Home Rack Eric davidovich who is. Eric Daviditch - biography, photos, videos, personal life, height, weight. Why Eric Daviditch was closed

Eric davidovich who is. Eric Daviditch - biography, photos, videos, personal life, height, weight. Why Eric Daviditch was closed


Eric Davidovich
Kituashvili Eric Davidovich

TV presenter

Eric Davidovich was born on July 8, 1981 in Moscow. The boy did not grow up in the most ordinary family. Parents, David Vakhtangovich and Alla Viktorovna, worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Childhood was happy. There is a sister now living with her mother. He studied at school number 265 until 1998. He served in the army. At this time, my father left the service and went into a business related to cars: repair and maintenance of luxury cars.

Returning from service, Eric also plunged into the automotive world, and ordinary cars, especially domestic ones, never interested him. The guy was selling, repairing, tuning cars. He quickly made acquaintances among the owners of expensive cars. His main pride, dream, "trick": gold BMW X5, known to everyone who knows about Eric Davidich. On it, he and rapper Noggano stood in a Moscow traffic jam, and he is often visible in the video.

In 2008, with a friend, I participated in one Internet project of motorists, but I wanted my own resource, with my ideas and readers. This is how the site of the Look was opened. It got its name from the observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory, where fans of speed and cars gathered. The goal of the project is to unite lovers of expensive cars.

The work was in full swing. News about the world of cars was filmed, information was given from repair specialists, a forum and blogs of those who had expensive foreign cars and were ready to communicate with the same owners on their territory appeared. At first, these were simple videos on the phone, some scenes from his personal life, high-speed races of street racers. The first 15 - 20 thousand readers of the site appeared. Then there were only more of them.

Later, a YouTube channel appears, which quickly became popular. High-quality videos, interesting topics, scandals and provocations on the roads. Eric has proven himself to be a professional and successful businessman on the web.

Since 2010, he began to organize car rallies around the country, passing arrivals to orphanages with gifts and help. All this was laid out on the channel. So Eric's activities became charitable and gained a lot of fans. At the beginning of April 2010, the first author's program of Smotra Life was filmed. Later there were others, for example, the scandalous one where Anton Vorotnikov acted as Eric's opponent.

The appearance of his resource and its development gave a new impetus to his career: they learned about Davidovich far beyond the boundaries of his hangout. And information about the latest models, test drive has significantly expanded the circle of his acquaintances. So among them appeared Alexander Khrustalev, a man who managed to turn an average construction company into a prosperous holding and was keen on helicopters.

Helicopters, like his cars, became a passion. The blogger promoted them both on the website and on the video channel, saying how convenient it is to rent instead of a limousine, for a wedding, for example.

Such a stormy activity could not go unnoticed: Kituashvili is invited to TV. He broadcasts about cars on "Russia 1", makes programs for other channels.

Another story had a serious impact on her career. In 2014, a gang of killers appeared on the M4 Don highway, stopping cars. 17 people died before the bandits were stopped. Eric's street racing community also took part in arresting them.

With the advent of the channel, videos about the work of traffic police officers appeared on YouTube. And again, a huge number of spectators were divided in two: some believed that a noble man was fighting a thoroughly corrupt service. Others perceived this as a provocation and rudeness of Davidovich. Arguments are found on both sides.

All-Russian fame divided motorists into two camps. Some consider Erik Davidovich a man who bravely stood up for justice on the roads, who revealed the negative aspects of the world order in the service, which should be crystal honest and incorruptible. That is why he is now suffering for the truth, having received three articles, according to which he can sit for 10 years. Others, having watched videos with his participation, are convinced that everything he does is very much like the PR of a person who considers himself to be the masters of life, who have no boundaries or prohibitions, but money and power come first.

In 2016, the blogger's biography changed dramatically. Davidovich was arrested for car insurance fraud. The term of stay has been extended several times. In September 2017, he pleaded not guilty to fraud in the Dorogomilovsky District Court.

