Home Salon Tire pressure of a car uaz loaf. What pressure should be in UAZ tires. What should be the pressure in the tires, check the pressure in the tires

Tire pressure of a car uaz loaf. What pressure should be in UAZ tires. What should be the pressure in the tires, check the pressure in the tires

In Russia, the popularity of such domestic cars as UAZ has not faded for many years. Everyone in our country knows that a Loaf is not only bread, and a Patriot is not always a lover of the Fatherland. Well, the UAZ 469 is a utilitarian SUV in general, a legend of the Soviet automobile industry. All these cars have good cross-country performance, and their "survivability" is sometimes striking, although more internal comfort in them would not hurt.

Every motorist is obliged to monitor the tire pressure indicators. For each specific model of a UAZ vehicle, there are standards that are indicated in the passport for the car or are placed on the arches of the doors, written on stickers.

Knowing what pressure in the UAZ tires is optimal is necessary in order for it to have good grip on the road surface and to make the car easier to drive. This affects safety and comfort. Equally important is the effect of tire pressure on tire wear and fuel consumption.

Tire manufacturers also indicate recommended values. That is, it turns out that you need to put wheels on the car, according to the passport of the car, and pump them up as the developers of "rubber" say. This will avoid under-pumping or over-pumping, which could lead to an emergency.

How to inflate tires correctly

It is impossible to say unequivocally what pressure should be in the tires of a UAZ car. Indeed, several factors will influence the change in values.

  • Which model the car belongs to and which wheels are installed.

For example, the pressure in the tires of a UAZ Patriot with dimensions 245/60 R18 should be 1.8 on the front wheels and 2.0 on the rear.

  • The tire manufacturer also matters.

For example, the pressure in UAZ Bukhanka tires on the front wheelset will be 1.7 for Yaroslavl tires and 1.9 for other manufacturers, and 2.2 and 2.4 for the rear, respectively.

  • The pumping depends on the operating conditions and the time of the year of use.

For example, the pressure in summer tires can be increased slightly, but it must be remembered that when heated, the air expands, so the increase should be within 7%. In winter, on the contrary, it is required to lower the level of indicators, as well as when driving off-road.

When buying wheels for your car, you need to think in advance how, where and under what conditions they will be used. It is imperative to take into account the recommendations of car and tire manufacturers in order to choose the right model of tires and inflate them, as expected, taking into account all the features.

Low pressure wheels

Many drivers, even those with significant driving experience behind them, have no idea what low pressure tires are and what they are for. Basically, only off-road lovers have this information, equipping their "iron horses" with special wheels with increased width.

Cars on such "legs" are very rare in the city, and they also try not to drive them on the highway. There are reasons for this:

  • It is not easy to drive a UAZ all-terrain vehicle on low-pressure tires on asphalt.
  • The maximum travel speed is 80 km / h.

Externally, the UAZ Patriot, namely, it can often be found in this form, with this "shoe" looks very comical. But all the touch of irony vanishes as soon as you see how dexterously these seemingly clumsy giants maneuver off-road. Naturally, it is impossible to achieve such speed over mud and bumps on ordinary tires.

Features of low pressure tires

Now it's time to find out the secret of low pressure wheels. As an example, let's take AVTOROS M-TRIM tires (900-450x18), their size in inches is: 35.4x17.7 R18. It is worth saying that the invention of such wheels is an attempt to combine the wheels from an air-conditioned vehicle and an ordinary all-terrain vehicle.

AVTOROS M-TRIM (900-450х18)

The former have excellent buoyancy, while the latter have exactly the opposite properties - the designers were faced with a difficult task. After all, it turns out that from the positive characteristics there is only an increased contact patch, but there is no powerful group of hooks, there is no rigid cord of the sidewalls, but one cannot do without this on the off-road.

What solution did the inventors find? They made an unusual tread pattern, and installed an anti-dismantling device inside the collapsible discs - this is such a thing that prevents the tire from getting off the rim.

  • To move on asphalt, the pressure in such tires must be 0.6 atm.
  • On off-road terrain, such as swamp carpet, sand, snow, the manufacturer recommends lowering them to 0.15 atm.

It should be understood that the Patriot on low-pressure tires will not become like a pneumatic all-terrain vehicle, once it gets into a pond, it will simply drown. But on the off-road, he feels at ease and easily overcomes shallow wetlands, frolics on damp ground and climbs hills.

Despite the peculiar tread, black soil or clay will still clog it if you drive around for a long time, but there must be some difficulties, not everyone can enjoy driving. You can see how the car behaves in off-road realities in the video.

According to the owners of UAZ Patriot, who use such low-pressure tires, when using the wheels, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, that is, to operate the car only under certain conditions with the prescribed indicators. It is equally important to improve the car itself, for example, to strengthen the driveshafts and axle shafts.

In custody

In order for the operation of the car to bring positive emotions, it is necessary to pay more attention to the recommendations of the manufacturers. If you control the inflation of tires in accordance with the standards, then this will not only allow you to feel more comfortable while driving, but also increase the safety of the driver and passengers, as well as keep some parts of the car working longer and save fuel.

The pressure in the tires of the car should be the same as recommended by the car manufacturer. The data with the required tire pressure figures are written in the car's manual, and on the car itself, they are usually located on the B-pillar on the driver's side or on the fuel filler flap on the inside.

The pressure should be measured only on cold tires that are located in the shade and on which the car has been motionless for at least 5 hours. Since car manufacturers allow the use of tires of different standard sizes on cars, the normal pressure in them can be different. In addition, the pressure in the front and rear can be different or the same.

