Home Generator What is the pressure in the tires of a VAZ 2115. What should be the pressure in the tires of a car in winter and summer. Tire pressure monitoring

What is the pressure in the tires of a VAZ 2115. What should be the pressure in the tires of a car in winter and summer. Tire pressure monitoring

The comfort and safety while driving a car is influenced by various factors: the quality of the road surface, the technical condition of the car and tire pressure, as well as the driver's ability to quickly react to changes in the environment. Tires are the element that directly interacts with the asphalt, therefore, safety largely depends on the pressure in them and their condition.

Our article will be devoted to the questions of what pressure should be in the tires.

When choosing tires, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • their size - the tire is put on a disc of a certain size and if the parameters do not match, this can lead to rapid wear and loss of vehicle control;
  • tread pattern - depending on the season, they choose summer or winter, and you also need to take into account where you mainly drive - city, rough terrain, dirt roads, highways;
  • its characteristics - maximum load and pressure in tires, speed and weight indices, type of rubber - radial or diagonal;
  • manufacturer - for example, everyone knows that Nokian, Bridgestone or Dunlop will last longer than the same Nizhnekamsk or Altai tire (although recently the quality of domestic products has improved markedly, an example is Kama-Euro).

The service life of the wheels will depend not only on the brand and their correct operation. The most important thing is to maintain the correct tire pressure.

Before putting the tire on the disk, you need to check some parameters:

  • Recommended pressure for this car - a sticker with this information is usually glued on the back of the gas tank flap, glove compartment lid, on the center pillar or on the driver's door;
  • Max Pressure - there is an indicator with this information on the sidewalls of the tires.

Therefore, the recommended pressure should not exceed the maximum. That is, if you pump with a compressor more air than necessary, then a high pressure will be created inside the tire, which ultimately can lead to serious consequences - up to and including rupture of the tire. And if this happens at speed, then it is not difficult to guess that your safety and the safety of the vehicle will be seriously affected.

The manufacturer's recommended pressure is usually indicated in technical atmospheres and can range from 1.4 to 3.3 atmospheres. For passenger cars of domestic and foreign production, the indicators in the tire are usually two atmospheres, there may also be indicators - 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, and so on.

Most motorists adhere to exactly these requirements.

However, it must be said right away that such parameters are calculated for some optimal conditions, for example, high-quality German autobahns. We in Russia know very well that local transport routes are often far from such standards. In addition, the values ​​indicated on the tank lid are calculated for an average load - that is, you carry only a few passengers and do not overload the car with various building materials and weights.

Based on all of the above, we come to the conclusion that the optimal pressure is the one recommended by the manufacturer, adhere to these requirements and there will be no special problems with either the rubber or the chassis.

It is also recommended to regularly measure this indicator. In the warm season, this can be done once a month - at any gas station there is a pressure gauge and a compressor for measuring and pumping up. In winter, measure at least 2 times.

Pressure values ​​table for domestic cars

For all brands of the domestic auto industry, the tire pressure, depending on the driving conditions, with or without load, should be the same.

Car tire size Tire pressure (kgf / cm 2)
Front Rear
R13-165 / 80 1.6 2.1
R13-175 / 70 1.6 2.2
R13-165 / 80 1.6 1.9
R13-175 / 70 1.7 2.0
R13-165 / 701.8 2.1
R13-165 / 801.6 1.9
R13-175 / 70 1.7 2.0
R13-165 / 801.6 1.9
R13-175 / 70 1.7 2.0
R13-165 / 701.9 1.9
R13-175 / 70 1.9 1.9
R13-155 / 80 1.9 1.9
R13-165 / 70 1.9 1.9
R13-175 / 70 1.9 1.9
R13-175 / 70 1.9 1.9
R14-175 / 65 1.8 1.8
R14-185 / 60 1.8 1.8
Kalina 11183/93
R14-175 / 70 1.9 1.9
R14-185 / 60 1.9 1.9
Priora 2170/71
R13-175 / 70 1.9 1.9
R14-175 / 65 1.8 1.8
R14-185 / 60 1.8 1.8
Niva 2121/213/214
R16-175 / 80 2.1 1.9

For foreign cars (Europeans, Americans, Japanese, etc.), the table of pressure values ​​is presented in pdf format -.

Difficulties in measuring tire pressure

It would seem that everything is simple, but there are a number of problems:

  • the tire heats up during movement, respectively, the air expands, the pressure increases;
  • there are practically no ideal road conditions in any country;
  • different units of measurement - technical atmospheres, bars, kilopascals.

