Home Steering Motor gear. Moped "Carpathians Moped Carpathians 2 Sports

Motor gear. Moped "Carpathians Moped Carpathians 2 Sports

Domestic manufacturers of low-intensive motorcycles have already been offered. Two large plants of that time - Riga and Lviv - engaged in production soviet mopeds Since the beginning of the 1960s and enviable regularity, they represented their new models. The unconditional domination of "Java", of course, very prevented by the developers of domestic mopeds, but the products of these factories also did not dust in warehouses and had their own consumer.

Lviv Motionava (LMZ), originally specialized at the release of automotive drivers, in 1958 engaged in the development of experienced samples of mopeds, as the leadership of the country was decided to quit all the forces on the development of this direction. LMZ has already experienced the development of such products: in particular, Motovibics in-902 and B-905 were released, mopeds MV-044 ("Lvivoyanka"), as well as mopeds MP-043, MP-045, MP-046 and MP -047. The end of the 50s was marked by the release of the first mopeds "Verkhovyna-3" (MP-048), which played a prominent role not only in the history of the Lviv motosair, but also in the history of domestic motorcycles of that time. Moped "Verkhovyna-3", equipped with a 50-cubic two-stroke engine of the Kovrov mechanical plant (W-51K) with a capacity of 2 hp, accelerated to 50 km / h. Cubature, power and maximum speed were typical for mopeds, so developers, first of all, attracted consumer attention to improved appearance First "Verkhovyna".

Unlike predecessors, on the moped "Verkhovin-3" installed wheels of a smaller diameter and a tubular welded frame, due to which it was possible to increase the strength of the structure and reduce the weight of the moped to 51 kg. "Verkhovyna-3" could boast a comfortable fit and upgraded front and rear fork. The rear plug fixed to the frame with bolts and threaded sleeves, which made it possible to reduce the degree of its wear during swing. The brake pads were equipped with protective stops in which you could insert compensating washers and not change the pads after 20 kilometers of the mileage. Earlier for fastening fuel tank Brackets were welded, and the moped "Verkhovyna-3" was attached to the Bourge, thanks to which it was possible to avoid cracks, often formed in the places of attachment of brackets. Verkhovyna-3 passed a series of tests: in particular, the mopeda had to overcome more than 5,300 kilometers to demonstrate its reliability and unpretentiousness in operation. During the period from 1972 to 1974, Mopeds "Verkhovyna-4" and "Verkhovyven-5" came up from the plant conveyor. Moped "Verkhovyna-4", which was equipped with an EC-57 engine with a capacity of 2.2 hp, weighed 52 kg and accelerated to 50 km / h.

The most attention in this line rivilec moped "Verkhovyven-6" (LMZ-2158), which has already belonged to another category of motorcycles. At the "Verkhovin-6" bicycle pedals were replaced by a kickstarter, so it was not a moped, but a classic mokik. "Verkhovyna-6" was equipped with a two-stroke engine W-58 with a capacity of 2.2 hp. and a two-stage gearbox, which was ruled by the left handle of the steering wheel. The high steering wheel of the moped "Verkhovina-6" and the elongated seat provided a comfortable landing, and soft suspension And wide tires are a comfortable ride on complex areas of the road. This moped, as well as at the "Verkhovin-3", was a trunk, designed for 15 kg. The moped "Verkhovyven-6" was harder at 3.5 kg, but on his maneuverability and speed characteristics (maximum 50 km / h) it did not affect. Moped "Verkhovyven-7" appeared in 1981 and received new carburetor, more powerful generator and two-stroke engine W-62 with contactless electronic system ignition. Verkhovyna-7 with a kickstarter instead of pedals was also mokik, but, unlike the "Verkhovin-6", developed the maximum speed of only up to 40 km / h. Externally, the Mokik "Verkhovyven-7" was a bit more transformed due to the new spotlight, the rear light with a stop signal and control devices made on the steering wheel.

In the spring of 1981, a model - Mokik "Karpaty" (LMZ-2.160) appeared for the history of the Lviv motosair (LMZ-2.160), and in 1986 Mokik "Karpaty-2" (LMZ-2.161) was released. Mokka "Carpathians" was a tubular frame, a telescopic front plug with spring shock absorbers, pendulum rear suspension and interchangeable wheels. Both Mokka "Carpathians", in the development of which the branch of VNIITE in Leningrad took part, was equipped with a 50-cubic two-stroke single-cylinder engine W-58 with a capacity of 2 hp or a more advanced Shaulian production engine W-62 with a non-contact ignition system. Mokiki accelerated to 40 km / h: the engine model "Carpathians-1" was a capacity of 2.0 liters. p., and "Karpaty-2" - with a capacity of 1.8 hp, while Mokik "Carpathians-2" became easier than its predecessor at 1.5 kg. With the exception of some details, according to its design, Mokik "Carpathians" was almost similar to the Mokka "Delta" of the Riga Motosabide.

