Home Brakes What are the norms of time for the repair of cars, units and assemblies and how they are calculated. Where can I find the standard hours for vehicle repair? Norm hours for car service

What are the norms of time for the repair of cars, units and assemblies and how they are calculated. Where can I find the standard hours for vehicle repair? Norm hours for car service

Product meter for calculating the cost of the corresponding costing object. There may be the following groups of calculation units 1) natural 2) impersonal (enlarged) price list number of the product, one hundred pairs of shoes or sets of goods 3) conditionally natural alcohol 100% caustic soda 92% sodium, etc. 4) labor (standard hour) and a number of others.

Piecework earnings between the brigade shifts are distributed in proportion to the number of standard hours worked out by each shift.

The number of standard hours worked out by each watch is indicated in the payment card of each watch. Accounting is based on the records of the master's daily report.

In the payment card, in addition to the number of standard hours performed by the shift, the actual time spent on piecework and time-based work and downtime is also indicated. The earnings of the watch between its members are distributed in proportion to piece rate tariff rates

TABLE OF THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DIVISION - a list of the functions of the department with calculations of the labor intensity of each of them in standard hours per year or in rubles per year.

The calculation technique for distribution boils down to the fact that the piece rate for drilling a well is divided by the total number of standard hours worked out by all shifts 2 completed work R S

If the volume of output is calculated by its labor intensity in constant standard hours, then the output will be determined by the number of constant standard hours per unit of actually worked time. This will be the labor method for determining labor productivity.

The range of self-supporting indicators for auxiliary workshops includes an indicator of the volume of final products (works, services), calculated on the basis of the wage rate or the standard in standard hours per unit of work (services).

Natural indicators are unsuitable for calculating the percentage of fulfillment of time norms, since the worker during the shift produces various types of products incommensurable in kind. For this reason, when calculating the percentage of fulfillment of the norms of time, a conditional meter is used, expressing the volume of various work in normalized units of time - standard hours. For example, if the standard time for bottling 1 ton of bitumen is 0.9 hours, then the volume of this work is 0.9 standard hours.

L. As a measure of the labor intensity of the repair, the units of the repair complexity are taken. The standard is a conventional unit of equipment, the labor intensity of overhaul of which is equal to 10 standard hours. Each apparatus, machine or container belongs to a well-known group of

Example. The column with grooved normalized trays with a diameter of 3000 mm is assigned to the 38 group of repair complexity. Consequently, the labor intensity of its overhaul is 10-38 = - 380 standard hours.

The mechanization of labor-intensive work, dispatch control and automation of many operations, for example, starting and stopping pumps, greatly improve the technical and economic indicators of the commodity economy. Labor intensity manual work for one revolution of the tank is equal to one standard hour. With the mechanization of manual work and the automation of a part, their duration is reduced by about 80%, due to which the turnover time of the tank is reduced. Automation of bottom water discharge from reservoirs reduces oil product losses. In particular, gasoline losses are reduced by about 8 times. Mechanization and automation of maintenance of tank farms makes it possible to reduce the number of personnel by 13%.

The number of standard hours worked out by each shift, as well as the actual time spent on piecework and time-based work and downtime are indicated in the settlement card of each shift. Accounting is carried out on the basis of the records of the daily report of the drilling foreman. The earnings of the watch between its members are distributed in proportion to piece-rate tariff rates and piece-rate hours worked.

Labor hey (normative) measure of labor productivity is expressed in normalized working hours and is determined by the ratio of the amount of work performed in standard hours to the actual hours worked. This measurement method essentially characterizes the stele, the fulfillment of the norms. However, this one too. the meter has a number of

In recent years, the labor intensity indicator, based on stable standards of labor costs, has been used. The essence of this method is that the volume of exploration work is expressed in labor intensity - standard labor costs (standard hours, standard days), which are socially necessary costs of living labor and the production of work performed.

The amount of production is measured in physical terms - tons, pieces, cubic meters, etc. units of labor expended - standard hours in value terms - rubles. Time spent on production is measured in man-hours, man-days, man-years. Depending on the units in which the volume of output is measured, the following methods of determining labor productivity are distinguished.

The piece earnings due to the brigade are first distributed among the shifts, in proportion to the standard hours worked for each shift, and then within the shift is distributed between

S. is calculated in the same way because of works. In this case, the LI value characterizes the total labor intensity of the i -th type of work in standard hours.