Tire pressure for UAZ Patriot with 225/75 R16 wheels, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.20 (2.0)
Rear - 0.24 (2.4)

Tire pressure for UAZ Patriot with wheels dimension 235/70 R16, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.19 (1.9)
Rear - 0.22 (2.2)

Tire pressure for UAZ Patriot with 245/70 R16 wheels, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.17 (1.7)
Rear - 0.21 (2.1)

Tire pressure for UAZ Patriot with 245/60 R18 wheels, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.18 (1.8)
Rear - 0.20 (2.0)

Tire pressure for UAZ Pickup with 225/75 R16 wheels, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.20 (2.0)
Rear - 0.27 (2.7)

Air pressure in tires for UAZ Pickup with wheels dimension 235/70 R16, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.19 (1.9)
Rear - 0.25 (2.5)

Air pressure in tires for UAZ Pickup with wheels of dimension 245/70 R16, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.17 (1.7)
Rear - 0.24 (2.4)

Tire pressure for UAZ Cargo with 225/75 R16 wheels, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.19 (1.9)
Rear - 0.28 (2.8)

Danger of low, high or unequal tire pressure in the vehicle.

Decreased tire pressure leads to an increase in tire deformation, its greater heating during wheel rolling, and accelerated wear of the outer tread tracks. Even a violation of the integrity of the tire carcass is possible. This increases the consumption. If you hit a hole on the road, the likelihood of damage to both the disc and the tire is higher.

Increased tire pressure provokes overstressing of the cords, increased wear of the middle part of the tread. In addition, when driving on a bad road, the shock that is transmitted to the suspension and body will become more noticeable for the driver and passengers in the cabin. If hit in a pit, the probability of tire rupture will be higher. Not the same pressure in all four tires will lead during movement to the car drifting off a straight trajectory towards the wheels with lower pressure.

Check tire pressure, seasonal fluctuations in tire pressure.

Check the tire pressure at least once a month, and always before long trips. Especially carefully monitors tire pressure is necessary during the off-season. In a confined space, the air pressure changes by approximately 0.1 bar for every 10 degrees of temperature change. This should be taken into account in spring and autumn, until a relatively stable temperature is established.

Especially seasonal fluctuations in tire pressure are noticeable on wheels of large dimensions with an air volume of 60 liters or more. For example, the air volume in a 225/75 R16 tire is approximately 65 liters. Therefore, having installed tires in October, with the first frost, you need to check the tire pressure again. Then check the pressure when the air temperature drops to minus ten, fifteen and minus twenty.

Tire pressure based on road conditions.

Some tire manufacturers recommend increasing the tire pressure by 0.2–0.3 bar before driving on highways for long periods of time. In case of overloading of the car, it is necessary to raise the pressure in the rear tires by 0.2–0.3 bar. If you find yourself on summer tires, and you need to drive a short distance on an icy road, then you need to reduce the tire pressure to about 1.6 bar.

Tire pressure when driving off-road.

If off-road the wheels of the car begin to fall into, snow or mud, then it makes sense to reduce the pressure in all tires to at least 1.2 bar. In a very critical situation, you can take a risk and reduce the pressure to 1.0 bar. On such tires, you should drive with caution, because there is a high probability of self-disassembly. Off-road, lowering tire pressure can also be useful to overcome bias.

If, in this case, the pressure in the tires is reduced, then their height will decrease, there will be a chance for the suspended wheels to catch on the ground and overcome the diagonal suspension on their own. If the car has already laid down on the bottom, then it is useless to reduce the tire pressure, it will only interfere with pulling the car out.

Car enthusiasts often do not pay enough attention to tire pressure. And it must be constantly monitored, otherwise the consequences can be the most unpredictable: from rapid tire wear and ending with a violation of the car's controllability. In fact, the consequences are much greater, and if you do not follow certain rules for inflating tires, then you can make yourself a lot of problems. But sometimes even experienced motorists do not bother too much about the optimal pressure in the wheels. But every single car requires a certain amount of air in the tires. And if these indicators do not meet the standards, then the rubber and some car components wear out quickly.

UAZ Patriot vehicles are considered to be very hardy and resistant to various loads. They are often used for off-road driving. Different wheel diameters require different tire pressures. For example, tires 225 / 75R16 K-153, K-155 require inflating the front tires up to 2.0 bar, and the rear ones - up to 2.4 bar. But the rubber 235 / 70R16 KAMA-221 already provides for other indicators: front - 1.9 atmospheres, rear - 2.2. 245 / 70R16 K-214 tires require 1.8 bar pressure on the front axle, and 2.1 bar on the rear axle. The car manufacturer does not indicate for what conditions it is customary to consider these parameters as the norm. But many car enthusiasts point out that such requirements are more suitable for a loaded car. With a minimum load of the car, the pressure indicators should be slightly lower.

Tire inflation

The pressure in the wheels of the UAZ "Patriot" can be slightly reduced if it is for the benefit of the car and its owner. When during the trip there is strong discomfort, a rattling is heard in the cabin, then the air in the wheels can be lowered a little, despite the fact that the manufacturer has indicated clear parameters. And the majority of UAZ drivers do just that, because they do not agree with the factory standards.

Many car enthusiasts do not know what exactly can happen if tires are over-pumped or under-pumped. The most common problems are:

  • excessive consumption of fuel;
  • handling problems;
  • erasure of side protectors;
  • rapid wear of rubber;
  • the possibility of damage to the rim;
  • possible breakdown of some auto components.

But with the pumped over there are already other difficulties:

  • erasure of the middle tread;
  • loss of control;
  • the appearance of bumps on the tires;
  • rattling in the car;
  • inconvenience of movement.

It is precisely because of these reasons that it is worth constantly monitoring the tire pressure.

The amount of air inside the wheel should only be checked for cold tires, otherwise the readings will be incorrect.

