles (UPS), signaling and emergency lighting systems.

In the set of household and office equipment are lead acid batteries, and regardless of the brand of battery and production technology, whether it is the usual serviced car battery, AGM, gel (GEL) or a small battery from a flashlight, all of them have lead plates and acid electrolyte.
Upon completion of operation, such batteries cannot be thrown out because they contain lead, mostly they are waiting for the fate of disposal where lead is retrieved and processed.
But nevertheless, despite the fact that such batteries are mostly "non-servant", you can try to restore them returning them to the old capacity and use for some more time.

In this article, I will tell you about how Restore a 12 volt battery from UPSA by 7AHbut the method is suitable for any acid battery. But I want to warn that these measures should not be made on a fully working battery, as on optically accumulator It is possible to achieve capacity reduction in just the right way to charge.

So we take the battery, in this case the old and discharged, we subsequent a screwdriver with a plastic cover. Most likely, it is point shoved to the body.

Having lifted the lid see six rubber caps, their task is not a battery maintenance, but the booming of the generated during charging and the operation of gases, but we will use them for our purposes.

We remove the caps and in each hole, with the help of a syringe, pour 3 ml of distilled water, it should be noted that other water is not suitable for this. And distilled water can be easily found in the pharmacy or in the car market, in the most extreme case there may be melt water from snow or clean rain.

After we fucked water, we set the battery for charging and charge it using a laboratory (adjustable) power supply.
We select voltages until some values \u200b\u200bof the charging current appear. If the battery is in a bad condition of the charging current may not be observed, at first, in general.
Voltages need to be raised until the charging current appears at least 10-20mA. Having achieved such values \u200b\u200bof the charging current to be attentive, as the current will grow with time and will have to constantly reduce the voltage.
When the current comes to 100mA, it is not necessary to reduce the voltage. And when the charge current comes to 200mA, you need to turn off the battery for 12 hours.

Further connect the battery to charging again, the voltage should be so that the charging current for our 7Ah battery was 600mA. Also, permanently observing, support the specified current for 4 hours. But we look at the same charge, for a 12-volt battery, there was no more than 15-16 volts.
After charging, after about an hour, the battery needs to be discharged to 11 volts, it is possible to do this with the help of any 12-volt bulb (for example on 15wat).

After discharge, the battery needs to be charged with a current of 600mA. It is best to do this procedure several times, that is, a few cycles charge-discharge.

Most likely to return the nominal capacity of the battery does not work, since the sulfate of the plates has already lowered its resource, and also there are other detrimental processes. But the battery can be further used in normal mode and the container will be enough for this.

Regarding the rapid wear of the batteries in uninterrupted, the following reasons were noticed. Being in one case with a uninterruptible, the battery is constantly passive heating from the active elements (power transistors) which, by the way, heated to 60-70 degrees! Standing battery imprivation leads to a rapid evaporation of electrolyte.
In cheap, and sometimes even some expensive models There is no charge thermocomption, that is, the charge voltage is displayed by 13.8 volts, but it is permissible for 10-15 devices, and for 25 degrees, and in the case sometimes and much more, the charge voltage should be a maximum of 13.2-13.5 volts !
A good solution will bear the battery outside the housing if you want to extend its service life.

Also affects the "permanent small charge" uninterrupted, 13.5 volts and a current of 300mA. Such a recharge comes to the fact that when the active spongy mass ends inside the battery, then the reaction begins in its electrodes, which comes to the fact that the lead of the current recesses on (+) becomes brown (PBO2) and on (-) becomes the "spongy".
Thus, with a constant reload, we obtain the destruction of the current and the "boiling" of the electrolyte with the release of hydrogen and oxygen, which leads to an increase in the concentration of electrolyte, which again contributes to the destruction of the electrodes. It turns out such a closed process that makes it clear the battery life rapid flow rate.
In addition, such a charge (transferred) is a large voltage and a current of which the electrolyte "boils" - translates the lead of the cocoquets into the powder oxide which over time crept and may even close the plates.

With active use (frequent charge), it is recommended to fill distilled water into the battery once a year.

Take only a fully charged battery with control as the level of electrolyte and voltage. Anyone case does not overflow better not to add it Because it is impossible to select it back, because sucking the electrolyte you deprive the battery of sulfuric acid and in consequence the concentration changes. I think it is clear that sulfuric acid is non-volatile, therefore, in the process of "boiling" during charging, it remains inside the battery - only hydrogen and oxygen comes out.