The manufacturer indicates the pressure for the so-called "cold" tire, but if you have driven a hundred kilometers per day and stopped at a gas station, then the measurement result may differ significantly. Therefore, it is best to purchase your own pressure gauge for measurements and do it, for example, in the morning.

In poor road conditions - constant pits and ditches - it is recommended to lower the tires a little:

  • by 5-10% in the summer;
  • by 10-15% in winter.

On the one hand, this is the right decision, since the suspension will not suffer, on the other hand, the rubber wears out faster - choose the least of two evils.

Different units of measurement are another problem. Usually either atmospheres or bars are used. 1 BAR = 0.98 atmospheres. If we are talking about kilopascals, then one ATM is approximately 101.3 kilopascals.

About pressure values ​​in winter and summer

We wrote above that lowering is allowed in winter and summer, but not more than 15%.

In winter, reduce the pressure in the tire in the following cases:

  • to increase the contact patch - the flat tire adheres more tightly to the road;
  • to improve traction on a snowy road.

It is worth noting that in winter, at subzero temperatures, the air in the tire also cools during long periods of inactivity, so a heated garage, where the temperature is above zero, is an ideal place to check the pressure and pump up.

In summer, the tires are flattened only if they go off-road or the quality of the roads leaves much to be desired. The explanation is simple - the tire becomes softer at lower pressure, so in the summer various shocks and shocks are not so strongly transmitted to the suspension elements. In addition, on difficult off-road conditions, flat wheels behave like tank tracks - the contact patch increases, and traction is improved.

Nevertheless, riding on not fully inflated, as well as on inflated, tires is fraught with certain dangers.

What is the risk of incorrect tire pressure?

A tire inflated according to all the rules is the key to excellent handling, moderate fuel consumption and maneuverability.

If the pressure is too low in the tire, then the following incidents may occur:

  • an increased contact patch will lead to an increase in rolling resistance - the wheel will not have a shape as close as possible to a circle, but to an oval, respectively, more fuel is consumed, and in place with it, engine oil;
  • flatter wheels wear out faster;
  • the angle of inclination of the wheel changes, the car becomes less stable when cornering;
  • there will be hernias on the court - irregularities are blown out, which can literally burst when hitting obstacles;
  • lengthening the stopping distance.

Pumping won't do anything good either:

  • a significant deterioration in comfort, the rigidity of the rubber increases;
  • silent blocks, shock absorbers, springs, ball joints, levers fail faster, body deformations are possible;
  • uneven wear of the tread;
  • the braking distance increases.

There are certain positives with increased tire pressure: because the grip surface is reduced, the car obeys the steering better and feels more confident when cornering.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why tires are always inflated more than required on Formula 1 cars.

Tire nitrogen pros and cons

One of the "tricks" in recent years has become the pumping of wheels with nitrogen.

Many people laugh - in the air around us, there is already 75% of this gas. If you deal with the issue in more detail, using knowledge from chemistry and physics, then the only advantage of using it in tires is that it does not seep out of the wheel so quickly and the pressure remains stable for a long time. In all other respects, the difference is so minimal that no special changes will be felt.

Here are the main myths about nitrogen:

  • this gas is much lighter - yes, indeed, it is lighter than air, but the difference per tire will be only 6-10 grams. Will this "improvement" greatly affect the dynamic performance? - the answer is obvious;
  • not so susceptible to low and high temperatures - any gas and in general any substance shrinks when cold, and expands when hot;
  • nitrogen does not burn and does not explode - it is difficult to imagine a situation when the air in the tire burns, the rubber itself burns, regardless of what it is inflated with;
  • less aggressive and non-corrosive - there is nothing to rust inside the tire.

But nitrogen and pumping are more expensive for them, so all the advantages are far-fetched.


Having dealt with this issue, we can draw the following conclusion:

  • the optimal tire pressure is indicated by the manufacturer and should be adhered to;
  • in winter, and when driving off-road, the tires can be lowered, but not more than 15%, but do not forget that the handling becomes worse, and the rubber wears out faster and the suspension is damaged;
  • nitrogen does not give any advantages.

Observe traffic rules, adhere to the speed limit and regularly check the pressure in all tires - this will avoid an accident, and the car will not let you down on the way.

What is your tire pressure? Leave your opinion and comments below!

