Home Transmission EFB Accumulators: features, models, scope of application and differences. EFB technology EFB battery that

EFB Accumulators: features, models, scope of application and differences. EFB technology EFB battery that

Improved EFB batteries Designed for all types of groundcraft. Products adapted for sophisticated conditions Works and are resistant to low charge. EFB branded batteries in Moscow are manufactured by new technologywhich provides for the use of high-density liquid electrolytes.

General Features EFB for Auto

New high-tech batteries for the car are designed taking into account domestic operating conditions, where modes with sharp differences in temperature prevail. By applying a new type of electrolyte, the product is considered to be more adapted and resistant to the aggressive environment. High starting current perfectly suitable for modern cars With the control system of DVS Start Stop. Due to the stability of voltage, the wiring is actually delivered from accidental appeals.

The advantages of new cars batteries:

  • Universal polarity when connected.
  • High service life with active use.
  • Large charging capacity.
  • Stability of work on any technique.
  • Available product cost.

The average price for automotive acBs of this technology is significantly lower than the usual acid. In addition to the listed advantages, the feature is considered the possibility of universal use on any car and other techniques.

Where to buy a car battery profitable?

Operatively and cheap to buy goods through a special store that implements the sale of original products. Favorable sale is made with a complete set of guarantees. When choosing goods in the catalog, you can familiarize yourself with the description and characteristics. Delivery services are carried out after ordering on individual conditions.

Leader in production rechargeable batteries In Russia * and the largest supplier on the conveyors of world automakers in the Russian Federation - the AKO plant has prepared a novelty for motorists: a battery with improved EFB technology that meets world quality standards. Due to the improvement of the separator and the design of the plates, the life resource of the novelty is doubled compared to the usual starter battery. The battery has increased resistance to deep discharge and corrosive processes, has an extended warranty - four years. Most importantly - in the new battery launchers are significantly increased. This product is perfectly suitable to motorists who are accustomed to getting the best and not compromise, losing in quality.

Batteries manufactured using EFB technology are becoming increasingly popular among Russian motorists. We will deal with what they are good, and we denote the scope of their use.

Imagine typical operating conditions a passenger car in the town. As a rule, these are short trips with movements in traffic jams during which the engine works for a long time on idling. What happens to the usual battery? When the car starts, it is strongly discharged and further does not have time to charge - the generator when the engine running at idult may not provide sufficient power for charge, especially when the powerful powerful power consumers (light, sound, air conditioning, winch, heated mirrors, etc. ). It turns out that the generator is capable of charging the battery only in those intervals when the car moves at a normal speed - 40-60 km / h. But such periods are quite short, and the ability of the usual battery take the charge is not very high, especially when low temperatures. As a result, we receive deep discharges, chronic underwent, which leads to a reduction in battery life.

For such operating conditions, it is advisable to have a battery that is not afraid of deep discharges and is able to quickly charge. Until recently, such parameters could only provide AGM batteries, but in ordinary cars They were practically not used due to very high prices.

The emergence of EFB technology in Russia made it possible to resolve this contradiction. Unlike a conventional battery, the plates in the EFB-battery are covered with a special film that prevents their sprinkling at a deep discharge. In addition, the battery plates themselves have become more resistant to corrosion due to the use of improved chemical composition. In addition, EFB batteries are able to make a charge more efficiently, time to "restore sports form" even during short trips in traffic jams. The service life of such batteries is twice as much as the usual. In this case, the battery with EFB technology is noticeably cheaper than AGM batteries.

To date, batteries made using EFB technology are completed with the START-STOP system. But they are recommended to those motorists who often drive in urban mode - for the battery this mode with constantly alternating charge cycles and discharge more and more reminds driving with constant starts and engine stops. Batteries with improved EFB technology are also suitable for cars equipped with additional options and powerful electricity consumers, such as preparation heaters, winches, inverters for charging gadgets, additional lighting devices, xenon and powerful sound systems. They are convenient when using a car in a taxi mode.

So, the accumulator battery "AKOM + EFB" is a modern and reliable product.

These batteries have a number of advantages over conventional starter batteries:

  • double resource and resistance to cyclic loads; Over 240 charge-discharge cycles, that is, two times more than the usual starter battery;
  • increased starting currents in comparison with conventional calcium batteries;
  • not afraid of deep discharges;
  • increased corrosive resistance of electrodes at high temperatures;
  • the minimum battery charge time due to improved charging current reception.