If we talk about the differences between the mops "Verkhovyna-7" and "Carpathians", then the most obvious is the form of a frame, a tank, silencer and side casing with "Carpath". The developers have increased the service life of the new model: the warranty mileage of Mokka "Carpathians" amounted to 8000 km (the "Verkhovyna-7" was 6,000), and the resource until the first overhaul is up to 18,000 km compared to 15,000 km from the "Verkhovyna". By the way, interesting fact: The mood "Carpathians" was even dedicated to the song, and his lucky owners were hung: "Carpathians, Carpathians - He is my iron horse, Carpathians, Carpathians - not mokik, and fire." Despite his Soviet origin, on the Mokka "Carpathians" could be overcome not one thousand kilometers in the steppes and off-road, so at that time he enjoyed great authority as excellent mokik for regular long-distance trips. In a word, returning to the words of the same song: "There are no union in all the union, the guys, the moped is cooler than the" Carpathians ".

In 1988, Lviv Motionovat produced 123 thousand mopeds and mokikov, and in 1989 their number increased to 139 thousand pieces. Once the volume of production of this plant was twice as much, but in the second half of the 80s it was necessary to reduce the production of 50-cubic machines due to falling demand and actively develop new models to attract buyers. The line of mopeds of the Lviv motosair is also represented very advanced for the time of the mopeds "Verkhovyna-Sport" with an increased front wheel, a foot switching of speeds and a silencer derived, as well as a moped for motorization "Verkhovina-tourist" with windshield. Mokka "Carpathians" also had similar modifications - the moped "Carpathians-tourist" and the youth moped "Carpathians-Sport". The moped "Carpathians-2 Sport" (LMZ-2.160 C) was released in 1986 and was distinguished from the base model a bit elongated fork, handle instead of a trunk, steering wheel with a jumper like a cross-line, foot switching gear and a raised shield and silencer. , dispersed up to 40 km / h, equipped with an upgraded EC-62M engine and a new silencer with a safety screen to reduce noise levels. There was still a moped "Carpathians-2 lux", a distinctive feature of which were indicators of rotation. In recent years, Lviv Motion Motion does not produce mopeds, therefore, "Verkhovina", and "Carpathians", and all their modifications have already become history.

The moped "Carpathians" appeared in the USSR in the spring of 1981. And almost immediately became one of the most popularvehicle that time. During his life, he managed to undergo several modernization, which corrected the shortcomings of the first model and improved it as a mobile.

History of creationmoped

The manufacturer of this small means of movement was the Ukrainian motorcycle plant in Lviv. The prototype of the moped was the seriesmokikov "Verkhovyna". In 1981, plantmanages first modification of this vehicle called "Carpathians 1".Three years later in Production launches the following series and mokikov of this brand - "Carpathians 2". This series has already been modified and improved compared to the first issue.

Analogue of this moped is "Delta", which was produced in Rigamotion industry. In 1988, the Lviv plant was issued about 120 thousandinstances, A. Next year, this number exceeded 140 thousand. Such a large number of mopeds "Carpathians" of Soviet production was made because he spun well. Cost such mokik at that time abouttwo hundred fifty rubles. The cost depended on the vehicle modification.

Often it was covered in an apartment like a bicycle for storage. So how to acquire a garage for the sake of one small moped was obligated.

The history of moped Carpathians has 4 types of modernization through which he passed. Each model has been finalized and represented an improved variant of the previous one.

  1. Carpathians 1. First modelmokka. You P. found from 1981 to 1986.
  2. Carpathians 2. Fixed first modificationmokika He was an improved model equipped with back lantern. If the sh-58 engines were installed on the first model,S - 62, then on this - V 50. They had a manual gear switch. And enginesV - 501. which began to install later, had a foot shift type. This model is designed for pleasure trips, cargo transportation weighing 15 kilograms.
  3. Carpathians 2 lux. Modification was equipped with an enhanced trunk. Equipped with turn signs.
  4. Carpathians 2 Sports. This modspruce Mokika Look sports. The exhaust tube is equipped with a protective casing. The steering wheel had an extra jumped in all sports mosses. Tr.entry Plant factory manufacturer painted In green, orange, cherry blossom.

