Home Engine Do I need to warm up the engine of a foreign car in winter. Do I need to warm up the car engine in winter, and if so, how much? Don't fall for common misconceptions in the driving environment

Do I need to warm up the engine of a foreign car in winter. Do I need to warm up the car engine in winter, and if so, how much? Don't fall for common misconceptions in the driving environment

Hello, dear colleagues, motorists. The issue of warming up the engine has always been quite acute, and especially with the onset of winter cold weather. There are both opponents and supporters of a long warm-up, and they give quite weighty arguments. And how not to get confused here especially for a novice driver. I don’t want to say big words, but my education and experience in operating cars allow me to express my opinion on this topic. Your attention to the answer to the question: is it necessary to warm up the engine in winter?

We will not be guided by rumors and first of all we will open the operation manual for any modern car. What is written there? And there it is written in black and white that the car's engine does not need to be warmed up.

Having voiced this information, the manufacturer does not in any way worry about the resource of your car. No, he, in principle, does not care how long the engine of your car will travel 300 or 320 thousand km, since by this time the guarantee will expire long ago. The manufacturer pursues selfish goals:

  • Indicate the lowest possible fuel consumption per 100 km, because when you are standing, fuel is consumed, and the mileage is not added.
  • To please ecologists. Modern Euro standards strictly limit the content of toxic substances when starting up and warming up the internal combustion engine. And here the first batch is played by the re-enriched working mixture, that is, the mixture where gasoline is contained in large quantities. As you know, it is not gasoline itself that burns, but its vapors. In severe frost, gasoline does not really want to evaporate and the air from the street enters the cylinders cold, which means with a high density. The following situation arises in order to compensate for the low volatility of the fuel and the high air density, it is necessary to supply more gasoline to the cylinders. And what has not completely evaporated - flies away "into the pipe."

The second opinion is diametrically opposite - the engine must be warmed up until the arrow leaves the blue zone or reaches an operating temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. It is when the needle rises to operating temperature that the engine is fully warmed up and you can hit the road.

I can immediately point out the inaccuracy in these arguments. Let's remember what kind of temperature the arrow shows? Coolant temperature. It must be remembered that the oil temperature is the more important parameter for the power unit. How much it has warmed up depends on its fluidity and pumpability through the lubrication system, and this, in turn, affects the formation of an oil (protective) film on rubbing parts.

Coolant and oil temperatures differ significantly. Studies show that when heated to 90 degrees, the oil gains temperature only about 40–55.

In no case, I do not want to say that there is no need to warm up the car, but I want to emphasize that raising the arrow to operating temperature does not at all indicate a complete warming up of the power unit.

Carbureted internal combustion engine

For carburetor engines, the first option will not work; here you cannot do without warming up. Even if you close the choke, as a result of which the rpm rises, and a mixture rich in fuel is supplied to the cylinders, the engine will still run unstable.

Therefore, the verdict is unambiguous, on cars where there is such an atavism as a carburetor in the power system, the internal combustion engine must be warmed up. Warm up until the engine runs steadily.

And here it is better not to risk it, but to carve out additional time (usually 10 minutes is enough) to warm up the engine. Since if the engine stalls on the road, then there will be little pleasant, and even more so the vacuum brake booster works due to the discharge inside the cylinders. We have the following picture, if the engine has stalled - there is no vacuum and try to push the brake pedal when there is a strong "minus" outside: the brake fluid has thickened, the seals of the main and slave cylinders are hardened ...

Injection ICE

In contrast to the carburetor engine, injection engines have become more technologically advanced, namely, they have received an electronic engine control system, which itself selects the optimal composition of the working mixture, which allows the engine not to "stall on cold" and warm up faster.

Also, in modern power units, high-tech oils are used with the corresponding motor type and tolerance, which allow to reduce friction in loaded units.

Therefore, for owners of injection engines, I propose the following algorithm of actions:

Despite the fact that automakers do not recommend prolonged warm-up at idle, remember - they are pursuing selfish goals (ecology). In our country, not everyone is worried about this. Remember the thirty-year-old KamAZ trucks flying on our roads and releasing kilograms of soot on passers-by. It is better to warm the engine and it will obviously not get worse from this, but if you are limited in time, then you can start driving after 1 minute, we set aside this time so that the oil in the engine splashes, that is, it hits all the rubbing parts. Naturally, the first kilometers in this case should pass without sudden acceleration and it is advisable not to increase the speed above 2000-2200 per minute.

