Home Nutrition The main problems of the Renault Fluence car associated with the timing belt. The main problems of the Renault Fluence car associated with the timing belt When to change the timing for Renault Fluence 1.6

The main problems of the Renault Fluence car associated with the timing belt. The main problems of the Renault Fluence car associated with the timing belt When to change the timing for Renault Fluence 1.6

Replacing the timing belt is one of the most important procedures during the operation of the car. To avoid unpleasant and costly consequences that entail a sudden belt break (overhaul or installation of a new motor), it is recommended to change the timing belt according to the regulations. For this mechanism, general rules suggest replacement every 100 thousand kilometers.

Without proper experience for self-repair of this unit, you should familiarize yourself with articles and videos on this topic.

For Renault Fluence with an engine capacity of 1.6 liters and a power of 106 hp. and a five-speed gearbox, the timing belt replacement algorithm implies the following actions:

Preparation for work

After jacking up the vehicle, remove the front right wheel. For the convenience of access to various units, we dismantle the fender liner. A few bricks or a block of wood must be placed under the rigid support of the car's skirt that can support the weight of the car. With a jack, we raise the engine by the pallet in order to slightly hang the mechanism. The point of support of the pallet on the lifting platform of the jack should be located as close as possible to the crankshaft pulley.

The next step in preparation is to disconnect the Renault Fluence upper engine mount and support mount. Next, we unscrew the fuel line and set it aside as much as the flexibility of the tube allows. This is done in order to further provide easy access to the timing unit.

The 16-valve engine has two camshafts - for intake and exhaust valves. Before starting the main work on replacing the timing belt on a Renault Fluence car, it is necessary to remove the plastic caps from both camshafts.

The caps will become unusable, since they are usually removed with a screwdriver, which violates the integrity of the plug. Therefore, before starting work, you need to purchase a couple of new plugs.

Each of the shafts has two slots. We manually rotate the crankshaft, rotating the pulley bolt, and ensure that the slots on both shafts take a horizontal position. This is done in order to lock both shafts with a 5 mm thick plate. But before that, you need to stop the crankshaft itself by installing a home-made device, similar in shape to a bolt, in a special hole.

With the help of a head on 18 - the one that up to this point made the rotation of the crankshaft, we unscrew the pulley. The crankshaft is already locked at this moment, so this action will not be difficult - the pulley will not turn.

The next step is to remove the timing case - plastic and metal. They start with a plastic one, which is fastened with four bolts of 8. It can be problematic to unscrew some of them due to the fact that the cover is close to the side member of the body. After the plastic protection is removed, we proceed to the removal of the metal one, using a 13 key as a tool.

Main job

In addition to the rollers, you will need to remove the crankshaft gear. In the event that the part is stuck to the crankshaft, dismantling is carried out with a special puller. Otherwise, you can screw two bolts into the gear housing, and pulling on them with gas wrenches, remove the gear.

After the belt has taken its working position, we tighten it with a hex wrench.

The eccentric tensioner roller has an arrow, which should visually align with a small protrusion on the opposite side of the roller during tightening. This position indicates that the belt is tensioned optimally.

In order to better visualize this process, you can find the corresponding video on the Internet.

After the pre-tensioning procedure, a check can be made to show that the belt has received sufficient tension. To do this, you need to remove the bolt, the crankshaft stopping and the metal plate, which ensures the correct position of both camshafts, as well as blocking them. We turn the crankshaft bolt clockwise, while observing how the belt behaves. After one complete revolution, an ignition check can be performed. The angle is considered correct if, after all the machinations, the special plate still easily fits into the grooves of both camshafts.

The final stage

The casing of the gas distribution mechanism is installed in the reverse order - first metal, then plastic. This sequence is explained by the most tight fit of one cover to the other at the junction.

The crankshaft pulley is installed. In this case, it is advisable to replace the bolt with a new one. It usually comes in a kit, which also includes a new belt.

After installing the pulley, the attachment belt is put on, the engine support is screwed on and the fuel line is put in place. New Renault engine camshaft plugs must be installed in place, after having lubricated their edges with machine oil.


The Renault Fluence timing belt on a 1.6-liter engine with a capacity of 106 horsepower has been successfully replaced and now, for at least 60 thousand kilometers, this mechanism will not cause trouble for the car owner. However, you cannot describe everything in words - you can always get more detailed information on replacement by finding a detailed video on this topic on the Internet.