And an important fact - big warranty period. At accumulatory batteries AKOM + EFB, it is increased to four years.

Accumulators "AKO + EFB" - this is another proof that the battery produced in Russia is not inferior to imported analogues and is able to provide its owner new level Comfort and quality. The use of improved technology provides accumulators AKO + EFB combination of high starting power and increased resource.

Briefly about the company "AKOM"

AKOM Group of Companies is a recognized market leader in the production of batteries in Russia. Includes rechargeable and metallurgical production, as well as an innovative scientific and technical center.

The product range of products is formed in accordance with the requirements and preferences of consumers, as well as taking into account the trends of the automotive market in Russia, CIS countries and Europe.

Currently, AKOM GC produces AKB brand: AKOM + EFB, AKOM, Ultimatum, Reactor, Bravo. AKO products are approved by world automakers, such as AvtoVAZ, GM-AvtoVAZ, "United Car Group", "Renault Nissan Russia"," Ford Sollers Holding ", Mercedes-Bents Truck East.

In addition, AKOM actively develops new market segments related to the reserve power supply of industrial enterprises, transport facilities, health facilities, as well as with electricity storage systems.

The AKO dealer network includes more than 60 largest partners throughout Russia, in the CIS countries, Southeast and Western Europe.

Detailed information - on the site www.akom.ru

* Calculated using Rosstat data on the first half of 2017 in terms of production in the Russian Federation.

Types of lead acid batteries

Currently the following types are most common on the battery market:

    - SLA (Sealed LEAD ACID) Hermetic lead-acid or VRLA (Valve Regulated LEAD ACID) valve-adjustable lead acid. Made according to standard technology. Due to the design and applied materials, the electrolyte levels and the water tank check are required. Have low-resistance to cycling, limited opportunities Work with low discharge, standard starting current and fast discharge.

    - EFB (Enhanced Flooded Battery) Technology developed by Bosch. This intermediate technology between standard and aGM technology. From standard, such batteries are characterized by higher cycling resistance, improved charge. Have a higher starting current. As with SLA \\ VRLA, there are restrictions on low charges.

    - AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) Currently the best technology (according to the price \\ characteristic ratio). Cycling resistance is 3-4 times higher, fast charge. Due to the low internal resistance, there has a high starter current at a low degree of charge. Water consumption is close to zero, resistant to bundle electrolyte due to absorption in AGM separator.

    - GEL (Gel ElectroLite) Technology at which the electrolyte is in the form of a gel. Compared to AGM, they have better resistance to cycling, high resistance to the bundle of electrolyte. The disadvantages include high cost, and high demands on the charge regime.

There are several more technologies for the manufacture of batteries, both associated with a change in the shape of plates and specific operating conditions. Despite the difference in technology, physico-chemical processes occurring during charge - the battery discharge is the same. There are charge algorithms different types Batteries are almost identical. The differences are mainly associated with the value of the maximum charge current and charge voltage.

For example, when charging a 12 volt battery using technology:

Determining the degree of battery charge

There are two main ways to determine the degree of charge of the battery, the electrolyte density measurement and the voltage measurement of the open circuit (PCC).

The PCC is a battery voltage without a connected load. For hermetic (not served) batteries, the degree of charge can be determined only by measuring the PCC. NRC measurement is necessary not earlier than 8 hours after stopping the engine (disconnection from charger), Using a voltmeter of the accuracy class not lower than 1.0. At battery temperature 20-25 ° C (on the recommendation of the company Bosch). VRC values \u200b\u200bare shown in the table.

(Some manufacturers may differ from those given) if the battery charge is less than 80%, then it is recommended to conduct a charge.

Accumulator charge algorithms

There are several of the most common battery charge algorithms. Currently, most battery manufacturers recommend CC / CV charge algorithm (Constant Current \\ Constant Voltage - d.C. \\ constant pressure).

Such an algorithm provides a fairly fast and "careful" battery charge mode. To eliminate the long-term stay of the battery at the end of the charge process, most of the chargers switches to the maintenance mode (self-discharge current compensation) voltage on the battery. Such an algorithm is called a three-step. The chart of such a charge algorithm is presented in the figure.

These voltage values \u200b\u200b(14.5V and 13.2V) are valid when charging the batteries of type SLA \\ VRLA, AGM. When charging the GEL batteries, the voltage values \u200b\u200bmust be installed respectively 14.1V and 13.2V.