Example. In the planned period, the volume of marketable construction products under the trust will amount to 84.4 million rubles. As a result of the change in the structure of construction work, the labor intensity (1 million rubles) of construction and installation work in the planned period will be 2598, and in the baseline - 3199 standard hours. The number of working days per year is 234, the duration of the shift is 8.2 hours and the rate of fulfillment of time norms is 1.2.

Example. The implementation of all measures under the plan to improve production efficiency provides savings in working time in the amount of 370 thousand standard hours. The total labor intensity of the production program is 4 million

In the table, the letters C c T indicate the types of repair, respectively, the average and current figures show the costs of pa renovation work in standard hours.

Having received the final data on the labor intensity of all work according to the annual maintenance schedule and adding to this value the labor intensity reserve for unscheduled and emergency work, it is possible to obtain a planned indicator of the volume of repair work in standard hours. The actual volume of repair work is determined according to the labor intensity standards and the actual list of the work performed with the allocation of the labor intensity of unscheduled and emergency work.

At a number of chemical enterprises, when analyzing the production plan, a method is used to assess the implementation of the volume of production in standard hours. Let us consider such an assessment procedure according to the data in Table 4.3, from which it can be seen that the production plan in value terms is fulfilled by 101.7%, and taking into account its labor intensity by 99.2% (792.93 799.47x100) the volume of output in value terms by 2.5% against its implementation, calculated in terms of labor costs, indicates that

The indicator of wages should create an interest in the team of the brigade in improving those final results of its work, which are currently most important under given production conditions. Indicators of wages should be simple, specific, correctly reflect the labor costs of workers and provide a clear connection between the results of collective work and the earnings of each worker. The most specific and understandable are the physical indicators of labor remuneration (tons, pieces, meters of manufactured products). In a number of industries, where it is impossible to use natural indicators of brigade remuneration (especially with a long production cycle), other indicators can be used

The cost of a standard hour for car repairs is one of the key indicators that affect the price attractiveness of a service station for customers and the profitability of a car service. This article reveals the objective mechanisms for the formation of prices for services. The information presented is intended primarily for specialists dealing with pricing issues in the service, as well as informative for a wide range of motorists interested in this topic.

Basics of pricing for auto repair services

The basic mechanism for the formation of the cost of services in a well-organized car service is simple: the time norm established by the applicable reference book for a specific service operation is multiplied by the approved cost of the standard hour.

The time standards are set by the car manufacturer, taking into account the design features of individual models of cars of its own production. This information is available to dealerships and authorized service stations directly from the car manufacturer. The use of uniform norms of time and technology of work is designed to guarantee customers service in any official service according to the same standard.

It should be noted that sometimes official dealers in their software systematically or their employees, when placing orders, individually adjust the norms established by the automaker, in order to thus correct obvious errors in the reference book or increase their earnings.

Independent service stations are in a more difficult position: they have a much wider variety of serviced machines, design features which predetermine the difference in the duration of the same type of work. In addition, it is often simply unrealistic for independent stations without direct contact with car manufacturers to obtain various time rates and keep their database up-to-date in this area. They most often determine their prices for work with an eye to the average prevailing prices of direct competitors, or rely on their own experience accumulated earlier - they create their own reference book of basic norms, which they take only as a basis, inviting clients to pay extra "after the fact", depending on on the actual duration of work on a particular vehicle. Of course, sometimes the contact personnel of such service stations use the opportunity to "cheat" in their favor when they realize that they are interacting with a not very knowledgeable car enthusiast. Official dealerships and authorized services in this part are more predictable, because they are bound by obligations to the automaker to apply uniform time standards. "Tricks" in their work can also be found, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

Differentiation of the cost of the standard hour for car repairs

The cost of a standard hour for car repairs is approved by the head of the company or the director of the service. It is extremely rare that one value is used - most often we are talking about differentiated pricing. So, for example, an official dealership can operate with the following items of the cost of a standard hour for car repair and maintenance:

    for MOT (maintenance) for cars in warranty period;

    on TP ( Maintenance) for vehicles during the warranty period;

    for TO and TR in the post-warranty period;

    for cars of non-core brands;

    on the cars of the company's employees;

    for the services of a tire fitting and a car wash station;

    for intracorporate settlements with companies of the same group;

    to non-profit internal work carried out at the expense of the company itself for their own needs (washing their test cars, etc.).