Also, prolonged heating makes it possible to obtain warm air from the blower deflectors, and, accordingly, the ability to melt the ice on the glass, which has a positive effect on visibility.

I would also like to say a few words about turbocharged engines. These engines provide high traction and speed properties of the vehicle with a small working volume. Since the working volume is small, the losses spent on heating the unit and, accordingly, heating the coolant are also not large and it can take a very long time to wait for the turbocharged internal combustion engine to warm up at idle speed.

Warming up cars with automatic

In addition to the engine itself, the transmission and chassis need to warm up before the trip. The oil in the box, when the internal combustion engine warms up at idle speed, almost does not heat up, but gains operating temperature only after 20-30 km. mileage. This is especially critical for the design, which provides a torque converter ().

To warm up the oil in the machine, you need to move the selector to position D (with your foot on the brake pedal) and wait 2–4 minutes.

Possibility to be fined

In some developed European countries, regulations have been legislated prohibiting prolonged idling of the engine. It turns out that in winter, on a standing car, you need to freeze, and in summer to steam without an air conditioner.

But this is in Europe, and in most regions of Russia, an alarm with an auto start or an autonomous heating installation is not a luxury at all, but a winter necessity. Although the use of autorun in a residential area is not always legal.

If you open the text of the traffic rules, then there, in paragraph 17.2, it is written in black and white: "Parking with a running engine is prohibited in the residential area." Accordingly, if there is a clause of the rules, then, accordingly, there is a penalty for its violation.

Part 1 of Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, the driver faces a warning or an administrative fine of 100 rubles.

Therefore, if the fact of parking is recorded, i.e. traffic is stopped for more than 5 minutes, then the traffic police can write out a protocol. By the way, such operations are periodically carried out in micro-districts of large cities.

In the text of a rather long story, almost every car owner will find for himself the answer to the question to warm up or not to warm up the car engine. All trouble-free winter operation of the car, see you soon.

The operation of a car in Russian realities implies that it will have to work for several months at sub-zero temperatures. Almost every driver knows the rule that in winter, before driving, the car must be warmed up for a few minutes. Many drivers let the motor run for a while during the summer before setting off on a trip. But do modern engines really need to be warmed up before driving?

Car manufacturers often indicate in the technical operation book that the engine installed in the car does not need to be warmed up. According to them, this procedure is a pointless waste of fuel, and in many countries, prolonged idling, especially in residential areas, is completely prohibited. It turns out that the car does not need to warm up the engine? No, everything is not so simple, and within the framework of this article we propose to consider why warm up the engine, and what will happen if you do not do this before the trip.

Possible problems when operating a cold engine

The manufacturer's manual for the vehicle does not always contain up-to-date information for the region where the vehicle is used. Many foreign cars are sold in Russia, but technical literature on them is not always adapted to the realities of our country. Without warming up the engine before the trip, the driver runs the risk of bringing the need for overhaul of the motor as much as possible. Let us consider in detail why it is necessary to warm up the engine before driving.

Engine oil temperature

Every driver knows that the oil must be changed in a timely manner, but not everyone understands how the lubricating element works in the engine. When the engine is running, oil "runs" through it, like blood through the human body. When the engine stops, oil flows into the sump and only a small film of oil remains on the engine components. The longer the engine does not start, the less this film is, and the more dangerous it is to go on a trip without warming up the engine.

In the warm season, it takes about 30 seconds for the engine oil to disperse through the channels and begin to do its job after starting the engine. Therefore, in the first 30 seconds after starting the engine, you cannot go on a trip even in summer. In winter, the situation is aggravated, because during the idle time, the oil becomes thick due to the low temperature, and it takes additional time for it to go through the full lubrication circle and enter the operating temperature.

Failure to warm up the engine oil increases not only wear, but also a high risk of critical damage to the engine unit, which will require immediate repair.