In April 2018, it became known that the European Court of Human Rights had ruled that Eric's detention was unlawful; nevertheless, on July 19, 2018, the court made a decision that he would not be released until at least August 28. In the future, the detention was extended, the next meeting was held on October 1.

During the debate of the parties in court, the state prosecutor demanded that Kituashvili be punished for seven years in a general regime colony, and for his common-law wife Anna Kaganskaya, 3.2 years. As a result, on October 19, 2018, Davidich was found guilty of insurance fraud and sentenced to 4 years and 8 months in a general regime colony. His lawyers are about to appeal.

Not officially married. Civil wife Anna Kaganskaya.

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More than one scandalous story is connected with the name of Eric Davidovich. Videos, live broadcasts, films and reviews posted by the video blogger have attracted a lot of public attention due to the exposing meaning of the plots. Online discussions and the popularity of the videos even led to a number of checks and sanctions among traffic police officers with the subsequent suspension of some of the actors.

Who is Daviditch

Davidovich is from the capital of Russia. His parents served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the city where he was born and could provide their offspring with a prosperous childhood.

During Eric's military service, his father resigned from his post, despite a good career growth and opened his own business. The business was aimed at servicing luxury cars.

The son who returned from the army easily joined the family business. It so happened that he quickly made the necessary acquaintances and was able to fulfill his childhood dream. It was for this chip that he became famous on the road - the gold BMW X5 car. In this car, he was repeatedly seen on the streets of the capital.

Riding the wave of passion for expensive cars Davidovich joined the Internet project in 2008... During this period, the idea matured for him to start his own resource for the demonstration and embodiment of creative ideas. An ambitious young man decided to create a site Smotra.ru (smotra.ru). The name was given in honor of the observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory - a gathering place for speed lovers and beautiful cars.

The aim was to unite high-end car owners into a single community.

Blogging activities

In a short time, the site has become very popular. Visitors were happy to share their opinions and experiences, created blogs, read expert advice. All information was directed to expensive cars, their benefits, care, etc.

Soon a YouTube channel appeared, which also enjoyed great success. A lot of test drives, service features, reviews were presented here, videos filmed by the owner, daring and interesting, were broadcast. Defiant clips began to appear concerning traffic police officers, how many offenses are now happening on their part, which entailed proceedings in the relevant structures.

During the first year, about 300 traffic police officers were caught in the camera lens. Reviews of the video were very different: some considered it audacity and outright provocation, some were fighting corruption. Some users began to imitate the manner of communication between the channel's author and the traffic police (“davidikat”), considering this behavior to be the norm.

Erik's vigorous activity and excellent knowledge of expensive cars made him the leader among Moscow street racers.

The development of the site allowed Kituashvili to become famous far beyond the circle of acquaintances:

  1. The scandalous Moscow-Yekaterinburg motor rally was organized in 2010.
  2. There is information that the blogger and his company insulted the administrator of one of the hotels, which did not recognize the YouTube star and took too long to draw up the papers. Later it was reported that the violators of the order made a public apology, but no confirmation of this fact was found.

Helicopters became another hobby of Davidovich. Many videos on his channel show flights and flight control features.

Wikipedia says that Erik Kituashvili was invited to the Russia 1 TV channel to conduct a series of programs about cars. He also makes engaging programs for other interested channels. This turn of events has greatly increased the popularity of the autoblogger.

Assistance to law enforcement agencies

Another remarkable fact from Davidovich's biography is his participation in the neutralization of the GTA criminal group, named after the popular computer game. The bandits acted according to her storyline, completing assignments. There are 17 people injured at the hands of bandits on the M4 Don highway.

Devices damaging the wheels were installed on the way of the cars - the driver was forced to stop for repairs. Under the pretext of helping, the bandits attacked the victims or, while driving by in a car, shot the passengers and the driver.

