Home Locks Is reversing permitted on one-way roads? Reversing against leaving the adjacent territory Reversing does not work

Is reversing permitted on one-way roads? Reversing against leaving the adjacent territory Reversing does not work

Backtracking is not easy at times. The process becomes more complicated if a trailer is attached to the vehicle. With practice, you should be able to backtrack quite easily. If you think over your actions in advance, then reversing will turn into a routine operation.


Preparing for Reversing with a Trailer

    Develop a strategy. Remember that when reversing with a trailer, the vehicle must be steered in a certain way. This implies the calculation of the trajectory of the trailer and the trajectory of the vehicle, taking into account the presence of nearby objects and the direction of movement of the vehicle with the trailer relative to these objects.

    Practice in an empty parking lot. Buy traffic cones to restrict a specific area of ​​the terrain with them. Learn to reverse with a long trailer and then change to a shorter trailer. Practice slowly. Short trailers are more maneuverable and therefore more difficult to handle when reversing. A long trailer is easier to handle, but it takes more effort to get around a corner.

    Ask someone to become an observer. The observer stands behind the trailer and sees something that you cannot see from the inside of the car. Also consider buying a pair of basic walkie-talkies to facilitate communication between you and the observer.

    • The observer must watch out for obstacles in the path of the vehicle with the trailer. Often people focus on objects on the ground and forget about tree branches and hanging wires. Remember that low tree branches are not an obstacle to the trailer, but they can easily damage the roof of your car.
  1. Adjust the rearview mirrors. When reversing, it is very important to observe the area behind your vehicle. Therefore, adjust the rearview mirrors so that you can see the rear wall of the trailer.

    Try to make sure that when reversing, the trailer turns to the side that coincides with the driver's position. In this case, it will be easier for you to control the movement of the trailer in the rear-view mirror located on the driver's side; Moreover, when reversing, you can look over your shoulder and see the rear wall of the trailer. If you need to drive around the campground to get closer to the desired spot on the left, do it!

    Place one hand on the steering wheel and turn your head so you can see the trailer and the area behind your vehicle. The right hand should be at the bottom of the steering wheel (6 o'clock position). When backing, move your hand in the direction in which the trailer should move. By keeping your hand in this position, you will avoid turning the wheels in the wrong direction (when reversing with a trailer).

    Reversing with a trailer

    1. Turn the steering wheel to the right to drive the trailer to the left (if you are looking at the hood of the car). Alternatively, hold on to the lowest point of the steering wheel and move your hand in the direction in which the trailer should move; this type of control is very convenient when you are looking backward (at the trailer).

      • If you need to round a corner, steer the trailer towards the corner and then gently maneuver in the opposite direction to achieve the desired steering angle.
    2. When reversing, steer the trailer in the direction of the driver, not the passenger (for example, to the left in the case of a car with a left-hand drive); this will make it easier for you to see the trailer. As a rule, the most difficult is to turn at right angles (when reversing).

      After backing up and approaching the corner, turn right to find yourself in the middle of the road. Here we consider the case of a left-hand drive vehicle. Then turn the steering wheel sharply to the left so that the vehicle is at an angle to the left shoulder (as when making a left turn while driving forward).

      Place your hands around the bottom of the steering wheel. By turning the steering wheel from this position, it will be easier for you to steer the trailer. Do everything slowly. It is recommended to get out of the vehicle and make sure you are heading in the right direction. You should not try to do everything the first time - it is better to sacrifice pride than to crash the trailer.

      • Try to make sure that the car and trailer do not "collapse" with each other (like a jackknife). You shouldn't rush to do this. As a rule, getting into the correct position can be done in one smooth maneuver. In most cases, you will have to stop and move forward slightly to get the trailer in the correct position in relation to the vehicle.
    3. Back and forward until the trailer is in the correct position. Sometimes, this is the hardest part of the process, attracting the audience. If strangers are watching your actions, don't worry - unlike them, you are interested in the end result, so stay focused.