To trap carbon particles, shavings, and other debris accumulated in the engine oil, a filter is installed in the car. The main working area of ​​the filter is micro-pore paper through which the oil flows. Debris is trapped in the paper, and the less viscous the oil, the easier it is for it to pass through the filter.

When the engine oil cannot pass through the filter element, the bypass valve opens and the oil is directed to the engine without filtration. Thus, the dirt enters the engine, and if at this moment you start moving the car, the wear of the engine units will be maximum.

Warming up the engine for good oil passage is necessary both in warm and cold seasons. At temperatures below minus 10 degrees Celsius, it is recommended to warm up the car for at least 10 minutes so that the oil becomes less viscous and well filtered.

Oil scraper and compression rings

If you start driving a car with a cold engine, there is a high risk of damage to the oil scraper and compression rings located on the piston grooves. As you know, rings are installed in the engine to remove excess oil and create compression. During operation, they are subject to serious stress, since they rub against the cylinder walls.

Many drivers have noticed that within a few seconds after starting the engine, it works at increased speeds, which after a while are lowered. This is due precisely to the stroke of the engine cylinders. When heated, the cylinders, like any metal, expand by several microns, due to which they are released from the compression of the ring. At the same time, engine elements begin to lubricate more efficiently.

Without warming up the engine cylinders before starting the movement, the driver risks damaging not only the rings, but also the cylinders.

Hydraulic lifters and hydraulic tensioners

Hydraulic lifters and hydraulic tensioners, which are necessary for tensioning the chain, correct the operation of engine valves in modern cars. For operation, oil must be pumped into the elements, which occurs after it warms up to operating temperature. If you start moving the car without warming up the lubricant, the clearances will be corrected with low efficiency.

Failure of the oil sensor

An actual problem for modern cars is the failure of oil sensors when the engine is cold. Plastic sensors under the pressure of thick oil are damaged if you start driving, and the car begins to signal a lack of lubricant in the sump.

This problem is relevant for machines in which oil sensors are installed in a plastic case. If the element is made mostly of metal, the malfunction may not be observed.

As you can see, several elements of the motor at once risk being damaged or out of order if you start driving on an unheated engine. But the higher the ambient temperature, the less you need to warm up the engine. Car manufacturers, not recommending warming up the engine, are talking about a long parking lot with a working engine, which increases fuel consumption and pollutes the environment. Only in order to protect the environment, drivers are not recommended to warm up the engine before a trip, the engine itself is not negatively affected by warming up if it works correctly.

How much to warm the car in winter and summer

Warming up the engine is necessary for competent operation, and it is difficult to argue with that. Depending on the ambient temperature, it may take different times for the engine to warm up:

  • Below -30 ° C. It is necessary to warm up the engine from 10 to 15 minutes so that the engine oil “warms up” to operating temperature;
  • -10 ° C to -30 ° C. You can limit yourself to warming up the engine in 7-10 minutes;
  • + 10 ° C to -10 ° C. It is enough to warm up the car in 4-7 minutes;
  • Above + 10 ° C. It takes no more than 1-3 minutes to warm up for the engine oil to disperse through the engine and reach operating temperature.

In foreign countries, where the majority of foreign cars are produced and for which instructions are drawn up, the temperature rarely drops below –10 ° C. That is why manufacturers do not recommend warming up the engine before driving, thereby noting that a couple of minutes of engine operation is enough for the oil to dissipate through it, and you can start driving. In Russia, where temperatures often drop well below -10 ° C, operating the engine without preheating will result in engine failure.

With the arrival of cold weather, motorists are interested in: how much should you warm up the car in winter? And when to warm up - on the move or on the spot. We will tell you how to properly warm up a car in winter and how long to warm up a cold engine - how many minutes and to what temperature.

Points for and against

Warm-up advocates argue that a cold motor is more susceptible to mechanical wear. No noticeable wear was observed when tested on a cold engine. This is due to the fact that in motion, i.e. under load, it warms up faster and reaches the optimal operating mode.

Why do motorists continue to warm up the engine in winter? This is a habit and experience of years gone by. In the past, a cold engine was warmed up to reduce wear. This is not required now. Modern motors warm up quickly, long warm-up is an excess of the past.