A team of street racers led by Kituashvili went out to hunt criminals, their actions were defiant and rude. They searched vehicles suitable for orientation, and they did it very unceremoniously. The opinions of people about the actions of the group were divided: it is not very pleasant when armed people, albeit for good purposes, drive around the highway and inspect cars without permission.

After the intervention of a company of volunteers, the attacks of the criminal group stopped, and the bandits lay low. The liquidation of the gang leader took place on November 6, 2014, with the participation of a special forces detachment. He put up armed resistance and was shot. Erik Kituashvili was awarded a letter of thanks for his active assistance.

When considering this case, law enforcement agencies came to the conclusion that the bandits were trying to sow panic among the inhabitants of Russia and were preparing to carry out a number of terrorist acts. The group consisted of 10 people. All of them came from Middle Asia, whose nationality is not specified and are suspected of having links with ISIS, which is banned in Russia.

Criminal case

In 2016, a black spot appeared in the biography of Eric Kituashvili. He was accused of fraud with insurance companies - this was followed by his arrest and stay in a pre-trial detention center.

Eric Kituashvili, according to law enforcement agencies, as part of an organized group of criminals staged theft of several expensive cars:

  1. Lexus LS430.
  2. Mercedes-Benz SL 55 AMG.
  3. BMW M5.
  4. BMW 745i.

By submitting fake documents to the insurance company, the fraudsters received compensation payments. The case file contains information that the claimed vehicles were transported to Ingushetia for sale with the help of third parties. Also in the case was Kituashvili's common-law wife, Anna Kuganskaya, for whom some cars were registered.

The prosecutor's office insisted on 7 years in prison under the article "Insurance fraud committed by an organized group." The blogger was defended by a well-known lawyer Sergei Zhorin, who insisted on his innocence.

Blogger Kituashvili did not admit his guilt and said that the case was fabricated after revealing videos about the security forces, but he could not provide evidence.

The court's decision

In the courtroom at the hearing of the verdict, such well-known personalities as Alan Yenileev, Alexei Malobrodsky were noticed, who came to support Kituashvili. The announcement of the court's decision took six hours with a break of 30 minutes. The blogger's supporters watched the process in the online broadcasting at the walls of the court, from the screens of phones and laptops. The punishment was reduced to 4 years 8 months in prison for fraud and money laundering.

By the time the hearing was over, Davidovich had been in jail for 30 months. During this time, he regularly posted his photos and videos on social networks, Periscope, etc.

According to the law, a month in an isolation ward is equivalent to 1.5 in a colony... At that time, Eric remained in prison until December 2018. The defenders managed to prove that the blogger was not involved in one of the crimes, since at that time he was in Singapore, and on November 1, the statute of limitations expired for another incident. In this regard, it was planned to file an appeal against the decision, according to which the defendant should be released from serving his sentence and released from the courtroom.

Anna Koganskaya was arrested in March 2016 - she was given 3 years and 2 months in prison. The accused spent all this time under house arrest and has already been released.

Kituashvili's lawyer said that his client was also accused of the attempt on the life of the President of Ingushetia on June 22, 2009. According to the defender, this was only a pretext to detain the suspect.

Interestingly, in 2006 the European Court of Human Rights found his arguments about the illegal detention convincing and even made a decision on compensation for moral damage. Also, among the fans there was a rumor that Davidovich managed to escape from prison, although the information was not confirmed.

On the surface, Erik Kituashvili looks like a decent person and a Christian who observes the laws. However, the mass of scandalous incidents and defiant behavior characterize him not from the best side.

Despite his defiant behavior, Erik Kituashvili committed a number of noble deeds. He regularly provides assistance to organizations such as orphanages, homes for disabled children, etc.