The cost of a standard hour in a car service for maintenance of warranty vehicles, of course, is the maximum among the rest. The logic behind this pricing policy is simple: the car owner is "tied" to dealer service factory warranty and suffers high prices because of this.

The cost of the standard hour for car repairs during the warranty period (current repairs) is often set at a reduced rate, since in this part the official service already feels the competition of independent service stations. Replacement brake pads and other works that are not included in TO according to the regulations and do not fall under the warranty work free of charge for the client, the car owner can do in an alternative service at more attractive prices.

The cost of a standard hour for car repairs and their maintenance in an official dealership when the car leaves the warranty period decreases, as a rule, dramatically. The owner loses the possibility of free troubleshooting within the framework of the car manufacturer's warranty support and he loses the motivation to pay high tariffs. Almost all official dealers are forced to react to this in order to retain the client. The same work with the same quality for an older car will be done at prices about one and a half to two times lower than those used during the warranty period. An important circumstance is also the fact that often during this time the car is transferred to a new owner. Second, third and subsequent car owners consider servicing anywhere (up to a private mechanic's garage) and are least likely to spend as much on dealer service as a new car buyer seeking to maintain the automaker's warranty in the early years of ownership. A service station specialized in a certain brand of cars, especially as part of a dealership, can easily keep the prices for cars in the post-warranty period of operation slightly higher than alternative services. Such an opportunity is based on the fact that a considerable part of wealthy clients are ready to pay extra for this small difference for the competence of performers, lower risks and related customer service at a higher level. This is especially true for car owners of brands that belong to the High-middle (above average), Premium and Lux ​​segments.

The cost of a standard hour for car repairs in a car service of an official dealership for cars of non-core brands is either slightly less than for cars of "own" brand in the post-warranty period, or higher. The first case demonstrates the interest of the management to provide the center and staff with any additional income. The second case demonstrates the opposite policy, since the management does not want to provide low-income services for one reason or another.

For example, high barrage prices for non-core car service can be set in official dealerships of premium brands to limit service to mass-brand cars and not violate the aura of exclusivity for their main customers. In addition, work with machines for which there is no access to technical information and approved repair methods carries an increased risk of error and subsequent liability. Yes, and expensive equipment wears out, not bringing a sufficient level of profit on the investment in it cash... Such a pricing strategy can be followed by dealers, whose service station load with cars of a specialized premium brand is sufficient for profitable activity.

The cost of a standard hour for car repairs of a company (internal work) and for intracorporate clients (cars of companies in their group) depends on the policy of the management, taking into account the current difference in the taxation of companies and some other factors. For example, when a car service operates on a simplified taxation system, it is more profitable for a company of the same owner, but operating on a general tax regime, to provide services at an inflated cost. However, there are also risks of claims from the tax authorities for such "optimization" with serious consequences.

What are the key benchmarks for deciding on the cost of a standard hour for car repairs? First of all, they are guided by two factors: for service customers for paid services, they are guided by the prevailing pricing of direct competitors in their market segment, and in order to establish minimum prices for internal work and maintenance of cars, employees are based on direct costs of remuneration of mechanics.

When calculating the cost of a standard hour for car repairs, a reserve for vacation and hospital expenses should be added to the established rate of payment for a mechanic for each sold rate-hour. With the basic duration of annual leave of 28 calendar days and a predominantly male composition of employees, the reserve can be calculated at approximately 12% (the ratio of the number of vacation days to workers per year). All this must be supplemented by 30.4% to cover the costs of paying the unified social tax (UST) and deductions "for injuries." It is also worth adding a certain amount to cover a number of directly related costs, which, at least, should include:

    the amount for payment of bank services for the transfer of wages to an employee and taxes at the current rates of the bank for settlement and cash services;

    the amount for the wear of overalls, on the detergents and cleaning agents relying on the mechanics, according to the current legislation, on rags and other materials that are not included in the work order for payment by the client;

    the amount of instrument depreciation (determined by a calculation method of dividing the costs of the written off instrument for a long period (for example, a year or even two to three years) and the number of closed "commercial" norm-hours for the same period;

    some others, in line with management and accounting policies.

Having the initial information, you can make not the most complex, but important calculations.