Note that when the car warms up before driving, the spark plugs suffer. At this moment, the air-fuel mixture is re-enriched, i.e. a large amount of gasoline appears in it. This leads to a flood and, consequently, to an early replacement of the candles.

The question remains: how does a car drive on a cold engine? Modern cars are equipped with an injection system that independently changes the parameters of the engine, depending on the situation. Those. the rough work of warming up will be done for you by the electronics. The only rule that must be observed is not to spin the motor to its maximum speed and try not to give it maximum loads. This is necessary for warming up and reaching the working characteristics of process fluids: motor oil, lubricating components, fuel.

How many minutes to warm up the car

Modern cars should not be warmed up for a long time, three to five minutes are enough to drive calmly and not worry about increased wear and tear. The engine warms up faster while driving than when idling. Let's figure out how long it takes to warm up the car at a certain air temperature.

From + 5 o to 0 o 1-2 minutes is enough. At this temperature, the glass of the car has not yet had time to be covered with ice, so long-term heating is not needed.

At a temperature from 0 o to minus 10 o - it takes about 2-3 minutes. During this time, the engine will reach operating temperature, all technical fluids will warm up for further movement. In turn, it will take at least 5 minutes to warm up the car interior.

At temperatures from -10 o to minus 20 o - the warm-up time is from 3 to 5 minutes. At this temperature, the windows of the car can freeze and until they are warmed up, the further trip is dangerous. The best option is to wait 2-3 minutes, and then turn on the stove and wait another couple of minutes until the car windows defrost.

At a temperature of minus 20 o and below - warming up should be at least 5 minutes. The sufficient time depends on the technical condition of the vehicle. The more modern the car and the better the stove works, the less time. For heating technical fluids, no more than 5 minutes is enough, for the salon - at least 10 minutes.

What if you don't want to wait long for the engine to warm up? In this case, an alarm with auto start (or webasto system) helps. Without leaving the house, start the engine from the keychain, and while you get dressed and leave the house, the car will be warmed up.

How to tell if the engine is warmed up? The engine has an operating temperature range and the criterion is the minimum operating temperature, not the idle time. This is due to thermal gaps in the motor parts. They come to the permissible norm only at the minimum temperature from the operating range. After that, the motor can take the load harmlessly.

What happens if you don't warm up the car? If you drive carefully, without exceeding the engine speed above 2000-2500, nothing bad will happen. A modern car with the help of an injector will warm itself up in the direction of travel. If these rules are violated, seizures inside the engine are possible and, as a result, premature repairs, fuel consumption will increase sharply. It happened that on an unheated car in severe frosts, oil seals and other rubber seals tore off.

From experience I will say: 90 degrees is rather the optimal temperature for engine operation in all operating modes. And its operating temperature fluctuates from 60 degrees, so 3-5 minutes of warming up will not be superfluous. Moreover, 5 minutes is the maximum time. This refers to the warming up of the car itself, not the interior.

The question of the need to warm up the engine in winter is still open; driving with an unheated engine reduces its durability. Low temperature conditions lead to thickening of the oil, which interferes with its access to parts and leads to a decrease in the quality of the chassis.

Warming up the car in winter is a prerequisite if you want a long car service.

Do I need to warm up the car in winter

Cars built ten years ago require extended warm-up times, while modern vehicle models take minutes to improve engine performance. There are the following reasons for the need to warm up the engine in winter:

  • the dependence of the density and useful properties of the oil on the temperature regime;
  • in the cold, the gaps wear out faster;
  • loss of dynamics, acceleration at low temperatures;
  • the possibility of increasing fuel consumption;
  • reduced visibility and increased risk of road accidents as a result.

Excessive thickening of the engine oil negatively affects the service life of the mechanisms - when the parts are less lubricated, and the speed is high, the wear resistance decreases. After warming up, the oil gains the desired consistency, restoring its beneficial properties. In this case, the engine has enough lubrication, the service life increases.

Clearances on a supercooled motor deviate from the established norm, which leads to the risk of rapid wear at high speeds. After warming up the engine, they come to a normal state. The instability of work is expressed in the loss of driving dynamics, "sneezing" of the mechanism.