On the terminals we connect a digital voltmeter and a syringe for 5ml with a needle pour into each jar of 2-3ml of distilled water into each jar, at the same time shining inside the flashlight to stop if the water stopped getting off - after filling 2-3ml, see the bank - you will see how water quickly absorbs, and voltage The voltmeter drops (on the share of the Volta). We repeat the plot for each bank with pauses to absorb 10-20 seconds (approximately) until you see that the "glassate" is already wet - that is, the water is no longer absorbed.

After the topping, we examine whether there is no overflow in each bank of the battery, wipe the entire case, we set the rubber caps in place and we glue the cover into place.
Since the battery after the topping is shown about 50-70% of charging, you need to charge it. But the charging must be carried out or a controlled power supply or a uninterruptible or a regular device, but under the supervision, that is, during charging, you must just follow the battery status (you need to see the top of the battery). In the case of a uninterrupted manner, for this you have to make extension cords and output the battery outside the UPSA housing.

Under the battery, the platform napkins or cellophane bags, charge up to 100% and look, does not proceed from any electrolyte bank. If suddenly it happened, stop charging and remove the napkin. With the help of a napkin moistened in the soda solution, we clean the housing, all the depressions and terminals where the electrolyte fell, in order to neutralize the acid.
We find the bank from where it happened "bumping" and see if the electrolyte is visible in the window, we suck the surplus with a syringe, and then carefully and smoothly refuel this electrolyte back inside the fibers. It often happens that the electrolyte after the topping is not evenly absorbed and boiled up.
When re-charging, we observe the battery as described above and if the "problem" battery bank again starts to "stream" when charging, excess electrolytes will have to be removed from the bank.
Also under the inspection should be done at least 2-3 full cycles Drop-charge, if everything went fine and there are no inclination, the battery does not heat (light heating when charging does not count), then the battery can be collected in the case.

Well, now consider especially cardinal methods of resuscitation lead-acid batteries

The battery merges the entire electrolyte, and the insides are washed first a couple of times hot water, and then already hot soda solution (3h.l soda per 100ml of water) leaving a solution in the battery for 20 minutes. The process can be repeated several times, and flush well from the residues of soda solution - poured a new electrolyte.
Then the battery day is charged, and later, for 10 days, 6 hours in a day.
For automotive batteries current up to 10 amps and voltage of 14-16 volts.

The second way is the inverse charge, for this procedure you will need a powerful voltage source, for automotive batteries, for example, a welding machine, a recommended current - 80Anper with a voltage of 20 volts.
Make a rally, that is, plus a minus and minus to the plus and for the course of half an hour "boil" the battery with its native electrolyte, after which the electrolyte is drained and washed with hot water battery.
A new electrolyte is fill on and observing a new polarity, for a day, a current of 10-15 amps is charged.

But most effective method Made by chemical. substances.
From a fully charged battery, the electrolyte is drained and after repeated washing with water, the ammonium solution of the trillion b (ethylenediaminetetrauxuscase sodium) is poured, containing 2 weight percentage of trilon b and 5 percent of ammonia. The process of desulfation is occurring for 40 - 60 minutes, for which gas is released with small splashes. Upon termination of such gas formation, one can judge the completion of the process. With a particularly strong sulfate, the ammonium solution of the trilder B should be pouring again, removing before it spent.
The accumulator procedure is thoroughly washed several times with distilled water and poured a new electrolyte of the desired density. The battery is charged with a standard way to a nominal container.
Regarding the ammonia solution of the trillion B, it can be found in chemical laboratories and stored in hermetic containers in a dark place.

In general, if it is interesting, then the composition of the electrolyte, which produces Lighting, Electrol, Blitz, Akkumulad, Phonix, Toniolyt and some others, is an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid (350-450g per liter) with the addition of sulfate salts of magnesium, aluminum, sodium, ammonium. As part of the electrolyte, Gruconnin also contains potassium alum and copper cune.

After restoring the battery, you can charge the usual method for this type (for example, in UPSE) and not allow discharge below 11 volt.
In many uninterrupters, there is a function "Calibration of Akb" with which you can carry out the discharge-charge cycles. By connecting the load at the output of the uninterrupted load of 50% of the Maximum of the UPS, we launch this function and the uninterruptible unit discharges an acb to 25% and then charges up to 100%

Well, on a very primitive example, charging such a battery looks like this:
A stabilized 14.5 volt voltage is supplied to the battery, through a wire variable high power resistor or through a current stabilizer.
The charge current is thrown by a simple formula: the battery capacity is separated by 10, for example, 700mA will be 700mA for the battery. And on the current stabilizer or using an alternating wire resistor, it is necessary to set a current of 700mA. Well, in the process of charging, the current will start falling and it will be necessary to reduce resistor resistance, with time the resistor handle will come to the initial position and resistance of the resistor will be zero. The current will continue to gradually decrease to zero until the voltage on the battery does not become permanent - 14.5 volts. The battery is charged.
Additional information on "correct" charging batteries can be found

light crystals on the plates are sulfate

A separate "bank" battery battery was subjected to constant shortage and as a result of sulphates, its internal resistance grew with each deep cycle, to led to the fact that, during the charge, it began to "throw" before all, due to loss of capacity and removal of electrolyte in Insoluble sulfates.
The positive plates and their lattices turned into a consistency in powder, as a result of a constant recharge by uninterrupted in the "Stand-Bai" mode.