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow has arrested for two months the founder of the Smotra.ru auto site Eric "Davidich" Kituashvili. He is accused of major auto insurance fraud. According to investigators, eight years ago, the blogger and his accomplices staged a hijacking of a Lexus, and then received 1.35 million rubles of insurance from Ingosstrakh. Kituashvili declares his innocence, insisting that the case against him is fabricated. The accused associates his arrest with the release of a new film about exposing corruption in the traffic police, but there are other versions of what happened. "Lenta.ru" weighed the arguments of the prosecution and the defense.


On February 22, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow issued an arrest warrant for the founder of the Smotra.ru car community, video blogger and street racer Erik "Davidich" Kituashvili. The preventive measure was chosen at the request of the investigation for a period until April 20.

Information about the arrest of the video blogger appeared a day earlier. Kituashvili was stopped by traffic police inspectors, asked to be photographed, and then detained. He spent the night in a temporary detention center at 38 Petrovka Street. Public figure Pavel Pyatnitsky managed to visit the detainee and find out the details of the incident.

What caused the interest of the police in the person of Kituashvili is not known for certain. His friend, founder of the StopHam movement, Dmitry Chugunov, told reporters that Davidich was not allowed to contact anyone for 24 hours. According to Chugunov, the case was opened on the basis of an eight-year-old story related to car insurance, to which Kituashvili has a very indirect relationship. In this case, another person was convicted, who had already been released - and suddenly decided to write a statement against Kituashvili. The founder of StopHam said that Eric's relatives are being searched.

It is curious that almost immediately there were versions of what happened, and even quite extravagant: for example, lawyer Sergei Zhorin said on his page in Twitter that the investigation suspects Kituashvili of involvement in the attempt on the life of the President of Ingushetia. This is stated in the decision of the investigator, the defender explained to Lente.ru.

We are talking about the events of June 2009. During the passage of the motorcade of the head of the republic, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, the Toyota Camry pushed the escort car back and drove closer to the armored Mercedes W220, in which the Ingush leader was. An explosion thundered, as a result of which the driver and one of the guards died, and Yevkurov received numerous injuries and burns. Zhorin reported in the microblogging: “Eric is loaded to the fullest. Someone very tall wants to close it. "

After a while, a political version appeared, which was presented by the former chairman of the banned movement "Russians" Dmitry Demushkin on the air of the radio station "Moscow Says". He said that two weeks ago he met with Kituashvili: “We discussed the possibility of creating a party. Funny. I just suggested that politics is a dangerous business. Today people call me and say that two weeks have not passed since it was closed for some old garbage. "

Demushkin told the Lenta.ru correspondent that Kituashvili wanted to discuss with him the idea of ​​creating a public movement, and later a public party. But Demushkin could not meet for a more detailed conversation, and reacted with irony to his friend's proposal: “Are you not enough problems? I wouldn't go there. " According to Demushkin, the blogger already had problems with the head of the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, in which the Smotra activists were involved in exposing cases of corruption.

At the same time, Demushkin admitted that he does not know the real reason for the detention of the founder of the automotive community. “I think he had a very superficial understanding of politics. We talked with him about ideology, he didn’t like a lot, but it would be wrong to call him an oppositionist and expect him to speak out against the current government tomorrow, ”Demushkin explained.

Demushkin joked at Kituashvili's offer to join: since last autumn, the politician has been participating in court proceedings. “I think he didn’t even fully understand that after all these bans (the ban on the activities of the“ Russians ”movement in October 2015 - approx. "Lenta.ru") it is difficult to create something with me. He was never considered a politician, ”he explained. Kituashvili, according to Demushkin, is nothing more than a strong businessman with an active life position: he has a successful YouTube channel, he organizes visits to orphanages, and participates in the fight against the “GTA gang”.

Later, the leader of Stopkhamovites, Dmitry Chugunov, made a statement that he, together with Kituashvili, had been preparing the creation of a social and political movement called "People" for the past three months.