    • Stop, get out of the car and make sure you are heading in the right direction. Better to be safe than paying to repair a car, trailer or someone else's property.
    • Do not turn the steering wheel too quickly.
    • It is much easier to reverse when the vehicle and trailer are on the same straight line. Do not back up if the trailer is pointing at a right angle to the vehicle. If possible, lean forward to get rid of the angle between the trailer and the vehicle. If there is free space, drive forward until the trailer is positioned directly behind the vehicle.
    • Do not hurry! If something unexpected happens, stop and think about your next steps.
    • It is easier to reverse with a long trailer than with a short one.
    • Imagine that the rear wheels of a car act as steering wheels for a trailer; that is, if the trailer had four wheels, the steering wheels would be the rear wheels of the car. Therefore, in order to move the trailer in the desired direction, it is necessary that the rear wheels of the car are located at a certain angle to the wheels of the trailer. Therefore, first turn the steering wheel so that the trailer wheels are at the "correct" angle to the rear wheels of the car, and only then back it up.
    • If the trailer and vehicle begin to fold, stop immediately. Move forward and try backward again.
    • Stop immediately if you are heading in the wrong direction. Move forward and try backward again.
    • Double check that the tow hitch, safety chains and electrical cable are working properly.

In order to master this method of driving, you need to train a lot, do it constantly, get used to the dimensions of your car. Because driving skill is a practical skill.

In what situations is it forbidden to move in reverse?

Traffic rules clearly stipulate the ban on reversing in 2019. This is due to the fact that when performing this complex maneuver, there is a high probability of creating emergency situations and their serious consequences. Any driver knows that reversing is prohibited in places where turning is prohibited, in accordance with paragraph 8.11 of the Road Traffic Rules (SDA).

Also, so that the vehicle does not interfere with the movement of other vehicles and does not interfere with pedestrians, reverse movement is prohibited:

  • on those marked with zebra crossing or signs due to the traffic of pedestrians and turning vehicles;
  • at intersections due to the large number of maneuvering vehicles;
  • at public transport stops for the entire length of the stopping pocket and no closer than 15 m on both sides due to the high traffic of pedestrians, maneuvering public transport and route vehicles;
  • in tunnels due to limited space, artificial lighting or lack thereof;
  • on overpasses and under overpasses due to the limited space and increased danger of the structure;
  • on bridges and under bridges due to the limited space, increased risk and strategic importance of the structure;
  • on overpasses and under overpasses due to limited space, increased danger and the strategic importance of the structure;
  • at level crossings due to limited space, increased danger and strategic importance of the structure;
  • on sections of the road with poor visibility (less than one hundred meters) for the purpose of traffic safety;
  • on motorways due to increased driving speed.

It is also forbidden to drive a car towards the moving stream of vehicles:

  • on the sides;
  • on a specially designated lane for public and other transport;
  • along the dividing lines.

Before reversing, it is necessary to assess the situation on the road in accordance with the general rules of traffic rules and pay attention to the presence of road signs permitting or prohibiting certain maneuvers.

If you refer to clause 12. 8 SDA, then reversing is allowed when a vehicle moving in this way does not create any obstacles to the movement of other road users and lets pedestrians pass. At the same time, there are no restrictions on time and distance in the current rules. However, any experienced driver will say that the less time and distance to carry out such maneuvers, the safer your movement will be, and, accordingly, the less likely you are to become the culprit of an accident.

Reversing on roads with two-way traffic outside intersections and pedestrian crossings, and when leaving parking lots, when entering and exiting courtyards and adjacent territories is used everywhere.

Is it permitted to drive in reverse on a one-way road? As a rule, if a driver finds himself on a one-way road and is going to go backwards, it means that he has passed a turn and is trying to get on the desired road. Here it should be understood that he will automatically violate several traffic rules:

  1. Reversing on a one-way road in order to get out of it, the car will definitely get to an intersection. And according to clause 8.12 of the SDA at intersections, you cannot go in reverse.
  2. Reversing on a one-way road, the car arrives at the turning point into the adjacent territory. And according to clause 1.2 of the SDA, through traffic in the adjacent territories is prohibited.
  3. Reversing on a one-way road, the car may meet a pedestrian crossing on its way. And according to clause 8.12 of the SDA at pedestrian crossings, you cannot go in reverse.
  4. Signs prohibiting reverse movement.
  5. Prohibitory sign 3.1. "NO ENTRY". It prohibits forward and reverse movement on a certain section of the road. Its effect applies to the adjacent road, but also to traffic on the opposite lane of the road with one-way traffic direction.
  6. Prohibitory sign 3.2. "MOVEMENT PROHIBITION". It prohibits the further movement of all vehicles forward and backward.
  7. Road sign 5.1. "AUTOMOTINE" prohibits reverse movement.
  8. Road sign 5.3. "ROAD FOR CARS" prohibits reversing.