Lead acid accumulators except cars, motorcycles and diverse household appliances, where they are not found in lanterns and in hours and even in the smallest electronics. And if you got into the hands of such "non-working" child-acid battery Without identifying characters and you do not know how voltage it should issue in the working condition. It can easily be found in the number of cans in the battery. Lay the protective cover on the battery case and remove it. You will see the caps for booming gas. By their number it will become clear how many "cans" this battery.
1 bank - 2 volt (fully charged - 2.17 volts), that is, if the cap 2 means the battery for 4 volts.
A fully discharged battery bank must be no lower than 1.8 volts, it is impossible to discharge below!

Well, the thief will give a small idea, for those who lack funds to buy new batteries. Find in your city the firms that are engaged in computer equipment and supplies (uninterrupted boilers for boilers, batteries for signaling systems), agree with them so that they did not throw away the old batteries from uninterrupted trips, but they are possible at a symbolic price.
Practice shows that half of AGM (gel) batteries can be restored if not up to 100% then up to 80-90% exactly! And this is a couple of years of excellent battery operation in your device.

Rechargeable battery (AKB) refers to the most important attributes technical Equipment Modern motor vehiclewithout which its operation is almost impossible. That is why this device requires increased attention to its content and maintenance, and in the absence of those quickly fail. This is complained chemical reactionsflowing into its internal elements that are a rather complex design (see Figure).

Despite the specified difficulties, experienced motorists manage to deal with all these hedges of the parts and even learn to reanimate the previously not charged and seemingly "ruined" product. In this regard, I wanted to familiarize all interested users with accumulated experience, allowing you to restore the battery at home.

Before restoring or "returning to life" AKB, you need to know that there are several ways to resuscitate, the main of which are:

  • Artificial recovery of the battery with small charging currents;
  • Resuscitation by a complete change of electrolyte in its banks;
  • Reverse charging AKB;
  • Charging in specially prepared distilled water.

Features of recharging with small currents

The restoration of the battery at home can be organized using the well-known technology for its multiple charges of a small amount of a small amount. The procedure for conducting such procedures involves the use of the regime in which the recharging is carried out gradually (with small interruptions). At the same time, the battery is not restored immediately, but upon completion of several such charging cycles.

At the time of resuscitation, it is necessary to closely monitor the density of the electrolyte and the voltage in each of its cans. In various tanks, the testimony of the device should not be very different from the other.

Additional Information. To control the density of the electrolyte, use a special measuring instrument called a carometer.

The battery charging is performed by several consecutive approaches, which allows to align the potentials in individual banks to the normalized value and ensure the result of a full-fledged supply voltage of 12 volts. To implement such a regime, consumer electronic devicecapable of issuing currents whose value is an order of magnitude less than with normal charging.

In addition, the use of such an intermittent mode allows you to evenly distribute the density of the electrolyte in the space between its internal elements (electrodes). To achieve the required indicators, these cyclic procedures should be repeated at least 8 times. Experts advise the charge currents at the same time, about ten times smaller than the capacity of a serviceable battery.

Replacing electrolyte

Often, users are asked about whether it is possible to restore the battery full replacement In it, the working mixture (electrolyte). It turns out that a similar approach has long been applied in practice, moreover, he has established itself as one of the most effective battery recovery techniques.

To implement it, you will need to do the following operations:

  • First, it is necessary to completely drain the old electrolyte from the cans of the battery system and rinse the loose-free water flow water;
  • At the same time, you need to prepare three spoons of food soda and dissolve them in 100 milliliters of distilled water;
  • The solution prepared in this way should be well boiled and pour into carefully dried tanks (see the figure below);

  • After that, it is necessary that the battery is calmly stood 20-30 minutes, after which the liquid merges, and this procedure is again repeated at least three times;
  • Upon completion of the entire cycle of capacity operations, hot water is thoroughly washed.

Note! This method is able to reanimate most of the well-known types of modern battery products.

