Home Salon How to make an all-terrain vehicle out of a motorcycle. Homemade all-terrain vehicle karakat from a motorcycle How to make an all-terrain vehicle with your own hands from a motorcycle

How to make an all-terrain vehicle out of a motorcycle. Homemade all-terrain vehicle karakat from a motorcycle How to make an all-terrain vehicle with your own hands from a motorcycle

In some areas it is not so easy to get around with an ordinary car. It is for such situations that an all-terrain vehicle is needed. However, its economical and small samples are not commercially available. The solution may be. In addition, you can fulfill it, taking into account your own needs. V modern world two types of structures are very popular: with pneumatics low pressure and tracked.

Having decided on the type of mechanism, you can proceed to the implementation of the all-terrain vehicle. However, before that, it is necessary to calculate the capacity, the required carrying capacity, and take into account the operating conditions. First, it is recommended to sketch a structure diagram in which you need to outline the placement of all nodes and parts. When making an all-terrain vehicle, any type of engine will not work.

A prerequisite is the presence of forced cooling. In addition, it is necessary to have a significant power reserve. This is required in order for the machine to move when different conditions... For year-round use, it is recommended to give preference to a four-stroke engine that is capable of starting at low temperatures.

Engine selection

Sometimes a person thinks: what type of engine to choose - gasoline or diesel? Domestic-made devices have excellent recommendations. You can often observe the use of engines, which are based on tractor launchers. Thus, the right of choice is completely left to the inventor.


When making the undercarriage of the structure, it is recommended to use an independent wheel suspension. They will be able to provide convenience not only for the driver, but also for his fellow travelers. In the process of creating a frame, two types of devices are used: flat and spatial. In the case of manufacture, the structure must be one-piece, wheeled - articulated. To complete the frame, you will need channels, various pipes and angles.

Which will be distinguished by its simplicity of design, it is not difficult. In addition, such a machine has a light technical base... That is why these types are often used by masters for their own purposes. The process of building an all-terrain vehicle involves several stages:

1. First you need to make a choice of basis. As it is allowed to use a frame from a motorcycle IZH. This model has good stability when driving on uneven terrain. In addition, you can make the frame yourself from scrap parts.

2. Then you should make the suspension and rear axle... To do this, you need to connect the side members with a brace, a steering sleeve and a rack. Such parts are used in all types of all-terrain vehicles. The result is two independent suspensions.

3. On next step the wheels are attached. Mostly for such structures, cameras are used, taken from trucks... The camera is attached to the suspension using a metal hub. The wheel is braided with special tapes. Thanks to the use of low pressure chambers, reliability and safety while driving is ensured.

4. At the end, it is necessary to equip the engine, as well as equip the all-terrain vehicle complementary systems including clutch and brakes. After fabrication of the structure, the machine should be tested. This is the only way to be sure that there are no shortcomings and any deviations. Otherwise, full and safe operation cannot be guaranteed.

And at the same time, so that it is stable. It turns out that the "bicycle" has long been invented, and it is called a karakat. It is a self-made all-terrain vehicle based on 3-4 wheels equipped with huge low pressure tires. Motorcycle engines can be used as the engine. These devices are durable, comfortable, and will go over almost any terrain.

Scope of use

Due to the fact that tires or low-pressure chambers are used, the karakat has a cross-country ability comparable to all-terrain vehicles - both tracked and wheeled, that is, they are able to move without any problems over swampy, snowy terrain, and also, which is important, through mud. Motorcycle engines save fuel, which allows these devices to be used on long journeys. Since the main purpose of this all-terrain vehicle is off-road, you should not expect great speed from it. The maximum that can be squeezed out of it is 70 km / h.

Construction of an "all-terrain vehicle"

Initially, you need to choose the basis, here it is better to choose the frame of a medium-sized motorcycle. Izh can be cited as an example. The created moto all-terrain vehicle is very maneuverable, it allows you to move around the areas that were specified above. Suspension for him consists of two parts, which are interconnected by a reinforced hinge. As tires, you can use cameras from tractors, planes or helicopters (expensive), or trucks. Of course, you can buy special low-pressure tires, but be prepared for the fact that this purchase will cost a pretty penny. Cameras are slid onto stampings (or other discs) and attached to a metal hub to the suspension. The metal hub must have heavy-duty bands across the wheel. Finally, we install the engine, the "pedals" - the clutch and brake, the exhaust pipe.