The ambient temperature also directly affects the atmosphere inside the wheel. For example, in winter, when the air temperature drops, the pressure in the tires also decreases. And in summer, on the contrary, it rises. Therefore, measurements should be taken at least once a week. This can be done with a pressure gauge, which is sold in every car dealership. Such a device can be of several types and accuracy classes. Therefore, when buying, special attention should be paid precisely to accuracy, since the further correctness of its work depends on this.

Tire pressure gauge

The pressure in the wheels of the UAZ "Loaf"

According to the passport, the atmospheric indicators inside the wheel must correspond to 2.2-2.4 bar. But such measures are typical for urban roads. A more reduced pressure is suitable for off-road conditions. Fans of trips outside the city note that the recommended parameters are not very suitable for such roads. The car drives very hard and there is discomfort while driving. But if an increased load of the car is envisaged, then air will have to be added in the rear tires. As the tire diameter increases, tire pressure decreases.

The UAZ-3303 model, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, provides for the same pressure in all wheels, which is 2.0 bar. But with an increase in the load, it must be raised to 2.2 atmospheres. These parameters are inherent in the summer period. But in extreme heat, you should carefully monitor the indicators, since the amount of air in the tires increases in summer. And therefore, before the trip, it should be checked and slightly lowered if necessary.

On a note!

If the check is planned after the trip, then this should be done only after the car has been idle for two hours. During this time, the wheels will cool down and the pressure in them stabilizes. The owners of such cars recommend deflating the tires a little while driving off-road, but only by no more than 0.3 bar. This will ensure a smooth ride and comfortable movement.

Tire pressure in UAZ "Farmer"

It is necessary to pump the tires of the UAZ "Farmer" car on the rear axle up to 2.3 bar, and on the front axle - up to 1.9. Such indicators are inherent in an unloaded car in winter. But it all depends on the diameter of the wheel, since when it changes, the pressure also changes. For example, 245/70 R16 tires require 2.1 bar at the rear axle and 1.8 bar at the front. Wheels 245/60 R18 provide pumping up to 1.7 at the front and up to 1.9 atmospheres at the rear. As the load increases, the pressure increases by about 0.8 bar on all wheels.

UAZ 3303

Pressure on UAZ "Hunter"

It is this modification of the car that provides the same pressure indicators for all wheels, both with and without a car load. For a wheel diameter R16, the recommended values ​​in winter are 1.9 bar, and in summer - 2.0 bar. With an increase in load in winter, the pressure rises to 2.1 bar, and in summer - to 2.2. There is no significant difference between cold and hot weather performance. But you still need to try to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Particular attention should be paid to the inflation of all wheels, namely the same indicators in all tires of the rear and front axle. Unequal pressure is the worst thing that can happen to the wheels. The risk of accidents in this case increases significantly, and in addition to everything, the likelihood of injury to other road users increases. Therefore, it is necessary to check the pressure in all tires and be sure to adjust the indicators to the recommended ones.

Do not neglect the simple rules regarding tire pressure. If there is no idea about the manufacturer's recommendations, then the hint can be found on a special table, which can be placed on the driver's door or gas tank hatch. The optimum values ​​for a specific tire diameter and vehicle load are indicated there. By adhering to these instructions, it will be possible not only to increase the service life of the tires, but also to protect yourself during the trip.

Standard indicators of pressure in UAZ tires. Tire pressure uaz patriot

Tire pressure UAZ Patriot

The company that manufactures UAZ Patriot vehicles has set the following tire pressure parameters:

Tires 225 / 75R16 K-153, K-155 Front: 2.0 Rear: 2.4

Tires 235 / 70R16 KAMA-221 Front: 1.9 Rear: 2.2

Tires 245 / 70R16 К-214 Front: 1.8 Rear: 2.1

The manufacturer did not indicate in what conditions these figures should be considered acceptable.

The manufacturer has set the following weight distribution: - Curb weight 2125 kg. / front axle 1150 kg / rear axle 975 kg - Gross weight 2650 kg. / front axle 1217 kg / rear axle 1433 kg

Wheel balancing should not exceed 1000 g / cm.

After analyzing this information, we can say with confidence that the pressure recommended by the manufacturer assumes an absolutely loaded car, because only a loaded car meets the parameters of higher tire pressure.

Experts argue about what kind of pressure in the tires of the UAZ Patriot is considered acceptable. A good half of UAZ car owners do not share the manufacturer's opinion on this issue. So, when choosing tire pressure, you should pay attention to the following factors:

1. There is no differential in the transfer case, so make sure that all four tires have the same pressure. Even different loads with the front axle connected can damage the transfer case. Tire manufacturers recommend disabling the front axle when not needed.

2. The type of tires can also affect the pressure. Be sure to check with the manufacturers of purchased tires about the best pressure for a UAZ Patriot car. Buy proven tires for your vehicles like yokohama geolandar. The tire pressure is also influenced by the size of the vehicle.

3. You should be aware that lower tire pressure will significantly increase fuel consumption, as well as increase the load on the transmission and lead to rapid wear of the outer tread. Of course, with low tire pressures, the ride is often smoother and more comfortable. When cornering and various obstacles from tires without tubes and with low pressure, air will escape, and when hitting curbs, the condition of the disks and rubber deteriorates.

4. If, when driving on a high curb, the disc of your car comes into contact with the curb, then the pressure is clearly not enough for trips through the urban jungle. It is important to know that driving on curbs is bad for the condition of the tires. If a car with low tire pressure meets an open hatch, then it risks damaging the disc.

5. With low tire pressure of the UAZ Patriot, the specific pressure on the ground steadily decreases - this factor pleases off-road enthusiasts, as the vehicle's cross-country ability increases.

6. With increased tire pressure, fuel consumption is reduced, but tire wear in the tread area increases and unnecessary work is put on the suspension and fastening system. Exhaust system elements may fly off; mufflers fly off the fastest. The tires develop swelling and bumps over time. In the event that the attachment points of the gearbox and transfer case fail, check the condition of the tires - perhaps the reason is precisely the increased pressure.

