Home Engine What voltage should be a working battery. Minimum automotive battery voltage. What if the battery is discharged

What voltage should be a working battery. Minimum automotive battery voltage. What if the battery is discharged

Battery voltage vehicle, as well as its capacity is the most important indicators of this automotive node, from which its functionality and quality of work directly depends. Batteries are used to start power aggregate, so every car owner should know about how normal car battery voltage is constantly supporting it in working condition. Of course, I have already affected this topic in the previous ones, but today I want to specify this information ...

To begin with, I want to say that in modern machines There are no devices with the measurement of "Volt", although they used to be. Therefore, to determine the voltage you need to start to get a multimeter ,. I want to note that it is desirable at least once a month - two check the battery voltage in order to take action on time.

Norm for basic battery properties

What is the minimum of this value should be to start the engine? There is no exact indicator here. In a standard state, this property has a fully charged battery should be an average of 12.6-12.7 volts.

Depending on the specific conditions, this indicator can change slightly, and there is nothing wrong with that. For example, some manufacturers assure that their products have a voltage around 13 - 13.2 V, it is permissible, but immediately want to warn you.

Do not measure the tension immediately after charging the battery, as many experts write, you need to wait at least an hour, then it should fall from 13 to 12.7 volts.

But it can walk both in the other side when it falls below 12 volts - this indicates that the battery is discharged by 50%.

In this case, the device will need urgent charging, since its operation in such a state is guaranteed leads to sulfation of lead plates. This reduces the performance of the AKB, and the duration of its operation.

But even in case of such low voltage Launch the motor of the passenger transport is quite possible. If the battery is in working condition, it does not need repair and the generator during the operation of the engine ensures the battery charging, the device can even be safely used.

In the same case, when this electrical battery parameter is below 11.6 V, the battery is almost completely discharged, its further use in such a state without recharging and inspection is impossible.

Thus, the level normal voltage It is in the range of 12.6 - 12.7 volts (rarely, but possible to 13.2V. Maximum.)

However, in practice it is very rare. Most often for passenger cars is 12.2-12.49 volts, which indicates an incomplete charge.

But there is nothing wrong with that: a decrease in performance and the quality of the device begins in the event that a decrease is reduced to 11.9 volts or below.

Under load

Voltage can be divided into three main indicators:

  • Nominal;
  • Actual;
  • Under load.

If speak about nominal tension By the way, it is accepted to indicate in the literature and other materials, it is equal - 12V, but this indicator is far from the actual parameter, I am silent about the load.

As we said, normal battery operating voltage A passenger car is 12.6 - 12,7 volt. But in fact more reliable is the actual indicator, which can range from 12.4 volts to about 12.8 V. I want to emphasize - this parameter is removed without a load, which is said at rest.

But if you submit a load on our battery, then the parameters will be completely different. The load is required, this check shows the performance of the battery, because it is often able to withstand the normal voltage can all acb, but the load "Duffle" cannot be kept.

The essence of checking is simple - on a fully operational battery, create a load (with the help of a special apparatus - " load plug") Twice exceeding its container.

That is, if you have a battery with a capacity of 60 am / h, the load should be 120 amps. The load duration is about 3 to 5 seconds, and the voltage should not be given below 9 volts, if the indicator 5 - 6, then your battery is either discharged or almost "died". It also would also like to note that after the load, the voltage should recover approximately 5 seconds to a normal indicator, at least 12.4.

When "drawdown", first of all, you need to charge the battery, and after repeat the experience with the "load fork", if there is no big seeding, it means that the battery needs a recharging. Watch a video about checking under load.

A few words about electrolyte

The main parameter that determines the voltage level in the battery is the density of the electrolyte, which is inside this device.

When the battery is discharged, acid is consumed, the share of which in this composition is 35 - 36%. As a result, the density level of this fluid is reduced. In the process of charging, it carries out the return process: water consumption leads to an acid formation - the result of which is an increase in the density of the electrolytic composition.

In the standard state at 12.7, the density of this fluid in the battery is 1.27 g / cm3. In case of decreasing any of these parameters, the other is reduced.