Replacing the timing belt Renault Fluence 1.6 can be carried out independently, for this it is not at all necessary to involve specialists. But let's not beg the complexity and importance of this procedure, in order to do it, you need to try. It is worth considering the fact that improper installation can cause a rupture, and these consequences can be called serious, since, most likely, after that, major repairs will have to be done. The belt should be replaced in accordance with the regulations.

Preparing for replacement

First of all, you will need the front front wheel on the right, for which you will have to raise the car with a jack. To ensure free access to all components, it is better to remove the wheel arch liners. A wooden block is placed under the car, and a jack is used to raise the engine to sign the mechanism. The engine pallet jack should be placed as close to the crankshaft pulley as possible. Now you need to disconnect the support. Then the fuel supply line is dismantled. After disconnecting it, it must be taken aside to the maximum distance - as far as the tube will allow. All these actions must be done in order to ensure maximum accessibility to all timing units.

The engine on Renault Fluence 1.6 has 2 camshafts. One ensures the functioning of the intake valves, and the other - the exhaust valves. Before starting the replacement, the caps will have to be removed from the shafts.

Attention! Buy new caps before starting work, because the old ones will most likely become unusable, as they will be removed with a screwdriver, which will compromise the integrity of these plastic parts.

Now we need to ensure that the slots on the shafts are in a horizontal position; for this, the crankshaft must be manually rotated to the desired position of the slots. Then we can lock the shafts with a 5-6 mm plate.

The next step is to unscrew the pulley. To do this, we take the head at 18. It will be quite simple to do this, since the crankshaft will already be locked, and therefore the pulley will not scroll. Now we remove the timing case. Only 2 casings - metal and made of plastic. The plastic one is fixed with 4 screws. At this stage, many are faced with certain difficulties, since the cover is located next to the spar, which creates certain difficulties when unscrewing. Removing the metal cover will be much easier.


Experts recommend also checking the condition of the pump, since in this state it is very clearly visible. Now we proceed to the direct dismantling of the belt. Its replacement may be necessary even if it is not torn, but has cracks or delamination. The presence of oil stains on the belt is also considered unacceptable. In case the belt is simply weak, it will only need to be tightened. For this, the tension roller is loosened.

For tightening, the tension roller is scrolled counterclockwise, for unscrewing - clockwise. In order to make the belt easier to remove, it must be pry off with a mounting.


The old belt has now been removed and a new one can be installed. To do this, we throw it on the camshaft gears. In this case, the crankshaft gear must be locked. When the belt is in position, it must be tightened with a hex wrench. The belt tension should be optimal - the arrow on the tensioner roller should line up with the lug on the back of the roller.

Then the gas distribution casings are mounted. This action should be performed in the reverse order, that is, the metal casing is put on first, and then the plastic one. The crankshaft pulley is now installed. It is better to replace the fastening bolt too. It is usually included with the belt. Now you need to put on the attachment belt, install the engine mount and the fuel line. Lubricate the camshaft plugs before installing.

Now the belt has been replaced, and after that it will serve you at least 60,000 kilometers.

Complete maintenance Renault Fluence


Replacing the timing belt is part of the routine maintenance of the Renault Fluence and plays an important role in the performance of the vehicle's engine. Untimely replacement of the belt can lead to a malfunction of the motor, and a break can lead to deformation of the valve of the gas distribution mechanism and the need for an overhaul of the engine.

All parts of the gas distribution mechanism are closely connected with each other, the injection of the air-fuel mixture drives the piston of the engine cylinder, which in turn pushes the crankshaft connected by the drive belt to the camshaft. Thus, the camshaft moves, which regulates the frequency of the valves. The Renault Fluence timing belt connects the gears and transfers torque from the crankshaft to the camshaft, affecting the speed of its rotation. If the system is working properly, the frequency of their revolutions should be equal.


  1. Timing belt wear leads to a change in the force of transmission of torque from the crankshaft to the camshaft, as a result of which there is a change in the frequency of movement of the pistons and engine valves. This, in turn, leads to a malfunction of the gas distribution system, rapid heating of the engine and, as a consequence, a decrease in engine power and an increase in the consumption of the fuel mixture. For reliable and uninterrupted operation of the motor, it is necessary that the valves close and open at the same frequency as the engine pistons. If, due to wear, slippage of the timing belt occurs, this can cause a break.
  2. A break in the Renault Fluence timing belt is the most dangerous damage to the engine. In the event of such a malfunction, the camshaft ceases to be associated with the crankshaft and can stop completely arbitrarily in such a position in which any of the valves of the gas distribution mechanism will be open. In this case, the piston, moving upward, can collide with the valve, which will lead to its deformation. In this case, the car engine is in danger of serious repairs. It should be noted that a timing belt breakage does not occur unexpectedly, almost always this is accompanied by changes in the operation of the car's engine, a decrease in its power, a change in gasoline consumption, the occurrence of extraneous squeaks, squeaks, etc.