On the second model, the Carpathians, produced from 1986 to 1997, established one big and one small headlight. And the wings were stained in one color with a frame.

Features TS

This vehicle acquired O. Much popularity in the people because of their exceptional features.It was a lightweight and comfortable moped, easily repaired on the road without any to this fixtures.To ride on it, the owner No need to receive driver's license. For the last feature, he really loved youth to eighteen years .

In addition, the "Carpathians" possessed a pleasant exterior design. Different reliabilityyu . It could overcome a large number of kilometers.Having only two steps of gear on the box, the moped could provide the owner worthy movement for those times. Low cost allowed to buy it with almost every resident of the country.Despite small sizes, small power at 2 horsepowerMany say that he allowed to carry a couple of people completely without tension.

Another feature was an open motor, which provided access to all the details. Without the use of special equipment, the engine could be disassembled, repairing and assembled back. Two-stroke engine had one cylinder. Maximum speedwhich he could develop was 50 kmh. The tank of the gas tank is 7 liters.Drum brakes when installingwinter tires with good treads allowed to confidently hold on an expensive in slush, rain and ice.

The main elements were located as follows:

  • right - brakes;
  • left - Transmission Control Lever;
  • on the steering wheel, there was a knob of clutch, gas and anterior brake;
  • the air filter was located behind the carburetor.

Pumping in a gas tank is already mixed in a separate oil with gasoline oil. Without oil, the engine does not start orwill be Damaged after the first overheating. For fuel used AI - 80.

Disadvantages also had a placevehicle Lviv Plant. Frequent breakdowns Required continuous repair. And it could be broken on it, starting from the ignition system to the engine itself. As well as any replacement of parts did not give power growthmokka.

Another disadvantage was the cooling system. Because of the close location to the carburetor, she was constantly clogged.Front frame of the vehicle hada hundred often break. Therefore, Her P.it has been brewing.

Of positive Parties It should be noted the absence of an electric starter. He started with a shock or foot. For many, in modern times, this feature will rather be a lack of disadvantage, but at that time, the lack of electric starter made a moped workable in the cold season and allowed to save battery charge.

Competitors were such mopeds of Riga production, as a delta, but the main preference was still given "Carpathians". Due to its low cost and high warranty mileage. The last one of this vehicle corresponded to 18,000 km. While the warranty mileage of the Delta was only 6,000 km.At that time, the moped "Carpathians" was the best option For economical movement.


Almost all models are carpat size, weight and other specifications were the same. Therefore, this information will be given as a list:

  • moped sizes (DSHV) in millimeters - 18207201100;
  • the maximum speed, which he could achieve during acceleration in a straight line - 50 km / h;
  • tire sizes - 2.75-16;
  • motor Type carburetor, air cooling;
  • volume - 49 cubic centimeters;
  • fuel consumption - 2 l per 100 km;
  • motor power - 1.5 hp;
  • moped weight - 55 kg.
  • Period of production Moped and "Carpathians" begins since 1981 and ends in 199 2 . Finally, the ruler stopped producing in 1997.Among the competitors, he ranked first. Better than the "Carpathians" with the volume of the engine up to fifty cubes was not in the country. He was the legend of the USSR.

    At the beginning of the nineties was constructed new engine With a petal valve on the inlet. However, they did not have time to install it on the "Carpathians". The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a decline in demand for mopeds. Lvivmoto Plant. Died with the collapse of the country.There were attempts to minor firms to revive data productionmotokikov But they have failed, AA and demand has already gone completely to other models and mopeds.

    "" "Karpaty-Sport" "" -a little different from other models Karpat acquired a sporty look and "wild character" that caused the popularity of this model among young people and lovers of bright sensations.

    "Carpathians 2 Sport" (LMZ-2.161C, LMZ-2.161С-01) - Models " Carpathians 2 " The sports appearance was given, the exhaust pipe of the upper arrangement with the protective cover installed on it, the steering wheel with an additional jumper, changed the form of the rear light and the shield front wheel. The LMZ-2.161C-01 model was installed in the B501M engine with a foot shift transmission.