The most difficult to build an all-terrain vehicle on tracks, but it has the best cross-country ability. However, these all-terrain vehicles are most often made on car engines, so we will not consider them in this article.

When designing a karakat, remember that the engine must be cooled. An elementary way is to install a fan with a casing. Also, when designing, you need to take into account how long it is supposed to operate the all-terrain vehicle. For year-round operation, it is better to use four-stroke engines. The M-67 engines have proven themselves well.

When designing the undercarriage, it is better to include independent wheel suspensions in the design to create comfortable conditions for riders. Frame can be

  • whole and not whole,
  • flat and spatial.

On the frame, it is best to cut off the seat posts and make bevels, you can also cut the rear fork. The frame is usually lengthened and reinforced.

The engine is connected through a shaft with a gear with a chain drive, after which control is brought to the steering wheel, pedals and levers are fixed.

Examples of caracats

A successful model of the moto-vederoda was assembled with an engine from the "Ural" with a capacity of 36 hp. Its inventor from Kirov, named Sergei, introduced special blades into the design to overcome water obstacles.

Another karakat, called "Samson", was created on the basis of two motorcycles - the passenger "Izh Jupiter-5" and the cargo "IZH 6.920GR". The result is a powerful enough all-terrain vehicle capable of towing a bulky trailer.

On the basis of a walk-behind tractor, home-made all-terrain vehicles and other high-traffic vehicles are often made. There are several reasons for this:

  • there is an energy-rich transport unit with high traction characteristics, assembled on a frame;
  • engine and transmission control moved to comfortable grips;
  • the mass of motoblocks is low, they can be transported to the desired place in the trunk, body or on a car trailer.

For hunting and fishing, a light mini all-terrain vehicle is quite in demand. But the industry has yet to see commercial prospects for kits. attachments converting a serial walk-behind tractor into a transport off-road... There are some pretty interesting examples of the creation of such machines. DIYers have created role models with their own hands. There is room for ideas when developing new interesting devices.

Features of all-terrain vehicles from a walk-behind tractor

The main units that should be purchased or made independently for a vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor:

  • frame, it serves to organize a mobile vehicle;
  • the rear axle is needed to install the rear wheels;
  • seat for the driver, it is advisable to protect him from moisture and dirt from under the wheels;
  • a lighting system is needed to move safely at any time of the day.

An all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor is created as a single vehicle... Its carrying capacity should be about 200 kg. The width is calculated from the conditions of resistance to overturning, usually it is from 1100 mm or more.

Modern walk-behind tractors Neva, Ugra, MTZ and others are equipped with engines with a capacity of more than 10 hp. This power is enough to move at a speed of over 10 km / h. Off-road, when passing through slurry or swampy places, the speed can drop to 1-2 km / h.

How to make a homemade wheeled all-terrain vehicle

An example of a drawing of an all-terrain vehicle on low pressure tires

It makes sense to equip the base unit. The reason is that the best torque figures are gasoline and diesel engines have at a frequency of rotation crankshaft about 75-85% of the maximum.

The engine must have a forced cooling system. When driving at low speed, the incoming flow will not be enough to maintain an optimal thermal regime.

ATV frame

An example of a drawing of a fracture frame

A frame is created between the front and rear axles. It is better to use rectangular shaped pipes or square... They provide greater rigidity than rolled corners, channels and I-beams of the same mass.

The joining of the frame elements of a wheeled all-terrain vehicle can be rigid, then it will be formed in a one-volume format. Using heavy motoblocks"Neva" or MTZ, this option will be preferable.

As an option, a breaking frame (fracture) is made, the option is used for areas with a complex profile. Here, the articulation is performed through the king pin. Front and rear axles have independent suspension from each other. Masters create such all-terrain vehicles on the basis of the "Neva" and "Ugra" motoblocks.

For hunting and fishing, it is better to have a wheeled all-terrain vehicle with a breakable frame. Its flotation is higher than with a rigid frame design.