After the final washing, the cans in them should pour a new electrolyte and install the battery on the pre-charging, which can continue about a day. After that, it will be necessary to carry out a number of chargers carried out in the cyclic mode (6 hours per day for 10 calendar days).

The charger used should ensure the output voltage from 14 volts and the current strength in the load of at least 10 amps.

Reverse charging

In order to return a very old battery, you can use the so-called "feed charge" method. To implement it at home, a powerful source will be required direct currentsimilar to a welding unit, for example. The latter should provide voltage at the output of at least 20 volts when charging current up to 80 amps.

Before charging the reverse current, you must unscrew the skills of the battery, as shown in the figure below.

Immediately following this, you need to connect plus charger The negative terminal of the restored battery, and the negative output of the instrument is connected to its positive contact. With the right handling of the reverse current, which for duration should not exceed 30 minutes, it is possible to extend the battery life for 2-3 years.

Important! In the process of return charging, the battery may begin to "roll up", which should not be especially scared. Such boiling is provided by the technology of recovery.

Upon completion of the process (about 30 minutes), the electrolyte from cans should be drained, and rinse with warm water. Only after that, in the battery capacity, you can pour a fresh mixture and put it on direct charging from home zoom. In this case, the operating current should not be more than 15 amps, and the charging time is selected equal to 24 hours.

Distribution of charge in distilled water

If you could not finally decide how to restore the battery, and also did not choose the most suitable way His resuscitation, we suggest to consider another simple option. Taking advantage of this technique, to return to life the old battery can be very quickly (for this it takes about an hour of time).

The order of operations in this case is as follows:

  • Fully discharged battery first should somehow charge (if possible);
  • Then you need to completely drain the electrolyte, revealing the pre-all corks on the top panel;
  • Following this, all the insides can be washed with hot water and after drying to pour a special solution prepared on the basis of an ammonia trilon;

Additional Information. Through this mixture, the desulfation of the plates carried out in about an hour is carried out.

  • When the electrolyte will begin the release of gas bubbles, accompanied by small splashes, it will mean that the process is suitable for its completion. You can learn about the complete end of the desulfation to stop the extraction of bubbles.

At the end of these procedures, the banks are recycled with clean water or distillate (it follows several times), after which the electrolyte of a given density is poured into them. The battery is adjusted to the desired condition, after that it is considered that it is restored. It will also be necessary to make sure that the voltage between its terminals corresponds to the norm (see Figure).

The car battery serves as a stable source of voltage, but unfortunately, its service life is limited. If on your car he began to serve the first signs of wear, do not hurry to change to a new one, because the battery can be restored with your own hands.

Signs of battery wear

To understand that the life of the battery comes to an end, you need to know several non-hard features, and carefully treat your car:

  • Fast charge loss will be the first call, talking about the violation of the device. This sign indicates a reduction in the quality of the electrolyte.
  • Another faithful sign will be fast charge with quick discharge. The reason is the started sulfation.
  • The electrolyte darkening is a serious reason to think about how to restore the car battery, because this is a sure sign of destruction and sprinkling coal plates.
  • Heating of individual sections of the device and boiling electrolyte becomes the result of damage and closure of the plates. One of the reasons for such a breakdown can be a long-term car during severe frosts. When freezing, the plates may be damaged, and even the instrument housing. The result is numerous closures and, as a result, too fast boiling electrolyte when charging. Such a device is most likely not happening.

Almost in all cases, with the exception of running, the car battery can be reanimated. And although it will not always be cheap, but still cheaper than a new device. From how the battery is operated and how attentive you are to various kinds of malfunctions, the battery life depends.

Before dealing with how to restore the car battery, It is necessary to find out what is actually subject to recovery.

Check the density of electrolyte

The electrolyte is a solution that fills the battery. In the most popular among motorists, a lead-acid car battery, it is a sulfuric acid cocktail and distilled water. Alkaline electrolyte is used in nickel-cadmium and nickel-iron batteries.

Before reanimating the car battery, the electrolyte density should be measured. This requires a special device - a carometer. It is inexpensive and sold at any auto parts store. The procedure for checking the solution is simpler and will not take much time. On the video you can see the entire procedure:

The acid density can also be measured with a voltmeter. To do this, you need to connect it to the car battery terminals. In calm state, the indicators should fluctuate within 11.9 - 12.5 V. After that, you need to start a car, Dial 2.5 thousand revolutions and make measurements again.If the voltage in this case varies in the range of 13.9 - 14.4 V, the electrolyte density is normal and the device simply requires additional recharging.

How to restore the car battery if the problem with the quality of electrolyte is revealed? Perhaps this problem is the smaller of the evils associated with the battery. Electrolite, in contrast to other parts, such as the plates, is easily treated. You can restore it in different ways:

  • charge the battery with a special device;
  • completely replace the solution;
  • add an electrolyte of high density;
  • add only sulfuric acid;
  • add only distilled water.