    \u003d\u003d Specifications \u003d\u003d

    Mass, kg.55 (Carpathians 2 and Carpathians 2 Sports)
    56 (Carpathians 2 Suite)
    Base, mm.1200
    Length, mm.1820
    Height, mm.1100
    Width, mm.720
    Road clearance, mm100
    Maximum design speed, km / h40
    Fuel consumption at a speed of 30 km / h, l / 100 km2,1
    FrameTubular, welded
    Front wheel suspensionTelescopic fork, with spring shock absorbers.
    Rear suspensionPendulum type, with spring shock absorbers.
    TorkemoseDrum type with separate mechanical drive per wheel.
    Braking distancesboth brakes V \u003d 30 km / h, 7.5m
    Tire size2.50-16 "or 2.75-16"
    engine's typeV50 or V501 carburetor, two-stroke, with cooling the oncoming air flow.
    Working volume, ccm49,8
    Cylinder diameter, mm38
    Piston stroke, mm44
    Compression ratio7,5 - 8,5
    Maximum efficient engine power, kW (hp) at 4400 - 5200 rub / min1,32 (1,8)
    Maximum torque H * m / min-130,3
    Type of gearboxV50 - two-stage gear shifting.
    V501 - two-stage transmission with foot switching
    ClutchMulti-disc in the oil bath.
    Motor gearRatio motor transmission 4,75
    Transmission gearboxI gear 2.08.
    II gear 1.17
    Gear ratio from the gearbox on the rear wheel2,2
    Ignition systemContactless, electronic with BCS
    Electricity sourceAn AC generator 26.3701Nature 6 V, with a power of 45 watts.
    High voltage transformer2102.3705 or B300B.
    Air cleanerWith Paper Filter Element EFV-3-1A
    Gas release systemThe silencer of noise of release with partitions for gases throtting.

    Riga 24 Delta

    Riga 24.- She is "Delta"very common almost as mokik "Carpathians" But now it's not about them now it will be about "Delta",mokik, serially produced by the plant "Sarkan Zvyagzne".

    The last "delta" produced in St. Petersburg and put the engines of D-16 on them.
    The Riga Delta (early and later) differences are a bit: the engine is B50 or B501, the headlight is round or rectangular, front fender - as in Riga-22, or their own, Delta; The trunk is painted or chrome plated.

    Dry mass
    57 kg
    100 kg
    Maximum speed
    50 km / h
    Fuel reserve
    8.0 L.
    Average exploitation. fuel consumption
    2.1 l / 100km
    1850 mm
    750 mm
    1060 mm
    1250 mm
    2.50-16 or (2.50-85 / 16)
    Working volume
    49.8 cm ^ 3
    1.8 hp / 1.32 kW at 5200 rpm
    Compression ratio
    A-76 or A-72 mixture with oil (33: 1)
    Contactless, electronic with BCS

    Riga-26 mini

    Riga 26 min

    In 1982, Mini Mokik Riga-26 was developed (he was "mini" RMZ-2.126). This model combined the merits of the moped and the scooter, was simple and convenient for storage and moreover did not lose similarities with the traditional motorcycle. "Riga-26" occupied little place: easily placed on the roof or in the trunk a passenger car, in the elevator, on the balcony or in the utility room of a residential building. However, with a weight of 50 kg, it was very problematic to drag such a mini-mokik on the stairs to the balcony or loggia. The wheels of this model were small diameter (like a scooter) and were often deformed at the pit on the pits in the asphalt. Handles of the steering wheel, if you release the clamping collet, you can turn down, having reduced almost twice the height of the machine. With the same purpose, a device for lowering the saddle was provided.
    However, certain claims were presented to manageability and maneuverability of Mini Mokka "Riga-26". For example, the tires were so harsh that the random puncture was simply unobedient, and the owner noticed damage only when pumping tires, and the engine "V-50" with an electronic ignition system was a little resorted by adjusting the ignition system. A little later, the modifications of this mokka began to install Czechoslovak production engines with a horizontal position of the cylinder, much more reliable and worked almost silently, as well as the shifting transmission.

    \u003d\u003d Specifications: \u003d\u003d

    Mass, kg.
    Maximum load, kg
    Base, mm.
    Length, mm.
    Height, mm.
    When the steering wheel in the working position is 1000, in the folded - 520
    Width, mm.
    In working condition - 740, in folded - 350
    Road clearance, mm
    Maximum speed, km / h
    Capacity of the gas tank, l
    Tubular, welded
    Front wheel suspension
    Rear suspension
    Pendulum fork, with spring shock absorbers (on the first releases - tough)
    Braking distances
    Both brakes v \u003d 30 km / h, 7.5m
    Tire size
    engine's type
    V50 or V501 carburetor, two-stroke, with cooling of the oncoming air flow
    Cylinder diameter, mm
    Piston stroke, mm
    Compression ratio
    1,32 (1,8)
    Type of gearbox
    V50 - two-stage with manual transmission; V501 - two-stage transmission with foot switching
    Engine launch mechanism
    Kick starter
    Motor gear
    Motor gear gear 4.75
    Transfer ratio chain transmission
    I Transmission - 2.08

    II gear - 1.17
    Ignition system
    Electronic, non-contact
    Air cleaner
    With Paper Filter Element EFV-3-1A
    Gas release system
    Electricity source
    Generator 26.3701, 6B, 45 W
    Several photos from the Internet:


    Mokik "Riga-22" Mokik even less often than Riga -16 also these mokiki are extremely similar
    So looks like "Riga-22"

    This looks like "Riga-16"

    But about "Riga-16" we have already spoken and how you guessed now we will talk about "Riga-22" and so Riga 22 - Mokik, serially produced by the plant "Sarkan Zvyagzne" from 1982 to 1986.