Reversing rules

In addition, two interesting decisions of the Supreme Court often interfere with practice:

  • the first decision of the RF Armed Forces indicates that on a road with a one-way direction of movement, driving in reverse is not prohibited, if this is due to an objective necessity. In this case, the circumstances of the emergence of this very "need" are named in the document only two: parking and bypassing the obstacle that does not allow you to go further;
  • in the second decision of the RF Armed Forces it is indicated that entering from an intersection onto a one-way road in reverse is regarded as driving in the opposite direction and is punished accordingly to this violation. That is, any motorist who drives into the courtyard and decides to backtrack on a one-way road, so as not to make a "circle of honor", may lose his driver's license for up to six months.

Use extreme caution when reversing on one-way roads. You can use this method of movement only if it is really necessary and after you are fully convinced of the safety of the maneuver and compliance with the traffic rules. Controversial interpretation of the expression: "Everything is allowed that is not prohibited!" in the case of driving on a one-way road, it can turn into serious proceedings with traffic police officers, a lawsuit, additional costs and even deprivation of a driver's license.

To maneuver in reverse to be safe both for the driver himself and for those around him, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • the beginning of the maneuver must be indicated by a turn signal signal;
  • before starting a movement, the driver needs to assess the situation on the road, in accordance with the rules of traffic rules;
  • make sure that the car does not touch nearby objects, other vehicles, people;
  • when maneuvering in reverse, the driver must let all other road users pass;
  • make sure that the car will not interfere with moving vehicles and will not force other road users to reduce the speed limit or change the trajectory of movement;
  • maneuvering must be controlled using mirrors and your own vision;
  • you need to drive in reverse at low speed;
  • in conditions of limited visibility, you need to resort to the help of third parties;
  • Reversing movement can be accompanied by warning signals or the inclusion of "emergency gang";
  • try to drive in reverse for a short time.

If the driver, when maneuvering in reverse, asks for the help of a third person, the entire responsibility for the safety of this method of movement lies entirely with the driver. Responsibility does not pass to the helping citizen, even if a collision occurs as a result of his actions.

Failure to comply with the requirements of the traffic rules entails administrative responsibility and falls under the Code of Administrative Offenses:

  1. The most serious offense is considered to be leaving (entering) by reversing from the intersection under the prohibitory sign 3.1. to a one-way street. It provides for a punishment in the form of deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 4 to 6 months, or in the form of a fine in the monetary equivalent of 5,000 rubles.
  2. Reversing against oncoming traffic on a motorway marked with a road sign 5.1. is punished with a fine of 2500 rubles.
  3. Reversing on a specially designated lane, sign 5.3., Is punishable in the amount of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.
  4. Reverse entry into the courtyard, adjacent territory under the action of a prohibition sign 5.2. “NO MOVEMENT” is penalized in accordance with Article 12.16. Administrative Code, a fine of 500 rubles.

Limited visibility, maneuvering by other vehicles, and pedestrian traffic in the vicinity of a reversing vehicle can cause a collision. Therefore, moving in reverse, you need to clearly think about the planned maneuver and show maximum concentration for its safe completion. Light and sound signals can be used to attract the attention of other road users. Some instructors of driving schools recommend that all novice drivers use an emergency gang to make a maneuver. It is also useful to apply this technique to all drivers when it is difficult to leave a parking place, especially if it is in a roadside pocket.

It can also be useful to involve third parties for safe reversing. This maneuvering method has been used for a long time and has proven to be very effective.

To prevent reversing from ending in a traffic accident, the driver must:

  • assess the overall situation;
  • comply with traffic rules;
  • do not interfere with the movement of other road users;
  • be extremely attentive and focused.


