Home Steering Norma hour for car repair. Regulatory - autonorms - a program for the rapid calculation of the cost of repair of domestic and imported cars. Percentage of surcharge to repair trucks

Norma hour for car repair. Regulatory - autonorms - a program for the rapid calculation of the cost of repair of domestic and imported cars. Percentage of surcharge to repair trucks

Normocam's calculation program for car service

We offer you to take advantage of the free normocam program for car services. Immediately warn you that this program for calculating norms for car service does not nov and works on the engine of third-party services, but for an approximate calculation of normochas in the car service will be suitable for almost any car owner.

How to calculate Normochas in a service station based on this program? Everything is very simple. Click the link below to start the program, and then follow the prompts. Considering that the Normochas auto repair establishes almost the same on comparable services, then you can learn about how much money Carry out the repair of your car. Approximate cost of normochas in the service station in Orsha - 20$ . You can this normochas for a service station, and in any currency, "knock" into the appropriate field in the program and this data will be automatically substituted for you. Have a good time!

Calculate the cost of normochas for a hundred

Small Likbez

What does it mean the cost of normo-hour

NORMO-hour is a part of labor intensity, which is different from an astronomical concept of an hour. This abstract magnitude to which the price bind and receive the cost of repair. Although, the value of the norm-hour claimed by the automaker often does not converge with reality. In order to repeat the standard, it is necessary to create conditions corresponding to the "experiment": decompose a special tool, make up the work plan, start the stopwatch and "drove!".

But in reality: the key is not suitable, the nut is bought, the fuel oil spread, it is necessary to wipe (and so on) - all this time, and it is not taken into account in the automaker.

But it is necessary to repel from something, therefore, the norm-hour is an estimated value. And its cost depends on the three factors:

  • Type of work (mechanical and mechanical, electrical, reinforcement, repair of aggregates, painted) - here as a soul, as far as the specialist is highly paid.
  • Auto brands: so the average cost of normochas for Daewoo - $ 20, and for Bugatti - $ 240, also plus the price under the insurance contract.
  • Share one hundred from the cost of the wizard.

About service

40 brands, 3000 models, 600,000 standards are the material that is available on our portal to each at any time of the day. Easy and understandable interface plus structured standards make work with a convenient and productive service.

Who is the service useful?

In the creation of the service "Autonormal-online", we focused on two categories of users, but we will be very happy if the service audience is wider.

Car service, STR

Every day you have to deal with the calculation of work on car repair, billing, acts and in these documents, the list of work performed is often taken from the head. Service "Autonorms online" It was created to simplify the work of the service manager, as everything is most simple - you need to choose from the list the necessary name of the work and everything!

Car owners

By repairing the car, you are not always aware of what is actually done by the skillful hands of Masters a hundred.

With the help of the new Autonormal Services, you can calculate the approximate cost of repair or to make a general work plan for maintenance station. Not even possessing special special knowledge or skills in this hard matter, you can have a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat will be done by masters, giving your car into the hands of specialists hundred. So control the situation!

Completed cars have an unpleasant ability to break. Alas, it is not always possible to solve problems yourself - you have to contact the specialists. Maintenance of the machine is intended to maintain a good condition aimed at preventing breakdowns. Such procedures are very important for the car. Spending half an hour to replace motor oilYou protect yourself from the motor breakage. Machine maintenance is the necessary prophylaxis of the working condition of the car.

What is the normochas of the car repair

Norma-hour for car repair and its maintenance is a unit of work time. There are certain standards for carrying out work with the car. In the standards, all operations are prescribed and how much normal-hours on the repair of the car is allocated under a certain operation.

How the norm-clock is calculated

Experts proceed from the model value of the time norm on the repair of the machine and calculate the full cost of the operation for customers. If the owner knows the time-clock, it is convenient for him to calculate the cost of all operations online. In addition, it is easy to adjust with the plans so that the absence of the machine does not harm. It is worth noting that not all a hundred use the rate-hour to repair the car. Usually these calculations use private car owners. It happens that it needs service centers.