    In 1981, Mokik Riga-22, which became an improved version of Mokika "Riga-16" from the conveyor. On this model, which accelerates to 50 km / h, installed the engine "W-62". This engine was radically different from previous models, first of all, a powerful electronic ignition and gearbox, because of which it was necessary to change the direction of rotation of the crankshaft. The use of electronic contactless ignition increased reliability of the engine start and reliability of the ignition system as a whole. However, the first models differed in the unreliability of switches and the gear block. Therefore, after a while, the engine and the switch was modernized and since 1984 began to produce mokiki with EC-62M engines with a capacity of 1.8 liters. from. The additive changed the design of the muffler. Despite the modernization, the speeds of the speed still delivered cotton to buyers. Later, these moks began to put the engines "B-50". The cross model, unified with the Moko "Riga-22", became the moped Riga-20th, which was equipped with a more sporty frame, the front wheel of the larger diameter and the foot switching of speeds. It was a petrolery moped, intended for training and competitions of young athletes.

    \u003d\u003d Differences from early models \u003d\u003d

    In connection with the restyling, a number of structural differences from Riga 16 were introduced. Engine W-58, with a capacity of 2.2 hp (1.6 kW), was replaced by EC-62 engines, with a capacity of 2.2 hp (1.6 kW), and V-50 1.8 hp (1.3 kW). Also, Riga 22 early grades (1982-1983) differed from Riga 16 by the location and shape of the gas tank, the presence of a stop signal, the form of the trunk. From 1984s before the 1986th, the type of muffler and rear shock absorbers changed.

    \u003d\u003d Specifications: \u003d\u003d

    Mass, kg.
    Maximum load, kg
    Base, mm.
    Length, mm.
    Height, mm.
    Width, mm.
    Road clearance, mm
    Maximum speed, km / h
    A-76 or A-72 mixture with oil (25: 1)
    Capacity of the gas tank, l
    Fuel control, l / 100 km
    Tubular, welded, ridge type
    Front wheel suspension
    Telescopic fork, with spring shock absorbers
    Rear suspension
    Pendulum fork, with spring shock absorbers
    Drum type with separate mechanical drive per each wheel
    Braking distances
    Both brakes v \u003d 30 km / h, 7m
    Tire size
    engine's type
    S-62 or V50 single-cylinder, two-stroke, with cooling of the oncoming air flow
    Cylinder working volume, cubic cubic
    Cylinder diameter, mm
    Piston stroke, mm
    Compression ratio
    Engine power, kW (hp)
    1,32 (1,8)
    Type of gearbox
    Two-stage gear shifting
    Multi-colored in oil bath
    Engine launch mechanism
    Kick starter
    Ignition system
    Electronic, non-contact
    Air cleaner
    Dry, mesh
    Gas release system
    Silencer noise release with partitions for gases throtting
    Several photos from the Internet:


    Riga 16 is excellent mokik for roads of different types Riga 16 Pretty Rare Mokik relative to others about this mokik I told you in the article "Riga-16"

    Riga 16 - Mokik, serially produced by the plant "Sarkan Zvyagzne" from 1979 to 1982.
    In 1979, the production was launched a two-speed model Riga-16. It was already a mokik with a kickstarter, a muffler of a motorcycle type, a new steering wheel and a back lantern. In the first models, Riga-16 still stood the engine "Sh-57", but later in Mokik installed one of the most successful engines of the Siaulia Plant - "Sh-58". Another important indicator: when weighing 70 kg, Mokik could carry up to 115 kg of cargo.