To prevent and prevent the operation of the gas distribution mechanism, it is necessary to periodically replace the timing belt, this will save the Renault Fluence car engine from damage, prevent premature engine wear and increase its service life.


Timing belt wear occurs for a number of reasons, avoiding which you can extend the life of the car engine.

To prevent complete wear of the timing belt, it is necessary to periodically, during a visual inspection of the gas distribution mechanism, check for damage on the surface of the belt. To inspect and evaluate the belt drive, it is necessary to unscrew and remove the protective cover of the mechanism, under which the engine is hidden. The first signs of wear are:

  • the appearance of oil and antifreeze smudges capable of chemically destroying the timing belt, with prolonged exposure;
  • the occurrence of longitudinal cracks on the back surface of the belt;
  • the formation of transverse cracks on the inner surface of the drive belt;
  • a loose surface and a violation of the integrity of the edge are also a sign of wear;
  • the wear of the belt is also indicated by rubber dust on the surface of the part;
  • if the timing belt teeth began to peel off or wear off, the part must be immediately replaced with a new one.


  1. Increased consumption of gasoline by car
  2. Decreased engine power
  3. Full stop of the car on the move, when trying to start, the engine does not start, and the starter rotates easier than usual
  4. Unstable engine idling and in motion;
  5. The occurrence of shots in the receiver of the injector and the exhaust pipe

All these malfunctions may indicate a shift in valve timing and a loosening of the belt tension. If on your Renault Fluence car you notice one or more of the signs and this list - immediately contact the service station for an inspection.


The frequency of replacement of any car consumable depends on the driving style and operating mode of the vehicle. With extreme driving style and aggressive use of the vehicle, it is necessary to replace the timing belt as it wears out and the teeth wear off.

Under normal operating conditions, it is necessary to replace the original timing belt as planned, every 60 - 70,000 km. mileage. During this period, it develops its resource and becomes unusable. If your Renault Fluence has an analog belt, it must be replaced a little earlier than the time recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.


Modern belts for the gas distribution system are a high-tech product, characterized by increased strength and wear resistance, capable of withstanding high dynamic loads. Timing belts are made of neoprene or polychloroprene reinforced with durable fiberglass, nylon and cotton cords.

  1. To avoid the mistake associated with buying a timing belt, contact the specialists who will help you order a timing belt suitable for your car's engine using the WIN code of your car. This part is one of the most important in the design of the engine, the slightest deviation in the length, width, shape and size of the teeth can cause malfunctions in the engine of the Renault Fluence.
  2. Do not try to save money when buying a timing belt, a cheap product can be a low-quality fake, which will quickly deteriorate and may cause serious engine damage in the future. The best option for any car is original parts, their cost is higher than analog ones, but when operating the car, they quickly pay for themselves.
  3. When buying a timing belt, check it for rigidity; a good belt should be elastic and easy to bend. The worse the belt, the more rigid it will be.
  4. The presence of teeth, sagging, pores on the belt is not allowed - these are signs of a low-quality belt that will quickly become unusable. The surface of the product must be smooth, small burrs are allowed.
  5. When buying by yourself, check the timing belt part number printed on the back, it must match the WIN code of the car. If it is not possible to compare the code of the belt and the car, then it is necessary to make a visual comparison of the old and new belt, they must be completely identical.
  6. To avoid buying a fake, try to purchase spare parts only from authorized, verified dealers.
  7. Do not save on a qualified timing belt replacement, contact our certified car service, where competent mechanics will help you repair your Renault Fluence car. And in the spare parts store, you can buy original spare parts for your car.

On Renault Fluence, the timing belt is replaced according to the same principle as on most other foreign cars. As you know, the timing belt must be changed every 60 thousand kilometers or once every 4 years, even if during this time the car did not leave the prescribed mileage. The fact is that rubber has its own limited service life and if it is not replaced at a certain point, this can lead to serious consequences.

Does Renault Fluence have a chain or timing belt?

When it is time to replace your timing belt, it is important to know if the chain or belt is installed on your vehicle. Renault Fluence owners need to know that the type of drive - chain or belt - directly depends on the modification of the Frenchman. On older cars, a timing belt is installed, on a new engine there is a chain. It is also important to know how long it takes to replace the timing belt.