The detainee himself said that he was put on trial because of the fight against corruption. "Davidich" linked his arrest with the release of a new film about corruption in the traffic police, the announcement of which took place not so long ago. “As soon as I began to expose corruption in the traffic police, they immediately began to sew a case for me. (...) I am not afraid of anything, I am not afraid, I am fully responsible for all my deeds and actions, ”he stressed, reports LifeNews.

Moreover, Kituashvili said that the case against him was fabricated. “The investigation has provided nothing. When I got in touch with this corruption story, I understood, my mother told me: "Don't bother, son, they will kill you, they will put you in jail." But they make money on our lives, on public roads. I will not accept it. I could be killed in prison. But I will continue to spread the information, "Kituashvili told reporters, the Mediazon website reports. According to the detainee, the third part of the investigation into corruption in the traffic police was devoted to car thefts, the film was supposed to be released on February 22.

The official version is as follows: according to the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the founder of the car community was charged with embezzling a large sum of money from an insurance company. According to the lawyer, we are talking about Ingosstrakh, which on February 20 filed a statement with the police on the events of eight years ago. On the same day, a criminal case was initiated under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud on an especially large scale”) against unidentified persons. As part of the investigation, Kituashvili was detained, and a search was conducted at his home on the Khodynskoye field.

According to the investigation, in June 2008, together with unidentified persons, he staged the theft of an expensive foreign car on Kargopolskaya Street in Moscow. Then the attackers submitted deliberately false documents to the insurance company. Insurance compensation in the amount of 1.35 million rubles was transferred to an account in one of the capital's banks for the allegedly stolen and insured car. Thus, the insurance company suffered material damage on an especially large scale.

According to the police, Kituashvili was involved in more than eight similar crimes. In particular, the investigator Milyutin said in court that the blogger's involvement in the crime was confirmed by the statements of the victims and the testimony of the witnesses Ukhov and Ardovsky. The founder of Smotra.ru told the judge that over the past year he “caught more than 300 corrupt officials from the traffic police,” reports the website “Mediazona”.

The defense side did not agree with the accusations - in particular, the lawyer Zhorin said that his ward did not admit his guilt. “The owner of the stolen Lexus, for which the suspect allegedly received a reward, is a legal entity. The compensation was received by a legal entity, "another blogger's lawyer, Oleg Dyachkov, said in court, reports Mediazona.

He said that Kituashvili became a suspect in the car theft case in 2013. "The only evidence of his involvement (in the crime) was the testimony of Ardovsky, which raises doubts," says the lawyer. The defense offered the judge to post a bail, which is almost ten times the amount of damage, but Kituashvili was nevertheless left in a pre-trial detention center for two months.


Erik "Daviditch", a street racer and car enthusiast known since the late 90s, began to gain popularity on the Internet after he became one of the founders of the Smotra.ru website in 2009. The forum for car owners, street racers and tuning enthusiasts, named after the observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory, a favorite gathering point for Moscow street racers, has quickly become one of the main automotive resources on the Runet. Today the site has more than three million regular visitors who actively participate in discussions on forums and social networks. They themselves call themselves "smotrovites", publish reviews and test drives of sports cars, exchange tips and rare parts for racing cars in a narrow circle. Smotra also sells its own branded merchandise, mainly for street racers.

The resource gained wide popularity in 2010. Then the project team, together with the famous hip-hop performer Roma Zhigan, organized an all-Russian car rally, based on the materials of which a video blog was created. But most of all, the event was remembered by the brawl organized by "Davidich" and Zhigan at the hotel reception in Samara, where the participants of the race tried to check in early in the morning. The video in which they insult the hotel administrator got on the network and caused a negative reaction from the Internet community and public figures.

Since 2009, the Smotra.ru team has been running the channel of the same name on YouTube. "Davidich" posts there videos with educational programs for motorists and test drives, and also discusses the latest events in the world of cars and high-profile accidents on the roads. Quite often, he talks about the need to change legislation. More than two million people have subscribed to Kituashvili's channel. For six years, SmotraTV's video has been watched over 350 million times, and the most popular video on the channel has collected about five million views. In it, "Davidich" makes a remark to the police in a nearby car, one of whom is not wearing a seat belt and is talking on the phone. After the blogger's remark, the law enforcement officer dutifully ends the conversation on the phone and puts on his belt.