Rear axle and suspension of a homemade all-terrain vehicle

Some do-it-yourselfers use a ready-made rear axle from passenger car... For example, from the car "Moskvich-412": its low weight allows installation on a light all-terrain vehicle. Suspension is made on shock absorbers for a smooth ride and reduced vibration.

Other craftsmen make independent suspension for each rear wheel. This approach is implemented on the "Ant" scooter. When driving, a slight swaying is felt, at the same time, the wheels experience less resistance on bumps, and fuel consumption is noticeably reduced.

Connect the rear axle to the frame with long hardened bolts. For elastic joints, rubber inserts are used, for example, silent blocks. This improves performance characteristics all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor.

The rear axle on skis is applied in winter time... Movement resistance is minimal, and the design is greatly simplified.

Wheels (low pressure chambers)

You can use lugs to move on wet and wobbly ground. They provide high grip. Large diameter low pressure chambers behave even better. Pneumatics have minimal ground pressure, and the presence of air trapped in the chambers of the all-terrain vehicle will create a floating all-terrain vehicle.

For installation on the rear axle, self-made or special wheels for all-terrain vehicles, swamp vehicles and snowmobiles are used. They are purchased as an assembly or as separate elements: a tire, a camera, a disk. Assembling the wheel is simple.

It is possible to increase the permeability of conventional wheels on low-pressure chambers by creating an additional protector. For example, you can additionally secure the cameras with chains, conveyor belts, homemade tracks or in another way.

Another option is to cut an overhead lug out of the tire. The depth of the hook of the structure reaches more than 20-25 mm. The rolling resistance is increased, while the slip coefficient is sharply reduced.

Assembling a homemade all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor

When all the tools, spare parts and accessories are prepared, you can start assembling. This is a rough plan for how to assemble a homemade all-terrain vehicle, it all depends on the chosen design.

  1. A walk-behind tractor is installed on a welded or finished frame.
  2. The rear axle and, if necessary, the front axle are mounted.
  3. The seat is placed on the frame.
  4. If provided by the drawing and diagram, the steering is installed.
  5. Protection is attached to the frame; it is made of plastic or metal sheet.
  6. The prospective driver should test the comfort of landing, if necessary, provide auxiliary devices for adjusting the fit.
  7. The performance of the brakes is checked.
  8. Electrical circuits and lighting fixtures are being installed.

As individual elements and assemblies are manufactured, their performance is checked. A five-fold safety factor is provided here.

After the completion of the bench tests, the field tests are started. You need to know how the car behaves in difficult conditions.

Buy a hitch and trailed to a walk-behind tractor in online stores

Homemade tracked all-terrain vehicles with your own hands

The use of tracks will help to reduce the specific ground pressure. The weight is distributed over the entire track area. Such an all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor is able to overcome sand, wetlands, steep climbs and other obstacles.

Some do-it-yourselfers make metal track links from plates more than 5 mm thick. Rings from water pipes are welded to the plates. Another version of the track links is made entirely of PVC pipes, cut lengthwise. The tracks are attached to each other on a conveyor belt or other base.

It is easier to make tracks from composite materials. For this, fiberglass and epoxy are used. Glass-polymer reinforcement is used as a frame. Track links are made in special shapes. After making the required amount, they are collected into a caterpillar. In the manufacture of tracks from composite materials, articulation elements made of wear-resistant steels are used.

There are options for using timber tracks. They will need to be impregnated with protective mixtures.

The easiest way to make a track for an all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor is to use a conveyor belt. One track requires two lanes. They are connected in a ring, and then a caterpillar is created using pieces of steel pipe.

In the video, you can see the option of making a waterproof case that is kept afloat. In this case, the tracked propeller will allow you to move not only on the ground, but also on the water. The result is an amphibious all-terrain vehicle. For hunting and fishing, it will be irreplaceable.

Of course, motorcycles can be divided by cross-country ability, but who can be called a champion ……. and the winner in cross-country ability can be called, a little-known in our country, a type of motor vehicle - pneumatics: a kind of motorcycle on huge tires. Such motorcycles (and they are made of nicknames) are quite popular in rugged parts of our planet: tundra, far north, etc.

Due to their huge size and ultra-low pressure inside (of the order of 0.2-0.3 atmospheres), they provide an extensive contact patch and, as a result, a small pressure on the ground. That is why the pneumatic is capable of driving not only through any mud, swamp and snow, where there is nothing for other vehicles to "catch", but even swim.