Additional algorithms when charging batteries

Prepare In a strongly discharged battery (less than 10V), the internal resistance increases, which leads to a deterioration in its ability to receive a charge. The prerequisite algorithm is intended for "roll" of such batteries.

Asymmetrical charge To reduce sulfate, the battery plates can be carried out asymmetric current. With this algorithm, the charge alternates with the discharge, which leads to partial dissolution of sulfates and restoring the battery capacity.

Alignment charge In the process of operation of the batteries, the internal resistance of individual "cans" occurs, which in the process of charge leads non-uniformity of charge. To reduce the scatter of internal resistance, it is recommended to carry out an aligning charge. In this case, the battery is charged with a current of 0.05 ... 0.1c at a voltage of 15.6 ... 16.4B. The charge is carried out within 2 ... 6 hours with constant control of the battery temperature. It is impossible to conduct an aligning charge of hermetic batteries, especially using GEL technology. Some manufacturers admit such a charge for VRLA \\ AGM batteries.

Battery capacity definition

During the operation of the battery, its container decreases. If the container is 80% of the nominal, then such a battery is recommended to replace. To determine the container, the battery is fully charged. They give to settle within 1 .... 5 hours and then discharged with a current 1 \\ 20c to 10.8V voltage (for a 12 volt battery). The amount of ampere-hours given by the battery is its actual capacity. Some manufacturers are used to determine the capacitance other values \u200b\u200bof the discharge current, and the voltage to which the battery is discharged.

Training cycle

To reduce the sulfation of the battery plates, one of the techniques is conducting control cycles (CTC). CTC consists of several consecutive charge cycles with subsequent discharge current 0.01 ... 0.05c. When conducting such cycles, sulfate dissolves, the battery capacity may be partially restored.

EFB batteries are considered an innovative future. rechargeable production. Many European manufacturers have long switched to these technology. The domestic market is just now starting to switch and produce similar acb. The technology is more affordable, but at the same time will last much longer. Many manufacturers represent this product. Having studied her features, advantages and ways of charge, it is worth making a choice in favor of EFB.


What is EFB battery

Enhanced flooded battery Translated from English means "Improvement Battery with Liquid Electrolite". The design uses thickened lead plates that have a large container and recharging speed.

The microfiber is filled with a liquid sulfuric acid electrolyte as an envelope cover plates. This approach allows you to protect the plates from sulfate, short circuit, premature battery output. Security when applying such a model is guaranteed.

Where used EFB battery

Initially, they were created for cars with the START-STOP system, which is relevant for the European car market. If you use the usual battery, it will not stand a lot of starts during the day. But EFB technology can easily cope with it. Charging is carried out as quickly as possible, so even with a short trip, the generator compensates for the energy spent.

The scope of the battery is the most diverse and should not be limited to the car. They are used for boats, high-volume, hybrids, electric car. Unsuburnable benefits determine the product's popularity - long service life, resistance to deep discharges, quick charge.

Applied technology in EFB batteries

  • The plates use more lead, compared to conventional lead acid batteries;
  • Since lead more, the electrolyte itself is significantly less (about 3 times);
  • Positively charged plates are wrapped in a special porous package that passes the electrolyte, but does not allow to settle the oxides that destroy the plates;
  • Due to protection from, the battery became resistant to deep discharges (withstands up to 150 deep discharges);
  • Purified lead is used, so the charge process proceeds much faster (the battery may be charged, even if you are driving in a traffic jam with the START-STOP system);
  • Spikes on the plates are made according to vibration technologies, which reduces the risk of mechanical damage to the plates;
  • The modern labyrinth lid eliminates the possibility of pumping out the electrolyte (it is condensed and on special channels is sent to the lower part of the bank), which makes the battery fully maintained (shelf life up to 10 years or more);

All hermetic batteries are equipped with pressure reset valve. If the electrolyte will begin to boil strongly and the danger of an explosion of the battery will arise, the pairs (fluid electrolyte) will be reset through these valves. This can greatly reduce the level of fluid in banks, with the result that the battery will fail.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive characteristics determine the popularity of the presented models:

  • Resistance to discharges almost under zero. It restores the capacity to almost 100%. Conventional batteries in such cases lose part of the resource.
  • Functions in the temperature range from -50 to +60 ° C.
  • Starting current indicators are improved by 30-50% relative to the standard AKB;
  • The electrolyte almost does not evaporate.
  • Safe due to the absence of electrolyte evaporation.
  • The current scroll current indicators are improved, allowing the device to operate in low temperatures.
  • The discharge charge is a cycle that can be carried out more than once with ordinary batteries. In this, the functionality is preserved.