An example of calculating the cost of a standard hour for car repairs

Consider an example of calculating the cost of a standard hour for car repairs in 2018 in the passenger segment. So, suppose:

    300 rubles - the rate of payroll for a mechanic for each closed-order-work rate-hour (of which 261 is paid directly to the mechanic, and 39 rubles is income tax individuals and is payable to the budget);

    45 rubles - the tariff for calculating wages to the master-inspector (for paperwork and solving other issues);

    15 rubles - the tariff for calculating a bonus to the salary of a workshop foreman (for technological support of work and final quality control);

    43.2 rubles - reserve for vacation and sick leave;

    122.57 rubles - UST and injuries;

    30 rubles - related expenses;

The total is a little less than 556 rubles of direct costs of remuneration of direct performers and direct associated costs.

Now it is worth considering the taxation of service activities. For example, in the general tax regime, it is necessary to add value added tax (VAT) at the current rate. Most often, at present, the services of the service are without VAT according to the simplified taxation system (STS). In the simplest option for calculating, this is a tax of 6% of gross income, excluding costs. That is, the amount of direct costs received by us by calculation must be at least 94% of the established cost per hour of paid time. The minimum cost of a standard hour for car repairs according to our example should be 556 / 0.94 = 591.5 rubles. With the mechanic's wage rate taken as an example, this is the very minimum, which does not take into account the calculations of depreciation of fixed assets (first of all, service station equipment), electricity costs in the repair area and other workshop costs.

When calculating the total cost of a standard hour for car repairs, not only direct costs for mechanics and workshop costs are taken into account, but also all costs of the company, including administrative costs, interest on loans for organizing and developing a business, etc.

As a general rule, the calculation of costs for 1 standard hour is made by dividing the accrued by accounting the corresponding costs for the number of sales rate hours closed in the same reporting period. For the calculation, it is better to take the year, which allows you to take into account seasonal fluctuations in the level of costs and volumes of work. In the same way, you can calculate almost any other costs attributable to one hour of the services provided.

A significant contribution to the cost of service station services is made by renting premises or accounting for investments in construction and equipment. Let's take, for example, that renting a suitable premises for a small private service for several posts will cost, according to the most conservative estimates, approximately 300,000 rubles per month. When 1000 standard hours are closed monthly on average for a year, each of them will have 300 rubles of paid rent. In addition, there are also costs for heating, lighting and maintenance of the premises and the adjacent territory, garbage disposal, payment for communication services, etc. The company also bears the costs of management, HR administration and accounting. The cost of a standard hour for car repairs should also take into account the interest of the business owner.

Let's continue the calculation according to the above example:

    556 rubles - labor costs with taxes on the main personnel;

    300 rubles - the cost of renting the premises and the surrounding area;

    50 rubles - maintenance costs;

    100 rubles - management costs;

    150 rubles - the interest of the owner.

It turned out in the amount of 1156 rubles. Taking into account the simplified taxation system of 6%, the cost of a standard hour for clients should be on average at least 1230 rubles after taking into account all the discounts provided. The cost of the norm-hour in the given example can be assigned a little less, provided that part of the necessary expenses and the owner's interest are covered by making a profit from the sale of spare parts and consumables.

The hardest thing for official dealers car brands... The construction and equipping of a service as part of a dealership with equipment according to all standards costs them tens or even hundreds of millions of rubles. At the same time, the automaker requires the dealer to bear significant operating operating costs according to the established service standards. All of this is a very substantial addition to the cost of the services provided.

It is worth noting that a detailed calculation of the cost of a standard hour for car repairs is currently rarely compiled, since it requires the work of a qualified economist or an experienced accountant with additional competencies in the field of pricing. Many are guided only by prices already established in the local market.

Table of the cost of the standard hour for car repairs

Table of the cost of the standard hour for car repairs in a car service in 2018, for example:

    for internal work (maintenance of our own vehicle fleet) - 500-600 rubles;

    for auto center employees - from 600 to 1000 rubles, depending on the internal corporate policy;

    for maintenance (MOT) during the warranty period: for mass brands of the budget and middle level - 1200-1500 rubles, for brands of the upper middle segment (high middle, for example, Toyota, Volkswagen, Honda) - from 1500 to 1800 rubles, for premium brands - from 2700 to 3500 rubles;

    for car maintenance in the post-warranty period - from 1200 to 2000 rubles, depending on the prestige of the brand and the age of the car itself (for example, for premium brand cars over 3 and up to 5 years old - 1800-2000 rubles, and over 5 years old - 1200-1300 rubles).