Currently, the car repair can be up to a third of the total operating costs of the car. Statistically the largest share falls on fuel costs, but the service is usually the second largest component of the car value. Usually we agree with the price level on parts at the car selection stage. This is because the question arises directly from the class and the technical complexity of the car.

However, the prices that the workshop wants to get for work is unknown for many drivers. Does 8000 rubles worth a clutch replacement? Or maybe it is too little too much?

From what the norm of time on car repairs

The rate of car repair time varies depending on: the manufacturer of the machine, model, the wear of the car itself - in small ranges.

For organizations I. legal entities Standards The labor-intensity of the work is adjusted depending on the number of services served and the cars being checked.

The main example of rigidity is to add the so-called car diagnostics in the case of repair. When a client arrives to eliminate the source of the knock in the suspension or the cause of the engine jerking, the task of the workshop is to find the source of the problem. For repair, the mechanic should not add a normal clock to the costs of diagnostics, as this is an integral part of the repair. For the diagnosis on the norm-hour workshop may wish to pay when the client arrives with a request to check the defect, but without directly repairs.

How the norms of time on the overhaul of the car are compiled

Car maintenance and repair standards include:

  • Service place maintenance
  • Operational time
  • Getting Materials and Tools
  • Preparational work
  • Time for rest and personal need.

All this in the total variant gives the vehicle repair time.

Collection of time standards for car repair

The ETLIB website has a convenient service to determine the norm-clock for the desired brand and car model. The main basic information of the norm-hours on the repair of the car are presented in a convenient and affordable format further.

Normochas maintenance for passenger cars

  • Check the action of sound signal devices, glass laundering, heating and lighting - 0.08
  • Measure the fuel control consumption - 0.25
  • Check the gearbox under load - 0.05
  • Cleaning the cabin - 0.30
  • Check engine status, lubricant and cooling - 0.35
  • Full sink of the whole car - 0.80
  • Check the operation of the combustion system - 0.32

On the basis of the analysis, it was found that the percentage of surcharges to operational time is 12 normal hours.

Percentage of surcharge to repair trucks

Enlarged time standards for car repair make up:

  • Removing or installing aggregates, nodes and parts (time standards for engine repair) - 15.1
  • Electrical repair - 12.0
  • Painting work - 14.0
  • Repair of gas equipment - 12.0
  • Tire fittings - 12.0
  • Maintenance work on the repair of instruments, power systems, car engine - 12.0
  • Processing of parts in the mechanical workshop - 12.8

Car repair time for passenger models without taking into account

  • Remove and install fuel tank – 0,36
  • Work with silencer / receiving tube / gearbox - 0.92
  • Radiator installation - 0.52
  • Installation of the water pump - 0.64
  • Replace hose - 0.25

RESOLUTION OF TIME FOR REPAIR trucks Differs, because it requires high costs:

  • Remove and install the engine - 4.20
  • Replace valve rotation mechanism - 0.29
  • Remove and install the carburetor - 0.42
  • Working with clutch - 1.10
  • Work with the engine cylinder head - 0.25.

To calculate the cost of repair on the norm, for the help, service programs come to the rescue, catalogs with items, etc. You can find out how much time is provided for the execution of this operation. Then, at least, theoretically, it is enough to multiply the time on its own rate of normo-hours, and we will receive the cost of the service.

It is only theoretically, in practice, everything looks a bit differently - in the Operations catalog, the norm-clock is provided on new car. In fact, in the case of many damage there are notes about the "hard case", but the additional regulatory half hour is often not enough for the master to cope with the pruring screws.

Regulatory norms - this is just a tip for the mechanic, how much time will need to perform a specific repair.

Example of the time rate for car repair

Presented repairs or working hours do not have a mandatory execution of workshops - the auto service is not obliged to even know such standards and, of course, should not be observed.