7. Best of all, when the size of all tires of the car is the same - it is important to take into account the load. If only the driver is in the car, then the load on the front tires is higher due to the motor and with equal pressure in all tires, the front wheels will be less. If a load is placed in the luggage compartment of the Patriot, and passengers are placed in the cabin, the load between the front and rear tires will be changed taking into account the distribution of weight.

8. Interestingly, tire pressure is influenced by air temperature and sun activity.

9. During active driving, the pressure in the tires may rise due to their imminent heating. For this reason, the tire pressure of the UAZ Patriot must be diagnosed when the car is in a cold state.

10. As soon as the cold season comes, it is necessary to check the tire pressure, because it could have gone down.

11. Off-road enthusiasts should be aware that when actively driving through the forest and in the complete absence of roads in the tires, cameras are needed, otherwise side loads will play a bad joke and air will come out of the tires.


Tire pressure monitoring UAZ Patriot

The Ulyanovsk-made SUV UAZ Patriot first rolled off the assembly line in 2005, and it was from that time that it gained wide popularity among UAZ manufacturers. Today, the UAZ Patriot SUV continues to be produced and every year it is supplemented with more modern and improved parts. In this material, we will consider such a detail as a tire, or rather, what should be the pressure in the tires of a popular SUV. Indeed, not only the correct operation of the car depends on the tire pressure, but also the safety of the driver and passengers.

SUV rubber parameters

Wheels of the UAZ Patriot car are those parts that are directly involved in its off-road passability. In addition, the tires make the vehicle more stable both on the road and on rough terrain. Often, most owners of a popular SUV, after purchasing it, tend to replace the standard rubber with a more suitable one for their specific purposes. Among these actions, it is important to pay attention to the tire pressure of the SUV. After all, some are used to pumping the wheels up to 2 atmospheres or more, while others, on the contrary, believe that a volume of 1.8 atmospheres is enough. But today we will not guess what the pressure in the wheels of the Patriot should be, but we will find out the real data.

Rubber for the UAZ Patriot SUV can be of the following modifications and purposes:

  1. All-season, which can be used both in summer and winter.
  2. Mud, intended for vehicle operation in off-road conditions.
  3. Winter, which is intended for use only in winter to be able to overcome various snow-covered areas.
  4. Road, used in summer, for driving on asphalt roads and in the city. Useless in winter and off-road conditions.

Also there are such types of rubber as extreme - rubber of an increased size and low pressure. In addition, rubber differs from each other in parameters, the most common of which are:

  • rubber width;
  • profile;
  • tire diameter.

Depending on these parameters, it is necessary to carry out the appropriate inflation of the wheels. So, the tire pressure on the UAZ Patriot must correspond to the following parameters given in the table below.

You need to take care of the wheels of your car first of all, since they are the elements and parts on which the safety of the car's movement depends. There are some guidelines to follow. These guidelines have the following characteristics:

Optimal pressure parameters

The optimal amount of air that should be in the tires of an SUV is calculated at the factory, and therefore if you decide to pump a wheel, then it can threaten to burst. Otherwise, when moving on over-pumped wheels, a sharp deterioration in comfort will be noticeable. Why? Because the tire will lose its shock-absorbing properties and even the smallest pits, stones and bumps will be transmitted by impacts on the body.

A more detailed table showing the optimal tire pressures for the UAZ Patriot is given below.

An important role is played by the curb weight of an SUV, which must meet the following parameters:

  • gross vehicle weight is 2600 kg;
  • the front axle has a load of 1217 kg;
  • the rear axle has a load of 1430 kg.

When inflating or inflating tires, it is important to observe the following list of important recommendations:

  1. During pumping, it is necessary to take into account the type of rubber; often the manufacturer himself recommends the optimal pressure value.
  2. With a decrease in tire pressure, the effect of increasing the cross-country ability of an SUV is observed.
  3. If the pressure in the wheels decreases, then this negatively affects the transmission, and also an increase in fuel consumption occurs. Many people notice that with slightly flat wheels, the car becomes more comfortable when moving over bumps, but in fact, in such a situation, all negative factors on the disc and rubber of the car are multiplied.
  4. On an SUV, it is important to turn on the front axle only when it is necessary, otherwise operation in all-wheel drive mode for a long time entails failure of the transfer case and increased wear on the front tires.
  5. Inflate and check the pressure in the tires of an SUV should be at a temperature not higher than 20 degrees and not lower than 0, otherwise the reading error will exceed 10% and higher. Why? Because under the influence of sunlight, the rubber heats up and the air in it expands, so there is a risk of pumping it over. In winter, on the contrary, the rubber narrows and the pressure drops.

Thus, to summarize, it is important to note that if you want your steel horse to be a leader in off-road conditions, then in addition to tuning the suspension and walking, you should not forget about the tire pressure. After all, pressure plays an important role in the vehicle's cross-country ability and stability. Consider this information whenever you go on a long journey by car.

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How often does your Patriot break?

    Sometimes something breaks down, on trifles 54%, 5074 votes

    I spend every weekend in the service 14%, 1349 votes


What should be the pressure in the tires, check the pressure in the tires

The pressure in the tires of the car should be the same as recommended by the car manufacturer. The data with the required tire pressure figures are written in the car's manual, and on the car itself, they are usually located on the B-pillar on the driver's side or on the fuel filler flap on the inside.

What pressure should be in the tires of the car, checking and adjusting the pressure in the tires, changing the pressure depending on road conditions.

The pressure should be measured only on cold tires that are located in the shade and on which the car has been motionless for at least 5 hours. Since car manufacturers allow the use of tires of different standard sizes on cars, the normal pressure in them can be different. In addition, the pressure in the front and rear tires can be different or the same.