One of the most visited sections of the channel is "Davidich on the Hunt", in which Kituashvili exposes corruption among traffic police officers. For several years, more than 30 videos have appeared in the section.

In the top ten most popular videos on SmotraTV - “Davidich is on the hunt. Part No. 6 ". This is the very video from which the confrontation between the Moscow street racers and the metropolitan traffic police began. The episode demonstrates how police officers, after an unsuccessful attempt to “shake off” a bribe from the leader of the “Smotra” community, tried to leave the blogger with the flashing lights on, crossing double solid lines several times. The video has collected 4.5 million views on YouTube and could not fail to attract public attention. After some time, "Davidich" published a video called "Hunt for Daviditch. Strike One, "in which Eric is chased by a white Ford with no police IDs, which he says contains" plainclothes police officers. "

Frame: Eric Davidich / Youtube

In an attempt to find out who these people are and why they are on his tail, the blogger gathered around five more police cars and several media outlets. "They are trying to find at least something ... some kind of joint," - comments on what is happening Eric himself. As a result, the usual check of documents dragged on for almost an hour, after which “Davidich” was handed a copy of the notice on the initiation of an administrative investigation on the basis of Article 28.7, with which he must come to court as a witness. In fact, it was about one of Eric's test drives, which captured how he drives a Range Rover without state signs. Eric also showed an expired insurance certificate to the camera, which was allegedly returned to him by the traffic police after checking. Representatives of the authorities in an unofficial form demanded that the blogger wait for the commander of the SAO traffic police - "for a conversation."

"Davidich" is also known for numerous conflicts with video bloggers and representatives of the Internet community. In 2010, he threatened the creators of the Lurkmore encyclopedia of Russian folklore with reprisals for a comic article about the rally and the incident in a Samara hotel. In January 2016, he promised to “find and punish” two bloggers from the famous YouTube channel Nemagia, who had previously filmed a review about him and called him an expensive car thief.

Last update: 07.12.2018

Eric Kituashvili, a popular car blogger and founder of the Smotra.ru community, known by the nickname Davidich, was released. On October 19, 2018, the Moscow Dorogomilovsky Court found him guilty of fraud and money laundering and sentenced him to 4 years and 8 months in prison. On Thursday, December 6, the Moscow City Court of Appeal reduced the sentence, excluding two episodes, and released the blogger from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations - he had been in custody since February 2016.

Eric Kituashvili. Photo: Moscow City News Agency / Kardashov Anton

What was he accused of?

The investigation and the court established that in 2008 Kituashvili, acting as part of an organized criminal group, staged the theft of expensive Lexus LS430, Mercedes-Benz SL 55 AMG, BMW M5 and BMW 745i cars. Subsequently, the defendants turned to insurance companies and received insurance payments, while the foreign cars themselves were sent to Ingushetia for sale with the help of ferry services. Some cars were registered with Kituashvili's common-law spouse - Anna Kaganskaya, who also became one of the defendants.

Kituashvili did not admit his guilt, according to him, the case against him was fabricated because of his accusatory films about corruption in the traffic police.

What is Kutuashvili known for?

Eric Kituashvili was born on July 8, 1981. His parents worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Until 1988 he studied at the Moscow school number 265, after which he served in the army. At this time, Kutuashvili's father left the service and went into business related to the repair and maintenance of luxury cars.

Returning from the army, Kutuashvili began to help his father and himself began selling, repairing and tuning expensive foreign cars. He quickly made acquaintances among the owners of elite cars and street racers in Moscow, began to participate in races that were organized on Vorobyovy Gory.