Many actions are easily broken down (even if they argue that only in new Machine). Higher labor costs often lie in the interests of the clients themselves. For example, ZAFIRA B with 1.7 CDTI engine. Theoretically, the turbine replacement operation lasts 2 hours. 48 min by normal clock. It will be difficult to meet this time limit even to an experienced master, because the catalog creators did not include some additional operations necessary for: dismantling the air conditioner compressor (fortunately, without having to empty the system, simply move the compressor from the engine block), heat shields, temperature sensor. The entire element is dismantled with a graduate collector and a catalyst that needs to be dismantled.

Also, remember that the repairs on Normochas are talking about the exchange of components - removal of the old turbine, and the installation of the new one. If the old turbine client asked to restore, then the norms for the repair of the car will be required even longer. In addition, there is a problem of the position, pushing the car for the service, etc. That is why services in this model are not taken into account not 4760 rubles (as it follows from the value estimation on the norm-hour repair of the car), and about 11,000 rubles - and it is not so much, but the entire front of the repair being performed is taken into account!

Releaseing machines, automakers think in advance how warranty and post-warranty service of vehicles will be carried out. One hundred is provided by all required materials For repair - ranging from special keys and ending with an exhaustive specification for all types of work. Thanks to this, techniques should not "guess" how to perform one or another operation. It is necessary to adhere to the proposed specification.

Car manufacturers declare so-called autonorms, or time standards.

This is the time that technician will spend on one service, repair or recovery operation.

What is standards

The regulations regulated by the manufacturer are synonymous with labor complexity. They respond to two questions: what to do? And how much time do you need? Autonorms are structured by each manufacturer in different ways. The same operation can be divided into several depoations.

Here is an example: the standing of the "front axle wheel bearings" for Iveco 30.10c Combi Daily, 1996-00 means the operation of the removal of the installation on both sides. The same autonormum, but for Honda Civic 5DR, 1991-96, implies that each side should be considered separately.

Cost of one norm-hour

The cost of performing a specific repair operation (maintenance) is expressed in the norm-clock. This value is not identical to astronomical hour. To the standard ties the price and get approximate cost Repair, which is called customer.

It should be noted that the value of the manufacturer the value of the norm-hour generally speaking, differs from the real one. Cause Banalna: In order to repeat the value of the standard, you need to recreate the ideal conditions of the "Experiment": to prepare special tool in advance, plan your work and "run the stopwatch".

The time spent on the execution of a certain operation increases unforeseen circumstances: then the fuel oil was spread, the nut is bought, you need to wipe it, etc. All this, naturally, was not taken into account by the car manufacturer.

However, a hundred, when determining the price and owners of a car, when planning their expenses, it is necessary to repel from something. The generally accepted "point of reference" is just a norm-hour.

Its cost depends on the following factors:

  • Type of work (painting, repair of aggregates, reinforcement, electrical, plumbing, mechanical).
  • Car brands. So, the price of the norm-hour for Daewoo is 650 rubles, and for Bugatti - 7700 rubles.
  • The shares of the maintenance station in the cost of the wizard's work.

On the Internet you can find a formula for calculating the time required for the repair of the machine, its assembly or unit:

We will deal with each designation in this formula.

  • NVR - the rate of time to carry out the operation of the worker, is calculated in man-hours;
  • Top - operational time, expressed in man-hours;
  • pZ - the time required to prepare the workplace and the fulfillment of final work;
  • about the time costs of maintenance of the workplace;
  • from - rest and personal needs of the worker.

Free and paid programs

Independently engage in calculations rather tiring. Especially if you have a multi-brand service, and hundreds of cars come for repairs every day. In this case without software not enough.

We offer you free. There are about 1,000 cars in the program database and over 200 thousand different standards.

A broader database is available in an application from AUTO SOFT. The database has information on 100 million time standards. The program discusses more than 34 thousand cars in 1975-2013.