Normal tire pressure for UAZ Patriot, UAZ Pickup and UAZ Cargo is according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Tire pressure for UAZ Patriot with 225/75 R16 wheels, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.20 (2.0) Rear - 0.24 (2.4)

Tire pressure for UAZ Patriot with wheels dimension 235/70 R16, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.19 (1.9) Rear - 0.22 (2.2)

Tire pressure for UAZ Patriot with 245/70 R16 wheels, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.17 (1.7) Rear - 0.21 (2.1)

Tire pressure for UAZ Patriot with 245/60 R18 wheels, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.18 (1.8) Rear - 0.20 (2.0)

Tire pressure for UAZ Pickup with 225/75 R16 wheels, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.20 (2.0) Rear - 0.27 (2.7)

Air pressure in tires for UAZ Pickup with wheels dimension 235/70 R16, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.19 (1.9) Rear - 0.25 (2.5)

Air pressure in tires for UAZ Pickup with wheels of dimension 245/70 R16, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.17 (1.7) Rear - 0.24 (2.4)

Tire pressure for UAZ Cargo with 225/75 R16 wheels, MPa (kgf / cm2).

Front - 0.19 (1.9) Rear - 0.28 (2.8)

Danger of low, high or unequal tire pressure in the vehicle.

Decreased tire pressure leads to an increase in tire deformation, its greater heating during wheel rolling, and accelerated wear of the outer tread tracks. Even a violation of the integrity of the tire carcass is possible. This increases fuel consumption. If you hit a hole on the road, the likelihood of damage to both the disc and the tire is higher.

Increased tire pressure provokes overstressing of the cords, increased wear of the middle part of the tread. In addition, when driving on a bad road, the shock that is transmitted to the suspension and body will become more noticeable for the driver and passengers in the cabin. If hit in a pit, the probability of tire rupture will be higher. Not the same pressure in all four tires will lead during movement to the car drifting off a straight trajectory towards the wheels with lower pressure.

Check tire pressure, seasonal fluctuations in tire pressure.

Check the tire pressure at least once a month, and always before long trips. Especially carefully monitors tire pressure is necessary during the off-season. In a confined space, the air pressure changes by approximately 0.1 bar for every 10 degrees of temperature change. This should be taken into account in spring and autumn, until a relatively stable temperature is established.

Especially seasonal fluctuations in tire pressure are noticeable on wheels of large dimensions with an air volume of 60 liters or more. For example, the air volume in a 225/75 R16 tire is approximately 65 liters. Therefore, having installed winter tires in October, with the first frost, you need to check the tire pressure again. Then check the pressure when the air temperature drops to minus ten, fifteen and minus twenty.

Tire pressure based on road conditions.

Some tire manufacturers recommend increasing the tire pressure by 0.2–0.3 bar before driving on highways for long periods of time. In case of overloading of the car, it is necessary to raise the pressure in the rear tires by 0.2–0.3 bar. If you find yourself on ice on summer tires, and you need to drive a short distance on an icy road, then you need to reduce the tire pressure to approximately 1.6 bar.

Tire pressure when driving off-road.

If off-road the wheels of the car begin to sink into sand, snow or mud, then it makes sense to reduce the pressure in all tires to at least 1.2 bar. In a very critical situation, you can take a risk and reduce the pressure to 1.0 bar. On such tires, you should drive with caution, because there is a high probability of self-disassembly. Off-road, lowering tire pressure can also be useful to overcome bias.

If, in this case, the pressure in the tires is reduced, then their height will decrease, there will be a chance for the suspended wheels to catch on the ground and overcome the diagonal suspension on their own. If the car has already laid down on the bottom, then it is useless to reduce the tire pressure, it will only interfere with pulling the car out.

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Tire pressure UAZ Patriot

Dear patriot leaders, today we are again raising the topic of security. This time we will consider how the tire pressure of the UAZ Patriot affects the safety aspect. It is also clear that tire inflation is inextricably linked to driving performance. Tubeless tires, which are now so popular, are especially sensitive to pressure levels. 30% tire wear means that safety is out of the question and the car starts to behave unpredictably on the road.

How to determine what is the optimal tire pressure for UAZ Patriot? For this, there are special tables with recommended pressure for the front and rear wheels. Tire manufacturers indicate recommended pressures, and there is a logical reason why you shouldn't deviate too much from these numbers.

Every motorist knows that an over-pumped wheel can simply burst on the way, which will clearly create an emergency. But too low tire pressure will provoke increased fuel consumption and wear of the same rubber. The only exceptions are special low-pressure tires with increased width, which are designed for driving on snow. It is especially important to take into account changes when replacing standard tires with other types of tires.

It should be borne in mind that alloy wheels are very sensitive to shocks, therefore, the tire pressure should not be reduced to an extremely low level.

Modifications of rubber suitable for UAZ Patriot

Depending on what kind of coverage the rubber is intended for, the pressure indicators will be different.

  • Road - for good trails and highways where there are no off-road sections. In principle, suitable for dry dirt roads. For such rubber, the pressure can be slightly increased relative to the standard one - literally by 10%. As a result, the high-speed potential will be extinguished significantly less.
  • In summer tires, the pressure can also be slightly increased, but due to operation at high temperatures, it is better not to increase it by more than 5-7%.
  • Winter tires are designed for difficult road sections with uneven coverage and a high risk of slipping in snowdrifts, so the pressure in winter tires should be low. The gap between the standard pressure and for winter tires can be up to 12%.
  • In principle, for the so-called mud tires, on which it is easy to go off-road, the tire pressure indicator should also be the same as on the winter one. The record low pressure level in such tires can reach 15% of the standard values.