Many young drivers ask: “Where is it forbidden to reverse? And where is it allowed to drive in reverse? " In addition to the fact that you need to know the content of clause 12.8. Traffic rules, you need to understand that it is prohibited to drive "against the grain" in those places where:

  • extremely high probability of a road accident and its serious consequences (intersections, stops, pedestrian crossings);
  • in places of limited visibility;
  • in places of increased danger of structures (bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc.);
  • on high-speed roads (motorways).

If the driver decided to maneuver in reverse, he must analyze the future action to the smallest detail and completely eliminate accidents. At the same time, each driver must remember that he must let all other road users pass, indicate his actions with a light and (or) sound signal, and in case of a significantly limited view, use the help of other citizens.

When driving in city traffic jams, very often drivers use prohibitive maneuvers and drive the car in reverse. But in most situations, driving is not allowed in this way. How, then, can you use this maneuver without breaking the rules?

Where can you reverse?

After passing the required turn on the road, or simply not noticing it, motorists do not always follow before the turn in order to go back and repeat the maneuver. Often, having handed over back, they get to the right place, thereby saving their time. But after all, not on all sections of the road, such driving is permissible.

A number of conditions have been determined under which the rules of reverse movement will not be violated. It is permissible to perform such maneuvering on the streets with an orientation in one direction.

But first, the driver of the vehicle must make sure that such driving does not entail the creation of situations that interfere with the movement of other road users. Also, it is imperative to make sure that there are no foreign objects behind.

When performing such a maneuver, the motorist is obliged to let pedestrians and all vehicles pass. At the same time, other cars must be at a considerable distance so that they do not have to slow down or change their direction of movement.

Leaving a parking place, usually, such maneuvers are made with a limited view, due to vehicles standing nearby. Therefore, you need to move at a minimum speed so that, due to the occurrence of interference, you can have time to react without resorting to emergency braking. It is good if, in such situations, it is possible to use the assistance of a person who will be able to regulate the vehicle moving backwards and give appropriate signs.


When reversing, in order to avoid an emergency, it is best to use a sound signal, this will allow oncoming vehicles, if necessary, to react to the situation.

Any rush or uncontrolled action when making such a maneuver can cause a traffic accident.

Is there a penalty for reversing?

First of all, you need to understand that a car moving in reverse, provokes the occurrence of dangerous situations on the roads. Hence the ban on driving in this way arises. If such movement occurs at intersections, or at a pedestrian crossing or in a tunnel, it is absolutely clear that it could cause a serious accident. And the culprit, in any case, will be the driver of the car, who was moving against the general stream. Therefore, sometimes it is better to waste extra time performing a reversal than to deal with the consequences of getting into an unpleasant situation later.

The legislation for 2017 provides for a penalty for driving in reverse. Its size will depend on the severity of the violation committed. In the event of an offense committed on the highway, the car owner may be fined 2,500 rubles.

Smaller, the amount of the monetary penalty will be when the movement is directed towards oncoming cars, and is committed on the sidelines. In this case, the fine will be 500 rubles.

Prohibitory signs

In the traffic rules, reverse movement is prohibited by the road sign "No entry". When it is established, it means the prohibition of auto-entry to a given section of the road. It does not apply only to public transport vehicles. If the rules are violated, and an entry into the territory with the presence of this sign was made, it is assumed that the license is deprived of rights up to six months, or a monetary penalty in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

When the car moves along the lane intended for public transport, the driver will be fined in the amount of 1,500 rubles, and if we are talking about Moscow or St. Petersburg, then the amount of the penalty will be 3,000 rubles.

In the event that backing was performed under a sign prohibiting entry, the driver of the car will be fined 500 rubles. The rules do not provide for deprivation of rights for such a maneuver.

In addition, the driver can be fined for driving under the "No traffic" sign, which means that travel in both directions is prohibited. In this case, the car owner will have to pay 500 rubles. as a compensation.

How to avoid an accident?

It is worth remembering the basic rules:

  • Never back up if the vehicle in front starts to reverse. If such a situation arises, it is necessary to use sound signals that will warn the car that violates the rules of the danger.
  • If such a maneuver is being carried out, you should always look at the rearview mirrors one at a time in control.
  • When making a movement, in this way, in a parking lot, special attention should be paid to vehicles that are not only in front or behind, but also located on the left and right.