Renault Fluence: when to change the timing belt?

  • The frequency of belt replacement is every 60 thousand kilometers or every 4 years
  • The chain serves about 130 thousand km of run

How is the Renault Fluence timing belt replaced?

The sequence of the process of replacing the timing belt with Renault Fluence depends on the type of engine - gasoline or diesel. But, in general, the stages of replacement on cars with different types of engines are similar and differ only in some details. Replacement can be done on your own or you can use the services of specialists.

Let's consider how to change the timing belt using the example of a car with a 1.6 liter K4M gasoline engine. Before starting work, you will need to purchase a Renault Fluence timing kit. The kit consists of a belt itself, bolts and a roller.

Renault Fluence: do-it-yourself timing belt replacement

Removing the old timing belt:

  • Lift the car
  • Remove the engine cover and remove the right wheel arch liner
  • Raise the engine with a jack, resting it on the pallet near the crankshaft pulley
  • Unscrew the upper mount at the engine mount, unscrew the support
  • Disconnect and move aside the gasoline pipe union
  • Remove the plug of the end of the camshaft at the intake valves (it is easy to find it - this plug is the largest in diameter)
  • Engage the fifth gear, then slowly rotate clockwise the wheel drive to the hub with a 30 key (viewed from the engine compartment)
  • Align the shafts along the intake camshaft (where the plug was removed) in one line with notches - in this case, the notches must be located below the camshaft axis
  • Unscrew two nuts and three bolts with a 13 wrench, after which it will be possible to remove the upper protective cover from the timing belt
  • Remove tension roller and alternator belt
  • Put it back in fifth gear, after which the partner must press the brake all the way
  • At the same time, unscrew the bolt securing the crankshaft damper pulley with a key 18 and remove the pulley
  • Remove 4 bolts from the lower plastic timing belt cover and dismantle it
  • Fix the toothed camshaft pulleys to prevent rotation - this can be done using two washers and an M10x50 bolt with a nut (it is also recommended to make additional marks on the cover body and on the pulleys with a marker)
  • Also, before removing the timing belt, it is necessary to set marks on the engine housing and on the crankshaft toothed pulley with a marker
  • Unscrew the timing roller nut with a 13 key and remove the belt
  • Unscrew the bolt with a T40 wrench
  • Remove timing pulley
  • Further, before removing the tension roller, it is necessary to mark its position in order to correctly set the belt tension in the future.

Installing a new timing belt:

  • Fasten the bypass then tension rollers
  • It is necessary to fix the preload with a self-tapping screw, focusing on the position of the old tensioner
  • The timing belt itself only needs to be thrown onto the lower part of the crankshaft toothed pulley - this will simplify the installation of the belt on the roller
  • Rotate the crankshaft through the wheel hub - in the process, you need to monitor the coincidence of the marks on the pulleys
  • Install the new roller tensioner with the self-tensioning mechanism of the drive poly V-belt
  • Install the bottom plastic cover
  • Reinstall the crankshaft damper pulley and secure it with a new bolt with a thick washer (it is included in the kit) with a sufficiently strong interference - during the procedure, you need to turn on the fifth gear again, while the assistant must press the brake pedal forcefully
  • Put on the drive belt.
  • Remove the retaining bolt and washers from the camshaft toothed pulleys
  • Close the upper cover (duralumin) of the timing belt
  • Tighten the support and the upper engine mount
  • Connect the fuel line fitting
  • Insert a new plug on the end housing of the intake camshaft cover
  • Reinstall the right wheel
  • Remove jack

To check the correct installation of the timing belt on Renault Fluence, it is necessary to start the engine after all the procedures performed. If it makes the usual smooth noise, then the replacement was done correctly.

Replacing the timing chain with Renault Fluence is done in the same way.

Replacing the timing belt Renault Fluence: price

The price of work on replacing the timing belt with Fluence in the service is about 4.5 - 5 thousand rubles. To this must be added the price of the replacement kit. When replacing it on its own, the motorist will need to spend only on a timing kit.

Renault Fluence: timing belt - price

You can buy a timing kit for Renault Fluence from 4,700 rubles. up to 6 250 rubles.

  • Original timing kit Fluence - number 7701477023
  • Original replacements - part number 7701474359, 7701471974

The original Renault Fluence timing belt is reinforced - it is reinforced with Kevlar fiber, which protects the belt from stretching.

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