Inflating the tires with a compressor or lowering the pressure in them, it is impossible to achieve ideal driving performance. What's the secret? In the end - no, because there are still factors related to tires that affect the behavior of the Patriot on the road. Before experimenting further, we suggest answering the following questions:

  • Do you measure the pressure in one, the so-called control tire, or in all? If the car "goats" and loses control, or vice versa, slows down during acceleration, then it is likely that in one, or even in all tires, the pressure is very different. This means we measure and pump up one level in the front and rear tires.
  • Have you already covered 10,000 km in your Patrick? It is time to re-mark the front and rear wheels to balance the wear. Traction 4WD cars love to eat up front tires.
  • Do you have all the rubber the same size? Only a small run-up is allowed for a pair of front wheels relative to a pair of rear wheels. And that's all, i.e. different wheels should not be in front or behind.
  • Have you done balancing for a long time? If you can boast of a brand new rubber, then after 500 km of running-in you will be at the service station, if you are not going to install a new one yet, then look at the balancing at least once a quarter.

If you follow these simple rules and guide the UAZ Patriot recommended tire pressure table below, you will be able to insure the transmission, axle and engine against premature wear, as well as adequately save fuel.


what should be according to the passport

In Russia, the popularity of such domestic cars as UAZ has not faded for many years. Everyone in our country knows that a Loaf is not only bread, and a Patriot is not always a lover of the Fatherland. Well, the UAZ 469 is a utilitarian SUV in general, a legend of the Soviet automobile industry. All these cars have good cross-country performance, and their "survivability" is sometimes striking, although more internal comfort in them would not hurt.

Winter tire

Every motorist is obliged to monitor the tire pressure indicators. For each specific model of a UAZ vehicle, there are standards that are indicated in the passport for the car or are placed on the arches of the doors, written on stickers.

Knowing what pressure in the UAZ tires is optimal is necessary in order for it to have good grip on the road surface and to make the car easier to drive. This affects safety and comfort. Equally important is the effect of tire pressure on tire wear and fuel consumption.

Tire manufacturers also indicate recommended values. That is, it turns out that you need to put wheels on the car, according to the passport of the car, and pump them up as the developers of "rubber" say. This will avoid under-pumping or over-pumping, which could lead to an emergency.

How to inflate tires correctly

It is impossible to say unequivocally what pressure should be in the tires of a UAZ car. Indeed, several factors will influence the change in values.

UAZ Loaf

  • Which model the car belongs to and which wheels are installed.

For example, the pressure in the tires of a UAZ Patriot with dimensions 245/60 R18 should be 1.8 on the front wheels and 2.0 on the rear.

  • The tire manufacturer also matters.

For example, the pressure in UAZ Bukhanka tires on the front wheelset will be 1.7 for Yaroslavl tires and 1.9 for other manufacturers, and 2.2 and 2.4 for the rear, respectively.

  • The pumping depends on the operating conditions and the time of the year of use.

For example, the pressure in summer tires can be increased slightly, but it must be remembered that when heated, the air expands, so the increase should be within 7%. In winter, on the contrary, it is required to lower the level of indicators, as well as when driving off-road.

Tire UAZ loaf

When buying wheels for your car, you need to think in advance how, where and under what conditions they will be used. It is imperative to take into account the recommendations of car and tire manufacturers in order to choose the right model of tires and inflate them, as expected, taking into account all the features.

Low pressure wheels

Many drivers, even those with significant driving experience behind them, have no idea what low pressure tires are and what they are for. Basically, only off-road lovers have this information, equipping their "iron horses" with special wheels with increased width.

Cars on such "legs" are very rare in the city, and they also try not to drive them on the highway. There are reasons for this:

  • It is not easy to drive a UAZ all-terrain vehicle on low-pressure tires on asphalt.
  • The maximum travel speed is 80 km / h.

Dimensions UAZ Patriot

Externally, the UAZ Patriot, namely, it can often be found in this form, with this "shoe" looks very comical. But all the touch of irony vanishes as soon as you see how dexterously these seemingly clumsy giants maneuver off-road. Naturally, it is impossible to achieve such speed over mud and bumps on ordinary tires.

Features of low pressure tires

Now it's time to find out the secret of low pressure wheels. As an example, let's take AVTOROS M-TRIM tires (900-450x18), their size in inches is: 35.4x17.7 R18. It is worth saying that the invention of such wheels is an attempt to combine the wheels from an air-conditioned vehicle and an ordinary all-terrain vehicle.

AVTOROS M-TRIM (900-450х18)

The former have excellent buoyancy, while the latter have exactly the opposite properties - the designers were faced with a difficult task. After all, it turns out that from the positive characteristics there is only an increased contact patch, but there is no powerful group of hooks, there is no rigid cord of the sidewalls, but one cannot do without this on the off-road.

What solution did the inventors find? They made an unusual tread pattern, and installed an anti-dismantling device inside the collapsible discs - this is such a thing that prevents the tire from getting off the rim.

  • To move on asphalt, the pressure in such tires must be 0.6 atm.
  • On off-road terrain, such as swamp carpet, sand, snow, the manufacturer recommends lowering them to 0.15 atm.

It should be understood that the Patriot on low-pressure tires will not become like a pneumatic all-terrain vehicle, once it gets into a pond, it will simply drown. But on the off-road, he feels at ease and easily overcomes shallow wetlands, frolics on damp ground and climbs hills.

Despite the peculiar tread, black soil or clay will still clog it if you drive around for a long time, but there must be some difficulties, not everyone can enjoy driving. You can see how the car behaves in off-road realities in the video.

According to the owners of UAZ Patriot, who use such low-pressure tires, when using the wheels, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, that is, to operate the car only under certain conditions with the prescribed indicators. It is equally important to improve the car itself, for example, to strengthen the driveshafts and axle shafts.

In custody

In order for the operation of the car to bring positive emotions, it is necessary to pay more attention to the recommendations of the manufacturers. If you control the inflation of tires in accordance with the standards, then this will not only allow you to feel more comfortable while driving, but also increase the safety of the driver and passengers, as well as keep some parts of the car working longer and save fuel.