Pneumatics are the most environmentally friendly type of ground wheeled transport - they do not destroy the grassy cover. Nature will especially highly appreciate this quality when used in the North, in the tundra, where the "scars" from any caterpillar and wheeled vehicles do not overgrow for years.

For those who don't have enough money for a new snowmobile, but their hands are in place, a motorcycle turned into a wheeled snowmobile is a panacea for all transport troubles. In addition, the pneumatics, in comparison with the most common snowmobiles on tracks in hard-to-reach regions, have a lot of undoubted operational advantages. The most significant is low consumption fuel and all-seasonality. Another important "plus" is the guarantee of safety during winter ride on the ice of reservoirs: once you get into the wormwood, you will not drown.

A little about the variety and design

There are two- and three-track pneumatics. Three-track are the simplest - in their design more than half of the "stuffing" of the motorcycle is preserved. The fact that this is really simple is confirmed by the fact that in the North everyone turns into pneumatics existing brands domestic motorcycles and even mopeds.
The stays of the front fork are replaced with two pipes with strongly set-apart lower ends - so that a large wheel fits between them. On some, a fork with a "native" motorcycle wheel is left, but a ski is attached to it (in this case, the further forward the ski is moved, the better the passability on soft snow). It's easier. However, in this case, the pneumatic loses its buoyancy, as well as the ability to ride in the summer.
Instead of the standard pendulum, a two-wheel axle is installed at the rear. Theoretically, it is possible to make pneumatics with one wheel at the rear (like a conventional single motorcycle), but only stuntmen could ride such a device.

The cameras are wide, they seem to be not fully completed, because everything that rests on them constantly "floats" - the structure completely inadequately reacts to obstacles. Therefore, to keep - balance on a two-wheeled karakate(with someone light hand for pneumatics this ironic nickname stuck) is very difficult. Although judging by the photo "kulibin" solved the problem - put the skis on the sides!

Some designers increase the buoyancy of the machines: they make the hull sealed, install a propeller or an additional outboard motor.

In technology, nothing is perfect. Likewise, pneumatics have disadvantages. The first and most important scourge of the "crooks" is the fragility of the cameras. The large dimensions of the wheels, the absence, as a rule, of a differential make these cars sluggish, and the low pressure in the chambers deprives the driver of control precision. While driving at positive temperatures, mud and water flying from the wheels annoy - it's not easy at all big wheels close with wings. Therefore on the roads common use it is better not to use pneumatics. Pneumatics passability in deep snow is still worse than that of tracked snowmobile(at least "Burana"). Only four-wheel drive 4- and 6-wheel structures can compete with Buran in cross-country ability.

The human desire to increase the permeability of a motorcycle is as old as the motorcycle itself, but the most successful version of its embodiment - a design on ultra-low pressure tires - appeared relatively recently. It is difficult to say exactly who and where built the first pneumatics. But as an option, the apparatus of the Tula father and son Vladimir and Vyacheslav Laukhin can be considered the first to be "spotted" in the press.
In the early 80s, living in Tula and not having a scooter was considered bad form. He was in the Laukhins' family. The head of the family attached to his semi-homemade "Ant" on the spot rear wheel two cameras from an agricultural trailer, and in front is a plywood ski. On this all-terrain vehicle, inventors plowed suburban swamps, fields, frozen water bodies. Not without incidents: more than once at night, truck drivers, not understanding the darkness where the road passes, drove onto a track slightly powdered with snow from the "Ant" - an all-terrain vehicle and ... ended up on arable land. They say they were looking for an inventor to get in the face ...
Like circles on the water, rumors about the miracle apparatus spread in all directions. The idea of ​​the people's "rogue" was picked up and started to be promoted by the "Modelist-Constructor" magazine. All-Union Society of Inventors and Rationalizers, DOSAAF. From 1984 to 1991, all-Union competitions of home-made all-terrain vehicles on pneumatics were held. It is curious that at the second such competition, which took place in Arkhangelsk, a lot of self-made people gathered with their devices made ... of plywood. They looked more like boats than land vehicles. The motorcycle motor drove two pairs of rear balance-suspended camera-wheels from the "GAZ-53". The front wheels were suspended on a transverse beam. Such six-forest carakats appeared before the eyes of amazed journalists.