Is the cost of the standard hour for car repairs always applied correctly? No not always. Some highly competitive types of work may have a fixed reduced cost. This is true for tire fitting and washing services in dealerships... Point reduction can also be applied to individual jobs, which are considered to be "price beacons". Clients often ask the prices for such works, and they are mainly used to judge the level of prices in the service - changing the engine oil, replacing brake pads, and the like. In addition, some customers may receive an additional discount from the owner or authorized operations manager. In addition to this, depending on the adequacy of the number of norm-hours according to the reference book, individual works and the elasticity of the response of service customers to the final cost, the workshop administration can introduce individual adjustments. Some car manufacturers pursue a policy of uniform prices for maintenance, which, when compared with the reference rate of time and the cost of the rate-hour for a particular authorized dealer, can also give a discrepancy. It is worth recalling once again that many private garage and medium-sized independent car services in their pricing are intuitively guided by the competitive environment and their own understanding of the price-quality ratio for the services they provide.

Average cost per hour for car repairs

The average cost of a standard hour for car repairs reflects the end result of the aggregate of services rendered at different costs. It is determined by dividing the cost of services by the number of normal hours for closed work orders for the selected period.

Falling value average cost The following main reasons can determine the standard hours for car repairs:

    an increase in the share of work at a low cost - for example, an increase in post-warranty repairs with stabilization or reduction in maintenance volumes for machines that are in the warranty period;

    reduction in the cost of the norm-hour;

    expanding the practice of additional discounts on the cost of work.

The increase in the average cost of a standard hour for car repairs is determined by the reasons for the opposite effect.

Let's give a simple example to illustrate. The service station closed 900 normal hours at the established rates of 1200 rubles without discounts. Another 100 normal hours are closed for 1000 rubles, i.e. with discount. The total revenue is 1,180,000 rubles, and the average cost of a standard hour is 1,180 rubles.

The study of the dynamics of volumes and the average cost of a standard hour for car repairs separately by type of repairs or categories of customers will allow to localize the factor of behavior of the final indicators of the services provided. Deep structured analysis is useful for commercial and intercompany service volumes separately. Often, the average standard hour for car repairs, which is stable from period to period, hides negative events that require intervention, or, on the contrary, neutralizes the positive results of purposeful efforts of personnel in some significant areas due to the action of other reasons.


The cost of a standard hour for car repairs requires a correctly qualified and not very complicated calculation, which will allow you to consciously choose key control points in your pricing policy and correctly understand the cause-and-effect relationships in the profitability or unprofitability of a car service. The calculation results should be carefully checked with the prevailing this market prices for direct and potential competitors and keep control over the reaction of customers. This is necessary to find the optimal price-quality ratio for the services provided and the profitable work of the car service.

Modern cars have an uncomfortable ability to break down. Alas, it is not always possible to solve problems on your own - you have to turn to specialists. Machine maintenance is designed to keep it in good working order to prevent damage. Such procedures are very important for the car. Spending half an hour to replace engine oil, you will protect yourself from motor damage. Maintenance of the car is a necessary prophylaxis of the working condition of the car.

What is the standard hour of car repair

Norm-hour for car repair and its Maintenance Is a unit of work execution time. There are certain standards for working with a car. All operations are spelled out in the standards and how many hours are allocated for car repairs for a specific operation.

How rate hours are calculated

The specialists proceed from the typical cost of the standard time for the repair of the machine and calculate the total cost of the operation for the clients. If the owner knows the standard hours, it is convenient for him to calculate in advance the cost of all transactions online. In addition, it is easy to adjust plans so that the absence of a car does not bring harm. It should be noted that not all service stations use the hourly rate for car repairs. Usually these calculations are used by private car owners. It happens that service centers also need it.

Currently, car repairs can account for up to a third of a car's total operating costs. Fuel costs are statistically the largest share, but maintenance is usually the second largest component of a car's cost. We usually agree with the level of prices for spare parts at the stage of choosing a car. This is because the question arises directly from the class and technical complexity of the vehicle.

However, the prices that the workshop wants to receive for the labor are unknown to many drivers. How much does it cost 8000 rubles to replace the clutch? Or maybe this is too little?

What determines the norms of time for car repairs

The repair time for cars varies depending on: the manufacturer of the car, the model, the wear of the car itself - in small ranges.

For organizations and legal entities labor intensity standards are adjusted depending on the number of serviced and inspected vehicles at the enterprise.