Tire pressure table for UAZ Patriot, Hunter, Loaf

UAZ vehicles produced by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant are well known in the post-Soviet space. Back in the late 40s and early 50s of the last century, the concern chose the production of off-road vehicles or, in modern language, off-road vehicles as the main direction of its activity.

In 1955, a minibus model UAZ-452 was proposed, which was popularly called "loaf" because of its resemblance to a loaf of bread. More than half a century has passed, but the "loaf" is still used in rural areas as an emergency gang and ambulance.

In 1972, the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant put the model 469 into production. Development of the 469 model began back in 1962 - in appearance it resembled the famous American jeep. UAZ-469 was widely used in the army for a long time. The 469 had a removable soft top and 4 drive wheels. In 1981, 469 "UAZ" was modernized. It is often found these days - it is widely used by off-road enthusiasts.

Dimensions of a modern off-road vehicle UAZ "Patriot"

In the 90s, a newer version came - UAZ-31514. This is a full-fledged modern SUV, comfortable and reliable. 31514 "UAZ" had protective arches, kengurin, removable metal top - this version is absolutely confident to meet all international standards.

The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant continues to develop a line for the production of off-road vehicles, offering new, more advanced options. In 2003, the light SUV "Hunter" appeared. Car enthusiasts greeted the Hunter with enthusiasm, as did the Patriot SUV, which appeared in 2005.

It is quite obvious that the rubber of a car, like the parameters of tires, affects its cross-country ability, stability, as well as the durability of the chassis. Therefore, so much attention is paid to the competent selection of rubber, its correct installation and other factors, among which the pressure in the tires of the car is of no small importance.

By appointment, the following types of rubber are distinguished, which is installed on the Patriot:

  • all-season;
  • for dirt;
  • for winter conditions;
  • extreme option;
  • oversized for low pressure.

Pressure table for standard UAZ "Patriot" tires

Remember the importance of proper balancing when installing tires. This is an essential condition for the correct operation of the vehicle. It is also recommended to use special devices to improve performance.

Tyrlock is used to ensure that the tire is fixed at the edges of the rim. It prevents the tire from sliding off the disc, fixing it securely. Tyrlock is recommended for use on highways and public roads.

Beadlocks are also installed - mechanical rings that are installed on the disc and do not allow the wheel to be disassembled in the event of side loads. A beadlock is a means of rigidly attaching tires to the rim side. Competitors use them to increase cross-country ability in extreme conditions.

Badlocks have the following benefits:

  • help to avoid parsing;
  • enable the use of low pressure tires;
  • easy to install and maintain.

Patriot tire pressure must be monitored at all times

Among the disadvantages of bedlocks are the following:

  • an increase in the mass of a car wheel;
  • lack of the possibility of accurate balancing;
  • the need for frequent pulling of bolts;
  • they are not used on normal highways.
  • install the same tires for all four wheels of the car;
  • take into account the possibility of a difference in the readings of the equipment for measuring pressure in different services - take measurements in different places;
  • when pumping, the pressure in all 4 wheels must be the same. Check with soapy water that air does not escape spontaneously through the spool;
  • keep in mind that the front tires are more susceptible to wear than the rear. Every 10,000 kilometers, the rear one must be rearranged to the front of the car;

The tire pressure of the UAZ Patriot affects handling, fuel consumption and even the operation of the transmission.

  • if the pressure difference is 0.5, you cannot determine it by eye - be sure to use the device;
  • any, even the smallest bias, changes the visual perception of the degree of pumping up;
  • after running-in, a new balancing may be necessary for new rubber - after 500 kilometers, do it;
  • On 4WD off-road vehicles, tire pressure greatly affects transmission life and fuel economy. The difference in wheels significantly shortens the life of the differential and destroys the axle;
  • on normal highways, increasing the tread width increases fuel consumption;
  • winter tires should be softer than summer tires.
  • Optimal tire pressure of UAZ "Patriot"

    Any motorist knows that the amount of air that is pumped into the wheels of a car is not taken from the ceiling. What should be the pressure, is determined by a special table of pressure in the tires of the car, where all the parameters for inflating the tires are indicated.

    Here is what the table says about the pressure in the tires of UAZ "Patriot" cars:

    Tire pressure table of non-standard size UAZ Patriot

    At the same time, there should be an optimal weight distribution for Patriot cars:

    • curb weight - 2125 kg / front axle - 1150 kg / rear axle - 975 kg;
    • gross weight - 2650 kg / front axle - 1217 kg / rear axle - 1433 kg.

    In this case, the imbalance of the assembled wheel should not exceed 1000 g / cm.

    Experts advise to adhere to the following recommendations when inflating tires on UAZ "Patriot" cars:

    • switch off the front axle whenever possible when not needed. Otherwise, the transfer case will fail very quickly;
    • consider the type of rubber - read the manufacturer's recommendations;
    • a decrease in the amount of air raises the amount of fuel consumption, loads the transmission more heavily, and accelerates the wear of the outer surface of the tread. Ride comfort is improved, but tires and discs can suffer on curbs and obstacles;
    • lowering pressure makes your car more passable;

    Deformation of the tire at low pressure

  • overestimating the value saves fuel, but the rubber wears out faster, as does the fastener with the suspension. Possible detachment of the muffler and resonators, the appearance of rubber swelling, etc .;
  • the distribution of weight changes the load on the front and rear axles - remember this;
  • pressure varies with ambient temperature and exposure to sunlight. In the process of driving, it increases from the heating of the protectors. Therefore, pump air when the protectors are cold;
  • cold weather reduces the degree of inflation of the wheel.
  • UAZ "Patriot" is a very popular model of the domestic off-road vehicle. However, in order to ensure high cross-country ability, avoid premature wear of various components and safety on the road, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations for the correct inflation of the wheels and the correct operation of the treads. This is a very important and necessary condition for the correct operation of your machine.