This type of movement leads to excessive consumption of fuel as a reaction to the difference in the temperature of the air-fuel mixture and the environment. You are unlikely to get the pleasure of driving in a cold car, and the glass covered with frost reduces visibility, which increases the risk of getting into an accident.

How to properly warm up the engine

If you warm up the engine incorrectly, its resource will decrease. A competent approach to knowing the procedure for warming up the car will save you unnecessary trouble and extend the life of the vehicle. It will be right:

  • start with the battery, so that it does not lose its properties under the influence of cold, - load it by turning on the high-beam headlights for 15 seconds. This time is enough for the electrolyte to warm up;
  • turn off the high beam to restore the battery within 30 seconds;
  • close the radiator from the outside to speed up the process (or throw felt on top);
  • start the motor;
  • if the gearbox is mechanical, press the clutch pedal to relieve the crankshaft, gearbox and hold for 2-3 minutes to warm up the oil;
  • when the car does not start, take a break for 2-3 minutes to restore the battery. It is necessary to ensure that the starter rotates for no longer than 20 seconds. If the car does not start further, it's time to go to troubleshooting;
  • after the engine has started, turn on the stove to warm up the interior - the air will go first into it, and then onto the windshield. This will avoid the appearance of microcracks between the glass and the body;
  • travel at minimum speed (40 km / h) to warm up the engine more.

After passing 5-6 kilometers of the road, the vehicle will restore its functions and will be ready for operation in normal high-speed mode.

Popular misconceptions

There are widespread myths among motorists associated with warming up the car. Some of them are unfounded or exaggerated. Let's pay attention to common misconceptions.

  • The first myth: if you warm up the car at idle speed, more fuel will be consumed. Excessive fuel consumption occurs, but this is noticeable only if the car warms up for 20-30 minutes. In 2-3 minutes of warming up, gasoline will be consumed less, but the mechanisms will work properly.
  • The second myth: it is harmful to warm up the engine. This is due to the formation of tar deposits on the valves. They can get stuck due to a loose fit to the seat, but the engine will not completely fail. Instead, turbines can break if the car is not warmed up. It is harmful to do without preheating.
  • The third myth: in winter you can do without warming up the car. In fact, if you do not limit yourself to at least a small warm-up period of 2 minutes, the piston machine will become unusable. The fuel will evaporate poorly, and condensation will form on the mechanism, which will lead to wear due to corrosion. When such condensate containing sulfur and excess water gets into engine oil, the filters will clog along with the channels.

Do not take seriously the misconceptions about warming up the car, but you can pay attention to some details.

Important features

From how the fuel is supplied, using an injector or a carburetor, the heating scheme does not change. The engine starts the same way, but there are some things to consider.

If the car runs on diesel fuel, then remember that there are three types of it - with different octane number, ignition temperature:

  • summer - for temperature conditions within +1 degrees and above;
  • winter - used at temperatures from 0 to -30 degrees;
  • arctic - used in northern latitudes.

Problems with starting the machine may result from the use of summer fuel during the winter.
Watch a video on how to warm up the car:


With an on-board computer, you can easily determine when the warm-up is complete. In the absence of electronics and the presence of a carburetor engine, oil heating is signaled by the arrow of the temperature sensor for the coolant when it moves and the idle speed decreases. The process will end when the temperature rises to 50 degrees. It is not recommended to increase the speed immediately. After the coolant warms up to 80 degrees, you can accelerate.

Thorough warming up of the car in winter will extend the service life by braking the wear of mechanisms. It is important to warm up the engine, but you should not be too zealous either - a measure is needed in everything.

With all the openness of the question of the need to warm up the engine in winter, it should be noted that an unheated engine decreases such an important indicator as wear resistance. Also, at low temperature conditions, oil thickens. This naturally makes it difficult for the oil to access the parts. As a result, the chassis starts to work with lower quality.

It turns out that the car should be warmed up in winter. Then it will serve for a long time. Cars that are 10 years old or more also require a longer warm-up period. Modern models take just a few minutes for the engine to achieve the required performance. In order to finally close the question of the need for winter heating of the vehicle, we summarize the arguments for:

  • oil abruptly loses its useful properties at low temperatures. Since it thickens, there is no high-quality lubrication of the parts;
  • fuel consumption increases. It is a natural reaction that the air-fuel mixture and the environment differ greatly in temperature;
  • cold causes wear and tear on the gaps. They deviate from the norm and wear out at high speeds;
  • visibility is reduced. This is not surprising, because the glass is covered with a layer of frost, and, therefore, the risk of an accident increases.