A prime example of rigidity is the addition of so-called vehicle diagnostics in the event of a repair. When a customer arrives to fix the source of the suspension knocking or engine jerkiness, the job of the workshop is to find the source of the problem. For repairs, the mechanic does not have to add standard hours to the diagnostic costs, as this is an integral part of the repair. The workshop may wish to pay for diagnostics by standard hours when the customer arrives with a request to check the defect, but without the actual repair.

How are the norms of time for the overhaul of a car compiled

Vehicle maintenance and repair standards include:

  • Workplace maintenance
  • Operational time
  • Obtaining materials and tools
  • Preparatory and final work
  • Time for rest and personal needs.

All this in the aggregate version gives the rate of repair time for the car.

Collection of norms of time for car repair

The ETLIB website contains a convenient service for determining the standard hours for the required car make and model. The basic basic information of the standard hours for car repairs is presented in a convenient and accessible format below.

Maintenance hour for passenger cars

  • Check the operation of the sound signal devices, glass washing, heating and lighting - 0.08
  • Measure the control fuel consumption - 0.25
  • Check the transmission under load - 0.05
  • Carry out interior cleaning - 0.30
  • Check the condition of the engine, lubrication and cooling - 0.35
  • Complete wash of the whole car - 0.80
  • Check the operation of the combustion system - 0.32

On the basis of the analysis, it was found that the percentage of the surcharge to the operational time is 12 standard hours.

Percentage of premium for repair of trucks

The enlarged norms of time for car repair are:

  • Removal or installation of units, assemblies and parts (norms of time for engine repair) - 15.1
  • Electrical equipment repair - 12.0
  • Painting work - 14.0
  • Gas equipment repair - 12.0
  • Tire works - 12.0
  • Locksmith work on the repair of devices, power systems, car engine - 12.0
  • Parts processing in a mechanical workshop - 12.8

Standards of repair time for cars for passenger models, excluding surcharges

  • Remove and install fuel tank – 0,36
  • Work with a muffler / intake pipe / gearbox - 0.92
  • Installing a radiator - 0.52
  • Installation of a water pump - 0.64
  • Replace the hose - 0.25

Repair time trucks is different because it is expensive:

  • Remove and install engine - 4.20
  • Replace the valve rotation mechanism - 0.29
  • Remove and install carburetor - 0.42
  • Working with the clutch - 1.10
  • Work with the cylinder head of the engine - 0.25.

To calculate the cost of repairs by standard hours, service programs, catalogs with parts, etc. come to the rescue. You can find out how much time is provided for this operation. Then, at least in theory, it is enough to multiply the time by your own rate of standard hours, and we get the cost of the service.

This is only theoretically, in practice everything looks a little different - in the operations catalog, standard hours are provided for new car... In fact, in the case of many breakdowns, there are notes about a "difficult case", but an additional routine half hour is often not enough for the technician to be able to cope with the rusted screws.

Regulatory hours are just a hint for the mechanic how long it will take to complete a particular repair.

An example of the standard time for car repair

Repairs or working hours presented do not have to be performed by workshops - a car service is not even obliged to know such standards and, of course, should not comply with them.

Many actions are easily frustrated (even if they claim to be provided only in new car). Higher labor costs are often in the best interest of the customers themselves. For example, a Zafira B with a 1.7 CDTI engine. In theory, a turbine replacement operation takes 2 hours. 48 minutes by standard hours. It will be difficult to keep within this time limit even for an experienced craftsman, because the creators of the catalog did not include some additional operations required for: dismantling the air conditioner compressor (fortunately, without having to empty the system, just move the compressor away from the engine block), heat shields, temperature sensor. The whole element has been dismantled - with an exhaust manifold and a catalyst that must be dismantled.

Also, remember that hourly repairs are about exchanging components - taking out the old turbine and installing a new one. If the client asked to restore the old turbine, then the standard hours for car repairs will take even longer. In addition, there is the problem of occupying position, pushing the car for service, etc. That is why services in this model do not take into account 4,760 rubles (as follows from the cost estimate for standard hours of car repair), but about 11,000 rubles - and this is not so much, but the entire front of the repair being performed is taken into account!

In the process of planning its activities, the company takes into account various factors and indicators. Moreover, their number directly depends on the organization. So, for example, companies engaged in the production of any product or providing a variety of services include an order of magnitude more indicators in the business plan than other enterprises. One of the most important is the normal hour. This indicator underlies the labor intensity of products, which is established by the normative, has a direct relationship with the volume of goods produced. Moreover, it is closely related to labor productivity.