Video: tire pressure

Every experienced driver knows firsthand how important a parameter such as the pressure in the tires of the VAZ-2114 plays. Many car owners neglect a five-minute pressure measurement with a pressure gauge, dispensing in most cases with an elementary tap on the wheel with a foot.

Often, from the poor condition of tires on the roads, various unpleasant situations arise, up to accidents. After all, the stability of the vehicle on the road depends on the pressure in the tires. Among other things, it is often the incorrect distribution of the load that becomes the reason for the increased "appetite" of the machine. How important is this parameter and what is the risk of deviations from the norm?

How important is it to maintain normal blood pressure

Ensuring optimal vehicle stability on the road is the primary task of tires. The safety of the driver and passengers depends on the stability of the vehicle on the roadway. With an optimal pressure at the point of contact of the tire with the road surface, the load is evenly distributed. Hence all the ensuing consequences - adequate fuel consumption, uniform tire wear, good handling.

It is necessary to measure the parameter on cold tires in the garage just before leaving. You can measure the pressure in the tires using a special device - a pressure gauge.

R13 rubber is most often installed on a VAZ-2114 car. This is considered a kind of standard. Although, you can equip the car with wheels of radius from R13 to R16.

What pressure should be in winter tires r13 VAZ-2114

It is the task of every driver to maintain the optimum pressure level. There is an opinion among motorists that the pressure in the cold and warm seasons should be different. There is some truth in this, but the difference should not be significant.

In summer, tire pressure builds up quickly, so it's best to deflate when the air temperature rises above 25 degrees Celsius.

In winter, this figure drops faster. Such indicators are typical for a passenger car with an empty luggage compartment. In any case, the recommended value is indicated in the car's operating book. It is necessary to adhere to the norm, which has been assured by the manufacturer at any time of the year. In general, we can say that in winter the wheels should be inflated by 0.2 atmospheres more than in summer.

What is the threat of deviation from the norm

In summer, due to high temperatures, the contact area of ​​the rubber with the roadway is significantly reduced. The pressure rises, and this is already a wake-up call for the driver. After all, rubber loses its elasticity and does not resist shock loads.

Plus, if you overdo it and pump the wheels, you can experience the following troubles while driving a car:

  1. The wear of the running gear of the car increases, the trip becomes uncomfortable, all the flaws of the road surface are felt.
  2. The contact area of ​​the tires with the road is reduced - the braking distance is increased.
  3. During high-speed driving, rubber rupture can occur, which in itself is not safe.

If, on the contrary, it is bad to pump up the wheels, then the following consequences will emerge:

  1. Vehicle handling will deteriorate significantly.
  2. The amount of fuel consumed will increase.
  3. On snowy or wet asphalt the car will tend to drift.
  4. The power of the car will noticeably decrease.

Experienced motorists can visually determine whether the tire pressure is normal or not. Novice car enthusiasts are advised to take measurements at least once a week. It is enough to arm yourself with a pressure gauge, reset its readings to zero, connect the fitting of the device to the nipple and start pressing. Then fix the readings of the arrow of the device.

Useful video

You can find additional useful information on this issue from the video below:


Wheels R13 of a VAZ-2114 car, as a rule, are pumped to a level of 1.9 kgf / cm2. It is this indicator that contributes to the adequate behavior of the car on various road surfaces. The tire pressure in the winter of the VAZ-2114 can be increased by 0.2 atmospheres.

You should periodically measure and monitor the condition of the tires. Indeed, not only the service life of various components of the car, the amount of gasoline consumption, but also the safety of road users depend on this.

Not every driver pays attention to the tire pressure of their car. But the safety on the road, handling and maneuvering of the car sometimes depends on what pressure in the tires. In addition, the tire pressure level affects:

  • for fuel consumption,
  • uniform wear of the wheel itself,
  • may cause hernias on the wheel court.

If the pressure in tires r13 and r14 is increased, then, for example, when hitting an obstacle, the tire may even explode. Incorrect tire pressure r15 will also affect maneuverability when entering a corner, turning, etc. Best of all, at different levels of inflation of car wheels, the following figure will show.

Tire pressure

As you can see, already by the wear of the tread, you can determine what the problem of pumping the rim is, but it is better not to bring this up to this, but to maintain a certain atmosphere at the required values.

The tire pressure must be checked at least once a month. Professional drivers check every 2 weeks and before every long journey. And an external inspection of the wheels should be daily before starting the car engine. Although, if you are a happy owner of low-profile tires, then it is impossible to determine what pressure should be in the tires by eye.