We warm up the engine correctly

Incorrect engine warming up will drastically reduce its resource. That is why the approach to this issue must be balanced and competent. It is necessary to firmly, in the mode once and for all, learn the procedure for warming up the car. The operation algorithm is as follows:

  • we always start with the battery. It should not lose its properties due to frost. To load the battery, it is enough to turn on the high beam headlights for 10-15 seconds. During this time, the electrolyte will be able to warm up sufficiently;
  • turn off the high beam for 30 seconds to restore the battery;
  • the process of warming up the engine, experienced drivers know, can be accelerated if the radiator is closed from the outside, for example, by throwing felt on it;
  • now we start the engine;
  • with a manual gearbox, "drown" the clutch pedal and hold for 2 minutes to warm up the oil;
  • if the car, after the operations carried out, does not start, then we take a pause of 2 minutes. This is necessary to restore the battery. Be sure to control this moment - the starter should not rotate for more than 20 seconds. Excessive zeal in this situation is completely inappropriate. In the event that the car does not start again, you need to go to the troubleshooting;
  • if the engine starts safely and quickly, turn on the stove immediately. Warm air will fill the passenger compartment and go to the windshield area. This will save you from microcracks that appear between the car body and the windshield;
  • for some time, movement should occur at a speed of no more than 40 km / h. The engine should be allowed to warm up properly. After 5 km. The road functions of the car will be fully prepared for normal speed limits.

Don't fall for common misconceptions in the driving environment

The environment of car enthusiasts gives rise to many harmful myths. They come from nowhere and are very steadfast, one might say that even very smartly, they spread. The issues of engine warm-up, unfortunately, were no exception. We have collected these myths and will try to debunk them:

  1. Exposure 1. There is a pseudo-correct opinion that warming up the car at idle speed causes a lot of fuel consumption. Nobody argues that there will be an overrun. But only if the car warms up for about 30 minutes. And for 3 minutes of warming up, the consumption is minimal. This will be more than compensated for by properly working mechanisms;
  2. Exposure 2. A number of drivers are sure that it is harmful to warm up the engine. This forms a tar deposit on the valves. This is not entirely true. And this plaque will not damage the engine. But the turbines of an unheated car break down. The harm is obvious;
  3. Exposure 3. And without warming up the engine in winter, you can safely drive. Also a harmful myth. Very quickly, with this approach, the piston becomes unusable. Also, poor evaporation of fuel will lead to condensation and, as a result, corrosion. Also, condensate containing a large amount of sulfur enters the engine oil. This will disable the filters.

It is important to remember that, in principle, the engine heating circuit should not change, depending on how the fuel is supplied. Means with the help of a carburetor or an injector.

When the engine of a car is started, which uses diesel fuel as fuel, it should be remembered that it is produced in 3 types:

  • summer fuel - ambient temperature from +1;
  • winter fuel - ambient temperature from 0 to -30;
  • arctic fuel - for northern latitudes.

The inability to start the car is often caused by the use of summer fuel in the winter.

Summing up

A competent, patient and thorough approach to the problem of warming up a car in the cold season certainly significantly extends the life of the engine. This is not surprising, because the mechanisms will not be subject to rapid and ineffective wear. At the same time, it should be remembered that a measure is also needed in this matter. Warming up the engine, do not get carried away, otherwise you can overdo it.

If your car has an on-board computer, then it will not be at all difficult to determine the moment when the warm-up process should be completed. When there is no electronics, and a carburetor motor is present, then the heating of the oil is monitored by the arrow of the temperature sensor. Visually it will be seen how it moves. This will reduce the idle speed. The complete completion of the engine warm-up process is evidenced by a rise in temperature to an indicator of 50 degrees. Do not get carried away and do not try to sharply increase the speed. This is not recommended. Acceleration competently only after the coolant warms up to at least 80 degrees.


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