Standard hour is an indicator that characterizes the amount of time required to perform any work, provide a service or release a unit of production. Moreover, its value is limited by the regulatory framework. It should be noted that this indicator affects the goods and, as a result, the volume of revenue and net profit.

Occurs using a well-known index such as gross hours worked. This indicator can be determined in the following way: the number of employees of the organization employed in the production of a certain type of product is multiplied by the amount of working time. However, the result obtained cannot be a standard for determining such a value, as is explained by the fact that these man-hours were not used with equal intense efforts.

It should be understood that a certain amount of time was spent on scheduled and ad hoc breaks. Depending on the type of activity of the enterprise, the number of minutes of rest is established in accordance with regulatory documents. Therefore, it is necessary to subtract the value of this indicator from the total number of man-hours.

In addition, there are also downtime, absenteeism and disability. In accordance with various forms of statistical reporting, this amount of time can also be calculated and subtracted from the calculated amount of man-hours. Some other indicators should also be taken into account. Do not forget about the time for preparing for work, as well as for completing the work process and putting the workplace in order. Knowing these indicators and the efficiency of the work of people, you can calculate such a value as the standard hour.

Let's look at an example. 5 people are involved in the production of the product. The number of working hours of each of them is 8. According to the regulations, each employee has a legal break for lunch - 1 hour, and two short breaks of 10 minutes. In addition, at the beginning of the working day, 10 minutes are allotted for cleaning your place, and at the end of the shift, that is, in total - 20 minutes. During the month of March, none of the employees took time off, no one was sick, and no downtime happened either. The production process efficiency is 115%. The cost of a standard hour is 2000 rubles. Calculate and determine their monetary value.

The gross number of man-hours is equal to:

5 people * 8 hours * 20 days = 800 man-hours.

The amount of time for regulated breaks, lunch, preparation of the workplace:

10 minutes + 10 minutes + 1 hour + 10 minutes + 10 minutes = 1 hour 40 minutes or 1.67 hours

The amount of time unused in production is equal to:

5 people * 20 days * 1.67 hours = 167 man-hours per month

There are no other downtime, so the number of standard hours will be equal to:

800 people / hour - 167 people / hour = 633 people / hour

At the same time, employees use their time more efficiently, i.e. 633 person / hour turns into:

633 people / hours * 115% = 727.95 people / hours - this is the required number of standard hours.

Moreover, their cost is:

727.95 person / hour * 2000 rub. = RUB 1,455,900

A simple or complex malfunction, the consequences of an accident and even planned maintenance - all this brings the car owner to a service center. In this case, you have to leave the car and the entire repair period will cost by public transport... In many cases, this is extremely inconvenient. It is difficult not only for a business person without a vehicle. How, for example, can you go to the market, take your children to school or a section? And if the car is a working tool? Then the situation becomes almost hopeless.

That is why every car owner is so interested in the standard norms of time for repairs and cars. Knowing them, he will be able to adjust his plans so that the absence of a car does not cause losses.

What standards give

Time regulation for repair and maintenance work Vehicle allows vehicle owners to make plans. But in addition, the duration of the repair has a noticeable effect on its cost. And, knowing in advance how long it will take for repairs, as well as what kind of work will be performed (this can also be found from the standards), the planned cost of work is easily determined. And the financial issue is not only important, it can also turn out to be very painful if you have to solve it without preparation. So the norms of time for repairs passenger cars every car owner needs to know.

Problems in setting standards

The trouble is that auto enterprises do not widely disseminate regulatory information, but only provide it to official representatives - dealers, service centers, and the like. Every car owner knows how difficult it is to get such information in any service center. SCs are not at all eager to tell the owner of the car about the standards for repair and maintenance, so you have to get the necessary information yourself.

When a car service needs regulations

It should be noted that information containing standard time rates for car repairs is not always required only by private car owners. It happens that service centers also need it. The point is that not all of them work with one or two car brands. There are also so-called multi-car centers, which can be contacted by the owner of any brand issued by any manufacturer. And immediately the question arises of how much repair or maintenance should cost this car"Unknown breed". It can be extremely unprofitable to set a price from the ceiling: a miss in either direction in the result will be unprofitable. Therefore, you need to somehow make an accurate calculation based on legitimate regulatory data.