    \u003d\u003d Specifications: \u003d\u003d


    sh-58 or S-58, on early mopeds - sh-57.
    Engine power, kW (hp)

    1,5 (2,0)
    Type of gearbox

    Two-stage gear shifting

    Double-disc, oil bath
    Engine launch mechanism

    Kick starter (on sh-57 pedals)

    A-76 with oil (25: 1)
    Fuel control, l / 100 km

    Tire size

    Motor gear

    Motor gear gear 3.08
    Ignition system

    Contact, from the Magneto AC with a high-voltage transformer

    K-35V or K-60
    Air cleaner

    Dry, mesh
    a couple of photos from the Internet:

    "" "Karpaty-Sport" "" -a little different from other models Karpat acquired a sporty look and "wild character" that caused the popularity of this model among young people and lovers of bright sensations.

    "Carpathians 2 Sport" (LMZ-2.161C, LMZ-2.161С-01) - Models " Carpathians 2 " A sports appearance was given, an exhaust pipe of the upper arrangement with a protective cover installed on it, the steering wheel with an additional jumper, the rear light shape and the front wheel panel changed. The LMZ-2.161C-01 model was installed in the B501M engine with a foot shift transmission.

    \u003d\u003d Specifications \u003d\u003d

    Mass, kg.55 (Carpathians 2 and Carpathians 2 Sports)
    56 (Carpathians 2 Suite)
    Base, mm.1200
    Length, mm.1820
    Height, mm.1100
    Width, mm.720
    Road clearance, mm100
    Maximum design speed, km / h40
    Fuel consumption at a speed of 30 km / h, l / 100 km2,1
    FrameTubular, welded
    Front wheel suspensionTelescopic fork, with spring shock absorbers.
    Rear suspensionPendulum type, with spring shock absorbers.
    TorkemoseDrum type with separate mechanical drive per wheel.
    Braking distancesboth brakes V \u003d 30 km / h, 7.5m
    Tire size2.50-16 "or 2.75-16"
    engine's typeV50 or V501 carburetor, two-stroke, with cooling the oncoming air flow.
    Working volume, ccm49,8
    Cylinder diameter, mm38
    Piston stroke, mm44
    Compression ratio7,5 - 8,5
    Maximum efficient engine power, kW (hp) at 4400 - 5200 rub / min1,32 (1,8)
    Maximum torque H * m / min-130,3
    Type of gearboxV50 - two-stage gear shifting.
    V501 - two-stage transmission with foot switching
    ClutchMulti-disc in the oil bath.
    Motor gearMotor gear gear 4.75
    Transmission gearboxI gear 2.08.
    II gear 1.17
    Gear ratio from the gearbox on the rear wheel2,2
    Ignition systemContactless, electronic with BCS
    Electricity sourceAn AC generator 26.3701Nature 6 V, with a power of 45 watts.
    High voltage transformer2102.3705 or B300B.
    Air cleanerWith Paper Filter Element EFV-3-1A
    Gas release systemThe silencer of noise of release with partitions for gases throtting.

    Riga 24 Delta

    Riga 24.- She is "Delta"very common almost as mokik "Carpathians" But now it's not about them now it will be about "Delta",mokik, serially produced by the plant "Sarkan Zvyagzne".

    The last "delta" produced in St. Petersburg and put the engines of D-16 on them.
    The Riga Delta (early and later) differences are a bit: the engine is 2 or B501, the headlight is a round or rectangular, the front wing - as in Riga-22, or own, Delta; The trunk is painted or chrome plated.

    Dry mass
    57 kg
    100 kg
    Maximum speed
    50 km / h
    Fuel reserve
    8.0 L.
    Average exploitation. fuel consumption
    2.1 l / 100km
    1850 mm
    750 mm
    1060 mm
    1250 mm
    2.50-16 or (2.50-85 / 16)
    Working volume
    49.8 cm ^ 3
    1.8 hp / 1.32 kW at 5200 rpm
    Compression ratio
    A-76 or A-72 mixture with oil (33: 1)
    Contactless, electronic with BCS

    Riga-26 mini

    Riga 26 min

    In 1982, Mini Mokik Riga-26 was developed (he was "mini" RMZ-2.126). This model combined the merits of the moped and the scooter, was simple and convenient for storage and moreover did not lose similarities with the traditional motorcycle. Riga-26 occupied little place: it was easily placed on the roof or in the trunk of a passenger car, in the elevator, on the balcony or in the utility room of a residential building. However, with a weight of 50 kg, it was very problematic to drag such a mini-mokik on the stairs to a balcony or loggia. The wheels of this model were small diameter (like a scooter) and were often deformed at the pit on the pits in the asphalt. Handles of the steering wheel, if you release the clamping collet, you can turn down, having reduced almost twice the height of the machine. With the same purpose, a device for lowering the saddle was provided.
    However, certain claims were presented to manageability and maneuverability of Mini Mokka "Riga-26". For example, the tires were so harsh that the random puncture was simply unobedient, and the owner noticed damage only when pumping tires, and the engine "V-50" with an electronic ignition system was a little resorted by adjusting the ignition system. A little later, the modifications of this mokka began to install Czechoslovak production engines with a horizontal position of the cylinder, much more reliable and worked almost silently, as well as the shifting transmission.