Reduced voltage in winter

Often car owners complain that in winter time With severe frosts in the battery, its main parameters fall, with the result that the machine does not start. Therefore, some drivers take the battery at night.

But in fact, everything is not quite true. At negative temperatures, the electrolyte density changes, which, as already noted, affects the voltage level. But with a sufficient charge of the battery, the electrolyte density in the frost increases, as a result, the second of the most important properties increases. Therefore, a fairly charged battery, even in a strong frost, nothing threatens. If you leave it in the frost of the discharged, the electrolyte density will decline, resulting in a problem with the engine launch.

Problems using and launching a vehicle power unit in winter are not associated with a decrease in the main parameters of its battery, but so that the main chemical processes inside it under negative temperatures are slower than during normal time.

The driver must be able to evaluate the battery. One of important indicators Is voltage.

1 battery voltage - what will tell

Many motorists know how to check the car battery voltage, but what it should be, not everyone knows. In vehicles, voltage without consumers should be 12.65 V. With smaller indicators, the battery is partially discharged or faulty. Drop to 12 in still allows you to start a car. It is possible to estimate the degree of discharge, focusing on the table:

It is not necessary to carry out measurements on the entire charged battery, because it will be overestimated. Remove real indicator Perhaps an hour.

When measuring the voltage, you can connect, as a load, dimensions and lamps far Light. It has been established that the discharge current will be about 6 and how the starter consumes. The voltage in a working battery should not fall below 11.5 V. The main load of the battery is the starter. Checking the rates on terminals when it is turned on - they should not fall below 9.5 V. If less, the starter is due to a malfunction using too much energy. More often this is due to aging - contacts are oxidized. Sometimes the current when starting starter reaches a unthinkable value of up to 200 A.

To continue checking, run the engine. Work other than battery, generator with a relay regulator. When the engine starts, the voltage first falls, but passes a few seconds and it begins to grow, exceeding 12.6 V. The battery charge begins. Control the amount of charging voltage, increasing the turnover to 2000. The normal indicator - 13.8-14.5 V. With a further growth, the mechanical relay or replacement of the electronic is required.

By the magnitude of the voltage, you can estimate the serviceability of the generator. Create a load for it: turn on the headlights. The voltmeter should show when the engine is running more than 13.8 V. If it is 12.6-13.0 V, check the belt tension - the reason can be wounded in it. Perhaps the generator is not in charge, but if everything is in order with him, pay attention to the relay regulator. In the mechanical relays, which were installed on the car used to regulate the contacts and raised the voltage. Electronic relays are not regulated, check the contacts. If everything is in order with them, you will have to replace the relay.

2 Status Control - Required Tools

The battery voltage is measured by a tester, which is also called a multimeter, or use a regular voltmeter. To check the parameters under load use the load plug. The device has two contacts - voltmeter, co-contamination. With its use, you can measure the voltage, creating a simulation of the starter operation when starting the engine. It is created by the selection of resistance, which must match the container.

To use the multimeter we translate into the appropriate mode, we touch the terminals. To remove objective indicators, disconnect from consumers, remove the contacts. Red dipstick is connected to the positive conclusion, black - to a minus one. The display will show the values. If the probe is incorrectly connected, the disaster will not occur, simply display the values \u200b\u200bwith a negative indicator.

Load plug connect terminals to battery conclusions and remove the readings on the fifth second. Distribution below 9 B indicates the loss of operability of the current source, it is replaced. Pre-check the battery voltage by a multimeter without load. Indicators must indicate full charges - 12.65 V. When discharged, after which it is possible to test the load fork. The workable battery at the load will first seek up to 10-10.5 V, then the indicator grows slightly.

The battery voltage does not allow to draw conclusions about working capacity: the checking of the multimeter can show enough voltage, and the loaded battery is weak. In itself, the tension indicates only for charges, but not efficiency.

3 Load Application - Check and Evaluation of Parameters

Among the voltage indicators should distinguish between the nominal, actual and loaded. It is usually assumed that the voltage is 12 V, this indicator is nominal. It does not meet the actual indicators, especially with the load. Normally, the value of the charged battery alone is 12.65 V. In fact, the actual value from 12.4 V to 12.8, it is the most reliable one. The indicator is removed on the battery disconnected from consumers.