Long-distance runs in the North have become widely known. After them, the number of pneumatics increased sharply. By the end of the 1980s, there were 11 thousand of them in the Arkhangelsk region alone, and in the North there were about 100 thousand of them.
Naturally, with such a surge of interest in pneumatic all-terrain vehicles, attempts were made to produce them in series. In Neftekamsk, the Bashselmash plant has been producing pneumatics for several years, based on Voskhod. They collected about 800 pieces. Later in Zelenodolsk at the "Plant named after Sergo" they made several hundred three-wheeled motorcycles based on the liquid "Izh Jupiter" The general decline in motorcycle production in the late 90s again transferred the production of Russian pneumatics to private garages and sheds.
Recent years in the north have been marked by some upsurge in interest in vehicles with ultra-low pressure tires. The main reason is that the North needs environmentally friendly transport that does not destroy the tundra. However, modern pneumatics are not what they were 30 - 34 years ago.

The driver and passengers are in a comfortable cab, and high driving performance is achieved by an effective suspension and a large number of wheels (usually six), manufactured using a special technology. Yes, it's already rather a car.But a motorcycle gave him life …….

The construction of this homemade swamp vehicle so simple that almost any car enthusiast can repeat it in his own garage. The basis of the swamp rover is the IZH Planet 3 motorcycle. Motorcycles Izh Planeta often become donors in all-terrain home-made products, this is primarily due to the endurance and unpretentiousness of their engines.

The main feature of this self-made swamp-going vehicle is that during its design, turning work is minimized. They had to turn to the turner only once so that they cut out a seat on a 50 tooth sprocket in order to fit it on the differential of the Moskvich bridge.

Swampwalker bridge

The bridge was taken from a Muscovite and modernized. The bearing fasteners from the doll are cut out with a grinder, then the drag arc is welded to the bridge stocking (if it is not welded, the stocking will be re-cut when you cut it in half), then the stocking itself is cut in order to fix the sprocket. The chain tensioner is also borrowed from the combine.

Swamp Vehicle Wheels

KF-97 cameras are used from the agricultural trailer of the T-150 tractor. A tire for this chamber wheel is the same chamber, only cut along a smaller diameter. First, the "tire" is put on, then it is pulled over with belts. The transverse harness belts turned out to be 1.02 m long, and the longitudinal strip was 3.5 m long. The width of the longitudinal strip is 30 centimeters. Cross belts with a longitudinal strip are bolted together.

Swamp rover discs

The disks from the cornfield were taken as a basis, cut in half with a small grinder and lengthened by 30 centimeters with steel plates welded between the halves of the disks (6 plates in total). The disk is covered with a camera from a VAZ car, cut along a larger diameter. Since the disks were used from Niva, and the axle was from a Muscovite, the rear disks had to be cut at the attachment points.

Frame, brakes and gear

The motorcycle frame is lengthened and reinforced. So that the pendulum fork does not "go", it was welded. The chain and stars are borrowed from the combine. Their ratio is 2 to 1. Small star with 25 teeth, it is attached to the drum with eight hardened bolts of 10. Large star with 50 teeth. Brake system the swamp rover is no different from any other, so the brakes are left unchanged. But the drum has been upgraded for sprocket mounts.


The length of the fork stays of this bogie is 800mm, while its width is approximately 700mm. Axis front wheel used from a donor - motorcycle IZH. On one side, a 500mm long extension pipe is welded to the axle. This pipe is inserted into a modernized Izhevsk drum screwed to the wheel. On the other hand, the axle is screwed into the same mount as on the forks. The mount was cut off from the shock absorber and welded to the feather (it is not visible in the photo as it is inserted into the pipe and welded).

The fork is attached to the handlebars of the swamp rover quite simply. 2 pipes are inserted into the shock absorber mount.

All-terrain vehicle engine

The engine from the IZH-Planet 3 motorcycle with forced air cooling from the SZD motorized carriage (popularly "Invalidka"). The crankshaft is native - planetary, not "SZDshny", since the seat for the generator at the "SZD" does not fit (it is more), and the ignition coil Izh 6v is on the swamp rover.

Tricycle body

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