Before reanimizing the acid solution, it is worth trying to recharge the device. It is possible that it is all this measure that will be limited. Moreover, she will not cost you anything. If nevertheless, after charging, a problem with an electrolyte density is detected, then restore the car battery can be changed by a change in the density of the solution.

Attention! In no case do not pour distilled water into concentrated sulfuric acid. Acid should be added to water. Otherwise, you risk getting serious burns from splashing boiling water in acid. This applies to the manufacture of new electrolyte. Dilution of too dense water solution is not as dangerous.

If the process of destruction and closure of plates began

Having found the destruction of the plates, be it a darkening or boiling electrolyte, you need to urgently take measures to resuscitate. A car battery, which detected significant destruction, will not be able to restore. Therefore, before reanimating the car battery with your own hands, make sure that this occupation will not be useless.

When detecting the process of destruction, You should rinse with distilled water:

  • define the battery by connecting the load (for example, a light bulb);
  • remove from the cans a damaged solution with rubber pear and place it in specially prepared glass dishes;
  • rinse the cans with distilled water until it is possible to restore the purity within the cans. When washing the battery, you can shake and turn over. If the garbage is too much and after multiple washing, the coal crumb continues to crumble, most likely, the process came too far. In this case, to reanimate the battery do it with your own hands;
  • hope clean water At the exit, pour a new solution into banks by checking the pre-density.
  • put the battery for recharging and restore the voltage;
  • check the electrolyte density in the charged device and, if necessary, correct the indicators.

Diagnose sulphate

One of the most frequent enemies of the car battery, of course, can be considered sulfate. IN normal conditionsDuring charging-discharge, reversible chemical processes occur in the battery. However, over time, especially if the car is exploited rarely, these processes are disrupted: large labor-soluble lead sulfate crystals are formed on the plates, under which the recovery of active substances becomes difficult. The consequences of such an improper crystallization become:

  • reducing the battery capacity.
  • increase internal resistance.
  • increase the volume of plates.

Sulfation can be a consequence of long standing of the car, overheating, critical flow conditions. The beginning of the sulfate is determined by a sharp drop of tank. It uses a special tester for its definition. Having found this trouble, you should think about how to reanimate the car battery in the shortest possible time until the device can still be restored.

To restore the car battery, in which sulfate was detected, a special additive to the electrolyte is a desulfactor capable of dissolving large crystals. About this Read more on video:

Chemical ways of recovery do it yourself

Professionals allocate the following ways:

  1. The easiest and most cheap way to reanimate the battery is as follows: clean the banks from the electrolyte completely and fill them with distilled water.Watch out the battery with a weak current (0.01 from the capacity). Lead sulfate at the same time will begin to gradually move away from the plates, forming a new electrolyte. After two hours, make a break, and then start charging the device again. Several such cycles are sharply reduced sulfate, and the electrolyte that has newly generated in banks will again gain performance.
  2. Charge the battery and drain the acid solution. Then, as it should, rinse the cans with distilled water and pour into them the solution of drinking soda (concentration - 25g / 1l). Withstand 2-3 hours, Replace the contents with a solution of the cook salt (at the same concentration) and charge the device for an hour. After that, increase the salt concentration to 4% and fully charge the battery. Rinse the cans with distilled water, fill in the electrolyte and fully charge the battery.
  3. Charge the battery, drain the electrolyte and rinse the banks. Pour the trilon solution b and ammonia. You can purchase a solution in chemical laboratories. It should be stored in a dark ventilated room, in a closed form. The desulfation process lasts for about an hour, after which the chances of reanimating the car battery will increase significantly. In the process, gas is released and small splashes are observed on the surface. Termination of splashing indicates the end of the process. After such processing, it should be thoroughly rinse with distilled water (2-3 times). Bay new electrolyte solution, charge the battery. In this way, to restore the battery on your own will be faster.

Attention! It is necessary to understand that not any degree of sulfate will allow you to restore the car's battery. Therefore, early process detection is the right path to successful resuscitation of the car battery.

  • Check the electrolyte density regularly in the battery. Remember that overheating or reloading may become the main cause of boiling. The sooner you manage to identify the problem, the greater the chances to restore the battery;
  • if in the winter your car rests, the battery for a long time must be moved into a warm heated room. Remember that the engine freezing will lead it to a state, after which it will not be able to restore it;
  • the rated current for charging the automotive battery is 0.1 from its capacity. Exceeding this threshold, you risk kill the device.

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