Applying the load will change the parameters: they will be very far from the nominal and actual. To learn performance, be sure to test the use of the load. In most of the charged battery, the voltmeter shows a normal state, but it is necessary to connect the load and it "dies." The load for checking the state is created, as already noted, the special apparatus is the load fork. The load should twice the battery capacity.

The most advanced battery with a capacity of 60 A / h, for it, we select a load on 120 A. It is submitted not more than 5 seconds, we remove the indicators on the latter. They should not drop less than 9 B, lower values \u200b\u200bare present in the case when the check for the load fork is carried out on an uncharged battery. There is nothing terrible - recharged, and that's it. But if the charge is complete (outside the chain showed 12.6 V), and with a fork 5-6 - it's time to change to a new one. You should also know that after the load plug, the recovery of the voltage to normal occurs in 5 seconds.

4 Power supply in the cold - why the capacity drops

The voltage is determined by the internal content of the battery - the state of the electrolytic filler. The discharge is accompanied by an acid consumption that is included in its composition. When discharge, the density decreases, and when charging the process occurs in the reverse order: water is consumed, acid is formed. This leads to an increase in density. The required state of 12.7 V is observed at a density of 1.27 g / cm 3. Indicators are interrelated - changes of one is accompanied by changes in the other.

In winter, drivers often complain that it is impossible to twist the engine, the main parameters of the current source fell. Some remove the battery overnight and take a warm place. In fact, processes occur in the battery with a strong frost, completely not those that most drivers represent. It is absolutely not necessary to shoot every time the battery and carries to heat, you need to charge it well. A good charge is a guarantee of normal density and voltage, which will be sufficient to make the car in the most bodied frost.

What happens to the battery with severe frosts? If you leave it for the night in the cold, the density level is rapidly declining, and there is no voltage in the morning to start the car. Good level The charge leads to an increase in density, even in the cold, why the second interrelated increases important parameter. Therefore, in the strongest frosts, a normally charged battery does not reduce its performance. The reduced density level, except that the engine does not start, can lead to the freezing of the electrolyte, breaking the housing.

5 Battery Charging - Voltage and Current

At a voltage of less than 12 volts, the battery should not be used, it is postponed. Further exploitation with high discharge leads to irrevitable negative consequences. The process of plate sulfation begins, the container falls. The critical rate is 10.8 V, below which the deep discharge comes, in which the service life is strongly reduced. Especially from this suffer from non-servant calcium batteries. There are 2-3 deep discharge, and the container is lost irretrievably.

Another important momentwhich is tied with normal voltage. After charging a voltmeter of 12.6 V., we establish the battery, measure the voltage and see the fall: 12.4-12.5 V. This is not a reason for anxiety, but staying in a normal state. With an open circuit, the indicators are somewhat larger, it is actually not the voltage, but an electromaging force (EMF).

If the battery is working, but not charged, it is charging. Modern technology Three ways are known:

  • accelerated, characteristic of many modern charger;
  • using constant voltage;
  • on constant current.

The accelerated mode called Boost does not give a complete charge, sufficient to start the car. This method is applied with a saved car battery when you need to go immediately. The principle of this method in an enlarged charging current. It is often not recommended to use it - greatly reduces battery life.

When charging a constant voltage, constant voltage is maintained. Such mode is used in a non-discharge: not lower than 12 V. The process is fully automatic: connected contacts, and you can be free - control is not required. When the desired charge level is reached, the device determines this and turns off.

Charging dC The most complete and uniform. Current gradually reduced manually. Constantly control the voltage and stop charging when the norm is reached. Recommended for highly discharged batteries.

How many volts should the battery be shown, which is considered good? The desired figures are known, although the method of voltage diagnostics itself requires comments.

How many volts should shown the battery that is working and fully charged - let's find out together, because this is the easiest way to check the status of the battery. An ordinary voltmeter with tenth volts on the scale will be, perhaps, in the garage of each self-respecting motorist, and this device can say a lot about your battery.