In recent years, tire and car repair specialists have advised purchasing tubeless wheels. But a decade ago, it seemed fantastic. To date, the operation of tires with tubes is isolated cases, and after a couple of years, wheels with a tube inside can be found, probably, only on a bicycle.

The tubeless tire has the best wear resistance characteristics due to the increased vulcanization. Due to their lighter weight, their technical characteristics are better due to less inertia. In addition, the tubeless tire balances better. Their service life is also longer. In addition, in the event of a puncture, the "tubeless" will keep the air longer, which will allow you to safely reach the service department.

Also, we will not consider the question of the need to ride winter tires with studs and with a greater tread depth in winter, because this affects your safety and the safety of not only the car, but the life and health of those around you. Therefore, in the summer we use summer wheels and no "all-season" in other periods, if you do not live in snowless Europe. The choice of a tire manufacturer's brand is your choice, the only thing worth paying attention to is that the radius of the wheels must exactly match the one recommended in the vehicle's service book.

Car tire pressure is a question that all car enthusiasts are interested in. Tire wear and other important parameters depend on this indicator. Many people are interested to know how much they save money by pumping up the tires of a car by 0.5 atm from the recommended value, and how much gasoline is consumed when using a car with under-pumped tires.

Unfortunately, not everyone measures the pressure in R19 tires or any other with a pressure gauge - some control "by eye" is enough, which is fraught with unforeseen consequences.

This issue is especially important due to the temperature difference in summer and winter, which has a significant effect on the degree of tire inflation.

Optimal car tire pressure

To find out what the increased or decreased pressure in tires R13, R15, R19 is fraught with, and whether the pumping characteristics of the wheels of a car or truck should be changed at different times of the year, you need:

  • look at the results of many tests;
  • refer to the tire pressure table from the manufacturer - it will help you study the standard indicators. It contains minimum, normal and maximum pressure.

The tire pressure monitoring system will help you to control the necessary indicators in the wheels. It is installed in the car interior and provides prompt information to the driver about the condition of the wheels while driving.

Tire pressure monitoring system

How temperature affects tires

Fuel consumption, the load on the chassis and the frequency of buying new tires depend on what pressure should be in the R19 tires. When the outside temperature rises, the pressure in the tires of the car also increases. Conversely, the colder it is outside, the lower this value. There is a table for changing the optimal pressure in R19 tires depending on the air temperature:

These figures are presented for a passenger car at partial load (minimum number of passengers and cargo in the trunk). When fully loaded, the discrepancy between the indicators will increase. Standard indicators for this wheel size fluctuate depending on the car model and range from 2.2 to 2.7 atm.

It is precisely because of the temperature that the pressure in the wheels differs significantly at different times of the year, which affects fuel consumption.

Tire pressure gauge

For correct inflation of cold tires (when the ambient and rubber temperatures are the same), refer to the tire inflation standards set by the manufacturer or written in the vehicle's passport.

You should also take into account that when pumping rubber indoors (service station, garage), you need to increase the atmospheric pressure in the tires in winter by 0.2 bar. This will help compensate for temperature differences. In summer, you do not need to adhere to this rule, because there is almost no temperature difference.

Also, if you constantly need to pump up the R19 wheels, pay attention not only to temperature drops, but also to:

  • the degree of wear of the wheel;
  • fastening the nipple;
  • the state of the tubeless valve;
  • the quality of the air mixture in the chamber.

If you do not want to change the inflation value of the R19 wheels in summer and winter, fill them with nitrogen. It does not respond to temperature fluctuations and maintains constant pressure over a long period.

The essence of the test

To find out what pressure should be in the tires to save fuel and a comfortable ride, the experts conducted a test on a Lada 112 car with Kleber Viaxer summer tires installed. There were 2 passengers in the cabin, the trunk was empty.