    UAZ 3163 | Tire pressure

    Pressures shown are for factory fitted tires only and may change if other tire sizes are used.

    Hatchback Models
    Pressure (cold tire)


    Models 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 L with carburetor:
    - up to 3 passengers:
    • tires 145 R 13
    • tires 155 R 13
    • tires 165 R 13
    • tires 175/70 R 13
    • tires 145 R 13
    • tires 155 R 13
    • tires 165 R 13
    • tires 175/70 R 13
    1.4 and 1.6 L models with fuel injection:
    - up to 3 passengers:
    • tires 155 R 13, 165 R 13 or 175/70 R 13
    • tires 175/65 R 14
    • tires 185/60 R 14
    • tires 155 R 13
    • tires 165 R 13 or 175/70 R 13
    • tires 175/65 R 14
    • tires 185/60 R 14
    1.6 L models with carburetor:
    - up to 3 passengers
    1.8 L models:
    - up to 3 passengers
    2.0L models:
    - models with 16 valves:
    • up to 3 passengers
    Models with 8 valves:
    • up to 3 passengers
    Sedan Models
    1.3 and 1.4 L models with carburetor:
    - up to 3 passengers
    • tires 155 R 13
    • tires 175/70 R 13
    1.6 L models with carburetor:
    - up to 3 passengers
    • tires 155 R 13
    • tires 175/70 R 13
    1.4 and 1.6 L fuel injection models (see above for Hatchback models)
    1.8 L models:
    - up to 3 passengers:
    2.0 liter models (see above for Hatchback models)
    Station Wagon and Van Models
    1.3 and 1.4 L models:
    - up to 3 passengers
    1.6 l models:
    - up to 3 passengers
    - up to 4 passengers and 60 kg of cargo
    1.8 liter models:
    - up to 3 passengers
    - up to 4 passengers and 60 kg of cargo
    Pickup Models
    Up to 2 passengers and 100 kg of cargo:
    - tires 155 R 13
    - tires 165 R13 and 165 R 14
    - tires 155 R 13
    - tires 165 R13 and 165 R 14
    Convertible Models
    1.6 l models:
    - up to 3 passengers:
    • tires 175/70 R 13
    • tires 175/65 R 14
    • tires 185/60 R 14
    • tires 175/70 R 13
    • tires 175/65 R 14
    • tires 185/60 R 14
    2.0L models:
    - up to 3 passengers:
    • tires 185/60 R 14
    • tires 185/55 R 15
    • tires 185/60 R 14
    • tires 185/55 R 15

    UAZ Patriot tires quite an interesting topic, since the pressure, size and type of rubber seriously affect the behavior of the car. It should be borne in mind that winter tires or UAZ Patriot mud tires should be installed taking into account the operating conditions and the recommendations of the tire manufacturer.

    UAZ Patriot tire pressure affects handling, fuel consumption and even transmission performance. Often, an increased hum from a Patriot transfer case may indicate abnormal pressure in the front and rear wheels. Over-inflated tires save on fuel, but negatively impact comfort and kill the suspension. Under-inflated tires lead to increased tire wear, poor handling and increased fuel consumption. It should be borne in mind that in winter the tire pressure is always lower due to low temperatures, and on a loose surface it is better to ride on flat tires.

    Initially, we will tell you about the native, factory tires of the UAZ Patriot and about the pressure that the manufacturer himself recommends for different types of tires. Today, the new Patriot is equipped with 16 and 18-inch wheels. At the same time, 16-inch wheels have steel rims and light-alloy wheels of different sizes.

    Let's start with the base steel rims, which the Patriot has in 6.5J x 16H2 and come with 225/75 R16 tubeless radials. The pressure on the front wheels must correspond to 2.0 kgf / cm2, on the rear tires the pressure is 2.4 kgf / cm2. Since the diesel version of the Patriot is heavier in the front due to the weighty engine, then for this version the pressure should be slightly higher in the front - 2.2, at the back the same indicator is 2.4 kgf / cm2. If you are going on a serious off-road raid, then this type of tubeless rubber can seriously fail, so look for a more advanced version of mud tires.

    The 16-inch alloy wheels on the Patriot have the following size 7J x 16H2 and the tire size is different - 235/70 R16. The front and rear pressures also differ by 1.9 and 2.2, respectively. The diesel Patriot has 2.2 and 2.2 kgf / cm2 front / rear.

    The most expensive configuration of the UAZ Patriot today is equipped with 18-inch alloy wheels. The size of the disc itself and the tires are as follows - 7J x 18H2 and 245/60 R18. The tire pressures of the Patriot with such wheels must correspond to 1.8 for the front and 2.0 for the rear wheels. The diesel version with such wheels has the same parameters at the front and rear.

    On the appeared special versions of the UAZ Patriot, new tires 245/70 R16 also appeared, for the gasoline Patriot the tire pressure in the front should correspond to 1.8 kgf / cm2 (for the diesel engine 1.9), on the rear wheels 2.1, that of the gasoline modification, that of the diesel. Below is a table of dimensions and tire pressure parameters for the new UAZ Patriot from the manufacturer for clarity.

    It is worth noting that the different pressure in the front and rear wheels of the Patriot must be maintained, due to the different load on the front and rear axles, which affects the transfer case. After all, different speeds of rotation of the wheels in front and behind, with 4x4 all-wheel drive, can lead to an imbalance of the entire transmission. Transmission breakdowns are not uncommon precisely because of the difference in tire pressure. Therefore, before buying "non-native" tires for the Patriot, winter and mud, very carefully read the instructions on the permissible values ​​of tire pressure, taking into account the axle load.

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