In 2009, Kutuashvili opened the site "Smotra", which got its name from the Observation Deck on Vorobyovy Gory. This is a kind of social network for lovers of expensive cars, where news about the world of cars, information about test drives, and advice from repair specialists are also published. Now the site has 233 thousand registered users.

In December 2009, Kutuashvili, who took the nickname Davidich, created a YouTube channel, which quickly developed. At the moment, 2 million 688 thousand subscribers have subscribed to it, the videos on the channel have been viewed 541 million times. With the advent of the channel, the autoexpert began to record not only car reviews, but also videos about the work of traffic police officers who violate duty. They brought him special fame on the Internet.

Such a vigorous activity of the blogger did not go unnoticed, he became not only the leader of Moscow night street racers, but also the idol of young people. Davidich became recognizable on the streets of the capital thanks to the gold BMW X5 - his main pride and dream. The auto expert began to be invited to television, he conducted programs about cars on several channels.

Since 2010, Kutuashvili began to organize rallies around the country. During one of them in July 2010, an incident occurred that was actively discussed in the media and social networks. Participants of the rally, among whom was Davidich, made a scandal in a hotel in Samara because of the long procedure for checking in. As a result, the administrator settled the guests, but in the morning she called a police squad, which still could not stop the participants of the rally.

In 2014, Daviditch and his street racing friends helped the police catch the so-called "GTA gang", which stopped cars and killed drivers on the Don highway. Kutuashvili was awarded a diploma from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for his deed.

In December 2015, the blogger posted two films on the Internet about alleged corruption in the Moscow traffic police. According to Davidich, bribes were given, including by some heads of departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, for promotion. In the framework of the criminal process, Kutuashvili, among other things, was charged with libel.

At any time in our country there were heroes who, alone, fearlessly challenged the outrage and corruption prevailing in society. Against internal enemies who "devour" Russia from within. An article about a man who went to an unequal battle with a rotten system built in the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the capital, and suffered for the truth. Why was Eric Davidovich imprisoned, and will human rights defenders be able to defend the well-known blogger in court?

What happened to Daviditch

The past year was full of scandals associated, directly or indirectly, with representatives of the highest echelons of public services. In society, the line between people who consider themselves masters of life and ordinary citizens has become especially noticeable. Many are dissatisfied with this state of affairs, but few of us can speak openly. Eric Davidovich was not afraid, for which all the discontent, anger and rage of the top of the traffic police focused on him.

What happened to Daviditch? The answer is simple: the blogger drew the public's view to the universal corruption in the traffic police... The traffic police did not like his activity. Everyone already knows the result - large-scale fraud arrest... Moreover, human rights defenders and friends Kituashvili(Eric's real name) argue that the case was fabricated as a punishment for Daviditch's active civic position.

While the investigation is ongoing, Eric is to be held in custody. The decision is most likely aimed at psychologically breaking the founder of the largest Russian auto club. Everyone knows the opinion of many politicians, as well as of Vladimir Putin himself, that people should be held accountable to the state for their economic crimes in a completely different way.

But the court ruled otherwise, and Kituashvili is awaiting the court's decision while in the pre-trial detention center.

The arrest of Davidich

It's no secret that each of the traffic police officers has a daily plan for handing over money to the authorities. An employee who does not fulfill it can be seriously injured, up to and including dismissal from the ranks of the road service. These facts were laid out by Kituashvili in his two documentaries. Which of the officials receives the main percentage " cash registers"One can only guess. But he did not want to lose such a gold mine.

In early February, the founder of the site smotra.ru began to be followed. Eric quickly noticed this, and repeatedly communicated this fact to his readers. The psychological attack did not work, the street racer did not change his active civil position, the criticism towards the DPS continued.

On February 20, although the police are talking about the 21st, Davidich was arrested. A whole operation was developed, with the participation of riot police, and it ended with an arrest. A street racer, who was driving on his business, was stopped by officers of the road patrol service. Apologizing to Eric, law enforcement officers asked to take a joint photo with a celebrity runet ... But this was just an excuse, and Kituashvili, who got out of the car, was seized by riot policemen.