Criteria Under-inflated summer tires (1.5 ATM) Inflated summer tires (2.5 ATM) Standard (2.0 atm)
Wear around the edges centered the manufacturer guarantees the longest possible service life
Gasoline consumption (in relation to the standard) +2% -1,6%
Coasting from a speed of 80 km / h 1108 m 1232 m 1176 m
Maximum speed on the "rearrangement" 61 km / h 87 km / h 66 km / h
Distance of the brake at the boundary value of wheel blocking on a dry surface 44 m 45.9 m 45 m
Controllability (course stability, ride smoothness) high ride smoothness, almost complete lack of sensitivity to surface irregularities (9 points out of 10);

decrease in exchange rate stability (7 points out of 10)

increased exchange rate stability (8 points out of 10);

reduced ride smoothness - all patches and bumps are felt (6 points out of 10)

normal stability on the road surface, heading control. (8 points out of 10)

Thus, the pressure in the tires in the warm and cold seasons affects the technical characteristics of the car (in this case - "Lada 112"). Its correct indicators ensure optimal fuel consumption and savings on the purchase of new tires.

Features of wheel inflation at different times of the year

Tire tightness is checked when the vehicle has cooled down after a long trip or being in a warm room. Accordingly, there is no need to pump tires immediately after a long trip. Also note that:

  1. In the hot season, the car will slowly cool down.
  2. It is worth swinging the wheels of your car in cold weather in a warm room (tire fitting, boxing). This fact will help to avoid pressure differences and bring the pumping indicator closer to your ideal one.
  3. The pressure on the tires, regardless of the season, increases when the car is fully loaded (when it has the maximum number of passengers and cargo in the trunk), so pump up the tires in time.
  4. In case of large temperature differences indoors and outdoors, more often measure the pressure in the tires of the car to quickly adjust it.

The tires of the VAZ 2107 car are an important element of traffic safety. Their condition is determined not only by the integrity of the surface, tread depth, balancing, but also by air pressure.

Keep your tires pumped up

The pressure inflated into tires depends on how big they are. In addition, the pressure is also different for the front and rear wheels of the car. So, in relation to the VAZ 2107, for the front wheels it is 1.6-1.7 atm., for the rear wheels - 1.9-2.0 atm... Tires are checked, as a rule, at least once every two weeks.

The verification should take into account what external factors can affect the reliability of the measurements. These factors include the temperature of the ambient air and tires. The higher the temperature, the higher the pressure, and vice versa. Therefore, it is recommended to check without fail in case of significant temperature changes, for example, before winter.

To check and regulate the pressure, you must have the following instruments / equipment:

  • Automotive pressure gauge;
  • Compressor or pump.

Despite the fact that most car compressors have a built-in pressure gauge, the most accurate measurement result is obtained with a separate pressure gauge, since there are no external forces, such as compressor pressure, during the measurement. If, according to the measurement results, the pressure is below normal, it is pumped up using a compressor or pump, if higher, it is released by pressing the spool, or a special button on the pressure gauge (if available).

Incorrectly adjusted pressure in the tires of the VAZ 2107, in addition to a threat to traffic safety, can lead to premature wear of the chassis or damage to the tires. As a result, repairs will cost hundreds of times more than timely control. It is also important that the wheel size matches the design of the machine. Sometimes, in pursuit of beauty, some motorists put wheels that are larger than the size allowed for this model, as a result, the chassis elements fail.

Advice when choosing a compressor - don't look at the size, not always big is powerful. Choose a compressor of the appropriate capacity, taking into account the volume of the wheels of your car. Also pay attention to what kind of working elements it has - plastic ones are less durable than metal ones.

Don't skimp on security

The quality of the rubber plays a very important role in safety matters. That is why you should not save where your health, and, possibly, life depends on it. Buy high-quality tires for your VAZ 2107 that provide excellent grip on the road surface. If you nevertheless decide to save money, buy good used rubber from world manufacturers instead of low-quality consumer goods. As practice shows, such a solution is more beneficial in all respects.

Pay attention to the damage that the tires receive during operation. It is not always possible to repair them. In some cases, it is better to completely replace the tire than to have a patch that can go off at any time and cause serious problems.

Repairing a tire will lead to wheel imbalance. Therefore, after vulcanization, it is necessary to balance it, otherwise vibration may occur during movement, which negatively affects the elements of the chassis and leads to their premature failure. This operation is also necessary after the disks are repaired (welding, rolling).

Special attention should be paid to the seasonal change of tires on a VAZ 2107 car. In winter, special winter tires are used, which are softer, do not harden in the cold and provide reliable grip even on slippery surfaces. In addition, special floating studs can be hammered into winter tires, for driving in icy conditions.

However, you need to be careful when using studded tires in winter - excellent grip on ice is replaced by reduced stability on asphalt surfaces. And the wear of the studs on the asphalt is accelerating. Experts say that quality winter tires provide better vehicle stability than studded tires.

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