What a car owner should know

In order to navigate the various information regarding the vehicle, the car owner needs to know:

  • what is the standard hour;
  • in which case it is possible to apply the regulation of time and work;
  • where to find the necessary regulatory information;
  • how to use the regulations;
  • how to calculate the standard hour for a particular car repair or maintenance job.

What is the standard hour

The standard hour is called the unit of measurement of labor costs. That is, the implementation of each operation related to the repair or is strictly standardized and should take no more than a specific time.

For each brand of vehicle, for each car manufacturer, indicators are calculated, which can be found in a special collection, where temporary standards for maintenance and repair are indicated. Any manufacturer, starting the serial production of cars, develops a list of maintenance work (planned and unscheduled), as well as the norms of time for performing any work related to the vehicle, whether it be maintenance or recovery from an accident. The standard hour serves to control the duration of work and should not exceed the set time.

When can standards be applied?

Before you start determining the standard hours, you should know that not in all cases this standard can be applied. The fact is that any standards are designed exclusively for professional craftsmen and the same equipment. For example, for a service center specializing in servicing a certain brand of cars, the standards established by the manufacturer of this brand will apply. But if to carry out the same work, you turn to a familiar car mechanic or to a small workshop that does not have an appropriate diagnostic and even repair (for example, not all workshops have cameras for carrying out painting works) equipment, you can forget about the standard hours.

Sometimes car service workers argue that it is impossible to apply standards to a very new car, and in general, working in a car workshop and what they write at the factory are two big differences. But you can safely ignore such excuses. At the manufacturing plant, the standards are drawn up by professionals, and they take into account everything from the life of the car to the personal time that the repairman needs (for example, for a snack, a smoke break or visiting public places).

How to determine the standard hour

In order to determine the standard hour for a particular work with a specific brand and model of a vehicle, you need to get access to the regulatory collection of the manufacturer of this vehicle. This can be done in a service center that is an official representative of this manufacturer, but this usually takes a lot of nerves. And if an ordinary car enthusiast still has a chance to get information, then for another service center it will be almost impossible - no one wants to help competitors. So it is much easier to turn to the Internet services, where there are also such collections, they can be downloaded free of charge, and a special Internet program with which you can calculate the required standard hour.

Which way is better

Experts say that the Internet program, which online determines the necessary time standards for car repairs, is much more convenient than the manufacturer's collection.

With the help of it, the cost of carrying out any necessary work: repair, maintenance, restoration. This program not only allows you to find out the required time, its database contains all the data on the spare parts produced by the manufacturer for a particular vehicle model, which is important not only for repair or maintenance in a service center, but also for self-repair. This information is especially valuable for those who had to face the need to reconstruct a car (for example, as a result of an accident).

At the same time, ordinary normative legal acts simply give a set of time values, and there is a lot of information, it is very difficult to find the right line in this information sea. For example, the time norms for repairing VAZ cars are regulated in a special collection of RD 03112178-1023-99. But anyone who wants to know the standards for maintenance and repair work will have to break through not only through general information data, but even through the lists of tire fitting, painting, wallpaper and other various works.

What the program can do

With the help of the program, you can find out all the information regarding dismantling and restoration work, work on replacing and painting all parts of the vehicle. The program also gives access to all the standards and sequence of restoration and reconstruction, which have been developed by the manufacturer. In it you can see the systems and components of the car - such a demonstration is especially useful if it is supposed to carry out repairs on its own, or if the owner of the vehicle wants to competently control the performance of work by the masters (especially important if you have to use the services of a "garage service" ).

The program makes all the necessary calculations for the time standards, as well as for the required car parts, their cost, and so on. These calculations can be printed out for easy reference.

It is especially convenient in the program that it contains almost all brands and models of vehicles from 1985 to the present day - the database is constantly updated with new data. Accordingly, there is also all the data on manufacturers, so that using the program, you can get information on the repair and maintenance of both imported and domestic cars.

Truck regulations

To find out the standards for the repair and restoration work of trucks domestic production, it is recommended to look at the Interindustry Aggregate Automotive Repair Times. This normative document can be found easily. It regulates:

  • The time limit for the repair of KAMAZ vehicles.
  • The time limit for repairing KRAZ vehicles.
  • The time limit for MAZ car repair.
  • The time limit for car repairs ZIL.
  • Time norms for GAZ car repairs.

You need to know that all these standards are designed to perform work in a professional workshop, with professional equipment and materials, as well as professional workers. If we are talking about "garage" repairs or about performing repair, restoration or maintenance work on their own, then such standards are no longer valid.

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