An interesting fact about which the detainee said - feeling his illegal actions, one of the DPSnikov quietly told the blogger “ sorry».

Why Eric Daviditch was closed

Revenge on the part of the traffic police is one of the sides of the coin, which the lawyers and fans of the blogger talk about. Videos on corruption posted on the largest video hosting site YouTube have received hundreds of thousands of views. Several employees were fired from the ranks of the road service, and the topic itself began to be actively discussed in the community. Above the traffic police, and before that did not enjoy the love of the drivers of Russia, clouds began to darken. It was for this that Eric Daviditch was shut down.

Official version of the authorities - blogger accused of large-scale fraud... What other options are there in our society:

  • Assassination attempt on the President of Ingushetia... In 2009, there was a precedent related to an attempt on the life of the President of Ingushetia, in which a blogger was allegedly involved.
  • Fraud with the insurance company... Last year, police arrested a criminal gang that sold cars and engaged in insurance fraud. While testifying, these villains told the police that they interacted with the famous street racer.
  • Politics... It became known that Kituashvili had been carrying the idea of ​​creating a political party for several years. This is not an easy matter, and political rivals could have closed their rival.

Now the creator and leader of the largest car club is in custody, and in his house, according to the lawyer, there were two searches. Especially worried in this situation mother and sister injured presenter. They are completely convinced of the absurdity of the accusations, and hope to be acquitted.

GTA gang case

Nobody questions outrageous blogger... Scandals and violations of generally accepted norms of behavior are always present in the life of a famous street racer. For example, in 2010, the participants of the next car rally decided to stay in one of the hotels in Samara. The administrator, not recognizing Eric, asked him for his passport, for which she became the object of verbal bullying of the cheerful company. All this action was filmed and posted on the network.

This video:

But this is an episode. Behind Kituashvili's shoulders there are also righteous deeds.

In 2014, in the vicinity of the Moscow region, on the Don highway, a gang called GTA began to operate. The criminal group, using homemade thorns, stopped cars and robbed people. Then the driver and passengers were killed. The police were powerless, and the number of victims reached 19 people (17 of whom were killed).

It is not known how long this gang would have operated. The car activists, led by Erik Daviditch, joined in the search for the murders, who for about a month “combed” the forests nearby to the highway, and led the police to trace the murderers.

Social activities of Davidich

Let's talk about Erik Kituashvili's social activities. What did the Internet browser do, and hopefully will do, in everyday life:

  • Video portalsmotra. ru. Founder of a video portal where you can watch tests of new products in the automotive market.
  • Charity car races. During charitable car rallies, he visited orphanages, where he gave things and gifts to disadvantaged children.
  • Fight against theft. The ideological founder of an anti-car theft program that could bring car thefts to zero.
  • Fight against corruption in the traffic police... Fighting corruption in the traffic police, in just one year he was able to bring about 300 unscrupulous traffic police officers out of the shadows.

Afterword, or what will happen next with Daviditch

Davidich was detained for 2 months and is awaiting the end of the investigation. Almost no one doubts his innocence, and almost every day hundreds of activists come to the courthouse demanding a fair hearing of the case.

Two scandalous films about the activities of the road police service have been posted online. The third part is on its way, in which the names of the top of the corruption conspiracy may be announced. Right now, perhaps, there is a trade with a famous presenter, part of the deal which will be "freedom for silence."

Why Eric Davidovich was imprisoned can only be guessed at. But if you stick to the main version, blogger suffered because of his active fight against corruption in the traffic police, and possibly hurt some influential official. Time will tell whether celebrities will help him in court.

Video: the arrest of Eric Davidovich

In this video, the very arrest of Eric Kituashvili, which took place immediately after him, how the blogger himself reacted to his arrest:

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