In case of serious malfunction vehicle, the car enthusiast is forced to give a car for repair to the service. In the conditions of the modern city, a business person to do without a vehicle is quite difficult. If a malfunction occurs, each motorist is interested in the duration of the repair and maintenance of the vehicle. It is for this that certain standards for the restoration and maintenance of the car are developed, including the concept of Normochas. Normochas allows you to determine not only the recovery period of the vehicle, but also the cost of eliminating a malfunction. Therefore, before passing a favorite car to service, it is worth familiar with the standards of time for reconstruction. In this regard, the question arises - how to determine Normochas for car repair?

Since Normochas for repair differs depending on the manufacturer and vehicle brand, a special collection of time standards on maintenance. Like any other rate indicator, Normochas allows you to control the duration of work. Knowing time standards for maintenance and restoration of the vehicle, the motorist also gets the opportunity to reflect the cost of restoring the car.

How to determine the standard for maintenance and reconstruction of the machine?

The list of maintenance and time limits for their execution are developed by the plant manufacturer. The manufacturer also determines the cost of normochas on its vehicles. Each manufacturer of cars provides all the necessary information about servicing only its products.

At the same time, it may not everyone may not receive free access to the manufacturer's provided by the manufacturer for reconstruction and maintenance of vehicles. Car manufacturers distribute information about the time standards for repairs only by their official representative. In this regard, the question arises - as the owner of the vehicle to learn Normochas for repairing the car and its cost?

Of course, service centers reluctantly provide information on the norms for the implementation of certain works. Therefore, in order to clearly understand the period of repair and referring to its value, it is necessary to access the base of the norms.

One of the options to learn Normochas for maintenance is to download the time collection of time on the auto repair. Find a document containing information about the period and the cost of a certain work on the restoration of the machine, every user can today. However, this method has its own characteristic disadvantages. The fact is that the document contains a large amount of information and find a specific auto model is quite difficult.

A more practical method is the Normochas Internet Program for Restoration and Car Service - online. In addition to the main set of temporary values \u200b\u200bfor car maintenance, this program has a number additional features. The program determines the cost of working in the face of the professional workshop, also finds out the amount of labor performed. The time program is online, allows you to access the database of hours about clock repair from various manufacturers.

Key benefits of the Internet service repair service and maintenance normochs.

  • The ability to produce all the necessary calculations to determine the cost of servicing vehicles, taking into account the rules specified by the manufacturer for TC repair.
  • Providing all the necessary information about the reconstruction, dismantling, replacing and painting each element of the machine.
  • The ability to gain access to the normal clock and the sequence of work on the restoration of cars specified by the manufacturer of the machine.
  • In the database there are all regular rooms of the manufacturer's spare parts. This information will be useful for high-quality recovery not only in the conditions of the automotive workshop, but also when servicing the car with their own hands.
  • Visual demonstration of the most important systems and knots of the car.
  • The ability to download all the calculated items for further printing.
  • The program in the program contains most of the cars released from 1985. Until now. In addition, the base contains information about most of the manufacturers, various countries. Therefore, having received the full version of the program you can find out all the necessary information on the repair of both domestic and foreign cars.

Each service center for restoration, painting and maintenance of cars has this program at its disposal. Professional repairs Machines are simply impossible without the presence of an entire information located in the database. Normochas makes it possible to estimate the complexity and cost of work not only by the owners of vehicles, but also first of all masters for servicing machines.

Most of the cost of restoration of the vehicle is made at the rate of all the rules provided by the manufacturer. Professional workshop will always work according to the indicated manufacturer of the period. But as practice shows, often repairing the car is delayed for a longer period than indicating the manufacturer's factory.

Normochas and all the provisions provided by the manufacturer are useful not only by the workshop staff. The program with the standards of time to restore, also indicates the serial numbers of the original and interchangeable spare parts, which will be no less useful when repairing its own hands. Having at their disposal all the information provided by the manufacturer, the vehicle's maintenance information will be able to eliminate the malfunction independently using high-quality, original details.