The main drawback is the high cost of the product, to which not every consumer is solved.

Difference EFB from AGM

AGM and EFB technologies are similar to each other, the main difference is in the electrolyte used. In the first case, liquid is used, fiberglass acts as an envelope. This option is not completely poured.

In the EEF, it is also liquid, with a shaking even heard, as it flies, but it is significantly less, and the plates are wrapped tightly. Electrochemical fluid is not sealed inside fiberglass. It can be said that EFB technology is something average between ordinary AKB and AGM.

Construction differences can be attributed to:

  • The thickness of the plate is greater, and therefore the duration of operation increases.
  • With a smaller number of electrolyte and the use of purified lead, the charge accumulates by 45%.
  • EFB will cost AGM cheaper. However, the latter possess best characteristicsWhat is proved by alphaline batteries.

How to charge EFB battery

To charge such a battery, you do not have to study anything new. Due to the similar design, the process is of the same character as when charging AMG. The main thing in this business is to reconcile the qualitative charger and following the instructions. The voltage of the charger should not exceed 14.4 V. Well, if the memory has an indication of the current, which allows you to track the indicator.

When the device is connected to the terminals, it is important to observe polarity. If charging falls below 2.5 A, then the charging process can be considered complete. It is not necessary to use the accelerated regime in order not to face the problem of increased gas formation. The plug is not allowed, which can lead to a change in chemical equilibrium.

Which EFB battery is better to choose

Among domestic producers Products are popular with popularity:

  • represented by seven types of batteries whose capacity varies from 55 to 100 A / h. The cost of products corresponds to the stated characteristics.
  • Due to the use of special additives, Ultimatum batteries have an improved charge reception and work resource.
  • The combination of flawless assembly and modern technologies is the products of the domestic enterprise. Among the extensive range, each consumer will be able to find a suitable model.

Among foreign manufacturers can not be part of:

  • Varta Blue Dynamic is a whole line from Varta, which is devoted to products with EFB technology. It is characterized by a capacity and price.
  • Turkish manufacturer for 60 years of existence on the market offers a wide range of batteries for passenger cars and trucks. At the expense of good indicators, the products are installed on the car in the primary factory configuration.
  • Bosch S5 is a battery that was created under the well-known STOP GO technology. Allows you to save fuel, reduces emissions and noise by reducing idling time.

Owning full information is no longer so difficult to make a choice in favor of a specific EFB.

You had or have a battery with eFB technology? Then tell in the comments about your impressions about him, it will very help the rest of motorists and make the material more complete and accurate.

The emergence of EFB batteries contributed to automakers, which chase fuel economy and ecology, developed cars with START-STOP technology, which jumped the engine at the traffic light and instantly starts when the gas pedal is pressed. It is clear that from such mockery simple batteries failed not living and years, because Frequent discharges and charges led to the float of the active mass from the electrodes, and the battery losing its energy intensity.

What batteries are made using EFB technology

Over the past 5 years, EFB technology is used almost at each third battery production in the world. The first among imported batteries, the EFB ruler appeared at Varta in the form of the Start-Stop series. Naturally, Bosch immediately appeared one in one same Bosch S5 EFB. Following them, other suppliers of automotive power supply to German conveyors - Banner with Running Bull line, Moll EFB and others.

After it became clear that the era of cars with the Start-Stop system came to Russia, domestic factories began to also develop EFB batteries. The first such battery was released by the AKO plant - green as the grass of the Ultimatum battery, which cost is not so distinguishable from imported analogues. Then the Titan EFB and Tubor EFB rechargeable plant appeared on the store shelves. Nizhny Novgorod.. The Turkish Mutlu EFB Turkish Mutlu EFB reached, though in parallel, invented its marketing abbreviation SFB for ordinary acid batteries (Apparently wanting to see only three letters in the models of their batteries). Slovenian Tab EFB and so on.

But there is one "but" - the assortment line of EFB batteries is limited, because few people will buy a battery for mass cars battery twice as familiar from a long time of type 6-st.

How to charge EFB battery

EFB battery is charged similarly to a calcium maintenanceable battery with a liquid electrolyte. From the nuances, you can face that initially data batteries were manufactured for the conveyor, and as well as their quirks are known, so you can find batteries with difficult to be unscrewed covers that require either a special key, or skillful hands.

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