    \u003d\u003d Specifications: \u003d\u003d

    Mass, kg.
    Maximum load, kg
    Base, mm.
    Length, mm.
    Height, mm.
    When the steering wheel in the working position is 1000, in the folded - 520
    Width, mm.
    In working condition - 740, in folded - 350
    Road clearance, mm
    Maximum speed, km / h
    Capacity of the gas tank, l
    Tubular, welded
    Front wheel suspension
    Rear suspension
    Pendulum fork, with spring shock absorbers (on the first releases - tough)
    Braking distances
    Both brakes v \u003d 30 km / h, 7.5m
    Tire size
    engine's type
    V50 or V501 carburetor, two-stroke, with cooling of the oncoming air flow
    Cylinder diameter, mm
    Piston stroke, mm
    Compression ratio
    1,32 (1,8)
    Type of gearbox
    V50 - two-stage with manual transmission; V501 - two-stage transmission with foot switching
    Engine launch mechanism
    Kick starter
    Motor gear
    Motor gear gear 4.75
    Transmission ratio
    I Transmission - 2.08

    II gear - 1.17
    Ignition system
    Electronic, non-contact
    Air cleaner
    With Paper Filter Element EFV-3-1A
    Gas release system
    Electricity source
    Generator 26.3701, 6B, 45 W
    Several photos from the Internet:


    Mokik "Riga-22" Mokik even less often than Riga -16 also these mokiki are extremely similar
    So looks like "Riga-22"

    This looks like "Riga-16"

    But about "Riga-16" we have already spoken and how you guessed now we will talk about "Riga-22" and so Riga 22 - Mokik, serially produced by the plant "Sarkan Zvyagzne" from 1982 to 1986.

    In 1981, Mokik Riga-22, which became an improved version of Mokika "Riga-16" from the conveyor. On this model, which accelerates to 50 km / h, installed the engine "W-62". This engine was radically different from previous models, first of all, a powerful electronic ignition and gearbox, because of which it was necessary to change the direction of rotation of the crankshaft. The use of electronic contactless ignition increased reliability of the engine start and reliability of the ignition system as a whole. However, the first models differed in the unreliability of switches and the gear block. Therefore, after a while, the engine and the switch was modernized and since 1984 began to produce mokiki with EC-62M engines with a capacity of 1.8 liters. from. The additive changed the design of the muffler. Despite the modernization, the speeds of the speed still delivered cotton to buyers. Later, these moks began to put the engines "B-50". The cross model, unified with the Moko "Riga-22", became the moped Riga-20th, which was equipped with a more sporty frame, the front wheel of the larger diameter and the foot switching of speeds. It was a petrolery moped, intended for training and competitions of young athletes.

    \u003d\u003d Differences from early models \u003d\u003d

    In connection with the restyling, a number of structural differences from Riga 16 were introduced. Engine W-58, with a capacity of 2.2 hp (1.6 kW), was replaced by EC-62 engines, with a capacity of 2.2 hp (1.6 kW), and V-50 1.8 hp (1.3 kW). Also, Riga 22 early grades (1982-1983) differed from Riga 16 by the location and shape of the gas tank, the presence of a stop signal, the form of the trunk. From 1984s before the 1986th, the type of muffler and rear shock absorbers changed.

    \u003d\u003d Specifications: \u003d\u003d

    Mass, kg.
    Maximum load, kg
    Base, mm.
    Length, mm.
    Height, mm.
    Width, mm.
    Road clearance, mm
    Maximum speed, km / h
    A-76 or A-72 mixture with oil (25: 1)
    Capacity of the gas tank, l
    Fuel control, l / 100 km
    Tubular, welded, ridge type
    Front wheel suspension
    Telescopic fork, with spring shock absorbers
    Rear suspension
    Pendulum fork, with spring shock absorbers
    Drum type with separate mechanical drive per each wheel
    Braking distances
    Both brakes v \u003d 30 km / h, 7m
    Tire size
    engine's type
    S-62 or V50 single-cylinder, two-stroke, with cooling of the oncoming air flow
    Cylinder working volume, cubic cubic
    Cylinder diameter, mm
    Piston stroke, mm
    Compression ratio
    Engine power, kW (hp)
    1,32 (1,8)
    Type of gearbox
    Two-stage gear shifting
    Multi-colored in oil bath
    Engine launch mechanism
    Kick starter
    Ignition system
    Electronic, non-contact
    Air cleaner
    Dry, mesh
    Gas release system
    Silencer noise release with partitions for gases throtting
    Several photos from the Internet:


    Riga 16- Excellent Mokik for the roads of different types of Riga 16 Pretty Mokik relative to others about this mokik I told you in the article "Riga-16"

    Riga 16 - Mokik, serially produced by the plant "Sarkan Zvyagzne" from 1979 to 1982.
    In 1979, the production was launched a two-speed model Riga-16. It was already a mokik with a kickstarter, a muffler of a motorcycle type, a new steering wheel and a back lantern. In the first models, Riga-16 still stood the engine "Sh-57", but later in Mokik installed one of the most successful engines of the Siaulia Plant - "Sh-58". Another important indicator: when weighing 70 kg, Mokik could carry up to 115 kg of cargo.

    \u003d\u003d Specifications: \u003d\u003d


    sh-58 or S-58, on early mopeds - sh-57.
    Engine power, kW (hp)

    1,5 (2,0)
    Type of gearbox

    Two-stage gear shifting

    Double-disc, oil bath
    Engine launch mechanism

    Kick starter (on sh-57 pedals)

    A-76 with oil (25: 1)
    Fuel control, l / 100 km

    Tire size

    Motor gear

    Motor gear gear 3.08
    Ignition system

    Contact, from the Magneto AC with a high-voltage transformer

    K-35V or K-60
    Air cleaner

    Dry, mesh
    a couple of photos from the Internet:

    What the modern teenagers dream are - a new iPhone 6, MacBook Air, Gopro and other electronic gadgets that literally flooded almost all areas of our livelihoods. But the schoolchildren of the 70-80s and, partly, the beginning of the 90s were completely different fantasy.
    Here she is the dream of schoolchildren of the 80s!

    Personally, at the age of 12-13 years old, I wanted a moped very much - so much that I even often dreamed, as I carry on a country road on the "Carpathians" with a raised shield and silencer.
    All family Carpathians-2 assembly: Sport, Suite and Standard

    The most striking thing is that the dreams became a jaw: very soon I had exactly the desired "Carpathians-2 Sport" of red - in perfect condition and with minimal mileage.
    So Carpathians looked like: Scan from the journal behind the wheel.

    IN best years Lviv motion produced 300 thousand mokikov, but in the mid-80s demand began to fall, and production fell to about 100 thousand pieces per year. The production of 2-wheeled technology on LMZ was finally minimized in 1997: the enterprise equipment is dismantled and exported, and the former factory buildings are now rented by third-party firms, far from motor production. However, still on sale periodically pop up "time capsules" - absolutely new mopeds and mocks without a run, which, due to various reasons, defended in the sheds, garages and even balconies. About one of these finds and will be discussed in today's record.

    Mokikov called equipment with kick starter, and mopeds were started using pedals. 2-color painting was the usual phenomenon for the beginning of the 90s: put it, what was!

    So, in front of you - the standard Mokik "Carpathians-2" of the 1991 sample with a mileage of 6 kilometers, which all this time stood in a canned form in one of the garages of Izhevsk. For this Mokik asked 10 thousand Russian rubles - with documents and a complete set of factory instrument. But in the late 80s "Karpaty-2" cost 250-260 Soviet rubles, depending on the modification.
    A simple speedometer and 6.8 km on a odometer.

    Faro with a plastic case began to put in 1989

    This model is equipped with an engine V-501M with a capacity of 2 hp Production of the Siaulia Bicycle and Motor Plant "Vaisras". 2-speed gearbox had a foot switch. From my experience I will add that such a scheme was simpler, reliable and more convenient to switch, although the paw itself was made from the metal of disgusting quality and was constantly breaking: in my memory it was brewed 3 times for sure.
    Drag about hot exhaust pipe - Standard history from childhood

    "Karpaty-2" came to the change "Karpatam-1" in 1986 and virtually no changes were produced to the very death of the plant. Mokka design - extremely simple: stamped steel frame frame, 2-stroke engine, primitive suspension with pebble shock absorbers.
    Still preserved mustache on factory tires

    The maximum speed of such a technique was 55 km / h: it is with passing wind and without a passenger, and so these mokiki were very low. Some craftsmen were balung "tuning" in the form of improving the pistons under three rings. I met a more radical approach - installation of a 125-cm motorcycle "Minsk" motorcycle, but such amateurness was not particularly encouraged by traffic cops.

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