Of course, the manufacturer's value indicated by the manufacturer implies the use of professional diagnostic and repair equipment. Therefore, when performing work with your own hands, it will be practically impossible to meet the specified standards. Thus, it turns out that if the manufacturer sets one Normochas to test the motor system, to comply with the specified period of time, the verification person must have a professional diagnostic equipment. In the event that the vehicle manufacturer indicates the time period - one normochas for dismantling the engine is implied by the use of all necessary pullers and hydraulic holders.

As it becomes clear, Normochas is revealed directly in production, producing cars. Immediately, the manufacturer adds serial number of spare parts to the database modern cars. Since the information collected by the manufacturer passes a considerable circle and car enthusiast receives it last time, most of the information on the latest auto models remains unknown to a certain time.

Extremely repair!

To make you no longer enter the site and not to track what time the time has appeared in access, the update search mechanism is provided for you. With it you can automatically receive messages about when and which regulatory bases Lowd on the site. Regulatory management | https: //212709.selcdn.ru/autodealer-site/public/old/images/Soft/Autodealer/rtimes/times/4.png Management (download) by the regulatory framework | https: //212709.selcdn. RU / Autodealer-Site / Public / Rtimes / Times / 3.png Regulatory management | https: //212709.selcdn.ru/autodealer-site/public/old/images/Soft/Autodealer /rtimes/times/5.png Statistics when working with large bases has always arise interest, and how many all records, in our case standards, is loaded into the database.

Autonorms online

A simple or complex malfunction, the consequences of the accident and even planned maintenance - all this leads the car owner to the service center. At the same time, it is necessary to leave the car and the entire repair period to do with public transport.
In many cases it is extremely uncomfortable. Without a vehicle, not only a business person is difficult. How, for example, go to the market, take children to school or section? And if the car is a working tool? Then the situation becomes almost hopeless.


That is why each car owner is so interested in typical time standards for the repair of trucks and passenger cars. Knowing them, he will be able to adjust his plans so that the absence of the car did not cause losses.

What gives standards normalization of the time to carry out repair and serving works of vehicles allows the owners of the technique to determine the plans.

Time regulations for car repair (autonorms)


But in reality: the key is not suitable, the nut is bought, the fuel oil spread, it is necessary to wipe (and so on) - all this time, and it is not taken into account in the automaker. But it is necessary to repel from something, therefore, the norm-hour is an estimated value.


And its cost depends on the three factors:

  • Auto brands: so the average cost of normochas for Daewoo - $ 20, and for Bugatti - $ 240, also plus the price under the insurance contract.

About the service 40 brands, 3000 models, 600,000 standards are the material that is available on our portal to everyone at any time of the day. Easy and understandable interface plus structured standards make work with a convenient and productive service.

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For example, for the service center specializing in the maintenance of a certain car brand, standards installed by the manufacturer of this brand will be valid. But if to carry out the same work to contact the familiar car mechanic or in a small workshop that does not have the appropriate diagnostic and even repair (for example, not in all workshops there are cameras for conducting painting work) Equipment, I can forget about normochas.

Sometimes car service workers argue that it is impossible to apply the standards to a very new car, and in general, work in a car repair shop and what "write at the factory" is two big differences. But on such excuses can be safely not paying attention.

Time norms for car repair and maintenance

In order to repeat the standard, it is necessary to create conditions corresponding to the "experiment": decompose a special tool, make up the work plan, start the stopwatch and "drove!". But in reality: the key is not suitable, the nut is bought, the fuel oil spread, it is necessary to wipe (and so on) - all this time, and it is not taken into account in the automaker.