In traffic rules, this maneuver is the most dangerous for drivers. Since, in the event of an accident, it will be the driver who maneuvers against the general flow that will be recognized as the culprit, with the exclusion of other aggravating reasons for other participants in the accident.

The first vehicle has passed the courtyard entrance and is reversing to enter the front. The second car drives into the road from the yard.

Who should go first in this situation?

Traffic rules for a car leaving the yard

The yard is the adjoining territory. The priority when leaving the adjacent territory is defined in clause 8.3. Road traffic regulations.

The requirement to give way is set out in the section on terms and definitions of traffic rules.

If the first car continues to move, it will force the second car to change speed or direction. The “Yield” request will not be met.

While the question is open, does the “Yield” requirement apply to a car that is going in reverse and does it have an advantage?

Traffic rules for reversing

Reversing movement must be carried out in accordance with paragraph 8.12 of the Rules.

Reversing past the exit from the adjacent territory is not prohibited. Does a car that moves in reverse take precedence?

From point 8.12 we see that in order to start moving back, certain conditions must be met. Otherwise, reverse driving is prohibited.

"Give way" versus "won't interfere"

  • "Give way (do not interfere)" - term, "Will not interfere" in the context of clause 8.12 -;
  • "Danger to traffic" - term, safe maneuver - general condition literally.

The road traffic regulations are based on the Convention on Road Traffic. When there are doubts about the interpretation, you can always refer to the "superior" document.

As you can see, there is no connection with the terms that determine the priority when crossing trajectories.

In this situation no priority issue, that is, when one car has an advantage, the other has a requirement to give way. Here the question is resolved or not, in principle, the movement of the car in reverse.

Reversing no way should not interfere with other road users.

Stop the car, turn on the hazard lights and shift into reverse gear. This is the first and most logical step. For manual gearboxes, shifting to reverse is not much different from shifting to first: let the car come to a complete stop, press the clutch and brake pedals, shift the gear lever to R (reverse) and start moving. In some cars, to move the lever into reverse gear, you need to press a button on it, in some you need to push the lever down to shift, and in some it is done without any special action. In the case of automatic transmissions, things are a little different: of course you will not have a clutch pedal, but depending on the configuration of the car, you will need to press either the brake pedal or a button on the lever. Common to the automata is that you will need to pull the lever to the R position.

Set up mirrors. By adjusting the mirrors, you can better control what is happening outside the car. Some don't touch them at all, while others like to lower the passenger-side mirror to show the rear wheel. It all comes down to personal preference and experience. Over time, you will get used to the overall dimensions of your vehicle and you will no longer need to adjust your mirrors.

Turn around, or don't turn around. When driving in reverse gear, it is a big dilemma: should you only look in the mirrors, or turn to look through the rear window? Turning is taught in driving courses, but is it really necessary? Looking out the rear window gives you a better sense of the actual distances, but you also leave the driver's side out of sight, which means you have to constantly turn and watch what is happening there. In addition, some cars do not have a rear window or it may be too small to see through. On the other hand, driving on mirrors requires a good knowledge of the vehicle's dimensions and general position on the road. If you are driving an American car (made primarily for the American market), then you probably noticed the warning "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear". This can be a problem as it creates a false sense of space, especially when you consider the fact that objects in the interior mirror are usually larger than they appear. However, this can be easily fixed, you only need to lower the mirrors to see the rear wheels and rear bumper better. This will be a good guideline: you can trust them, since they also seem closer and correspond in size to the surrounding objects.

Drive slowly. Generally, reverse gear is the most powerful gear in a vehicle; this means that it gives the strongest jerk, and the movement starts much faster than in first gear. You must take this into account and dose the power wisely.

"Right is left, and left is right." Although many people mention this when it comes to driving in reverse, this statement is only true if you envision turning the front of the car. When driving in reverse and turning the steering wheel to the left, the car will turn left because you want to turn left the rear of the car. In response to the rear of the vehicle turning to the left, the front of the vehicle will turn to the right. This is only because the steering wheel is turning the front wheels, but you are still turning left, right?

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