- If the car is drowned a few hours ago and all this time the battery is also resting (all consumers are disabled on board), you can measure the RTC terminals - the voltage of the open circuit. For a serviceable charged battery, it should be 12.7 - 13.2 volts. In any case, the figure is at least 12.6 volts - good resultShe will also testify to the health of the car's electrical equipment. If less - the battery is discharged, and maybe worse than that - requires replacement.

Voltage at the battery terminals, which spent several hours in the "state of rest", should be no less than 12.6 - 12.7 volts

Half planted battery shows no load of about 12.0 V or slightly lower. If the battery terminals are only about 11.5 V, the energy reserve is close to zero (by the way, it is impossible to leave for a long time in such a state, since it will be overfilled and lost the container).

The charger of the old, transformer type, allows the owner to adjust the charging current as desired is a useful opportunity.

- let's work to work the engine after starting a few minutes, and without stopping it, connect again to the voltmeter battery. If the device shows the value of 13.5 - 14.1 volts - and the battery, and the generator is almost certain in order. If the voltage is higher - it means, or the battery is suitable (and is stiguously charged by the generator), or the voltage in the network is overestimated due to malfunction. Try to repeat the measurement after 5 - 10 minutes: if the readings fell below 14.2 - it means that the case was in the ripping battery, if not, disassemble more details with the generator and charging chain.

Not just volts

Another way to measure the voltage makes it possible to evaluate not only the degree of charge, but also the state of the battery as a whole - more precisely, its residual capacity. To do this, measure the voltage on the terminals using the so-called loading bridge - the device that measures the battery voltage under the load that imitating the starter current. If on the fifth second, the voltage on the terminals did not fall below 9 - 10 volts, it means that the battery will still serve.

Load plug allows you to evaluate the residual capacity and energy stock in the battery

Of course, today there are more cunning, electronic deviceswhich evaluate the status of the battery in the speed of the voltage drop, the response to the signal of a special form, the internal resistance of the battery and other factors. But this is the scope of the activities of professionals, invading today we will not.

If you have an ordinary household multimeter or a voltmeter on the farm, do not be pulled from time to time to measure the voltage on the battery terminals. This will allow you to notice the malfunction of electrical equipment in time and avoid the brewing unscheduled replacement of such an expensive component as the battery. After all, he is able to forgive careless attitude for a long time, but when in the end it gives up, it is impossible to correct anything: sulfate and shrinkable plates are not "treated."

Car owners do not prevent to know what should be the voltage on the battery. Normal indicators allow us to talk about sufficient battery charging and its high operational capabilities. With reduced power source parameters, problems can arise with and the functioning of the auxiliary devices required for comfortable operation.

Basic measuring instruments

Before talking about what the battery voltage should be, you must familiarize yourself with the base devices designed to withdraw the indicators. With their help, you can make the most accurate measurements in the usual condition and under load.

  1. Multimeter is a universal device for working with various electrical circuits. Devices can be analog or digital. However, as a rule, the last of them apply. Indications B. this case Displays a special display having small sizes.
  2. Load plug. In the simple execution contains a voltmeter with the possibility of measuring resistance. The housing is usually made of metal. It is located on a special handle. More complex devices may contain additional elements.

To use too often the load plug is not recommended, since the battery status may deteriorate from regular measurements. In the case of a multimeter of any restrictions.

Indicators in the usual condition

You should first understand what should be the voltage on the car battery without a load generated by additional devices and the engine at startup. Ideally, the power supply should issue 12.6-12.8 volts. With lower indicators, the battery operation is preferably not carried out, since the sulk acid lead will form on the plates, which can lead to a decrease in the container.

Indicators under load

It is also necessary to find out what should be the voltage on the battery with an unused engine, but under load. In this case, you can determine the performance of the power supply. When using a load plug, the voltage in any case should be above 9 volts.

If the drawdown is too large, then first it is necessary to charge rechargeable battery And re-test. Indicators will not rise at the Bank's exhaustable resource.

Table to determine the level of charging

Immediately after measurements carried out without load, you can determine the status of the battery. Knowing what voltage should issue a battery when fully charged, it is easy to install its capabilities in a particular situation. To do this, you can use the table represented.

Voltage in Volta.