But it is necessary to repel from something, therefore, the norm-hour is an estimated value. And its cost depends on the three factors:

  • Type of work (mechanical and mechanical, electrical, reinforcement, repair of aggregates, painted) - here as a soul, as far as the specialist is highly paid.
  • Auto brands: so the average cost of N / h for Daewoo - 650,00 rubles, and for Bugatti - 7700.00 rubles.

Where to find Normocats for TC repair?

Regulations for trucks in order to learn standards for repair and restoration of trucks domestic productionIt is recommended to look into inter-sectoral integrated time standards for car repairs. This regulatory document You can easily find. It is regulated:

  • The rate of time to repair cars KAMAZ.
  • The rate of time to repair cars Kraz.
  • The rate of time to repair the car MAZ.
  • The rate of time to repair cars ZIL.
  • Time norms for car repair gas.

It is necessary to know that all these standards are intended to perform work in the face of the professional workshop, with professional equipment and materials, as well as professionals.

Free Online Normocam Program for Car Services, Normochas for a hundred

Then the appeal to them will be more quickly and easier. Collecting brand and car model | https: //212709.selcdn.ru/autodealer-site/public/old/images/Soft/Autodealer/rtimes/times/2.png Calculation (analysis of work) Calculation is a document that contains Information on the combination of works, goods and related products, and performs the function of preliminary estimation of the cost of repair. This is an intermediate document required for the overall assessment of the scope of work and their value, depending on the cost of spare parts (goods) and labor costs (works).
In the future, on the basis of the calculation, you can create orders-outfits (available only with an open license of the Avtodiler: Service module). If you do not have a warehouse, and in the costing it is necessary to take into account the cost of spare parts, then you can add related goods (according to the accompanying goods of the warehouse Accounting is not produced).

Normochas for repair auto online

    Stamps and models

  • Calculation (analysis of the cost of work)
  • Standards
  • Common work
  • Complexes of work
  • Related products
  • Audatex.
  • Export and import
  • Autodata Time Round

Stamps and models for user convenience, all models are combined by brands. You can configure the most convenient list view for you (scale, visibility separate panels, location of fields).

The program may contain several rules on the same model differing from the date of the catalog date, i.e. relevance. Also about each model there is a brief information and a regulatory document, indicating the relevance. If you have "favorite standards", that is, those brands and models that you use regularly, then in the Autodiver system there is a possibility to make these stamps and models in the list "Favorites".

Time standards for auto repair online

  • Share one hundred from the cost of the wizard.

About the service "Autonorms online" 40 brands, 3000 models, 600,000 standards are the material that is available on our portal to everyone at any time of the day. Easy and understandable interface plus structured standards make work with a convenient and productive service. Editing positions (standards) When you go on the standard of the standard in the top table, the standard enters the table of selected positions with the value of the time rate declared by the automaker. But sometimes it is necessary to edit the name, quantity, rate-time, cost. We have provided this need and added to double-click on the table of the selected standards, the editing function where all fields are available for change. Editing add.

Time Norms for Car Repair Online

For convenient and productive work with the service, you must specify two values:

  • The cost of N / h (normo-hour): Used to specify the default value when adding a standard. Those standards that have been added before setting the cost after it will be added automatically.
  • Name of the organization - this information is displayed when printing.

Calculation of the repair cost to calculate the cost of repair must specify the cost of the norm-hour. The cost of work is calculated in the context of the standards and is summarized in the final amount. Who is used to service "Autonorms online"? In the creation of the service "Autonormal-online", we focused on two categories of users, but we will be very happy if the service audience is wider.

So it is much easier to contact the Internet services, where there are such compilations, you can download them for free, and a special Internet program with which you can calculate the required Normochas. Which method is better experts argue that the Internet program, which in online mode defines the necessary norms of time for car repair, is much more convenient than the manufacturer's collection.

With it, it is determined by the cost of any necessary work: Repair, serving, restoration. This program not only allows you to find out the required time, in its database there are all data on the factory-produced spare parts of a vehicle model, which is relevant not only when repairing or maintained in the service center, but also when repairing its forces.

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