Percentage level of charging

Measurements under the engine

With a car engine running, the indicators increase somewhat. Usually, the battery voltage ranges in the range of 13.5-14.0 volts. If the charging level is too low, the indicators will increase, as the generator will function in the gain mode.

Although it was above, which battery voltage should be with the engine running, it may be slightly higher for 10-15 minutes after launch. If during this time it will not restore, then there is a problem with a generator or electrical equipment.

After measurements, it may turn out that the voltage did not increase, but several fell. In this case, the battery simply does not have time to charge normally. To check, it is recommended to gradually run electrical consumers, producing measurements between the inclusions of the instruments. Indicators will decrease significantly (by 0.2-0.5 volts or more) if the generator is faulty.

Rules of operation of AKB

Even if you clearly know what a voltage should be on the battery, with improper operation, it will not be possible to maintain it for a long time. Therefore, you should adhere to special rules of operation of the AKB.

About holding recharging

The power source at the right moment must be recharged, then during operation the voltage will be optimal. However, during this event, certain requirements must be respected.

  1. Charging must be carried out at a positive air temperature.
  2. Bay stoppers should be unscrewed and left directly in the holes before connecting to the network.
  3. The applied instrument must have a 16 volt voltage.
  4. For 20 minutes after shutdown, you should not twist the plugs. The accumulated gases must completely leave the inner space.
  5. The device charges indoor with supply and exhaust ventilation.

As a conclusion

Information about which there must be voltage on the battery will help, without unnecessary difficulties, identify problems with the start of the engine and the functioning of various devices. If the indicators are normal, then the reasons should be searched not in the power system.

It is desirable to produce measurements using the aforementioned devices. It is impossible to use the onboard PC for these purposes, since the error will be too high. This is primarily due to the features of connecting the device directly to the network.

Checking the ACB should be regularly. If the car was not operated for several days, and the measuring device shows a significant reduction in voltage, the power supply practically developed its resource.

In this article we will tell about normal voltage on the battery when different conditions. But first, we suggest to figure out, and what does the voltage on the battery affect the battery?

It affects directly on the engine start. If the voltages are enough, the engine will start easily, but in the opposite case, you can hear the sluggish rotation of the engine starter, but the start will not happen. It is worth noting that on some cars a restriction on charging the battery is set, i.e. If it is less than a certain value, the starter will not even start rotating.

To avoid such situations, let's consider the value of the normal voltage on the car battery.

Normal battery voltage is the value: 12.6 V

Excellent, we know the figure, and how and what to measure it? There are several devices for this purpose:

  • Voltmeter;
  • Multimeter (read on our portal :);
  • Load plug (more,).

What voltage should be on the battery after charging?

By and large, it should be normal, i.e. 12.6-12.7 volts, but there is one nuance here. The fact is that immediately after charging (in the first hour), the measuring instruments can show the voltage to 13.4 V. But such a voltage will last no more than 30-60 minutes and then return to normal.

Output: After charging, the voltage should be normal 12.6-12.7 V, but temporarily can be increased to 13.4 V.

That if the voltage of AKB is less than 12V

If the voltage level dropped below 12 volts, then this means that the battery is discharged more than half. Below, we give the approximate table at which you can determine the charging of your battery.

  • from 12.4 V - from 90 to 100% charge;
  • from 12 to 12.4 V - from 50 to 90%;
  • from 11 to 12 V - from 20 to 50%;
  • less than 11 V - up to 20%.

Voltage on the battery when the engine running

In this case, if the engine is running, the battery is charged using the generator and, in this case, it may increase to 13.5-14 V.

Reduced voltage on the battery in winter

History is familiar with everyone when many cars can not get started in a fairly heavy frost. All wine frozen and most likely an old battery. The fact is that car batteries There is such a characteristic as density, it affects how well the battery keeps the charge.

Accordingly, if the density falls (this is how frost contributes), then the battery charge falls together with it, thereby not allowing the engine to start. The battery requires either heating or re-charging.

With new batteries, this usually does not occur.

It is worth noting that the battery is able to restore their voltage over time, but under certain conditions: if the battery has been discharged with high short-term loads (you have twisted the starter and tried to start). In this case, if you give the battery to stand and recover, then most likely you will have enough for a couple more attempts to start the engine.

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